• Published 19th Jul 2020
  • 1,491 Views, 53 Comments

The Twi'lek - Gallants

Sasha Lessa a young Twi'lek padawan crashlands in Equestria after escaping order 66

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The silence of lunch was interrupted only by my questions and her answers, I learned much. The senator Taa wannabe was a Griffin and that there were many other sapient creatures on the planet that strangely enough all evolved here. Cereus was a Bat Pony, one of the rarer breeds other than her there were Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and the royal Alicorn. I also discovered that the planet was named earth and was the center of the system orbited by unstable celestial bodies which required magic to stabilize. We finished lunch after my knowledge search and went back to Cereus' house.

"So, how was your home planet?" She asked as she laid across the couch resting her head on her forelegs.

"I didn't get to see much of it, I was stuck inside most of the time," she frowned at my answer.

"Were your parents ashamed of you or something?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I didn't even know my parents,"

"What were you kidnapped, is that why you ran?" she was panicking, Jungoya always told me to reassure people with the truth, it was the best way to calm one.

"No, ma'am I wasn't kidnapped and I don't want to talk about why I left, I'm not ready for that. But I will say that my parents gave me to the people who raised me," this did thankfully calm her down but she was still worriedly biting her lip.

"Okay I understand that you don't want to talk about why you ran away but just know I'm here for you and that you can trust me," it was nice knowing I had someone to trust, but the healing hadn't begun yet, "So how about we get off this dark subject and play a game instead?" she jumped off the couch and went to a cabinet to grab some games for us to play, and play we did till dinner time and she went off to prepare salads. After dinner I told Cereus I was going to my room she waved me off and wished me a good night's rest.

When I shut my door I dropped to my knees and attempted to reach out for guidance but I struggled to clear my mind memories of the clones I slaughtered and the Jedi who didn't make it out. Realizing I would not be able to meditate I choose to neatly fold my robes on the dresser and place my saber in the middle, and drift off to hopefully a dreamless sleep, realized my Hope's would not.

It was strange I was in the temple, but I wasn't I did however witness the clone troopers slaughter Jedi and Skywalker killed everything in his path I saw the look of betrayal on the younglings faces, I saw Master Ti be impaled seemingly accepting her death. As Skywalker turned towards me I became very real, fire engulfed him, his eyes turned yellow, and his breathing slowly became mechanical as dark armor engulfed him he approached me igniting a red lightsaber. Several Jedi appeared to fight him, he cut a path through them, he raised his saber and brought it down before a field flashed and prevented it from striking me he attempted several more times. Fed up he leaned down his voice deep and assisted, "I will find you, you will not live Jedi," I felt something wrap around me.

"It's okay Sasha, I'm here," Cereus' voice cooed from behind me as I jolted from sleep and attempted to run, her legs wrapped around me and a wing draped over my side holding me in place. I cried into her forelegs as she reassured me that she was there and she wasn't going anywhere, "You were screaming and thrashing is there anything I can do?"

"C-Cereus I need to see the Princess in the morning," I choked out, her legs wrapped tighter around me.

"We can go right now, if it's important she won't mind," She got up and helped me to my feet wiping some tears from my face before I got dressed, clipping my saber to my belt we left for the palace. It was a beautiful building I just wish I was visiting under better circumstances. There were bat ponies clad in dark purple armor patrolling the walls the ones at the gate stopped us, Cereus showed them a badge, after inspecting it the stallion snorted and passed us through. We walked through the winding halls slowly the guards changed from bat ponies to unicorns in golden armor. The door we stopped at was guarded by two with patrols passing intermittently.

"The Princess is sleeping, you'll have to wait till morning Corporal," The mare stated without even looking at us.

"Seargent, Sasha needs to talk to the Princess, I have reason to believe it's vital," Cereus stepped in front of her. The Seargent looked us over before sighing, and telling us it better be important, since the Princess had to overview some trials in the morning. She walked into the Princesses room for a few minutes before exiting and telling us to go in.

Princess Celestia was elegantly sitting behind a desk, it looked she had been up for quite while. She smiled softly while gazing at us, "Sasha, Seargent Shield informed me that you have something important to tell me," her smile faded as she saw my shaking.