• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 1,970 Views, 58 Comments

The Elemental Manipulation - GalaxyEmpire

There's a new member of the Sparkle Family and it can control type of elemental, but he is not a pony though.

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Chapter 31: Great Sister (S2E5)

Great Sister

"Father! Mother!" said Rarity in surprise as she turned to face them.

"I'll have you know that Sweetie Belle here cooked this yummy lookin' breakfast all on her own," said the marshmallow coloured stallion with brown mane, moustache, and tail. He was wearing a floral shirt with a tourist straw hat. It was Hondo Flanks, Rarity father as Sweetie Belle set down a vase with lavender flowers in it. He gave Sweetie Belle a supportive rub of her mane with his fore-hoof.

The owner of the shop just looked at the various plates that had various types of badly burnt food. "I...figured."

Just then, the bell door rights as it revealed to be...

"Rarity, I picked up that extra supply you wanted and..." It was Leo as he froze when he saw Sweetie Belle and two other ponies he had never met before, "...umm...am I interrupting something?"

As much as the lion had grown in socializing in Ponyville, he didn't need long to see the resemblance between the older ponies and his two best friends. For some reason, meeting their parents always made him feel rather shy, as well as a little jealous. The two elder ponies just looked at him curiously while stunning.

"Woah...Rarity. I never knew you interested in a lion--"

"FATHER! He's too young and NEVER EVER!"

"...as a pet." He finished.

Today was a very unpleasant day, the manipulate was buying Rarity supplies stock and now here he is. Confused about what the stallion is talking about.

"I don't get it, I'm fourteen, Rarity. Not an untrained wild one."

That's not the part...

"Dad, mom. This is one of my friends, Leo Sparkle." Sweetie Belle smile introduced him. "And he's a lion!"

The parents took a look at him for a second, like their firstborn said, he's still young. His mane was not fully grown as it only on his head, reach to his back neck. He smiles like a very innocent cub, which very adorable. With a final thought, their smile chuckle.

"Young one," said the male pony, "My name is Hondo Flanks and this is my wife Cookie Crumbles, as you can guess, we're Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents."

Leo smile like learn a bring new things. "Pawesome..." It's not that long as the smile turned upside down when he saw the burnt food on the table.

"Enjoying breakfast...I supposed..."

"Yup, I made everything myself," Sweetie Belle said proudly as Rarity sniffed a glass that had something burnt in it.

"I didn't know you could burn juice."

"Oh, I knew someone who knew how to burn ice cream without purposes! don't ask how...they just did it." Leo remarks but got discreetly rolled eyes from Rarity.

"I've been giving her lessons," said the light pink mare with dark purple mane and tail. She was wearing a red top with white bottoms and had a sun visor in her mane, Cookie Crumbles, "I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cutie mark in fancy cooking by the time we get back from our vacation."

Leo was just stunned.

Her mother taught her how to cook like this? He thought, If I took a bite, maybe it tastes good!

Leo went to take a bite of some pancake and nearly choked at how dry and burnt it was as he swallowed it down. Still retained his smile sheepishly.

Ew... It disgusting, yet it's...quite admirable actually, He told himself, But...Maybe if I teach Sweetie Belle how to cook properly shortly. I believe she can do it, just need to throw away burning the house down on the purpose list...

While the lion had his train of thought, Rarity was still baffled that she had forgotten about her parent's vacation trip.

"Vacation? Is that this week?" She exclaimed, "As in "starting this very instant" this week?"

It was then Sweetie Belle put a bowl of some burnt slop on the table.

"Ugh, let me guess: apple sauce?"

"Nope, toast!" Sweetie Belle answered as Leo jaw dropped but no one took notice, "We're gonna have the bestest time two sisters could ever have! I'm gonna go grab my stuff from Dad's wagon." With that, she made her way out of the kitchen.

"Oh-oh! Can I helped?" Leo asked.

"Wait Leo, I need you here," said Rarity quickly, stopping him from following the young filly, "So, now, when you say "a week"...is that, um, seven whole days?"

Leo looked at her unhappy. This hadn't been the first time Rarity seemed reluctant to having Sweetie Belle around.

"And six nights, I know!" said her mother, completely overlooking Rarity's hesitation, "Such a short time to spend with your little sis."

"You gonna eat that?" Hondo Flanks asked before Rarity could respond to her mother. Rarity just said nothing and pushed the plate towards her father as Leo waved a paw to say no.

