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Feeling Blue

Telepathic link
"Transformation Index

Feeling Blue

OP - "WE HAVE A CITY TO BURN" by Aram Zero

Back in the world of Equestria, Ponyville was bustling with ponies of all kinds flying and trotting around town. On the outskirts of the town laid the new Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle, similar to a tree house, but much more colorful and beautiful, shining brightly in the sunlight with its crystal-like structure, inside Twilight Sparkle and her friends were lounging around in the throne room as a stallion walked in through the large doors, hauling a wooden cart filled with books. Twilight was busy reading a book using her magic to have it float in front of her eyes, Rarity was busy polishing up her throne, and Fluttershy & Applejack were pushing a crate across the room as Pinkie Pie was busy blowing up a balloon.

"Excuse me, Princess," the stallion said, getting Twilight's attention, "Where do you want all these books from Princess Celestia?" he asked.

"The library," Twilight replied, "Third door on the left," she added as went back to reading her book.

"Even this one that's glowing and vibrating?" he asked, looking up the pile of books, seeing the book glow in a magical aura, shaking at the top.

It buzzed as Twilight levitated it over as her friends were curious about it as well, seeing the sun symbol upon its hard cover. She flipped through the pages quickly, with her eyes widening as she discovered something.

"What is it, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked as she trotted over, with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash also eyeing the book's pages.

"It looks like a message to Princess Celestia from my friends at Canterlot High," Twilight replied, very surprised.

"How is that even possible?" Rarity asked as she came over with Applejack and Spike.

"I have no idea," Twilight said, still confused, "but it... sounds like they need my help," she said worriedly. Later in the castle's library, Twilight quickly pulled another book out from the shelves, one with the head of a unicorn in gold on the cover with gold bracing as well.

"The way Sunset Shimmer described them," Twilight began to say, "I think these new girls sound an awful lot like... the sirens," she finished.

"Not the sirens!" Pinkie exclaimed, surprising everyone, "I don't actually know what that is!" she admitted in a loud whisper to Fluttershy.

"The sirens were three beautiful but dangerous creatures who had the power to charm ponies with their music," Twilight began, "But to maintain this power, they had to feed on the negativity and distrust of others," she continued, "The more of this negative energy they consumed, the stronger their voices became, and the farther they could spread their dark magic," she said.

"I don't think I like this story very much," Fluttershy admitted with a worried look.

"If the sirens had their way, they would have divided and conquered all of Equestria," Twilight added, "But a certain Star Swirl the Bearded wasn't having it," she continued, "Rumor has it he found a way to banish them to another world – one where he believed their magic power would be lost," she said, "That world must have been the one where my Canterlot High friends live."

"But Star Swirl must have sent them there ages ago," Applejack noted, "How come they're just surfacin' now?" she asked.

"I don't know," Twilight admitted as she flipped back a page with her magic, "But if my hunch is right and it is the sirens who have come to Canterlot High, this spell they've cast is just the beginning," she said, looking at the picture of the three sirens, whom looked like half horse, half mermaid type creatures.

"My friends need me," she said, "I have to get back to them." Twilight was about to run off, but not before Rainbow flew in her way.

"I hate to burst your bubble, Twilight," she began, "but the connection between their world and Equestria will still be totally cut off for a super long time," she said.

"Okay, first of all," Pinkie chimed in surprisingly, "if there was bubble-blowing going on, why wasn't I told about it?!" she asked, "And secondly, if the connection is totally cut off, how was Sunset Shimmer able to get a message to Twilight?" she asked. Twilight gasped excitedly as she realized something.

"Pinkie, you're a genius!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran off to get something.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Pinkie admitted, "Now about those bubbles..." she said, pulling Rainbow over so that their muzzles were touching. The ponies then noticed Twilight trot over with multiple mechanical supplies floating above her head. Handiwork noises were heard as she meticulously put together the parts onto the mystic mirror portal. As she had finished, a tall machine, reaching almost as high as the ceiling of the library, surrounded the mirror.

“...And the interval between the two points is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the separation between the points along three spatial dimensions," Twilight exclaimed with a big smile.

"Say what now?" Spike asked as he and the other ponies were way beyond confused.

"Duh", Pinkie said, "She's gonna take the magic in here and put it in there," she said, pointing out Celestia's book, and where it would be placed on the machine, "That'll make the portal open up so that whenever she wants to, she can go from here to there," she explained easily, "There to here. Here to there. Here there! Here there! Here—"

"We get the idea!" Applejack interrupted, causing Pinkie to cease her antics and trot back over to the group after her colorful description.

