• Published 6th Sep 2020
  • 704 Views, 6 Comments

The Elder Scrolls IV: The Equestrian Crisis - Elmaster48

Princess Twilight Sparkle and The Champion of Cyrodill each completed their own journey and form of ascension, but now they will have to face a new challenge when the two of them started to see in the sky the world the other one tried to protect.

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Chapter 9

The machine was finally repaired, but now it was time to lower the moon and raise the sun, Starswirl alongside Starlight and Sunburst went out to pick up some unicorn sorecerers from canterlot to do just that.

Meanwhile Twilight would be experimenting, trying to see if she can access to magic, she was now in a human body, breton to be specific… wherever that might be.

Twilight lacked an horn so magic was out of her reach, the events of yesterday made clear that the so called champion of cyrodill is capable of doing magic, but they don’t know if his magic is thanks to its new horn or had some magic that managed to keep in spite of the switching of the bodies.

Certainly with each question only came more questions instead of answers. She almost regrets letting Starlight go to the rising of the sun instead of being with her trying to recall anything about the dairy.

By the time that deed was done and the tree unicorn came back they discover Twilight… with a lot of equipment

¨Twilight? Why you bring that electric guitar and those speakers?¨ asked sunburst trying to get his read around on what the Princess was doing.

Twilight with a huge smile said to the three ¨did I ever told you about my adventures with sunset shimmer? Well to access magic there we used either help of certain artifacts or… music¨ she grab a guitar, ready to use it.

¨are you sure that might work? I mean the humans of that world still use magic that originated from equestria, for what we know the magic from the world in the s- I mean Tamriel is native from there and work differently¨ Starlight was doubtful that it would work.

Starswirl also has his doubt if it would work, he didn’t get the opportunity to study how humans use magic according to the reports of sunset shimmer, but if it works… ¨just do it, if it works then things will be easier, if don’t I doubt much of our plan will change¨

And with that Twilight started to use the guitar. Twilight used from time to time she went to visit the rainbooms to learn how to use it, she never became an expert on them but was able to use them properly at least.

She made different songs with the guitar, sometimes only the guitar, others trying to sing… and no matter how many times she tried… nothing.

¨not even unicorn foal level magic?¨ Asked Twilight with her arms tired.

¨not even that¨ said Sunburst while holding with his magic a small magic detector.

Twilight signed in frustration, and then walked towards some boxes ¨well, that might have been a waste of time. But you know? a time ago, shortly after the Storm King defeat, Tempess gave me some of the smoke grenades of the same type that were used to… well petrify the princesses, I decided disassemble them and study them in my pastime while I was running the school of friendship and made new ones, unlike the ones used in the attack in Canterlot these ones only petrify creatures for 15 minutes¨

¨and why we never use them on King Sombra, Tirek, Chrysalis or Cozy Glow?¨ Starlight ask a little frustrated.

Twilight with one of the grenades on hand responded to Starlight ¨because powerful creatures can free themselves in only seconds, in other cases directly doesn’t work. So i send them with celestia and they were here collecting dust since¨

¨In another words, it was a big waste of time. But now it might be useful¨ said Starswirl who was still surprised than Twilight had… such weapons hidden.

¨to be honest, I was about to disassemble them and forget all about them, I hoped I never needed to use them. But after this is over I will destroy them¨ It was clear that Twilight was uncomfortable holding such things in her hand, even more with the idea that she could use them, still she put them in her bag. She needed something to defend herself after fall.

But before Twilight and Starlight stepped into the machine Twilight decided to ask something to Starlight ¨do you recall something about the dairy?¨

Starlight nodded and started to recall to twilight everything she remember, it was not much… but it was better than nothing.

Starlight told to everypony present the tale of a Prisoner who by chance was freed by the Emperor of Tamriel who was about to being assassinated by a deadly cult. But shortly before dying he gave to the prisoner the mission of bringing a mysterious amulet to a monk who was in truth the leader of an order of warriors at the service of the Emperor called the Blades.

They explained to the former prisoner than the reason why Oblivion doesn’t overrun Tamriel in an apocalyptic invasion is because descendants of the dragon blood make a ritual with the amulet to shut the jaws of oblivion, so with the Emperor and all of his heir’s death all seems lost…

But the Emperor had one last son, an illegitimate son to be precise. A man called Martin who lived a peaceful life as a priest in the city of Kvatch, but before the prisoner got there… the forces of oblivion known as the daedra ransacked the city.