"But I've got such a long to-do list," She told quietly to herself, "Oh well, I suppose "spend time with your sister" will just have to be added to the list."

"Uh... Rarity? You know the reasons I'm here to assist you," Leo whispered. "Don't you remember I was here for..."

"Yes, you here because you promise to get work done around here," Rarity retorted, making it clear she wasn't interested in hearing what he had to say about the situation, "Now will you please take care of those supplies you got for me and put them away at once?"

Leo sighed before taking his leave when they heard a huge crash nearby. It was then Sweetie Belle reappeared with a huge load of luggage.

"Just a few necessities." She remarked. The young adult just smiled sheepishly to her parents as Leo gasped.

"Those luggage seems too heavy! I can help it with my power and--" He got cut off by Rarity who give dirty looks and he groans slowly. "Fine...I'm going."


Leo not having a great day today. He started to wonder why he was helping the unicorn. Today is the day he gets the day off, don't know what to do unless staying at the library with his siblings...but one of them will probably gonna want him to do more organised or extra assistance. His brother is enough so he goes out to the street to find some benefit to do.

He's okay with this work but with the attitude of the unicorn, he started to thinks of Rarity personality.

At first, he asked them if they need a paw to help to make breakfast only for Rarity to tell him regally to finish the other work she doesn't mention about which is rude. So, without anyone noticing, he too peeks at them doing.

At the sight, Rarity told Sweetie Belle to put the parsley on top of the eggs...it didn't end well. The lion stares at them concern, especially to Sweetie Belle.

'Oh... Rarity seems to want Sweetie to fail. Maybe I--' He thought but quickly shook it away. 'No. Their siblings just like me, I made a mistake too many time. Come on, Sweetie Belle.'

The next thing after the eating was cleaning up the kitchen. Fascinate, it clean like a pure sparkling and shimmer. The adult unicorn had just finished when she saw the time on the clock and gasped. "There are some things I must attend to."

She headed out of the kitchen towards Sweetie Belle, who was just washing the floor with a bucket of soapy water and a small brush in the corner of the main room, "Can you take the dirty towels to the laundry room?"

Sweetie Belle looked up as the towels were dumped on top of her.

"No problem," She pushed the basket into the laundry room, "I'll make myself useful."

"Can I help--"

"Actually, Leo," Rarity interrupted as she shoved a long list in his face, "I need these things picked up from town and I want them picked up now!"

Leo flinched for this, never see her doing to him like this for years. Possibly not in the mood of what her sister has done to her home. Or...

...She doesn't want Sweetie Belle to live here?

As that much, She's not a happy filly right now.

After the golden lion left, the fashion maker asked her to wash the dirty towels in the laundry room which good for making her useful. But...didn't end well because Rarity shouts at her that she wash one-of-a-kind designer crocheted sweater. Wool grows to shrink when hit the sun so Rarity mad.

Secondly, Sweetie Belle tries to draw. Using Rarity gems as decoration... Which make her scream like a Viking I guess. Thus, making her go out to find more with Leo return. Although, he tried to reason with the adult pony with no luck, which makes him sighed.

The filly and lion think Rarity acting very means right now, and they don't like it.

"Geez Louise," Sweetie Belle muttered as she stomped away, "can't I do anything right?"

"You can," Leo before looking at the door for the sight of the designers. "Don't worry, Sweetie Belle. I can try to reasoning again with her."

"Don't need to, Leo. I saw her yelling at you as she sees a rat. Maybe I can do something upstairs."

With that she went up to the room, leaving Leo to groan sadly. "No... They're starting to fall apart..."

Even after he's finished with the work, Rarity excuses him. At the street of Ponyville, Leo just took a casual walk. After she told him he done with everything she satisfied, much liking shoving him out of her home and he is he, kicking a pabble using his paws. If he wants to help them come together, he needs a plan.

"I need something that can make them accept each other."

Not notice, he passed a house that has a much pink poster on it.

"Something, hardcore. I guess."

A more of the pink poster, this time he passed on a bulletin board. Cover until it cannot be put another one.

"Something challengeable."

More comings, this time, he passed at the tree dressing with a cotton candy poster.

"Something that only they can do it!"

And it hit.


