• Published 20th Feb 2020
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A journey through the elements. - PaladinponyT

While on his latest mission, Sunblade meets someone that will change his life forever.

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Chapter 5: The great jungle


The tribe of fire, compared to the other zebra tribes they are the smallest. Even the fallen tribe had more members than them. But, what they lacked in numbers, they made up for in pure skill. Every zebra martial arts could trace their origins back to the fire tribe. Their only side branch was more like a promotion of rank; the branch of lightning was the emperor's elite guards. They all cared deeply about honor and duty, and fire was their heart.

Twenty-eight hyenas were dead, and the zebras of the fire tribe were busy burying them. The three of us watched as the bodies were stripped of their armor. Placing them in individual graves, the zebras drove stakes into the ground and placed their enemies' helmets on them. It was a sign of respect.

The purple zebra of the lightning branch approached us, he spoke to us in Equestrian, "What are you doing out here?" His voice was deep, and the question felt more like a demand.

We were grateful, but I was not in the mood to be interrogated. We were tired, and Jameer was injured. Annoyed and suspicious, I said, "Could ask you the same and we are under no obligation to answer."

My words were more then discourteous considering they just saved us. However, it was unlikely that so many of the emperor's best fighters were out here for no reason. The purple zebra gave us a burning glare, I readied myself, but even if all three of us fought him only he would be left standing. Looking at Zecora, I wondered what she would do if it came to blows with her own people.

In that moment of doubt, our zebra friend stepped in between us and the purple zebra, "According to the law of hospitality," she began, "Visitors to our lands are to be given food, shelter, and protection."

The purple zebra was not amused, "I know this, but it is odd to find three travelers in such a treacherous area."

A good argument, but Zecora stood her ground, "That may be, however, under the law your suspicions mean nothing and you cannot act against us without just cause."

That was true, but it didn't stop them from following us. Jameer would look back at them once or twice; he tried not to show his nervousness. His wing was bandaged, but he gave no sign of it bothering him.

"I wish they would stop looking at us like that," Jameer whispered to me. "It doesn't help that they're so quiet, why aren't they talking?"

I answered him in a low voice, "They're not allowed to, only the lightnings are permitted to speak with outsiders."

"What about Zecora?" he asked, looking at her.

"As long as you and I are around, they won't even speak to her."

"Do they not trust us that much?"

I nodded, "It keeps them from hesitating, say someone you talked to and become friends with turned out to be an assassin. You might not be able to stop them."

Jameer had an understanding look on his face, it was certainly harder to hurt a friend then someone you had never said a word to. A few hours passed before our short road paid off. The great jungle loomed in front of us, the gigantic twisted trees were like a wall as we stood at the entrance. What was left of the old jungle road was broken, and roots stuck out in places.

"Reminds me of the Everfree Forest," Jameer said, staring at the trees.

"No, this place is nothing like the Everfree," Zecora said next to us.

Curious, we asked her why that was. Our zebra friend looked calm, but her eyes and voice betrayed her, "From the accounts of those who have gone in and survived; there are monsters that live within. And, from what is said about them, they are worse than anything in the Everfree."

"What could be worse then Timberwolves, Cragadiles, Cockatrices, and Manticores?" Jameer asked, fearing the answer.

Zecora looked grim, "Lizard-men, Enormous apes, and Giant spiders."

Jameer's face turned a little pale at the words 'Giant spiders', but everything else we had no knowledge of. The purple zebra of the lightning branch walked up to us.

"And, there are rumors that some of the fallen tribe lurk beneath these trees." he said coldly.

"Who are the fallen tribe?" Jameer made the mistake of asking.

"We do not talk about them," The lightning zebra nearly yelled, "It brings bad fortune."

Despite the danger, we entered the jungle. It was surprisingly dark even though the sun was high in the sky. Vines wrapped around the trees like huge ropes. There was barely any sound and the smell in the air was unsettling. The ten zebras behind were keeping their eyes and ears open for trouble. Jameer and I were ready to draw our swords at the first sign of danger. As we walked, the plants seemed to move and watch us.

"What kind of zebras would want to stay in such a place?" asked Jameer, breaking the silence.

The question woke memories long buried, memories of war and darkness. My voice became sad as I answered, feeling that Jameer needed to know.

"The kind that are cursed," my words were cold and troubled, "Long ago, The Punda Mwezi led a great rebellion against the empire. Zebra fought zebra, and the land burned. Even though they were outnumbered, the Punda Mwezi had one weapon that made them almost unstoppable."

"What weapon?" Jameer asked, I could tell he was scared.

"Black sorcery," my answer felt disgusting in my throat, "They were known to be powerful practitioners of blood magic and necromancy."

Jameer looked sick, "But, that's so...."

"Evil," I finished for him.

He nodded.

Zecora, who had been very quiet, spoke next, "They were corrupted by wicked spirits, who filled their hearts with darkness."

The jungle began to grow dark, night was falling and we needed to stop. On one side of the road, we found a spot to make camp. Zecora and Jameer sat talking while I made dinner; watching them it was easy to see that their bond was growing. It was good to see Jameer connecting with Zecora; he had not been with anypony since Clearwing had passed away. When the cooking was done, the two came over and we ate.

Before going to sleep, Zecora asked me how I knew about the Punda Mwezi rebellion. After all, it was a point in history that the zebras tried very hard to erase. There was no point in hiding the truth, Zecora had already proven herself. Taking a deep breath, I told both of them.

"I was there during the rebellion."

Zecora was completely shocked, "But, that was 100 years ago."

I nodded.

Jameer knew the truth of my origin, so he explained it to her. I had told him after he saved my life, now Zecora knew who I really was. Telling them about the entire war would have taken too long, so I told them only about the final battle. How the emperor at that time formed an alliance with Equestria and the lions to finally put down the rebels. After 3 hours of bloodshed, we had captured the remaining Punda Mwezi. For their sins, they were all banished beyond the borders of the empire, never to return.

Later, with the fire tribe keeping watch, the three of us laid down to sleep.