• Published 19th Jul 2020
  • 1,493 Views, 53 Comments

The Twi'lek - Gallants

Sasha Lessa a young Twi'lek padawan crashlands in Equestria after escaping order 66

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"Sasha are you okay?" The Princess looked at me before shifting her attention to Cereus, "Corporal what happened?" Cereus opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off.

"Princess I wish to tell you why I don't want to go back," Cereus and the Princess worriedly looked at me, Princess Celestia looked like she wanted to say something but I made sure to continue before she had the chance, "I was part of a group known as the Jedi, recently we were drawn into a war and the Council of Masters believed that a group known as the Sith were behind the war," I stopped to breathe and calm my heart rate, Princess Celestia took this opportunity to speak.

"Sasha this is clearly difficult for you to speak about, you can wait longer to tell me," a smile graced her face, she didn't understand so I would make her.

"This can't wait Princess the safety of your world may depend on you knowing this information!" I shouted at her, her expression hardened becoming stoic, "One of the Jedi knights Anakin Skywalker became a Sith and led an assault on the temple, he slaughtered everyone including my Master who gave his life for me," I couldn't control the tears anymore, wiping my face with my sleeve I continued "I had a vision Princess, I was back in the temple when Anakin started to slaughter everyone even, even the younglings then he came for me but he couldn't kill me, so he told me he'd find and kill me," the Princess looked down at me before sighing.

"Sasha, this is very serious information you have brought to me, and I am proud that you did," she stepped from behind her desk and laid down, "However there is little we can do at the moment until we discover how you came here," I nodded, "We will do all we can to keep you safe, go relax, clear your mind, and sleep young one you've been through so much," the Princess placed a hoof on my shoulder before she went to her door, "Sergeant, do you mind watching over the Corporal and young Sasha for the night? They'll just be in that room there," I heard a muffled yes Princess before Cereus and I were ushered out and to a room next to the Princess'. Sleep I did not, meditation however I managed after a few hours, serenity coming to terms with what I did, it is what Jungjoya would have wanted. I allowed the force to flow through me as a river flows across its bed. I jumped when I felt a hoof on my shoulder, it was morning and Cereus seemed worried.

"What were you doing Sasha? you were barely breathing," her wing wrapped around me.

"I was meditating ma'am I guess I just entered a force trance, Master always said it was difficult to perform but it would make one feel rested," she smiled before hooking my arm with her thumb and lifting me up.

"Go take a shower, I'll have your robes perfumed, then we'll go for a walk around the palace gardens," she told me

The water was warm and the soap smelled of roses I didn't realize how sore I was until the water hit me. I let the steam ease my muscles and fill my nose. When I finished enjoying my shower I stepped out and looked about the bathroom spotting a small package that was addressed to me I opened it from a distance with the force, I was happy to find it was only a toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing my teeth I stepped into the room wrapped in a towel only to have Cereus brush by me to take her own shower my robes were neatly folded on the bed. When I finished getting dressed Cereus had finished her shower and motioned for me to follow her out the door which I did with glee.

The palace gardens were wonderful so many different flowers were in bloom it was peaceful Cereus joined me as I laid on my back closed my eyes and let the scents engulf my nose and put me at peace until an explosion rang through the city; jolting up I moved to the open to better see what was happening I saw a few guards standing and comforting some younglings. The tower they were next to began cracking at the top when a large green and purple creature burst through the ceiling causing debris to fall towards them reaching my hands out I pushed the force towards the pieces hoping to stop the tragedy, "RUN!" I screamed at them gritting my teeth and shutting my eyes to better focus on keeping the debris afloat, "YOU HAVE TO MOVE!" the weight of the debris was beginning to tax me. Suddenly the weight was gone, opening my eyes and falling to my knees to catch my breath I saw the guards running towards me with the younglings on their backs, looking at the debris I saw the yellow glow of the Princess' magic she looked at me before entering the tower. Taking deep breaths I sat there while the guards further consoled the younglings for I imagine different reasons, Cereus eventually sat next to me.

"Did you stop the debris, Sasha?" Cereus' voice was a comforting one to hear, "That's impressive didn't know you could do magic," that irked me just a bit, with a glare I told her.

"The force, not magic ma'am, it's different," she snorted before wrapping a wing around me bringing me into a hug.

"I'm sure your Master would have been proud Sasha," I smiled and threw an arm around her barrel returning the hug. We just sat there enjoying the sound of crumbling stone with our eyes closed.

"That was most impressive Sasha, Cereus and I were thinking about sending you to a normal school," Princess Celestia had landed next to us, "But if you decide I believe you'd do just fine at my school," Nodding I untangled myself from Cereus and gave the Princess a bow.

"If I must go to school I'll endeavor to thrive at your school," she smiled and motioned for me to rise and turned around heading back towards the palace.

"I really should get that exam hall built at the school," she said looking at the damage. Looking around I couldn't see any sign of the creature that broke the roof, where did it go?