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Chapter 11: The fall of Midnight

Midnight Madness was facing the group of heroes.

“What do you think about my army of supervillains, she asked. They were very easy for me to control, their hatred toward superheroes and their madness was so powerful, and delicious. As for myself...”

A dark magical aura started emanating from her.

“That magic energy emanating from her!! Said Sunlight. It’s insane!!”

“Surprised, Sunlight? She asked. With this power, i will crush you and your friends and once it will be done, nothing will be able to stop me!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Minions, attack!!”

The villains started engaging the fight with the heroes.

“We will need reinforcement, said Zatanna, they are far more than us...”

“I am on it, said Dr. Fate. Lords of Order, I ask you to bring every superhero that is available here!!”

The first to be brought here was Starfire, followed by Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Supergirl, Wondergirl, Firestorm, Kid Flash, Swamp Thing, Batgirl, Hawkgirl, Hawkman and finally, Etrigan. They joined the battle soon after. Meanwhile, Midnight Madness had finally revealed her true power and form. She flew in direction of Sunlight to kill him with her sword. He disappeared in the ground and reappeared behind her.

“Since when you can do this?” she asked.

“I improved my magic a lot since i arrived here” he answered.

She made shadow spears that she threw at him. Before they could reach him, Rarity blocked them with her magic shield.

“You may be able to block my attacks, said Midnight Madness. But you can’t attack me, you don’t want to hurt your friend, don’t you?”

“Sunset, said Sunlight. I know you are in here, somewhere, can you hear me?! You need to fight her!!”

“Poor idiot, she said. Sunset is not in control anymore!!”

She summoned from the ground many shadow tentacles that started attacking the group.

“Tentacles, always tentacles!! Said Sunlight. What is your obsession with them?!”

He cut in half many of them, Rarity was also cutting them with her magic shields, that she used as sawblades. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were trying to avoid them.

“Grrr, thought Sunlight. I won’t be able to charge the spell with these tentacles attacking us.”

Midnight used her magic powers to double the number of tentacles and increase the power of the villains. Sunlight soon found himself overwhelmed by the tentacles. But suddenly, the tentacles turned into Jello, releasing the group.

“Seem like you guys need some assistance, said Discord, who appeared above the group.”

“Who dare oppose me!?” asked Midnight.

“The Lord of Chaos himself, my darling, answered Discord. I habitually don’t get involved directly in a fight, but for this time, i will make an exception. I hope you’ll be entertaining...”

“Die!!” she said.

She threw at him a laser that he vaporize into bubbles. Dr.Fate suddenly stopped fighting and flew in Discord’s direction Sunlight stopped him.

“This is okay, he is a friend, said the hero. He may be the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, but he is not evil.”

“His presence in this dimension doesn’t please to the Lord of Orders, said Kent. This creature is pure chaos.”

“I hear you!! Said Discord. I may be a creature of pure chaos, but i am not evil. Consider yourself lucky that i am on your side, Kent...And as i know, Order can be seen as evil when it became authoritarian.”

“You have a point, said Fate. Order is not always good and can be used to do bad things.”

Sunlight was starting to charge his purification spell and the girls, ready to summon a Friendship Rainbow Laser. But as Sunlight began, he was stroke by the blast of an explosive rocket. Not affected by the projectile, Sunlight turned his head and saw a muscled man standing on a kick-ass custom Motorcycle.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“The name’s Lobo, answered the biker. Space Bounty Hunter...I am here to claim your head and the bounty coming with it.”

“Come and try to get it, Hobo!!, asked Sunlight. Discord, can you hold 10 minutes the time i teach to this dumbass a lesson about respect.”

“My name’s Lobo!! Said the Bounty hunter. Not Hobo!! Unlike Superman or Batman, you will be an easy target.”

Sunlight snapped his finger and set on fire Lobo’s underwears.

“Hot hot hot!!!! He shouted. You bastich!! You will pay for that!!”

Sunlight blasted Lobo with a magic beam that sent him a few meters away. Sunlight shot another beam, but Lobo took it without flinching.

“You’ll need more than that to bring down the Main Man, said Lobo. My turn now!!”

Lobo grabber Sunlight with a hook and threw him around like a piece of trash. Sunlight broke free from the chains and stroke back by summoning from the ground a sharp rock that crushed Lobo’s balls.

“You...Fight dirty...grrr...I think i start to like you...He he, said Lobo. But i can play dirty too!!”

He threw at Sunlight a sticky cryogenic bomb that froze him solid.

“Like it? Asked Lobo. Luthor made it especially for you...You won’t break free of that one easily...He he he”

Applejack smashed the ice prison with her fists and freed Sunlight.

“What? You cheater!! Said Lobo. Too coward to fight me one on one?”

“Nah, said Sunlight. Girls, get him!”

Rainbow Dash bound Lobo with one of his chains, then Twilight paralyzed him with a plasma electrified net. Applejack took his bike and smashed it against his head. Fate finished the Bounty Hunter by banishing him in a portal.

“Where did you sent him?” asked Sunlight.

“At the end of the universe, he answered. And without his bike, he won’t get back to Earth soon”

“I recognize your great power, Lord of Chaos, said Midnight Madness. But even you won’t dare hurt me...You can’t win this battle. I become more powerful each seconds!!”

Discord snapped his fingers and muted Midnight.

“I couldn’t support her trash talk longer, he answered. Now, is that spell of yours ready?”

“Yes, said Sunlight. Girls, this is the moment!”

