• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 430 Views, 8 Comments

Party Of Green - TheSuperTransformerFan

As Pinkie collects memories for Spike and Starlight’s scrapbook, a strange artist claims Ravi’s mural as his own, leading to the sudden presence of a new green ranger!

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Part 1: Under Lock And Key

“So let me get this straight...” Pinkie said, trying to recap Starlight’s idea to her so far. “You and Spike are putting together a magical book of memories that you plan to give to Twilight as a surprise at her coronation, and you and the rangers need me to get her to talk about her favorite memories of me so you can record them all in your book?”

“Pretty much.” Spike said.

“Twilight will be heading over here to taste the cupcakes I made for her coronation.” Pinkie said in excitement. “Ooh! I know just how I can use that to get her memory muscles moving. Speaking of, there’s something I want you to see!”

“What is it, Pinkie?” Starlight asked.

Pinkie raced over to the computer and pulled up a folder titled ‘Project FS-00’. She clicked on it, and electronic blueprints of a frog-shaped sub zord appeared on the screen. The others were confused by all this, as Pinkie was excited by this.

“It looks more like a fat sub.” Spike put in weakly.

“Spike!” Steel warned him.

“What exactly are we looking at, Pinkie Pie?” Nate asked confused. “It looks to me like a Mecha-frog pet.”

“Exactly!” Pinkie said, as she zoomed in closer to the blueprints. “Check it out! I’m creating a new zord! I’m calling it the Beast Hydro Zord!” She typed in the coordinates to the Zord, and the blueprints fully revealed the green sub-like Zord in its full beauty.

“It’s a green sub/helicopter Zord that functions like a seaplane, and has the ability to transform into a frog, using aquatic frog DNA.” She said to them. “So, it’s similar to the Beast Chopper Zord, and can act like it. It also has a wide personnel bay and observation deck aside from just having a cockpit.”

“Wow, Pinkie.” Starlight said in awe. “I didn’t know you actually had the gift to make a Zord!”

“Maybe one day, you could be as great of an inventor as Nate is.” Spike said, patting her on the back.

Pinkie blushed a little bit. “Well, I try.” She said to them. “Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get the components to start up right.” She tried fretting with the controls to try to get it working. “I added the same amount of Morph-X that was in the Beast Chopper Zord, so it would work on par with other Zords...but, it’s just not powering up right.” Her mane started to flatten.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie.” Nate said. “We’ll figure out what’s wrong with the Zord.”

“And, in the meantime, shouldn’t you and Zoey try to get some memories ready for your scrapbook?” Steel asked. “Twilight will be coming soon, and these pages won’t fill themselves.”

“We should, and there isn't any place for us to hide while you do it, so you and Zoey are gonna be on your own.” Starlight said urgently to them.

At that moment, Zoey came in. “Hey, Pinkie!” She said. “I just saw the new mural that Ravi made, and...”

“We know. He made it.” Pinkie said, a little jokingly and sarcastically.

Zoey giggled, and then saw the scrapbook. “Oh, you guys are adding more memories for Twilight’s scrapbook to give in Canterlot?” She asked excitedly.

“Yep, we are.” Pinkie piped up. “Twilight will be coming later, and I want to make sure you and I get all the memories needed to fill some pages.”

“Sounds good!” Zoey said, as she got to the first blank page available for her. “Whatever we can do, we’ve got this.”

“That's good, because there isn't any place for us to hide while you both do it, so you're gonna be on your own.” Starlight told them. “The book's all set. When you're both ready, just tap the cover with your hoof...” she saw Zoey’s hand. “...or hand, and it'll start recording whatever memories you can think of.”

Just then the door opened, as Devon came in. “Hey, guys!” He said. “What’s up?”

Starlight, and the others got cold feet, and the pupil immediately changed course to a different topic. “A-And that's why a savory pie is a far superior—!” She noticed Devon coming in. “Oh, hey, Devon!”

“Hey, guys.” Devon said. “What’s going on?”

“Oh! Hello, Spike! Steel! Nate!” Starlight said, as if she didn’t see the others there. “I didn't see you three there, since we came into the lab separately and not together.”

“Uh, we definitely came here for totally different things.” Spike said nervously.

“But now it's time for us to go! Bye, Devon!” Steel said, as he pushed Nate out, and they all zipped out, leaving only Pinkie, Zoey and Devon in the room.

