• Published 28th Jun 2020
  • 663 Views, 3 Comments

Lustering Steel - TheSuperTransformerFan

All seems well for Princess Twilight...until she meets a student who is just like her, and it's up to Steel to show her the light!

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Prologue: Friendship...A Waste Of Time?

In Equestria, the city of Canterlot was all a buzz as not only the Equestrians of the three founding tribes, but Yaks, young dragons, changelings, Hippogriffs, and others were engaged in various business. But this was not the Equestria you all were used to seeing. Oh no! This is the Equestria taking place 20 years after the Mane Six and the Power Rangers banded together to take down Evox and his legion. Notably, this was the future time of Equestria...namely, the year 2039 which was two decades after Twilight had ascended to the throne to take princess Celestia and Luna’s place.

Anyways, most notable of all the Equestrians was a slightly larger than human size purple dragon, with green spines, that walked towards the castle. It was Spike. Around his neck was an amulet that had on it a purple six-pointed star surrounded by five smaller symbols, one was a set of three apples, one a set of three sapphires cut in the shape of kites, one a set of three butterflies, another a set of three-party balloons, and the final symbol was cloud with a lightning bolt of three colors. Behind the purple star was a merger of the sun and the moon. As Spike walked he smiled at all the going-on's and what seemed to be peaceful interactions.

After about half an hour he arrived at the door to the castle’s throne room, the door was opened by a male griffin, Gallus (a student in Twilight’s School of Friendship), who seemed to be in his mid-thirties with blue feathers who’s crown feathers was a lighter blue with amber tips dressed in the golden armor of the ESM. The dragon nodded to the griffin and the door was opened.

“I got here as soon as I could, but friendship ambassador is a full time job these days.” Spike said as he entered. “Making peace between Abyssinians and the Diamond Dogs has not been easy.”

In the throne room, there was a violet alicorn that stood almost seven feet with long, wavy, dark sapphire hair with two streaks, one was rose and the other was violet which floated effortlessly, with violet eyes, and metallic wings purple and gold in color which seemed to float behind her and yet also come from her back with two amethyst six-pointed stars functioning for the wings like her arm's shoulder balls. She wore a crown with a horn-like amethyst focusing gem on her forehead, also on her head was a tiara that seemed to be a merger of black colored metal and a golden crown. She was dressed in Royal armor, just like Celestia and Luna wore. It was Princess Twilight Sparkle, who had now almost matched her mentor’s appearance as she was finished wrapping up her discussion with an associate.

“That's why I picked you for the job.” Twilight said as she giggled. “But I'm glad you could come.” She did, however, hug her No. #1 assistant, now royal advisor.

The two went to their thrones. “So what's the emergency?” Spike asked as he sat down on his throne and Twilight sat on hers.

“Ever since I took over Celestia's School, my focus has been on teaching magic.” She told her advisor. “But now it seems my top student has missed the most important lesson of all.“ She was feeling a teeny bit apprehensive as she said that.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked confused.

“Let's just say it'll be good to have my royal advisor and friendship ambassador by my side.” Twilight said happily to her assistant/advisor.

Once she finished speaking to Spike, the griffin at the door opened it, “Your Majesty, she's here.” he informed her.

Twilight smiled and nodded, “Send her in, Gallus.” she ordered. The recently identified guard nodded and opened the other door to reveal a young pink unicorn nearing the end of her teenage years...think Twilight’s age at the start of the series, just on the crust of legally recognized womanhood. The young unicorn had hair that shifted from yellow to red like the rising sun at dawn with a couple of stripes of solid yellow. Her eyes were dawn yellow-orange and she had a cutie mark that looked like the rising sun.

The unicorn, feeling nervous for a few seconds, entered in the throne room, approaching her teacher before her. She bowed. “Your Majesty.” she said.

“Luster, I may be ruler of Equestria, but I'm still just your teacher.” She pointed out to her.

The recently identified Luster rose up to her teacher. “And you've been wonderful.” She said calm, but happy. “I've enjoyed every moment at the School of Magic. But I'm just not sure it's the right place for me.” She started to trail off, feeling a little nervous.

Twilight nodded, “I see.” the ruler admitted.

