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Chapter 10: Midnight Madness

Sunlight had reunited all his friends in his room and explained them everything that happened.

“So, what you are telling us, said Twilight, is that you found a shiny black stone in the middle of a dark tunnel...”

“...And that instead of letting it where it was, said Rainbow Dash. You actually chose to take it with you...”

“...And that this stone was in fact an ancient, powerful, evil magical entity from Equestria” said Rarity.

“...An entity who can feed on the negative emotions of a living being” Said Fluttershy.

“...And that dangerous entity took the body of our friend, said Applejack. Let me be honest with you, that was not very smart of you...”

“I take all the blame for it, he said. This is my fault, i allowed her to get possessed by that thing. I will repair my mistake right now! I will find her and bring her back to reason. Constantine taught me a powerful purification spell that could free Sunset form the grip of Midnight Madness.”

“And if that doesn’t work? Asked Applejack. You may be the one responsible for this and i understand that you want to repair your mistake by yourself...But she is our friend too, and this is our duty of friend to save her too!!”

“Yeah!! Said Pinkie Pie. Let’s find that evil enchantress and save Sunset!!”

“I will inform the Justice League of the situation, said Supergirl. They will find our friend in no time!!”

“Do it, Said Sunlight. But i think i might have an idea of where Midnight Madness could be right now: Gotham”

“Gotham? Said Rainbow Dash. Hum, that seem logical. This place is quite literally the hell on earth.”

Sunlight called Batman.

“Batman, it’s me, Sunlight” he said.

“I know, he answered. I already have been informed of the situation. My satellites have detected your sister heading for the Arkham Asylum. I sent Zatanna, John Constantine, Deadman, Raven and Etrigan stop her.”

“I am coming too!!” said Sunlight.

He closed his eyes for a moment, before disappearing, He reappeared near the place where he felt an great concentration of magic. He saw Zatanna and John taking on an army of zombies. Raven was fighting Midnight Madness with the assistance of Etrigan and Deadman. Midnight Madness suddenly immobilized Raven in magic bounds.

“You have so much darkness in you, Raven, said Midnight Madness. That rage that you have for your father, that fear you have to become like he want you to be...So delicious.”

Sunlight destroyed the bounds immobilizing Raven with a magic beam.

“I won’t let you take another friend, he said. I am going to save my sister, Midnight Bitch!”

“I want to see you try!!” she said.

She shot a beam of magic at Sunlight, who block it with a magic shield. Sunlight countered with his own magic beam. But she dodged it instantly and reappeared behind Sunlight. She impaled him in the chest with her sword.

“Game over, she said. You are dead now!”

“I don’t think so, said Sunlight, who was standing behind her. You just hit an illusion of myself”

“Impressive, she answered. But i have more urgent stuff to do, attack him, my minions!!”

She used her dark magic to summon shadow monsters that she sent at him. Sunlight made quick work of them but Midnight Madness had already disappeared. The zombies and shadow monsters also disappeared at the same time.

“Dang it!! Said Sunlight. She ran away!!”

He is joined by Raven and John Constantine.

“I can’t detect her magic signature anymore” said Sunlight.

“Me neither” said Raven.

“John, asked Sunlight. Do you think you can retrace her with one of your spells?”

“I am on it” he answered.

He took a needle from one of his pockets and made an Earth globe appear from nowhere. He pronounced an incantation and the needle began to float above the globe. They saw the needle moving randomly on the surface of the globe.

“Well, shit, said Constantine. The needle should have stopped by the time.”

He stopped his spell and put back the needle in his pocket.

“Let’s get back to the House of Mystery, said Zatanna. You too, Sunlight.”

They returned to the House of Mystery.

“Oh, can you bring my friends here? Asked Sunlight. They are as much concerned as i am.”

Zatanna immediately casted a spell to summon Sunlight’s friends inside the house. A few second laters, the girls appeared in front of the group.

“What just happened? Asked Rainbow Dash. I was running in direction of Gotham a few seconds ago! Where am i?”

“You are in a place called the House of Mystery” answered Constantine.

Zatanna helped them to get back on their feets.

“This house is a sentient being, she explained to them. It serve as a shelter against magical threats but also as a mean of transportation between dimensions. It also contain a lot of ancient and powerful magical artifacts.”

Twilight was freaking out.

“Oh my!! This place is so awesome, she said. I have to learn everything about this place!!”

“I love the style of this house! Said Rarity. A little bit old, but nice-looking!”

“You will be able to explore the house later, said John. For now, the priority is to find your friend.”

“Right, said Sunlight. Hum, But even if we find her, what could we do? She was beating you, guys. And i doubt i can take her in a one vs one battle...”

“I may have an idea, said Twilight. You said that this Midnight Madness get her power and strenght from negative emotions, right?”

“Yes, he answered. What is your point?”

“Hum, in that case, said Twilight. Couldn’t we just weaken her with positive emotions?”