But this prisoner run straight into the gates of oblivion and close the door shut. after that he alongside the surviving guards charged the doomed city to save its last survivors… and thanks to that he found Martin.

After that the Hero of Kvatch told Martin about his true lineage and brought him to custody of the blades, unfortunately the evil cult that killed the emperor just attacked the Blades and stole the amulet. But with Martin safe the Hero of Kvatch and the Blades had one last hope of saving Tamriel.

Twilight was totally impressed by the tale ¨no wonder why he called himself champion of Cyrodill. I thought he had an inflated ego like Trixie, but if he really did all of those things including further heroic acts after that I could say that he is worthy of that title¨

Starswirl was a little skeptical ¨assuming he isn’t lying or embellishing the truth¨

Sunburst then argued ¨to be fair he was smart enough to outsmart Starlight and escape back to Tamriel, all while being in a completely different body. So it might be possible that he did a lot of impossible things¨

Twilight put her hands on her head, a little embarrassed and scared at the same time ¨to me was difficult and really took time to get used to walk on 2 legs. Even then I still had a lot of trouble moving around. Yet he adapted quickly on going in 4 legs, it’s scary to think what else he was able to do in his own body¨

Starswirl then told to Twilight ¨at least that mean that wherever he is he might be safe¨

Twilight sign in relief, the idea of the champion dying and as a result she ending up trapped in that body forever was so terrifying… that really refused to even think about it.

Starlight then joked ¨well, if you are uncomfortable in that body we could try to make a potion to turn you into a pony¨

Everpony shared a small laugh, after that Twilight inform everypony of her plan.

¨moments before the lowering of the moon Spike send me a letter telling me that Rainbow dash and Fluttershy got to the Dragon Lands, they probably told spike about… my condition so he probably understands why I would be unable so send him any letter. I think me and Starlight should go to Tamriel, and once Rainbow and Fluttershy get back here you will send us back here, i want to know personally what they learn¨

Starlight nodded ¨I guess that’s a good plan, we might don’t know how is Tamriel but probably the champion has a map somewhere¨

If the champion has a map it would be in his belongings, fortunately Twilight also brought the bag of the champion items, she started to search for a map and quickly found it ¨great a map… wait, two? ¨ Twilight expected to find a map of Tamriel… but not one of an unknown location ¨shivering isles, where it could be located?¨

¨is odd, for what I read in the dairy isn’t any mention of this place, maybe he went there shortly after the oblivion crisis was solved¨ Starlight tried to make sense of this.

Everypony was silent, then Sunburst broke the silence ¨well, I doubt it could be too important, but just to be safe I think you would bring two maps¨

Starlight then used a Spell to make some copies of the two maps. ¨either way, I think we should go already, who knows what else could happen if we take too much time¨

Everypony nodded, and started packing the rest of the things, included it was all the septims that the Champion carried and the Wabbajack.

Once ready Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer step in the platform, and shortly after a pillar of light cover them and were send back to tamriel.

Unknown to anypony, certain creature was watching at the distance. Who it was? None other than Discord.

¨should I had tell them that I found and restored the dairy of that little Breton? Meh, they will be fine. Also Princess Twilight wanted to have adventures in unknown places, so using this dairy would ruin all the fun¨ Discord then moved into the shadows, with the dairy in hand.

Approximately at the same time in the dragon lands there was Fluttershy and spike… watching how Rainbow dash was arguing with Dragon Lord Ember.

¨are you kidding me? Why we don’t simply charge there, dragons are supposed to be fearless¨ Rainbow Dash was not happy at Ember neither sending the dragons at the portal… or letting her go with a small group of dragons to do it alongside her.

¨we are fearless, not suicidal. It would be little reward on getting there and for now we have them under control¨ Ember wanted to protect her kind, she was not willing to send them to a suicidal mission. Even less when the dragons had kept the monsters at bay.

¨you call that under control?¨ Rainbow pointed at the battlefield where legion of monsters descended from the portal… just to be obliterated by the dragons breath.

¨pretty much¨ the sight of the dragons annihilating the army of monsters without much effort just reaffirmed Ember position.