Luster looked back up and waved her hooves, “And, It's not the work. I could spend weeks in the library doing research.” she started to explain before she lowered her hoof and rubbed the back of her head, “It's just that there's a lot of focus on making friends.”

“Spike smiled as he hovered and placed his left front talon on his chest and closed his eyes, “If that's your problem, you've come to the right place.” He told her.

Luster gave a weak smile as lifted the heel of her left foot hoof and spun her ankle with her toe still on the ground, “But that's just it. I don't want to make friends.” She confessed.

“What?” Spike shouted in confusion. He then looked to Twilight in confusion.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at Spike in slight annoyance before she turned back to Luster and gave a small smile as she seemed to be in thought, “So you'd rather leave the School of Magic than make friends?” She asked.

“I was hoping to set up an independent course of study.” Luster informed her teacher. “I want to accomplish as much as you have someday.”

Spike spied the content of the scrolls from over Twilight’s shoulders. He then looked over Twilight to Luster, “It'll be hard to do that without friends.” the dragon pointed out.

“I’m not so sure.” Luster had to disagree. “Friendship looks like more of a distraction than anything else and ultimately a waste of time.”

What?!” Spike asked shocked as his jaw was now agape in response to the student’s remark about friendship.

“I know you and your friends accomplished a lot together, but that was so long ago, and as far as I can see, you rule by yourself now.” Luster said as she pointed out to Twilight, who was indeed the only one ruling right now. But what she didn’t know would be that Twilight had some friends to show her later on to disprove that.

“Uh, hello? Royal advisor right here!”, Spike pointed out, showing her the medallion he was wearing around his neck.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”, the student agreed. “In fact, I think it’s better! Plus, if friendships ultimately fade, why make them in the first place?”

“You know what, Luster Dawn?” Twilight asked, giving her an understanding smile. “You're right.”

WHAT?!” Spike shouted as he was on full panic attack and could comprehend to what had just recently happened. “Friendship is more trouble than it's worth?!” he whispered in Twilight’s ear in disbelief, “This is your top student?”

Twilight nodded. “She is, Spike.” She then got an idea of what to do about this situation. “And, I know just who to call to help her see the light in this predicament!” She got out a blank scroll and with her magic, she used a quill to write on it. “Come on, Steel.” She said to herself and thought out loud as she wrote. “I need you for a very important mission.” She sent the letter off into the sky on its way as it went to an unknown as she waited, hopefully for the hero to receive the letter and arrive. Luckily, she knew just who and where it was going to!

(In the Power Rangers' world, on Earth in the year 2019...)

At Grid Battleforce, cadets were up and about building gadgets and the rangers were going through training to prepare for danger. However, one beast bot in particular with mantis, human and scarab DNA, Steel was moping around the hallways of the building as he paced. “It’s been a few months since Twilight and her friends helped us take down Evox.” He said. “I wonder what’s going on?”

He stopped and wondered, “I wonder if she’s okay.” as he started to pace around some more. “I just can’t believe that it’s been quite some time since her coronation.” He took a peek in some of the rooms and saw various things like the other rangers, going through training, workers doing their usual duty, and Nate working on new inventions. As he left Nate’s room after he peeked, Nate took notice and stopped work on his invention to quickly follow Steel out the door, and into the hallway.

“I just wonder if she feels alright with her position as the new ruler?” The beast bot wondered.

Just then, Nate, the gold ranger, came bursting out of the room in excitement with a letter in hand, running to Steel. He finally managed to catch up to him. “Steel!” He said excitedly.

This scared the beast bot as he screamed a little bit before fully turning to his human brother, Nate. “Bro!” He exclaimed in realization to him. “Don’t scare me like that!”

“Sorry, Steel.” He quickly apologized as he showed Steel the letter, which had a royal stamp on it. “I just wanted to tell you that a letter came for you.”

Steel took the letter and by looking at the handwriting, he could tell who it was. “It’s from Twilight.” He said as he opened the letter and looked at it. “It says that she needs me for an important mission.” He turned to his brother. “Why do you think she needs only me?”

“I don’t know, Steel.” Nate said, “...but let’s go tell our friends.” He ran to get the other rangers as Steel, who was rather confused decided to meet the others inside the lab.

