> The Lost Prophecy: Beginnings > by Bloody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lost Prophecy: Beginnings It was mid-noon by the time everypony had gathered in the arena, or as the competitors called it, “The Blood Bath”: a large area that seated thousands upon thousands of spectators, all of whom gathered to watch warriors fight to the death in tournaments and competitions. The owner of the arena walked forward to the main pillar that overlooked the arena down below. “Greetings! And welcome to the match of the century!” The crowd roared in approval and the stage master smiled. “Today my friends, we witness the final battle of veteran fighter Leadith of Eucadia!” The crowd was even louder this time around, “But! This is not a usual fight! No…He must fight an entire team on his own! And if he survives, he wins his FREEDOM!” Meanwhile, down in the keep, Leadith was putting together his leather bounds of armor and sharpening his sword. His final battle…his only chance to escape captivity and return home. He looked up at the small barred window that the sun shined through. “My one chance…I’m not going to mess this up.” He muttered to himself. Lead turned to the approach of hoof steps and saw the guards that were going to escort him to the arena. “You’d better win Leadith, I bet ninety bits on you.” The first said, Leadith grinned. “I told you two to call me Lead….And I plan on winning.” He said with a confident smirk as he stood up and hoofed his weapon over to them per protocol. The two took him up the stairs and over to his entrance gate, but something else happened this time. The guards gave him his weapon, and a small dart. “What’s this for?” Lead asked looking towards the two, and one guard piped up “It’s a special toxin extract from the Manticorian Desert.” Lead quirked an eyebrow. “And…?” The Guard looked at him with a smirk. “It can be used multiple times to finish them off quickly…And it’s legal too. Good luck…Lead…” With that the two guards departed and closed the bars behind him. Lead’s fate was now in the hands of luck, and by hell he hoped he had some good luck today. The sun blinded Lead momentarily, but he quickly adjusted. The crowd was going crazy, one stallion versus an entire platoon worth, and a lot of ponies were betting against Lead. But there were also a bunch betting FOR him. Lead wasn’t an amateur fighter, and the only reason he wound up in the Arena was because he got into so many fights in the jail which he got dumped into after being captured a year back. Lead stood proud and strong, determination on his face and vengeance in his crimson red eyes. He raised his sword to the air which drove the crowd crazy, then he lowered it as the drum began to beat, signaling the beginning of the “Blood Bath.” The first group of colts rushed Lead. These colts wore no armor whatsoever aside from some light clothing. They had small, sharp knives which wouldn’t do much to Lead’s armor, but on skin it would make a mess. Lead readied himself and brought the first colt down by tripping him and diving the sword through his neck, and the second one was greeted by hind hoof and then the sword boring into his chest. The third hesitated, which was really his biggest mistake as now Lead turned, faced him, and took one of the knives from his fallen comrade and threw it into the spot in-between his eyes. Lead thrust his sword into the air, as he’d defeated the first wave with ease. The second wave consisted of more stallions with more armor, and of course bigger swords, including a guy with a bow. Lead growled under his breath, “Let’s dance ladies.” The one with the bow let loose an arrow, but Lead had moved by then and was already by one of the colts with the swords. Lead worked hard to jam the sword though his iron chest plate to pierce his heart underneath, and with that, Lead pulled his sword free and took the down fighter’s shield. Lead brought it up just in time to avoid getting an arrow through the skull and the follow-up sword. He made a quick movement to kick the other colt in the knee, breaking it, then drove his sword through his exposed neck. Two fighters remained, one more swords-colt, and the other one with the bow. Lead and the other colt clashed with a thundering crash. Lead was a big stallion, but this colt was bigger, and Lead wound up being punched across the face, but in the blood rage, Lead yanked him closer and narrowly managed, due to pure luck, to have the bow-wielding pony shoot an arrow through his comrade’s skull. Lead tossed the body aside and began to move in on the final target. “Come and fight!” Lead hissed, but was only greeted by the one with the bow back pedaling