Devon was a little confused by all this. “Would someone mind filling me in on what’s going on?” He asked. Zoey and Pinkie just smiled.

Elsewhere, outside Grid Battleforce, evil was lurking about. Two suited teens...one had an Amber suit on, the other a violet suit snuck over to a garage by the base. These two teens were definitely familiar as the rangers had faced them before! They were in black coloured suits and had demented versions of Beast-X Morphers. They were Blaze and Roxy, but now revived by the Storm king, making them as Robot avatars...Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy. It was clear they were up to no good.

Robo-Roxy unlocked a padlock and showed it to her Robo lackey. “Too easy.” Robo-Blaze said as he brought out the Morph-X laptop. “Ready?”

Robo-Roxy nodded as she plugged the key into the device, and it filled up with Morph-X. Once that was done, she unplugged it from the laptop, and into the padlock, as it took shape and transformed into KeyTron!

“I’ll be the key to your success!” KeyTron introduced himself to the Robots. “Because, I’m part key! Get it?”

“Just break into Grid Battleforce, and destroy it from the inside.” Robo-Blaze told him.

“And enough joking around.” Robo-Roxy added.

KeyTron went to the bars of the garage, and zapped it with his eyes. “Metal bars don’t faze me!” Hey said, as he used his key arm to open them. “Open sesame!” The bars slowly opened up.

The Robo avatars came up to him. “Do as much damage as you can.” The amber suited robot told him.

“With great pleasure!” KeyTron said, as he went inside.

“Job done!” Robo-Roxy said. “Let’s go!” And, they teleported out of there.

At that moment, Ravi was about to go see his new mural that was recently discovered when who should show up, But the robotron! Ravi took notice instantly. “Whoa!” He said. “That’s far enough! How did you get into our base?”

“I’m the master key!” KeyTron said to him.

Ravi had to call for help, as he contacted the others. “Guys? A robotron has breached security on Parking Level 1!” He told them.

“Did somebody call the locksmith?” The robotron said, as he started to charge at him. Ravi got ready to charge at him too, as he ran up.

KeyTron swing his key arms at him, but he dodged them easily. “Can’t get away from me, Kid!” KeyTron said. “I can unlock any door!”

“Now, you just crossed the wrong key hole!” Ravi said, as he readied his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” He said, as he Morphed into the Blue Ranger.

The fight started off with him kicking KeyTron in the arm. But, he was ready too. They both clashed weapons and fists, and it appeared to be evenly matched. The robotron got his lock beam ready, just as Ravi got out his Beast-X Blaster!

He prepared to lock his weapon! “What?! What is this?” Ravi asked as the robotron did his thing.

You’re on lockdown!” KeyTron said, as he pushed the ranger away.

“Huh?” Ravi got his blaster ready. “BEAST BLAST!” He tried to fire it, but nothing happened. “Argh! No!” He said, as his blaster was now locked.

The Robotron responded by throwing him down to the ground. “You’re weapons can’t stop me!” He said. At that moment, Spike, Starlight, Nate and Steel showed up, as the two ‘brothers’ were already morphed.

“But, we can!” Steel said, as they advanced toward him.

“We got this, Ravi!” Starlight said, as they went for him.

“Thanks, guys.” Ravi said in relief.

Steel, and Starlight both rolled over on the ground, as KeyTron put his foot on them. Just as he did that, however, Nate and Spike blasted him with blasters and fire breath, making the robot stagger back.

“You just fell for the oldest trick in the book, robotron!” Starlight said, as she and Steel got up, and they regrouped.

KeyTron couldn’t handle 5 against 1! He knew he had to run. “This lock’s going to bolt out!” He said, as he dashed to fight another day!

“AFTER HIM!” Ravi shouted as they all dashed after him.

Meanwhile, back in the base, Pinkie was showing Devon all the cakes, she was planning to have Twilight taste test. She got out a chart to show the progress if her cakes. “For Twilight’s coronation cakes, I've used the science of baking to come up with a formula that connects tastes with memories!”

Devon was surprised at all the information he was processing that Pinkie gave him. “So, you’re planning to get Twilight to remember these moments, just by giving her a cupcake, and getting her to recall whatever comes to mind?” He asked.

“Absolutely!” She responded.

“Oh. A flavour roulette.” Devon thought out loud. “Very chill.”

