• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 428 Views, 8 Comments

Party Of Green - TheSuperTransformerFan

As Pinkie collects memories for Spike and Starlight’s scrapbook, a strange artist claims Ravi’s mural as his own, leading to the sudden presence of a new green ranger!

  • ...

Part 3: The Green Ranger

Outside Grid Battleforce, Mayor Daniels arrived with a painting crew to get ready for this Operation: Mural plan, and he was already meeting with Commander Shaw to discuss his plans. The painting crew was already unloading the paint to get the plan in action.

“That is a lot of paint, Mr. Mayor.” Commander Shaw said.

“Ah. And there they are.” Mayor Daniels said, as the rangers, Starlight, Cozy and Spike arrived on cue. Just in time, as he greeted his son. “Son.”

“Dad.” Devon said, as he hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

“Mayor Daniels?” Starlight asked. “We didn’t know you’d be here too. What’s going on?”

“I’m working on a new campaign to promote Morph-X’s energy source of the world.” The mayor answered.

“He’s convinced me to allow a mural to be painted here, on the outside of our HQ.” Commander Shaw said to them.

“A mural?” Ravi asked, confused. “But, why?”

“To keep the public excited about the global Morph-X network.” Mayor Daniels informed them. “The more buzz we can get going, the better. And as we all know, the new mural downtown is extremely popular.”

Starlight and Spike were shocked, as they exchanged glances. “Ravi’s mural?” Starlight asked quietly to them.

“Must be.” Devon said.

“How could that have gotten the attention of your dad?” Spike asked.

“We’re not so sure either.” Zoey said.

“Therefore, we’ll use the same artist to paint this one.” Mayor Daniels continued.

“Uh, but how will you find the artist?” Nate asked, confused.

“He’s right here.” The mayor answered, as he directed the French dressed painter to come forward. “Guys, meet Pierre.”

The cargo door to the van opened, revealing ‘Pierre’, as he took his paintbrush out of his mouth. “Bonjour.” He said, as he exited the van, to meet up with them.

The others weren’t sure what to make of this, as the artist arrived. Ravi could definitely tell something was off. “You painted it?” He asked, suspicious.

“May we?” Pierre asked. “I’m guilty of creating beauty! Ze soul of ze city...it speaks to me of my paintbrush picantodonce!” He waved his brush swiftly, but safely in the air.

“Whatever that means.” Steel said, whispering to the others, as they nodded.

“You don’t recognize Pierre?” The commander asked. “You...chased him off while he was painting. Is he the artist or not?”

“Well, it’s just that he moved so fast when he ran away...but, yeah. This is the guy. Definitely.” Ravi answered. The others were extremely shocked, at what their friend said. They didn’t think that sounded right.

Pierre clapped his hands excitedly, as he walked right to the wall. “I’m ready...to make zis building into a work...of art!” He said in his French accent.

“Let’s get you set up.” Commander Shaw said, as she and the mayor started to get him ready. “The wall you want to paint is just over there.”

“Oui. Come come!” Pierre said, as he followed them to said wall. Ravi was shocked. He couldn’t believe that his work was being taken credit for by another artist! He knew this was and wasn’t right.

“That guy’s taking credit for my work.” He said, in shock. “Incredible.”

“Well, that guy’s a fake.” Devon said.

“Sure, but...can we tell the commander that?” Zoey asked, pointing to said person, who was already with said fake artist.

Ravi looked back at the painter, and then at his friends. “No, we can’t.” He said. “My mother expects me to follow in her footsteps. She’s been putting me in uniform since before I could walk.”

The others were surprised at why Ravi was hiding this from her mom. “So, your mom has been strict with you ever since?” Spike asked. “I mean...why can’t you tell her about following your own path?”

“Because, it means so much to her, Spike.” Ravi explained to him. “...and, I don’t want to let her down.”

“By lying to her, you’re already let her down.” Nate said, calm but serious.

