• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 1,181 Views, 6 Comments

Total Drama Ponies - ThreeBronyBrothers

Five contestants from Total, Drama, Island in Ponyville to do some challenges.

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Third Times the Charm

It was morning at the library where the campers slept. Once they all woke up, Chris spoke up "Alrighty now, since we are all awake there is somepony coming back to the show!"

The campers were surprised at this, but they were even more surprised on who it was. All of the campers with a surprising tone, shouted "IZZY?!"

Trent said to Chris "WHAT! A THIRD TIME?"

"Higuysit'ssogoodtoseeyouagain!Howhaveyoubeen?Ican'twaittotellyoueverythingthat'shappenedsinceIleftagain!Where'smyOwenat? Izzy said rapidly.

Chris replied "Yup! CHALLENGE TIME! Follow me!"

The campers followed Chris. They were confused when they started walking through the apple farm. They all found themselves at a table near the barn.

Chris spoke up and said "Campers, your challenge today is... AN APPLE PIE EATING CONTEST!!!!"

Owen shouted "ALRIGHT!!!"

Trent didn't pay attention at all and Izzy asked is excitement " YAY! Where do we start this thing?!"

Applejack started speaking up "Alright partners, there are ten apple pies for each of you. Whoever finishes all twenty first, wins.. uh immunity, if that what it called and for the other two, you have to face each other at the campfire ceremony!"

She winks at Chris. He speaks up again "Alright campers you heard the rules. On your mark...... get set....... GO!"

Chris somehow shot a fire bolt from his horn and saw a griffon fall to the ground dead. He said to himself "That's going to invoke some angry emails..."

Owen waiting for his life for this challenge already ate twelve pies. Izzy ate five pies and as for Trent, two.

Trent couldn't do this challenge, but then he remembered what he said to Gwen before she left:

"Gwen I'm going to win for you and I'll give you all of the money."

Trent felt a sudden burst confidence and started eating like never before. Before he knew it, they were all tied, tired, and full. They only had one pie left. Applejack spoke up "COME ON CAMPERS, IT'S ONLY ONE PIE LET'S MOVE IT!!" She then looked at Chris and said "Now I know why you like this show..." Chris chuckled.

Owen had eaten about seven pies before he fell asleep. Izzy had eaten nine pies as well as Trent.

Trent picked up the pie and Applejack and Chris leaned forward towards Trent to see if he would eat it. Applejack told Trent "No pressure sugarcube..." Trent looked at her sternly and crammed the pie into his throat. His face fell onto the table.

"That's it! Trent wins immunity! Izzy and Owen, one of you are going to leave." Chris said.

Later at the campfire ceremony....

"Campers, there are only two yummy treats that bring safety. Also known as cupcakes. One of you are going to leave, and you may not come back... EVER! The first cupcake goes to Trent, our winner. The final cupcake of the evening goes to... Izzy."


Twilight spoke up "What is she talking about!?"

Chris replied "You don't want to know."

Owen looked at the ground and took one last look at Izzy. He was trying to say something, but got cut off.

Chris spoke up again "Campers, tomorrow is the final challenge for this season."

"Wait, when did you plan more seasons?" Trent asked

Chris replied "You know Trent, When you decide to do something cruel to a lot of people and then get a lawsuit from Courtney, lawyers are the best thing around. Now as I was saying, whoever wins, gets one.... million... DOLLARS!!!" Some of the cash flew out of the case. "Give or take... So get ready you two for the most crucial thing Chef and I can think of because everypony in this town is coming to watch!"

"YAY!" Izzy shouted.

Everyone then went their separate ways once more to get some sleep.