Rainbow dash was not one of baking down of course ¨common, those monsters are total pushovers, and if anything there keeps the portal open we could easly destr-¨

¨and then you would be trapped there without means of escape¨ Ember made her last point… a good one that pretty much shut Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash now just stood there with a face of frustration, not answers to Ember argument came from her mouth, if Twilight was here she would tell her that she just lost the debate.

Ember then left to speak with some other dragons, probably to discuss who will keep the monsters at bay once the current dragons doing it get tired.

Spike and Fluttershy then approached Rainbow dash, worried on seen the blue pegasus so frustrated.

¨really spike, they are strong and all, but they can’t be like this forever, we should find a way to close that portal¨ Rainbow Dash was persistent, even thou it was clear she lacked the support of Ember.

Fluttershy decided to change the subject ¨Spike, you mentioned before that some dragons got hurt by those creatures, I want to see if I can help them¨

Spike and Fluttershy then flew directly towards the injured dragons. Rainbow Dash would still stand in the ground lamenting her little defeat, but decided to fly up and accompany her friends.

The three got quickly, once there Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy discovered than the dragons lack any sort of modern medicine so they were mended with herbs and fungus.

¨is that bad?¨ Rainbow noticed the amount of herbs and fungus in some of the dragon bodies.

¨they took us by surprise, there wasn’t any creature there, so we thought we could get close to inspect it. But before we knew it a small army of those things appeared and almost cut us to pieces¨ by way that the dragon had trouble moving it was clear he wasn’t exaggerating.

Rainbow Dash then asked the dragon a question… that many would take offense ¨but how? I mean dragons are supposed to be powerful an-¨

A familiar voice interrupted Rainbow Dash ¨if you are taken by surprise by a small army doesn’t matter if you are a Pony, Dragon or Yak¨

¨Smolder!¨ the three were happy at seen smolder… but then they noticed that she also was injured.

¨I didn’t knew you were here, I thought you were at the School of Friendship¨ Spike was surprised to see Smolder here.

¨The School of Friendship is in a break now. I should had taken Ocellus offer of spending the break time with her at the Changeling Empire instead of getting back here¨ Smolder was also injured, but by the way she was moving it was clear than her wounds weren’t severe, if anything she was more frustrated of being also covered on gunk.

Rainbow dash wanted to know details of that moment ¨I see, so you were there, did you notice something? Did the monsters said something?¨

Smolder decided to tell Rainbow what she remember ¨not really, thou after we managed to get out of there I think I saw them making some sort of defensive position¨

¨defensive position? Did the dragons retaliated so soon?¨ Rainbow was curious, they were expecting the dragons getting back at them?

¨not really, the rest of the dragons came later, strangely I saw them in formation around the anchor, maybe they are trying to defend it?¨

¨then maybe that’s the way to close that portal!¨ Rainbow just realized thay maybe isn’t nesesary to get inside, she was totally happy.

Fluttershy then decided to tell her something that maybe rainbow didn’t account for ¨Maybe, but dragons keep spiting fire at the area, I don’t think they will stop because we ask them, we would ask Ember about it¨

Spike felt a chill down his spine, is truth that Ember is his friend and she trust them, but he spend enough time at the Dragon Lands to learn that once a Dragon Lord gave an order, it would be difficult to make her back down.

Rainbow Dash of course was not too happy on the idea of arguing with Ember again, but she understood it would be for the best.

Before any of them could part another familiar voice call of them.

¨I want to go too¨ it was none other than Garble

¨hi… Garble¨ Spike knows Garble might not be the same jerk what was before, but still being around with him was uncomfortable.

¨I know what we weren’t always on the best of terms, but those creatures hurt my sister. And apparently you have a plan on how to stop them, so you will get my help¨ Garble wasn’t intended on backing off.

And the three couldn't reject his help, either on arguing their case with Lord Ember or trying to break the chain, they would need his help.

¨I going too¨ said smolder, but after remembering that she still need medical help and then consider than if she gets even more injured she would be covered on way more gunk… decided to better stay here with the rest of injured dragons.

¨don’t worry kiddo, once this is over I will teach you some flying moves. It might be even more exciting than trying to break a chain¨ Said Rainbow Dash to smolder trying to cheer her up.

now the 2 pegasus and 2 dragons flew towards Ember, maybe this plan might convince her.