Party Of Green

by TheSuperTransformerFan

First published

As Pinkie collects memories for Spike and Starlight’s scrapbook, a strange artist claims Ravi’s mural as his own, leading to the sudden presence of a new green ranger!

Starlight and Spike reveal to Pinkie Pie that they need some memories of Pinkie and Twilight’s moments to add to their scrapbook to give to Twilight in Canterlot. Agreeing to help, she has some cakes to get Twilight to try for her coronation. As this happens, a strange new artist claims a recently painted, unidentifiable mural as his own. However, all is not what it seems as the new artist is actually a Robotron, under the Storm King’s new minions...Blaze and Roxy, who are now revived as robots! If that wasn’t enough, the rangers’ & Ponies’ arsenal are being locked, and It’s up to Pinkie Pie to save her friends, which leads to the sudden presence of a new 6th ranger! Is this new ranger friend or foe?

Beast Morphers - Takes place during "Artist Anonymous."
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - A rewrite of the season 10 episode, “Cakes For The Memories," so most of this will probably not be canon.

Also, in this rewrite Green Hippopotamus from Super Sentai’s Dobustu Sentai Gobusters will be adapted in the Power Rangers world. It’s Ben Burke!

I don't own anything. MLP & Power Rangers are both owned by Hasbro.

Prologue: The Unidentified Mural

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It was a nice day outside, the birds were flying, people were enjoying it, and the sun was shining out. That would be the case as Ravi Shaw, the blue Power Ranger came out, with a table tray and saw a tricked out graffiti wall. He got out a picture of an island out, and saw the wall. He got an idea, as he started getting out a paint roller, and blue paint and started to paint over the dirty wall.

He covered the entire wall with a freshly painted blue background. That was done, now to add the works. Ravi carefully and skillfully painted tropical birds, the sun, and people on the beach, as well as the sand, and some palm trees. Finally, the painting was done! He stepped back to admire the wall, and was proud of how well he painted it.

He got out his picture, and saw that it matched what he had made on the wall. “Perfect.” He said, almost quietly. He put the drawing away, and started to clear the tray. It was a good thing his mom, Commander Shaw wasn’t here. She would think that art was a waste of time, unlike how some people would see it. He was ready to head back to Grid Battleforce, when he heard a voice.

“Ravi?” The teen turned around, and saw Pinkie Pie, who was confused about why he was just leaving.

“Oh! Hey, Pinkie!” Ravi said, a little too excited.

“What cha doing?” Pinkie asked.

“I saw this artist guy painting the wall.” He said, showing her said wall. “But, he ran away. Guess he didn’t want to be caught. He left his art supplies, so I’m just cleaning up the mess.”

He saw his hands had paint on them, and brushed them off quickly. “Oh, look at my hands.” He said. “Why would anyone bother painting a mural on a city wall?”

“Dunno.” Pinkie said, confused. “I guess some ponies just like to enjoy their free time. And, so have a lot of time to waste.” She patted his arm.

“Okay, well...see you at Grid Battleforce.” She said, as she bounced back. “Meet ya there!”

As Ravi saw her leave. He sighed with relief. “Good thing Mom isn’t here.” he thought. “She really would think it was a waste of time.” Nevertheless, he headed back to Grid Battleforce to meet up with his friends.

He arrived at the base, and went into the lab. He saw the he still had some paint residue on his hands, and washed them off with a rag and water. At that moment, Nate, Steel and Starlight Glimmer came in. “Hey, Ravi.” Starlight said, as they noticed his dirty hands.

“What have you been painting?” Nate asked.

“Oh, Hi, Starlight.” Ravi said to her. “Um...nothing. I just touched a freshly painted wall in our house.” They were confused. “Remodeling.”

“I guess I forgot you guys were doing that.” Steel said to him. “Cruise must be rubbing off on me.”

Just then, Ravi’s phone ringtone went off. He answered the phone. “Hello?”

At the spot where Ravi painted the mural, there was a whole crowd of people! Devon and Zoey were there too, as Devon, himself was calling to tell his friend about what he was seeing. Apparently, it was the recently painted mural that Ravi made.

“Dude!” Devon said excitedly. “Turn to channel 10!”

“Okay.” Ravi said, as he went to do so. “It’s Devon.” He said to them. “Something’s on the news.”

“Good news, I hope.” Steel said, as they all saw The TV, revealing the news headline, “Mystery Mural Appears Overnight.

Zoey’s mom, was reporting from this spot. “This building had been marked for demolition, until a new mural was made today.” She reported.

“Cool.” Steel said, as he saw it on TV.

“No way!” Ravi said, in quiet shock, as he saw his mural shown on the news.

“No one knows who the mystery artist is, but people sure love their work.” Zoey’s mom continued to report.

“Ravi, dude! This mural is awesome!” Devon said as he saw it. “I’m sure cameras don’t do it justice.”

Elsewhere, in the crowd of people, two other teens were also wanting to see the mural too. One, energetic and works on inventions, and the other, who also works on inventions but probably soon to be a future Power Ranger....Ben & Betty Burke!

Betty was ready to take the picture as she whipped out her camera phone. “Let’s get a picture for Dad.” She said, as she tried to get a good shot. But, no avail.

“Oh, man!” She said in disappointment. She had an idea. “Give me a boost little Bro.” She told Ben.

“Great idea.” Ben said.

“You’re the best.” Betty said thankfully, as her brother helped her up.

“I’m trying to get a good angle so you can capture it.” He told her, as he held her up on his back.

Betty felt like she could see the mural more now. “There it is!” She said, as she got her phone out, and ready for the shot. “A little to the left.”

Ben took a few steps to the left. “How about thiiiiiiiissss?” He said, as he accidentally stepped on a skateboard, making him and Betty slide out of the crowd.

“What are you doing?!” Betty shouted as she and Ben tried to hold on. She noticed that they were about to hit a wall. “Look out!!!” She cried out.

“I can’t stop!!!” Ben screeched. It looked like they would topple over as usual. Luckily, Betty grabbed an overhead light post, and she spun around somersault-like.

Ben wasn’t so lucky as he rammed into a nearby hot dog stand. “I’m sorry!!!” He shouted as he fell of the skateboard and into the condiments.

“Ben!!!” Betty called out from the lamp post, as she was stuck and didn’t know how to get down!

Back at the base, Ravi was interested in his recent unknown fame. “So, people really like it, huh?” He asked.

“Of course!” Devon said, proudly. “Your skills are next level!”

“Uh...what do you mean, my skills?” Ravi asked.

“Come on, dude!” Devon said, understandingly.

“Okay. I painted it.” Ravi said truthfully, as he could tell him anything. “How’d you know it was me?”

Nate, Starlight, and Steel exchanged looks of suspicion, disappointment, and seriousness as he was talking. “We had a feeling.” Devon said over the phone. “Now get down here, Michelangelo, and check out all the people enjoying your art.”

“Sure!” Ravi answered. “I’ll head over there, now.” He hung up, and got ready to head off.

“Heeeeey...wait a second.” Steel said, as they knew something was off.

Ravi stopped and turned to the science trio. “You guys coming?” He asked them.

“You painted the mural this morning, didn’t you?” Nate asked, knowingly. “That’s why you were washing your hands.”

“Yeah. That’s true.” Ravi admitted. “I did painting.”

“We already know you like to paint.” Starlight put in. “But, why lie to us about it?”

“I’m sorry, guys.” Ravi told them. “I’ve been keeping my painting a secret for so long. Telling little lies is just a reflex now.”

“Here’s the thing....Whether it’s a little lie or a big lie, it’s not cool.” Nate said.

“Nate’s right.” Starlight added. “I would you like it if Nate did that to you? Or, what would Applejack say if she were here? You know she is the element of Honesty after all.”

“You’re right, Starlight.” Ravi said. “I wouldn’t like it at all. I won’t lie to you again. I promise.”

“Okay. Thanks.” Nate forgave him, before smiling. “You better go check out your first art exhibit.”

Ravi smiled, and went off to see his mural in action, as he left. “I’m lost.” Steel said. “Who’s remodeling?”

As Ravi left, Pinkie Pie came in. “Hi, Starlight! Hi, guys!” Pinkie said as she came in.

“Hey, Pinkie.” They all said.

“I just saw Ravi leave to go see a new mural. Funny, cause that’s the mural I saw earlier.” Pinkie said, a little confused. “Who made that mural anyway.”

“Ravi made the mural, Pinkie. But, that’s not important right now.” Starlight said. Pinkie was shocked as she heard this. “Right now, Spike and I need your help! We’re making a present to surprise Twilight at Canterlot.”

Pinkie now made a huge grin, as she was ready to hear more about Starlight’s plan for Twilight.

Part 1: Under Lock And Key

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“So let me get this straight...” Pinkie said, trying to recap Starlight’s idea to her so far. “You and Spike are putting together a magical book of memories that you plan to give to Twilight as a surprise at her coronation, and you and the rangers need me to get her to talk about her favorite memories of me so you can record them all in your book?”

“Pretty much.” Spike said.

“Twilight will be heading over here to taste the cupcakes I made for her coronation.” Pinkie said in excitement. “Ooh! I know just how I can use that to get her memory muscles moving. Speaking of, there’s something I want you to see!”

“What is it, Pinkie?” Starlight asked.

Pinkie raced over to the computer and pulled up a folder titled ‘Project FS-00’. She clicked on it, and electronic blueprints of a frog-shaped sub zord appeared on the screen. The others were confused by all this, as Pinkie was excited by this.

“It looks more like a fat sub.” Spike put in weakly.

“Spike!” Steel warned him.

“What exactly are we looking at, Pinkie Pie?” Nate asked confused. “It looks to me like a Mecha-frog pet.”

“Exactly!” Pinkie said, as she zoomed in closer to the blueprints. “Check it out! I’m creating a new zord! I’m calling it the Beast Hydro Zord!” She typed in the coordinates to the Zord, and the blueprints fully revealed the green sub-like Zord in its full beauty.

“It’s a green sub/helicopter Zord that functions like a seaplane, and has the ability to transform into a frog, using aquatic frog DNA.” She said to them. “So, it’s similar to the Beast Chopper Zord, and can act like it. It also has a wide personnel bay and observation deck aside from just having a cockpit.”

“Wow, Pinkie.” Starlight said in awe. “I didn’t know you actually had the gift to make a Zord!”

“Maybe one day, you could be as great of an inventor as Nate is.” Spike said, patting her on the back.

Pinkie blushed a little bit. “Well, I try.” She said to them. “Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get the components to start up right.” She tried fretting with the controls to try to get it working. “I added the same amount of Morph-X that was in the Beast Chopper Zord, so it would work on par with other Zords...but, it’s just not powering up right.” Her mane started to flatten.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie.” Nate said. “We’ll figure out what’s wrong with the Zord.”

“And, in the meantime, shouldn’t you and Zoey try to get some memories ready for your scrapbook?” Steel asked. “Twilight will be coming soon, and these pages won’t fill themselves.”