and falling over. The helmet came off to reveal a mare underneath, and she dropped the bow and shook in fear. Lead felt a sense of regret, but he wasn’t about to let her become his downfall, so he raised his sword and brought it down into her neck, severing her head from her body. The bloodthirsty crowd gave an approving roar as they watched Lead dispatch the final target of wave 2. Lead looked towards the main gate as it slowly opened itself to reveal the biggest test he has yet to face: a large manticore, easily three times the size of Lead. Lead looked at the beast from a distance, then reached into his pouch and looked at the dart. He picked up the bow and an arrow from the corpse of the mare, puts the dart onto the arrowhead. His sword would be useless against the manticore, so he only had one shot. The manticore growled, locked onto Leadith and began to close the gap. Lead held his ground for a few moments and let the arrow fly. Time seemed to slow as the arrow sailed through the air in silence before it met its target right where Lead intended it: the jugular vein. Lead lost color in his face as the manticore didn’t even break stride. “Oh by the name of Luna WHY did I trust-” Lead didn’t finish the sentence as the Manticore stopped, let out a loud whine then fell to its side. Lead walked over and poked it with his blade and the Manticore… was dead. The entire arena erupted into cheers and celebration as Lead, against all odds, prevailed and won the tournament. Lead looked around with pride as roses were tossed, and he picked up a single rose and sniffed it. He then looked at one of the mares in the spectator’s area and tossed it to her, resulting in a mad scramble by all the other mares. Lead sheathed the sword and went back to the exit, where he was met by the two guards, who grinned and patted him on the back. “First rounds on us mate!” Before Lead could go to the tavern he needed to meet up with the Stage Master, who congratulated him and shook his hoof. Not only had Lead won his freedom, but he won access to the arena’s armory and was told to pick a set of armor and blade of his choice. Lead arrived downstairs and looked over the racks of different armor, finally setting his gaze on a silver set with golden trim. It came with no helmet, but that was no issue. Lead couldn’t find any blade that truly spoke to him, so he took a basic steel sword of medium length and a matching shield for his armor. Lead nodded to the Stage Master. “My friend…I fought, I lived, and I’ll never forget all the times you bailed me out.” Lead smiled and shook hooves with the Stage Master. “Safe travels Leadith, I hope you find your family once again.” Lead smiled and nodded once more before leaving the Arena. He was finally free… and it was time to redeem that drink. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Eucadia Soulstudy was on the family estate practicing her magic deep in the forest, after an hour she stopped and walked over to an old log, the one her and her brother sat on just six years ago, taking out a small locket she gazed into it after opening it, She felt a tear run down her cheek but was quick to wipe it away, it was the locket Lead had given her the day he ran from home, He promised to be back by the end of the year, she gave him an extra year when he didn’t show up, and then another, but the third year she’d given up hope, he was dead, he’d of told her, sure she would understand him not telling their parents, but they’d always been close, really close…He was more of a friend than a brother. “Lead…Where in the world are you?” she asked out loud as she clutched the locket and tucked it around her neck once more and let out a hefty sigh. “You always said late was better than never.” Soulstudy perked up hearing the voice “Huh?” She turned to expect to see one of the colts from the village, but was greeted by some knight who’s face was hidden. “Excuse me good sir, but do I know you?” She asked politely, The knight moved slightly “Wow…Has it really been that long Souls? Don’t you recognize me?” Lead steps into the light with a grin. Soulstudy’s jaw actually dropped, Lead was about to say something else but his little sister ran over and wrapped her hooves around her brother “Dear Luna Lead it’s you!” Soulstudy exclaimed with glee, Lead gently wrapped his hooves around her and hugged her back. Soul looked up to him with those eyes of hers and asked “Where have you been!? It’s been over 6 years!” Lead sighed and looked down to her “Well…” Soulstudy let go of him and sat back down on the log, he did the very same thing, and so the two began to talk, Lead telling her of his mistakes, his past, how he was