"Now to see if it actually works," Twilight said. She then levitated the book to the top of the machine, having rest on what appeared to be a pedestal for it to rest upon. The magic in the book suddenly began to glow brighter as it coursed through the machine's systems like electricity.

"Ooooh..." all the ponies and Spike said in awe of the machine as the magic kept flowing, activating more devices that then created a bright burst of light in front of the mirror, blinding Twilight for a second. She opened her eyes to see that the portal to the alternate dimension had opened completely, shining in a pinkish red light as the magic circulated.

"Ahhhhh..." all the ponies and Spike said in awe as the process was complete.

"Don't suppose we could join you this time around?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Better not," Twilight replied, "It could make things pretty confusing if Canterlot High all of a sudden had two of all of you," she added. The ponies all agreed as Twilight made a valid point.

"But I still get to go, right?" Spike asked, "There isn't another one of me at Canterlot High," he added with a prideful look, "And you never know if you might need your trusty assistant," he noted, hoping for a yes.

"Mm-hmm," Twilight replied with a simple nod.

"Yes!" Spike exclaimed happily as Twilight trotted over to the others.

"We won't be gone long," Twilight said to the girls. They all then shared a group hug, exchanging their goodbyes.

"And don't forget to dress nice," Rarity added as she and others, except for Pinkie, let go of Twilight. Pinkie just let out a little squee after hugging Twilight for longer than expected.

"Ready, Spike?" Twilight asked after walking back to his side. Spike cracked his knuckles, took a quick breath, and squeaked his claws on the floor, getting into a ready position like a sprinter.

"Ready!" he replied excitedly. They then both ran straight into the swirling vortex of the portal, disappearing in a bright flash of light.


Adagio, Aria and Sonata were called by Decibus for a meeting, and Decibus was clearly not happy about something.

“So, why are we here again?” Aria asked to Decibus, he did not respond.

He was too upset to answer as he presented a metallic sphere covered in dents like it was hit by a baseball bat.

“What even is that?” Adagio asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That is the Decimator's power core. Or it was until somebody had the absolute gall to damage it! When I was testing the Decimator and noticed that it was not functioning proper. So I went to check the inner workings and lo and behold, I stumbled across this!” Decibus said, trying his best to keep his temper in check.

“Hate to disappoint, but we don’t know who would be brave or stupid enough to do this.” Aria said with a shrug.

“Ah, but I do! In fact, this wasn’t just some random act of vandalism! This was an act of fowl play!” Decibus growled, startling the trio momentarily.

“And just how do you know that?” Adagio asked in confusion. Decibus then pulled out a laptop before typing in a few keys.

“Because what you may not know, is that I have surveillance cameras hidden throughout this facility.” Decibus said before turning his attention to the three. “And who the suspect was, well, needless to say they were pretty ballsy, but also just plain stupid to think they could do this to me unpunished!” Decibus said before turning to Sonata.

“I have a riddle for you, Sonata. What is black, blue and red all over?” Decibus asked Sonata, who was shivering in fright.

“A n-n-newsp-paper?” Sonata stuttered in nervousness and fear. Decibus only chuckled briefly at Sonata's answer.

“Good guess, but no.” Decibus said before turning the laptop to show the three the surveillance footage of Sonata sneaking in with a crowbar and approaching. Sonata was now scared, Aria and Adagio were shocked by this, and Decibus had a disappointed look on his visor. “The answer is you when I’M DONE WITH YOU!

Adagio and Aria turn to Sonata, who were too angry to speak.

“Sonata, you better have a good reason for this!” Adagio growled to Sonata, who was now even more terrified.

“Well…what do you have to say for yourself!?” Decibus asked, and Sonata didn’t say a word, all she did was hang her head in shame. Aria then grabbed Sonata by the collar out of rage.

“You idiot, what were you thinking!?” Aria asked Sonata in rage, but she was not intimidated as she pushed Aria off.

“I was doing what is right! All we've been doing is making people feud, all just to regain our magic!”, Sonata asked defiantly.

“Oh, so what are you saying? That our way of getting anything we want isn't as good as doing it your way?” Adaigo asked Sonata with arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

“Your way? You mean his way. Can't you see Decibus is just using us?” Sonata asked the two, but they didn’t believe her.

“What even gives you that idea?” Adagio asked, not convinced by Sonata’s statement.

“Aria, Adagio, you guys have got to trust me on this. Don't you understand there's something wrong with this creep? I swear I get the heebie-jeebies every time I get near him!” Sonata said while motioning to Decibus.

“So, we're supposed to live crappy lives because you’re being paranoid? I'm starting to think that you’re just saying all of this because you want all the attention to yourself!” Aria’s words made Sonata gasp in shock.

