> Total Drama Ponies > by ThreeBronyBrothers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Final Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an average night at Camp Wanawankwa, the contestants had just returned from another long day. They ate horrible food, struggled through unusual challenges, and slept on uncomfortable beds. The remaining contestants were Owen, Gwen, Trent, Cody, and the big pain, Heather. The teams were gone, and it was every camper for themselves. Owen exclaimed "I can't believe we made it into the final five! This is so-." Heather interrupted "Shut it Owen!" Owen replied "Geeze, no need to be rude." "SHUT IT BOTH OF YOU!" Trent said, trying to sleep. "It's midnight, can we all just go to bed?!" The campers complied, and went to sleep. It was the next morning and Chris decided it'll be a awesome idea to use a siren, so he did. Everyone was alarmed but not surprised and got ready as fast as they could. "Good morning campers!" Chris said. Everyone gave Chris a stern look. He continued, "All right, go have breakfast and in forty five minutes, meet me by the campfire for your next challenge. You will all be surprised for this one!" All of the campers groaned knowing this surprise was going to be nothing special at all. As the campers walked towards mess hall, Chef and Chris chuckled knowing what was coming up. The menu was the same as usual, cold, dirty, and moldy, pancakes. Everyone passed on breakfast as usual. Time seemed to pass by quickly for some reason and the campers weren't happy about that. They all met up at the campfire and they all sat down. Chris began, "Okay campers, follow me!" They all began to follow. The saw a huge blanket covering it not too far away from the cabin. Chris took off the blanket and the campers were not surprised at all. Trent spoke up and said "It's horribly built. Do you really expect us to do something like this?" Chris replied "Of course! It earns us great ratings! And even better, it was built by me! And would have tested it out but all of the other interns died." Gwen rolled her eyes and groaned. "Here are some of the things you will face while doing this obstacle course. First up, there are spinning saws. Then you must balance yourself on a plank of wood over a pool of sharks. Then the final pièce de résistance is a rigged mud pool that you have to swing over using a very weak rope. That's all she wrote!" Chris said. "Gwen spoke up "I dare ask what it's rigged with?" Chris replied "Can't tell you. That's also something for you to find out if you fail" "Now let's start this with Cody!" Chris shouted. "OH COME ON!!" as he walked to the obstacle course. Cody was nervous as he slid through the saws and carefully walked on the plank. He ran to get the rope which broke before he grabbed it. When he hit the ground, a weird pink gas spewed out everywhere knocking Cody unconscious before he hit the ground and fell into the mud. All four of them went though the obstacle course to further investigate the mud pit. However, the gas was so powerful that it knocked all four of them unconscious in the mud. Chris and Chef came over and Chris screamed "NO!!! MY RATINGS ARE GOING TO DROP!!!!" and then pushed Chef into the pit and then jumped in himself to not face his guilt. They all then teleported somehow or so it seemed. A few hours passed and they suddenly woke up in a library with a lilac unicorn and a very annoyed purple and green baby dragon. > Mystical Land Perfect For This Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris spoke up first and said "Um... hello there. My name is Chris. This is Owen, Cody, Chef, Gwen, Heather, and Trent." The unicorn said "Oh hello there everypony, you've all been out for a good four hours." "Wait, did you say everypony?" Gwen asked. The unicorn responded "Why yes I did, and all I have to say now is welcome to Ponyville!" All of the campers in confusion said "Ponyville?" The unicorn said "Yes I did, and you're all ponies." Everyone started shirking except Owen. In the midst of the screaming Owen said "THIS IS AWESOME!" Once the screaming died down Chris spoke up again, saying "Um... What's your name?" The unicorn said "I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike." Chris spoke up again "Alright campers we-" Twilight interrupted "Campers?" "Yes, campers. I run a television show." "Um... what is television?" Owen spoke up "HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TELEVISION IS?!" "Is he usually like this?" Twilight asked. All the other campers nodded. Owen spoke up again "Hey! I'm not always crazy! I'm a sensible guy!" He pondered for a few seconds. "Most of the time anyway." He concluded. Trent spoke up "Now what are we doing here Twilight?" Twilight replied "I need help on some-" Gwen cut her off "WHERE ARE MY HANDS!" looking at her hooves. Chef spoke up "Yeah, where are they and I feel suddenly shorter." Chris and the rest of the campers looked at their hooves screaming from lack of hand. Owen screamed the loudest. Chris asked Twilight "Why would you do this to our hands?" Twilight rolled her eyes and casted a spell to settle everyone down. "OKAY now that you're all quiet, may I finish?!" Twilight said with an annoyed look on her face similar to Spike's. "Now as I was saying, I need some help with some scientific research-" Once again cut off Heather said "So you're saying that ponies can also do science?" Before Twilight could say anything, everyone started screaming again. Twilight and Spike were very annoyed, they couldn't take it any more so Twilight put a spell on all of them to have a closed zipper mouth. The screaming died down in an instant. Spike sighed. "MAY I PLEASE FINISH!!!!!!!!" Twilight shouted. The cast flinched when she yelled. Owen tried to say "Sorry." but his voice was all muffled. Twilight said "Now I was trying to say that I was going to do research on humans but I can't because you're all ponies. Since I have you all silent I will announce what each of you seven are. Owen and Heather you're an earth ponies. Owen chuckled as best as he could with a zippered mouth. Gwen and Trent, was it? You're both pegasi. Chris, Chef, and Cody, you're unicorns. Now that I got that cleared up..." Twilight casted a spell for the zippers to disappear. "There, now you can speak, but please don't shriek again!" A random awkward silence arose for a few minutes and Spike said "Um, you guys can talk now." Twilight gave all of them a small pouch of bits for what they needed. Spike spoke up "Twilight, don't give them bits!" Twilight replied "Why not Spike?" "Because there all snobs! Especially Owen! No offence." Owen replied "None taken." while everyone else looked at Spike with a stern look on their faces. Twilight was also annoyed at Spike and said "Spike that's enough, go upstairs while I talk to them alright." Spike backed away and mummered under his breath angerly. Twilight said "Now before you go, I want you to meet my friends. There is a farm called Sweet Apple Acres. There you'll meet a pony named Applejack. Then there is another pony that is usually always napping on a cloud named Rainbow Dash, then another pony at Sugarcube Corner named Pinkie Pie, then look for a cottage near a forest called the Everfree Forsest and there you'll find Fluttershy, and lastly, find Carasoul Boutique and there you'll find Rarity. You all can find me here at the library." Chris announced a new challenge "Okay campers, your NEW challenge is to find each friend and bring them back here. First four ponies to bring them here, win immunity but whoever is last to get here, you're out and you may not return...EVER! Cody, you get Rainbow Dash, Gwen, you get Applejack, Owen, you get Pinkie Pie, Heather, you get Fluttershy, and Trent, bring back Rarity. GO!" All of the contestants trotted as fast as they could to get to their destinations. Chef asked "Chris, do you know what's going on?" Chris replied "I have no idea." They both started laughing at their realizations. > Elimination in a Different kind of Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trent got to Carasoul Boutique and knocked on the door and Rarity opened the door and said "Why hello there darling is there anything I can do for you?" Trent replied "I need you to come with me. To the library." Rarity said "Alright, I'll come, but first, I need your help with this ensemble." "NO, NO, NO!" Trent shouted in a worried tone. "You don't get it! It's very important! After this, you'll have all the time in the world to finish whatever it is your making!" "Why should I trust you?" Rarity asked. Trent sighed. "It has something to do with Twilight Sparkle." He concluded. "Twilight?" Rarity asked. "Oh for goodness sake! Just please come with me!" Trent shouted. Rarity sighed " Okay fine. Just let me get my scarf." Rarity said. Trent cheered silently. Owen got to Sugarcube Corner and saw the door was already open and saw a pink mare behind the counter and said "OH MY A NEW PONY IN TOWN!" Owen said "Make that *pant* seven new ponies" Pinkie Pie saw that he was tired so she gave him a cupcake and then bursted out in joy that seven