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Grand Finale




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Grand Finale

Everyone was looking to Allister with confused looks.

“Allister? What’s going on?” Dustin asked, crossing his arms.

“Well go on Allister, might as well get it off your chest.” Decibus said, and with a sigh of exasperation, Allister finally concedes.

“It happened a long time ago, back in my years at university.” Allister began, and everyone listened, well…save for Decibus.


Somewhere in a college institution, we see a young Allister accompanied by two people. One was a woman with red hair, yellow eyes, dressed in a cream yellow sweater and a white shirt. The second was a young man with Dark brown hair in a buzz cut, a bit of stubble, green eyes, dressed in a blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up, and dressed in green pants.

Allister: “It was second year. So me along with Dustin’s parents, Lexi and Zeke, were preparing for the annual Musical Extravaganza, a musical competition where many put their musical talent to the test, and the event was broadcasted worldwide. And as for the prize, the winner is given the opportunity to rise to stardom.”

Dustin: “Wait, you and my parents?!”

Allister: “Yes. And needless to say, competition was stiff.”

As Allister, Lexi and Zeke were conversing, they see a young man walk to them. He had blonde hair, purple eyes obscured by sunglasses, a goatee, he wore a white button-up shirt with a brown vest over it, a pair of blue pants and a pair if black boots. One look at him and you can definitely tell that he was a man of high class.

“Oh joy.” Young Lexi groaned.

“Well. I see you three are attending the Musical Extravaganza, yes?” The blonde man asked with a smirk.

“What do you want, Siegfried!” Allister growled a bit.

“Oh, just to wish you good luck at the competition.” Siegfried said sarcastically. “Your pretty much going to need it.”

Allister: I’ll skip to the part where Decibus, aka Siegfried started his performance.”

Siegfried is standing on stage with an instrument that resembled a combination of an electric organ and a mixing board clad in a cape and make up, making him looks like some sort of vampire.

Allister: “You can say he was like Rarity when it comes to performances. He always had to look the part. Though he’s also like Trixie in terms of impressing the crowd.”

Decibus: “Oh fuck you, Allister! I was known as Count Dubstep for a reason!”

“Ladies and gentlemen. Before I start my performance, may I present to you the future of music.” Siegfried said, motioning to his instrument. “I present to you, the Mixing Organ. A blend of something as primitive as the Pipe Organ, and the modern mixing board. The broadest definition of the phrase “worlds collide”.

The audience applauded and some even were in awe at such an instrument. The only ones that were not so impressed were Allister, Lexi and Zeke.

“And now, I present to you, my biggest masterpiece yet.” Siegfried said before taking his seat. After cracking his fingers, he pressed the keys while also working the mixing board of his instrument, performing a song that was a blend of classical baroque and modern dubstep.

As Siegfried continued to play, the audience was amazed by the skill Siegfried possessed. He was pressing the keys and mixing the mix board his instrument was comprised of with absolute finesse. Even Allister, Lexi and Zeke were amazed.

“Whoa. He’s good.” Zeke said with shock. “Really good.”

“Really good?” Lexi asked Zeke, “He’s playing that thing like it was nobody’s business! How the hell are we supposed to beat that!?”

“We’ll just have to try our best.” Allister said with determination in his tone.

After Siegfried finished his performance, the crowd went wild. Siegfried enjoyed the praise he was receiving.

“Thank you all. You’re all too kind.” Siegfried said, bowing before rolling his Mixing Organ off the stage. But he cast a smug look to Allister, Lexi and Zeke. “Try and top that.”

“Quite a performance. Next up, we have Allister Harmon, Lexi Blake and Zeke Miller!” The announcer said.

Lexi: See the people walking down the street

Fall in line just watching all their feet

They don't know where they wanna go

But they're walking in time

They got the beat

They got the beat

They got the beat, yeah

They got the beat

As the three begin to perform, the judges were impressed, and the spectators were nodding their heads to the beat. Siegfried on the other hand, had a look of disgust on his face as he observed from back stage.

“Such garbage”, Siegfried said with a scowl.

Lexi: All the kids just getting out of school

They can't wait to hang out and be cool

Hang around 'til quarter after 12

That's when they fall in line

They got the beat

They got the beat

Kids got the beat, yeah

Kids got the beat

Zeke then began a guitar solo while Allister was really working the drums. The crowd went crazy at the solo. Siegfried though was even bitterer at the performance.

