• Published 28th Jun 2020
  • 663 Views, 3 Comments

Lustering Steel - TheSuperTransformerFan

All seems well for Princess Twilight...until she meets a student who is just like her, and it's up to Steel to show her the light!

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Epilogue: The Magic Of Friendship Grows

As Steel and Luster Dawn were heading back to the throne room in the castle, they were talking about their latest victory of how they defeated Scrozzle.

“That was epic!” Luster said in excitement! “Did you see how we took on that gigadrone?”

“I know!” Steel said in agreement. “And, Scrozzle was like ‘I can’t much more of this two-Zord abomination!’” They both shared a laugh as they entered the throne room and were both surprised as they saw not only Twilight and Spike, but also the rest of the Mane Six and Li’l Cheese as well!

The first one to speak up was Twilight. “I see you learned a special lesson about friendship?” She said as she and the others were smiling at her.

“I sure did!” Luster said, walking up to them. “But, I wouldn’t have learned about how important friendship is if it weren’t for Steel.” She pointed to the silver ranger as she said that. “He helped me see how important friendship can be, and how hard it can be to navigate when you’re a newcomer at it.”

Twilight smiled with joy as did the others. “Well then, it seems that you learned a lot, while being alongside Steel.” She said as the others nodded.

“Yes.” Luster said, nodding. “I sure did.”

Steel was the most surprised that he saw the rest of the mane six in the throne room with her. The Mane Six were excited and surprised to see that he was there too! “Steel!” Rainbow Dash said as she went up to hug him. “How’s it been?”

“Oh, my gosh!” Steel said in silent shock. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing!” They broke the hug after a good amount of time for him to recognize who was there. “Rainbow Dash?” He asked. “Applejack? Rarity? Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy?” They all nodded. “Is that really you guys???”

“You bet it’s us, Sugarcube!” Applejack said in excitement upon seeing her ranger ally here.

“Do you think we’d forget a face?” Pinkie Pie asked confused and excited.

“I...I don’t believe this!” He said in surprise. “Rainbow, your mane’s like Spitfire’s! You’re the wonderbolt captain!” He turned to Applejack. “Applejack! That’s Granny Smith’s bandanna! How is your grandma?” Applejack shied a little bit. “Oh, sorry I asked.”

“Oh, it’s okay, Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she smiled again. “It’s just so great to see you here!”

“Fluttershy! You...almost look the same.” Steel said in surprise as he then turned to Rarity. “Rarity! You look like you came from Yakyakistan! It’s like you’d say...That outfit is so 10 years ago!” He and Rarity shared a small chuckle at that.

“Pinkie!” Steel said as he turned to her. “Your hair’s a little bigger!”

“Yep!” Pinkie said. “Boy, you would not believe how big my mane gets when I take good care of it.”

“And, I’m the wonderbolts captain too!” Rainbow added.

Steel then noticed the young yellow pink maned colt. “Who’s this little guy?” He asked curiously.

“Oh, that’s Li’l Cheese...my son!” Pinkie said smiling at him.

Steel was utterly bemused that Pinkie had a son. Had it really been that long since the last time the rangers and ponies met? “You have a son?” Steel asked as Pinkie nodded. “Whoa! How long has it been since we last saw you guys?”

“Well, a lot can happen in Like...20 years.” Rarity told him.

“20 years?!” Steel asked in shock and surprise. “Has it really been that long???”

“Well, time does fly by when you’re having fun!” Rainbow told him.

“Especially, since you’re spending time with your friends!” Fluttershy added.

“R...Really?” Steel asked. “We just assumed that since Luster figured that you all weren’t together all the time now—“

“That we wouldn’t stay friends?” Twilight finished as she and the others shared a laugh. “That wasn’t the point of my story. It's true my coronation was almost a disaster.”

“I can only imagine.” Steel said as he recalled what happened.

(Read “A Coronation No One Will Forget” from “Target: Mane Six”.

Despite how disastrous it almost became, the ponies and rangers share a laugh about it. Starlight Glimmer and Spike arrive with a going-away present for Twilight: a book of memories for whenever she misses her friends or Ponyville. Wanting to maintain relationships with her friends for years to come, Twilight establishes the Council of Friendship. With Twilight's transition to ruler of Equestria now complete, Celestia and Luna take their leave to enjoy their retirement in Silver Shoals. As they prepare to start their rule in Ponyville, Nate tells them that they could still come visit during the holidays, since they’re currently working on some new inventions. As Steel and Devon prepared to head back to Grid Battleforce, Steel had an awful feeling that Evox wasn’t gone and Devon wondering he was right. They felt like they hadn’t seen the last of Evox. That was in 2019.

As Steel wrapped up the last loose ends of the story flashback, Luster wondered about what happened. “So, even though everything changed and you moved away from your friends, you didn't grow apart?” She asked curiously. “And this is the Council of Friendship? That's what you're all doing here?“

“Of course!” Steel said. “The council of Friendship! I remember that like it was yesterday!”

“It can seem that way.” Rainbow said as she and the others nodded in agreement.

“How’s Starlight doing?” Steel wondered.

“Starlight’s doing fine.” Twilight said. “She’s currently the new headmaster of the School of Friendship.”