“We should, and there isn't any place for us to hide while you do it, so you and Zoey are gonna be on your own.” Starlight said urgently to them.

At that moment, Zoey came in. “Hey, Pinkie!” She said. “I just saw the new mural that Ravi made, and...”

“We know. He made it.” Pinkie said, a little jokingly and sarcastically.

Zoey giggled, and then saw the scrapbook. “Oh, you guys are adding more memories for Twilight’s scrapbook to give in Canterlot?” She asked excitedly.

“Yep, we are.” Pinkie piped up. “Twilight will be coming later, and I want to make sure you and I get all the memories needed to fill some pages.”

“Sounds good!” Zoey said, as she got to the first blank page available for her. “Whatever we can do, we’ve got this.”

“That's good, because there isn't any place for us to hide while you both do it, so you're gonna be on your own.” Starlight told them. “The book's all set. When you're both ready, just tap the cover with your hoof...” she saw Zoey’s hand. “...or hand, and it'll start recording whatever memories you can think of.”

Just then the door opened, as Devon came in. “Hey, guys!” He said. “What’s up?”

Starlight, and the others got cold feet, and the pupil immediately changed course to a different topic. “A-And that's why a savory pie is a far superior—!” She noticed Devon coming in. “Oh, hey, Devon!”

“Hey, guys.” Devon said. “What’s going on?”

“Oh! Hello, Spike! Steel! Nate!” Starlight said, as if she didn’t see the others there. “I didn't see you three there, since we came into the lab separately and not together.”

“Uh, we definitely came here for totally different things.” Spike said nervously.

“But now it's time for us to go! Bye, Devon!” Steel said, as he pushed Nate out, and they all zipped out, leaving only Pinkie, Zoey and Devon in the room.

Devon was a little confused by all this. “Would someone mind filling me in on what’s going on?” He asked. Zoey and Pinkie just smiled.

Elsewhere, outside Grid Battleforce, evil was lurking about. Two suited had an Amber suit on, the other a violet suit snuck over to a garage by the base. These two teens were definitely familiar as the rangers had faced them before! They were in black coloured suits and had demented versions of Beast-X Morphers. They were Blaze and Roxy, but now revived by the Storm king, making them as Robot avatars...Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy. It was clear they were up to no good.

Robo-Roxy unlocked a padlock and showed it to her Robo lackey. “Too easy.” Robo-Blaze said as he brought out the Morph-X laptop. “Ready?”

Robo-Roxy nodded as she plugged the key into the device, and it filled up with Morph-X. Once that was done, she unplugged it from the laptop, and into the padlock, as it took shape and transformed into KeyTron!

“I’ll be the key to your success!” KeyTron introduced himself to the Robots. “Because, I’m part key! Get it?”

“Just break into Grid Battleforce, and destroy it from the inside.” Robo-Blaze told him.

“And enough joking around.” Robo-Roxy added.

KeyTron went to the bars of the garage, and zapped it with his eyes. “Metal bars don’t faze me!” Hey said, as he used his key arm to open them. “Open sesame!” The bars slowly opened up.

The Robo avatars came up to him. “Do as much damage as you can.” The amber suited robot told him.

“With great pleasure!” KeyTron said, as he went inside.

“Job done!” Robo-Roxy said. “Let’s go!” And, they teleported out of there.

At that moment, Ravi was about to go see his new mural that was recently discovered when who should show up, But the robotron! Ravi took notice instantly. “Whoa!” He said. “That’s far enough! How did you get into our base?”

“I’m the master key!” KeyTron said to him.

Ravi had to call for help, as he contacted the others. “Guys? A robotron has breached security on Parking Level 1!” He told them.

“Did somebody call the locksmith?” The robotron said, as he started to charge at him. Ravi got ready to charge at him too, as he ran up.

KeyTron swing his key arms at him, but he dodged them easily. “Can’t get away from me, Kid!” KeyTron said. “I can unlock any door!”

“Now, you just crossed the wrong key hole!” Ravi said, as he readied his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” He said, as he Morphed into the Blue Ranger.

The fight started off with him kicking KeyTron in the arm. But, he was ready too. They both clashed weapons and fists, and it appeared to be evenly matched. The robotron got his lock beam ready, just as Ravi got out his Beast-X Blaster!

He prepared to lock his weapon! “What?! What is this?” Ravi asked as the robotron did his thing.

You’re on lockdown!” KeyTron said, as he pushed the ranger away.

“Huh?” Ravi got his blaster ready. “BEAST BLAST!” He tried to fire it, but nothing happened. “Argh! No!” He said, as his blaster was now locked.

The Robotron responded by throwing him down to the ground. “You’re weapons can’t stop me!” He said. At that moment, Spike, Starlight, Nate and Steel showed up, as the two ‘brothers’ were already morphed.

“But, we can!” Steel said, as they advanced toward him.

“We got this, Ravi!” Starlight said, as they went for him.

“Thanks, guys.” Ravi said in relief.

Steel, and Starlight both rolled over on the ground, as KeyTron put his foot on them. Just as he did that, however, Nate and Spike blasted him with blasters and fire breath, making the robot stagger back.

“You just fell for the oldest trick in the book, robotron!” Starlight said, as she and Steel got up, and they regrouped.

KeyTron couldn’t handle 5 against 1! He knew he had to run. “This lock’s going to bolt out!” He said, as he dashed to fight another day!

“AFTER HIM!” Ravi shouted as they all dashed after him.

Meanwhile, back in the base, Pinkie was showing Devon all the cakes, she was planning to have Twilight taste test. She got out a chart to show the progress if her cakes. “For Twilight’s coronation cakes, I've used the science of baking to come up with a formula that connects tastes with memories!”

Devon was surprised at all the information he was processing that Pinkie gave him. “So, you’re planning to get Twilight to remember these moments, just by giving her a cupcake, and getting her to recall whatever comes to mind?” He asked.

“Absolutely!” She responded.

“Oh. A flavour roulette.” Devon thought out loud. “Very chill.”

Pinkie handed Zoey a white cupcake with chocolate streaks, and a flower. “Take a bite and tell me the first thing you remember.”

She took a bite out of the treat, and instantly recalled a memory. “Hmmm... I guess this tastes like... the first time you, and Twilight met?”

Zoey tasted the cupcake, and realized that it tasted like siracha sauce. He burned out a small flame. “A little spicy, but good.” He said.

“Not bad...” the party mare said, as she got out another cupcake with chocolate chunks, and chocolate bar sticking out. “Now try this!”

Devon bit into that one, and realized that it tasted...dark. “Well, it's, um, chocolatey.” He started. “No, dark chocolate.” He realized something. “Hmm... Oh! I know!”

“I’ll accept that.” Pinkie admitted.

Zoey took a good look at the third cupcake, and saw that it had rainbow frosting and sprinkles. “I can tell what that one is just by looking at it.” She said. “I don't even need to taste it—“

Wrong!” Pinkie interrupted her, as she shoved it into her friend’s mouth, as the latter recalled another memory.

Devon ate part of the cupcake too, and Pinkie could tell that he really enjoyed it. “This cupcake tastes great, Pinkie!” He said. “I don't know about your memory, formula, but Zoey and I sure liked the cupcakes.”

“And us hearing about Twilight’s favorite times with you was pretty fun, too.” Zoey added.

“Eh, close enough.” She said. Just then, the red and yellow rangers got a call on their wristcoms.

Devon started to answer, but Pinkie grabbed his arm. “Let ME answer that!” She said, as she answered it for him. “Go for Pie!”

“Pinkie, where the heck are you?” Nate asked. “We need you guys quick! There’s a robotron in Sector CUP 10-8!”

“We’re on our way!” Devon said. “Come on, Pinkie!”

“Okie Doki Loki!” She said, as she dashed out of the base quickly.

Devon and Zoey were right behind her, as the red hero contacted Cruise. “Cruise, I need you to get me there. STAT!”

Back to Starlight, Spike, and our blue, gold and silver, as they were fighting off KeyTron. They all caught up with him outside of the base.

“Not so fast!” Spike said, as he and Ravi both jumped up and were now in front of him! Ravi used his saber, while Spike used his fire breath.

Nate and Steel clashed him, using their swords while Starlight used her magic to blast him, making him stumble down the stairs, and into the curb.

However, he got back up. “You can’t catch me!” He said, as he started to make a break for it.

Unfortunately for him, the 5 heroes landed RIGHT in front of him! “Think again!” Spike said, as they were ready to take him on again!

“What?!” The robotron asked.

At the same time, Pinkie, Devon, Zoey and Cozy Glow were also arriving as well, with the three on Cruise and the other flying beside them. “Incoming!” Devon said.

“More rangers?!” KeyTron asked in shock. “No thanks!” He teleported away, before the others could even blast him.

“Wait!” Cozy shouted, but the Robotron was already long gone. She, Devon and Zoey stopped right by the others.

“Hey, team!” Zoey said as she got off Cruise.

“Sorry we’re late.” Devon said.

“Don’t worry about it.” Ravi said confidently. “I have a feeling he’ll be back!”

“Where did he go?” Pinkie asked in shock.

“Very far away.” Cozy answered. “If we’re lucky.” And, KeyTron sure would be back, and they would be ready to face him again!

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Dimension, Keytron was telling the Storm King what had happened, and the latter wasn’t happy. “But, it wasn’t my fault!” KeyTron said. “That loser, Ravi was RIGHT there, when I opened the door!”

“Little Boy Blue has had quite a day.” Robo-Roxy said, after hearing what had happened. “First, he secretly paints a mural that everyone loves...then, ruins our brilliant plan.”

“My team breaking into GB headquarters is hardly brilliant!” The Storm King bellowed, as he held his staff of Sarcanas toward the Robo avatars.

“Their plan was terrible!” Grubber said, as he walked up to his master. “As usual, I have a much better one!” He approached the Robo avatars. “You say the Blue ranger is keeping his painting a secret?” They nodded. “Why?”

“The fool knows his mom wouldn’t approve.” A unicorn with a broken horn, and a black armor suit...Tempest Shadow said. “He somehow knows that if his mother did find out, he’d be in hot water.”

“Then, we should use his lies to our advantage!” Vargoyle said to them. “And, introduce the rangers to the mystery artist!” Grubber nodded in agreement as well.

“What are you two talking about?” The Storm King asked him.

The hedgehog turned to him. “Simple, my master!” He said. “Vargoyle and I have made this very special paint! Look!”

They all turned to see Tronics painting purple paint on a brick wall. “Watching paint dry? You’ve both really outdone yourself!” Robo-Roxy said sarcastically.

“I agree with Roxy.” Tempest added. “That is actually the silliest plan you two could ever think of.” She smirked. “It’s so simple that even a child could understand it.”

“Shut up, and stand back!” Vargoyle shouted, as he got out a demolition remote. “Scoff all you want, but this paint is high gloss, and highly explosive!” He turned to Grubber, and handed it to him. “You may demonstrate.”