The girls holded hands and started to glow intensively. Their auras combined into a Rainbow Laser.

“Fire at will!!” shouted Sunlight

The girls blasted Midnight Madness with the rainbow laser.

“You imbeciles!! She said. That won’t...Be...Enough!!”

Sunlight’s spell hit her.

“We know, he said. But it is enough to depower you for my purification spell to work on you!!”

“No!!!! Shouted Midnight. Curse you!!”

She was forced to abandon Sunset’s body. This one felt toward the ground but Sunlight caught her before she touched land.

“Azarath Metrion...Zinthos!!” said Raven and John Constantine.

A beam of dark magic stroke the villain.

“What have you done to me?” she asked.

“We cut your powers, answered Raven. You won’t feed on negative emotions anymore”

Sunset woke up and looked at Sunlight and her friends.

“Thank you, everyone” she said.

“You’ll thank us later, said Sunlight. We have to deal with her first”

“Right, she said. Girls, let’s destroy that fucking bitch!”

She hold her friends hands and summon another Rainbow Laser.

“Nooooooooo!!!!” Yelled the Specter.

She was vaporized by the laser and the black stone was destroyed completely. The Villains who were mind controlled turned back to reason and where quickly neutralized by the heroes.

“We won!!! Shouted Supergirl!! Yay team!!”

Sunset hugged her brother, Supergirl and her friends

“Thank you to every single one of you, she said. Thank you for saving me...”

“I am sorry, Sunset, said Sunlight. All of this happened because of me, of my stubborness. I should have took you help and the one of Kara too.”

Sunset hugged him again.

“That’s fine, everyone does mistake, she said. But for me to forgive you, you’ll have to do all my chores for a month...”

“I saw this one coming” he said

“Well, after that awesome victory against that evil enchantress, do you know what we need?” asked Pinkie Pie

“A party?” answered Sunlight

“A PARTY!!!!” Yelled Pinkie.

A few hours later, all the heroes, including the Justice League, were celebrating at the Hall of Justice. Everyone was having fun, even Batman, who decided to play the billionaire playboy for this party. Zatanna and Sunlight were performing a magic show on scene. Constantine was drinking with Etrigan, Flash and Rainbow Dash were competitioning to determine who could eat the more hot dogs. Discord and Fate were having a discussion about Order and Chaos. At the end of the day, everyone returned home. But were still alert to answer to a crime alert. Sunlight was talking to Sunset.

“You know what? He said. I think we should return home...”

“Are you serious? She asked. I thought you loved this place...”

“I sure enjoy it, he answered. But i think i had enough adventures for now...”

“Hum, but we can’t leave like that, she said. What about the lives we built here?”

“Discord finished my dresses, he said. I will send them to my boss tomorrow and quit my job tomorrow.”

“Yeah, i think me too, said Sunset. But what about the money in our accounts. What will happen to it?”

“We’ll gave it to Charity organizations, answered Sunlight. Anyway, i still have a millions in my Canterlot bank account..Well, i hope...”

The next day, Sunlight, Sunset and the rest of the Mane 6 quitted their jobs and said their goodbyes to their hero friends.

“We will never forget you, said Superman. You helped us a lot and done a lot for this planet. You have our most sinceres congratulations.”

“But your world need his heroes, said Supergirl. And they are in good hands with you!”

“Hey, Blaze, said Batman. Take this as a gift.”

That was a customized motorcycle.

“Woah!! Thank you, Batman, he said. I don’t know what to say...”

“This motorcycle is ultra-performant, equipped with boosters, bulletproof tires and windshield, a flamethrower and many other gadgets you will discovered...”

“And for you, Dashie, said Flash, I want to give you this suit. It is made of the same tissues that my costume’s made of.”

“I like it!! She said. So awesome!! Thank you, Barry!!”

After a few last goodbyes, Discord opened a portal and sent back the group home.

“Hum, do you want me to return you back in time?” asked Discord.

“Hum...Nah, said Sunlight. And you, girls?”

“Seem fine for me” answered Sunset.

“Me too!!” said Pinkie

The rest also agreed.

“Well, this is your choice, said Discord. So, Sunlight. I hope this adventure taugh you a lesson”

“Nah, but this adventure was very fun” he answered.

Sunlight and his friends landed in front of C.H.S.

“Hum, Rainbow, he asked. How much time you said had passed in this world while me and Shimmy were gone?”

“Hum, 2 weeks?” answered Dash.

“Oh..., he said. In that case, i suppose we have no overdue rents to pay to the owner of our appartments.”

“Hum, now that i think about it, what about that bounty Luthor put on us? Does he know that we are not in his universe anymore?”

Discord reappeared.

“Don’t worry about that, he said. I erased the memories he had from you two...and from Lobo, Deathstroke and Deadshot too...No need to thank me!!”

“Well, let’s return home, said Sunset. I am tired and i need to play on my new video game...”

“Now that i think about it, said Sunlight, I have my series to watch...”

“My family probably need me” said A.J.

“I have dresses to do” said Rarity

“My pet friends need me” said Fluttershy.

“I need a nap, said Rainbow Dash, like a long, long nap”

“And i have to continue working in my lab” said Twilight.

“And i have cakes to bake!! Said Pinkie. Tons and tons of cakes!!”

The group returned to their respectives homes. A few hours later, Sunlight was consulting a dating site.

“Well, i imagine i can give a try, he said. That can’t hurt me...”

This is on this that ends this chapter.

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