new ponies arrived here and wanted to inform Twilight so she ran out to go to the library meanwhile Owen tried to catch up. "WAIT UP PLEASE!" Owen shouted out to Pinkie. He looked around. "Aw man... I lost her." Cody found Rainbow Dash after searching around the library a bit. He found her and asked to follow him to the library. Rainbow looked confused and asked "Who are you?" "My name is Cody" He said Rainbow Dash began to laugh at his expense. Cody rolled his eyes and paced around and waited for her to stop laughing. Unfortunately, while he paced, he tripped on a rock and fell. This made Rainbow laugh even harder. Cody decided to just lie on the ground. After a couple of minutes, Rainbow stopped laughing. "You quite done?" Cody asked with anger. Rainbow wiped some tears off of her face from all of the laughing. She noticed Twilight and flew over there shouting "HEY TWILIGHT! YOU GOTTA HEAR WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" She was too busy carring the cloud and wiping her tears that she crashed into the outside of the library. Cody said to himself "Great, they move clouds too." Cody was getting really frustrated so to let out some loose anger, he did the unwise thing, ran back to the library and purposely crashed his head into the door. Chris saw Cody fall and said to the unconscious pony "Congratulations Cody, you won immunity!" Trent then came by hoping he won immunity and Chris said "Trent, you got immunity along with Cody." Trent sighed in relief. Gwen got to the farm and met Applejack. Applejack welcomed her saying "Howdy partner! You look like you're in a hurry, what wrong? Gwen replied "I am in a hurry and I need you to come with me to the library." Applejack had a confused look on her face. She tagged along to see what was happening. Gwen and Applejack trotted together and along the way, Applejack asked some questions. "What's ya name?" Applejack said. "Gwen." Gwen said bluntly. "What is happening?" she asked. "I'll explain later." Gwen replied. "What do ya do for a livin'?" she asked. Gwen sighed and thought about it for a second. "I'll get back to you on that." Gwen said after a few seconds. Back at the library, Chris was talking to Twilight. "So what do you think?" Chris asked. "Hmm. I don't know." Twilight said. "BUT I NEED YOU! I NEED AN ASSISTANT!" Chris whined. Twilight thought about it a bit more. "Okay. You've got yourself a deal!" Twilight said with a grin. Owen and Pinkie were in the distance. When they came by, Chris said "Owen, you earned immunity!" Pinkie asked "Immunity? What's that?" Rarity replied "Chris here explained everything so I'll tell about it this-" Rarity saw Cody still unconscious and asked "What's with him?" Rainbow and Twilight spoke up and said in unison "It's a long story." Heather arrived at Fluttershy's house and Angel opened the door. Heather said "Oh please, don't tell me YOU'RE Fluttershy. He shook his head and Fluttershy came to greet Heather. A voice came from behind the door."Oh um. Hello." Heather said "Listen up you! I need you to follow me back to the library NOW!" Fluttershy was scared so she said "OKAY!" in an whispering tone and trotted with Heather. Gwen was almost there and also saw Heather nearby so she trotted faster. Everyone cheered for Gwen and felt a little bit more confident knowing she was about to win. Heather and Gwen were neck and neck, Gwen dived to get to the library door along with Applejack. As she flew, she broke the top of the door. Heather was one hoof step away from the finishing line with Fluttershy who then ran in the library to hide from her. Chris spoke up "Gwen, you won immunity which means Heather, you're out, but since were here and there's no Dock of Shame, you will just sit in the library for now until this is all over. NO Wait! I just got a better idea! Heather, you're banished to that creepy forest! What was it again? The Everfree Forest?" "This is UNBELIEVABLE!" Heather pouted and stomped her hooves. "When we get back home, so help me Chris I will ruin you! You hear me? RUIN YOU!" Twilight had teleported her. "I have the worst headache right now..." Twilight said. Spike coughed as the dust came from the top shelf of very old history of Equestria books. Chris came inside to talk to the campers for a moment. Chris said "Alright, now that we got Heather out of here, you four remain. One of you could win the 1,000,000 dollar check. Find out next time on Total, Drama, Islan-" Twilight interrupted saying "Um, we're no where close to a island, in fact, this is a town." Chris then replied "So um