“What!? No! How can you even say that?!” Sonata asked, taken aback by Aria’s statement.

“Dammit Sonata, don’t you get it!? Decibus is trying to help us and you're just holding us back!” Adagio said to Sonata, but she was not backing down.

“Oh, I hold you back alright, from doing something you’ll regret!” Sonata then looks to Decibus “See what you've done here, Decibus? If you had not found last night, this wouldn’t be happening!”

“Mind your tone, child!” Decibus said warningly, but Sonata was not deterred.

“Oh, blow it out your ass, screen face! You are only interested in taking advantage of Aria and Adagio because they are too stupid and naïve to know any better!”

Adagio and Adagio both gasped at what Sonata had just said, and Sonata had just realized her mistake. She looks to Adagio and Aria, both having shocked expressions on their faces, which quickly turned to anger.

“Excuse me?!” Adagio growled.

“Oh! I know I did not just hear that come out of your mouth!” Aria said in pure rage, and Sonata was now a bit scared.

“Guys…I didn't mean...” Sonata said but was pushed down by Aria.

“Get the hell out!” Adagio growled at Sonata, who was too hurt to respond. “NOW!

Sonata’s eyes began to water as she got up and ran out the building crying.

“I cant believe she just said that!” Aria growled in frustration. Adagio then looks to Decibus.

“So is that thing is totally busted? Which means our plan was for nothing?” Adagio asked Decibus, who was observing the damage power core.

“Luckily, all is not lost. The power core is damaged, but a few tweaks here and there as well as a few little adjustments should do the trick.” Decibus said as he looks to Adagio and Aria. “I do apologize for the loss of your friend.”

“Friend? That blueberry bitch was just holding us back. Honestly, who needs her?” Aria said as Adagio nodded.

“Agreed.” Adagio then looks to Decibus. “When do you suppose you can get that thing fixed?”

“You kidding? I can have this thing fixed in a couple of hours. I have the necessary components, so this stunt Sonata pulled is just a minor inconvenience.” Decibus said as he walked off to fix the power core.

Back at Canterlot High, the gang was all hanging around the mirror statue, waiting patiently for Twilight's return. Rarity was generously helping Fluttershy paint her fingernails

Pinkie Pie and Applejack were both in an intense game of cards upon the statue's pedestal. Applejack grinned, laying down her cards for the group to see that she had four aces. However, Pinkie smirked as she laid down her hand of cards over Applejack's, revealing four jokers. Applejack was upset as Pinkie smugly crossed her arms in victory.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash, Pixel Prada, Dustin and Sunset Shimmer were all lying against the pedestal, still waiting on Twilight to come. Rainbow sighed as she threw the soccer ball back and forth from her left hand to her right.

"I'm starting to think she's not coming," she said out loud.

Suddenly, two figures came through the mirror, crashing into Dustin as everyone turned their heads to notice what had happened.

"Twilight!" the girls exclaimed, recognizing the purple skinned girl as she rubbed her head in discomfort while still on her knees.

"I'm back…" Twilight said nervously. She then looked back up to see Sunset Shimmer offer a hand to her, but she was somewhat reluctant to take hold of it, especially after what had happened the first time they met. Spike was a puppy once again as he saw Twilight take Sunset's hand, letting her pull the princess who was formerly a pony up from the ground. Sunset nervously rubbed the back of her head as she didn't know what to say. The other girls all then ran over, exchanging greetings and a group hug with Twilight happily.

"Good to have you back Princess," Dustin said from the ground as he got up, dusting himself odd.

"And I've got some bad news about those new girls," she said. Everyone reacted worriedly as it seemed Twilight understood the situation they were.


A while later, down at the café on the corner, Dustin and the girls sat down at a table, with each of them having a drink in hand while they were there.

"Oh, I do hate that you had to return at a time of crisis," Rarity said to Twilight, "There's so much catching up to do!" she said excitedly.

"For starters," Applejack began to say, "a certain blue-haired guitar player was just askin' about you."

"Flash Sentry was asking about me?!" she asked excitedly, twirling her hair. But she then ceased her enjoyment as everyone practically eyed her, "Isn't that nice?" she said after clearing her throat, going back to sipping on her milkshake.

"Perhaps you would give us just the slightest bit of gossip from your world?" Rarity asked as she held her teacup properly.

"She's got an official title now," Spike said as he was on Fluttershy's lap, holding a biscuit in his paw, "Do-Do-Do-Doo!" he exclaimed, imitating a trumpet, "The Princess of Friendship!"

"Wow, that's really impressive," Sunset said, "Guess you really were Princess Celestia's prized pupil," she added.