“Wow!” Steel said. “She’s the headmare of your school? That’s huge!”

“Speaking of which, how are Ben and Betty doing?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, Ben and Betty are still working on some new inventions at Grid Battleforce.” Steel told them. “You know how it is, when they test them.” The others including Luster shared a laugh.

“This time, we meet every moon.“ Rainbow said.

Applejack let out a chuckle. “What she means is this is how we've been rulin' together.” she said in conjunction with Rainbow’s response.

“And how we've continued to face every problem and threat to Equestria over the years.” Rarity added.

“But mostly, it's how we keep in touch. No matter how busy life gets.” Pinkie Pie said in agreement.

“Sometimes friendships can be hard, and it takes work to maintain them.” Twilight said as she walked toward her student. “But without friends, things can be a lot harder.”

Luster thought about it for a while, and finally, she came to a perfect conclusion. She smiled as she turned to Steel and Twilight and the Mane Six. “You and Steel are right.” She said. “I never thought about friendship being something to work at, and I don't mind work. And when I was fighting the robotron with Steel, I felt like I actually made a friend...” she looked at Steel and smiled. “My first friend. I guess if they don't have to fade away, maybe making friends isn't the waste of time I thought. But I've been so focused on my studies, I wouldn't know where to start.”

“That's all right...” Twilight told her. “...because I know exactly where to send you.“

“Really?” Luster asked as the Mane Six and Spike all nodded. She beamed with excitement like never before. She went over to Steel and gave him a big hug...one she was happy to return. "Thank you, Steel. Thank you for all this," She said as her eyes teared up with joy.

Steel smiled down at Luster. "No. Thank you Luster.” He said as he carefully broke the hug. “Though, that's not quite right now is it?"

Luster was confused as she looked up. "What do you mean?" She asked.

“You aren't just a regular student, Luster.” He said as he got out a Beast-X Morpher from his pocket and put it on Luster’s left front leg. “You are something more." He handed her a pink Morph-X key.

Luster felt something click at that moment as she beamed. "You mean?" She asked. Steel nodded as she inserted the key and the light from the Morpher then intensified, as a pink tornado of energy descended and swirled around her. The tornado dissipated to reveal her morphed form. It was a pink suit, and her helmet had a bird-like motif on it. Her transporter was black...like red, yellow, and Blue’s. She examined her form and was shocked and excited all at once.

“"Welcome home, Pink Ranger." Steel said as Luster beamed with excitement as she hugged her ranger “mentor”. It was a moment that would be with her for a long time and for the first time, she was about to be sent to Ponyville by the Mane Six to learn more about friendship. She had learned that the greatest spell she will ever know is that the magic of friendship can grow. It was a perfect day for her as her future would turn out well for her, and she was also now the Pink Beast Morphers Ranger!

(In the Power Rangers' world, on Earth in the year 2019...)

Back at Grid Battleforce, Devon, Ravi, Zoey and Nate were waiting for Steel’s return as the portal suddenly opened. Steel entered through as well as a pink ranger with him as well.

Nate and the others were excited for his return that they went over to him excitedly. “Steel!” Nate said in excitement. “You’re back!”

“How did your mission go?” Zoey asked.

“You must tell us everything!” Ravi said in excitement as Devon nodded too.

“It was amazing!” Steel told them. “However, Scrozzle was there too.” The others gasped. “But, we took him down together! Scrozzle’s toast!” The others cheered again in the victory of Scrozzle’s defeat.

“Hold on.” Devon said. “What do you mean ‘we’?” He asked in confusion and curiosity. Steel moved out of the way to reveal the Pink Beast Ranger. Everyone was shocked that there was a pink ranger here.

“A pink ranger?” Ravi asked shocked.

“Who’s your new friend?” Zoey asked.

Steel turned to the Pink Ranger. “You can show them.” He said. The Pink Ranger nodded as she took her helmet off, revealing a pink unicorn with a sunset, peach-like mane. The other rangers were surprised at all this.

“Whoa!” All 4 rangers said in unison.

“Who are you?” Devon asked.

“I’m glad you asked.” Luster told them as she introduced herself to the rangers. “I’m Luster Dawn, Twilight Sparkle’s student from the future. And, I’ve got one heck of a story to tell you.” The others gasped in shock and amazement as Luster started to tell the rangers all about her recent adventure with Steel and how she had made her first friend.

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this adventure! Luster is now ready to continue learning about friendship...THIS time, under the guidance of the Mane Six, and she’s the Pink Ranger?! Wow! Also, Scrozzle is defeated and Steel has completed his mission without a hitch! I have a some more stories coming up in the near future soon which I will list on my community page with a short description for each of them. Some of them will be alternate endings, some of them will be more Ranger crossovers, and some of them will be entirely new stories. Who knows what stories I’ll have planned for next? The only way is to find out soon which stories are next and which stories I’m planning on doing next! Keep an eye out for more upcoming stories! Until next time, I’ve gotta run, so don’t forget to freak out! :)

Comments ( 1 )


I bet this applies to the Equestria Girls universe. One year in The Human World and one thousand years in Equestria. That should make more sense in the actual show.

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