• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 1,181 Views, 6 Comments

Total Drama Ponies - ThreeBronyBrothers

Five contestants from Total, Drama, Island in Ponyville to do some challenges.

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Leg Day

What's Total Drama Island without the early morning disturbance? Nothing right? Well let's just say that Chris went to Sugarcube Corner to "borrow" Pinkie's party cannon. He assumed it was full of something so he walked away towards the library.

He rolled the party cannon to Twilight's house where the contestants were sleeping and tried to find a way to fire the cannon. There was a button on the side on the cannon and not knowing it was going to do, he pressed it. The confetti and cake batter was sent flying. The force was so powerful that somehow, it took off the entire upper floor. While it fell, Chris said "That's going to invoke some angry E-Mails"

The sound of collapsing alarmed the contestants and they all shouted "WHAT THE HAY JUST HAPPENED?!" They all saw Chris as he laughed.

Spike then woke up to a destroyed second floor and screamed "OH COME ON, REALLY!"

Everyone evacuated what was left of the building.

Chris said "Alright, since that is over, CHALLENGE TIME!!" Chris and Chef laughed as the campers lowered their heads in disappointment.

Chris said "So today's challenge is a marathon!" All the contestants groaned.

Chris continued "Now you four have to run to the Everfree Forest's entrance and run back here, BUT since we wanted to make this even more fun for you guys, Chef and I want you to do a lap in ten minutes! Whoever doesn't get back in those ten minutes or takes a break will be disqualified and will be immediately sent to the Everfree Forest, and you may not come back... EVER!"

Trent shouted "What, that's insane! It took us forever to do the first challenge and now you want us to run for what is probably miles away from here and back twice in ten minutes! That's impossible!"

"We don't even know where it is." Cody said.

"Whatever. I don't care!" Chris said with glee.

The campers went to the starting line.

"The first person to get to the forest and back will win immunity. Everyone else, you will have to decide which one of you goes home." Chris said. "Anyway, get ready, set.......... GO GO GO GO GO!!!"

They all started trotting along the road. They all were about head to head. Surprisingly, Owen was in second so far. Cody pushed himself a bit more and was in first place. Gwen and Trent were lagging behind a bit. Then they were all neck and neck again. They all arrived at the forest. They all now had to dash back.

Meanwhile, Chris and Chef were learning levitation back at the library. While they haven't tried to levitate anything Chris and Chef were getting the basic idea from a couple of books and a lecture from Twilight.

Before they knew it, the contestants were almost at the library again. Cody had pushed himself with all of the energy he had left and had exausted him before he got back to the library. Trent had pushed himself as well and before he knew it, he way at the library.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" Chris shouted. Everyone had stopped and tried to catch their breath.

Chris went to Sugarcube Corner to get some cupcakes just for a snack. He got two dozen apple slice cupcakes.
He got back to the library to all the contestants. It was 8:45. They all ate and Chris saw there were three cupcakes left so he thought for a minute and got a brilliant idea. Use the cupcakes for the "Campfire Ceremony" so he grinned at the idea and saw it was 9:00. Chris then shouted "CONTESTANTS!" They all looked at him and listened to Chris.

"I hope you casted you votes, because the ceremony is beginning right now!" Chris said.

Chris looked at the votes and started calling out the cupcakes to the contestants. He started to say " These cupcakes represent life and safety. If you don't get the cupcake, you're out of the contest, and you may not come back....EVER! The first cupcake goes to our winner Trent. The next cupcake goes to... Trent." Chris said.

"Owen and Cody, this is the final cupcake of the evening. The final cupcake goes to...Owen. Cody, you're out the Everfree Forest awaits." Chris concluded.

"WHAT! WHY?" Cody asked.

"Well in reality, Owen was supposed to go, but you never crossed the finish line. The time limit passed ten minutes. Therefore you were disqualified." Chris said.

Twilight went over to Cody and teleported him to the forest.

When Cody got there, he saw Heather scaring a pack of ten mantacores. Cody looked down to the ground in shame and lied down next to a tree and tried to fall asleep.