Pinkie handed Zoey a white cupcake with chocolate streaks, and a flower. “Take a bite and tell me the first thing you remember.”

She took a bite out of the treat, and instantly recalled a memory. “Hmmm... I guess this tastes like... the first time you, and Twilight met?”

Zoey tasted the cupcake, and realized that it tasted like siracha sauce. He burned out a small flame. “A little spicy, but good.” He said.

“Not bad...” the party mare said, as she got out another cupcake with chocolate chunks, and chocolate bar sticking out. “Now try this!”

Devon bit into that one, and realized that it tasted...dark. “Well, it's, um, chocolatey.” He started. “No, dark chocolate.” He realized something. “Hmm... Oh! I know!”

“I’ll accept that.” Pinkie admitted.

Zoey took a good look at the third cupcake, and saw that it had rainbow frosting and sprinkles. “I can tell what that one is just by looking at it.” She said. “I don't even need to taste it—“

Wrong!” Pinkie interrupted her, as she shoved it into her friend’s mouth, as the latter recalled another memory.

Devon ate part of the cupcake too, and Pinkie could tell that he really enjoyed it. “This cupcake tastes great, Pinkie!” He said. “I don't know about your memory, formula, but Zoey and I sure liked the cupcakes.”

“And us hearing about Twilight’s favorite times with you was pretty fun, too.” Zoey added.

“Eh, close enough.” She said. Just then, the red and yellow rangers got a call on their wristcoms.

Devon started to answer, but Pinkie grabbed his arm. “Let ME answer that!” She said, as she answered it for him. “Go for Pie!”

“Pinkie, where the heck are you?” Nate asked. “We need you guys quick! There’s a robotron in Sector CUP 10-8!”

“We’re on our way!” Devon said. “Come on, Pinkie!”

“Okie Doki Loki!” She said, as she dashed out of the base quickly.

Devon and Zoey were right behind her, as the red hero contacted Cruise. “Cruise, I need you to get me there. STAT!”

Back to Starlight, Spike, and our blue, gold and silver, as they were fighting off KeyTron. They all caught up with him outside of the base.

“Not so fast!” Spike said, as he and Ravi both jumped up and were now in front of him! Ravi used his saber, while Spike used his fire breath.

Nate and Steel clashed him, using their swords while Starlight used her magic to blast him, making him stumble down the stairs, and into the curb.

However, he got back up. “You can’t catch me!” He said, as he started to make a break for it.

Unfortunately for him, the 5 heroes landed RIGHT in front of him! “Think again!” Spike said, as they were ready to take him on again!

“What?!” The robotron asked.

At the same time, Pinkie, Devon, Zoey and Cozy Glow were also arriving as well, with the three on Cruise and the other flying beside them. “Incoming!” Devon said.

“More rangers?!” KeyTron asked in shock. “No thanks!” He teleported away, before the others could even blast him.

“Wait!” Cozy shouted, but the Robotron was already long gone. She, Devon and Zoey stopped right by the others.

“Hey, team!” Zoey said as she got off Cruise.

“Sorry we’re late.” Devon said.

“Don’t worry about it.” Ravi said confidently. “I have a feeling he’ll be back!”

“Where did he go?” Pinkie asked in shock.

“Very far away.” Cozy answered. “If we’re lucky.” And, KeyTron sure would be back, and they would be ready to face him again!

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Dimension, Keytron was telling the Storm King what had happened, and the latter wasn’t happy. “But, it wasn’t my fault!” KeyTron said. “That loser, Ravi was RIGHT there, when I opened the door!”

“Little Boy Blue has had quite a day.” Robo-Roxy said, after hearing what had happened. “First, he secretly paints a mural that everyone loves...then, ruins our brilliant plan.”

“My team breaking into GB headquarters is hardly brilliant!” The Storm King bellowed, as he held his staff of Sarcanas toward the Robo avatars.

“Their plan was terrible!” Grubber said, as he walked up to his master. “As usual, I have a much better one!” He approached the Robo avatars. “You say the Blue ranger is keeping his painting a secret?” They nodded. “Why?”

“The fool knows his mom wouldn’t approve.” A unicorn with a broken horn, and a black armor suit...Tempest Shadow said. “He somehow knows that if his mother did find out, he’d be in hot water.”

