• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 619 Views, 2 Comments

The Lost Prophecy: Beginnings - Bloody

Eucadia is a dark land compared to Equestria, and our heroes must venture through.

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Chapter 5

Lead swore to himself as an orange coated colt smashed through the window, crashed into the table, and brawled over his sister. Squintiuz looked around, then gave a nervous smile to Soulstudy who was blushing heavily. “Oh...Hey...I uh...Fancy bmumping into yo- AHH!” Squintz yelped as he was picked up by a large armored colt who didn’t look to pleased. Lead growled slightly then suddenly asked. “Want to join us on our quest?” Squintz blinked, that was unexpected “Uh...Sure?” Lead nodded and dropped him, “Oh...And don’t touch my sister ever again.” Squintz blinked nodded and got up and sat down “What’re we even questing for?”

Lead cut anyone off that tried to speak "The Lost Prophecy." Squintz stood up and faced him. "But it's lost...We're not going to-" Lead cut him off. "Have faith, I've found lost cities before." Squintz blinked and sat back down. "Alright then." Squintz didn't have much to do around here anyways, and his marefriend just sort of threw him out, so traveling with these ponies was his best bet.

Soul decided to go and check out the market, as she was walking she decided to take a detour out through the woods. Soul’s ears perked and she looked behind her to spot Lead behind her. “Can’t you let me go anywhere by myself?” Lead smirked “The Bathroom, and no, Last thing I need is for somepony to nab you.” Soul sighed “I can take care of myself Lead...Fine...come on.” Lead grinned as he had won yet another battle. The two walked before Lead stopped and looked around. “You hear that?” Soul’s ears perked up as she caught onto a quiet sound...Somepony crying by the sounds of it. Lead nudges Soul to follow him and he begins to walk through the forest path.
As the pair drew closer Lead spotted a small filly with a red mane crying softly against a tree, she looked up and backpedaled from the large armored stallion. “Hey it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.” Lead says halting and kneeling down. The filly looked up at him but remained quiet. Lead smiled faintly, “Hey there, what’s your name little one?” Lead asked softly, the filly looked down, then back up. “S...Starbreeze...” she then hid her face again. Lead looked at Soul who shrugged. Lead then asked. “Why are you out here all alone?” Star sighed and wipes her tears away and looked up at Lead with those eye’s of her that made your heart break. “I...I got lost, and then something happened, she...She didn’t come back.” Star looked off to one of the side paths and then back at Lead, “C...Can you please try to find her?” Lead smiles and nods. “I’ll do my best.” Lead gives the filly a light ruffle of her mane. "For now I want you to go with my sister Soul, okay? She'll keep you safe." Star nodded and went with Soul. Lead looked ahead and sighed, he hoped for the best, but something was nagging him that wasn't going to be happening.
Lead walked through the thick forest, only being able to see green as most of the tree's hung low, Lead eventually cuts through and steps into a clearing. Lead frowns spotting the all too familiar crimson substance on the ground ahead, slowly creeping towards it he stops...There's a body up ahead, Lead bolts through the tree's and sighs as he comes to the thing that he feared the most, Starbreeze's mother...Was dead. Lead sighed as it was obvious that the mare had been butchered gruesomely by other ponies. Lead picked up the body and began to walk back, his mind was racing, unsure of what he was going to tell Starbreeze...She's little...But he's not going to lie to her.

Lead buried the body and made a makeshift Cross out of some sticks, vines and stones, he uttered a prayer and then left to go back to the hotel room. Lead walked from the forest and back onto the streets, looking at the ground the most of the way. After arriving at the hotel he went upstairs to the room and entered softly. "Starbreeze..."

Soul hugged the filly close, Starbreeze has her head buried in soul's cloak as she sobbed uncontrollably. Soul carefully stroke her mane "Shhh...It's going to be alright." Starbreeze shook her head "No it won't! I don't have a daddy or anypony else! I have nowhere to go!" Lead was the one to speak this time, he turned her around and wipes the tears from her face. "Yes you do." Star looked up at him once more with those eye's of hers. "Where?" Lead smiled and pulled her into a hug "With me...I'll take care of you...Don't worry Breezie, I'll protect you." Starbreeze blinked, she looked up at the colt for a moment, then hugged him back as tight as she could, picking up on a nickname right off the bat, "Thank you Leadie!" Soul smiled, this was defiantly the brother she remembered, the one who was caring gentle and soft.

Lead took Starbreeze downstairs and got her something to eat, he never left her side and kept an eye out for anypony suspicious looking, he was going to protect her, in a way she was like his daughter now, which made him grow more attached to her as time passed. For Starbreeze it was similar, he was like a daddy, she knew he was going to protect her and she also knew that he was really nice, He even got her a nice meal and helped clean her up, she also looked up to Souls like a big sister of sorts. Starbreeze wondered why they had taken her in though, I mean she was just a filly in the woods, she could've been part of some trap or anything! But no, these ponies risked their lives and saved her, and she made a promise to herself, she would be the best sister...Daughter...pony ever!

Applejack and Stormy smiled, they thought Starbreeze was sort of cute themselves, and they were impressed with the fact that Lead had taken her into his care, and not just give her to an orphanage, most stallion's wouldn't give any of their spare time, but Lead went out of his way to ensure the safety of this little filly.