• Published 6th Sep 2020
  • 704 Views, 6 Comments

The Elder Scrolls IV: The Equestrian Crisis - Elmaster48

Princess Twilight Sparkle and The Champion of Cyrodill each completed their own journey and form of ascension, but now they will have to face a new challenge when the two of them started to see in the sky the world the other one tried to protect.

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Chapter 5

Twilight was in the body of a estrange creature, she doesn’t know its name, neither of what species could be. It look familiar to the humans from the world the other side of the mirror where Sunset Shimmer lives, but she can’t be sure if is really a human. Still she and Starlight decided to work under the assumption that is a human.

Under normal conditions Twilight would be researching everything about her new body. But she was too exhausted so she decided to rest.

Twilight Sparkle might have problems adapting to her new role as ruler of Equestria, but her new bed in the royal palace was one of the best things about her role as ruler, combined how tired she was in her new body she was sleeping like she never did in years.

A shame that a letter from Spike appear in front of her, a loud sound and a bright green light coming from the flame ensure she woke up. Most ponies would try to sleep again... Twilight wasn’t like most ponies, she picked up and read the letter.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I don’t know how much you discover about the current situation with the planet in the sky since my last letter, sorry if I didn’t write you more letters but I was helping Ember to organize the dragons to scout the Dragon Lands so they can find any other anomaly, and they did.

I don’t know how to describe it, it appear to be some kind of flying stone in the shape of a circle, in the circle there is a portal from witch comes a chain that goes directly to the ground. The portal is big enough to make possible for many dragons to enter, but Ember gave the order to not approach.

Maybe you could get some insight into this. I know is too far away to teleport so maybe you could send Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy here while you continue to research the issue in Canterlot.

-Your Royal Advisor and Friendship Ambassador Spike

Twilight read the letter a few times to see if she read it well and to imagine what Spike was describing. ¨A portal where appears a chain that nails itself to the ground? Might be some kind of anchor? ¨

Twilight exited the room and yelled for somepony to come, she was still getting used to her new voice. Back when she turned into a human when she chased Sunset Shimmer at least had an appearance similar to the one she had before along with the exact same voice. Even then she turn into a breezie she still had a similar voice. But this male body had a voice completely different.

After a few minutes Starlight came running and said to Twilight ¨sorry, with your new voice I mistook you with one of the guards¨

Twilight couldn't identify if it was a joke or was genuine, still she instead of answering to her comment she gave her Spike letter, Starlight quickly read it

¨A portal appear and from it fell some kind of anchor? Do you think it has to do with the planet in the sky? ¨ Starlight was puzzled, maybe could be connected with the other planet, but Spike suggestion was a good one.

¨you know Starlight, I would normally send you there alongside Rainbow and Fluttershy, but I think it would be for the best if you came with me again to the world in the sky¨

Starlight gave a confused look to Twilight, it was a weird suggestion.

¨Twilight, we only spend like five minutes there and we were attacked¨ Starlight argued

¨True, but by the way he freak out maybe he probably mistook us for monsters, now I’m in the body of somecreature native from that world, so maybe I can blend it, you could use a invisibility spell and remain hidden¨ Twilight answered.

Starlight consider Twilight offer. Maybe with her and Twilight exploring the world in the sky, while Rainbow Dash and fluttershy investigating the anchor they could find the source of the problem more quickly.

¨okay, but we will go back after 2 or 3 days, along with any discovery Rainbow and Fluttershy make we might discover how to solve this problem¨ Starlight left Twilight, going directly to the dungeon of the castle to talk with the girls.

Twilight still felt a little sleepy, but decided that instead of trying to sleep again she would go and search the belongings of whoever is the body she is inhabiting. It might feel a little bad to search thou somecreature personal belongings but she wasn't going to steal anything.

¨let’s see, a bag of coins… weird, the currency has something engraved, it look like one side is shaped with the face of a human and the other is a…dragon?… do dragons live there too? And every coin shares the same engraving? Amazing! ¨

Twilight was fascinated. Bits don’t have such level of detail, maybe once this is over she might order to engrave bits like that… or maybe don’t, it would be too costly.

Twilight then noticed also that it had something written.

The Empire is law. The law is sacred.

¨So this creature is from some empire¨ then she turned the coin to see the other side.

Praise be Akatosh and all the divines.

