• Published 19th Jul 2020
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The Twi'lek - Gallants

Sasha Lessa a young Twi'lek padawan crashlands in Equestria after escaping order 66

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Prick From a Thorn

"Mallory Rose was the name of the stallion," I answered the Princess when she asked.

"And the color of his coat?" She asked softly a glimpse of recognition in her eyes.

"It was yellow, and he had red eyes," I told her looking back towards Luna who avoided my gaze, "He had a large mana reservoir too, he was able to last for hours, and he still had plenty leftover," I heard Luna approach from behind and spoke.

"This knave we knoweth of if 't be true not f'r that gent we wouldst has't been with base mana," her voice was grim, "That gent hath used necromancy to sucketh mana from oth'rs and pow'rhimself," tears pulled at the corners of her eyes, "Their light was forced into me for energy as well, we are contaminat'd," tears were fully flowing at this point, she fell to the ground and placed her eyes into her forelegs.

"I know of this Mallory Rose as well," Princess Celestia broke the sound of sobbing, "he was a student of mine many years ago, he failed because of his obsession with dark magic," her eyes were gaunt with her memories flooding back, "I had tried to keep tabs on him but 8 years ago he fell off the grid, not even the E.I.A could find him," she focused clearly on me, "Not even with the horrid sites they have," she turned around before marching towards her sister she slumped down onto her stomach and placed a wing around the younger princess and began to whisper into her ear.

I turned on my heels, "I need to get back to my family," I told the sisters before looking over my shoulder, "Take care of each other," I turned around and headed towards the main doors. When I stepped out of the halls, I saw mom sitting just inside the walls holding her eye, running up I saw a bruise on her eye "Mom are you okay what happened?" I asked before I spotted Mint heading towards us holding a rag against her head stained with red.

"Ma'am thanks for the help, saved my life," I looked behind her and saw a few medics heading over, "Ms. Lessa do you know this mare?"

The medics came up and started to take a closer look at the wound on her head, "I already told you I'm fine," Mint spat out attempting to swat them away.

"This is my mom and you need to let them look at your head," I told her, "what happened here? I was gone for ten minutes," I looked around at each pony present mom was the first to speak up.

"After the princesses left a few civies got a bit unruly; they were spouting some nonsense about Princess Luna being Nightmare Moon, said the entire royal guard and police force were helping her," mom said grabbing Mints hooves and holding them to her sides allowing the medics to treat her properly, "A minotaur pulled out a war hammer and went after Officer Kick, thankfully those helmets aren't just for show, I was able to keep him from getting another swing off while the other officers got involved and a griffin punched me in the face, everycreature involved has been arrested,"

"Why didn't they slash you with their claws?" My eyes widened as I realized what I said, quickly I stumbled out, "I-I mean I'm happy it was just a punch, but from a martial standpoint a slash would have taken you out faster," mom quickly placed a hoof on my shoulder.

"Sweetie it's fine, I asked her the same thing when she hit me," She looked off to the side, "After I put her in a leg lock and hit her a bit, good thing guards can't get sued for excessive force," slowly moms foreleg wrapped around me, "Let's go home, sweetie,"

Chuckling I lifted mom up, "Hey Mint get well soon, okay?" I said before heading off towards my home.

I slowly laid underneath my covers after dinner and mulled over Luna's words, slowly sleep took me. I glared at the dark ink that surrounded me, "Join me, bring an end to the day," Mallory's voice filled the air, "I have perfected the art of oneiroautics, you won't be able to hide now," his form quickly was wrought from the abyss, "if you join me, your mother will be spared during the purge," he approached slowly; ink dripped from his mouth with every word he said.

"Feareth thee shalt not lief cousin I shall banish this knave from thy realm," Luna's voice caused the ink to ripple tearing Mallory's form asunder. From the abyss, a dirt road formed underneath me and thatched-roofed homes were erected and watched as Luna revealed herself stepping from an alleyway, "Thee doth not seemeth p'rturb'd by all yond is going on, Sasha, we has't a requesteth we has't did notice thee needeth timeth to bid what t is we speaketh," she said to me stretching her wings, "I wisheth to access thy mind and gain knowledge of the new Equestrian dialect," slowly she approached me her gaze was that of a questioning youngling, I nodded, she placed her horn against my head.

The road became a metal walkway and the thatched homes changed to that of Coruscant's skyscrapers, "Coruscant may be the seat of the republic and the home of the Jedi council," Master Jungjoya said to me, "but there is a strong feeling of contempt towards non-humans here, most 'aliens' as they are called are financially restricted to the lower levels," his hand rested on my shoulder, "you are fortunate to be a Jedi, even the most racist of creatures will give you great respect when they see you are a Jedi," my own voice was muffled, but I knew I asked him why I had respect, "The lightsaber is seen as a powerful weapon by many, we Jedi only use it when there is no other choice," it didn't take long for the memory to change to that of the betrayal, Jungjoya fighting Anakin and me running threw the halls. I fell through a hole before landing back in the village, I was breathing heavily. I quickly began to break down, crying.

"Sasha we are sorry for what has happened to you," Luna's wing wrapped around me, I leaned into her shoulder, "Your home was so different but it was beautiful," her wing unfurled itself from my shoulders and was used to help me to my feet, "We thank you for allowing us to learn the modern dialect from your mind, let your mother know you two are invited to a casual dinner on the fortnight," her form left my side forcing me to deal with my sorrow.

Soon I began to wake up; just before my eyes opened to the ceiling of my room, something wrapped around my neck. Struggling I noticed it was a thorned branch, blood was squeezed over the top, "I said you couldn't hide from me," Mallory's voice spoke from behind me, "Surrender yourself and join us," I could feel another life.