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Dazzling Duel




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"Transformation Index

Dazzling Duel

After explaining the reason the Dazzlings started the whole Battle of the Bands, both bands decided to put an end to it once and for all.

"Come on, y'all!" Applejack said, "Time to prove we've still got the magic of friendship inside us!" she exclaimed as Fluttershy and Ash let go of each other while Dustin and Rainbow did the same.

"And there's only one way to do it!" Twilight added.

"We're getting the band back together?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"We're getting our band back together!" Rainbow replied, without the implication that it was her own, making Ben smile.

"Whee!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up and down in glee.

"Ooh," Rarity realized, "which version of the counter-spell are we going to play?"

"Good question," Sonata pondered.

"I don't think it matters what song we play," Twilight began, "as long as we play it together as friends," she said.

"I know just the song," Rainbow replied, getting everybody’s attention. "Fluttershy's written a really great one," Rainbow said as she went over to her. Fluttershy let out a squeal of delight as she smiled widely.

"We're about to save the world here. Personally, I think we should do it in style," she admitted, "Rarity?" she asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Rarity exclaimed as she pulled out a clothing rack with six different dresses for the girls.

"Wow," Allister said, "You never cease to amaze," he complimented.


Onstage, the Dazzling were still singing to the crowd, enchanting them with their voices, the Decimator right behind them.

Adagio Dazzle: Welcome to the show

We're here to let you know

Our time is now

Your time is running out

The Rainbooms and Web Surfers were all atop a hill overlooking the stage. The girls were all now dressed in different dresses, each coming with a pair of leggings that were different colors on each leg. Twilight's dress was a black and blue, starry top, with a pink skirt with white stars upon it. Rarity's dress was blue and pink, designed with diamonds upon the skirt, along with a black belt with diamond stitched over the buckle. Fluttershy's dress was a combination of green and black, with a striped skirt that had pink butterflies upon it. Applejack's dress included a scarlet red cowboy hat with a rose upon it. The dress itself was a bright green top with a large collar with a striped shirt decorated with apples, with a yellow skirt also decorated with the fruit. Pinkie's dress was blue and pink with a skirt decorated with different colored balloons, and a bow over her chest. Rainbow's dress was blue and yellow, the yellow part being decorated like a lightning bolt over her left shoulder as her skirt was decorated with yellow and green lightning bolts over a black color. They each wore high heels as they looked down towards the stage, holding their respective instruments.

“On no, they're using the Decimator”, Sonata exclaimed in horror.

“That thing is the Decimator?” Twilight asked with a wide eyed expression.

"How are we supposed to play over them from up here?" Rainbow asked as the wind blew through her hair. Just then, they all heard the sound of a car horn, turning to see Vinyl arrive in her white and blue sports car. Suddenly, after a press of a button on her remote, the car began to transform with pieces of it shape-shifting into a makeshift DJ station.

Sunset and Spike were just as surprised as the Web Surfers and Rainbooms. They all cheered on the prospect of having a way to play over the song.

“Damn! Transformers, eat your heart out.” Dustin said with a wolf whistle.

"Well that's great and all," Pixel began, "but we can't all play up here," he noted, "We could get spotted too easily being bunched together like this."

"You're right," Dustin said as he looked back at the stage, scratching his chin in thought. Sonata then walked besides Dustin, a determined look on her face. “Sonata?”

"We’ll distract them while you guys play the counter-spell," Sonata said, surprising the others.

"What?!" Rainbow exclaimed, "You crazy?!"

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked with worry.

"I’ve been pushed around by those two for too long. Well, now it’s my turn to push back." Sonata replied, and then glowed by gaining her Rainbow Rocks form and Siren wings. Dustin then walks besides her.

“If you’re going, I’m going with you.” Dustin said, making Sonata look to him.

“Well, count me in too.” Pixel said with confidence.

“Well, if you kids are going to risk you lives down to deliver some major ass whoppin’, then you’re not leaving me out on all the fun.”

