• Published 20th Jan 2021
  • 5,344 Views, 11 Comments

Sunset's medication - MASTERMIND360

Sunset explains to the girls about her medication.

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It was a bright Sunday, the girls were chilling in the mall and at the food court, tomorrow is school so they're all going to need to blow off some steam before they start another tough week at school. They had just finished their pizza and decided to stick around for a bit more, like an hour or so and they can be on their way.

"How about we play a game of Uno?" Rainbow suggested.

"Then yer' gonna bet real money like last time," Applejack reminded her.

"Hey, you only won with luck!" Rainbow accused her. "I only lost it because of bad luck! But I'm still over 200 IQ pro at this! I haven't shown you my true powers!"

"The only thing true about you is your arrogance," Applejack countered, earning from a lot of "Oooooh!" from her friends at her roasting Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, that's it!" Rainbow challenged them, she brings out her box filled with Uno cards and place it on the table. "We all bet our real money here! The loser is broke, and the winner is rich and gets all the money!"

"Are sure about that?" Fluttershy asked her nervously. "I'm not sure about betting real money...."

"Relax," Rainbow assured her. "We're not playing poker here or anything like that, this is just all fun and games."

"Sounds fun!" Pinkie Pie agreed.

"If you're up for it," Sunset chimed in. "Then let's play!"

So for the next 10 minutes, they were playing Uno together with all of their money on the line. Rainbow smugly gazes at AJ, holding her cards, as it was her turn, Rainbow pull off another stop sign card on the table, thus stopping AJ from playing and her turn was skipped again.

"That is the 4th time yah did this to me!" Applejack scolded her, Rainbow Dash just burst out laughing. "Can ah' at least play fer once?!"

"I have to agree with her," Twilight added. "You gave us unfair cards while you gave yourself the best ones."

"You basically gave us rigged cards," Sunset added another.

"Hey! That's not true!" Rainbow denied. "I'm just showing you my true powers! I'm 200 IQ at this!"

"As if," Rarity retorted. "You're not even 200 IQ at this!"

"Oh, let's just be quiet and keep on playing!" Rainbow insisted.

But before they continued with their game, Derpy Hooves arrived with a package, her job is to deliver mail/packages.

"Oh, Sunset, here's a package from your therapist," Derpy offered, giving her the package sent from her therapist. "And she said she prescribed it."

"I know that, Derpy," Sunset told her. "And thanks anyway."

"Your welcome!" Then she took off with her own fashion.

"You didn't tell us you have a therapist," Rarity told her.

Sunset suddenly frowns at that as she suddenly realized what she's hiding for so long.

Rarity notices this and begins to worry, "Oh my. Did I said something wrong, darling??"

"No, it's just... it's something I've been meaning to tell you girls but I keep on forgetting." She sighs, can't believe she hadn't told that long.

"Well, what is what ya' forgot to tell us?" Applejack asked her.

"Well..." She shuddered once the painful memories of that time had come back to her. "This might too painful to explain but... do you girls remember Anon A Miss?"

All the girls (except Twilight) flinched at that. It has been two years since that, and they haven't brought it up ever since.

"But Sunset, I thought we agreed we're behind that?" Rainbow questioned.

"Wait, wait, I'm lost," Twilight stopped. "What are we talking about? And who's Anon A Miss?"

"Oh wait, I forgot that you're not there when it happened," Sunset said.

"Like what happened?" Twilight questioned again. "And why it has something to do with this Anon A Miss and why you agreed to never bring it up again??"

"Do we really need to bring this up now?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm sorry to say this Fluttershy but before we get into that, Twilight needs to know first," Sunset insisted, then turned to Twilight and explained. "Twilight, Anon A Miss is a user that spreads secrets and rumors on the internet, starting with Applejack's nickname."

Twilight frowned at that. "That sounds horrible." She said.

"It gets even worse," she continued. "Everyone thinks it was me who did it! And as for the rest of our friends, they also believe that I did..."

Twilight gasps at that while the others starting to feel a bit guilty at that memory when they abandon Sunset.

"We regret every single moment since the revelation of the real Anon A Miss..." Rainbow said somberly.

She sighs again. "I know you guys are, but then," she continued explaining. "Anon A Miss has caused me so much pain, it's too much to bear that driven me to the point of going all crazy. I did my hardest to fight the urge to finally snapped, as the days went on, more and more secrets were exposed, everyone blames me for it, and all the abuse I get physically and mentally, and that is when I started to lose my sanity and started seeing things, like more and more people abusing me for being Anon A Miss, and getting attacked, despite telling myself it was all a hallucination, the hallucinations itself feels real."