“Then, we should use his lies to our advantage!” Vargoyle said to them. “And, introduce the rangers to the mystery artist!” Grubber nodded in agreement as well.

“What are you two talking about?” The Storm King asked him.

The hedgehog turned to him. “Simple, my master!” He said. “Vargoyle and I have made this very special paint! Look!”

They all turned to see Tronics painting purple paint on a brick wall. “Watching paint dry? You’ve both really outdone yourself!” Robo-Roxy said sarcastically.

“I agree with Roxy.” Tempest added. “That is actually the silliest plan you two could ever think of.” She smirked. “It’s so simple that even a child could understand it.”

“Shut up, and stand back!” Vargoyle shouted, as he got out a demolition remote. “Scoff all you want, but this paint is high gloss, and highly explosive!” He turned to Grubber, and handed it to him. “You may demonstrate.”

“Thank you, Vargoyle!” He said, as he hit a button, and the wall exploded into rubble! Everyone, except the hedgehog and metal dreadlock robot braced for impact. “How’s that for art?!” He asked.

The Storm King was rather pleased, and smiled. “Perfect!” He said evilly. “Now, all we need is a mystery painter!”

“Easy!” Grubber said. “We’ll disguise him!” He pointed to KeyTron as he said that.

“Me?!” KeyTron asked in shock.

“Then, what are you waiting for?!” The Storm centaur asked, as the henchmen went to the Morph-X computer.

“I’m going to do an accent!” KeyTron said, as he got set for this mission.

Grubber got a transfer tube ready to disguise the robotron. “It’ll take a lot of Morph-X, but I guarantee you it will be worth every drop!”

“And before the rangers even know you’re a fake, you’ll be making a BLAST as the mystery artist!” Vargoyle said, as Grubber plugged the tube into the robotron’s chest, and got ready to begin the transformation.

“Ladies, and gentlemen...” Grubber announced. “...get ready to meet the artist!” The Morph-X flowed from the tube into the robot, as he took shape and turned into a human with an artist smock, glasses and a beret.

The newly-transformed robotron looked at himself and was excited. He laughed with an accent. “Fantastic! I’m ready to create my masterpiece!” He said to his master.

“Excellent!” The Storm King said, laughing. “With your explosive paint, we can break down the armed walls at Grid Battleforce, and flood it with an army of tronics!” He conjured enough energy to transform into his human-like alter ego...Devon’s Dad, Mayor Daniels.

“And, as the mayor...” the disguised villain said. “...I’ll clear the way to have the painting there, in no time!” They both laughed evilly, as they were ready to head to Coral Harbor to execute their plan.

Back at Grid Battleforce in the lab, the heroes were working on the scrapbook and the Hydro Zord, with the others ready to gather the memories in said book.

“Well, that could not have gone better.” Devon said, as he did his part to get the memories needed. “We got to remember all sorts of fun memories of us, and Pinkie...and just in time for Twilight’s gift!”

“Oh, that's great!” Starlight said in relief.

“And the book worked okay when you tapped it?” Steel asked. The others stopped frozen, as they realized they forgot to tap the book.

“Uh, guys?” Nate asked. “You did tap the book to get the memories. Right?”

“Uh, about that...” Devon started to say.

“Let’s just say that we...kinda forgot about that part.” Pinkie said nervously.

Starlight took the book, and saw that the pages were blank! No memories were recorded. “What?!” She asked.

“Pinkie!” Nate said. “I...you guys forgot to collect the memories?!”

“Guys!” Steel said, flustered.

“Oh, I was so focused on the Hydro Zord, that we didn’t even think of adding any memories!” The party mare said, worriedly. She checked the hydro Zord blueprints, and saw a few things that were still off! “Oh, no! This mecha failure will not fly!” She shouted, as she banged the computer frustrated.

The others were a little more stressed about the memories than the Zord, they feared they wouldn’t get enough memories collected in time. But, you know Pinkie! She was full of luck! And, luck has a way of changing, and that luck was about to change in a very big way!

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for the first chapter! Pinkie’s developed a new Zord, but she hasn’t collected any memories?! How will they get all the memories done in time? And what about the Beast Hydro Zord? Find out in the next chapter!

Flashback (s) Used In This Chapter:
Friendship Is Magic Pt. 1
Friendship Is Magic Pt. 2
Party Pooped