“Thank you, Vargoyle!” He said, as he hit a button, and the wall exploded into rubble! Everyone, except the hedgehog and metal dreadlock robot braced for impact. “How’s that for art?!” He asked.

The Storm King was rather pleased, and smiled. “Perfect!” He said evilly. “Now, all we need is a mystery painter!”

“Easy!” Grubber said. “We’ll disguise him!” He pointed to KeyTron as he said that.

“Me?!” KeyTron asked in shock.

“Then, what are you waiting for?!” The Storm centaur asked, as the henchmen went to the Morph-X computer.

“I’m going to do an accent!” KeyTron said, as he got set for this mission.

Grubber got a transfer tube ready to disguise the robotron. “It’ll take a lot of Morph-X, but I guarantee you it will be worth every drop!”

“And before the rangers even know you’re a fake, you’ll be making a BLAST as the mystery artist!” Vargoyle said, as Grubber plugged the tube into the robotron’s chest, and got ready to begin the transformation.

“Ladies, and gentlemen...” Grubber announced. “...get ready to meet the artist!” The Morph-X flowed from the tube into the robot, as he took shape and turned into a human with an artist smock, glasses and a beret.

The newly-transformed robotron looked at himself and was excited. He laughed with an accent. “Fantastic! I’m ready to create my masterpiece!” He said to his master.

“Excellent!” The Storm King said, laughing. “With your explosive paint, we can break down the armed walls at Grid Battleforce, and flood it with an army of tronics!” He conjured enough energy to transform into his human-like alter ego...Devon’s Dad, Mayor Daniels.

“And, as the mayor...” the disguised villain said. “...I’ll clear the way to have the painting there, in no time!” They both laughed evilly, as they were ready to head to Coral Harbor to execute their plan.

Back at Grid Battleforce in the lab, the heroes were working on the scrapbook and the Hydro Zord, with the others ready to gather the memories in said book.

“Well, that could not have gone better.” Devon said, as he did his part to get the memories needed. “We got to remember all sorts of fun memories of us, and Pinkie...and just in time for Twilight’s gift!”

“Oh, that's great!” Starlight said in relief.

“And the book worked okay when you tapped it?” Steel asked. The others stopped frozen, as they realized they forgot to tap the book.

“Uh, guys?” Nate asked. “You did tap the book to get the memories. Right?”

“Uh, about that...” Devon started to say.

“Let’s just say that we...kinda forgot about that part.” Pinkie said nervously.

Starlight took the book, and saw that the pages were blank! No memories were recorded. “What?!” She asked.

“Pinkie!” Nate said. “ guys forgot to collect the memories?!”

“Guys!” Steel said, flustered.

“Oh, I was so focused on the Hydro Zord, that we didn’t even think of adding any memories!” The party mare said, worriedly. She checked the hydro Zord blueprints, and saw a few things that were still off! “Oh, no! This mecha failure will not fly!” She shouted, as she banged the computer frustrated.

The others were a little more stressed about the memories than the Zord, they feared they wouldn’t get enough memories collected in time. But, you know Pinkie! She was full of luck! And, luck has a way of changing, and that luck was about to change in a very big way!

Part 2: Collecting All Memories!

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You’re probably did the Storm King be able to disguise himself under the alias of Mayor Daniels, Devon’s dad? Is he a changeling in disguise? Did he somehow escape Tartarus, and manage to take Evox’s power and store in the staff of Sarcanas? Well, we’ll get to those answers later! Right now, we need to get to our heroes!

Nate, Steel, Ravi, Starlight, Cozy and Spike were all a little frustrated that Zoey, Devon and Pinkie didn’t record the memories in the book. They were giving them menacing looks.

“Are you kidding me?!” Nate asked. “You guys had ONE JOB!

“You guys said...” Steel started, with Starlight and Spike nodding with him.

“Sorry, you guys.” Devon confessed. “We were busy tasting Pinkie’s cupcakes for her memory formula, that we forgot to add them.”

“That still is no excuse to forget!” Nate said, as he got his fists ready. “I’m giving you guys a piece of my mind!”

However, Ravi, and Starlight held his arms in place, before the latter could go any further. “Nate...settle!” Starlight said seriously.

Nate lowered his arms down, and took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. But, you’re right.” He said. “We can still get those memories later. Right now, what’s this I hear about cupcake-tasting memory formula?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Pinkie said. “I really thought I had my taste/memory formula figured out, but I was completely/totally wrong. So... on to stage two!” She quickly got out a cakes with multiple Pinkies, which shocked them.

“Whoa!” Steel said. “Someone call the robotron exterminator!”

“More Pinkies?!” Nate asked, and then saw that they were just in a cake. “Oh, I never seen anything like that before.”

“Well, Twilight would definitely know what this one is.” Spike said, as he chomped on the cake and another memory came into focus.

“That's nice, but this cake isn't supposed to remind you of that.” Pinkie said, taking this as a compliment. “It's supposed to remind you of all the holidays I invented!”

The others were surprised that Pinkie had invented such holidays. “You created holidays, Pinkie?” Nate asked. “Like... irthday holidays?”

“Sure!” Pinkie asked, as she chomped into a cake. “Did I not tell you that?”

“I think you have.” Cozy said, as she smirked. “A myriad of times.”

“We get it.” Steel cut in. “You like to start a bunch of holidays.”

“Steel!” Devon said as he nudged him.

Ravi noticed a cake with a frog and hat on it. He took a quick bite out of it, and instantly knew that it tasted good. “Hey, Pinkie!” He said, as he tasted it. “What’s on this one? It looks pretty good.”

Pinkie saw the cake Ravi took a bite out of and beamed! “Oh, Ravi!” She said happily. “That cakes tell me about my ability to predict the future!”

The others were a little shocked and confused that Pinkie revealed that. “Predict the future?” Nate asked. “I thought only Starlight can do that.” Starlight blushed as he said that.

“Well, of course I can! Duh!” Pinkie said. “I can predict the future sometimes. Well, the immediate future, really. I call it my Pinkie sense!” She felt a twitch in her tail. “Oop! Better cue another flashback!”

“So, you can only predict what happens right now?” Ravi asked. Pinkie nodded.

“Also, Does it maybe remind you of babysitting?” The party mare asked. The others were confused...except Steel.

“Wait! I remember when I took care of a potted plant named Spot!” Steel said excitedly. “It was quite an adventure, and...wait. Did you babysit before?”

“You took care of a potted plant, Steel?” Cozy asked confused. “No offence, but plants aren’t sentient.”

“Oh, I did, Cozy!” Steel pointed out. “I made a bet with Nate that if I did take care of a plant, he’d get me a pet.” Nate looked at him, smiling and suspicious. “Although, I did lose him to Vargoyle, and all...”

“Then, if you did try your best, I bet Pinkie did the same.” The filly put in, as she looked her friend.

Pinkie nodded again. “Only, it was more challenging than you might think.” She said sheepishly.

“Then, I think that’s exactly what this cake reminds—“ Cozy started as she pointed to the same cake, only for Pinkie to cut the filly off.

No, it doesn't!” she said seriously, before shifting back to happiness. “But maybe it reminds you of all the crazy outfits I've worn over the years, huh?”

“Maybe...” Steel put in.

“This is supposed to remind us of those moments?” Nate asked, confused as he bit into a slice of said cake.

NO!” Pinkie shouted as she threw her cake plate down, and smacked the computer screen in frustration. “Those were all trick questions!” She said quickly, which made the others jump back. “This cake is about my ability to sum up a series of events in a quickly stated run-on sentence that keeps going for as long as it takes for me to say either everything that's happened up to this point or everything that's going to happen with the Hydro Zord with no real way of explaining how I could possibly know that information!” She slouched down in defeat.

“Pinkie, we love that you're taking this job so seriously.” Zoey said, petting her on the head, kindly. “Memories or not, I trust you to make whatever coronation cakes you want.” She smiled at her, who smiled back.

“Yeah. I guess so.” Pinkie said, as she looked up. “But, it’s not just me that should help collect the memories.” She extended her hoof out to her. “It’s also some ranger I know!” She even turned to the fourth wall. “And, it’s a yellow one!”

“Really?” Zoey asked. “Who is that?”

“She reminds me of a great warrior ever to fight beside me, and my friends.” Pinkie said boldly. “She’s a fearless warrior who never runs away from a challenge, and will always jump in to solve big the day she became a ranger!”

“This ranger I know can definitely hold her own in a battle...” Pinkie continued. “...and is always quick to apologize and make things right.”

Pinkie then went from bold, and kind and understanding as she took Zoey’s hands and smiled sweetly at her, as she continued her speech. “She even is not one to back down out of a mission to set things right...even if those things are beyond her control.” Zoey was shocked as her friend said that as she was wondering who she meant.

“And, I remember about hearing that her mother almost revealed the rangers identities...” Pinkie continued. “Everypony would be staring at them, judging them, jealously noting how they could be waybetter than them! Why wasn't it them? Why wasn't it them? And then, when they would choke, they'll turn on them, becoming a seething, angry mob, and they’d be horribly humiliated, never able to show your face again!

She shifted back to warm kindness. “But, no.” She said. “I believe she helped her mom see the light in keeping the identities a secret.”

“And, that ranger has even went out of her way countless times to help other critters that have been in poor habitats, that she wouldn’t rest until they were in a safe place!” She playfully nudged Zoey. “Kinda like Fluttershy.”

“And that ranger even has helped Pinkie even in battles together in very unpredictable ways than one.” Cozy piped up, as she flew to her. “I should know, because even she teamed up with Twilight and her friends, many times.”

Just then, Zoey and the others were heading back. “And then I said to Nate...’Get your own chicken coop!’”

Fluttershy just spat out her drink at Zoey and Rainbow Dash who dodged her projectile spitting. “Oh, sorry. That one’s got animals!” She giggled.

They were going to check on the weather when they saw the weather already being messed up. They took a good notice at the two who were behind all this. “COZY GLOW?!” Zoey shouted.

“ROXY?!” Both Pegasi said in shock.

”Uh, oh. Looks like we’re busted.” Roxy took out the robotron creation key and threw it up into the sky. The messed up weather landed in front of the heroes in the form of a robot. “Go get them, WeatherTron!” She alerted.

”Roger that!” The robot said. “Today’s forecast is a little rainy, and drizzly, with a chance of Rangers and Ponies!” He swing his thundercloud hands to them. The heroes dodged them as they got ready to fight them!

Chrysalis was shocked and decided to step in, along with Roxy. “Okay, elements!” Roxy said evilly. “Time to blast you all to kingdom come!”

Pinkie and Zoey appeared before them. Pinkie was disguised as a circus worker. “Step right up, evil fillies and gentlevillains!” She spoke to them. “Try your luck!” She and Zoey got a wheel that had pictures of each of them Mane six on edge wedge.