"She's even got her own castle!" Spike added.

"A castle?!" Rarity exclaimed as she got right into Twilight's face, spilling some of her milkshake on her shirt, "You have your own castle?!" she asked excitedly, "Eh... Ooh, uh, lovely," she said after clearing her throat, helping wipe off the milkshake stain with a napkin.

"So, Dustin, how've you been?" Twilight asked, "It feels like I haven't seen you in forever."

"I've been all right," Dustin said as he leaned back on his chair, sipping his smoothie, "Fighting baddies does take a lot out of you though."

"I'm sure it does," Twilight agreed, "And what about you Pixel?” Twilight asked Pixel, who looked away bashfully.

“Well, I’ve been living with Dustin and Allister. And Canterlot High is a fun place.” Pixel said, taking a bite of her doughnut.

"What's new here?" Twilight asked, "I mean, besides your school becoming the target of dangerous magical creatures from Equestria?" she mentioned, with everyone giving her worried looks.

“Well, how about a mad man from cyberspace named Decibus?” Dustin asked, making Twilight look to him in confusion. “If the Dazzlings weren’t enough, we have another guy named Decibus, who also uses music at his advantage.”

"So that makes two threats. Only one is magical, and the other is from Cyberspace." Pixel said, this intel interested Twilight.

"And that isn't exactly the only strange thing that's happened since you left," Rainbow added, putting down her drink and pulling out her phone, showing Twilight a video of her transforming with her magic, "Pretty sweet, huh?" she said, "It happens to all of us when we play," she added.

"And not to mention I’ve gained new forms based on them when those occurrences happened," Dustin said, showing Twilight the forms his seven forms he gained by their magic.

"Really?" Twilight asked, "That is strange. And you say gained these the first time they used their magic?"

“Pretty much?” Dustin said when Spike came to him.

“What does the one based on Rarity look like?” Spike asked as Dustin showed him the image of Prismadonna on the screen.

"Wow." Spike said in a mix of amazement and infatuation.

“Wait!” Twilight said in realization, “are all seven of those…female?” Twilight asked Dustin, making him groan in response.

“Sadly, yes.” Dustin said as Spike began to laugh, much to Dustin’s dismay.

"Hmm. My crown was returned to Equestria, but some of its magic must have remained here at Canterlot High," Twilight explained, "Now that we're all back together, we can use that magic on the sirens," she continued, "Just like when we were able to use it on Sunset Shimmer when she turned into that horrifyingly awful winged monster!" she said bluntly with her hands raised spookily, but then realized that Sunset was right there, "No offense," she apologized.

"None taken. Heh," Sunset said disgruntled, "I'm used to it," she added.

Dustin then noticed a familiar blue girl sitting on a bench a few feet away outside, sitting on the ground, sobbing her eyes out.

“Excuse me, I'll be right back.”

Dustin then walked out, the girls looked to see Dustin walk up to the girl, and the others were wide eyed in shock.

"Wait! Isn't that Sonata?!" Sunset asked in shock.

"What's she doing there by herself?" Pinkie asked out of both shock confusion.

"She looks pretty bummed out." Fluttershy said as they noticed Dustin and Sonata conversing.

"What are they talking about?" Spike asked.

Dustin had come to Sonata Dusk, sitting by herself, her head buried in her arms as she cried her eyes out.

Now yes she was one of the Dazzlings, but he couldn’t help but feel bad for seeing the poor girl in her current state. Dustin approached Sonata before kneeling down.

“Hey, are you ok?” Dustin asked, getting Sonata’s attention. From the look on her face, she was far from ok. “Uh…I’ll take that expression as a no.”

Dustin then sat beside her, comforting Sonata as she continued to weep.

"So tell me. What’s got you down?" Dustin asked.

Sonata sighed in depression. She had hoped that Dustin wouldn't notice how upset she was. She honestly didn't want to explain anything to Dustin. But for some reason, she felt she could trust him with her past. So, she started to explain.

She told Dustin everything about her and her two childhood friends, Adagio and Sonata, how they met Decibus, and the deal they've made with him. After she told him the reason she had a falling out with Aria and Adagio, Dustin felt bad for her.

She was certainly surprised when she felt Dustin wrap her in a comforting hug. But that's what caused the dam to break for her. She just broke down and started sobbing into Dustin's chest.

“There, there. It’s gonna be ok.” Dustin didn't push her away, and just rubbed her back gently. Sonata had a lot of pent up anger and sadness that she needed to vent, and Dustin was there for her.

After Sonata had finally calmed down, Dustin had an idea.