an idiot for leaving, and then came up with “Souls…I know I messed up…But…I want you to come with me this time, I don’t want to leave my sister behind again, And I don’t want to stay here…We can get out of here like we always planned! Find adventure fortune and hay, maybe even the Lost Prophecy!” Lead was about to continue but Soul raised a hoof to his lips “Lead…I…I…” She quickly hugged him once more “I agree…Let’s go…Get out of here! Do what we always dreamed of doing as kids!” Lead smirked, “We will…But I think it’s fair we pay Mum, and Dad one last visit.” Soulstudy blinked “Are you CRAZY? They’ll never let me go let alone you!” Lead sighed, she was right. “Well then…Gather your things tonight and I’ll wait out here.” Lead looked to see the sun was beginning to set, Soulstudy couldn’t help but to ask “What about you? You honestly don’t plan on sleeping out here!” Lead grinned “I don’t have a choice Souls, now hurry up, run off, get going, They’ll suspect something is up.” Soulstudy huffed, although she’d never admit it, he was right, so Soulstudy brushed off her dress before returning home. Upon arrival at home Soulstudy did a quick polite bow to her parents “Mother, Father, I feel that I shall retire to bed early tonight, I will wake myself in the morn.” With that Soulstudy headed upstairs to her room and began to pack, she’d at least leave a note for her parents, but by the time she read it, she’d be out on the road with Lead, able to practice and use her magic at will. Her heart fluttered slightly, just like Lead…Soon she’d be free! Soulstudy woke up long before the cock crowed in the morning and quickly put on her robes, they matched her Turquoise coat almost perfectly and had a nice orange trim to them that matched her mane. She double checked her pack before leaving the note on the table downstairs and galloping towards the forest where her brother would be waiting. “Leadith? Leadie?” Soulstudy called out quietly as she entered the woods, There was no answer but she didn’t worry, she took a few more steps in and stopped cold…She was being watched…and not by Lead. She quickly turned to see the Timberwolf step from the shadows and begin to circle around her, she was panicked but quickly gathered herself and began to weave a spell together, the wolf turned and went in for the punce, but was blasted by Soulstudy’s spell, it fell to the ground and whined, then shook itself and looked up at Soulstudy. “Sit.” Soul commanded, and the wolf obeyed, Soulstudy smiled, feeling pretty good, “Hrmm..” She weaved another spell and formed the Timberwolf into a normal wolf of the same size, The Timberwolf yelped in pain as the magic went to work changing it’s limbs, eventually the process was complete and Soul sat with the wolf. “Good boy.” Leadith was surprised to come back to find Soulstudy petting a wolf “Did you tame that thing?” Lead asked walking over, Soul giggled “I guess you could say that.” Lead rolled his eyes “Well let’s get going, it’s a two hour journey to the city of Marrock.” Soul beamed and got up as herself and her furry companion followed Lead, the journey had begun and so far…It wasn’t all that bad. About an hour into the journey Soul piped up “Lead…What exactly are we going to do in Marrock?” Lead looked down to her as they walked “I’m planning on looking around for anything better than this steel sword…It’s nice and all…But it’s not…Right for me…They say your sword will call to you…That it chooses you.” Soul gave a thoughtful hum “Well…Maybe we’ll find just the right thing!” Lead chuckled “Maybe Souls…Maybe.” Lead gave her a brotherly nuzzle as they continued to walk, “So what’s his name?” Lead asked looking down again and gesturing to the pony sized wolf, Soulstudy looked to her side “Hrm…What do you propose Lead?” She asked, not being the best with names. Lead pondered it over, and finally came up with “Verdel…The aincient word for fear? I think it’s fitting being as he’ll probably scare everypony along the way.” Soul blinked “Hrm…How’s that sound, you want that name?” Soul said to the wolf, who responded with a light bark and wag of his tail, Soul beamed and looked to Lead “I guess Verdel is his name then!” Lead grinned and walked with Soul and Verdel. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group hadn’t exactly noticed the shadow that was trailing them through the woods. Applejack grinned to herself, these two ponies were defiantly wealthy and she could probably loot some good bits off of them to keep her family afloat for another year! Silver Armor with gold trim doesn’t grow on trees…Apples do! Applejack raised her bow aiming for Lead, now not one who’s to believe in the “Ways” But…This was different. A “Way” as pony folk referred to them was a small orb of light that floated through the land, it rested on top of her arrow, Applejack blinked, what was stopping her from letting the arrow fly? Applejack sighed and put the bow and arrow away and decided to follow the two for just a little longer. Lead and Souls decided to stop for a quick rest “I’ve never been anywhere past Marrock…Is it nice anywhere else? Or is it something like once you’ve seen one city you’ve seen them all?” Soul asked looking over to her Brother, Lead smiled “A few of them are the same, but there’s PLENTY of kingdoms and cities to explore, Marrock is just the tip of the iceberg Souls.” Lead got up, “I don’t think they’ll mind if I borrow this apple.” Lead comments as he goes to takes a bite from one of the apple’s on the tree, but was surprised to see an arrow fly through it, he blinks and looks to see Applejack, her hood is up which conceals her face. “Ah’ think you need to pay for that sir.” She says a little ticked off that he was going to steal one of her family’s apples. Lead looked at the mare, “Well that was rather uncalled for don’t you think?” Applejack shrugged and lowered her bow, “Ah’ think not, you were about to steal one of my family’s apples, and truth be told mister, ah’ could’ve put the arrow through /you./ “ Lead grinned, “Fair enough, how much?” Lead asked reaching to his side, Applejack sighed “It’s fine…Ah’ suppose ah’ could let you off with a warning.” Lead grinned and nodded to the mare, giving her a slight bow “I appreciate your generosity.” Lead smiled, “I’m Leadith of Eucadia, but you may call me Lead, this is my sister Soulstudy.” Lead said gesturing to Soul who gave a wave from the log. Applejack nodded, “It’s a pleasure to meet yer’ acquaintance’s ah’m Applejack.” She smiled and then after a short pause she asked “What are you two doin’ this far out anyhoof? It’s not normal for ponies like yourselves to travel in small groups.” Lead smirked “Well first off what do you mean by ponies like us?” Lead asked the orange mare, Applejack shrugged “Well you two come off as pretty darn wealthy, and…” Lead cut her off “Oh, I see, we look wealthy and you were thinking of taking us by surprise and then looting our corpses.?” Applejack blinked, “Uh…Well…” She sighed, being the element of honesty she couldn’t lie “Yes…I /was/ planning on it…but I decided not to…So why are you out here again?” Lead sighed, he was glad she wasn’t going to kill them after all, so he’d forgive her for it. “We’re heading to Marrock, and from there we’ll see where it takes us, we’re out on adventure and we’re also tryin’ to track down the Lost Prophecy.” Applejack blinked “The Lost Prophecy!? Are you kiddin’ me? There’s a reason they call it lost Lead! It don’t exist anymore.” Lead smirked “Well it’s going to stay lost until we find it, and I plan on finding it.” Lead chuckled and walked over getting his pack on. “C’mon Souls, we got a Prophecy to find.” Soul got up and smiled “I guess this is farewell them Miss Jack.” Soul offered the other mare a hoof to shake. Applejack look at the hoof, then denied it, “Nah, you ain’t leavin’ jus’ yet.” Lead blinked and looked behind him “Why?” He asked, Applejack smiled “Because I’m coming with ya’.” Lead blinked again and faced her “What makes you think I should let you come with us?” Lead asked, Applejack smiled “Because I never put an arrow through your skull, come, I need ta' get my gear." and with that, the Applepony began to walk back to the farm, Lead sighed and walked "Come on Souls." Lead, Soulstudy, and Applejack all entered the farmstead Applebloom was the first one to come into view "Heya Big sis, what'cha doin?" Applejack looked down to her younger sister "I'm uh, going to go on an adventure with my friends here Applebloom." Applebloom beamed, but then frowned and asked "When are y'all coming back?" Applejack frowned herself, "I don't no Applebloom, but Ah' promise I will come back alright?" The two sisters hugged and Applejack quickly went to gather her gear, after a tearful goodbye Applejack walked over to Lead and Soulstudy "alright, let's go." She said with a faint smile. Lead nodded understanding how tough it was for her, "Alright." Lead agreed and walked with the two mares and their furry companion back towards the road. The City of Marrock...Large stone walls surrounded it, the gates heavily guarded and plenty of watch towers, this was truly one of the largest and most foritfied cities within Eucadia. Lead grinned as he peered ahead "Look's like we're here guys." Lead said cheerfully. Soul looked ahead and frowned slightly "Lead are you sure we'll be able to get