Lexi: Go-go music really makes us dance

Doin' the pony puts us in a trance

The Watusi just give us a chance

That's when we fall in line

'Cause we got the beat

We got the beat

We got the beat, yeah

We got it

As the song progressed, the judges were even more impressed, as evident with their head nodding.

Allister and Zeke: We got the beat

We got the beat

We got the beat

Lexi: Everybody get on your feet

Allister and Zeke: We got the beat

Lexi: We know you can dance to the beat

Allister and Zeke: We got the beat

Lexi: Jump back, get down

Allister and Zeke: We got the beat

Lexi, Allister and Zeke: Round and round and round

Lexi: We got the beat

We got the beat

Allister and Zeke: (we got the beat)

Lexi: We got the beat

Allister and Zeke: (we got the beat)

Lexi: We got the beat

Allister and Zeke: (we got the beat)

Lexi: We got the beat

Allister and Zeke: (we got the beat, we got the beat)

Lexi: We got the beat

Allister and Zeke: (we got the beat, we got the beat)

Lexi, Zeke and Allister: We got the beat

Once the song finished, the crowd went totally wild in applause. Siegfried was the only one who didn’t applause as Zeke, Lexi and Allister took their bows.

Allister: “Jump to the part where the judges would pick their winner, everyone was tense.”

Many of the contestants were waiting as the announcer opened an envelope.

“And the runner up is…” The announcer trailed off while a drum roll was sounded. “Allister Harmon, Lexi Blake and Zeke Miller.”

This reveal made the three have disheartened look, while Siegfried had a smug look.

“Oh, do chin up. Better luck next year.” Siegfried said, but then one of the judges whispered to the announcer.

“Hold up, folks! I’m sorry, there was a miscommunication, and the runner-up is actually Siegfried Alighieri!” Siegfried then had a look of shock on his face. “But the real winners are Allister Harmon, Lexi Blake, and Zeke Miller, congratulations you three!” Now Lexi, Allister and Zeke cheered upon hearing this as they were handed a big check.

“And here’s you runner up gift basket!” The announcer said, giving a very angry Siegfried a small gift basket. “Congratulations!”

“Let me see that!” Siegrfried demanded, snatching the sheet of paper out of Siegfried’s hand. And when he saw Lexi, Zeke and Alliste’s results, he was even more enraged. “WHAT!? One point?! Those three stooges one by one blasted point?! This is highly unprecedented!”

“Just suck it up, Siegfried.” Zeke said with a snicker. “Nobody likes a sore loser.”

“You”, Siegfried growled in absolute fury, crumbling up the paper and tossing it aside. “You will pay dearly for this! I may have lost this year, but I will succeed next year!” Siegfried then stormed off, too angry to even speak.

End Flashback

“After that, we saved that money for your parent’s wedding.” Allister said, ruffling Dustin’s hair.

“Awwww.” Many of the female students called out, including the Rainbooms and Dazzlings.

“Oh sure. Those two got the cash prize for their stupid little wedding, but fate was not so kind to me.” Siegfried growled furiously.

“What are ya talking about?” Rainbow asked with a raised brow.

“Upon reaching third year of university, I worked tirelessly to make the song that was guaranteed to grant me victory for the following Musical Extravaganza!” Decibus said, clenching his fists in anguish. “But unfortunately, that day would never come.”

“Why’s that? You were too chicken to attend after losing the previous year?” Rainbow asked with a smug grin, but a bitter scowl from him shut her up.

“No, smart ass! The reason is because I eventually overworked myself. I never stopped to rest, eat, or even relieve myself. I worked day and night, twenty-four hours! But no matter how hard I tried, I could not find the right symphony.” Decibus’s hands were clenched even tighter now. “But eventually, the stress was too much for my health….and…” Decibus trailed off, but Dustin seemed to catch on what Decibus was trying to say.

“Wait! Are you saying that…you….died that day?” Dustin asked, everyone else gasp in shock.

“Ooh, check out the big brains on young Dustin Miller. Somebody give him a Chardonnay, slap his ass, and call him Charlie Sheen.” Decibus said with pure sarcasm in his tone.

“Wait! Hold up! If yer dead, then how in tarnation are ya here right now!” Applejack asked with confusion.

“Good question, my dear.” Decibus said with a grin. “Have any of you ever heard of reincarnation?” Decibus asked, many of the students were just confused.