“And what would Applejack say if she heard you saying a white lie to your mom?” Starlight asked. “She wouldn’t be real happy, and she’s the element of honesty after all. Honesty can hurt sometimes. I’m sure she’d want you to tell the truth.”

“I know, Starlight.” Ravi said, worried. “But, what can I do?”

“You can tell her the truth.” Cozy said to him.

“Yeah.” Steel added.

“You’ll feel so much better once you get it off your chest.” Spike added as well, with the others nodding in agreement.

“I don’t know, guys.” Ravi told them. “My mom would be so mad. I’d be in a whole world of trouble!”

“But, how long can you keep lying to her?” Nate asked.

The others nodded as they agreed that the truth needs to be said. Ravi though about it, and realized that telling the truth was the right thing to do. “You’re right.” He said, calm but serious. “I’ll go talk to her...right now.” His friends all smiled at that.

“Okay.” Starlight said, as they all followed him to meet up with the commander.

At the wall, Pierre was ready to carry out his plan. “Oui Oui! Everything is ready for my new masterpiece to begin!” He said.

“I can’t wait to see what you come up with.” Mayor Daniels said, as he walked up to him, and then back to the wall.

Pierre was ready as he dunked his paintbrush into the explosive paint that would make the Base walls explode, when...

“WAIT!” Ravi said, as he and the others arrived to confront the false artist. “Not so fast! This man is an imposter!” He pointed a finger furiously at him.

“Son!” The commander said in shock.

“Excuse moi?” Pierre asked in shock and confusion.

“He did not paint the mural in the city!” Ravi continued, his finger still pointed at the artist.

“How dare you call me a liar!” Pierre said, feeling accused.

“But you just confirmed that it was him.” Commander Shaw said in confusion.

Ravi shook his head at the artist. “It wasn’t him. It was me.” He said to her. “I painted the mural.”

The commander was dumbstruck and shocked to learn that it was actually her son who painted the mural, and not the artist he said it was. “You?” She asked in shock. “But...you don’t know anything about painting.”

“I didn’t think so either, but I tried it, and well...” he got out his painting sketch and revealed it to his mom. “It turns out I’m pretty good.”

The commander unfolded the folded piece of paper, and sure enough she saw that her son did in fact, paint the mural. She couldn’t believe this. “So, you lied to me?” She asked him with a stern tone in her voice. The ‘mayor’ and ‘Pierre’ both nodded that their cover was in fact...blown.

“Well, I...uh...” Ravi started to say.

“So, this morning, when I saw the news on Channel 10, you had not just chased off an artist?” His mom asked in shock and disbelief.

“No.” Ravi answered. As he was explaining, the false artist went to his painters, and started to pack up. “There was no other artist.”

“You?” The commander was still shocked to learn all this. “You’re a painter?” He nodded. “I can’t believe you hid this from me! How long has this been going on?”

Just then, Devon and Starlight both noticed the false artist, and his team were about to splatter then with the explosive paint. “Guys, robotron at 3:00!” Starlight shouted in alert.

“Look out!” Devon said, as they all ducked out of the way, and the painter hit the button as the paint made the road explode before their eyes.

Cozy saw the hole that was made in the ground, and could instantly tell what they were in for. “It’s a trap!” She exclaimed.

Pierre shouted, as he transformed into KeyTron before them, and the crew took off the disguises, revealing themselves to be tronics. “How’s that for my masterpiece?” He said to the heroes.

“I knew it!” Starlight said, pointing an accusatory hoof at him. “A robotron and Tronics!”

“What?!” Steel and Spike both said.

“No way!” Zoey said in shock. “They’re all bots!”

“I...I don’t believe it! I...” Mayor Daniels said in shock as he was seeing this as well.

“Come on, Mr. Mayor. Let the rangers handle this.” Commander Shaw said, as she took the mayor to safe ground.

“You really painted yourself in a corner now!” Devon said. It was go time for his team! “It’s Morphin Time!”