into the city? It seems like they got it locked up." Lead smirked "Have faith Souls, I got this." Applejack and Soulstudy exchanged a look of "Is he serious?" But remained quiet as Lead walked forward and talked with the guards. After a brief talk with the guards the group found themselves inside the city. "Welcome to Marrock mates, let's go find an Inn." With that Lead began to walk, but was bumped into by a mare wearing a series of cloaks. Lead looked to the mare "Sorry Miss." The mare nodded and continued on her way, Lead and his companions did the same. When Lead got to the inn he went to get his bits...They were gone... "Oh for Luna's sake..." Lead told the others to wait, he was now officially on a Mare Hunt. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stormius Weathre was sitting on a bench counting out the bits she'd looted from the armored colt. Oh, she was just too good at her job. Well...stealing bits wasn't her job, assassinating ponies was. Stormy, as she liked to be called, got up and was about to walk before a hoof grabbed her, spun her around, and pressed her against a wall. "Oh!" She exclaimed, facing the colt from before "Um...How can I help you good sir?" She asked in an innocent tone. Lead growled. "I want my bits back." He said firmly, keeping her pinned against the wall. Stormy thought it over slightly. He had the upperhoof, and on top of that she didn’t have her hidden blades on her! She was only going to the market for food! Then of course all this happened, so Stormy began to cry softly. “Oh...no...I’m so sorry! I… I’m just...Really on the low end of things...and-” Stormy gave up a sniffle “I...I just really needed the bits...and-” She looked up to Lead with puppy dog eyes and a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. Lead deadpanned “Really...You expect me to fall for /that/?” Lead rolls his eyes and yanks his bag of bits back. Stormy gave him a frown. “I guess you’re not as stupid as you look...” She was about to say something else but Lead was just walking away from her! Stormy stalked after the colt. “Now wait just a minute!” She said as she yanked him around this time. “I stole from you fair and square and I should get SOME bits at least!” she complained, looking up at the much larger colt. Lead grunted “How about I buy you a drink instead?” Stormy closed her mouth and remained quiet. “Th...That could work too...” Lead smirked. Charm always worked. Stormy wasn’t sure...Was he hitting on her? Once Lead arrived back at the Laughing Angel Inn, Soul and Applejack both resisted the urge to facehoof. “Lead...Can you tell me why you brought /her/ here for a drink?” Lead replied with “I owe her one.” Applejack did in fact facehoof. “Lead...She stole from YOU. How do you owe her?” Lead sighed “It’s part of a warrior’s code and all that stuff. Too long to explain.” Stormy blinked. Yep he was hitting on her alright. But she wasn’t going to go for it. After getting her a drink Stormy left, and Lead, Soul, and Applejack got one room and headed upstairs. “How long are we staying for?” Applejack asked. Lead shrugged “Maybe a week at the most...” Applejack nodded. “Alright, then what?” Lead smiled. “We move on to the next village and see what we find!” Soul frowned. “Lead, don’t you ever make a plan?” Lead turned to face them with a smirk. “When you plan ahead you miss the small things that can make the biggest difference. Now let’s rest up.” It was late at night when Stormy began to open the window to the group’s room, very slowly and quietly. After achieving this, she stepped in and quietly walked over to Lead. She was going to take his bits again and-. Stormy frowned; Lead had suddenly rolled over, wrapped his hooves around her, and was cuddling her like a teddy bear. She let out an annoyed sigh. “Well, it’s better than being stabbed I suppose.” Stormy thought to herself as she stayed in that exact spot, and then...uh oh...fell asleep. When Lead woke up with Stormy in his arms, a few thoughts drifted through his mind, and yes, a few were a little dirty. But he never got drunk, so obviously something was up. While Stormy was still asleep, Lead tied her to the bed. Soul and Applejack shrugged and went downstairs for breakfast as Lead prepared to interrogate his “prisoner”. When Stormy woke up, she started to freak out because she was tied down. “Oh no! NOT good!” She thought to herself and looked up ahead, spotting Lead who was sharpening a sword. Stormy frowned. What was he going to do? Lead suddenly stood up. “Good, you’re awake. Last words?” Stormy blinked. “L...Last words!? Are you kidding me!?” Stormy yelled at him and trashed against her restraints. Lead shook his