• Published 6th Sep 2020
  • 704 Views, 6 Comments

The Elder Scrolls IV: The Equestrian Crisis - Elmaster48

Princess Twilight Sparkle and The Champion of Cyrodill each completed their own journey and form of ascension, but now they will have to face a new challenge when the two of them started to see in the sky the world the other one tried to protect.

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Chapter 6

You know, is very iconic. As a child I always wondered why not everyone used magic. I mean is not that difficult. I might be a Breton and that might help but I imagine even the most brutes of orcs could do magic too.

but then as an adult I discover why most people don’t use magic… magic is a scam, even the most basic of spell cost a fortune. Now I see why magic is associated with wealth.

By the nine for creating MY OWN SPELL I needed to pay a tax to the Empire, Empire that I saved by the way, looks like even heroes need to pay taxes… now I see why Mannimarco got so many followers. Perhaps it wasn’t just the banning of necromancy the reason why so many mages join him.

Either way, I learned the spell of ¨unlock very easy locks¨ one extremely useless, even with a brooch pin I could open a weak lock, still bought it anyways and never use it, big waste of septims.

But now even if I had something to improvise a lockpick i would still be unable to open this door thanks to my lack of fingers. But now thanks to this spell I managed to escape.

After I opened both the door of my cell and later the door of the dungeon i casted a invisibility spell and boom, invisible.

I might have to sneak up all over this place trying to get at my dairy but it would be worth it.

I walked all over the place, I noticed pony guards who whore armor who look like a blend of golden saint and imperial legion armor, I miss the Shive- Cyrodill, yes I miss Cyrodill.

Not a single one noticed me, I was silent and my invisibility spell was effective. I continued scouting the place, exploring every floor, soon enough I would either start exploring rooms instead of only the hallways or I would had to explore outside this palace.

Still I’m impressed with how beautiful is this place, is even hard to think that the imperial palace isn’t nowhere as fancy as this place, is almost terrifying… but either way I must continue.

I ended up finding Starlight and Pinkie Pie, Both where… reading my dairy. Damn it all just what I wanted to avoid. Attacking them was out of my options, my invisibility spell is strong enough to let me wait, so I think I will wait until they get distracted with something.

I guess I was so frustrated with what they were saying that I didn’t pay attention on what they were saying, then I heard Starlight say something.

¨anyways, do you think we could get help from that Martin?¨

What? Damn it all. They know about Martin… but they think he is alive?

¨If the so called oblivion crisis is already resolved that means than martin is now emperor, maybe we could make him know that we aren’t responsible for this¨

Martin is death, now the de facto ruler of the Empire is Ocato who for some reason refused to take the title of emperor. But like him Ocato could see reason, these ponies aren’t responsible for this. Still I can’t let this ponies continue to have a hold on this dairy full of critical information.

Anyway I continued to spy them.

¨maybe after all of this is over we could try to organize a party in the style of Kvatch, he might miss his home¨

Really? A party? That is the priority of that pink skooma addict? And again Martin is death, I can´t avoid thinking than Pinkie Pie might be a sanguine worshipper, maybe could be his champion.

¨Anyways, do you want a snack? I heard than Pony Joe is still selling donuts in spite of the crisis¨

What is a donut? Is that a euphemism for skooma here?

¨you know what? I’m in, Twilight might take a time to wake up so we could get a donut and get back here to continue reading the journal ¨

So Starlight is also a skooma addict? Or maybe a donut is simply a type of food and nothing devious. Either way those idiots left the dairy behind.

I waited a couple of seconds before doing anything, waiting so they get some distance.

Once there was some distance I picked up the dairy with my teeth and…

The spell broke... DAMN IT ALL!!! I quickly get up and casted a spell of invisibility again, but that produced a noise than alerted both ponies.

They quickly turn and saw nothing, the spell worked but they were now in high alert. I decided to walk slowly tryng to not make any noice.