They readied their Morphers and keys. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” They shouted, as they transformed into their ranger forms in a flash.

“UNLEASH THE BEAST!” They all said, posing before him.

However, the robotron had a trick up his sleeve as he cackled. “Perfect!” He said, as he readied his lock beam and sent it to the heroes. “Now, I can put all your weapons safely under lock and key!” The beam hit the rangers’ transporters, Starlight’s and Cozy’s horn, and Spike’s fire breath mouth.

The rangers were ready to start this fight off. “Transport...Ultra Blaster!” Devon said, hitting his transporter. But, I thing happened. “Huh? It’s not working!”

The same thing happened with other rangers as well. Starlight tried to activate her magic, but nothing came out. “My magic’s gone!” She wailed in shock.

“What?!” Cozy tried to use her magic, but it too was gone. “So’s mine!”

“And, my fire breathe!” Spike said in horror.

“No!” Nate said in terror. “He must have locked our programming! Which means...”

“We can’t teleport anything!” Steel finished.

“Too bad!” Keytron said triumphantly. “It looks like you all will be locked up for a very long time!” He and the tronics fired a multitude of beams, sending the heroes a few feet back. They were outnumbered, and it looked like it would take a miracle to save them now!

Meanwhile in the Beast Hydro Zord, Pinkie was driving the vehicle, with Ben in the passenger seat. The Zord was going fast and around the city and plains.

“Hold on tight!” Pinkie said, as she thrusted the Zord fast around the mountains into the air.

Ben was having a little trouble trying to hold onto his seat, as he was being almost violently thrown across, and on his seat. “Is it okay to be driving this recklessly?!” He asked.

Pinkie still piloted the Zord in fast speed around a few building, and then to the forest, where she put it in neutral, making it skid to a stop.

“I noticed that this Zord has some materials not found on Earth.” Pinkie said seriously.

“What do you mean?” Ben asked confused, as he was trying to process all this.

“Ben...forgive me for asking, but put this on.” She said, as she handed him a Beast-X Morpher and a key. “It’s not dangerous.” Ben took the devices and was a littler nervous about all this.

“I’m wearing one too.” Pinkie said, as she held out her arm, that had a wristcom on it. “Now, go ahead.”

Ben slowly put on the Morpher, and it started to glow on him as he screamed in shock, and Pinkie was somehow teleported to the side of the Zord. “PINKIE PIE!” He cried out, as he was now in a green battle ready suit.

“Just as I thought.” Pinkie thought out loud, as she was excited to see this unfold before her eyes.

“What is all this?!” Ben asked, as he saw the suit already on him.

“‘It’s Morphin Time! Activate Beast Powers!’ Ben! Say those words like I did!” Pinkie called out from the window.

“What?! Pinkie?!” Ben asked, in shock.

“Quickly!” She said urgently. “Shout, ‘ It’s Morphin Time! Activate Beast Powers!’”

Ben saw the Morpher on his wrist and the key in his hand. He closed his eyes shut for a few seconds, and finally opened them again as he shouted. “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!”

He was suddenly thrust out of the Zord with force, as he inserted the key into his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” He shouted as the green light from the Morpher intensified, making a tornado of green energy, descended and swirled around him. The tornado dissipated to reveal a green ranger suit. His helmet then materialized, as the visor detached from the morpher and orbited him before transforming into a black cyber suit visor and latched itself onto the helmet, completing his transformation.

He jumped up into the air, as he landed onto his Zord, as he posed bravely. He saw himself morphed, at his suit and himself, as he was now the green Beast Morphers ranger. He was shocked as he saw this. “Phenomenal!” He said in shock and excitement. “The aquatic DNA worked! I’m a ranger!” His suit and helmet shone brightly by the sun, in its glory. His suit was somewhat identical to Ravi’s only it was green, and his helmet had added hippo ears.