head and raised the sword. Stormy closed her eyes and just hoped it would be quick. Suddenly, she was bopped lightly on the head. She peaked an eye open to see Lead, face to face with her. “So are you done trying to steal from me?” Lead asked. Stormy opened her other eye. “W...What? Yes! I’ll never steal again! From you!” Lead smirked, “Good girl, now I’ll ask you a new question.” Stormy blinked. “And... what is that?” Lead smiled. “Well obviously you’re quite talented at sneaking, and... I was wondering if you’d like to join me on my quest.” Stormy deadpanned. “So I’ve tried to steal from you twice and... you’d trust me to cover your back?” Lead was quiet for a moment. “Yeah.” Stormy blinked. On one hoof, Marrock was boring lately and a quest sounded cool. On the other hoof, adventure was full of thrill and... Why was she even questioning this? Stormy beamed and nodded. “I’ll join you...” She blinked. “Uh...I don’t know your name yet and we’re already questing! I can tell we’ll be good friends. I’m Stormius Weathre.” Stormy beamed. Lead smiled and undid her restraints. “I’m Leadith of Eucadia, pleasure to meet you Stormius.” Lead took her hoof and kissed it. Stormy blushed. “Heh, save it charmer boy, and call me Stormy.” And with that, the pair laughed and headed downstairs for their meal. Soulstudy and Applejack looked up to see Lead and Stormy coming down the stairs, both slightly relieved he hadn’t lopped off her head. “Ah’ take it negotiations went well?” Applejack said, looking up from her morning porridge. Lead nodded. “Meet Stormy. She’s joining us on our quest.” Soulstudy sighed and looked up at lead. “Do you honestly plan on inviting every single mare we meet into your little group?” All three of the mares looked directly at Lead. Leadith rolled his eyes. “Tell you what, if a stallion or colt crashes through that window right over there,” Lead said pointing a hoof at a nearby window, “I’ll invite him into the group too.” He looked at the window with a smirk. That’s one thing that would /never/ happen. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lead swore to himself as an orange coated colt smashed through the window, crashed into the table, and brawled over his sister. Squintiuz looked around, then gave a nervous smile to Soulstudy who was blushing heavily. “Oh...Hey...I uh...Fancy bmumping into yo- AHH!” Squintz yelped as he was picked up by a large armored colt who didn’t look to pleased. Lead growled slightly then suddenly asked. “Want to join us on our quest?” Squintz blinked, that was unexpected “Uh...Sure?” Lead nodded and dropped him, “Oh...And don’t touch my sister ever again.” Squintz blinked nodded and got up and sat down “What’re we even questing for?” Lead cut anyone off that tried to speak "The Lost Prophecy." Squintz stood up and faced him. "But it's lost...We're not going to-" Lead cut him off. "Have faith, I've found lost cities before." Squintz blinked and sat back down. "Alright then." Squintz didn't have much to do around here anyways, and his marefriend just sort of threw him out, so traveling with these ponies was his best bet. Soul decided to go and check out the market, as she was walking she decided to take a detour out through the woods. Soul’s ears perked and she looked behind her to spot Lead behind her. “Can’t you let me go anywhere by myself?” Lead smirked “The Bathroom, and no, Last thing I need is for somepony to nab you.” Soul sighed “I can take care of myself Lead...Fine...come on.” Lead grinned as he had won yet another battle. The two walked before Lead stopped and looked around. “You hear that?” Soul’s ears perked up as she caught onto a quiet sound...Somepony crying by the sounds of it. Lead nudges Soul to follow him and he begins to walk through the forest path. As the pair drew closer Lead spotted a small filly with a red mane crying softly against a tree, she looked up and backpedaled from the large armored stallion. “Hey it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.” Lead says halting and kneeling down. The filly looked up at him but remained quiet. Lead smiled faintly, “Hey there, what’s your name little one?” Lead asked softly, the filly looked down, then back up. “S...Starbreeze...” she then hid her face again. Lead looked at Soul who shrugged. Lead then asked. “Why are you out here all alone?” Star sighed and wipes her tears away and looked up at Lead with those eye’s of her that made your heart break. “I...I got lost, and then something happened, she...She didn’t come back.” Star looked off to one of the side paths and then back at Lead, “C...Can you please try to find her?” Lead smiles and nods. “I’ll do my best.” Lead gives the