• Published 28th Jun 2020
  • 659 Views, 3 Comments

Lustering Steel - TheSuperTransformerFan

All seems well for Princess Twilight...until she meets a student who is just like her, and it's up to Steel to show her the light!

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Part 3: The Call To Action

Luster stroke her chin as she tried to fathom what she missed, “So the coronation wasn't a disaster and your friendships just faded away over time?” she asked.

“Not exactly.” Twilight told her.

Just then, they heard two muffled laser blasts which did not go unnoticed went off, immediately catching Steel’s attention. “What was that?!” He asked in shock.

“What?” Spike asked confused as if he didn’t catch what the Beast Bot just asked him.

“That!” Steel said, pointing to the source of that noise as they all went over to a window, and saw a tool-like robotron blasting laser bolts every which way.

“A robotron?” Steel asked in shock. “Here? I thought we defeated them all!” Instantly, he knew what had to be done as he started to head out. “I’ll take care of this!”

Just then, Twilight got an idea. “I have an idea, Steel. Why don’t you take Luster with you?” She suggested.

This threw Steel in for a loop as Twilight was suggesting that her top student go with him. “WHAT?!” Steel, Spike & Luster all said in unison.

“Are you crazy?!” Spike asked.

“Twilight...not to sound rash, but are you sure that’s even a good idea?” Steel asked. “I don’t want to put her in danger or anything.”

Twilight smiled and shook her head in response to Steel’s question. “Yes, I’m sure.” She said. “You’re not going to put her in danger because you and her can help the situation.” She gasped in excitement. “Ooh! Maybe, this could be a good time to prove her about friendship being strong!”

Luster was a little shocked at this. “Are you sure about this, Twilight?” She asked her teacher.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I’m sure. In fact, Steel will help you out and keep you safe during this time. I won’t ask you to do something you don’t want to. Will you go with him?” She asked.

Luster took a look at Steel, and then Twilight and Spike. And then, her mind was decided as she opened her mouth. “Okay. I’ll do it.” She said, smiling.

“You sure about this?” Steel asked. “I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want.”

“I’m sure.” Luster told him. “In fact this could be your chance to prove me wrong about my conclusions about friendship.”

“Okay.” The Beast Bot gave in. “You can come. Just stay safe with me.”

“All right!” Twilight squealed in excitement a little bit. Then blushed, as she turned to her student. “All right, Luster. Stay with Steel and be safe.” Luster nodded as she and Steel dashed out of the castle to fight the robotron.

Nearby, Equestrians were running from a tool robotron as it blasted lasers in every direction. Also nearby, a red and silver robot was laughing evilly as he was readying a blaster to fire at anyone that ran away.

“Those rangers destroyed my Cyber Dimension!” The robot said. “Now, I’m gonna destroy their future!” He turned to the robotron. “Go on, ToolTron 2.0! Destroy the Equestrians!” The robotron was ready to take another blast...but at that moment, Steel and Luster arrived on the scene.

“It’s Scrozzle!” Steel said as he and Luster appeared before the two robots. Luster herself was shocked at the two robots that were before them. “I thought we defeated you!” He said as he approached the evil robot.

Scrozzle and ToolTron 2.0 took notice at the two heroes here to fight! “Well, well, well!” Scrozzle shouted. “Look who we have here!”

“I TOLD you!” Steel said to him. “You’re not going to destroy Equestria, Scrozzle!”

“Back off, Steel!” Scrozzle said getting his blaster ready!

“We don’t want to hurt you!” ToolTron 2.0 said jokingly.

“We wouldn’t worry about that!” Steel said as he broke out his morpher. “We’re not exactly defenseless! “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!” He readied his morpher. “STRIKER MORPHER...READY!” He got the key ready and inserted it in. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” Within seconds, he was instantly transformed into the Silver Ranger. “Scarab Beast Power! Silver!” He said to them.

“Tronics!” ToolTron 2.0 bellowed, and in a flash the tronics appeared like “Johnny on the spot”, ready to face the two time-displaced heroes.