“Uh…what does that have to…” Pinkie asked, but Decibus raised his hand, cutting her off mid sentence.

“Well, during my stay in the hospital, you can say I had an out of body experience.” Decibus explained with a chuckle. “Normally, when you pass away, sour soul leaves the body and enters to the great beyond, heaven or hell. But in my case, it was a bit different.”

“What are ya talking about, screen head?” Aria asked with a mix of anger and confusion.

“Upon my passing, I found myself in Cyber Space. While I was there, I stumbled across a place in Cyber Space referred to as the Dead Zone.”

“The Dead Zone?” Adagio asked, her curiosity increasing.

“Think of it as the land of the dead. It is a place inhabited by Cybergeists.” Decibus said with a chuckle.

“Cyber who-what?” Pinkie asked in confusion.

“Cybergiests are somewhat like ghosts.” Allister explained, grabbing everyone’s attention. “They are basically people or animals who have passed away, but are born a new as digital beings. Some are good, some are evil, and some are in between the two.”

“So, you’re saying that you’re a Cybergiest?” Twilight asked, making Decibus chuckle.

“Correct, princess.” Decibus said, his grin growing wider. “Anyway, since my arrival to the Dead Zone, I had gained this body you see now. At first I was shocked, and a little terrified. But over time, I became accustomed to Cyber Space and many of its inhabitants. I’ve even gained a reputation there.”

“Wait! From what you said, you lived and died in my world! So how did you end up here?” Dustin asked, and Decibus chuckled yet again.

“Well, I would explain that part, but you would have a difficult time understanding. Anyway, once I arrived here, I have originally planned on making a portal back home. But that changed one night when very recently, I have detected a very strange energy signature.”

“Energy signature?” Dustin asked with confusion, but his confusion quickly turned into shock. “The night of the Fall Formal!”

“Correct. And at that same night, I stumbled across these three ladies.” Decibus explained, motioning to Aria, Adagio and Sonata. “And the rest is pretty much history.”

“You bastard”, Adagio growled in anger. “You were using us from the start!”

“Yes…yes I was.” Decibus said before teleporting to the mixing board to the Decimator. “But enough talk! Let’s drop the beat!” Decibus announced as a series of cables appeared and attached to Decibus’ helmet and gauntlets.

“Shit!” Dustin swore as the Decimator was powered up.

“And now for the grand finale!, one that will bring the house down!” Decibus called out, laughing maniacally as he worked his mixing board!

And when Decibus said this “grand finale” would bring the house down, he was not lying. The music the Decimator played was so loud, that the ground shook violently and the surroundings of the stage began to fall apart. Many students were freaking out while in a panic.

“Ok, buddy! You wanna rock?” Dustin said before dialing up his Digitrix, transforming into Jammer. “Then let’s rock!”

“Hahaha! Foolish boy!” Decibus cackled madly as his Decimator fired high-powered sound waves at Dustin’s direction. Dustin retaliates by using Jammer’s guitar, strumming it to unleash a wave of sound of his own. Unfortunately for him, his attack was not good enough. The sound waves sent him crashing to one of the bleachers.

“Dustin!” Sonata called out in worry as she ran to help him up.

“That’s it!” Rainbow called out as she flew down to Decibus, but he retaliates with another sound blast, sending her crashing to the ground.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy cried out in worry.

“Foolish children! What hope do you have in taking me down?” Decibus said with a maniacal laugh as his song progressed.

“You messed with the wrong sirens now!” Adagio growled as she and Aria willed their Siren Spirits again, only this time their target was Decibus. Decibus just laughed still.

“Your cheap parlor tricks are meaningless!” Decibus laughed as the Decimator fired sonic blasts at the two sprits, making them vanish just as quickly as they appear. “Face it! You’re all doomed!”

During this whole fiasco, Flash was wandering how to stop Decibus, until he noticed the console that Decius was hooked up to. He had an idea and ran off for something he could destroy it.

“Is that all you got, brah?!” Dustin called out, strumming his guitar to fire another blast of sound to Decibus, only to be blasted back yet again.

“Jesus! Is there any way of taking him out?!” Aria growled in frustration.

“That console he’s wired up to.” Sunset pointed to the device that Decibus was attached to. “I’m not exactly certain, but that may be his weak point.”

“So, we trash it, he’s left vulnerable.” Rainbow guessed. “But how do we bust it?”

