• Published 19th Jul 2020
  • 1,490 Views, 53 Comments

The Twi'lek - Gallants

Sasha Lessa a young Twi'lek padawan crashlands in Equestria after escaping order 66

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An allowance?

Her house wasn't much of a looker on the outside with a sheet of plastic attached to part of the third floor, I must have hit her house on my down, the inside was a different story, "I've never been in such a beautiful and large house," the temple may have been my home but a house it was not. She beamed at the compliment; while taking it all in I noticed a set of golden armor held on a stand it was similar to the other guards I had seen but a few minor differences were noticeable. "Ma'am, why are there slits at the front of your helmet?"

"What was that?" She asked before turning and seeing what I was inspecting, "oh, those are to keep my visor in line if you couldn't tell I'm visually sensitive to light," she sighed while shaking her wings, "that's the reason the walls are such a dark color had them restained when I bought the place," she went about getting linens from a closet. "If it's an issue I'll be able to at least repaint your room," she wanted me to be comfortable, I shook my head.

"No thank you, ma'am, it'll be fine I don't want to intrude too much," She smiled at me before motioning with a wing to follow her up the stairs. Only going down the second-floor hall a little she opened a door leading to a room with Mandolorian accommodations. A dresser stood against a wall directly across from the door and in the opposite corner stood a bed just large enough for me.

"I know it's not much but it is yours and you can fashion it any way you want I'll even take whatever you want out and bring whatever you want in," she seemed nervous fidgeting slightly, "Well let's get your bed made and we can get something to eat, sound good to you Sasha?" I gave a quick nod, we went and got my bed made in no time. She made sure to throw a pair of sunglasses on before we headed out, "Anything you want in particular Sasha?" She asked pulling her glasses down slightly to look at me, "Hay burgers, fruits, vegetables, or something else?"

"Whatever you want is fine, ma'am, I won't complain," the smirk she gave me seemed a bit too knowing and a little scary. She led me to a very simple looking building with a simply engraved door, she glanced down towards me before knocking and rasping her wing against the engravings. The door opened with a tall stallion blocking the doorway, a frown stowed upon his face.

"Corporal Cereus, you do know we don't require a secret knock anymore right?" he stated motioning for us to enter, "we are a restaurant open to the public now, not the 'secret' club we used to be." His horn ignited lifting two menus before walking through the rows of tables, chatter slowly ceased as everything in the restaurant turned to watch us walk across the floor, to watch me. My discomfort wasn't important, I just wanted to eat and leave. When we finally got seated and Cereus ordered drinks and an appetizer, a feathered creature that reminded me too much of Senator Taa approached.

"Madam, I can't help but notice, that exotic creature you have brought with you," a cat-like tail snaked its way from behind him, "may I inquire how many coins you would like, in order to part with it?" silver feathers fluffed and reflected what limited light there was; as I attempted to shrink out of view reading the menu when Cereus leaped onto the table bearing fangs.

"She's not for sale and anyhow it's illegal to sell sapient creatures," she was actually approaching the creature. Realization crashed upon him as he backpedaled, "I could have you arrested for even suggesting such a thing," she gave a quick glance to me, "but I'm feeling nice today, just pay your bill and leave."

The creature coughed before speaking up, "Of course my Lady deepest apologizes, I did not realize it-," brown eyes widened as he said that word, "SHE! She was sapient, I will take my leave now," he turned to his left and dropped a bag on his table as he left.

Cereus settled down once more a little closer to my side, "Nobles, they always talk without thinking," her wing stretched out wrapping around my back as she brought her menu up, "so anything on the menu catch your fancy?" She asked as I further braced into her wing, "I know most of these are fish-based, but there are plenty of vegetarian dishes available,"

"I think I'll have the salmon ma'am if it doesn't cost too much," she smiled and bumped her shoulder against me.

"Little carnivore on our hooves huh," she chuckled, "good thing the butcher and I have a good relationship," the waiter came shortly after with our drinks and appetizer and took our order. Cereus sat there chewing on the hay fries she offered to me I elected to nurse my water, "So how much do you want for your weekly allowance?" I choked.

"That won't be necessary ma'am," she started to say something, "Really, I never had money before I can manage without it now," she seemed baffled.

"Well, that's changing starting tomorrow, you're going to get ten bits tomorrow, and another ten every week afterward," I opened my mouth to protest, "and that is final young lady," I kept my mouth shut till our food came.