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Chapter 7: The misadventures of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were finally out of the forest after a 6 hour long walk. The first thing they saw at the horizon, was a city.

“Civilization!! Said Rainbow Dash. Finally!!!! Follow me, Fluttershy!”

“Wait, Rainbow Dash, said the girl. Have we thought about our costumes, you know, to stay undercover?”

“Oh...Nope, she answered. Hey, Discord!!! You forgot our costumes!!!”

“That is okay, Rainbow Dash, she said. I am sure Discord will...”

Discord’s body appeared trough a portal.

“Costumes? Oops, he said. My fault!! And because i am nice, i’ll give you each a little something to help you keep up with the heroes of this universe.”

Discord made 2 costumes appear, one for each of them. The costume of Fluttershy was purple, red and pink and was looking normal.

“This costume is so simple, said Fluttershy. I love it!!”

The costume of Rainbow Dash was blue sky, dark blue and with yellow lightning stripes. Plus, decorative wings were covering the feet.

“Wait, what is that?” asked Rainbow.

“A costume representing the most famous military force in Equestria, answered Discord. Take it as an honor! And now, Time to give you artifacts that will make you able to keep out with the overpowered heroes of this world.”

Discord made relics and artifacts appeared in front of the girls.

“These are for Fluttershy, he said, giving two of them to her. The other are for you, Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy put one of the two relics on her, which was a pair of red bracelets. The second relic was a necklace with a teeth on it. Rainbow Dash, her, picked the two other which were a pair of goggles and a belt.

“Can you explain to us what these objects are?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Sure, Fluttershy wear the Wild Bracelets, said Discord. They will allow her to copy almost any animal abilities by touching them. Neat, uh? She also wear the Wild Necklace, who will increase all her senses to those of animals. You, Rainbow, the goggles you wear have the power to see in the dark and the fog, so you will never be blinded while running. The belt will give you the power to phase trough solid objects like walls and nullify the effects of the wind.”

“Thank you, Discord...” said Fluttershy, hugging him.

“You’re welcome!!” he answered.

“Told me, Discord, asked Rainbow Dash, Did you have something to do with Sunlight and Sunset disappearance?”

“Me? No!!! He answered. Beside, remember your mission!! Find your two friends and told them to come back home”

Discord disappeared by his portal and let the two girls standing up in the middle of the field.

“We have our costumes and artifacts giving us cool powers, said Dash. We just need a cool name!! Me, i will be Storm Speed!! And you Fluttershy?”

“I don’t know, she answered. What name is good for my powers? Animal Girl? Beast girl?”

“Why don’t you call yourself Wild Girl?” said Rainbow Dash.

“I love that name, answered Fluttershy. You are talented to find superhero names!”

“I know!! I am the best!! She said. But let’s stop talking!! We have to find our friends!!”

She ran in the direction of the city, but came back when she realized Fluttershy was not as fast as her.

“Sorry, i forgot that i am the only one who can run fast!!” said Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile, Sunlight returned in his rented chamber, and continued sewing dresses. Sunset, her, was on a cheerleader training session with Kara. Both were waiting for the Justice League to send them for a mission, But the only one they received was to told them they would have a few days off.

“Damn it, said Sunlight. I am bored!!! Sewing dresses is fun, but this is not exciting enough!!”

He put a finished dress with the pile of other dresses he made.

“Alright!! I made 4 dresses, just 116 left, he said. Another pair of hand would be welcome...”

Sunset was talking with Kara. Both were on the lunch break with the other cheerleaders.

“So, You came from another planet, said Sunset. The same as your cousin. You told me you were older than him, so why are you so young?”

“Well, before Krypton explode, she answered. Both our families sent us via escaping pods conceived to travel in the universe. I was supposing to arrive at the same time as him on earth, but a collision with a meteorite deviated my pod and the result: i stood for almost 30 years in a hyper sleep and only arrived on Earth when Superman was a grown up man. He was a baby when he left Krypton and i was a young adult. So technically, i am older than him, even if he look older physically.”

“Interesting story” said Sunset.

“Do you have also a tragic backstory, Sunset?” she asked.

“Sure, she answered, not as tragic as your, but very sad though. All began when i was born...”

During that time, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were arrived in town.

“This town creep me out, said Fluttershy. Where are we?”

Rainbow Dash disappeared, and reappeared two second later.

“Gotham City, she said. And this place creep me too...But we have to look for our friends!!”

“Should we keep our costumes?” asked Fluttershy

“Yes, Discord gave them to us for a reason, and this reason is to wear them!!” answered Rainbow Dash.

“Our costumes look a little bit to bright compared to the darkness of this city” said Fluttershy.

“Meh, said Rainbow. I don’t care!”

She ran at high speed and made the turn of the town in mere seconds. Fluttershy, her, deployed her wings and flew above the city. That was daytime and the city was full of people.

“Nothing, nothing and nothing!! Said Rainbow Dash. I searched everywhere!!! Where are they!?”

“Nothing at the horizon, said Fluttershy. Neither on the ground. Hello, Mr. The falcon!!”