"Ouch!" Leo got blind by a flying paper on his face. Quickly, he gets rid of it and read the article about it. Without explanation, a light bulb popped out of nowhere as it shines like a sun. "That's it!"

The Next Day...

"Is this thing on? I don't think this thing is on. Hello?"

The big red stallion then whispered to the old mare.

"What is the e- oh!" Granny Smith mumbled, "You have to say so. Confangled modern doohickeys."

She then smacked the megaphone so she could speak into it correctly. "Now, the event you've all been waiting for! The Sister Soci- The Socialhooves- Oh, dagnabit, you know, the big race. We have five teams this year for the event! So y'all head on up to the finish line, hear?" Big Mac then pulled the elder mare's rocking chair back and whispered into her ear again.

"Eh?" She said before realizing her mistake before speaking into the megaphone again, "The start line! That's what I said!"

Just like Granny said so, today is the Sisterhooves Social had finally arrived as a pair of balloons floated above the grounds for the big event. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle had just arrived. Both of the apple siblings were also wearing handkerchiefs around their necks. Leo was here too.

"Thanks for letting me come with your guys, this place pawesome!" He said excitedly.

"Yer quite welcome," Applejack said, "And ah know you disappointed for can't participate, Leo. This event may be for sisters, but there plenty of family fun for everypony."

While they're talking, Sweetie Belle noticed some ponies at a pie-eating contest. A pair of sisters had managed to finish their pies before the other team, earning a blue ribbon. The winning team was very happy while the losing team looked rather dejected.

She mimicking the marshmallow pony. "Well, I guess it's a good thing Rarity isn't here. Do I see "uncouth" written all over this contest?" The group just look at her sadly for a moment until they come up to a nearby pigpen.

"Look at the size of that pig!" Apple Bloom pointed out as they noticed two pigs with blue ribbons on them.

"Pawesome! Wish I can do it with my bro next time. If there's one"

"That's the last word Rarity would use. Oh my, what a repulsive monstrosity! That thing needs a head to toe makeover!" Sweetie belle mimicking her sister again. The two Apple siblings exchanged some worried looks but Leo gives them a wink with a smile. Giving them everything will be fine until they heard the sound of a horn-tooting in the distance.

"It's almost time!" said Applejack excitedly.

"Well, you two have fun," said Sweetie Belle sadly, "Sure wish I had a sister to run the race with."

"Oh... I'm sorry Sweetie Belle." Leo said as he hugged her. "I want to help but like the event name, I can't..."

The golden lion gives the mare a discreet wink. It was then she placed a handkerchief around Sweetie Belle's neck and plopped her Stenson hat on the marshmallow filly's head, making her surprised.


"You do now!" said Apple Bloom excitedly as Applejack smiled.

"AB and I figured since we do this every year..." Applejack began.

"I'd let you borrow my sis so you can give it a try!"

"Sister for a day!"

"No way!" said Sweetie Belle excitedly as a checkered patterned cloth with apples on it appeared behind her.

"One. Day," Apple Bloom reminded her sternly, poking Sweetie Belle with a fore-hoof to bring her back to reality. Sweetie Belle then rushed over to give Applejack a happy hug.

"One. Day," She repeated. Leo smile and hugged her close to calm her down when they all heard the screeching of a microphone.

"Is this thing on? I don't think this thing is on. Hello? What is the e-oh! You have to say so. Confangled modern doohickeys." Granny Smith has a problem but Big Mac was there to help up. "Now, the event you've all been waiting for! The Sister Soci- The Socialhooves-Oh, dagnabit, you know, the big race. We have five teams this year for the event! So y'all head on up to the finish line, hear?"

The red stallion then pulled the elder mare's rocking chair back and whispered into her ear again for she got wrong again.

"Eh? The start line! That's what I said!"

The white filly excitedly as she and Applejack approached the starting line. Apple Bloom quickly startled Sweetie Belle by getting into her face again. Telling her again just this day borrow her sister before saying good luck to them as she zipped back to Leo, who just gave her a sceptical look.

"Was that necessary?" He asked her.

"Wishin' eir good luck?" She said puzzled until the lion raised an eyebrow at her. Which she just sighed. "Guess I just don't want to lose my sister..."

Leo smile as he pulled her close for a hug, knowing she same as him that doesn't want to lose his sister too. Or his brothers as well.

"You won't. Besides, in exchange, you get me for the day! So, not a bad trade-off."