“In theory, that could work, said Sunlight. She wouldn’t be able to feed on our bad emotions, but it wouldn’t weaken her directly.”

“Couldn’t we just blast her with our magic Rainbow Laser?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“How? Asked Sunlight. You need Sunset for it to work...”

“There is me, said Twilight. I represent technically the Element of Magic...Did you forgot about that?”

“True, said Sunlight. But the laser will be less powerful without Sunset, and probably not be strong enough to save her...”

“Hum, first, we should probably get more information about Midnight Madness, said Fluttershy. We know almost nothing on her, except she feed on bad emotions....”

“Hum, the Royal Library of Canterlot, said Sunlight. Discord!! Can you open a portal for me?”

A magic portal appeared in front of him.

“Well, I will be back soon!” he said.

He jumped in the portal and landed on the floor of the royal library. He immediately started to search. After 2 hour of research, he finally found something. A book titled «Ancient Creatures of the Shadows». He started turning the page until he found the Chapter on Midnight Madness. He read it.

“Nothing on her weaknesses, he said. But at least, I know her origin story, how to counter her magic, and how she was defeated the first time. I need to return back to the House of mystery. Discord!!”

A portal opened in front of him. He jumped in it and landed on the top of the House of Mystery.

“Seriously? Asked Sunlight. Could you not just bring me inside?”

“I couldn’t, answered Discord. You’ll have to knock at the door if you want to enter.”

Sunlight teleported himself in front of the front door and knocked. The door opened and Sunlight entered in.

“I am sorry, said Zatanna. But the House of Mystery is protected by a barrier that prevent anyone to enter in via magic portals or teleportation without invitation or permission.”

“So, why Discord portal worked the first time?” he asked.

“The barrier only prevent people to ENTER in it, Not leaving it, she answered. This is why the portal your friend used worked, because he used it to get you outside of the house.”

“So, Sunlight, said Twilight. Found something?”

Sunlight show them the book he found and explained to them what he learned about her.

“First, he said. She is the last specimen of a rare and very ancient species of shadow creatues created by Grogar and called the Specters. And it seems that Midnight Madness was their leader, their “Queen” and she was the only one who had the ability to possess the body of living creatures. She was defeated by Gusty the Great, but the book don’t tell how Gusty did so.”

“Hum, when you found her, she was trapped in a magic gem, right?” asked Twilight.

“And also, how did she end up like that in the first place too?” aksed Rarity.

“She must have used some sort of containment spell, answered Zatanna. This is like a banishment spell, but instead of sending the target in another dimension, you seal him inside an object, preferably magical or surnatural. Ask John or Raven about it”

“Raven?” asked Sunlight.

“Yes, she said. I sealed my father, Trigon, inside the crystal situed on my forehead.”

“And that guy is one hell of a powerhouse!” said John.

“But we will have to separate Midnight from Sunset’s body before sealing her.” said Sunlight.

“Indeed, said Twilight. But we still have to find a way to get Midnight Madness of our friend’s body.”

“Without hurting or killing Sunset, said Applejack. If we can get to her at least...”

“Hum, said Pinkie Pie. I know!! Let’s combine our Rainbow magical Laser to a your purification spell, Sunlight!!”

“Hum, that could work, said Sunlight. The Rainbow Laser will weaken Midnight Madness’ magic and give enough power to my spell to get her out of Sunset’s body, all of it without hurting our friend. But charging the spell will take some time.”

“We will gain you time, said John, We’ll distract her”

“Now, we just have to locate her” said Zatanna.

“I think i know how we could do that, said Raven. Damien told me that he put on everyone he met a cookie”

“You mean a micro GPS chip?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, answered Raven. Can you bring him here, John?”

“Why not?” he said.

Damian appeared in the middle of the room. He saw Sunlight and Raven and the rest of the group.

“We need your help, said Raven. Did you put on Sunset one of you tracking chips?”

“Of course, he said. And i already found where she is located.”

“Awesome, said Rainbow Dash. Where is she?!”

“At 2000 km of this position, answered Damian. She started to move again. But luckily, i predicted her itinerary. She is heading...Well...In our direction right now, and very fast!”

John ordered to the house to land of the ground. After a few minutes, it touched the ground. Zatanna, John, Raven, Damian, and Deadman left the house, followed by Twilight, Sunlight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Dr Fate suddenly appeared out of a portal.

“Kent? What are you doing here?” asked Zatanna.

“The Lords of Order want this Midnight Madness eliminated, he answered. She is disrupting the balance of this universe severely, this is what they said to me.”

“Well, i am glad to have you on our sides” said John.

Sunlight’s friends also get in position to battle.

“She arrive, guys, said Damian. I hope you are ready...”

Midnight Madness appeared in front of the group. She had with her an army of mind controlled super villains. Among them were many Meta-Human such as Killer Frost, Rainbow Rider, Bane, Poison Ivy, Grodd, Catwoman, Faust, Solomon Grundy and many other.

“Let’s the final confrontation begin...” She said