¨okay, hold still Pinkie, I have an idea¨

Cursed unicorn I really wish Hircine and a legion of werewolves were here you tear her to pieces. That lunatic just casted a small explosion that caused my invisibility spell to fail.


The cursed unicorn made the most puncheable face I ever say in my life, and I saw very puncheable faces before but this one takes the cake.

Either way I decided to run away, still with the dairy in my mouth and somehow evading every spell she launched at me.

She and the skooma addict chase after me, I would need a miracle to get away from this, a help of the divines or…


What? Maybe a distraction I continued to run away.


And shortly after that a door in the hallway started to open, I managed to avoid crashing into it, but Starlight got distracted with the scream of the skooma addict and crashed.

honestly the most difficult part was not busting into a laughing fit. After I got some distance I casted another spell of invisibility and slip away.

I was quick and managed to sneak up out of the castle before the guards were alerted of my escape… I wonder why aren’t they in full alert after that explotion caused by that crazy unicorn? I guess explosions are common here.

I ran towards a small alley, there was nobody and was isolated enough that no one could see me. So I dropped the dairy and… well I did what I needed to do.

¨Farewell. You've been a good friend¨

I casted a fire spell and burned the dairy, I had that thing for a long time, it was by far my most valuable possession. It was really sad to let it go… but I know it was necessary, for the good of Tamriel, for the good of the Empire.

Still that don’t make the pain go away, i let go a small tear. Yeah I admit it I have emotions okay? And now just noticed that my invisibility spell broke… AGAIN. I casted it again and continue to move.

I went towards a garden, I would enjoy the view or the statues but I needed to find somewhere to hide, then I saw some kind of estructure… look like some kind of improvised observatory that lacks any roof, it has many books and some beds… any idiot would think this isn’t important, but I deduced quickly this was the way to get back to Tamriel.

I got close and saw 2 unicorns, one with a cape and other with a cape and hat.

¨Twilight is going to be exited, now we can teleport her from equestria to the world in the sky and back here without needing to wait¨

The unicorn with the cape certainly was happy with his work, i still find the name of Equestria a weird one... but not weirder than ¨Twilight Sparkle¨

¨still, we still need to upgrade this machine so we can teleport her back here immediately, if she gets in too much trouble there we will be able to get her back here before she gets hurt¨

The unicorn with the hat was still unsatisfied with his work.

I decided to spy them, wait for the opportunity to come… and it did.

Starlight, Pinkie pie and Twilight came here. Totally stressed for me escaping their clutches.


Twilight yelled, she was totally distressed with the idea of a stranger running around in her body… and I don’t blame her.

¨calm down, we will find him, any clue about how he fled? ¨

The unicorn with the hat remained calm, better than the caped one who looked also distressed.

¨an invisibility spell, I manage to broke it with an explosion, but he snuck away¨

Starlight avoided speaking about the part where she crashed with an opening door, very convenient.

¨Maybe forced movement could broke his spell, i have some spells in mind to broke his invisibility, I will start here and then we will try it elsewhere¨

Damn, that unicorn with the hat is perceptive, but I noticed something… in the machine there is a small lever, maybe is how they activate the machine to get to Tamriel. They could had chained that cursed thing to make sure i were unable to do what I’m going to do now.

I got to the lever and move it, that activated a contraption and I quickly run towards the platform, my invisibility broke but even if not they would still notice me... but they maintain their distance, Starlight tried to use her magic to forcefully stop the machine… I might don’t know how this piece of junk works but I know that is bad idea.

A piece of the machine move in a way clearly shouldn't. But before I could jump out or they could levitate me away the machine activated and a pillar of light came from the platform. I started to fly direcly towards Nirn, but I noticed that I wasn’t going to the Imperial City or even Cyrodill, I was going north… too north.

Finally the light turned off, I wasn’t any more in that place… but where I am? It was cold, too cold… even colder than Bruma.

I still haven’t frozen to death so this isn’t Atmora.

I must be in Skyrim.