Pinkie was excited as she saw Ben’s ranger form and ran up to him. “Yes! I knew it!” She said in glee! “You’re a Power Ranger!” She pulled out a sketch of a green Hippopotamus-like ranger. “Look! The ranger sketch Ravi drew is actually you, Ben!” She giggled in happiness and excitement as she saw Ben who was now the Green Ranger.

Ben looked around, in his new helmet. “Wow.” He said in excitement, “I never knew I had this kind of power! This is great! But, I’m not sure if I should keep my identity a secret for long. Can I?”

“Relax!” Pinkie said, reassuringly. “It’ll be only for a short while. Pretty soon, everyone will be surprised that you’re the sixth ranger.”

Ben was about to respond, when he got an SOS on his morpher. He checked it. “It’s from the base.” He said urgently. “Devon needs us!”

“Let’s go!” Pinkie said, as she and Ben got back in the zord, and flew back to the base.

Back at Coral Harbor, the remaining 5 rangers, 2 ponies and Spike were already overwhelmed by Tronics and the Keytron. “They just keep coming!” Starlight said, as she punched a few tronics with her bare hooves. “It’s like there’s no end to them!”

Ravi was throwing some gorilla-strength punches, throwing a few tronics but more appeared. “I know!” He said stressed. “Even in morphed mode, it’s hard to keep up with all of them!” He tried to dodge them, and even kicked a few down. He grabbed a few. “Sorry for the hold up, guys.” He used his gorilla strength to throw them down.

“It’s like you take one down, and two more take its place!” Zoey said, as she threw some punches at the foot soldiers. More kept approaching at her.

Cozy was flying up, and threw some punches as well, but even for her it still was overwhelming. “If only we had Pinkie...” she said. “Then, we’d really show them we mean business!” More kept coming, and Cozy just flew off to the others.

Luckily, Spike came and whipped a few with his claws. “Stay down!” He said, as he knocked a barrel of them down. Cozy even helped by whirling around them, creating a tornado, throwing them down to the ground into a bunch of trash cans.

Nate slashed a few tronics down to the ground. “This is the last of them!” He said. He then saw another one go for him, as he kicked it into the explosive paint. “Steel!”

Steel got the paint detonator ready. “Tick tick tock!” He said, as he hit the button, making it and the tronic explode.

“Now, that’s the last of them!” Nate said.

“Now, for KeyTron!” Steel added in agreement.

Devon threw some cheetah-like punches to a few more Tronics as they fell down. “Right behind you!” He said as they regrouped.

Unfortunately, more tronics appeared. “More?!” Ravi said in utter shock.

Keytron laughed as he marched up to them. “That’s right!” He said gleefully. “I’m going to make you pay!” He started to advance to them.

“We’re in for it, now!” Cozy said, worried and in shock, as Keytron was coming closer.

“Uh oh!” Devon said. It looked like they were cornered. However, a green fist came out of nowhere and struck the robotron down in an instant.

“What?!” Keytron asked furiously. “Who did that?!”

The rangers and Keytron got their answer when the new ranger landed in front of them. They were surprised to see a green ranger before the robotron.

“A green ranger?” Devon asked.

“Who is he?” Zoey asked.

“Where did he come from?” Starlight asked. The other rangers wanted to know too.

The new ranger clenched his fists, and finally spoke. “Someone’s going to stop this robotron...” he said. “...and, it’s going to be me!”

“Huh?” Everyone asked.

“Wetland Swimmer....Green Beast Ranger!” He said, introducing himself to the robotron. “Prepare to meet your match!”

“Oh really?” Keytron asked, as he got ready. “Let’s get this party started! Tronics!” He said, as the tronic army appeared with him.

“Thought you’d never ask!” The Green Ranger said as he hit his transporter. “Transport...Ultra Blaster!” The Beast-X Ultra Blaster appeared before him. “Didn’t lock my arsenal, did you?”