“What about you Sunny. You in?” Dustin asked Sunset.

"I’ll help back these guys with the counter-spell." Sunset said with a nod.

"Good luck then," Twilight said nervously, then giving Dustin a little hug, then Pinkie, and everybody else joined in on a major group hug. After a brief minute, everyone released from the group hug.

"Now then," Dustin said as he dialed up his Digitrix, and with a tap on the screen, he transformed into Jammer.

“Now then, let’s Rock!” Dustin declared. And with that, the four sped off down the hill.

"Oh…" Fluttershy said nervously, "I hope they end up all right…" she said, holding the tambourine in front of her face.

"Don't worry," Sunset reassured, "I’m sure they’ll be ok," she said.

Adagio and Aria : Feel the wave of sound,

As it crashes down!

You can't turn away,

We'll make you wanna stay-ay![u/]

The pulsing energy from the Decimator made the crowd's eyes all shrink as the kids were all caught inside it's trance. Suddenly, the energy from the pendants on the Dazzlings' necks was released, forming their pony ears, ponytails, and even wings that resembled fins, like Sonata’s, as they were both covered by a mystical red aura.

Dustin, Sonata, Allister and Pixel had arrived, well hidden behind the audience.

"Ok. On my mark, we surprise ‘em." Allister whispered to his comrades..

Adagio and Aria : We will be adored!

Tell us that you want us,

We won't be ignored!

It's time for our reward!

Now you need us,

Come and heed us,

Nothing can stop us now!

"Not likely!" Allister exclaimed as he, Dustin, Sonata and Pixel teleported right in front of the sirens, surprising them.

"You!" Adagio shouted.

"Yep," Dustin replied as he took out a guitar pick, "Hit it girls!" he shouted up to the distance.

The Rainbooms: Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

I've got the music in me

The two sirens cringed as they heard the sound. Aria then pointed out towards the large hill behind the stands, revealing that the Rainbooms were there, performing their counter-spell.

The Rainbooms: Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

As the Rainbooms, Dustin and Rainbow then both went into a quick guitar solo as he and Sonata joined in on the song.

Twilight Sparkle : Don’t need to hear a crowd,

Cheering out my name.

Jammer : [u/]I didn't come here seeking,

Infamy or fame!

Rainbooms, Jammer and Sonata: The one and only thing

That I am here to bring

Is music, is the music

Is the music in my soul

Gonna break out

Jammer: Out!

Rainbooms, Jammer and Sonata: Set myself free, yeah

Let it all go

Jammer: (Go!)

Rainbooms, Jammer and Sonata Just let it be, yeah!

Find the music in your heart,

Let the music make you start,

To set yourself apart!

The girls had all transformed with their magic, now having streaks of colors in their hair as they each grew ponytails and pony ears, as Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy were the only ones who sported wings. They proudly floated in the air together as the song had momentarily snapped the kids out of the Dazzlings' spell.

Suddenly, Decibus made his appearance.

"So the Rainbooms and the Web Surfers want to turn this into a real Battle of the Bands?" Decibus asked rhetorically.

"Then let's battle!" Adagio exclaimed as she and Aria were still floating in their red auras.

The Dazzlings: What we have in store

All we want and more

We will break on through

Now it's time to finish you!

The crowd had all fallen into the Dazzlings trance again, as they released a pulse of energy that blew back the Web Surfers.

Adagio released some form of energy from her pendant, that morphed into a yellow siren spirit that resembled a horse and a mermaid combined. Aria did the same as well as her siren spirit, which was purple, appeared in a burst of energy. The sky had turned dark red during all the confusion.

The Dustin, Pixel and Allister gasped in shock, while the Rainbooms, Sunset, and Spike all cringed in horror.

“Two can play this game!” Sonata declared as she summoned her siren spirit too, only it was blue in color. Soanata’s siren spirit charged at Adagaio and Aria’s, the three performing an astral dog fight, firing sonic blasts at one another.