Chrysalis tried to blast the wheel, but Zoey retaliated. “Beast blast!” She fired from her blaster at the changeling and yellow avatar. They yelled in pain, and tried to blast them, but with Pinkie hiding in various places, and Zoey using her jackrabbit powers, they were almost too fast to beat! “Close, but no cherrychanga!” Zoey said, as she fired from her blaster to hit them spot on! “Thanks for playing!”

Zoey was shocked at what Pinkie was saying that she realized now, who she meant. “That ranger...” Pinkie said, pointing to her. “ you.” She smiled at her.

Zoey was shocked and surprised at she meant her. Tears of joy were flowing through her. “Oh, Pinkie!” She said, hushed as she hugged her friend tightly and kindly, as she smiled during the hug. “I’m proud that you needed me for the memories.”

The others watched in awe and comfort as they saw the hug unfold. “I’m glad that you even care about helping Twilight out with her gift for her in Canterlot.” The party mare said softly. “You really do solve big problems.” As they hugged, the rest saw the book fill with her and Zoey’s memories real quick! They smiled at the whole process.

“Pinkie, that was great!” Starlight said in joy. “I think we got everything we needed.”

“We most certainly did not!” Steel said, seriously. “Pinkie’s taste/memories formula isn't working! We still haven’t finished trying her cakes!”

“Steel, it’s alright that we didn’t try the rest of her cakes.” Nate said, calmly to his brother. “Bug, didn’t she just make that up?”

“But that doesn't mean it shouldn't work!” Steel said urgently. “We need to try again!”

The two embraced in the hug, when Devon and Ravi both got a call on their wristcoms. They both could tell it was urgent. “We’ll try again later. The commander wants to see us!” Devon said, calm but serious. “Come on.”

The two girls broke the hug, and Zoey started to leave. She then stopped, and turned to Pinkie. “You coming, Pinkie?” She asked.

“Yeah.” She said. “I just gotta finish up some details on the project.” She pointed to said project on the computer. “I’ll be along.”

“Okay!” Ravi said, as the others left. “See you then.”

“See you!” Pinkie said, as she waved to her friends, before getting back to the project. She typed in the blueprints for the FS-00 project, and she saw that the holographic portals needed a few more seconds.

“Just need a few more seconds to access the holographic Zord portals.” She typed in the coordinates, and got the right access. She hit the button, and the Zord portals were spot on!

“Yes!” She said. “This is just what I needed! Now to get to work on this thing.” Pinkie worked from top to bottom, working on the new Zord. She worked on the design, and got the parts built, and portals connected and working. After a good montage of building, the Hydro Zord was finally complete.

“Phew!” She said, as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “The Hydro Zord is complete!” She looked around. “Now, all it needs is a Beast Bot.” She went back into the lab, and started to punch in the DNA coding, and the blueprints ready to make the Beast Bot.

Pinkie wasted no time in sprucing up the lab and pulled out some schematics, working on a computer and assembling a small green frog-like robot. She uploaded an operating system into the robot and activates it, creating a small, frog-like creature.

“Eureka!” Pinkie squealed as she threw the goggles off her head. “I have created the perfect tactical companion to the Hydro Zord!” She powered on the bot, who squirmed around to life. “Ah. Pinkie Pie!” The bot said. “I’m...what should my name be?”

Pinkie was shocked. She hadn’t really thought of a name. She started to think of what a possible name would be. “Uh...Betty?” She asked. The Beast Bot shook its head in disgust. “Uh, that’s okay! Let’s try another one!” She said. “Enetan?” No. “Tina?” Nope. “Denise?” Still nope. “Louise?” Still no.

Pinkie threw herself down in defeat. “I have no idea what to call my Beast Bot!” She said, stressed. “I mean, it’s not like it’s a frog, so I can call it ‘Ribbit’...” Just then, she got an idea, as the Beast Bot chimed in excitement.

“Waitaminute...” Pinkie said, as she came over to the robot. “You’re a frog Beast Bot. So, you need a name appropriate for a frog. How about Ribbit?” The Beast Bot cheered in excitement.

“Alright, then I shall call you Ribbit!” Pinkie said in excitement.

“Alright!” Ribbit said, introducing herself. “Ribbit is my name! I’m here to make sure you’re fast and efficient!”

“Aw.” Pinkie said, as she kindly petted it. “Thanks, you’re so cute!”

Ribbit blushed. “I love when you call me cute!” The Frog bot said.

“I know.” The party pony said. She was proud of the work she had done to create this. And now, Project FS-00...The Beast Hydro Zord, and its Beast Bot partner was complete.

“Now, all I need is a ranger.” Pinkie said out loud. She wondered who would be a perfect candidate for the ranger to go with this Zord. “But, who?”

While she was pondering that, she went out to gather the aquatic DNA from a frog, then returned to the base, and extracted it into the Morph-X. She then created a key, very identical to Ravi’s...only it was made to look like a hippo...or frog, depending of what you’d see it as.

“Oh... I need a new ranger, and I need one soon.” She said, worriedly. “How am I supposed to make this ranger feel like A perfect partner for Ribbit, and the Zord without actually going too far away to a different world?!”

Just then, she got the perfect idea. “Pinkie, you’re a genius!” She said to herself. She gathered her new green Morph-X key, and got a spare Beast-X Morpher, and left the base to go find her potential partner.

Meanwhile, Ben was outside by the lamp post, trying to help his sister down, who was still hanging on to said lamp post. “Come on, Betty!” Ben said, getting ready to catch her. “You can do it!”

“Ben, help me!” Betty screamed in horror, as she looked down at the ground, and was frightened.

“I’ve got you, sis!” Ben said, as he was ready to catch her. At that moment, Pinkie raced out of the base, and got to Ben a little too quickly, as she rammed into her, making the two topple over.

“Owie...” The party mare said, as she was trying to recover. She finally collected her bearings and saw Ben on the ground, trying to get up. She jumped up in shock. “Ben! Oh, thank hoofness I found you!“ she said in shock and relief.

Ben got up, and was shocked to see her here. “Huh? Pinkie? What...what’s wrong?!” He asked.

“I am in dire need of help...” she said to him. “I have a Zord...the rangers are on paint duty...need you to see it.”

“Aren’t the others going to see the new painting mural?” He asked confused.

“Yup. But, I have something that I have to show you that could help the rangers!” Pinkie explained to him. “I need your help. And fast!“

“Okay. But, I have to help get Betty down first.” Ben said.

Pinkie groaned. “Not important.” She said, as she pushed him over to the base. “We should get goin, Ben!”

Betty saw her brother and Pinkie leave, and was shocked. “Wait, Ben!” She screamed. “Take me with you! You can’t just leave me here!” She then noticed that she was starting to lose grip on the post, as her hands slowly slid off, and then she fell to the ground. “Noooooo!” She shouted, as she landed on her behind hard. “Ow! My butt!” She rubbed it, as it would take a long time for the pain to subside.

Meanwhile, Pinkie took Ben to the Zord hangar, and unveiled to him the new frog sub-like Zord. “Uh, Pinkie? What are we doing here?” Ben asked confused.

“Feat your eyes on this, Ben Burke!” Pinkie said, solemnly, as she flicked on the lights to reveal the Zord in its full glory, as it shone in the light. “Introducing the Beast Hydro Zord! A green Zord, loaded with aquatic frog DNA.

Ben was shocked at this. “Really?” He asked. “Then, how come it hasn’t been used before?”

“Yup!” Pinkie and Ben both walked over to the Zord. “It is one of the first generation models, and is mostly in prototype stage. It hasn’t been tested yet, and I was about to find a candidate when I found you.”

Ben was now surprised as she meant that she wanted him to be a guinea pig pilot for the Zord. “You want me to practice driving this Zord?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Pinkie revealed. “I have a feeling that this Zord, could have all the answers in defeating any mecha villains, and could strengthen our chances on taking down the Storm king. You want to take this for a test drive with me?” She asked. “Maybe, we’ll find something.”

“That’s no problem!” Ben said happily. “Of course, we’ll go on this Zord ride.” He and Pinkie slowly, but safely got into the Zord cockpit. They then closed the doors, and powered on the controls. “I hope I’m not wasting your time.”

“No, you’re not!” Pinkie said, as she switched the steering wheel on. The Beast Bot opened its ‘eyes’, and giggled.

Ben was frightened that the Zord started giggling. “Pinkie?” He asked. “Is that you?!”

“No! It’s me!” Ribbit said. Ben looked down, and saw the Beast Bot talk to him. He jumped back, but then got back in the drivers seat.

“ that a Beast Bot?” Ben asked surprised.

“Yep! Meet my new partner, Ribbit!” Pinkie said, introducing him to the bot. “Don’t worry, she’s pretty much harmless.”

Ben saw that she was right. She was no trouble at all. “Uh, hi, Ribbit.” He said, shyly as he pet her. The bot giggled. “Oh.” He said. “I guess she looks pretty cute.”

“I like being called cute!” Ribbit said, which made Ben’s face light up.

The Zord hangar doors opened as the Zord lifted off the ground, and into the air. “Alright, Ben!” She said. “You ready for this?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Ben said, as he gave her the thumbs up!

“Then, here we go!” Pinkie said, as she hit the gas pedal, as the Zord flew out of the hangar, and she And Ben screamed with excitement, as they were not only about to witness the first test drive if the Hydro Zord, but also experience for the very first time, a brand new green Power Ranger that would later prove to be a formidable fighting force for the team!

Part 3: The Green Ranger

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Outside Grid Battleforce, Mayor Daniels arrived with a painting crew to get ready for this Operation: Mural plan, and he was already meeting with Commander Shaw to discuss his plans. The painting crew was already unloading the paint to get the plan in action.

“That is a lot of paint, Mr. Mayor.” Commander Shaw said.

“Ah. And there they are.” Mayor Daniels said, as the rangers, Starlight, Cozy and Spike arrived on cue. Just in time, as he greeted his son. “Son.”

“Dad.” Devon said, as he hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

“Mayor Daniels?” Starlight asked. “We didn’t know you’d be here too. What’s going on?”

“I’m working on a new campaign to promote Morph-X’s energy source of the world.” The mayor answered.

“He’s convinced me to allow a mural to be painted here, on the outside of our HQ.” Commander Shaw said to them.

“A mural?” Ravi asked, confused. “But, why?”

“To keep the public excited about the global Morph-X network.” Mayor Daniels informed them. “The more buzz we can get going, the better. And as we all know, the new mural downtown is extremely popular.”

Starlight and Spike were shocked, as they exchanged glances. “Ravi’s mural?” Starlight asked quietly to them.

“Must be.” Devon said.

“How could that have gotten the attention of your dad?” Spike asked.

“We’re not so sure either.” Zoey said.

“Therefore, we’ll use the same artist to paint this one.” Mayor Daniels continued.

“Uh, but how will you find the artist?” Nate asked, confused.