“Get him.” The robotron said, as the tronics went after him. The green ranger started off this fight by blasting a few tronics with rapid fire power from the new blaster! So, far a few tronics were wiped out instantly by this new weapon!

He then threw some punches and kicks at them as they went down quickly. “Whoever he is, He sure can handle himself in a battle.” Zoey said in excitement as she watched. The Green ranger kept throwing some punches and kicks at them, making the tronics no more.

“Why haven’t we heard of him before?” Nate asked.

“How is he even a ranger at all?” Starlight asked in shock.

“Hi, guys.” A pink pony said, as she rushed to her friends.

“Pinkie?!” They all said, as they saw her.

“Did you have something to do with this?” Cozy asked.

“Kinda thought you could use some help on your team!” Pinkie replied as she got her party cannon out, and fired it at Keytron, making him stagger back. Pinkie joined the green ranger to fight some more.

“Well, Pinkie is unpredictable.” Ravi said.

“Yeah!” Cozy added, as she saw the fight unfold. “Even she revealed a brand new ranger at the last second!”

“It’s probably not her first time, waiting till the last second.” Spike said.

Back to the fight as the Green Ranger was ready to show his power. “Time to test my aquatic power!” He said, as he conjures up a water blast from his hands, as he rusted the robotron and used strength akin to Ravi’s to knock him down to the ground.

The robotron got back up, and was shocked that he could barely move a part of him. “I’m rusted!” He said, angrily.

“Nice one!” Devon called out as he saw the robot being taken down.

The green ranger turned to the others, as Keytron was about to kick him from behind. “LOOK OUT!” They shouted.

He turned to see Keytron coming right at him. “Thanks.” He said, as he kicked him away from the his friends, and himself as he landed hard on the ground.

“I’m surprised he’s even got Beast powers as well!” Steel said in shock. “And, they’re aquatic too!”

“Pinkie was trying to figure out her purpose as well!” Ravi added.

“And that purpose is making others smile!” The party pony said, as she fired some more confetti at him. “Especially, kicking the pants off of robotrons!” She rushed up to them. “Sometimes, it’s more fun when you give your friends a surprise...even if it’s at the last second! That’s what I like about you guys, because you’re my friends and I want to see you smile!”

Just then, Zoey realized what she remembered about Pinkie Pie, and what she knew. “Of course!” She said. “You’re the element of laughter, and you always try to make light of the situation, even if things go dark. That’s the only explanation for that!”

“Yes! Yes! All of that!” Pinkie said in realization. “That's exactly what you were supposed to remember!”

Just then, Zoey noticed her key glowing. “Oh, my gosh! My Morph-X key is glowing!” She said in excitement. “You know what this means?! A super form!” Zoey’s key transformed and changed color from yellow to dark pink. When it finished, it looked identical to the key, only it was like the Element of Laughter!

“The Pink Element-X Key!” Zoey said in amazement. “That’ll help!” She got the key ready and inserted it in her Beast-X morpher. “ACTIVATE SUPER BEAST POWERS!” She shouted, as she transformed into her super form. The transformation was the same, except the element of Laughter was shown in place of a jackrabbit. Once the transformation finished, her suit was hot pink, with her visor dark pink. Her transporter and arm and leg pads were the same.

"Element-X Laughter form...READY!" Zoey shouted, introducing her form.

“What’s this?!” Keytron asked in shock.

Zoey was ready to use her new form against the robotron. “Transport...Beast-X Saber!” She said, as she summoned her saber. She jumped up, and raised her weapon to slash him. “BEAST-X BALLOON GAS BREAK!” She shouted as she slashed her saber at the robot, producing a toxic explosive balloon on him that exploded, making him sent back a few feet!

“That hurt!” Keytron said, as he got back up.

“Time to finish this!” The Green Ranger said, as he aimed the Beast-X Ultra Blaster at him.

“Let me assist you, Green!” Zoey said, as she aimed her Beast-X Cannon at Keytron as well.