"It didn't help when the true culprits confessed and my name being cleared, It just keeps coming back to me... A day after they confessed, the hallucinations become even worse until I can't take it anymore and begin to snap, I even went out and retaliate on everyone unfairly out of despair, I was fighting a lot of people who were still accusing me of being Anon A Miss, while in reality, I repeatedly assaulting anyone in my way even after I'm proven to be innocent..." Tears stream down from her eyes as she continued. "I was forcibly taken to the office and even I didn't explain to Principal Celestia why I did, she can tell from the state I was currently in, knows why I did what I did. She advised me to get a hold of myself and get immediate help, I follow through with her advice as I realized I'm not safe to anyone if I'm being like this. Not even to you girls... this is why I didn't tell you girls at first, because if I lose my mind again, I would go out and hurt you, girls, too..." she begins to cry as her friends gathered around her and embrace her into a loving hug.

"Oh, Sunset," Fluttershy softly said, tears begin to stream from her eyes, same goes for the rests. "We have no idea how much we mistreated you must have made you like this..."

"We know how much we hurt you that time but we didn't know that it only makes you Loco in the Coco!" Pinkie cried.

"We should listen to ya' instead of jumping to conclusions!" Applejack added while sobbing.

"It is very unladylike for me to betray you like the way I did!" Rarity admitted while her tears are ruining her mascara.

"I should never have betrayed you like that!" Rainbow cried, she was crying so hard as much as the rest. "Some loyalty as such as myself!"

"I never had any idea you would go through all that!" Twilight added, embracing Sunset even tighter. "Even if I was not around when it happened, it still sounded horrible!"

"It's okay girls, it's okay..." Sunset replied softly. She let out a few sobs as they continued to embrace her into this hug. None of them wanted this to end, but they have to so they slowly let go of her with Twilight patting her back to ease her bit of despair.

"Now you all know why I have a therapist, my mental state, and my medication," Sunset recap. "And if didn't take them as what my therapist said of what is the right time to take them, I'll slowly lose my head. Again."

They finally stopped crying and wipe their tears as they understand the Sunset of her medical treatment.

"It's alright, Sunset," Applejack told her. "Now ah know why ya had meds, to begin with. Then again, we're sorry about before..." She apologized somberly.

"It's alright, I already said I forgave you girls," Sunset reminded them. "All is forgiven, all is in the past now."

"Then take one or else you go all psycho again," Rainbow demanded her. "Cuz this game had just begun!"

As Sunset opened the package and take one pill out of the small pack of pills, she accidentally drops the pill to the ground, but then time started to slow down around Sunset as everything around her was slowing down and it was hellish orange, this was a perfect advantage for her to pick that pill up with style, so she focused on a plate on another table and tag X on it from her conscious, then focused on a chair at the other table at her right and tag X at it, then look up to the ceiling and tag X on it again from her conscious but to everyone else, they can't see the Xs, so in a blink of an eye, Sunset karate light kick the pill and it zooms towards the plate, to the chair, and up to the ceiling and zoom towards the group with Sunset caught it with her two fingers. Her friends were really, really surprised by this as how Sunset manages to get it back without the pill hitting the ground.

"H-how did you do that?!" Rainbow wondered out loud. She was lost for words.

"This is different from my hallucinations," Sunset claimed, then took the pill into her mouth and picked up a glass of water, and swallowed it with the water. "I like to call this skill, Dead eye."

"Dead what now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, it's my skill, known as sharp focused," Sunset said. "Back at Equestria, while I was still under Princess Celestia, I also need to practice focusing, so basically, I mastered that skill so I called it sharp focused. But as I play Red Dead Redemption 2 that other days and one of the mechanics are similar to the skills I have, so I called it Dead Eye."

"I honestly don't what to know what that means, darling," Rarity told her.

"Neither do I," Rainbow added. "But anyway, let's stop blabbering and get on with this game!"

"Oh, that's it, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack challenged. "Ya' messed with us with rigged cars, we're gonna mess with your game!"

"Oh, try me!" Rainbow dared.

So the rest of the day, they played Uno cards together and it ended with Twilight winning since she's the true master of Uno. But being a good friend she is, she gives all the money back to her friends.

Author's Note:

In my headcanon, Sunset went insane even after Anon A Miss and she needs immedate hlep from the proffessionals, so I thought I should give it a try. I hope this story doesn't disappoint you all as I was not good at making sad stories and such.

Comments ( 11 )

Seems a bit rushed and lacking sorry.

I like the deadeye skill shown at the end.

You should take a look of Red Dead Redemption 2, that dead eye ability inspired me to give one to Sunset.

i would.... if i had any actual interest in Red Dead Redemption 2 beyond that ability.

You need some more practice. I would recommend a pre-reader and an editor. But it was a good idea.

Happen to take medicine myself like Sunset but mine is different instead of what happens to Sunset for me it helps with my emotional like angry and worry. And if I don't take this certain medicine I'd either worry a lot or get angry more easily there's been many times I I've forgotten and it's happened

So sorry to hear that

It's fine it's not the first time I've shared it

Not bad but I feel like it could be flushed out more, it has potential to be expanded upon.

This makes me wonder how many students at CHS take medication, because anon-a-miss wasn’t the only incident that happened.

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