• Published 23rd Jun 2020
  • 1,048 Views, 5 Comments

Advanced Preparations - Undome Tinwe

The morning after Twilight's ascension, she and Rarity have tea together to discuss the future.

  • ...

Faith in the Inevitable

"It still doesn't feel real."

Rarity hummed in agreement as she sipped her tea, watching as Twilight's wings fluttered by themselves once again. "I imagine it must be quite odd to develop a new pair of limbs. As beautiful and practical as they are, I don't envy you having to learn how to use them."

Twilight shook her head. "It's not just that," she said. "It's... everything. Two days ago I was just trying to figure out how Starswirl's spell worked, and suddenly I'm an alicorn and a princess!" She practically gulped down her own cup of tea, much to Rarity's disapproval.

"Do be careful," she chided. "You'll burn yourself."

"Nope, apparently alicorns have a wide range of comfortable operating temperatures," Twilight replied. She sighed. "Everything is going to be so different." Another gulp from her cup, and Rarity had to light her horn and refill her cup. "Thanks. And thanks for taking the time out to have tea with me. I know you're probably really busy too with making a coronation dress for me."

Hiding her smile in her own cup, Rarity replied, "Oh, it's no trouble, dear. We were already planning to meet this morning here in my boutique, and I know how much you like adhering to your schedules."

"Mhm." A grateful smile from Twilight. "Thanks for understanding. With all the insanity of planning my coronation and figuring out what my future is going to be, I needed something to ground myself."

"Hopefully you gain control of your wings before that becomes literal." Rarity took a moment to admire said wings. "Oh, but they really are quite beautiful."

Twilight shrugged. "I guess?"

"There's no need to guess," Rarity replied. "Most mares would kill for such soft feathers and such a sleek curvature. Myself included, if I'm to be honest." Already, her mind was filled with possibilities about what she could do to enhance the new princess' already prodigious natural beauty.

At those words, Twilight stilled. "You're not... you're not mad at me, right?"

The sincerity in her question caused Rarity to stop with her teacup floating halfway to her lips. "What?" she could only say, utter confusion blocking all her trains of thought. "Twilight, I was joking. Honestly, how shallow do you think I am?"

"No, not about that." Twilight quickly waved off her concern with a hoof. "Well, kind of about that. I mean, being a princess was your dream, right? And now I'm the one who's gone and gotten a crown. Or, well, another crown. Actually, am I going to use the Element of Magic as my crown or should I get another one made? It's probably not safe to be wearing one of the Elements around but—"

"Twilight." The words were said gently, but firmly.

"Right." A lovely blush coloured the purple princess' cheeks. "Sorry, I'm rambling. It's just, I feel like I've taken what should've been yours."

Rarity laughed. "Darling, you earned your ascension by doing what I couldn't even hope to do. And I know from the bottom of my heart that you deserve every accolade and honour and title bestowed upon you and more. Really, did you think I would truly be jealous of you? What kind of friend would I be if I was?"

"One with sense, maybe," Twilight muttered. Then, seeming to realize that she'd spoken out loud, cleared her throat and looked Rarity dead in the eye, their beverages long forgotten. "I'm scared, Rarity." The admission sounded ripped out of her very soul, and it chilled Rarity to the bone. "I spent most of my childhood avoiding balls and ceremonies and all that other stuff, and while I know a little about how high society works, I have nothing close to your expertise. Sure, I performed a great feat of magic, but that's not exactly the same as being fit for leadership."

"Skill in magic is hardly a substitute for the ability to rule, but are you truly telling me that Celestia hasn't been preparing you for this?" Rarity asked in return.

"I mean... I guess I do have some political training, and I've advised her on matters of governance and law before," Twilight allowed. "But... is that enough? Am I enough?"

"No," Rarity replied bluntly, ignoring Twilight's shocked expression. "None of us are. I certainly wouldn't be enough, and I doubt Celestia is either. But you don't have to do this alone. You have Celestia, and Luna, and Cadance, and your friends. We all believe in you, and we are all ready to help you become the ruler you can be."

"You're right." Twilight visibly relaxed, much to Rarity's relief. "I shouldn't ever forget that I have my friends with me. You're all taking this really well, considering how sudden it was. Pinkie's already off planning a party, of course, and Applejack's working out the catering menu, and so on and so forth, but I guess I was expecting a little bit more screaming and panicking considering this is Ponyville?"

Rarity laughed at the sheepish smile on Twilight's expression. "Oh, Twilight, you really don't understand, do you?" She set down her teacup and stood up. "Come, I have something to show you."

Confused, Twilight obeyed, following her to her workshop. When they arrived, Rarity pulled aside one of the curtains to reveal a ponyquin waiting for them with a lovely little ensemble of pink, white, and yellow fabric draped over its form, and a small crown sitting atop its head, giving it a very regal look overall.