“Allow me!” Flash called out as he ran to them, a javelin in his hand.

“Flash?” Twilight asked in both shock and awe. As Decibus continued to laugh like a total mad man, believing he was at the peak of his power, Flash took aim. He only had one shot, so he better make it count. Then with all his might, Flash threw the Javelin at the console. The Javelin had met its mark, not only piercing through the mix board, but also right through Decibus’s midsection.

GAH!” Decibus hacked in pain as the Decimator’s music then shut off.

“Ouch!” Sonata winced at the sight of seeing both Decibus and the console he was hook up to being shish kabobbed by the javelin Flash threw at him.

“Now we finish this!” Dustin said, strumming his guitar, firing another sonic blast. But this time, the Rainbooms backed him up by uniting their power and fired a rainbow beam, and even Aria, Adagio and Sonata helped out by emitting a sonic scream at Decibus. The series of attacks melded into a single beam. Decibus was too shocked to respond, and the javelin that skewered right through his midsection made things even worse for him. All Decibus could do was flinch as the beam hit the Decimator.

Sudden, the Decimator began to spark with electricity and emit beeping sounds. Decibus tried desperately to remove the javelin, but to no avail as the Decimator began to overload.

NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Decibus called out in terror, and just like that, the Decimator exploded in a blinding flash of light, the shock wave from the explosion was powerful enough to knock everyone off their feet. All that was left was a big scorch mark on the stage where the Decimator once stood. Suddenly, Decibus’ helmet came falling down, its visor riddled with cracks, and covered in scorch marks before it ultimately vanished in a shower of glowing purple flakes.

“Siegfried.” Allister said with a sigh.

“Finally, it’s all over.” Dustin said with a sigh before turning back to normal.

"Rainbooms rule!" Flash Sentry exclaimed, running onto the stage, "That was amazing!" he said as he hugged Twilight with all his might, still holding onto her after the embrace. The girls giggled while the guys just smiled as Flash and Twilight blushed, inching their faces away from each other nervously.

“Flash, thanks for the save dude.” Dustin said, sharing a high-five with Flash.

"You may have vanquished that Decibus’ fellow," Trixie began, appearing out of nowhere between Flash and Twilight, making them let go of each other in annoyance, "but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" she exclaimed, throwing down another smoke bomb that burst on impact with the stage floor. Everyone onstage coughed as the smoke disappeared, revealing no sign of Trixie.

"She's gone!" Pinkies exclaimed, grabbing her hair for a more dramatic effect, “Oh, wait," she realized, noticing her trying to escape by climbing over the stands, "There she is," she said as Trixie fell from the back of the stands.

"Trixie is okay!" she exclaimed before running off.

"Well," Pixel began as he walked over, "she sure knows how to ruin a nice moment," she said, making Flash and Twilight blush. Flash then raised his eyebrow as he noticed something on Dustin’s face.

"Uh dude," he began, getting Dustin's attention, "You got something on your cheek." he asked.

“Huh?” Dustin asked with a raise eyebrow as he wiped his right cheek. He looked at his palm to see blue lipstick stains on it.

"GAH! Fucking hell, Trixie!" he shouted angrily.

“Hehehe.” Sonata and Pinkie giggled at the sight.

"You know," Rainbow began to say, "Twilight is going back to Equestria soon," she told Sunset, making Twilight nod, "The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals," she added as Sunset noticed a green and white guitar with an arrowhead shaped body leaning up against a speaker. She picked it up, and after taking out a black guitar pick, performed a really impressive riff upon it.

"I also play guitar," she said afterwards as everyone was very surprised, looking at Rainbow, who was speechless as Twilight giggled, making her look away nervously.

“Damn, girl! I knew you were good with a guitar, but you got skill!” Dustin said with a whistle.

"We'll see," Rainbow replied. The girls and Spike then all group hugged Sunset Shimmer, who was surprised at first, but happily accepted the embraces as Dustin, Pixel and the Dazzlings looked on with smiles form ear to ear.

“And if you ladies ever need some vocals,” Adagio said to the Rainbooms, “You can count on the three of us.”

“So…what now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"So… Anyone want to grab a taco?" Sonata asked in her usual ditzy nature. Everyone laughed at Sonata’s suggestion.

“Oh Sonata.” Adagio said, whipping a tear away.

“Actually, some Mexican food wouldn’t hurt.” Dustin said with a shrug.