“Hey, I think I know what might cheer you up?” Dustin said as he pulled out his cellphone before typing on its screen a few times, then looks to Sonata. “Whenever I’m feeling down, this song always cheers me up.” As soon as he tapped the screen once more, music began to play.

Dustin: Umbrella at your side, it's raining but you close it tight
"And how are you?" purred a cat just passing through
Those heels that you like are soaking, but is that alright?
Let out a sigh for another day the same as the last
Come on let's try, dye it blue and change it up from the past
Reflecting up from a puddle but then gone in a flash
Is that the most that you can dream or wanted to see?

As Dustin sang, Sonata was blushing, the upbeat music was slowly making her feel better.

Dustin: But look around – Dance up and down
The world is now – Still going ‘round
Just feel it pound – We're skyward bound
Move at the top – speed – of – sound
Running to another day, I wanna break away and take the leap
As you're stuck on yesterday, no sun to rise would be okay with me
Every day, every day is okay
Taking it step by step, we'll always move ahead
Our love is growing red, need me more, need you more
You fall down seven more times, I'll be there seven, eight, nine
As we keep trying, we'll find – we're always singing the same tune

As Dustin sang his song, Sonata could feel something energizing her. Giving her strength. And she didn't notice the beautiful blue aura that her crystal was emitting. Sonata smiled, and decided to join in on the song. The lyrics just seemed to flow straight out of her heart.

Sonata: Now falling to her side, the drops of rain that mix with light
Dustin: Stealing a glance, hid a cat who turns his back
Sonata: Their heads starting to sink, this boredom is too hard to fight

As Sonata sang, Dustin offered a hand, offering a dance, to which she happily accepted.

Sonata: Just spinning lies with the only thread of kindness we saved
Or if we're blind and the truth is just a painting in grey
Drowning us out, all the noisy drops the fall in the rain
But fingertips traced every line and opened my eyes
I'll paint it blue
Dustin: I'll play a tune
Sonata: I'm wishing too
Dustin: For something new
Sonata: It will come true
Dustin: With me and you
Sonata: And then we'll
Sonata and Dustin: finally break through

Sonata: Swimming through the Milky Way, I wanna break away and take the leap
Since we're falling anyway, no moon to rise would be okay with me
Every night, every night is alright
Taking it step by step, we'll always move ahead
Our love is growing red, need me more, need you more
Cry to me, know that I care – lean on me and I'll be there
As we keep trying, we'll find – you're always gonna be there too

Dustin: Shining down on me, you're my blue moon
Sonata: Dreaming forever to find to now I'm awake
Dustin: I need to find tomorrow, can you take me away
And go the
Dustin and Sonata: top speed of sound?

Dustin and Sonata then sat on the ground.

Dustin and Sonata: Running to another day, I wanna break away and take the leap
As you're stuck on yesterday, no sun to rise would be okay with me
Every day, every day is okay
Taking it step by step, we'll always move ahead
Our love is growing red, need me more, need you more
You fall down seven more times, I'll be there seven, eight, nine
As we keep trying, we'll find – you're always gonna be there too
We're always singing the same tune
Every day from now on

After they had both calmed down a little, Sonata noticed something different about the crystal around her neck. Now instead of being an angry red color, it was now a very serene ocean blue color.

“Huh? Your gem. It changed color.” Dustin said, just as amazed as Sonata is.

“Yeah. It’s never done that.” Sonata said, pondering a bit.

“Hey, you say that you and the others absorb negative energy, right?” Dustin asked, to which Sonata nods. “Well, maybe your gems also absorb positive energy, which yours must've absorbed from the song.”

Dustin hypothesized, and which Sonata seemed to agree.

“That is a good theory. Not to mention I feel a lot stronger than I was before.” Sonata stated with a puzzled look. She then noticed Dustin getting up and offering her a hand.

"Well Sonata, if you want, how would you like a spot in my band. We could use a backup singer. What do you say?" Dustin asked, making Sonata smile softly.

"I say..." Sonata smirked. "Let's rock!"

“Though, it’s gonna be tough explaining this to the others.” Dustin chuckled a bit out of nervousness, but Sonata hugged him.

“Well, I’m sure they’ll come around.” Sonata said with a smile, and the two walked off.

But watching from café window was Twilight, Pixel and the Rainbooms. They had seen what had just transpired, and were still in shock.

"Uhh, what just happened?" Rainbow asked.

"Ah have no idea." Applejack replied.

Author's Note:

In case you're wandering, I plan on the Dazzlings getting reformed in this story. I know they get reformed in the actual series, but that happened way later.

If you guys have a problem, then deal with it.

So, with Sonata joining Dustin's band, how will the others handle such it, how will Aria and Adagio react, so many questions.