As Twilight stared at the outfit, her expression grew even more surprised. "Wait, is that my coronation dress?" At Rarity's nod, her jaw dropped. "But it hasn't even been a day! Wow, Rarity, I didn't know you could work that fast and make something this good!"

Rarity shook her head. "Oh, I can't. This took me at least a month to perfect. A very trying, but very rewarding month, I might add."

Twilight walked up to the dress and inspected it more closely. "Wait, this has wing holes cut into it already. Only, they aren't cut, they're sewn in as part of the design." She stared at Rarity. "Why would you make a dress with wing holes for me before I even ascended?"

"Because, Twilight Sparkle, I believe in you." Rarity trotted up to Twilight and cupped her chin with a hoof. "Just as your other friends do. Rainbow Dash already has a training regimen prepared for you after a discussion with the Wonderbolts' physical therapists about how best to train an adult pony to fly, and Pinkie has the appropriate party favours stashed in a number of improbable places, and Applejack should have a list of possible menu items for you to look over this afternoon."

"But— but—"

"Twilight, you were the only pony who didn't think you weren't going to become something truly incredible one day," Rarity said warmly. "We're here for you, dear, just as we always have been, and just as we always will be."

Finally, Twilight smiled, though she still seemed dazed by the revelation. "I guess with friends like you girls, everything is going to be fine, huh?"

"Oh, I don't doubt we'll have to contend with our fair share of disasters in the future," Rarity said. "But so long as we believe in each other, I daresay that everything is going to be absolutely wonderful. Now then, I believe our tea is growing cold. Shall we return to the kitchen?"

With that, the two friends left behind the dress, ready to take on whatever challenges the world might throw at them together.

Author's Note:

June 23rd is now unofficially RariTwi day, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to release this fic.

Comments ( 5 )

This was really sweet! I love the idea that something like Twilight becoming an alicorn was obvious to everyone but her, and this is some delightful friendshipping with Rarity.

Nice. :)

"Darling, you earned your ascension by doing what I couldn't even hope to do. Sure, I can turn a little shop in a provincial town into a fashion empire before I reach my thirties all while effectively raising a destructive child who is not mine. I can dupe a clan of ponynapping dogs into letting me leave with a veritable mountain of gems. I can kick and blast my way through a swarm of changlings all while looking fabulous, but to complete a single spell created centuries ago by a wizard who has an entire wing of the Canterlot Library devoted to his many spells and an entire school of spellcasting named after him yet still somehow never managed to ascend himself? I fear that is simply beyond me. Bitter? No, I'm not bitter at all."


"Hey, I heard you guys talking about how totally deserving Twilight is of her new wings, and Rarity's right, Twilight. You did something that none of the rest of us could do. I mean, yeah, I am the fastest flyer alive, and I can do some pretty awesome stuff like break the sound barrier and create nuclear blasts, which makes me radical in literally every single sense of the term. I mean, really, I'm a weapon of mass destruction on four hooves, and I did it all with no formal training after I, uh... left flight school. But to write up the last part of a spell that was mostly written by a guy who died a long time ago is totally all you, Twi.


"Rarity! Rainbow Dash!" she admonishes in a whisper. "You are not being fair. The princess chose Twilight for this, because of how special she is. It doesn't matter that the spell that she finished is completely useless or that she can't do things like dominate an industry in just a few years or make big, scary explosions. ...Or scare away full grown dragons and cocatrices with just a look or tame an elemental god of chaos with the power of niceness... Um, Twilight is special."


"Yeah! Twilight is so special and unique that she's not even just a unicorn anymore! She the Unique-orn, and everything is her property, because she can do magic that nopony else in the whole world can, and believe me that is NOT easy. I mean, do you have any idea how hard it is to appear POOF right where you need to be for any given occasion? Or to predict the future? Or to make your mouth so big that it can swallow an entire three-layer cake whole? Most of that stuff even Twilight doesn't understand, but she DOES understand cutie mark-switching spells which are just as good I'm sure."


"Why sure it is, Pinkie. Shoot, if she were to give herself a proper apple mark, I bet she could harvest a whole orchard all by herself, just like me."

An exasperated Twilight sighs. "Applejack, I could harvest every apple in Sweet Apple Acres in five seconds before my transformation."


"Oh, shut up, y'all."

Sorry, I just thought that the idea of her friends being bitter and sarcastic over it was funny, and that one line of yours was the perfect set-up.

Marvelous stuff. Post-ascension anxiety fics make for great friendshipping opportunities, especially ones where everyone else saw it coming. I wonder who won the betting pool.

Thank you for a lovely read.

While I wish you could have delved a bit more on twilight feeling like she stole rarity's future, I understand it wasn't about over assuaging her feelings.

Good moment with the hoof lifting her chin.

I didn't really get a Rari x twi vibe from it though.

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