“He’s right here.” The mayor answered, as he directed the French dressed painter to come forward. “Guys, meet Pierre.”

The cargo door to the van opened, revealing ‘Pierre’, as he took his paintbrush out of his mouth. “Bonjour.” He said, as he exited the van, to meet up with them.

The others weren’t sure what to make of this, as the artist arrived. Ravi could definitely tell something was off. “You painted it?” He asked, suspicious.

“May we?” Pierre asked. “I’m guilty of creating beauty! Ze soul of ze speaks to me of my paintbrush picantodonce!” He waved his brush swiftly, but safely in the air.

“Whatever that means.” Steel said, whispering to the others, as they nodded.

“You don’t recognize Pierre?” The commander asked. “You...chased him off while he was painting. Is he the artist or not?”

“Well, it’s just that he moved so fast when he ran away...but, yeah. This is the guy. Definitely.” Ravi answered. The others were extremely shocked, at what their friend said. They didn’t think that sounded right.

Pierre clapped his hands excitedly, as he walked right to the wall. “I’m make zis building into a work...of art!” He said in his French accent.

“Let’s get you set up.” Commander Shaw said, as she and the mayor started to get him ready. “The wall you want to paint is just over there.”

“Oui. Come come!” Pierre said, as he followed them to said wall. Ravi was shocked. He couldn’t believe that his work was being taken credit for by another artist! He knew this was and wasn’t right.

“That guy’s taking credit for my work.” He said, in shock. “Incredible.”

“Well, that guy’s a fake.” Devon said.

“Sure, but...can we tell the commander that?” Zoey asked, pointing to said person, who was already with said fake artist.

Ravi looked back at the painter, and then at his friends. “No, we can’t.” He said. “My mother expects me to follow in her footsteps. She’s been putting me in uniform since before I could walk.”

The others were surprised at why Ravi was hiding this from her mom. “So, your mom has been strict with you ever since?” Spike asked. “I mean...why can’t you tell her about following your own path?”

“Because, it means so much to her, Spike.” Ravi explained to him. “...and, I don’t want to let her down.”

“By lying to her, you’re already let her down.” Nate said, calm but serious.

“And what would Applejack say if she heard you saying a white lie to your mom?” Starlight asked. “She wouldn’t be real happy, and she’s the element of honesty after all. Honesty can hurt sometimes. I’m sure she’d want you to tell the truth.”

“I know, Starlight.” Ravi said, worried. “But, what can I do?”

“You can tell her the truth.” Cozy said to him.

“Yeah.” Steel added.

“You’ll feel so much better once you get it off your chest.” Spike added as well, with the others nodding in agreement.

“I don’t know, guys.” Ravi told them. “My mom would be so mad. I’d be in a whole world of trouble!”

“But, how long can you keep lying to her?” Nate asked.

The others nodded as they agreed that the truth needs to be said. Ravi though about it, and realized that telling the truth was the right thing to do. “You’re right.” He said, calm but serious. “I’ll go talk to her...right now.” His friends all smiled at that.

“Okay.” Starlight said, as they all followed him to meet up with the commander.

At the wall, Pierre was ready to carry out his plan. “Oui Oui! Everything is ready for my new masterpiece to begin!” He said.

“I can’t wait to see what you come up with.” Mayor Daniels said, as he walked up to him, and then back to the wall.

Pierre was ready as he dunked his paintbrush into the explosive paint that would make the Base walls explode, when...

“WAIT!” Ravi said, as he and the others arrived to confront the false artist. “Not so fast! This man is an imposter!” He pointed a finger furiously at him.

“Son!” The commander said in shock.

“Excuse moi?” Pierre asked in shock and confusion.

“He did not paint the mural in the city!” Ravi continued, his finger still pointed at the artist.

“How dare you call me a liar!” Pierre said, feeling accused.

“But you just confirmed that it was him.” Commander Shaw said in confusion.

Ravi shook his head at the artist. “It wasn’t him. It was me.” He said to her. “I painted the mural.”

The commander was dumbstruck and shocked to learn that it was actually her son who painted the mural, and not the artist he said it was. “You?” She asked in shock. “ don’t know anything about painting.”

“I didn’t think so either, but I tried it, and well...” he got out his painting sketch and revealed it to his mom. “It turns out I’m pretty good.”

The commander unfolded the folded piece of paper, and sure enough she saw that her son did in fact, paint the mural. She couldn’t believe this. “So, you lied to me?” She asked him with a stern tone in her voice. The ‘mayor’ and ‘Pierre’ both nodded that their cover was in fact...blown.

“Well, I...uh...” Ravi started to say.

“So, this morning, when I saw the news on Channel 10, you had not just chased off an artist?” His mom asked in shock and disbelief.

“No.” Ravi answered. As he was explaining, the false artist went to his painters, and started to pack up. “There was no other artist.”

“You?” The commander was still shocked to learn all this. “You’re a painter?” He nodded. “I can’t believe you hid this from me! How long has this been going on?”

Just then, Devon and Starlight both noticed the false artist, and his team were about to splatter then with the explosive paint. “Guys, robotron at 3:00!” Starlight shouted in alert.

“Look out!” Devon said, as they all ducked out of the way, and the painter hit the button as the paint made the road explode before their eyes.

Cozy saw the hole that was made in the ground, and could instantly tell what they were in for. “It’s a trap!” She exclaimed.

Pierre shouted, as he transformed into KeyTron before them, and the crew took off the disguises, revealing themselves to be tronics. “How’s that for my masterpiece?” He said to the heroes.

“I knew it!” Starlight said, pointing an accusatory hoof at him. “A robotron and Tronics!”

“What?!” Steel and Spike both said.

“No way!” Zoey said in shock. “They’re all bots!”

“I...I don’t believe it! I...” Mayor Daniels said in shock as he was seeing this as well.

“Come on, Mr. Mayor. Let the rangers handle this.” Commander Shaw said, as she took the mayor to safe ground.

“You really painted yourself in a corner now!” Devon said. It was go time for his team! “It’s Morphin Time!”

They readied their Morphers and keys. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, as they transformed into their ranger forms in a flash.

“UNLEASH THE BEAST!” They all said, posing before him.

However, the robotron had a trick up his sleeve as he cackled. “Perfect!” He said, as he readied his lock beam and sent it to the heroes. “Now, I can put all your weapons safely under lock and key!” The beam hit the rangers’ transporters, Starlight’s and Cozy’s horn, and Spike’s fire breath mouth.

The rangers were ready to start this fight off. “Transport...Ultra Blaster!” Devon said, hitting his transporter. But, I thing happened. “Huh? It’s not working!”

The same thing happened with other rangers as well. Starlight tried to activate her magic, but nothing came out. “My magic’s gone!” She wailed in shock.

“What?!” Cozy tried to use her magic, but it too was gone. “So’s mine!”

“And, my fire breathe!” Spike said in horror.

“No!” Nate said in terror. “He must have locked our programming! Which means...”

“We can’t teleport anything!” Steel finished.

“Too bad!” Keytron said triumphantly. “It looks like you all will be locked up for a very long time!” He and the tronics fired a multitude of beams, sending the heroes a few feet back. They were outnumbered, and it looked like it would take a miracle to save them now!

Meanwhile in the Beast Hydro Zord, Pinkie was driving the vehicle, with Ben in the passenger seat. The Zord was going fast and around the city and plains.

“Hold on tight!” Pinkie said, as she thrusted the Zord fast around the mountains into the air.

Ben was having a little trouble trying to hold onto his seat, as he was being almost violently thrown across, and on his seat. “Is it okay to be driving this recklessly?!” He asked.

Pinkie still piloted the Zord in fast speed around a few building, and then to the forest, where she put it in neutral, making it skid to a stop.

“I noticed that this Zord has some materials not found on Earth.” Pinkie said seriously.

“What do you mean?” Ben asked confused, as he was trying to process all this.

“Ben...forgive me for asking, but put this on.” She said, as she handed him a Beast-X Morpher and a key. “It’s not dangerous.” Ben took the devices and was a littler nervous about all this.

“I’m wearing one too.” Pinkie said, as she held out her arm, that had a wristcom on it. “Now, go ahead.”

Ben slowly put on the Morpher, and it started to glow on him as he screamed in shock, and Pinkie was somehow teleported to the side of the Zord. “PINKIE PIE!” He cried out, as he was now in a green battle ready suit.

“Just as I thought.” Pinkie thought out loud, as she was excited to see this unfold before her eyes.

“What is all this?!” Ben asked, as he saw the suit already on him.

“‘It’s Morphin Time! Activate Beast Powers!’ Ben! Say those words like I did!” Pinkie called out from the window.

“What?! Pinkie?!” Ben asked, in shock.

“Quickly!” She said urgently. “Shout, ‘ It’s Morphin Time! Activate Beast Powers!’”

Ben saw the Morpher on his wrist and the key in his hand. He closed his eyes shut for a few seconds, and finally opened them again as he shouted. “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!”

He was suddenly thrust out of the Zord with force, as he inserted the key into his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” He shouted as the green light from the Morpher intensified, making a tornado of green energy, descended and swirled around him. The tornado dissipated to reveal a green ranger suit. His helmet then materialized, as the visor detached from the morpher and orbited him before transforming into a black cyber suit visor and latched itself onto the helmet, completing his transformation.

He jumped up into the air, as he landed onto his Zord, as he posed bravely. He saw himself morphed, at his suit and himself, as he was now the green Beast Morphers ranger. He was shocked as he saw this. “Phenomenal!” He said in shock and excitement. “The aquatic DNA worked! I’m a ranger!” His suit and helmet shone brightly by the sun, in its glory. His suit was somewhat identical to Ravi’s only it was green, and his helmet had added hippo ears.

Pinkie was excited as she saw Ben’s ranger form and ran up to him. “Yes! I knew it!” She said in glee! “You’re a Power Ranger!” She pulled out a sketch of a green Hippopotamus-like ranger. “Look! The ranger sketch Ravi drew is actually you, Ben!” She giggled in happiness and excitement as she saw Ben who was now the Green Ranger.

Ben looked around, in his new helmet. “Wow.” He said in excitement, “I never knew I had this kind of power! This is great! But, I’m not sure if I should keep my identity a secret for long. Can I?”

“Relax!” Pinkie said, reassuringly. “It’ll be only for a short while. Pretty soon, everyone will be surprised that you’re the sixth ranger.”

Ben was about to respond, when he got an SOS on his morpher. He checked it. “It’s from the base.” He said urgently. “Devon needs us!”

“Let’s go!” Pinkie said, as she and Ben got back in the zord, and flew back to the base.

Back at Coral Harbor, the remaining 5 rangers, 2 ponies and Spike were already overwhelmed by Tronics and the Keytron. “They just keep coming!” Starlight said, as she punched a few tronics with her bare hooves. “It’s like there’s no end to them!”