"But you seem so busy, like, every day..."

"Well, that doesn't mean I can't accept a request from my friend, right?" Leo said. "After all, I can just split into three and have one of me to hang out with you."

The filly never thought he can use his power like that, she thinks he only using it in combat. But it makes her felt better and hug his foreleg as the other sister pairs got ready for the race for some reason.

"On your mark...get set..." It was then Granny hit the megaphone so the mouthpiece poked her eye, "Gooooooooo!"

And they were off! The first obstacle was a shallow patch of mud. Most of the other ponies leapt right over the mud while Sweetie Belle hippy hopped across in a cute manner. Applejack mistimed her jump and yelped as she fell into the mud.

The filly asked if she is okay. Luckily, she is, now completely coated in mud, simply jumped out and they continued down the course.

The second obstacle was some stepping buckets. Other ponies tried to walk through them one hoof at a time. One pony fell forward and knocked down a bucket, making some spectator ponies sitting in the stands cringe. As Applejack and Sweetie Belle arrived, the orange pony used one hoof at a time for each bucket as Sweetie Belle cutely hopped from bucket to bucket with ease.

The third obstacle was three haystacks set up in two stacked rows. The other ponies had no problem jumping up to the top row and then jumped off. Applejack was able to do the same, but Sweetie Belle wasn't as good a jumper and was dangling from the edge of the bottom row.

She called for help, wasting no time as the mud-covered pony managed to toss Sweetie Belle over the haystacks and they were able to keep going.

The course was hard, there's so much of it and it can be done if the sisters work together as a team. They did a pie-eating, pushing a haystack over a designated distance, the apple tossing task and finally, carrying an egg toward a basket using their noses.

The last one was epic, Applejack and Sweetie Belle decided to carry a single egg together and easily deposited it into the basket and headed on their way. Apparently, they only needed to get one egg dropped off and not two. The team did well until another pair of sisters zoomed past them. The four ponies were side by side as they launched into the air landing and creating a large dust cloud. When the cloud cleared, Applejack and Sweetie Belle had landed just short of the finish line and the other sisters had managed to cross over the other side. They were quickly given the blue ribbon and carried off by the pony spectators. Despite not winning, Applejack and Sweetie Belle were still smiling. However, why were Applejack's eyes suddenly blue?

"Ooh, so close!" said Apple Bloom as she came up to them, "You almost won!"

"Second place isn't bad for your first ever run, Sweetie Belle," Leo added, "Well done!"

"Thank you, Applejack! You were amazing! I don't even care that we didn't win. This was so much fun!" She jumped at her to give the muddy pony a heartfelt hug, but as she did so, Applejack's hat fell off and underneath...was a marshmallow coloured horn?!


"Applejack" just tapped her head as Sweetie Belle removed the mud from the older pony's flank, revealing a familiar triple blue gem cutie mark and marshmallow fur.



"So, Leo. You're the one who makes the plan?"

"Yep, bro. And it all thanks to the pink poster that smacks my face. How pawesome is it?"

"Yeah, sure." Spike rolled his eyes while chuckled as Rarity stepped in.

"Very well then, what should we write to the Princess?"

"I'll start," Sweetie Belle said as she looked at herself in the mirror, "Having a sister is just about the best thing in the world. But it sure isn't the easiest!"

"I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork," Rarity continued, "Sometimes it's about compromising. Sometimes it's about accepting each other's differences. But mostly, it's about having fun together. Even if it means getting your hooves a little bit dirty."

"A lot dirty."

"A little dirty."

"A lot dirty."

"A little bit dirty."

"A lo-"

"Hold it, hold it!" The boys come in as Spike retorted as he pushed the small marshmallow ponies while Leo took the adult one apart, "How about "A medium amount of dirty, not too little, not too much, just right"?"

"Deal!" said Rarity and Sweetie Belle as they scooted close together again with a large smile and a hug. While the golden lion sees them in the side.

'Maybe I should spend time with my sister too!' He thought while smiling. It's a good thing Rarity willing to accept his plan to bring them back together.

Author's Note:

So, yeah. The canon show is that Rarity has a plan for her and Sweetie Belle been together again but in this universe, it was Leo who plans it.

By the way, while you reading, have all of you notice Leo never get mad? Even been shouted from Rarity and Twilight (Chapter 15), he never counters back from it.

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