¨is Akatosh their leader? I hope I can reason with him or her, but what it means by divines? ¨ Twilight put all of the coins in the bag and continued to search the belongings again, not much of note aside from some weird mask and… a dagger. That send a chill down her spine, true the creature it might had a sword wich Twilight and Starlight already dispose of, but the thought of hidden weapons trouble her. What other hidden weapons might have this creature in its belongings?

Finally she found something useful: a small book… it wasn’t a normal book, it was a dairy. ¨maybe its last page would help me to know what he was doing before I encounter him¨

After hours of travel I finally got these refugees to Bruma, The countess promise me to keep them safe and feed. But Before I had the chance to leave the city a child walked towards me and thank me personally, he told me that I really deserved my tittle as champion of Cyrodill. Seen such a smile for a good deed was all the reward i needed.

But definitely I should had stayed and get rest instead of parting immediately towards the Imperial City, it might be not so far down the south but now in retrospective I can see that is still too far away, I hope I don’t fall asleep while traveling. But if I get there I will talk to potentate Ocato, maybe he will point me towards the solution, or maybe he will simply send to towards the blades.

¨Ocato? Who that might be? Maybe a friend of him¨

That might be only one page she read but she got a lot of information, that Imperial City might be the capital of the kingdom, this guy isn’t so bad as she thought considering he helped some refugees to get safety and maybe that Ocato guy could help her… ¨but what it means to be send towards the Blades? It might be some organization? Or an expression of him turning violent?¨ Twilight said, this was a very difficult puzzle to solve, maybe once she get enough rest she could try to talk with the creature.

Before Twilight could continue to elaborate theories about Ocato her friends rush to her room.

¨are you crazy? First we should get you back at your body¨ Rainbow Dash protested.

¨we managed to make him talk, maybe he is not so aggressive and could help us¨ said Fluttershy who wanted to cooperate with the so called champion of Cyrodill.

Twilight put her hands in her chin and said ¨i see, I read a little of his dairy, maybe while you could try to speak with him again while i continue to see what it says¨

Starlight had a small laugh ¨you never miss a chance to read doesn’t? ¨

Applejack walked forward ¨Anyway, when we ask him how to get you back in your body he rambled about something called Wabbajack, I think is the staff that made discord droll, maybe that thing could get you back on your bodies¨

Twilight decided to sit and consider her options:

She could either trust a total stranger that attack her not so long ago to cast a spell on her.

Or could try to travel to a mysterious land with only second hand information….

It was a difficult choice, either way the petition of Spike was one that should be done, Starlight instructed Rainbow dash and fluttershy to leave to the dragons lands to help him. Before either of them leave rainbow dash said to Twilight ¨either way, i think we will manage to save equestrian, we survived worst and came stronger each time, I doubt it will be different. ¨

And with that both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy parted.

¨I think I will made the best decision after getting some rest, I will read more of the dairy once I wake up, it would be useful to know more about the empire he apparently work for¨ Twilight again yawned, she barely managed to get sleep before Spike message woke her up.

¨I think I could read this dairy while you sleep, they told me that he is a Human Breton and he is the champion of Cyrodill... wharever that is, this dairy might help me verify that¨ said Starlight while levitated the dairy towards her.

¨in his last chapter he said that helped a group of refugees to get to safety, so he might be saying the truth about being a champion. Either way I hope you find something useful¨ and with that Twilight came back to her bed and quickly fell sleep.

The rest of the group leave her room to let her rest.

Applejack and Rarity decided to come back to ponyville, even thou this crisis was important they needed to have a little time with their families, also with what they learn they could try to calm them down.

Pinkie pie in another hand accompanied Starlight while she was reading the journal in a hallway. A lot to unpack there.

¨so, this guy was an in prison but a mix up in paperwork caused he ending up in a cell that was in truth an escape route for the Emperor in case assassins went after him, they didn’t manage to close the door so he managed to follow the Emperor and saw him being assassinated? ¨ Pinkie Pie was trying to process what just read, Starlight simply limited to nod.

¨and before the assassins killed him the emperor gave have him a magical amulet witch could prevent great disaster. And went searching to the last heir of the emperor in a city just to discover that was being besieged by creatures called daedra? ¨ Pinkie pie was surprised of how detail was the dairy, but the word daedra was a too similar word…

Starlight found weird to see Pinkie so… quiet, Pinkie pie was trying to remember something, what could it be?