filly a light ruffle of her mane. "For now I want you to go with my sister Soul, okay? She'll keep you safe." Star nodded and went with Soul. Lead looked ahead and sighed, he hoped for the best, but something was nagging him that wasn't going to be happening. Lead walked through the thick forest, only being able to see green as most of the tree's hung low, Lead eventually cuts through and steps into a clearing. Lead frowns spotting the all too familiar crimson substance on the ground ahead, slowly creeping towards it he stops...There's a body up ahead, Lead bolts through the tree's and sighs as he comes to the thing that he feared the most, Starbreeze's mother...Was dead. Lead sighed as it was obvious that the mare had been butchered gruesomely by other ponies. Lead picked up the body and began to walk back, his mind was racing, unsure of what he was going to tell Starbreeze...She's little...But he's not going to lie to her. Lead buried the body and made a makeshift Cross out of some sticks, vines and stones, he uttered a prayer and then left to go back to the hotel room. Lead walked from the forest and back onto the streets, looking at the ground the most of the way. After arriving at the hotel he went upstairs to the room and entered softly. "Starbreeze..." Soul hugged the filly close, Starbreeze has her head buried in soul's cloak as she sobbed uncontrollably. Soul carefully stroke her mane "Shhh...It's going to be alright." Starbreeze shook her head "No it won't! I don't have a daddy or anypony else! I have nowhere to go!" Lead was the one to speak this time, he turned her around and wipes the tears from her face. "Yes you do." Star looked up at him once more with those eye's of hers. "Where?" Lead smiled and pulled her into a hug "With me...I'll take care of you...Don't worry Breezie, I'll protect you." Starbreeze blinked, she looked up at the colt for a moment, then hugged him back as tight as she could, picking up on a nickname right off the bat, "Thank you Leadie!" Soul smiled, this was defiantly the brother she remembered, the one who was caring gentle and soft. Lead took Starbreeze downstairs and got her something to eat, he never left her side and kept an eye out for anypony suspicious looking, he was going to protect her, in a way she was like his daughter now, which made him grow more attached to her as time passed. For Starbreeze it was similar, he was like a daddy, she knew he was going to protect her and she also knew that he was really nice, He even got her a nice meal and helped clean her up, she also looked up to Souls like a big sister of sorts. Starbreeze wondered why they had taken her in though, I mean she was just a filly in the woods, she could've been part of some trap or anything! But no, these ponies risked their lives and saved her, and she made a promise to herself, she would be the best sister...Daughter...pony ever! Applejack and Stormy smiled, they thought Starbreeze was sort of cute themselves, and they were impressed with the fact that Lead had taken her into his care, and not just give her to an orphanage, most stallion's wouldn't give any of their spare time, but Lead went out of his way to ensure the safety of this little filly. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Chapter 7-- Stormy and Lead woke up the next morning feeling in sync almost...They both sat up at the same time. Lead and Stormy then proceeded to blink. "That was amazing." they both said to another before grinning and hugging another, then proceeding to flopping onto the bed. "We need to get back...they'll be worried..." Stormy adds, Lead nods. "Yeah..." Both of them got up, got dressed and armored up again before heading back home. Lead hadn't noticed but the bottom of the blade by the hilt...It had slowly begun to turn dark blue. Roughly three blocks from the hotel that the entire group was at Lead was suddenly crashed into from the side, Stormy happened to back step just in time. Lead blinked and happened to be face to face with Squintz. Lead stood up and put the other colt on his own feet. "What happened?" Lead asked a little confused. Squintz smirked, "I had to make sure it was you!" Lead blinked "And how does tackling me over accomplish that?" Lead asked in disbelief. Squintz. "Because if you had've been an imposter you would've been pissed off probably." Lead pointed a finger at him, "True enough...Good theory...I think..." Lead shrugged and looked to Stormy. "Come on Storms." Squintz stopped Lead once more "New sword?" Lead blinked "huh?" he looked at the blade and saw the slight amount of cobalt blue starting at the hilt and slowly creeping to the receiving end of the blade. "Uhhh...No? I...What?" The