“Wait!” Celestia said, walking up to the gang. “Dustin, you and your band haven’t performed yet.”

Dustin thought about that. But he had a smile on his face.

“I think I have an idea.” Dustin said, his grin never fading.

After some cleaning up, the final events of the Battle of the Bands is now in session. The lights dimmed, and principal Celestia walked up onto the stage with a microphone in hand.

"Alright, everyone!" Celestia beamed. "I’m certain you’re all ready for the final event.” Celestia beamed as the crowd cheered.

“After the events that have transpired, Dustin Miller, leader of the Web Surfers, has decided that all three teams deserve a victory lap.” Celestia said, a spot light shined at the Web Surfers, The Rainbooms, and the reformed and reunited Dazzlings. “Now, it is with great pleasure that I introduce all three teams, and their grand performance!"

As Celestia walked off the stage, the crowd into applause. The music started, and soon enough, Dustin began to sing a song that is an all-time favorite of his.

Dustin: I’m just a step away

I'm just a breath away

Losin' my faith today

Adagio: (Fallin' off the edge today)

Dustin: I am just a man

Not superhuman

Aria: (I'm not superhuman)

Dustin: Someone save me from the hate

Pixel: It's just another war

Sunset Shimmer: Just another family torn

Sonata: (Falling from my faith today)

Pixel: Just a step from the edge

Just another day in the world we live

All: I need a hero to save me now

I need a hero (save me now)

I need a hero to save my life

A hero'll save me (just in time)

Pixel: I've gotta fight today

To live another day

Speakin' my mind today

Fluttershy: (My voice will be heard today)

Pixel: I've gotta make a stand

But I am just a man

Sunset: (I'm not superhuman)

Pixel: My voice will be heard today

Dustin: It's just another war

Sonata: Just another family torn

Twilight: (My voice will be heard today)

Dustin: It's just another kill

The countdown begins to destroy ourselves

All: I need a hero to save my life

I need a hero just in time

Save me just in time

Save me just in time

Who's gonna fight for what's right

Who's gonna help us survive

Dustin and Pixel: We're in the fight of our lives

Dazzlings: (And we're not ready to die)

All: Who's gonna fight for the weak

Who's gonna make 'em believe

Dustin, Pixel and Sonata: I've got a hero (I've got a hero)

Livin' in me

All: I'm gonna fight for what's right

Today I'm speaking my mind

Rainbooms: And if it kills me tonight

Dazzlings: (I will be ready to die)

Dustin: A hero's not afraid to give his life

All: A hero's gonna save me just in time

Rainbooms: I need a hero

Web Surfers and Dazzlings: Who's gonna fight for what's right

Who's gonna help us survive

Rainbooms: I need a hero

Web Surfers and Dazzlings: Who's gonna fight for the weak

Who's gonna make 'em believe

I need a hero

I need a hero

All: A hero's gonna save me just in time

The crowd burst into cheers as they loved the performance. The Dazzlings could feel themselves growing even stronger from the positive energy they were absorbing. It was obvious that this band would be remembered for many years to come.

The next morning, Dustin, Allister and the girls were all gathered outside the school around the mirror portal as Twilight and Spike were about to leave.

"Sure wish you could stay longer," Applejack admitted.

"Me too," Twilight said, "But I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to," she explained as Pinkie was fooling around, sticking her hand and face into the mirror portal, "Its citizens need me," she added as Pinkie came out all dizzied from the portal's effects, "But now I can go through the portal whenever I need to," she continued, "This isn't goodbye," she said, "It's just goodbye 'til next time," she finished, but then she looks to the Dazzlings.

“Adagio, Aria, Sonata, I’m glad you girls have reformed.” Twilight said, making the three sirens look away bashfully.

“Well…” Sonata said, looking at Dustin. “We have a certain red-haired boy for that.”

Dustin blushed red, rubbing the back his head bashfully. The girls giggle at that.

“Yes, he has a big heart, ya know.” Allister said, everyone laughed.

“You’re right on that, Al.” Twilight said, before her attention turned to Dustin. “And Dustin…”

Dustin looks to Twilight. Suddenly, Twilight wraps her arms around Dustin, embracing him in a warm hug, to which he happily returns.

“Do me a favor. Never change.” Twilight said before the two let go. Twilight then looks to Spike.

"Ready?" Twilight asked Spike.

