• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 618 Views, 2 Comments

The Lost Prophecy: Beginnings - Bloody

Eucadia is a dark land compared to Equestria, and our heroes must venture through.

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Chapter 6

--Chapter 7--

Stormy and Lead woke up the next morning feeling in sync almost...They both sat up at the same time. Lead and Stormy then proceeded to blink. "That was amazing." they both said to another before grinning and hugging another, then proceeding to flopping onto the bed. "We need to get back...they'll be worried..." Stormy adds, Lead nods. "Yeah..." Both of them got up, got dressed and armored up again before heading back home. Lead hadn't noticed but the bottom of the blade by the hilt...It had slowly begun to turn dark blue.

Roughly three blocks from the hotel that the entire group was at Lead was suddenly crashed into from the side, Stormy happened to back step just in time. Lead blinked and happened to be face to face with Squintz. Lead stood up and put the other colt on his own feet. "What happened?" Lead asked a little confused. Squintz smirked, "I had to make sure it was you!" Lead blinked "And how does tackling me over accomplish that?" Lead asked in disbelief. Squintz. "Because if you had've been an imposter you would've been pissed off probably." Lead pointed a finger at him, "True enough...Good theory...I think..." Lead shrugged and looked to Stormy. "Come on Storms." Squintz stopped Lead once more "New sword?" Lead blinked "huh?" he looked at the blade and saw the slight amount of cobalt blue starting at the hilt and slowly creeping to the receiving end of the blade. "Uhhh...No? I...What?" The Warrior was perplexed as to how this managed to happen. Stormy looked over the blade. "That's odd....I've never seen anything like it..." Lead sighed.

"Let's get back to the hotel, I take it you all have been worrie-" Lead almost finished his sentence before Soulstudy came from nowhere and hugged him along with Starbreeze and hay even Applejack! Lead was promptly plowed over from the massive hug attack. "Ahh!" he falls backwards onto the dirt road. A small dust cloud surround the group by this action, Lead manages to hug all three of them back. "Urk...Hey girls...." Lead says somewhat weakly, even though he was a large guy this was a lot of weight for the poor guy. Soulstudy and Starbreeze beamed. "Hey Lead! We've missed you!" Soulstudy although she loved her brother wasn't very clingy like this normally, really she was just doing this for Starbreeze to try and make her a little happier, the kid had gone through a lot. Lead smiled and slowly got up Applejack grinned. "We've been lookin' everywhere fer' ya!" Lead chuckled as he finally got to his feet. "Aw me and Stormy decided to just come back in the morn." of course Lead should have suspected this. "What did you and Stormy do? I mean you two were gone ALL night!" Everyone in the group looked at Stormy and Lead.

Lead and Stormy then looked at another "uh...Obviously we slept and set out to come back in the morning." Stormy explains. Lead gave a nod. "No need to worry so much guys..." The group shoots them a suspicious like look. Applejack tips her hat up. "Anyways, what do y'all think happened to yer' sword?" Lead gave another shrug "No idea...We should see someone about it though..." Starbreeze pipes up "oh! I know we could go see that lady me and Soulstudy passed! she knew a lot about magic!" Lead looked down to Starbreeze and kneeled. "Well you know what that means right?" Lead asked. Starbreeze just shook her head in a cute manner. "Nope!~" Lead smirked. "It means it's time for another amazing and stupendous adventure." Lead scoops the filly up and puts her on his shoulders. "And with that, We'll race you all there!" Starbreeze emits a gleeful giggle as Lead runs off with her on his shoulders, the rest all smile as they run after him, of course they aren't going to be professional! this quest was their own, and no one would stop them!

Meanwhile in the dark mountains of Vekketuran a dark being watched the group silently through his magic pool. "It seems we are not the only one's looking for the Lost Prophecy." A few of his foot soldiers stirred, these were his elite guard, his first or last hand when he played a card. "Dispatch a squad, I want them stopped." One of the guards nodded, bowed and departed to give the order.

Unbeknownst to the group the ambush had been set quickly and effectively. They just had to wait for their target's to step into the target area, then they would attack from all angles. Lead stopped and set Starbreeze down. "Okay I think we won." Lead says cheerfully and hugs the filly softly. Lead stood up and looked behind to see everyone..aside from Stormy...which could only mean.

Stormy pounced onto Lead and pinned him down "Gotcha'."
Lead smirked and quickly rolled over effectively pinning her, until Soulstudy decided to step in and smack her brother off with a quick spell, Stormy took the opportunity to tackle and Pin Lead this time "Ha! Mares rule!" Lead smirked and used his magic to sweep her off him and onto her rump. "Pssh, 2 versus one." Lead hauled her up to her feet after that and sighed. "Celestia I love you guys!"

The group dispatched to ambush them honestly wanted to just yell "OH COME ON!" at the group for this but held their hidden positions.

Lead smiled. "Alright this way!" he says as they don't go into the ambush zone, no they go down the other path. One of the elites sighed. "I TOLD you..."
Now Squintz was a little far behind the group but was totally aware of where the group was, he was also eating an Eggplant because; he likes them of course! He finished his tasty food and tosses the remains into a nearby bush, which happened to have the captain of the elites inside...This didn't make him very happy. It took all of the soldiers to pin down the Captain. "We need the element of surprise sir!" The Captain struggled more "I Don't Care! I just want to snap that fool's damn neck!"

Squintz has another bad habit of twirling his big ol' mallet...Well it slips because of the Eggplant juice and lands on the captains head effectively knocking him out. The Soldiers quickly hid again to avoid detection as Squintz quickly retrieved his mallet and ran off to catch up with Leadsharp, Soulsie, Breezie, AJ and Storms.

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