The bird landed on her shoulder and when he touched Fluttershy, her costume took a falcon-like form. She also acquired his vision and could see with precision each citizens of the city. Coming back to the ground, Rainbow Dash had stopped to search and was taking a soda, sit on the top of a little building. Fluttershy came to join her too. Beside, with the time their researches took, the sun was begining to set down. The night would soon arrive and the two friends decided that for the moment, they needed to find a place to rest.

“Where are we going to sleep, Fluttershy? Asked Rainbow Dash. We don’t have money on us”

“Well, I don't know plenty of option to make money, she answered. Hum, Do you know a way to make lot of money quickly?”

Rainbow Dash look at Fluttershy with a smile.

“What? She asked. I don’t like that look on your face, Dashie...”

“There is one quick way for us to make money quickly...” said Rainbow Dash with a pervy smile

“Oh, heck no!! Don’t even think about it!! Rainbow Dash, said her friend. I am not going to prostitute myself!! No!!”

“I was kidding, she answered. Sure, a lot of mans would pay a high price to pass a night with girls of your type”

“My type? What do you mean?” she asked.

“You are everything a man could desire, said Rainbow Dash. Kind, beautiful, cute, shy, careful, helpful, calm. But i am not going to let you in the hands of creepy rich mans and weirdos. I am doing it!! I bet i can do 10 mans in a single night!!”

“No, Rainbow Dash, said her friend. None of us are going to do such things for money. I discovered a lot of interesting things today, thanks to my animal friends.”

“Told me!” said Dash.

“First, this town look normal the day, she said. But the night, it became a hell for the citizens of Gotham. The crime rate is insane!! Also, they told me a man in a bat costume was, almost each night, fighting the crime. Maybe we could help him, so he would help us find a place to stay.”

“At least, one of us actually discovered something, said Rainbow. The only thing i discover today was that Gotham have an insane number of nightclubs and Nudes.”

“Okay, first, we need to find a criminal and stop him, said Fluttershy. Like that, the man in the bat costume will show to us and then we could ask him for a place to sleep.”

“So, let’s do it!! Said Rainbow Dash. It’s superhero time!!”

They flew in the sky for a moment and saw a bank being robbed. There was 8 robbers and 3 of them where keeping hostages.

“Okay, there is the plan!! Said Rainbow Dash. With my super speed, i neutralize the criminals holding the hostages and you, you will use your newfound powers to distract the robbers in the bank. After the hostage will be saved, i will finish the rest of them. Is this okay for you?”

“Yes, she answered. Let’s do this!!”

Rainbow Dash landed near of the bank and Fluttershy entered by a window on the roof. Rainbow used her superspeed to disarm the 3 criminals and then took their hostages, which she secured away. She beat the crap of the 3 mans easily. Fluttershy, her, was inside the building. She saw 4 mans robbing gold and a big man robbing diamonds and money. The man was huge and was wearing a Luchador mask and a bottle of green fluid on his back.

“My plan worked perfectly, said the muscled man. Batman won’t be here before 20 minutes!! But hurry up, you snails!!”

Fluttershy threw a rock at one of the man.

“Who threw a rock to me?! He asked. Is that you, Jeremy?”

“No, Lucien, said his friend. I don’t even have rocks on me!!”

“How do you know this is a rock who hurt me?!” asked Lucien.

Fluttershy threw another rock, this time at another man. Soon, they began to argue with each other and were close to fight. But their boss made them stop.

“Shut up, you idiots, he said. I don’t care which one began this, remember we have to get out of the bank before the Bat arrives!”

“Yes, Mr. Bane” said Jeremy.

”I need to buy more time, thought Fluttershy. Great, now i am making puns...Anyway, i smell in the blood of this Bane chemical products, a spicy smell...Is that this liquid who gave him that huge physique?”

She sent a bat flying near the mans, then more of them.

“Bats!! Said one of the mans. Batman is here!! We are doomed!!!”

“I though you said he was supposed to arrive in 20 minutes only!! said Jeremy. What do we do now, Boss?!”

“Just leave the bank with the money, said Bane, i will buy you time!!”

His henchmen walked out of the bank. Bane waited a moment then...

“Guess i maybe underestimated you, Batman, said the man. Wherever you hide, get out and fight me!!”

Fluttershy landed behind Bane and threw at him ultrasounds. Bane covered his ears and turned his head to see a girl looking like batman, with the same design of costume.

“So, Batman sent one of his sidekicks do his job! Said Bane. If you think you can stop me, i will break you like i broke him.”

“Wait, said Fluttershy. I don’t like to fight!!”

“So, that will be more easy for me to break your spine” said the villain

“Maybe we can talk about this? She asked. You seem like you need to talk to someone...”

“Words won’t help you, darling, said Bane. I live to win, fight, kill and suffer!!! I am not the type of man who talk, i prefer the strong way...”

“So, i guess fighting is the only option, said Fluttershy. Beside, i smell in your blood a spicy taste of chemical products. Told me, what is the fluid you have in your blood?”

“Venom, answered Bane. This is a serum who gave me immense strength, stamina and durability. But that much power had a side effect on my body. I suffer horribly each time i put this poison in my veins, but the pain worth all of these advantages”

“This is inhuman!! Who did that to you?!” she asked.