“Traitorous little whelp!” Decibus growled before firing a sonic blast towards Sonata, only for Dustin to deflect it with his axe guitar.

“Just what do you hope to accomplish? You simply delay the inevitable!” Decibus said with a smug smile.

“That’s what you think, screen head!” Rainbow called out! Vinyl Scratch then turned up the volume, allowing Pinkie to do a drum solo that created a pulse of energy, blowing the spirits away for the moment. Rarity then played her keytar, creating a burst of diamond-like magic to knock away Aria's spirit. Fluttershy did the same with her tambourine, using butterfly-like magic to knock away Sonata's spirit.

"Whoa-oh-whoa-ah!" Twilight vocalized as her magic was about to come into contact with Adagio's spirit. She gritted her teeth in frustration, her spirit firing another sonic blast of singing power, pushing Twilight back as she clenched her teeth angrily.

"Hang on Twilight!" Sonata called her siren spirit went flew over to Twilight, knocking Adagio’s siren spirit away.

But then, Aria’s siren spirit gathered with Adagio's, and let out their sonic blasts together. Sonata’s siren spirit retaliated by firing a sonic blast, but was eventually overwhelmed; the other girls were blown away by the singing, getting knocked down. Twilight's microphone was flung straight out of her hand, rolling off right to Sunset Shimmer. The Adagio and Aria’s human bodies grinned and Decibus laughed in supposed victory as Sunset nervously picked up the microphone.

“Face it, boy! You and your petty friends are nothing against us! Your efforts are fruitless!” Decibus called out, firing a sonic blast at Dustin, only for Sonata to take the hit for him. Sonata was blasted to the ground, her crystal armor cracking a bit.

SONATA!” Pixel cried out!

YOU BASTARD! I’LL KILL YOU!” Dustin roared in anger and dashed at Decibus, his guitar axe ready to strike. But Adagio bunched him away, sending him flying a few feet up before Aria flew up to him before punching him with enough force to send him to the ground hard enough to leave a huge crater.

DUSTIN!” Sunset cried out in worry.

"Sunset Shimmer," Twilight realized, "we need you!" she stated. Sunset nervously bit her lip as she was unsure of entering the conflict. But she then swallowed her pride as she walked up to her friends. Sunset flung her black leather jacket off, revealing her new top, a hot pink shirt held by a black ring. Vinyl then took the moment to adjust the settings on the control panel, starting a makeshift drum solo to start the beat.

Sunset Shimmer: You’re never gonna bring me down

You're never gonna break this part of me

My friends are here to bring me 'round

Not singing just for popularity

Sunset had lifted Twilight up as the Adagio and Aria’s spirits both began to race towards them, only for Sonata’s to block their path.

Suddenly, Dustin got back up on his feet, the Digitrix symbol on Dustin glowed the familiar rainbow color. Sonata stood back up shortly after, both looking at Aria, Sonata and Decibus with determined looks.

“Haven’t had enough eh?” Decibus blasted another sound blast at the two, only for it to bounce back off of them, catching him, Aria and Adagio off guard.

“What?” Decibus asked in shock.

Sunset & Twilight : We're here to let you know

That we won't let it go

The Rainbooms: Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow

As the song progressed, Dustin’s body was encased in the familiar multicolored aura.

“Wha-what is this?!” Decibus asked, now a bit worried. Dustin’s jacket then changed from the usual leathery black to a bright red, his pants changed to a mix of white, pink and yellow, his shades changed from orange to purple and resembled the half of a six pointed star, his hair became more spiked with a rainbow color to it, his boots were orange in color, and his axe guitar to changed to have a Alicorn-like motif.

After the transformation was complete, Dustin began to shred in perfect sync with the song.

Sunset & Twilight: And you can try to fight

But we have got the light of friendship on our side!

The Rainbooms: Got the music in our hearts!