Ravi was throwing some gorilla-strength punches, throwing a few tronics but more appeared. “I know!” He said stressed. “Even in morphed mode, it’s hard to keep up with all of them!” He tried to dodge them, and even kicked a few down. He grabbed a few. “Sorry for the hold up, guys.” He used his gorilla strength to throw them down.

“It’s like you take one down, and two more take its place!” Zoey said, as she threw some punches at the foot soldiers. More kept approaching at her.

Cozy was flying up, and threw some punches as well, but even for her it still was overwhelming. “If only we had Pinkie...” she said. “Then, we’d really show them we mean business!” More kept coming, and Cozy just flew off to the others.

Luckily, Spike came and whipped a few with his claws. “Stay down!” He said, as he knocked a barrel of them down. Cozy even helped by whirling around them, creating a tornado, throwing them down to the ground into a bunch of trash cans.

Nate slashed a few tronics down to the ground. “This is the last of them!” He said. He then saw another one go for him, as he kicked it into the explosive paint. “Steel!”

Steel got the paint detonator ready. “Tick tick tock!” He said, as he hit the button, making it and the tronic explode.

“Now, that’s the last of them!” Nate said.

“Now, for KeyTron!” Steel added in agreement.

Devon threw some cheetah-like punches to a few more Tronics as they fell down. “Right behind you!” He said as they regrouped.

Unfortunately, more tronics appeared. “More?!” Ravi said in utter shock.

Keytron laughed as he marched up to them. “That’s right!” He said gleefully. “I’m going to make you pay!” He started to advance to them.

“We’re in for it, now!” Cozy said, worried and in shock, as Keytron was coming closer.

“Uh oh!” Devon said. It looked like they were cornered. However, a green fist came out of nowhere and struck the robotron down in an instant.

“What?!” Keytron asked furiously. “Who did that?!”

The rangers and Keytron got their answer when the new ranger landed in front of them. They were surprised to see a green ranger before the robotron.

“A green ranger?” Devon asked.

“Who is he?” Zoey asked.

“Where did he come from?” Starlight asked. The other rangers wanted to know too.

The new ranger clenched his fists, and finally spoke. “Someone’s going to stop this robotron...” he said. “...and, it’s going to be me!”

“Huh?” Everyone asked.

“Wetland Swimmer....Green Beast Ranger!” He said, introducing himself to the robotron. “Prepare to meet your match!”

“Oh really?” Keytron asked, as he got ready. “Let’s get this party started! Tronics!” He said, as the tronic army appeared with him.

“Thought you’d never ask!” The Green Ranger said as he hit his transporter. “Transport...Ultra Blaster!” The Beast-X Ultra Blaster appeared before him. “Didn’t lock my arsenal, did you?”

“Get him.” The robotron said, as the tronics went after him. The green ranger started off this fight by blasting a few tronics with rapid fire power from the new blaster! So, far a few tronics were wiped out instantly by this new weapon!

He then threw some punches and kicks at them as they went down quickly. “Whoever he is, He sure can handle himself in a battle.” Zoey said in excitement as she watched. The Green ranger kept throwing some punches and kicks at them, making the tronics no more.

“Why haven’t we heard of him before?” Nate asked.

“How is he even a ranger at all?” Starlight asked in shock.

“Hi, guys.” A pink pony said, as she rushed to her friends.

“Pinkie?!” They all said, as they saw her.

“Did you have something to do with this?” Cozy asked.

“Kinda thought you could use some help on your team!” Pinkie replied as she got her party cannon out, and fired it at Keytron, making him stagger back. Pinkie joined the green ranger to fight some more.

“Well, Pinkie is unpredictable.” Ravi said.

“Yeah!” Cozy added, as she saw the fight unfold. “Even she revealed a brand new ranger at the last second!”

“It’s probably not her first time, waiting till the last second.” Spike said.

Back to the fight as the Green Ranger was ready to show his power. “Time to test my aquatic power!” He said, as he conjures up a water blast from his hands, as he rusted the robotron and used strength akin to Ravi’s to knock him down to the ground.

The robotron got back up, and was shocked that he could barely move a part of him. “I’m rusted!” He said, angrily.

“Nice one!” Devon called out as he saw the robot being taken down.

The green ranger turned to the others, as Keytron was about to kick him from behind. “LOOK OUT!” They shouted.

He turned to see Keytron coming right at him. “Thanks.” He said, as he kicked him away from the his friends, and himself as he landed hard on the ground.

“I’m surprised he’s even got Beast powers as well!” Steel said in shock. “And, they’re aquatic too!”

“Pinkie was trying to figure out her purpose as well!” Ravi added.

“And that purpose is making others smile!” The party pony said, as she fired some more confetti at him. “Especially, kicking the pants off of robotrons!” She rushed up to them. “Sometimes, it’s more fun when you give your friends a surprise...even if it’s at the last second! That’s what I like about you guys, because you’re my friends and I want to see you smile!”

Just then, Zoey realized what she remembered about Pinkie Pie, and what she knew. “Of course!” She said. “You’re the element of laughter, and you always try to make light of the situation, even if things go dark. That’s the only explanation for that!”

“Yes! Yes! All of that!” Pinkie said in realization. “That's exactly what you were supposed to remember!”

Just then, Zoey noticed her key glowing. “Oh, my gosh! My Morph-X key is glowing!” She said in excitement. “You know what this means?! A super form!” Zoey’s key transformed and changed color from yellow to dark pink. When it finished, it looked identical to the key, only it was like the Element of Laughter!

“The Pink Element-X Key!” Zoey said in amazement. “That’ll help!” She got the key ready and inserted it in her Beast-X morpher. “ACTIVATE SUPER BEAST POWERS!” She shouted, as she transformed into her super form. The transformation was the same, except the element of Laughter was shown in place of a jackrabbit. Once the transformation finished, her suit was hot pink, with her visor dark pink. Her transporter and arm and leg pads were the same.

"Element-X Laughter form...READY!" Zoey shouted, introducing her form.

“What’s this?!” Keytron asked in shock.

Zoey was ready to use her new form against the robotron. “Transport...Beast-X Saber!” She said, as she summoned her saber. She jumped up, and raised her weapon to slash him. “BEAST-X BALLOON GAS BREAK!” She shouted as she slashed her saber at the robot, producing a toxic explosive balloon on him that exploded, making him sent back a few feet!

“That hurt!” Keytron said, as he got back up.

“Time to finish this!” The Green Ranger said, as he aimed the Beast-X Ultra Blaster at him.

“Let me assist you, Green!” Zoey said, as she aimed her Beast-X Cannon at Keytron as well.

Keytron screamed in horror as the two rangers got ready to fire at him. “BEAST-X ULTRA BLAST!” The Green Ranger shouted, as he fired a barrage of rapid fire blasts at him.

“BEAST-X PARTY CONFETTI BURST!” Zoey said as she fired bits of confetti balls at the robotron. Both the blasts made it explode in a matter of seconds.

Devon the others saw the explosion and were all shocked that green ranger and super Yellow Ranger had teamed up to stop him. “That was close!” Spike said in surprise.

“Too close!” Starlight whispered.

“And my battle begins!” The Green Ranger said as he posed in victory. “Man does that feel good! Yeah!”

The heroes ran up to Zoey and the new ranger and were excited and proud that he had managed to jump right in at the last minute and save them, as well as increase their chances of winning against evil. “See?” Zoey told her friends. “He IS one of us!” The new green ranger started to walk off into the wind.

“Hold on!” Devon said. “This could still be some crazy trick by The Storm King!” Unsure of this new rangers’ presence.

“Yeah!” Nate said in agreement with Devon. “If he was a ranger, wouldn’t the Commander have told us?”

“Only one way to find out!” Cozy said as they all walked up toward the green ranger.

“Hey, Green!” Devon said. “Wait up!” The green ranger stopped in his tracks as he turned toward the others. “Who are you?”

“Uh, guys?” Pinkie started to say.

“And...why did you help us?” Ravi asked in curiosity as well.

“Who sent you here?” Nate asked. The green ranger turned around to face the team. And then, he took off his helmet, revealing himself to be...

“BEN?!” Everyone except Pinkie said in shock.

“Ben! You’re the Green Power Ranger?” Starlight asked in surprise.

“That’s right.” Ben told them. “It must have been fate.”

Commander Shaw was shocked to see this too, as she just came out and saw him in the Green Ranger suit. “What?” She asked. “Ben? You’re the Green Ranger?” Ben nodded. “But how did this happen?”

“Pinkie was creating a new Zord to help you guys take down the Storm King.” Ben revealed. “So, she decided to add another ranger to help increase our chance of defeating him. She created the Green Ranger powers, and the Zord as well.”

The others were dumbstruck at what they just heard as they turned to face their teammate, who just smiled nervously. “Pinkie?! You gave Ben the Green Ranger powers?” Cozy asked. She just nodded.

“So, that’s why you were working on the Hydro Zord...” Ravi realized. “You wanted to add another ranger to help us increase our chances of defeating the Storm King.”

“And, I gave him aquatic DNA powers as well.” Pinkie revealed as well, as she pointed at the helmet, which looked a little like a hippopotamus motif, as well as his suit.

The commander was at a loss for words, trying to describe this. Finally she spoke. “Ben, Pinkie, I don’t usually say this, but...” the two braced themselves for what she was about to say next. “Good work.” She smiled at them.

“Huh?” The two unbraced themselves and were relieved to hear that.

“What she’s trying to say is that...” Ravi started to say, as he saw the others smiling at each other, before turning to the two. “Welcome to the ranger team.” Ben and Pinkie were overcome with joy as they were pulled in for a hug.

“You’re really going to be a good help with us.” Devon said in agreement.

“Thanks!” Pinkie said, as she and Ben smiled. “You know, of all the things I'm very predictable at, my most favorite moment is being friends with all of you!” They all hugged them, as they enjoyed this moment. So far, the day got better with a new Green Ranger, and pretty soon...a new Green Zord.

Part 4: The Beast Hydro Zord

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Where we last left off, the rangers were celebrating their latest victory with Pinkie Pie’s help, as she brought in a new sixth ranger to the team...Ben Burke as the Green Ranger. He had taught Keytron a thing or two about messing with his friends, and that he would never let the Grid Battleforce arsenal get taken by the Storm King.

Mayor Daniels returned to the Crystal Dimension in rage. “Those rangers stopped my plan!” The disguised villain said. “And nobody told me there would be a green ranger!”

“What?!” The henchmen said in shock.

“And, I need more Morph-X before I transform!” The mayor said desperately as he started to change back.

“Of course, Master!” Vargoyle said, as at that moment, the Storm King already was transformed.

“Too late!” He growled as he marched to him. “We were THIS close to getting Keytron into the base!” He plugged tube of Morph-X into himself, as he sighed and let the energy flow through him.

“Just you wait...” he seethed. “I’m going to crush those heroes into oblivion!”

“What?!” Robo-Blaze said. “The plan to get into Grid Battleforce has failed?!”