“What are we going to do?” Luster asked calm, but shocked.

“Just do what I do.” Steel said to her. “Ready?” Luster looked at him and nodded in brave determination.

“Go!” Steel commanded and the two heroes got ready to take the bad side on! Steel started this battle off by punching a few Tronics to the ground. “Transport...Striker Saber!” Steel hit his transporter and summoned his saber as he took a few slashes against the foot soldiers!

Luster was doing her part too as she dodged a few Tronics and jumped up and kicked them! Suddenly, the tronics surrounded her and she was scared at first, but realized she could use her magic against them! So without hesitation, she fired up her horn and spewed out a barrage of blasts, wiping them out. “Take that tronics!” She said bravely.

They continued to come after the heroes! Luckily, Steel came to her side! “Luster!” Steel shouted picked her up by the arms as she used her back legs to kick the tronics down to the ground as she fired her horn at them.

Steel used his saber to instantly wipe out the remaining tronics as they were instantly destroyed! The two heroes then regrouped.

“Very impressive!” Luster said in excitement to the ranger as they regrouped.

“Thanks, Luster!” Steel said to her. “You too!”

Just then, ToolTron 2.0 came and was ready to strike! Steel took notice and saw that it was going to hit Luster! “Look out!” He said as she saw the robotron about to fire at her and he got her out of the way of the blast!

“You’ll both be disassembled!” ToolTron 2.0 said, ready to fight!

Steel and Luster both got ready and each threw a punch at him. “Take that!” Luster shouted.

“And this!” Steel said as he kicked him in the “gut”.

ToolTron 2.0 got his sword ready and tried to strike at the heroes but they were too quick as they dodged his sword quickly. “Coming through!” Luster said as she jumped up from Steel’s shoulders and kicked the robotron down to the ground.

“Help, Scrozzle!” The robotron shouted as he tumbled down.

Scrozzle took notice as he saw his creation get beaten by a ranger and a pony. “Uh oh!” He said nervously.

The two heroes duked it out some more as Steel used his saber to slash his beams and sword while Luster fired at him with her magic. Finally, the two combined their powers, knocking him down! “I’ve been falling apart!” The robotron said in agony.

Luster and Steel were ready to give him the final blow! “Let’s finish him!” Steel said. Luster nodded in agreement. He got his striker morpher charged and ready to blast. “Striker Morpher Charged!” He got ready to aim as he accidentally got in the way of Luster’s horn.

“Uh, excuse me?” Luster said jokingly as she got right next to him with her horn charged up too!

“You’ll pay for this!” ToolTron 2.0 shouted in anger.

“FIRE!” The two heroes shouted as they both blasted the robotron spot on, instantly destroying him! They were both proud of themselves working together and defeating the robotron. “Bullseye!” Steel said in excitement.

“Phenomenal” Luster said as they both did a victory hi five!

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Scrozzle cried nearby. “MY ROBOTRON!” The heroes turned to him who was furious that his creation was easily defeated by two time-displaced friends. “YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!” He shouted as he went I back to his computer, just right by Twilight’s Castle.

“Fortunately, I still have a stash of Morph-X for such an occasion!” He said as he landed his computer with the energy to create his trump card to take the heroes down.

“Morphing Alpha Model into ToolDrone 2.0!” The computer said as an Alpha Model was instantly loaded with The robotron’s data and was about to land in front of the heroes. They had just defeated a robotron, but Scrozzle saved the worst for last as his gigadrone was about to take the silver ranger and the future top student down.

Author's Note:

And that’s part 3! Steel and Luster have teamed up to take down Scrozzle’s latest robotron! It looks as if they may have understood friendship, but the true test comes in the form of a gigadrone fight! Can the two out their differences about friendship aside and work together to take him down? Find out when they engage with him in their battle with the first ever formation of the Beast Racer Jet Megazord! SPOILER ALERT! Anyways, Stay Tuned for the next part!