When Nate, Devon, Ravi, and Zoey arrived in the lab while Steel was waiting for them, the three core rangers took their seats. “Thanks for coming on such short notice.” Nate told the other 3 rangers. “I’m pretty sure you’re wondering why I called you all here.”

“Not really.” Ravi said. “We were just going through our usual rounds of ranger training. But, yeah.”

“Nate, what is this all about?” Devon asked the genius confused.

“I’m glad you asked.” Nate said as he got out the envelope with the stamp and showed it to them. “I got a letter from Twilight in Equestria! She wants Steel to come over to the castle. There must be an important problem that she wants solved.”

“Sure enough that Twilight wants a friendship problem solved.” Zoey said as she got up. “But, she might need us. So I suggest we get the lead out and go!”

“I tried getting us all to go...” Nate told them. “But, the cutoff for the registration already passed and Twilight would only concide to Steel, specifically.”

“And, the question is...why only me?” Steel asked confused. “With all the monsters we faced and all the battles we fought, I’m just not sure why Twilight would only want me to come?”

“I don’t know.” Nate said. “But, it sounds pretty urgent.”

“But, hey!” Devon said as he went up to his teammate. “You helped us countless times in the past when we were facing Evox and his legion.”

“I agree with Devon.” Ravi said as he got up. “We faced Evox many times and some of them were with Twilight and her crew.”

“So, performing this task by yourself should be no different.” Zoey said optimistically.

“Steel, you helped us with Zord combinations, strategies and weapons that helped us beat Evox.” Nate told him. “It’s just going over to meet Twilight.” He told her. “It’s not big deal. Well, I’m this case it IS a big deal, but not like one of those monster issues we have to deal with.”

After thinking about it for a while, Steel considered it. “Well, alright.” He told the others. “It’s definitely not a mission to stop mega viruses. And, we haven’t heard from Twilight in a while. So, you know what? I think I’m ready for this!”

“That’s the spirit, Steel!” Devon said as he playfully punched the bot in the arm.

“I think you should go.” Nate told his brother. “I agree we haven’t heard from Twilight in quite some time. I truly believe you need to go on this quest. And we have no right to stop you.“

“I suppose not.” Zoey confidently told him.

“I still say this is nutty.” Steel started to say, “But hey, I've done lots of nutty things. At least it’ll give me the chance to go see Twilight.” He started to gather up his Striker morpher and key to get ready to leave.

“Well then, I guess this is goodbye, Steel.” Nate told him as he started up the portal for him to get to the future Equestria. “We can't wait to hear about it when you return.”

“Yeah, we hope your trip–” Devon started.

“Quest.” Ravi cut in.

“–your quest finally answers your questions about what Twilight’s been doing lately.” Devon finished. “She IS the current ruler of Equestria, by the way.”

“Thanks, everyone.” Steel said as Nate opened the portal. “I know it will.”

“Hey, why are you taking your morpher with you?” Zoey asked as she noticed his morpher in his hand.

“Well, you never know when you might really need it.” Steel told her. “Especially, since Scrozzle’s still around!”

“I hate to admit it...” Zoey said, smiling at the Beast Bot. “...but you’re right.”

As Steel started to step through the portal, The others said their goodbyes. “Goodbye, Steel!” Ravi said.

“Go get em, Big guy!” Devon said.

“We have faith in you!” Zoey said as well.

Steel turned to the others. “Thanks, guys!” He said. “I will! And, I’ll tell you all about how it went!” He stepped through the portal, that led to Equestria.

“Goodbye!” Everyone said as the beast bot was now through the portal and was probably already in Twilight’s world right about now.

Once Steel was gone, Devon turned to Nate. “You think he’s got this all by himself?” He asked.

“Of course, he does.” Nate told the others. “I bet Steel has already found the problem and will tell us when he gets back.” He turned to face the portal that Steel went through, and the other could only help but wonder what the problem was, why Princess Twilight needed Steel, and why this mission was so important to the Beast Bot.

Author's Note:

And, that’s it for the prologue! Steel is on his way to Equestria to answer Twilight’s call! What will happen when Luster Dawn meets Steel for the first time? We’ll have to find out!