• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 430 Views, 8 Comments

Party Of Green - TheSuperTransformerFan

As Pinkie collects memories for Spike and Starlight’s scrapbook, a strange artist claims Ravi’s mural as his own, leading to the sudden presence of a new green ranger!

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Epilogue: The Mystery Artist Revealed

In the Grid Battleforce lab, Commander Shaw was looking at some test tubes, while her mind was still fixated on how her son hid the secret that he was a good painter.

Ravi came into the lab, shortly, and saw her. He walked up to her. “Mom?” He asked.

The commander saw him, and put the test tube down. “I thought I’d find you here.” She said solemnly.

“I was looking for you too.” Ravi admitted. “How are you doing?”

“How am I...to hear that you’ve been lying to me all this time?” Ravi hung his head down. “I’m not good.”

He then raised his head back up. “I know.” He said sorrowfully. “And, I’m really sorry. I never should have done that! It’s just...I was worried about what you’d think.” His mom was a little surprised at what he was saying. “You always say art is a waste of time. I was afraid that you would never approve of me sketching and painting, so...I lied about it.”

“The lies are bad enough.” Commander Shaw said seriously. She looked down for a little bit of time. “What’s even worse...is that my attitude kept you from being true to yourself.” Ravi was surprised at what his mom said. He was certainly not expecting her to be the one at fault, for making him hide his passion for art.

“I love you, Ravi.” She said. “And, you can share anything with me. And, I will always listen. I promise. Okay?” Ravi nodded to her in respect.

“He’s not the only one.” A voice said. Ravi turned to see Spike, Cozy, Starlight and the other rangers come in, smiling at him.

"Guys?" The teen said, as his friends student appeared. “Okay, what's going on?"

Starlight paused. "...I didn't think this far ahead."

“What we’re trying to say is that...” Cozy thought about what she would say next. Finally, she decided. “...is that you don’t have to hide what you like from us. You can always tell us, and your mom as well.”

“We’re your friends, Ravi.” Devon added.

“We would never judge you...even if you were ashamed to tell us at first.” Nate put in.

“And like each time, we would always understand.” Ben added, as they all nodded.

Ravi smiled at his friends, knowing that they would understand whatever he was hiding, and it would always be okay to reveal anything to him, even his mother...the commander.

The commander put her arms around her son. “Tell me.” She said, smiling. “How does art make you...feel?”

Ravi was ready to tell her, and was brave to do so. “I love to paint, Mom.” He said. “And, I know it sounds crazy, but...it makes me happy!”

The commander smiled at her son, who had just revealed her secret. “So from now on, I promise to support whatever makes you happy.” Ravi nodded in agreement, since his mom now understood why he loved to paint.

“I didn’t know that’s how painting made you felt.” Pinkie said, sweetly. “I mean...if you wanted to tell us at first, you could have just done so.”

Ravi looked at back at his friends, and smiled. “You know what? I could have.” He said, calmly.

“And, we not only took on the robotron by ourselves, we Eve have a new green ranger on the team!” Spike said, playfully nudging Ben.

“Whatever I can do to help you guys...” Ben said. “I’m here to help.”

“And also, I think the real hero today is also Ben since he, and his new Zord helped the rest of you take on the Storm King.” Commander Shaw added.

“I think our chances of defeating the Storm King have just increased!” Steel said in excitement. “By six-fold!” The others looked at him funny. “What? I’m saying six-fold, since we have a new sixth ranger...” they all laughed at that.

“I’m pretty sure we get it, Steel.” Cozy said, smiling.

“Wow!” Starlight said in joy. “With all that’s happened today, I can't wait to tell Twilight!”

A sudden flash of light caught everyone’s attention as Twilight Sparkle excitedly teleported into the room. “I already know!” She said, quickly. “I mean, I don't know everything. I just got here to bring you your toothbrush!” She turned to the others, and the Commander. “So this is just a friendly visit! Not interfering because I was worried! I wasn't!” She pulled Starlight in for a tight hug. “I knew you could do it, and I'm so, so, so, so, so proud of you!” She let go of Her pupil. Tell me everything! Start from after I hyperventilated, and don't leave out any details!” She excitedly pulled Starlight out of the room.

