• Published 6th Sep 2020
  • 704 Views, 6 Comments

The Elder Scrolls IV: The Equestrian Crisis - Elmaster48

Princess Twilight Sparkle and The Champion of Cyrodill each completed their own journey and form of ascension, but now they will have to face a new challenge when the two of them started to see in the sky the world the other one tried to protect.

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Chapter 4

Damn, that hurts. Looks like the Divines like irony, being trapped inside the body of a unicorn and then being blasted by another one sure is a creative way to make me pay for killing the last unicorn in Cyrodiil. I guess destiny can be vindictive… but happily I am alive…

wait I’m again in a dungeon?

I would make jokes about my life starting again from 0, maybe starting again in the imperial prison being taunted by a dunmer before I get embroiled in a war for the fate of Tamriel, but it was not the time. I’m still a winged purple unicorn, now in a dungeon in an unknown location.

The walls look normal for a dungeon, doesn’t look like a dungeon from Molag Bal realm. Being trapped in his realm is by far the worst thing that can happen to anyone and not even Mankar Camoran or Mannimarco deserve that.

Another good thing is that nobody noticed that I’m awake. I think I awoke after a light came to my face. I can overhear some woman saying that if they need help don’t doubt to call for her.

I can heard them speaking about if is good idea to wake me up or they should wait until I wake up, or in this case they notice I’m already awake. These daedra aren’t too bright it seems.

I had one of my eyes open, just a little so nobody can notice, I could not see anyone but I could notice that I was behind bars. I could try to wait until somebody opens and try to scape… but that would either end with me being captured again or killed. I was lucky that daedra called Starlight decided to capture me instead of kill me, so better not test my luck, maybe I could try to talk with them and see what happen.

I opened my eyes completely, now I could see that around my cell it where 5… horses? Or ponies? daedra, let’s keep it at daedra. I could see 5 daedra, one was a unicorn and alongside her were other 4 ponies, 2 with wings and 2 without neither wings nor horn.

I tried to see my surroundings while I was trying to stand up… great, what I needed, I don’t longer have my dairy, I got it at the imperial prison and since I escaped I never let go of it and always documented my adventures. Maybe that Daedra called Twilight have it, I finally stood up… in 4 legs this time. they noticed me.

¨you are awake, are you alright? Can we help you with something? ¨

The one of the daedric ponies spoke, the winged yellow one specifically. What was her game? Her voice was friendly enough, but something that I learned from the Dark Brotherhood is that the sharpest knives hide behind friendly faces. Well I could try to ask her about my dairy.

¨my dairy, where is? ¨

Not the best introduction I know. But I might need to start somewhere.

Other of the Daedra, one with a silly hat walked towards me and spoke… and I didn’t understand a thing of what it said.

¨can you say that again? I can’t understand¨

Again the one with the silly hat spoke to me, by the tone she probably was a little angry now but aside from that I can´t understand what it says, even the most foreign of khajiits or argonians speak more clearly that this daedra, by the nine I even can understand dremoras but this orange daedra with the silly hat? Not a word.

¨can you speak Tamrielic or your daedric accent is that thick? ¨

In retrospective not my brightest response, but in my defense I just woken up, I’m in a cell in some Daedric realm I can’t recognize, trapped in the body of a purple winged unicorn and now I’m speaking with my captors.

¨can I speak with someone that I can understand? ¨

Then the pink horse of the pack started speaking and… is that daedra on skooma or something? I can get more of what it says not much but what i get is that this pink daedra might be a skooma addict, it speaks too fast so i still have problems understanding.

¨how much skooma did you take? ¨

And then the pink daedra responded.

¨what is skooma? ¨

Is that daedra joking? That daedra is the textbook example of a skooma addict, not even Faelian was so messed up.

¨I don’t know what is skooma but I can offer you cake, in exchange of telling us what is skoo-¨

Then the blue horse with wings give a glare towards the skooma addict it was enough to make her stop talking. Maybe is the leader of the squadron?

¨-or maybe tell us what to do so we can get Twilight back in her body¨


As simply as that, it was the wabbajack that put me and that Twilight in this situation, maybe using it again could reverse the effect… or turn us into cheese. Risky but also obvious, just hope they picked up the staff.

¨what is a Wabbajack? ¨

Huh? Wait do they don’t know of the wabbajack? That Is the best daedric arti- is one of the most well know daedric artifacts. I also brought it with me, they sure can recognize it.

¨The Wabbajack, Wabbajack is the Wabbajack¨

I mean is totally obvious, daedra who serve certain daedric prince might not be masters of knowledge of other daedric prince, but even cultist who serve hircine or malacath know must know about artifacts of other daedra… unless… they are not daedra?

¨what Daedric Prince do you serve?¨

All of the 5 daedra watch me in confusion… is this not oblivion? They may not be daedra after all? I was considering the alternatives, what these creatures might be? I was as confused as them until the unicorn of the group decided to speak to me.