We're here to blow this thing apart!

A burst of magical energy blew Aria and Adagio’s spirits away, along with snapping the kids out of the Dazzlings' spell. At the same time, it also fueled Sonata’s siren spirit, encasing it in a rainbow aura.

The Rainbooms: And together, we will never

Be afraid of the dark

Here to sing our song out loud

Get you dancing with the crowd

As the music of our friendship



Sunset had transformed as well with her magic, sprouting her pony ears and ponytail with a yellow and red sun marking appearing upon her skirt upon singing with the girls, who began floating in midair with her in their magical auras. Sonata’s Siren Spirit began to change form, gaining a more cuter appearance than Adagio And Aria’s. And as Dustin continued strumming his guitar, a column of rainbow light emanated from him before taking shape of a large serpentine dragon.

Everyone (minus the Dazzlings and Decibus): Got the music in our hearts

We're here to blow this thing apart

And together, we will never

Be afraid of the dark

A magical burst of energy went straight into the darkened sky, creating a sphere of energy that sprouted glowing blue wings.

Everyone (minus the Dazzlings and Decibus): Here to sing our song out loud

Get you dancing with the crowd

The Dazzlings and Decibus cringed as their plan was failing, and then they noticed that in the sky, was a giant spirit of a blue alicorn with a flowing rainbow mane, about to strike them with a blast from its horn.

At the same time, Sonata’s Siren Spirit and Dustin’s dragon flew to the alicorn and glared at the villains, much to the amazement of the girls, especially Rainbow Dash.

Everyone (minus the Dazzlings and Decibus): As the music of our friendship




All three spirits then each attacked. The alicorn spirit launched a magical rainbow beam, Sonata’s Siren Spirit fired a supersonic blast, and Dustin’s Dragon spirit fired a rainbow lightning blast. All three attacks combined in unison at Adagio and Aria’s siren spirits, causing them instantaneously burst into thin air, while the sirens themselves were caught up in the blast. The blast caused the Decimator to overload before exploding in a massive column of light.

Once the explosion dissipated, he sky returned to normal as Adagio and Aria were kneeling on the stage, suffering no damage despite being caught up in an explosion by the now destroyed Decimator.

Sonata then flew towards both Adagio and Aria, to see if they were ok.

“Guys? Are you…” Before Sonata could finish her question, she was embraced by both Adagio and Aria, crying their eyes out.

“Sonata! Oh…thank god you’re ok!” Adagio cried out, surprising everybody present, all except for the Rainbooms and Web Surfers.

“We’re so sorry for everything!” Aria said in between sobs. Sonata was shocked at first, but she returned the embrace.

“It’s okay, guys.” Sonata said, tearing up as well, finally glad it was all over. Dustin then changed back to normal and approached the three. When Adagio and Aria noticed him, they released Sonata from their hug and looked away with ashamed looks on their faces.

“Listen…uh…we know you’re probably still….upset…along with the others for what has transpired…” Adagio stammered.

“And you should….so…we’re prepared for anything you throw at us.” Aria said as she and Adagio got to their knees.

“We’re prepared for any punishment you have for us.” Adagio said, both she and Aria looking down, feeling really guilty.

Dustin just crossed his arms. “Well…if you truly want to atone for your actions…” Dustin said before offering a hand to the two, “then how about you let me and my friends teach you about the magic of friendship.” Dustin’s words surprised both Adagio and Aria, along with everyone else present.

“Huh?” The whole crowd asked.

“Wait? After all we’ve done…you’re just going to…forgive us?” Adagio asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey. If Sunset Shimmer managed to turn over a new leaf, then why can’t you two?” Dustin said with a soft smile. “Besides, I’m a guy who believes in second chances.”

Sonata then walks beside him. “And you guys have me to help you two through it.” Sonata asked. Flash then walks up to the two defeated sirens.

“Flash?” Dustin asked with curiosity.