Keytron screamed in horror as the two rangers got ready to fire at him. “BEAST-X ULTRA BLAST!” The Green Ranger shouted, as he fired a barrage of rapid fire blasts at him.

“BEAST-X PARTY CONFETTI BURST!” Zoey said as she fired bits of confetti balls at the robotron. Both the blasts made it explode in a matter of seconds.

Devon the others saw the explosion and were all shocked that green ranger and super Yellow Ranger had teamed up to stop him. “That was close!” Spike said in surprise.

“Too close!” Starlight whispered.

“And my battle begins!” The Green Ranger said as he posed in victory. “Man does that feel good! Yeah!”

The heroes ran up to Zoey and the new ranger and were excited and proud that he had managed to jump right in at the last minute and save them, as well as increase their chances of winning against evil. “See?” Zoey told her friends. “He IS one of us!” The new green ranger started to walk off into the wind.

“Hold on!” Devon said. “This could still be some crazy trick by The Storm King!” Unsure of this new rangers’ presence.

“Yeah!” Nate said in agreement with Devon. “If he was a ranger, wouldn’t the Commander have told us?”

“Only one way to find out!” Cozy said as they all walked up toward the green ranger.

“Hey, Green!” Devon said. “Wait up!” The green ranger stopped in his tracks as he turned toward the others. “Who are you?”

“Uh, guys?” Pinkie started to say.

“And...why did you help us?” Ravi asked in curiosity as well.

“Who sent you here?” Nate asked. The green ranger turned around to face the team. And then, he took off his helmet, revealing himself to be...

“BEN?!” Everyone except Pinkie said in shock.

“Ben! You’re the Green Power Ranger?” Starlight asked in surprise.

“That’s right.” Ben told them. “It must have been fate.”

Commander Shaw was shocked to see this too, as she just came out and saw him in the Green Ranger suit. “What?” She asked. “Ben? You’re the Green Ranger?” Ben nodded. “But how did this happen?”

“Pinkie was creating a new Zord to help you guys take down the Storm King.” Ben revealed. “So, she decided to add another ranger to help increase our chance of defeating him. She created the Green Ranger powers, and the Zord as well.”

The others were dumbstruck at what they just heard as they turned to face their teammate, who just smiled nervously. “Pinkie?! You gave Ben the Green Ranger powers?” Cozy asked. She just nodded.

“So, that’s why you were working on the Hydro Zord...” Ravi realized. “You wanted to add another ranger to help us increase our chances of defeating the Storm King.”

“And, I gave him aquatic DNA powers as well.” Pinkie revealed as well, as she pointed at the helmet, which looked a little like a hippopotamus motif, as well as his suit.

The commander was at a loss for words, trying to describe this. Finally she spoke. “Ben, Pinkie, I don’t usually say this, but...” the two braced themselves for what she was about to say next. “Good work.” She smiled at them.

“Huh?” The two unbraced themselves and were relieved to hear that.

“What she’s trying to say is that...” Ravi started to say, as he saw the others smiling at each other, before turning to the two. “Welcome to the ranger team.” Ben and Pinkie were overcome with joy as they were pulled in for a hug.

“You’re really going to be a good help with us.” Devon said in agreement.

“Thanks!” Pinkie said, as she and Ben smiled. “You know, of all the things I'm very predictable at, my most favorite moment is being friends with all of you!” They all hugged them, as they enjoyed this moment. So far, the day got better with a new Green Ranger, and pretty soon...a new Green Zord.

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this chapter! Pinkie Poe has brought the Green Ranger to the team, and Keytron defeated! It looks like this is it for this story. But, it’s not over yet! There’s still time left to introduce the all new Beast-X Hydro Zord to the Zord arsenal, as an all new gigadrone arrives to the battle. Get ready to see this new Zord in action in the next chapter!

Flashback(s) Used in This Chapter:
Party Pooped
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
That’s A Laugh
A Friend In Deed