¨we have princesses and some princes but what do you mean by daedric princess? ¨

that unicorn has a interesting accent, it seems from nobility, not something you would find in most realms of oblivion. And they are confused then I speak to them about daedric related subjects… these are NOT daedra.

¨you are not daedra. What are you? ¨

¨ponies of course¨

The response was so absurd I couldn’t even recognize who said it. I mean true they look like horses but khajiit also look like cats and they take offense to being called cats. Better to ask for specifics.

¨a little more specific¨

The skooma addict approached my cell and pointed each of the group, thankfully she spoke clearly so I was able to understand her without much trouble this time.

¨right there is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and they are pegasus, I am Pinkie pie and me and Applejack and both of us are earth ponies and over there is Rarity who is a unicorn. You are in Twilight Sparkle body and she is an alicorn¨

Now I know their names, daedra are quite reserved about telling their true names. I heard that getting their true name is a key to defeat them but I’m not sure, but if is true then this was further confirmation that they aren’t daedra, I guess is time for introductions.

¨I’m the Champion Of Cyrodill, a breton¨

I could see that Fluttershy was confused by my answer, I should had given her my real name instead of my little?

¨I thought you were human, Starlight and Twilight at least asume that¨

Okay now I’m confused, almost as them. I guess they are aware of humanity but not of the different races of men.

¨they aren’t wrong, I’m human, like you can be a pony classified as pegasus. I’m a human classified as breton¨

Fluttershy saw me with curiosity, like she never seen something like me before, instead of extreme caution like before she now looked interested in knowing more about me, she looked less reserved and more confident.

If something i learned thanks to haggling merchants is that initiating small talk can make more easy to get low prices or persuade someone into doing something they didn’t want to do before, maybe she was about to ask critical information, either of the Empire or the Shivering Isles. I might need to be more cautious about my answers.

¨anyway, about that Wabbajack thing, how does look? ¨

Interesting accent coming from that Rainbow Dash, maybe she is from the army or could be a bandit, either way I can tell she is the strongest of the group.

Interesting team: a skooma addict, a quiet assassin or negotiator, someone from royalty, a warrior and someone unintelligible. They sure are a weird group. But they share the same need for answers.

¨a staff, a grey one that looks made of stone¨

All five of the girls saw themselves in unison, they recognized the artifact. I think after I got knocked out Starlight and Twilight brought the staff with me. Thank the nine it would had been a total headache to locate Wabbajack in Tamriel.

Then Fluttershy decided to make another question.

¨and do you know something about… the world that is in the sky? ¨

World in the sky… of course, they are from the world in the sky. I don’t know how they call this world or if they are aware of Nirn. Looks like they know too little about the current crisis, I need to see how much they know.

¨how much do you know? ¨

Pinkie Pie over speak and said just what I needed.

¨not much really, one moment we were having a picnic, the next one a huge world appear out of nowhere and everycreature in Equestria could see it in the sky. Twilight and Starlight went there to find answers but decided to come back after you switched bodies with Twilight¨

Yeah, over speak is an understatement. But now it was clear that at least these creatures know nothing about the current crisis, neither are responsible so maybe they are also victims, also this place is called Equestria, weird name but i take it.

Before this conversation could continue a voice called the ponies.

¨girls, Spike just gave a message to Twilight, you need to see this¨

Rainbow dash rush to the door following by the rest, sure this was important.

¨We coming Starlight!¨

I hoped that Starlight would to come thru the door… instead the ponies exited the room and closed the door. They left me alone, they didn’t gave me back my dairy and now the only thing I can hope is that they don’t kill me or hold me prisoner forever.


Now I could be here waiting for anything, but I think i could escape. They really care about Twilight, maybe is one of its commanders or greatest heroes. They put a lot of importance on her taking back her body. I can understand the need of getting back at my body, I feel cold and I would not mind having at least a loincloth.

How I would do magic in this alicorn body? That’s a big question, magic is supposed to be tied to the soul, but in my current state maybe could be difficult, either because of any side effect from the Wabbajack or my new biology.

Maybe I could do it with the horn? Yeah I doubt it.

I decided to stand up in 2 legs. It is difficult but let’s see, I will set a small healing spell, I weaver my han- forelegs in this case and…


I decided to practice a little how to walk, I walked on circles on my cell. Trying to find a pattern, one where these fe- hooves don’t do much noise… and I did.

Combined with an invisibility spell I can be undetectable. I once managed to sneak into the White Gold Tower and steal an Elder Scroll so I might have a chance.

…wait a minute…

MY DAIRY!!! There i detailed my adventures… and much of it could reveal many secrets, true these ponies are also victims of the current crisis but if they think the empire is responsible for this they could declare war on the empire.

The information about the different factions across Cyrodill in their han- hooves would be disastrous. It might be dangerous to take my dairy back but i can destroy it. I don’t like the idea but with that I can ensure the safety of Tamriel.

A shame really, I grew attached to that thing since i got it a day before Uriel Septim freed me.