how about Total, Drama, Ponies! NO WAIT DON'T GO TO COMMERCIAL BREAK! > Leg Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's Total Drama Island without the early morning disturbance? Nothing right? Well let's just say that Chris went to Sugarcube Corner to "borrow" Pinkie's party cannon. He assumed it was full of something so he walked away towards the library. He rolled the party cannon to Twilight's house where the contestants were sleeping and tried to find a way to fire the cannon. There was a button on the side on the cannon and not knowing it was going to do, he pressed it. The confetti and cake batter was sent flying. The force was so powerful that somehow, it took off the entire upper floor. While it fell, Chris said "That's going to invoke some angry E-Mails" The sound of collapsing alarmed the contestants and they all shouted "WHAT THE HAY JUST HAPPENED?!" They all saw Chris as he laughed. Spike then woke up to a destroyed second floor and screamed "OH COME ON, REALLY!" Everyone evacuated what was left of the building. Chris said "Alright, since that is over, CHALLENGE TIME!!" Chris and Chef laughed as the campers lowered their heads in disappointment. Chris said "So today's challenge is a marathon!" All the contestants groaned. Chris continued "Now you four have to run to the Everfree Forest's entrance and run back here, BUT since we wanted to make this even more fun for you guys, Chef and I want you to do a lap in ten minutes! Whoever doesn't get back in those ten minutes or takes a break will be disqualified and will be immediately sent to the Everfree Forest, and you may not come back... EVER!" Trent shouted "What, that's insane! It took us forever to do the first challenge and now you want us to run for what is probably miles away from here and back twice in ten minutes! That's impossible!" "We don't even know where it is." Cody said. "Whatever. I don't care!" Chris said with glee. The campers went to the starting line. "The first person to get to the forest and back will win immunity. Everyone else, you will have to decide which one of you goes home." Chris said. "Anyway, get ready, set.......... GO GO GO GO GO!!!" They all started trotting along the road. They all were about head to head. Surprisingly, Owen was in second so far. Cody pushed himself a bit more and was in first place. Gwen and Trent were lagging behind a bit. Then they were all neck and neck again. They all arrived at the forest. They all now had to dash back. Meanwhile, Chris and Chef were learning levitation back at the library. While they haven't tried to levitate anything Chris and Chef were getting the basic idea from a couple of books and a lecture from Twilight. Before they knew it, the contestants were almost at the library again. Cody had pushed himself with all of the energy he had left and had exausted him before he got back to the library. Trent had pushed himself as well and before he knew it, he way at the library. "AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" Chris shouted. Everyone had stopped and tried to catch their breath. Chris went to Sugarcube Corner to get some cupcakes just for a snack. He got two dozen apple slice cupcakes. He got back to the library to all the contestants. It was 8:45. They all ate and Chris saw there were three cupcakes left so he thought for a minute and got a brilliant idea. Use the cupcakes for the "Campfire Ceremony" so he grinned at the idea and saw it was 9:00. Chris then shouted "CONTESTANTS!" They all looked at him and listened to Chris. "I hope you casted you votes, because the ceremony is beginning right now!" Chris said. Chris looked at the votes and started calling out the cupcakes to the contestants. He started to say " These cupcakes represent life and safety. If you don't get the cupcake, you're out of the contest, and you may not come back....EVER! The first cupcake goes to our winner Trent. The next cupcake goes to... Trent." Chris said. "Owen and Cody, this is the final cupcake of the evening. The final cupcake goes to...Owen. Cody, you're out the Everfree Forest awaits." Chris concluded. "WHAT! WHY?" Cody asked. "Well in reality, Owen was supposed to go, but you never crossed the finish line. The time limit passed ten minutes. Therefore you were disqualified." Chris said. Twilight went over to Cody and teleported him to the forest. When Cody got there, he saw Heather scaring a pack of ten mantacores. Cody looked down to the ground in shame and lied down next to a tree and tried to fall asleep. > Free Falling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen was a bit upset, but releived at the same time. Sure he missed Cody, but he didn't want to get kicked out either. Chris enters exploding the side of the library wall and screamed, "CHALLENGE TIME IN TWENTY MINUTES!!!" Of course, the other campers were angry about that and all rushed to Sweet Apple Acres for a quick apple to eat before the challenge. All of the campers groaned in sudden realization when Chris said "Okay well that took about... let's just say about....." He put a huge grin on his face and screamed "CHALLENGE TIME!!! So for today's challenge is..... JUMPING OFF A CLIFF!!" Gwen shouted "WAIT A MINUTE!! Didn't we do this already in the first episode?" Chris looked at Gwen sternly and said "If you didn't interrupt me, I would've finished. So instead of falling off a one thousand foot cliff into water, you land on boulders!! Twice the fun and twice the ratings! Since we want to be generous, we give you a chance to not dive off, Twilight will put a spell so you won't die, and as a special bonus, we set a rusty old trampoline that will most likely break. Whoever lands on the trampoline or in the rubble of the trampoline, wins immunity. Chris replied "I have no idea. Anyway, it's time to start this challenge! Twilight, which mountain was it when you told me that story when you and the other five ponies faced that dragon and Fluttershy came to the rescue?" Twilight put the spell on everypony to protect them from getting hurt. The contestants arrived at the mountain along with Chris. "ARE YOU THREE READY!!" Chris shouted with glee. All of the contestants replied "NO!" Chris said "OKAY THEN LETS START WITH GWEN!!" Gwen replied "OH NO!" Gwen went to the edge of the mountain and she was beyond nervous. Chris waited a few minutes for her to jump. Gwen sighed and said "That's it, I give up." Chris said "NO YOU DON'T" and picked up Gwen and threw her off the edge and ended up face planting into the cement floor and groaned. Back up on top, Chef and the contestants shook their heads at Chris and he said "What. Did you expect me to let her go? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK TO GET UP HERE?! I only helped her get down." "Alright next up, Owen!" Owen walked up to the edge. He started trotting off and while he fell he screamed. He landed not on the trampoline, but through the trampoline. He went down so far that he fell in a cave and saw some diamonds and other various of gems. Then out of the blue a very excited Rarity came and while taking the gems she screamed "THOSE GEMS ARE MINE!" As Rarity trotted away, Owen said "OKAY she is crazier than Izzy!" Owen could still hear Rarity laughing like a maniac and said to himself "Defiantly crazier." Trent was the last one to go and jump. He obviously wasn't too thrilled to do this, but after a few seconds of getting the positioning right, he prepared to jump and landed in the rubble of the trampoline. He fell in the same cave as Owen. "Oh hi there!" Owen exclaimed. "Hello." Trent said. Chris, Chef and Twilight gathered Gwen and walked away. "Hello?" Owen and Trent said in unison. Twilight teleported to them and telepoted back. Later at the campfire ceremony: Chris said "Campers, that was a disappointment, but there are only two cupcakes of safety deliciousness on this plate. Owen gets the first cupcake." Tension started to build up when it was only Gwen and Trent left, but only one cupcake. Chris spoke up again "The final cupcake of the evening goes to... Trent." Shock filled everyone. The cupcake's frosting hit his forehead. Based on what had happened, it was obvious, but it was still upsetting. Trent, being the most shocked trotted to Gwen and said "Hey, don't worry about it, I'll win for you and I'll give you all of the money." "Aw thanks Trent, but there's no need." Gwen replied. She was about to say something else but got teleported to the Everfree Forest. Trent sat there. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He continued to sit there in the cold. He knew he'd see her again someday, but he never felt the motivation anymore to even move if Gwen wan't there. After a few more minutes, he sighed joined with the rest of the group. Gwen appeared in the forest and looked around. No one was there. He saw lights from a nearby cottage and walked towards there. In the distance, she heard Heather shouting. "GET THIS BIRD AWAY FROM ME!" She heard another voice from the distance, but this was in a lighter tune. "Mr. Tweedums! Get away from her! She might hurt you!" "OOH I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU, YOU DUMB YELLOW PONY!" Heather shouted. Next thing she heard was crying. Gwen decided she had hear enough and she had walked in. Everything went silent. "Hi Gwen!" Cody said eagerly. Gwen rolled her eyes. > Third Times the Charm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was morning at the library where the campers slept. Once they all woke up, Chris spoke up "Alrighty now, since we are all awake there is somepony coming back to the show!" The campers were surprised at this, but they were even more surprised on who it was. All of the campers with a surprising tone, shouted "IZZY?!" Trent said to Chris "WHAT! A THIRD TIME?" "Higuysit'ssogoodtoseeyouagain!Howhaveyoubeen?Ican'twaittotellyoueverythingthat'shappenedsinceIleftagain!Where'smyOwenat? Izzy said rapidly. Chris replied "Yup! CHALLENGE TIME! Follow me!" The campers followed Chris. They were confused when they started walking through the apple farm. They all found themselves at a table near the barn. Chris spoke up and said "Campers, your challenge today is... AN APPLE PIE EATING CONTEST!!!!" Owen shouted "ALRIGHT!!!" Trent didn't pay attention at all and Izzy asked is excitement " YAY! Where do we start this thing?!" Applejack started speaking up "Alright partners, there are ten apple pies for each of you. Whoever finishes all twenty first, wins.. uh immunity, if that what it called and for the other two, you have to face each other at the campfire ceremony!" She winks at Chris. He speaks up again "Alright campers you heard the rules. On your mark...... get set....... GO!" Chris somehow shot a fire bolt from his horn and saw a griffon fall to the ground dead. He said to himself "That's going to invoke some angry emails..." Owen waiting for his life for this challenge already ate twelve pies. Izzy ate five pies and as for Trent, two. Trent couldn't do this challenge, but then he remembered what he said to Gwen before she left: "Gwen I'm going to win for you and I'll give you all of the money." Trent felt a sudden burst confidence and started eating like never before. Before he knew it, they were all tied, tired, and full. They only had one pie left. Applejack spoke up "COME ON CAMPERS, IT'S ONLY ONE PIE LET'S MOVE IT!!" She then looked at Chris and said "Now I know why you like this show..." Chris chuckled. Owen had eaten about seven pies before he fell asleep. Izzy had eaten nine pies as well as Trent. Trent picked up the pie and Applejack and Chris leaned forward towards Trent to see if he would eat it. Applejack told Trent "No pressure sugarcube..." Trent looked at her sternly and crammed the pie into his throat. His face fell onto the table. "That's it! Trent wins immunity! Izzy and Owen, one of you are going to leave." Chris said. Later at the campfire ceremony.... "Campers, there are only two yummy treats that bring safety. Also known as cupcakes. One of you are going to leave, and you may not come back... EVER! The first cupcake goes to Trent, our winner. The final cupcake of the evening goes to... Izzy." Izzy spoke up to Owen "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU THROW ME INTO A ESCAPED MURDERER WITH A CHAINSAW AND A HOOK!!" Twilight spoke up "What is she talking about!?" Chris replied "You don't want to know." Owen looked at the ground and took one last look at Izzy. He was trying to say something, but got cut off. Chris spoke up again "Campers, tomorrow is the final challenge for this season." "Wait, when did you plan more seasons?" Trent asked Chris replied "You know Trent, When you decide to do something cruel to a lot of people and then get a lawsuit from Courtney, lawyers are the best thing around. Now as I was saying, whoever wins, gets one.... million... DOLLARS!!!" Some of the cash flew out of the case. "Give or take... So get ready you two for the most crucial thing Chef and I can think of because everypony in this town is coming to watch!" "YAY!" Izzy shouted. Everyone then went their separate ways once more to get some sleep. > Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The campers woke up being very stressed and tired. They both wanted to win the million dollars, but they felt like they can't do anything at all. Chris walked in and shouted "COME ON CAMPERS, TODAY'S YOUR BIG DAY WHEN YOU FACE EACH OTHER IN THE MOST AWESOME FINALE EVER!" Izzy and Trent were quiet. Chris sighed "Fine, go get breakfast and meet me by the campfire." Trent and Izzy knew this was the final time that they would eat something with a camerastallion watching them. It was annoying that they watched