"Ready!" Spike replied. He then walked through the mirror portal, with Twilight in tow as the girls watched them leave.

As soon as Twilight and Spike were gone, the Digitrix beeped, catching everyone’s attention.

“Two new transformations added to playlist.” The Digtrix said.

“Whoa! Two new transformations?” Dustin asked in surprise.

“Oooh. Lemme see, lemme see!” Pinke said as Dustin pressed a button on the Digitrix. Everyone examined the screen on the Digitrix.

The Digitrix’s screen displayed a muscular bipedal canine that looked somewhat like Spike as a werewolf.

“Wait! Is that…Spike?” Sunset asked with surprise.

“Ooohh. Looks tough.” Pinkie said in amazement.

“Pretty cool.” Rainbow said with a whistle. Dustin then swiped the screen to see the next transformation added to his playlist. It resembled a fusion of Sonata, Aria and Adagio, complete with a pair of wings similar to the ones the Dazzlings have when ponied up. But it lacked the red choker the three sirens had.

“Hey. That looks like a combination of the three of us.” Sonata said with awe.

“Aw great!” Dustin groaned, “Another female transformation!” The Dazzlings were confused by hearing that.

“Wait!” Adagio said, “You mean you have other female transformations?”

“Yeah.” Dustin nodded sheepishly, “About seven in fact.”

“Pfft! Oh god!” Aria snickered upon hearing that, only to be elbowed by Adagio.

“How about we give those two new guys a test run?” Applejack suggested, to which Dustin shrugged.

“Meh, why not?” Dustin shrugged. The gang headed to the football field.


From somewhere else, a seismograph had just stopped measuring as a hand ripped the results from the machine, and then pinned it to a board. That board had different kinds of images, with red strings that led to the single image of Canterlot High. The hand had come from a girl wearing glasses and a lab coat, who looked somewhat similar to Twilight Sparkle as she had her hair bunched up.

"No doubt about it, Spike," the girl noted to her puppy that was behind her as she fixed her glasses, "There's definitely something strange going on at that school..." she said, pondering what was going on as the dog barked wildly.

In a dark room, we see a hooded figure at a desk, working on something.

“Excellent! It’s nearly complete.” The hooded figure said with a chuckle. “Just a few more adjustments, and my creation will be ready.”

“I suppose you’re project is nearing completion?” A voice said behind him.

“Of course, master. After a few tweaks, this newest invention of mine will be complete.” The hooded figure said with a grin.

“And you’re sure it will work?” The figure asked with uncertainty.

“Fret not, master. With this device, that fool Miller and his comrades won’t know what hit them.” The hooded figure said with a malicious chuckle.

“If you say so.” The man stepped into the light, revealing none other than Ginzo. “But I wouldn’t underestimate him and his friends.”

“You worry too much, master Ginzo. By the time my invention is complete, I'll see to it that Miller and his comrades never interfere with the Syndicate's affairs.” The hooded figure said with confidence.

“Very well then. But for your sake, you better not fail me.” Ginzo said, the hooded figure nodded with a malicious grin.

Author's Note:

And that's the end of this story. Finally got it finished.

Hope you guys liked this story, and as always, I will see y'all on the next one.

Comments ( 12 )

Such a amazing final! Looking forward to seeing Friendship games story!

That was a good end I think.

Disappointed Spike just stood there like a prop during the whole final fight with the Dazzlings and Decibal there. Felt like he's ultimately excluded due to not being an Element Bearer..

Did like that there's now a transformation based off of Spike right there now. What is it capable of doing?

But I am just a man

Should be something like a girl instead of man.

other then that, GREAT STORY!!!!
Love that last song now!~

As always great choice in music and also I can't wait to see what happens in the friendship games

The penultimate chapter and final chapter... felt weaksauce for me. Just expected more but probably that is cause of the wait time, and that I was too hyped. I am excited for Friendship Games though, I will always wait for that, and what could be interaction between Sci-Twi and Ginzo.

Oh goddamit, Dustin never became a couple with Sonata, or at least one of the girls! I wanted one thing.

Well, Dustin gets paired with a girl, but you'll have to wait till Legends of Everfree to find out who the lucky girl is.

Sorry about that, im the one who proofreads his work before posting and alot of stuff was going on at the time so the editing might not have the same luster in some places.

Its okay dude. I actually did some editing before posting. I figured that after you sent it, I do some edits, figures some bits needed fixing up.

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