• Published 6th Sep 2020
  • 704 Views, 6 Comments

The Elder Scrolls IV: The Equestrian Crisis - Elmaster48

Princess Twilight Sparkle and The Champion of Cyrodill each completed their own journey and form of ascension, but now they will have to face a new challenge when the two of them started to see in the sky the world the other one tried to protect.

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Chapter 7

¨THE MACHINE IS STILL MOVING!!!¨ Twilight yelled while trying to still process the fact that the guy who was in his body managed to escape and now the only way to get to him probably was going to explode.

Starlight was crying ¨I’M SORRY TWILIGHT!!!¨ she knew because of her rash action the machine could blew up at any minute dooming everycreature in Canterlot, maybe in all of Equestria.

Starswirl decided to use his magic to stabilize the machine that was still emitting energy, sunburst by instinct put himself between Starlight and the machine and casted a shield that enveloped everypony with the exception of starwild who was closer to the machine that anypony.

Everypony was ready for the worst… but Starswirl managed to stabilize the machine.

¨Starlight, never do that again¨ said Starswirl in a relieved tone… but one could notice a little bit of anger in his tone.

Twilight run straight into the telescope and… the telescope pointed at some place close to the center of the continent, not the place where the guy with her body just jumped.

Starlight was in the ground crying. Having she done something different all of this could had been avoided. Maybe the machine now isn’t going to blew up Canterlot but still things where grim.

The dairy with information about the mysterious planet in the sky was gone, alongside the Champion of Cyrodill who could be anywhere in that mysterious planet.

She continued crying, for her all of this was her fault. Sunburst hugged her, trying to calm her down.

Twilight was silent, still trying to use the telescope to find the champion, and Starswirl too was silent, he was starting to repair the machine, it could take hours but any upgrade would be preserved.

It was Pinkie Pie who finally said a word. It was to Starlight ¨maybe you screw things up… but you and sunburst could try to make more of those telescopes? We call some of the girls and we can use them to locate him¨

Twilight with a serious tone said ¨Pinkie, that’s is like trying to find a needle in a haystack ¨

Pinkie pie quickly counter her argument ¨well once Dashie and Applejack competed on that and somehow both found each a needle at the same time, maybe they could get that lucky again¨

Twilight signed ¨I guess, still I guess is better that only one telescope¨ she yawned. Truly this day was getting worse by the minute and wanted to sleep to think more clearly on how salvage this disaster. She didn’t bother to get back at the palace, she simply took one of the sleeping sheets and finally fall sleep.

Pinkie Pie left canterlot, she was going to inform Applejack and Rarity of what it happen, it would be a matter of time before Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came back so they would help too.

Starlight and Sunburst were occupied trying to make new telescopes, these ones were smaller but each of them as effective as the first one they created, they learned from their mistakes and they make something better in return.

Starswirl continued working on the machine, the attempt of Starlight to stop the machine from teleporting the creature ended up in sending him towards an unknown location, even if they managed to track down where he landed he would probably be long gone, so teleporting Twilight directly at the creature location wasn’t an option… at least for now.

Twilight was sleeping, this time without any interruption, fortunately her friends worked without doing any noise so she slept well this time.

The time of nightfall finally came. Time ago this was the job of Luna, for a long time it became the job of Celestia. Now it was supposed to be the work of Twilight… but she was unable to do any magic. Before the time of alicorns Starswirl alongside a team of unicorns would do it for themselves.

He, alongside Starlight, Sunburst and some unicorns sorcerers from canterlot used their combined magic to do just that, they moved the sun and put the moon in its place. It was extremely difficult and it was clear for them why the Princesses job was so important.

Now the majority of questria was sleeping, including Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst. But Starswirl continued to work on the machine, for him this was more important than a good night rest. It was a matter of hours before it came the time to put the sun again, and was then when Twilight finally woke up.

¨hello Starswirl, the machine is still not ready? ¨ Twilight asked

¨not yet, give me a couple of hours and it will be done¨ Starswirl voice reflected how tired he was.

¨please don’t be angry at Starlight, she tried to help¨ said Twilight while seen Starlight sleeping.

¨don’t worry, it was a mistake in a tense situation. But do you still want to go there with her? ¨ said Starswirl in a worried tone

¨even thou she make rash decisions sometimes, she never surrenders and always take motivation to continue. When we were enemies she was stubborn… But as a friend she made sure I would never give up when she knew I was doing the right thing, she alongside Spike are the ones I trust the most that I’m safe even in a mysterious new world¨ Twilight was sure that if she was going again to world in the sky she would need her help.

¨maybe, is a misfortune I can’t accompany you, somepony need to repair this machine if something happen¨ said Starswirl in a sarcastic tone, even thou exploring the world in the sky sounded exiting… he knew his priorities.