“Just so you two know, I am upset with you two for what you’ve done. And I’m sure all the others can agree.” Flash said with a glare, the two sirens looking away. But his glare changed to a soft smile, “But if Dustin’s giving you a second chance, then so am I.”

Adagio and Aria were surprised even further.

“You guys do have a crap load of apologies to give, but I’m willing to give you two a chance.” Pixel said. Then the Rainbooms agreed as well, as did Allister, and every other student was willing to accept the two, despite everything their actions.

“Well? What do you two say?” Dustin asked, the two sirens said nothing as they both hugged Dustin, catching him off guard.

“Thank you…thank you so much…” Adagio said, her eyes tearing up once again.

“For a tough guy, you really are big hearted.” Aria said, weeping alongside Aria.

“Heheh. Hey, it’s what I’m known for.” Dustin said, rubbing the back of his head bashfully.

“As much as I hate to interrupt this little love fest…” Decibus’ voice called out, making everybody turn to face him, “I believe this is far from over!”

“Yeah? Uh newsflash, you just lost your two puppets and your precious weapon!” Rainbow said with a smug grin, “Your brilliant plan has failed!”

Decibus just chuckled before bursting out into laughter, confusing everybody present.

“You fool! Do you honestly believe you’ve foiled my plans?” Decibus asked, further confusing everybody.

“Uh, considering the fact we destroyed your oh so precious Decimator? I’d say we did!” Pinkie shot back.

“Oh? But what if I told you that the Decimator you destroyed was nothing short of a prototype?” Decibus chuckled, making the Rainbooms and Web Surfers go wide eyed in shock.

WAIT! WHAT?!” Dustin asked with shock clear in his tone.

“That's right. The previous one was just the opening act. Now this, is the real deal!” Decibus said, and with a snap of his fingers, the ground began to shake violently. The bottom of the stage opened up, a massive machine that resembled a DJ stand at a rave party rose from it. It had massive speakers, and much like the original, it had a bat-shaped piece with a cartoonish evil grin at the top.

“Are you fucking kidding?” Dustin asked in shock.

“You mean there’s another Decimator?!” Sonata asked in both shock and horror.

“Wait! If that’s the real thing, then why did you bring out a prototype first?” Rainbow asked in confusion, but Dustin had it figured out shortly afterward.

“You crafty bastard! That Decimator we just trashed was nothing but a decoy!” Dustin growled in fury, and Decibus chuckled again.

“Absolutely correct, my boy. You think I'd be that stupid to bring out the original first? I wanted to test my prototype out before I used the actual one.” Decibus then looked to Aria and Adagio, “And I have you two to thank for assisting me in my project.”

“You mean we were nothing but lab rats for your stupid little science project?!” Aria asked with a furious growl.

“Correct you are, my dear.” Decibus said with a cruel chuckle. “What? You didn't honestly believe I would help you achieve fame and recognition? You little floozies are nothing but second fiddle! Always have, and always will be!”

THAT’S JUST MEAN YOU BIG MEANIE!” Pinkie growled angrily.

“You truly are cruel!” Fluttershy said, backing Pinkie up.

“Life is cruel, little tart! Not everything is all sunshine and daisies! Happiness isn’t served to you on a silver platter!” Decibus growled in slight annoyance. "You really think that life is just some cheap cartoon where you'd sing songs and you're dreams just magically come true in the end? Then surely you kiddies are living a fantasy world."

“Oh. I know just how cruel life was to you … Siegfried Alighieri.” Allister said, making Decibus growl in total fury.

“Never…and I mean NEVER use that damn name in front of me! You know goddamn well why I let than name go, Allister!” Decibus roared, confusing everybody else present?

“Wait, back up! Siegfried Alighieri?” Dustin asked with confusion before turning his attention to Allister. “Al…is there something we should know about?”

“You never told them?” Decibus asked with a raised brow.

“Never told us what?” Sunset asked, her confusion rising. Allister just sighed.

To be continued…