• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 1,181 Views, 6 Comments

Total Drama Ponies - ThreeBronyBrothers

Five contestants from Total, Drama, Island in Ponyville to do some challenges.

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Free Falling

Owen was a bit upset, but releived at the same time. Sure he missed Cody, but he didn't want to get kicked out either. Chris enters exploding the side of the library wall and screamed, "CHALLENGE TIME IN TWENTY MINUTES!!!"

Of course, the other campers were angry about that and all rushed to Sweet Apple Acres for a quick apple to eat before the challenge.

All of the campers groaned in sudden realization when Chris said "Okay well that took about... let's just say about....." He put a huge grin on his face and screamed "CHALLENGE TIME!!! So for today's challenge is..... JUMPING OFF A CLIFF!!"

Gwen shouted "WAIT A MINUTE!! Didn't we do this already in the first episode?"

Chris looked at Gwen sternly and said "If you didn't interrupt me, I would've finished. So instead of falling off a one thousand foot cliff into water, you land on boulders!! Twice the fun and twice the ratings! Since we want to be generous, we give you a chance to not dive off, Twilight will put a spell so you won't die, and as a special bonus, we set a rusty old trampoline that will most likely break. Whoever lands on the trampoline or in the rubble of the trampoline, wins immunity.

Chris replied "I have no idea. Anyway, it's time to start this challenge! Twilight, which mountain was it when you told me that story when you and the other five ponies faced that dragon and Fluttershy came to the rescue?"

Twilight put the spell on everypony to protect them from getting hurt. The contestants arrived at the mountain along with Chris.

"ARE YOU THREE READY!!" Chris shouted with glee.

All of the contestants replied "NO!"


Gwen replied "OH NO!"

Gwen went to the edge of the mountain and she was beyond nervous. Chris waited a few minutes for her to jump. Gwen sighed and said "That's it, I give up." Chris said "NO YOU DON'T" and picked up Gwen and threw her off the edge and ended up face planting into the cement floor and groaned.

Back up on top, Chef and the contestants shook their heads at Chris and he said "What. Did you expect me to let her go? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK TO GET UP HERE?! I only helped her get down."

"Alright next up, Owen!" Owen walked up to the edge. He started trotting off and while he fell he screamed.

He landed not on the trampoline, but through the trampoline. He went down so far that he fell in a cave and saw some diamonds and other various of gems.

Then out of the blue a very excited Rarity came and while taking the gems she screamed "THOSE GEMS ARE MINE!"

As Rarity trotted away, Owen said "OKAY she is crazier than Izzy!"

Owen could still hear Rarity laughing like a maniac and said to himself "Defiantly crazier."

Trent was the last one to go and jump. He obviously wasn't too thrilled to do this, but after a few seconds of getting the positioning right, he prepared to jump and landed in the rubble of the trampoline. He fell in the same cave as Owen.

"Oh hi there!" Owen exclaimed.

"Hello." Trent said.

Chris, Chef and Twilight gathered Gwen and walked away.

"Hello?" Owen and Trent said in unison.

Twilight teleported to them and telepoted back.

Later at the campfire ceremony:

Chris said "Campers, that was a disappointment, but there are only two cupcakes of safety deliciousness on this plate. Owen gets the first cupcake."

Tension started to build up when it was only Gwen and Trent left, but only one cupcake. Chris spoke up again "The final cupcake of the evening goes to... Trent."

Shock filled everyone. The cupcake's frosting hit his forehead. Based on what had happened, it was obvious, but it was still upsetting.

Trent, being the most shocked trotted to Gwen and said "Hey, don't worry about it, I'll win for you and I'll give you all of the money."

"Aw thanks Trent, but there's no need." Gwen replied. She was about to say something else but got teleported to the Everfree Forest.


He continued to sit there in the cold. He knew he'd see her again someday, but he never felt the motivation anymore to even move if Gwen wan't there. After a few more minutes, he sighed joined with the rest of the group.

Gwen appeared in the forest and looked around. No one was there. He saw lights from a nearby cottage and walked towards there. In the distance, she heard Heather shouting. "GET THIS BIRD AWAY FROM ME!" She heard another voice from the distance, but this was in a lighter tune. "Mr. Tweedums! Get away from her! She might hurt you!"


Next thing she heard was crying. Gwen decided she had hear enough and she had walked in. Everything went silent.

"Hi Gwen!" Cody said eagerly.

Gwen rolled her eyes.