“As for the rest of you, I would like to speak to Ravi alone for right now.” The commander said to the remaining heroes. “If you don’t mind.” They nodded, and walked out of the lab, leaving only her and Ravi.

“I have a little job for you.” She said, as she took Ravi by the arm, carefully and they went outside the lab.

They both went to the mural Ravi painted earlier today. “People deserve to know.” She said, as she handed him a paintbrush, and white paint. Ravi took the materials, and dunked the paintbrush into the paint, and painted his name on the lower right leaf on the mural.

A small crowd noticed him paint his name on the mural, and clapped in approval. “That’s right.” Commander Shaw said to them. “My son did this.”

She turned to her son, as he got back up. “I am very proud of you.” She said, smiling.

“Thanks, mom.” Ravi said, smiling at her as well, as they hugged, and left the mural with the artist’s name revealed. Now, everyone would know who painted it, and how great of an artist he was.

“That mural kinda reminded me of making a scrapbook for a friend I know.” He said, smiling.

“I’d see that if you did that, that friend would be proud of you.” His mom said.

“Yeah, I...” just then, he put 2 and 2 together, as he realized. “The scrapbook! Sorry, mom! I gotta go take care of something. I’ll be right back.” He took off back to the lab at the base.

“I’ll be waiting.” His mom said, smiling as he ran back to see his friend, and that he shown her his love of art.

Ravi ran back into the building, zooming past the others, who were confused. “Where’s Ravi going in such a hurry?” Devon asked.

Just then, Starlight and Spike both realized something. “The scrapbook!” They both said, as they ran after him to the lab.

“We’re right behind you!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie followed them. They all ran to the lab, and saw the scrapbook. But, when Ravi opened it, he saw that a few more pages for Pinkie’s section was still blank.

“Did you guys remember to collect the memories earlier?” Ravi asked.

“Oh, no! We forgot to bring it with us!” Starlight said in sadness.

“We’re sorry, Pinkie.” Ben added. “We didn't get any of the memories you just went through.”

But, Pinkie just scoffed in confidence. “No problem.” She said, bravely. “I remember them all.”

“You do?” Ravi asked her.

“Sure!” She whipped open the book quickly to the blank pages of her section. “First, I finished the Beast Hydro Zord, and got Ben to morph into the Green Ranger! And then I remembered the time I prevented the yaks from declaring war on Equestria. And then I remembered the time I knew that Cadance and Shining Armor were going to have a baby...”

As Pinkie relayed all the memories from earlier. Starlight, Spike, Ben and Ravi both sighed in exhaustion as they would have to hear all this over again, as three of them rolled their eyes. “Here we go again.” Ben said, feeling tired from all that memory recalling, as Pinkie continued to replay all that they remembered today.

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this story! What a doozy of a story it was! The rangers now have a green ranger as part of their team, as well as a new Zord! And, it looks like Pinkie has collected all the memories they needed to add in the scrapbook to give to Twilight. Stay tuned for some more memories and new ranger modes from the Element of Kindness...Fluttershy, and the Gold Ranger...Nate Silva! And as always, be sure to catch more Alternate Ending Series stories to catch more dramatic, heartfelt, and even...different scenarios! It's all in the matter of Kindness from your heart! Well, see you all in the next story! Bye bye for now!

Comments ( 8 )

I hope goldar and all the legendary rangers return for another legendary war like super sentai 35 anniversary 100 great battle gokaiger

Is The Storm King the new master?

Yes. Before the events of Target: Mane Six, Blaze and Roxy decided to make the Storm King master when Evox was defeated.


They seems to be scared of The Storm King when he got angry.


And he did the Storm king like his role as their master?

Yes. Apparently, he's here to 'pick up the pieces', and continue where Evox has left off! You'll have to wait for more upcoming stories to find out more about his intentions with the Morphin' Grid!


I hope evox doesn’t come back.


Power Rangers is now on Netflix

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