them eat but no it was time to meet up at the campfire. Chris spoke up "Campers, your challenge today is.... A good old fashion game of TROT-SCOTCH!" Izzy and Trent were confused. Chris continued "It's exactly like hop-scotch except it's a very long course with EXPLOSIVES!" Trent was a bit scared and Izzy was excited and said "COME ON CHRIS TELL ME MORE!!" Chris replied "Izzy, I explained everything already. And also Twilight put that spell that you are not able to get hurt... only for today." Izzy said "Oh." Chris continued "Like I said last night, all of Ponyville is coming to see this. Don't disappoint them." He chuckled along with Chef. Chef spoke up "Chris and I set this entire thing up! So you must do the entire thing DO YOU HEAR ME SOLDIERS!" Izzy and Trent replied shouting "YES MASTER CHIEF!" Chef continued "Get to the course NOW!" Izzy and Trent started trotting to where the course was. Once Chris and Chef got there, Chris spoke up "LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS, TODAY BRINGS THE MOST CRUCIAL THING WE COULD THINK OF!" All of the ponies cheered. Chef spoke up "TODAY, WE BRING YOU A GAME CALLED TROT-SCOTCH!" All of the ponies were a bit confused. Chef continued "EXCEPT, IT'S A LONGER COURSE AND WE HID EXPLOSIVES IN IT!" Then all of the ponies once again cheered. Chris spoke up again "OUR CONTESTANTS WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU!" Chef spoke up again "HEY CHRIS SPEAKING OF THE CONTESTANTS, HERE THEY ARE! FIRST WE HAVE IZZY!" All of the ponies cheered once again. Chef continued "AND FINALLY, WE HAVE TRENT" Once more the ponies cheered. Chris spoke up once more "LET'S GET THIS CHALLENGE STARTED!" Izzy and Trent arrived at their stations. Chris explained the rules "Contestants, you must complete the course! Whoever make it to the end first wins the challenge! IF both of you make it at the same time, whoever tripped over the most mines is out of the contest! ARE YOU READY!" Chris shouted "ON YOUR MARK..... GET SET..... GO GO GO!!!!!" Izzy and Trent were trying their best to keep their balance so they don't explode. Chris had a detonator for Trent, and Chef had one for Izzy. Chris pushed the handle for the detonator and it made Trent fly forward screaming. Chris then pushed it down again and it pushed Trent back. Izzy on the other hoof was dodging all of the mines Chef let loose, except for one mine that flung her back. Chris shouted "TRENT TRIPPED OVER TWO MINES AND IZZY, ONE!" The entire crowd cheered. Trent got back up and continued. He started hopping at a faster pace and still managing to keep his balance the same way as before. Izzy got up immediately and hopped faster as well. She was a bit behind Trent. She was wishing that Trent would slow down a bit or blow up. The opposite happened. She went slower and blew up except this was a big help for her because she flew forward. Trent was a bit angry and started to hop faster, and then he blew up again. He started doing back flips. He screamed as all of this happened. Izzy continued on with a big lead. Trent finally fell to the ground and hopped as fast as possible. Chris and Chef shouted "THEY ARE BOTH HALF WAY THERE!" The entire crowd of ponies cheered again. Trent and Izzy were neck and neck. Chef pushed down the handle on the detonator and the mine hit Izzy. She flung back. Trent grinned and started hopping a bit faster now. and started to see a little bit of the finish line. Izzy got back up and another mine went off that sent her flying faster than Rainbow Dash. She passed by Trent and said to him "See you at the finish line!!!!" Trent thought to himself "OH COME ON!!" As he continued hopping and Chris pushed down the handle. Trent was flying forward to the finish line an fell right in front of it. He got back up to feel disappointment. He lost. The entire crowd of ponies cheered to Izzy's victory. Trent sighed in disappointment. Chris shouted "AND WE HAVE OUR WINNER! IZZY!" The crowd of ponies cheered louder. Chef spoke up "Congratulations soldier, Here's your prize!" "Coooool! I'm going to buy so many snakes with this money!" Izzy said. She saw Trent and said "Don't worry Trent, I'm sure there will be another season for you to win." "You know what, your right, congratulations by the way." Trent replied "Thanks!" she said. Chris spoke up again looking at the crowd "That's it! The season is over and we finally have a winner. Who will win the next season? These questions will be answered next season on the next crucial series on Total, Drama, Action Ponies!" Please read author's note.