“Well, i was used as a test subject in the military forces, said Bane. They wanted someone strong and resistant to pain to test a experimental serum. And guess who was volunteer...They injected this poison in my veins but they didn’t predict that i would turn berserk and i killed all of them this day. I stole all their stock and left the army, i used this product a lot of time after, but i became addicted and now, i can’t live without Venom.”

“I knew it, said Fluttershy. I knew you could have a conversation with someone!”

“Wait, did you just do that to gain time? Asked Bane. Crap, you manipulated me!!”

He attacked Fluttershy, but with the reflexes and the agility of a cat, she avoided his charge. Bane tried to hit her, but she was too agile for him.

“All this muscles slow you a lot! said Fluttershy, smiling at him. You may have the strength and durability advantage, but i have the speed one!! Hi hi hi!”

“I don’t have time to waste with you if you can’t even fight me, said Bane. I am out of here!”

Rainbow Dash arrived and slided under Bane’s legs to punch him in the nuts. She got up next to her friend and smiled at Bane.

“Oh yeah, right in his nuts!! He won't get up after that!” she said.

But Bane didn’t feel that punch. In fact, due to the chemical and bulking nature of the Venom, he had lost...Hum...His sensibility under the belt...(His testicules shrank, okay?)

“Well tried, said Bane, laughing. But i lost my sensibility to pain, especially in this region...”

“Gross!! Said Rainbow Dash. You mean it is because they have shrank?”

“Nope, i just have a extreme pain tolerance! He answered. Many girls like you kicked or punched me in the crotch, many time, and i developed an immunity after some times.”

“Anyway, while you were talking, said Rainbow, i beat your henchmen and sent them, with the money and gold, back to the police. You are alone, now!!”

“Grrr, How?” he asked.

Rainbow Dash ran around bane at super speed and punched him many times but it was not very...Effective.

“A speedster? Said the villain? Hum, Are you one of Flash's sidekicks?”

“What? No!!! She answered. I am a superhero, like my friend, Wild Girl. Me, i am Storm Speed!”

“Crap, i don’t have so much time left, thought Bane, i should leave right now!”

He took two smokes grenades from his belt and threw them at the girls. Fluttershy used her ultrasounds and sense of smell to find Bane. Rainbow Dash, her, with her goggles, was seeing clear trough the smoke. They both attacked Bane and Rainbow Dash instinctively cut down the venom tubes. Fluttershy made him fall on the ground with a low kick in the legs.

“What? Impossible!! This smoke was dense enough to blind Batman and Flash. How?!” said Bane, who was losing his venom.

“How? Superpowers!! Answered Rainbow Dash. Now, help me, Wild Girl!! We have to give him to the police”

The two friends left the bank with Bane, which they delivered to the policemen. They were acclaimed by the citizens and the police. The two then disappeared in the darkness.

“Oh yeah!! Said Rainbow Dash. We saved the day...Well...You know what it mean!”

“No, but what about the objective of our mission, you know, drawing the man in a costume bat's attention?” asked Fluttershy

“I am sure we will pass on the news after that, she answered. Soon or later, he will learn about us”

“Are you talking about me?” said a mysterious man with a bat costume.

The man landed in front of them.

“So, you must be the vigilante of this city, the man in the bat costume!!” said Fluttershy.

“I was about to stop Bane, said the man. He led me to a place where i got trapped under a pile of scrap. It took me time to get out. But as i can see, you two made the job for me. This man was dangerous but you managed to find his weak spot and defeated him. By you costumes, i deduce you are superheroes, right?”

“Yes, we wanted to have your attention, said Rainbow Dash. We just arrived in this town and we are broke...and because we though you could show us a place to sleep”

“Hum, you did that just for a place where to stay? Asked the man. Come with me, i think i can help you with that.”

They entered in Batman’s Batmobile.

“My name is Batman, said the vigilante. I am the protector of this city and a prime member of the Justice League.”

“Well, i am Storm Speed, said Rainbow. And my friend is called Wild Girl. We are at the research of our friends, who are in your world.”

“Our world? Said Batman. You came from another dimension?”

“Yes, said Fluttershy. We left our home dimension to search for our friends, who are in this dimension. Their names are Sunset Shimmer and Sunlight Blaze.”

“They disappeared from our world almost 7 months ago, said Rainbow in the same time. We only had been able to get here because of a friend who had the power to open rifts between dimensions”

“Sunset? And Sunlight? Said Batman. Well, i know where they are, but what told me they are your friends?”

“Well, Sunset have yellow and red hairs, and have a little necklace around her neck” said Fluttershy.

“And Sunlight have red, orange and yellow hairs and possess fire abilities!” said Dashie.

“That will be enough, said Batman. I will immediately call them as soon as we arrive in the Batcave.”

“You know them?” asked Wild Girl.

“A lot of thing can happen in 7 months, said Batman. I personally trained Sunlight”

They arrived in the Batcave and Batman gave a call to Sunlight and Sunset. They opened their phones and answered.

“You two must come immediately to Gotham, said Batman. I have something to show you that you must see immediately”

They don’t loose time and immediately head to Gotham.