“Yes, it has!” The Storm King said furiously, as he grabbed the Robo avatar by the neck. “If that green ranger hadn’t meddled, we would have gotten away with it!” He released him hard.

“Well, if you hadn’t needed all that Morph-X to disguise as the mayor...” Robo-Blaze started to retort.

“Robo-Blaze, you’re starting to sound like a bad movie.” Tempest said, as she rubbed her temples in frustration. “The point is, the rangers had interfered once again. And a green ranger just arrived at that moment as well! Have a Lattee.”

“A green ranger?!” Robo-Roxy asked in shock. “Nobody TOLD us there’d be a green ranger!!” She stomped down in rage.

“Need Vargoyle and I remind you that our plan to infiltrate Grid Battleforce has failed?” Grubber reminded.

“I know that!” The Storm King said, aiming his staff at his two henchmen. “I don’t care much for things going off schedule. The results are that we still have the same goal!”

“I concur.” Tempest said smugly, as she walked over to the Storm centaur. “We need to crush those rangers, and their new green addition too.”

Vargoyle and Grubber both had an idea. “Oh, Master!” Vargoyle said. “Allow us to do the crushing for you! Or of your gigadrones!”

“And, we could upgrade it with one of the previous robotron’s dome technology!” Grubber added.

The Storm King thought that was a good idea. “Do it!” He instructed them. “And, make sure that dome sucks the Morph-X from everything inside it!”

“Don’t rush us!” Vargoyle said. “We know what we’re doing!”

“How dare you speak to the Storm King like that!” Robo-Blaze barked. “Bow, and show some respect.”

“Listen, while you’re up there getting that latte, could you bring me a non-fat one sugar cappuccino?” Grubber jokingly put in.

“See if they have those muffin tops.” Robo-Roxy added. “They’re sweet.”

Robo-Blaze had enough, as he marched up to them furiously, and grabber Grubber by the shirt. “Why you...!”

“Enough!” Storm King said, as the Robo Amber ranger let go of the hedgehog. “How many times do I have to tell you, Robo-Blaze...There’s no ‘I’ in Team?”

“Yes.” The Robo avatar said weakly.

“You two...” he turned to the dreadlock robot, and hedgehog. “Go. Do what you have to. But, remember: I won’t wait forever.”

“You got it, Boss!” Vargoyle said, as he and Grubber went to the computer to start up the latest gigadrone.

“And pretty soon...” Tempest said, as she came to the villain's side. “We’ll be one step closer to preparing our master plan!” She and Storm King laughed evilly as Grubber and Vargoyle readied their latest gigadrone.

Back to the heroes, after they defeated Keytron with the help of the Green Ranger, and celebrated their latest victory with their new teammate. As they embraced in this moment, they soon broke the hug as Commander Shaw told them, “One of the detectors just went off! A gigadrone is about to land in Sector Charlie 3-7!”

“Alright, let’s go!” Ravi said, as the 5 rangers, 2 ponies and Spike went to the Zord hangar to their respective zords.

Ben was ready too to join in the fight, as he put his helmet back on. “I have an idea. I think it’s time to join in this Zord battle as well!” He said to Pinkie.

“Time to use your Zord?” Pinkie asked in excitement as Ben nodded. “Awesome!”

“Let’s go!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie took off. “Commander, fuel up and deploy the Beast Hydro Zord!”

“Roger that, Green!” The commander said, as she went to the base to get Ben’s Zord ready.

“This is going to be fun!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie hi-fived and went to said Zord.
The first five zords deployed, and were ready for action as they approached the gigadrone. “Guys, you know the drill?” Devon asked his teammates.

“Oh, yeah!” Steel said in excitement as the five zords formed their super Zord. “BEAST-X ULTRAZORD...UNLEASHED!” The rangers, ponies and sole dragon all shouted as the Zord got ready. Keydrone landed in front of them, just in time.

“Okay, Team!” Devon said. “We got this!”

However, the gigadrone fired a beam from its eyes and formed a large dome around itself as the Ultrazord advanced. “Oh man!” Zoey said in shock. “It’s one of those dome things the other gigadrone did!”

“Hold on!” Starlight said in shock. “You faced a dome thingie like this before?”

“Yeah.” Cozy said. “Last time I heard, It almost wiped out the rangers’ Morph-X supply completely from the zords.”

“So, he just did what the other dome guy did?” Spike said. “That’s not good!”

“Then, we’d better destroy it before it drains our Morph-X again!” Devon said. The others nodded, as the Ultrazord, sliced its way in the dome, ready to take the gigadrone on!

The Beast Hydro Zord was following them too, and Ben and Pinkie both saw the dome the Ultrazord went in. They were both shocked. “Whoa! Check it out!” Ben said, as he was enjoying his new Zord so far. “And, look at that dome!”

“Look at the size of that thing!” Pinkie said, pointing to it. “It’s huge!”

“Last time Devon fought that thing, it almost wiped their Morph-X clean!” Ben said seriously.

Pinkie was shocked as she shuddered. “Well, at least we now know what we’re up against!” She said.

“As am I!” Ben said. “Let’s tail them!” He powered the controls to take the Zord in the dome!

“Let’s do it!” Pinkie said, as the Zord went inside the dome, taking them with it.

Meanwhile, the Ultrazord was already inside, ready to get the job done quick. “Okay, commander! The Ultrazord is inside the dome!” Devon informed her. “We’re going to do this quick!” He switched the thrusters on, as the Ultrazord used its lance to strike the gigadrone, making him stagger back a few feet.

Keydrone was also blasted by a few more beams, making him stagger back a few more feet. The others were shocked at who or what blasted them.

“Whoa!” Devon said in shock. That gigadrone got blasted?! But how?”

“Who did that?” Nate asked, confused as well.

“Guys!” A voice said, and they all looked up to see a green frog sub-like Zord hovering above them. They were all shocked at what they were seeing.

“A green frog Zord?” Cozy asked, confused. She was then shocked at the new Zord, as it came closer.

“Is that...?!” Zoey asked in shock.

“It’s gotta be!” Steel said in surprise.

“Hey, guys!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie waved.

“Did you miss us?” Pinkie asked.

“Ben! Pinkie!” Ravi shouted in excitement.

“Phenomenal!” Nate said in excitement.

“And, check out his new Zord!” Devon said, as the Zord hovered up above them. The gigadrone was shocked at what it was seeing.

“Show us what you got!” Starlight said from the Jet zord’s cockpit.

“Gladly!” Ben said, as he hit a button. “Let’s fight fire with fire! Hydro bombs, away!” The Hydro Zord unleashed tadpole-like bombs at the gigadrone, damaging him, and making it stagger back even more.

“Check it out! We’re all fired up!” Ben said, as the Zord rammed into the gigadrone, making it stagger back.

“He shoots, he scores!” Spike said, upon seeing this new Zord handle it.

“Let’s go finish this guy head on!” Ravi said.

“Right!” They all said, as the Ultrazord was ready to finish them off!

However, Keydrone had a sneaky trick up his sleeve as he fired a lock beam from its eye at the Zord, and used its key arm to render the Zord helpless.

The heroes in the Ultrazord tried to use the controls, but they were stuck. “What the?” Spike asked. “What’s going on?”

“Oh no!” Steel said in shock. “My controls are locked!”

“Not again!” Nate said as well.

“The Ultrazord looks like it’s gone kaput!” Starlight said in shock.

“No! It’s got them!” Pinkie said in horror as Keydrone seized this chance to slash the Ultrazord with its key arm, making the Zord start to completely depower.

“Aah!” Zoey said in shock as the Zord was rapidly being drained.

“We’re losing Morph-X!” Cozy called out. “We gotta do something fast!”

Nate, Ravi, Devon, Steel, and Spike all shouted in pain and shock as they felt the surges the Zord was feeling as well. “BEN! PINKIE!” Starlight shouted as the pain surged through them too!

“Guess it’s up to us!” Pinkie said in worry as Ben nodded.

“You got it, Pinkie!” Ben said, as he checked the controls for an attack that could help them. “I’ll!” He hit a button, which made the Zord transform into frog mode.

“There’s a frog mode?” Ben asked in excitement as Pinkie nodded. “Cool! Let’s see...this one!” He hit a button, and the turbines to the Zord opened up like a cannon would, and it opened its mouth to attack.

“It’s the Hydro Tornado Blast!” Ben said, as the Zord conjured up a whole lot of energy, and blasted the gigadrone, weakening it. It even used its tongue to punch it in the gut!

“Now, that’s what we call ‘blowing chunks!’” Pinkie said excitedly as she saw the attack unfold.

“Thanks, Green!” Zoey said on Ben’s left video screen as the alicorn filly nodded. “You rock!”

“Good job, Ben!” Devon said, on the other video screen.

“No problem!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie waved to them. “Now, let’s show them some real muscle!” He hit a button, which made the Zord advance toward Keydrone. “Afterburners, fire!” The Zord rammed into it hard, making it stagger back even more!

“Rapid blast!” Ben said, as the Zord fired it Tadpole bombs at him, weakening it even more! The gigadrone couldn’t handle much more of this!

“Alright!” Pinkie said.

“Phenomenal!” Ben said as well.

The Keydrone was not one to give up, however as he ran back up to the zords again, ready to strike.

“Oh, man!” Ravi said. “What’s with this guy?!”

“He seems to keep coming and coming!” Cozy said.

“It’s like there’s no end to him!” Spike said in shock.

“Agreed, but I don’t know what else we can do!” Nate said worriedly.

Ben and Pinkie both saw the gigadrone still not willing to give up, and were shocked. “Oh man! Keydrone is about to slash the Ultrazord, and it’s our job to stop it!” Pinkie squealed in horror. “What are going to do, Ben?”

“I know!” Ben said, “And, I’ve got an idea!” He contacted Nate, and Steel. “Nate! Steel! Disengage the striker zords! I’m coming in for a close shot!”

“What?!” Steel and Starlight asked in shock.

“Are...are you sure that’s a good idea?” Nate asked.

“Just trust me.” Ben said, confidently about his plan.

“Alright...” Nate started to say.

“But, the zords are locked!” Steel tried to point out.

“Steel, we’ve gotta try!” Spike said, as they readied the disengagement switches. They eventually gave in.

The gigadrone was about to charge into the Zord again. “Alright, the zords are ready to be disconnected.” Nate said, as he turned to Steel and Starlight. “Ready?”

“Ready, Bro!” Steel said, As he got ready too.

“Ready, set...” Nate and Spike counted down to disconnect the zords.

“What, what are you...?” Starlight started to ask.

“NOW!” Nate said, as they hit the buttons, jolting the Striker zords from the Ultrazord, leaving only the three Beast-X zords together. The force threw Starlight off to the ceiling, and then back down.

The power supply for said zords came back online. “Our controls are back!” Nate said in glee.

Ben seized this chance to blast the dome, which made it open, but for a short time. “Get out of there!” Ben said, as they threw the two zords out of the dome, as they landed right by the base.

