• Published 3rd Sep 2022
  • 246 Views, 1 Comments

The Fallen Angel of Equestria - Sapphire-Stone

When a human from The Fallen Angel division of Earth's military escapes after realizing the brainwashing didn't affect her, she ends up teleporting to a new world....or was it?

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Chapter 1

They call me Elise; The Killer. I am a hybrid of a human and what the Division calls DA-421 - or Division Anomaly-421; The Fallen Angel. This entity is of humanoid origin that has black wings that of what humans refer to as Fallen Angels. - and I am a fugitive. I ended up in the Divisions' custody for being born with purple eyes, which gives me abilities akin to magic. I am of a slim stature and I have long, curly blonde hair, and the aforementioned purple eyes. I'm what the Division call a "perfect specimen" for their tests. I was taken from my parents when I turned eight years old and told that I was being put into a foster system due to them no longer wanting a child, I hated them for this. I later found out that I was being lied to by another kid that was captured. I still remember it like it was yesterday.


-The Entrance of Anomaly Holding Room B40-

~2:43 AM~

I felt a hand lightly grasp my shoulder. As I turn to look, the person put his finger over his lips as to shush me. "Don't worry, it's just me; Gregg." He whispered. "Look Elise, I know what they do to people that stay here when they become adults! They are turned into some kind of soldier to fight people like us, but a lot more dangerous!" He whispers, a scared look in his eye.

"What? I you know how stupid that sounds, right?" I say in return, as I exhale a small scoff and rolling my eyes.

"Elise, have you ever wondered why the older kids were taken when they turned 18 when we were first sent here?" He said, pointing out the fact that there was, in fact, something amiss.

I just scoffed again, admittedly, in ignorance. "So? If their are bad people out there with powers like ours, shouldn't we fight them to save everyone else?" I say, incredulous to his fear. His eyes start to tear up as he starts to talk. "My brother was sent here before I was, when he didn't come home for a long time, I asked my mother why and she told me he died!" He said, his whisper turning into a small, quiet yell. "I lost it, and my eyes turned purple and I started to move things, no, throw things around the house without touching them! A few days later, my parents got a knock at the door and it was one of those men, they told me I was no longer wanted by my parents and they agreed after having something sprayed in their face." He said, going back into a whisper. "They don't want to give us to other parents, they want to use us for our abilities to fight other people! If we don't do what they say, they will wipe our minds, just like they did with my brother!" He quietly exclaimed. "Oh? And just how do you know that?" I say, antagonistically. "He's the one who put me here!" He says, eyes glowing purple as he spoke. "Wha--?!" I almost yell, but he covers my mouth, shushing me once more. "Keep it down, El!" If the "guards" spot me, I share the same fate as my brother!" He quietly exclaims quietly.

~[End Flashback]~


I hear the holding door open. I look to see a man in a white shirt, white pants, and white shoes. One of the Division's "doctors" as they call them, more like fucking psychopaths with a PhD, steps in. His shoes echo within the large room that holds only me, everyone else is either dead or being used as weapons. 'But not me...' I think, getting ready to run. My wings shift, ready to get me airborne long enough to jump over the man.

"DA-421-30, it's time..." He said, sternness in his voice. His glasses gleamed in the single white, fluorescent light above his head. His clipboard in one hand, "obedience device" -- a shock stick -- in the other. I glare daggers at him, plotting my escape from the day I got here. After years of trying I have not been successful...but today? Today, I'm getting out. I will escape...or die trying.

"Fuck. You." I spit, venom dripping from my words as my eyes turn and glow a dark, shadowy purple. He notices this and, with shock-stick at the ready, he charges. "Come at me..." I almost whisper as a feral, rage-induced fury washes over me as I charge, stopping just short of the man, jumping over him. Once back on the ground, I sprint towards the room's exit as I hear him angerly grunt. I hear him run after me just as I get through the door, I press the locking mechanism and lock him in. "Not this time, asshole!" I yell as I run from the door to the exit of the building, a good number of guards running towards the same direction. I grunt in annoyance. "Hell no, you are NOT keeping me in this hell hole any--" I tried to say, only for darkness to fill the world around me, and I fall in the abyss.

'Save yourself, young one.' A female whisper echoed within the seemingly infinite abyss.


In a dimly candle-lit room, lays Princess Celestia in a much needed slumber. Her body jolts upward from a disturbance in magic. She looks to the sky, seeing only a singular falling star. She smiles at this, thinking it was her sister's doing. 'Only...wait...is...is that star moving...' She started thinking only for the "star" to move closer and closer towards her room. "What in Eque--" She was cut off from the "star" to then crash straight into her room with a loud boom. Hearing this, guards burst in the room, spears and magic at the ready.

"Princess are you okay?!" says one of the bat-pony guards.

Celestia only looks on in shock at the sight, mouth agape. She shakes off the shock. "I am fine, thank you, fair guardsponies." She says regally, a small shake in her voice doesn't do much to relieve them. They look at the impact point again only to see a creature, close in nature to that of an ape, but hairless...and...with wings?

"Princess, what is that...thing?" Said the Bat-Pony, fear clear in his voice from the unknown motives of this new creature.

"I--I don't know, fair guard, but I do know that whatever it is, we must make sure that it means no harm to us or Equestria." She said, shaking off the fear of this seemingly random creature showing up out of nowhere.

"Sister...what is that?!" came a worried voice from behind the guards.

Author's Note:

Okay! soooo first chapter! I know it's a tad bit short and may or may not give WAY too much exposition and what not, but i am just getting back into writing! Which, hopefully with college, will come a lot easier and not so brain-wracking.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Many more to come :D

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