Twilight let a small chuckle and said in a happy tone¨you know, part of me wants to explore that world, to see what it has to offer, what friends I could meet there and what adventures I could have but…¨ and then Twilight tone changed to a sad one ¨...I know that isn’t possible, we need to solve this crisis as soon as possible. And then I will be again relegated again to a chair only hear about wonderful creatures and amazing places while being unable to meet them¨

Starswirl sit close to Twilight ¨you know Princess Twilight, I miss the old days. The ponies and creatures I meet all over ancient equestria are long gone, but I rest easier knowing that they lived peaceful lives thanks to me and my friend’s efforts, you maybe can’t befriend everycreature in Equestria, but you can still help them and make their lives better ¨

Twilight had a small chuckle ¨funny, a few years ago I only worried about my studies and I believed I could get any answer from books. I would relax reading stories from time to time, and sometimes I would have the chance to spend time with my family. I guess the things i do now are to ensure future generations also have the opportunity to grew up safely without needing to worry of not knowing if equestria is going to be in one piece by tomorrow, I wonder what small me would do if she knew the things I do now¨

Starswirl chuckle and said ¨well, maybe she would be jumping all over the place yelling yes yes yes again and again, Princess Celestia told me the story¨

Twilight blush at the memory and then turn her head towards Starlight and Sunburst who were sleeping very close together ¨I guess, maybe in the future I could train some talented filly unicorn to do great things once it grows up, maybe after we are all gone future generations will continue defending Equestria and spreading the magic of friendship with all the lessons that we learned, maybe learn even more. I think that would be our greatest achievement¨

After saying that Twilight stood up and picked at random one book, then she sit down and started to read it while being illuminated by Starswirl magic who started working again in the machine.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttetshy finally arrived to the Dragon Lands, it was just a matter of time before the sun rise again, but the Dragons Lands were already full of activity, the dragons were doing patrols and looked ready for a fight. This would intimidate both Pegasus… but they knew the dragons didn’t see them as a threat… or victims to abuse. They quickly found Spike who immediately identified them

¨guys, you’re here!¨ said Spike, who couldn't wait until his friends landed and fled towards them.

Rainbow Dash smiled at Spike ¨of course we are here, you summon us and we obey¨ Rainbow sarcastic tone made one thing clear, she was ready for anything that the dragon lands have in store for her.

¨you said something about some weird stone in the shape of a circle where is a portal than left an anchor¨ said fluttershy

¨you could say that, but there is… more than that, Ember is around here and she could tell you all about it… but I think you can see it by youself¨ said Spike

¨why did Ember forbid going directly to the portal? ¨ asked Rainbow Dash.

¨sorry, i should have sent more letters informing about any update. Please try to have an open mind and don’t panic¨ Spike sounded… serious, wherever happen with the stone sure is severe to make the dragons prepared like they were about to get invaded.

The night finally turn day by the time the 3 of them finally got to the place where it was the stone… it was just as Spike describe it, a stone in a shape of a circle floating in the sky. Where a portal could be seen and an anchor was going directly to the ground…

What Spike failed to mention (it was the recent development that he warned his friends about) was that from the portal descended army after army of monsters, all of them screaming with fury and ready to unleash carnage across the land… until they are quickly burn to ashes by an army of angry dragons… who will repeat the process of burning the place all over again once another swarm of monsters descends from the portal again.

To say Fluttershy was horrified at the sight was an understatement, Rainbow Dash would be normally amazed at such big fight... but even Rainbow found it too brutal.

Spike then explain to the pair of pegasus ¨an army of monsters came from that portal, they badly injured some dragons, you can guess how they retaliated. The problem now is that they don’t stop coming, before that Dragon Lord Ember gave the order to not enter the portal for being completely unknown to us what is behind it, but now? Is clear that if a dragon get there it would probably be immediately ki-¨

¨we get it, any idea where is Ember? We could talk with her about what she learned, but for now I think you should send a letter to Twilight to tell her that we finally got to the dragon lands¨ said Rainbow Dash, who after that went to try to help Fluttershy to regain her composure.

Spike quickly wrote a letter with news and send it. ¨done, now we will go to see Ember¨

But before that Rainbow told something to Spike ¨hold it Spike, we need first to tell you something about Twilight¨

¨What? Did something happened to her?¨ said Spike totally unsettled.

Both of them fled to some hill and there both pegasus told the dragon the story about… the little incident.

¨Holy guacamole, Twilight sure knows just how to get herself into the crazies of situations, you never knew what else is going to happen around her next time¨ said Spike while laughing.

¨Says the baby dragon who casually send their friends towards a warzone¨ said Fluttershy unamused.

¨point taken, I’m sorry I didn’t knew how to explain it. I thought it would be better if you saw it for yourselves¨ said Spike being totally honest.

¨please spike, next time warn us before you send us at such gruesome sight¨ said Fluttershy in a serious tone, it was clear by her expression she was one step away from using the stare on him.

¨okay I’m sorry, that will not happen again¨ his face of remorse made clear that wasn’t his intention to make his friends watch something so brutal.

After that both of them flied directly at the location of Dragon Lord Ember, hopefully they would discover something about the crisis they are facing.

Meanwhile a mysterious figure was floating around the castle, like it was looking for something….

¨oh, I remember that I saw the creature without the dairy before leaving, I could tell Princess Twilight about this… but why ruin the fun?¨ it was discord, who just found himself in a small alleyway… where he could see the burned remains of a dairy.

With a snap of his fingers the chattered remains of the dairy was restored into its original form. ¨I never quite understood Twilight obsession with books, but maybe this could prove an interesting read¨