Warrior was perplexed as to how this managed to happen. Stormy looked over the blade. "That's odd....I've never seen anything like it..." Lead sighed. "Let's get back to the hotel, I take it you all have been worrie-" Lead almost finished his sentence before Soulstudy came from nowhere and hugged him along with Starbreeze and hay even Applejack! Lead was promptly plowed over from the massive hug attack. "Ahh!" he falls backwards onto the dirt road. A small dust cloud surround the group by this action, Lead manages to hug all three of them back. "Urk...Hey girls...." Lead says somewhat weakly, even though he was a large guy this was a lot of weight for the poor guy. Soulstudy and Starbreeze beamed. "Hey Lead! We've missed you!" Soulstudy although she loved her brother wasn't very clingy like this normally, really she was just doing this for Starbreeze to try and make her a little happier, the kid had gone through a lot. Lead smiled and slowly got up Applejack grinned. "We've been lookin' everywhere fer' ya!" Lead chuckled as he finally got to his feet. "Aw me and Stormy decided to just come back in the morn." of course Lead should have suspected this. "What did you and Stormy do? I mean you two were gone ALL night!" Everyone in the group looked at Stormy and Lead. Lead and Stormy then looked at another "uh...Obviously we slept and set out to come back in the morning." Stormy explains. Lead gave a nod. "No need to worry so much guys..." The group shoots them a suspicious like look. Applejack tips her hat up. "Anyways, what do y'all think happened to yer' sword?" Lead gave another shrug "No idea...We should see someone about it though..." Starbreeze pipes up "oh! I know we could go see that lady me and Soulstudy passed! she knew a lot about magic!" Lead looked down to Starbreeze and kneeled. "Well you know what that means right?" Lead asked. Starbreeze just shook her head in a cute manner. "Nope!~" Lead smirked. "It means it's time for another amazing and stupendous adventure." Lead scoops the filly up and puts her on his shoulders. "And with that, We'll race you all there!" Starbreeze emits a gleeful giggle as Lead runs off with her on his shoulders, the rest all smile as they run after him, of course they aren't going to be professional! this quest was their own, and no one would stop them! Meanwhile in the dark mountains of Vekketuran a dark being watched the group silently through his magic pool. "It seems we are not the only one's looking for the Lost Prophecy." A few of his foot soldiers stirred, these were his elite guard, his first or last hand when he played a card. "Dispatch a squad, I want them stopped." One of the guards nodded, bowed and departed to give the order. Unbeknownst to the group the ambush had been set quickly and effectively. They just had to wait for their target's to step into the target area, then they would attack from all angles. Lead stopped and set Starbreeze down. "Okay I think we won." Lead says cheerfully and hugs the filly softly. Lead stood up and looked behind to see everyone..aside from Stormy...which could only mean. Stormy pounced onto Lead and pinned him down "Gotcha'." Lead smirked and quickly rolled over effectively pinning her, until Soulstudy decided to step in and smack her brother off with a quick spell, Stormy took the opportunity to tackle and Pin Lead this time "Ha! Mares rule!" Lead smirked and used his magic to sweep her off him and onto her rump. "Pssh, 2 versus one." Lead hauled her up to her feet after that and sighed. "Celestia I love you guys!" The group dispatched to ambush them honestly wanted to just yell "OH COME ON!" at the group for this but held their hidden positions. Lead smiled. "Alright this way!" he says as they don't go into the ambush zone, no they go down the other path. One of the elites sighed. "I TOLD you..." Now Squintz was a little far behind the group but was totally aware of where the group was, he was also eating an Eggplant because; he likes them of course! He finished his tasty food and tosses the remains into a nearby bush, which happened to have the captain of the elites inside...This didn't make him very happy. It took all of the soldiers to pin down the Captain. "We need the element of surprise sir!" The Captain struggled more "I Don't Care! I just want to snap that fool's damn neck!" Squintz has another bad habit of twirling his big ol' mallet...Well it slips because of the Eggplant juice and lands on the captains head effectively knocking him out. The Soldiers quickly hid again to avoid detection as Squintz quickly retrieved his mallet and ran off to catch up with Leadsharp, Soulsie, Breezie, AJ and Storms.