“Ugh...” Starlight said, as she got up from the zord’s throw down from the dome. “Warn me next time you're gonna do that.”

Meanwhile, the Beast-X zords were still going at it with the weakened Keydrone, but its arm sent the zords back a few feet. “Man, there’s no end to this guy!” Ravi said in shock.

“Even with our zords, he just won’t give up!” Zoey added.

“Great. I don’t know what we’re going to do!” Devon said, as the drone got ready to slash him, but got hit by the Hydro zord’s tongue. They all looked up, and saw Ben’s Zord.

“Hang on, guys!” Pinkie said, as the Zord was ready to take it on again and the three other zords got back up.

Ben had an idea. “Hey, Zoey!” He contacted her. “Mind if I take your spot?”

“Huh?” Zoey asked, confused by what he was asking.

“I’ve got a new configuration!” Ben said, clarifying it, as the Zord came to the other three.

“Okay!” Zoey said. “Let’s go, Cozy!”

“Roger!” Cozy said, saluting as the Hydro Zord blasted the done open, and the chopper Zord jumped out of the dome.

“Ben’s got a new Zord configuration?” Ravi asked in curiousity.

“Sounds like it!” Devon said. “Let’s do it!”

“It’s go time!” Ben said, as he activated the combination code.

“Let’s combine!” Devon said, as he entered the code.

“Oh yeah!” Ravi said, as he too activated the code.

“DISASSEMBLY ENGAGED!” Devon, Ravi, Pinkie and Ben called out as the Racer Zord, and Wheeler Zord combined like the Beast-X Megazord. However, the Hydro Zord disassembled to form arms, a frog-like chest piece and a helmet for the Megazord. The transformation was complete as the new red, blue and green Megazord was ready.

“BEAST-X HYDRO MEGAZORD...UNLEASHED!” The 4 heroes said, as the Megazord approached them.

“Alright, let’s show this gigadrone how it’s done!” Devon said.

“Right!” The others said, as the new Megazord advanced toward them. Keytron responded by firing a lock beam from its eye at the Zord.

“Uh oh!” Ben said in shock. “Duck!” He activated the zord’s jet boots, making the Zord fly up and kick him down. Keytron was not willing to give up yet, as he whapped the Zord with its key arm.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be?!” Pinkie angrily retorted. “Tongue punch now!”

The Beast-X Hydro Megazord opened its frog mouth plate open, and a tongue-like fist came out of it, and punch the gigadrone, sending it a few feet back. “Now, that’s what I call chillin!” Ben said in triumph.

“You got it!” Pinkie said, as she hi-fived Ben.

The gigadrone still was putting up a fight as it approached them again. “Uh, oh!” Devon said.

“He’s still not giving up!” Ravi said in shock.

Ben and Pinkie saw the gigadrone advanced toward the Zord, and knew what had to be done! No more playing. Time to get serious and end this! “That’s it, Keydrone!” Ben said. “You’re through ruining our day!” The Megazord advanced toward the gigadrone and before it could get the Zord, it delivered a fierce punch to the gut, sending it back a few steps.

“You wanna know what we are?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah! We’re a super formidable fighting force, and I’m a big aquatic frog with an attitude!” Ben said. “Rapid blast!”

The Megazord held out its arm, and unleashed the hydro bombs, which transformed into mini versions of said Zord, which rammed into the gigadrone, making it stagger back some more.

“A Megazord is nothing without its power!” Pinkie said smugly as she gave out the next command. “Hydro Screw!”

The Megazord unveiled walker-type Mecha hands and spun them as the turbines let out a gust of steam, and a gush of water at the gigadrone, severely weakening it, which made it slip and fall on the ground. He got back up, but couldn’t handle much more of this.

“Time to end this!” Devon shouted as he summoned his weapon for the finisher. "TRANSPORT...CHEETAH BEAST BLASTER!" Devon’s helmet turned to scope mode, as he aimed the weapon at the robot. “MEGAZORD...TURBINE BLAST!”

The Beast-X Hydro Megazord aimed its arms at Keydrone, and fired an array of blasts and water gushes and steam gusts with its hands, frog chest plate, and arm missed blaster. All these attacks were too much to handle, as the gigadrone went down easily and exploded, making him no more!

“Virus eliminated!” Devon, Ravi and Ben all shouted in victory.

“Whoo!” Pinkie squealed in excitement as the dome evaporated, and the Megazord posed in total victory as the new gigadrone was defeated.

Epilogue: The Mystery Artist Revealed

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In the Grid Battleforce lab, Commander Shaw was looking at some test tubes, while her mind was still fixated on how her son hid the secret that he was a good painter.

Ravi came into the lab, shortly, and saw her. He walked up to her. “Mom?” He asked.

The commander saw him, and put the test tube down. “I thought I’d find you here.” She said solemnly.

“I was looking for you too.” Ravi admitted. “How are you doing?”

“How am hear that you’ve been lying to me all this time?” Ravi hung his head down. “I’m not good.”

He then raised his head back up. “I know.” He said sorrowfully. “And, I’m really sorry. I never should have done that! It’s just...I was worried about what you’d think.” His mom was a little surprised at what he was saying. “You always say art is a waste of time. I was afraid that you would never approve of me sketching and painting, so...I lied about it.”

“The lies are bad enough.” Commander Shaw said seriously. She looked down for a little bit of time. “What’s even that my attitude kept you from being true to yourself.” Ravi was surprised at what his mom said. He was certainly not expecting her to be the one at fault, for making him hide his passion for art.

“I love you, Ravi.” She said. “And, you can share anything with me. And, I will always listen. I promise. Okay?” Ravi nodded to her in respect.

“He’s not the only one.” A voice said. Ravi turned to see Spike, Cozy, Starlight and the other rangers come in, smiling at him.

"Guys?" The teen said, as his friends student appeared. “Okay, what's going on?"

Starlight paused. "...I didn't think this far ahead."

“What we’re trying to say is that...” Cozy thought about what she would say next. Finally, she decided. “ that you don’t have to hide what you like from us. You can always tell us, and your mom as well.”

“We’re your friends, Ravi.” Devon added.

“We would never judge you...even if you were ashamed to tell us at first.” Nate put in.

“And like each time, we would always understand.” Ben added, as they all nodded.

Ravi smiled at his friends, knowing that they would understand whatever he was hiding, and it would always be okay to reveal anything to him, even his mother...the commander.

The commander put her arms around her son. “Tell me.” She said, smiling. “How does art make you...feel?”

Ravi was ready to tell her, and was brave to do so. “I love to paint, Mom.” He said. “And, I know it sounds crazy, makes me happy!”

The commander smiled at her son, who had just revealed her secret. “So from now on, I promise to support whatever makes you happy.” Ravi nodded in agreement, since his mom now understood why he loved to paint.

“I didn’t know that’s how painting made you felt.” Pinkie said, sweetly. “I mean...if you wanted to tell us at first, you could have just done so.”

Ravi looked at back at his friends, and smiled. “You know what? I could have.” He said, calmly.

“And, we not only took on the robotron by ourselves, we Eve have a new green ranger on the team!” Spike said, playfully nudging Ben.

“Whatever I can do to help you guys...” Ben said. “I’m here to help.”

“And also, I think the real hero today is also Ben since he, and his new Zord helped the rest of you take on the Storm King.” Commander Shaw added.

“I think our chances of defeating the Storm King have just increased!” Steel said in excitement. “By six-fold!” The others looked at him funny. “What? I’m saying six-fold, since we have a new sixth ranger...” they all laughed at that.

“I’m pretty sure we get it, Steel.” Cozy said, smiling.

“Wow!” Starlight said in joy. “With all that’s happened today, I can't wait to tell Twilight!”

A sudden flash of light caught everyone’s attention as Twilight Sparkle excitedly teleported into the room. “I already know!” She said, quickly. “I mean, I don't know everything. I just got here to bring you your toothbrush!” She turned to the others, and the Commander. “So this is just a friendly visit! Not interfering because I was worried! I wasn't!” She pulled Starlight in for a tight hug. “I knew you could do it, and I'm so, so, so, so, so proud of you!” She let go of Her pupil. Tell me everything! Start from after I hyperventilated, and don't leave out any details!” She excitedly pulled Starlight out of the room.

“As for the rest of you, I would like to speak to Ravi alone for right now.” The commander said to the remaining heroes. “If you don’t mind.” They nodded, and walked out of the lab, leaving only her and Ravi.

“I have a little job for you.” She said, as she took Ravi by the arm, carefully and they went outside the lab.

They both went to the mural Ravi painted earlier today. “People deserve to know.” She said, as she handed him a paintbrush, and white paint. Ravi took the materials, and dunked the paintbrush into the paint, and painted his name on the lower right leaf on the mural.

A small crowd noticed him paint his name on the mural, and clapped in approval. “That’s right.” Commander Shaw said to them. “My son did this.”

She turned to her son, as he got back up. “I am very proud of you.” She said, smiling.

“Thanks, mom.” Ravi said, smiling at her as well, as they hugged, and left the mural with the artist’s name revealed. Now, everyone would know who painted it, and how great of an artist he was.

“That mural kinda reminded me of making a scrapbook for a friend I know.” He said, smiling.

“I’d see that if you did that, that friend would be proud of you.” His mom said.

“Yeah, I...” just then, he put 2 and 2 together, as he realized. “The scrapbook! Sorry, mom! I gotta go take care of something. I’ll be right back.” He took off back to the lab at the base.

“I’ll be waiting.” His mom said, smiling as he ran back to see his friend, and that he shown her his love of art.

Ravi ran back into the building, zooming past the others, who were confused. “Where’s Ravi going in such a hurry?” Devon asked.

Just then, Starlight and Spike both realized something. “The scrapbook!” They both said, as they ran after him to the lab.

“We’re right behind you!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie followed them. They all ran to the lab, and saw the scrapbook. But, when Ravi opened it, he saw that a few more pages for Pinkie’s section was still blank.

“Did you guys remember to collect the memories earlier?” Ravi asked.

“Oh, no! We forgot to bring it with us!” Starlight said in sadness.

“We’re sorry, Pinkie.” Ben added. “We didn't get any of the memories you just went through.”

But, Pinkie just scoffed in confidence. “No problem.” She said, bravely. “I remember them all.”

“You do?” Ravi asked her.

“Sure!” She whipped open the book quickly to the blank pages of her section. “First, I finished the Beast Hydro Zord, and got Ben to morph into the Green Ranger! And then I remembered the time I prevented the yaks from declaring war on Equestria. And then I remembered the time I knew that Cadance and Shining Armor were going to have a baby...”

As Pinkie relayed all the memories from earlier. Starlight, Spike, Ben and Ravi both sighed in exhaustion as they would have to hear all this over again, as three of them rolled their eyes. “Here we go again.” Ben said, feeling tired from all that memory recalling, as Pinkie continued to replay all that they remembered today.