¨he call us Daedra, and then he ask us what daedric prince we serve, looks like his world suffered an invasion from the daedra and he think we must be daedra too¨ Pinkie Pie now knew why the creature attacked her friends, it was a misunderstanding and not malice.

¨don’t forget about the portal where it appear the army of daedra that devastated the city of Kvatch, considering the description that Spike gave us about the anchor in the dragon lands, and the description of the portal that caused the destruction of that city i wonder if those daedra have something to do, they probably do¨ Starlight now was hopeful, if her supposition was correct that would mean that after a few explanations Equestria and the Empire could join forces to face the new crisis.

¨but if those jerks destroyed an antire city to get to Martin don’t you think they would try the same here? ¨ Pinkie Pie comment scared Starlight, the thought of any city in Equestria destroyed like Kvatch was truly terrifying , maybe the only reason why the daedra tried the same trick in the could ruler temple was because was full of trained warriors ready for an attack?

¨Then we should warn everycreature to make sure they can defend themselves, I just hope the daedra don’t have anything to do with this. At least this dairy explains that to close a portal one simply needs to remove a sphere know as sigil stone, so we might had a chance. Still that would mean we would had to fight throu an army of angry daedra¨ Starlight was trying to get her head around on how they would even manage to do that.

¨well, maybe instead of fighting them we could try to enter the portal, ignore any daedra and run directly to the stone, I mean that strategy works in dark souls¨ Pinkie smiled totally confident

Starlight simply saw Pinkie in confusion ¨dark what? ¨ just after making that question Starlight remembered that is better to not make questions about Pinkie Pie shenanigans, so she decided to talk again about the dairy ¨anyways, do you think we could get help from that Martin? If the so called oblivion crisis is already resolved that means than martin is now emperor, maybe we could make him know that we aren’t responsible for this¨

¨maybe after all of this is over we could try to organize a party in the style of Kvatch, he might miss his home. Anyways, do you want a snack? I heard than Pony Joe is still selling donuts in spite of the crisis¨ for it seems Pinkie Pie had her priorities straight.

¨you know what? I’m in, Twilight might take a time to wake up so we could get a donut and get back here to continue reading the journal¨ and with that both mares started walking in the hallway, leaving behind the dairy in the floor, after all who would pick it up?

Ten seconds, is that all it took. Starlight noticed a sound and turned to see the dairy and… it was gone.

Starlight run towards where she left the dairy, she was panicking and screamed ¨THE DAIRY!!!¨

Pinkie Pie run all over the hallway trying to locate whoever stole it, it could be the champion?

¨okay, hold still Pinkie, I have an idea! ¨ Said Starlight, while the unicorn prepared a spell Pinkie Pie made sure to shield herself with a piece of furniture.

Starlight spell caused a great flash of lightning… along with a small explosion that shake the floor, enough to both wake up Twilight… and broke the invisibility spell of the Champion of Cyrodill in Twilight body with the dairy in mouth.

¨gotcha¨ Said Starlight, with a smug face, she managed to capture him before, so she could do it again. But the champion quickly ran away and evaded every single spell she launched at him.

Both Starlight and Pinkie perused the champion, who still holds the dairy in its mouth. Because the Champion still didn’t know much about the castle they run in circles.

It would be like that for various minutes until Pinkie Pie yelled ¨PINKIE SENSE!!!¨ she stopped and started to recount was happening to her body ¨ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch….¨


¨what? ¨ said Starlight, who turned her head while continued running, because of that she was not seen where she was going… is not surprising when a door opened she crashed directly into it.

¨ouch¨ said both starlight and Twilight in the ground.

¨so, I can’t even get five minutes of rest? ¨ said Twilight while trying to get up.

¨worse than that, the crea- The Champion just escaped and took the dairy!!!¨ Said Pinkie Pie while helping Starlight to get up.

Starlight said ¨okay, we have to find him, I will go and close any door in the castle and alert the guards.¨ and then she run off.

Pinkie Pie yelled ¨make sure they don’t hurt him, he isn’t our enemy¨ and after that both of them continued reaching.

If Twilight were still an alicorn she would already do a spell to immediately find him, but without horn that was out of the question, even a pair of wings would help her to move more quickly around the palace.

Sure this day was turning worse every minute.