• Published 20th Feb 2020
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A journey through the elements. - PaladinponyT

While on his latest mission, Sunblade meets someone that will change his life forever.

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Chapter 2: shamans


By air or sea for any to reach Zebrica they have to pass The Wall of the Empire. As the first line of defense nearly all zebras on the islands learn to fight. All trouble makers quickly find out just what the water tribe can do. Sunblade had learned that lesson too, he had watched as some unruly pirates had been beaten senseless. Now I saw just how scary the zebras could be; Red Beak was learning this too. As the zebras looked ready to pull all his feathers out.

There was a long moment of tension as everyone in the tavern held their breath. A voice suddenly came from the front door. The voice was old with a thick zebra accent.

"What's all this?" An elderly zebra mare walked in.

The other zebras lowered their weapons and moved away from Red Beak. The humanoid parrot slowly turned in a cold sweat. The elderly zebra addressed him.

"I suggest that you and your crew go back to your ships before the Sea Lord hears about this."

Red Beak gave me and Sunblade once last look before he and his crew marched out. The elderly zebra slowly approached us.

"Ster-Swaard," She said to Sunblade. "You should have let us know you were coming."

He smiled at her, "I would have Umbara, but our mission is delicate."

Umbara looked at me, "I see. Well if there is anything I can do to help you two."

"That would be appreciated," I said gently.

This mare had a great hidden power within her. I made a guess based on the information in the book I have about this land that she could be a shaman. If true that would explain the respect and authority the other zebras gave her. In zebra society, shamans are their spiritual leaders and connection to the elements. It was not easy to become a shaman just like how it is rare for a unicorn to be born with magic as their talent.

"Then follow me please," said Umbara.

We followed her out of the tavern and into the crowded streets. All the zebras made way, some even knelt when we passed. She led us up a green hill to a large blue gate with two dolphins engraved on it. A pair of guard zebras with the silver armor and tridents stood on either side. Umbara said something to them in their native tongue and they opened the gate. Inside was a large vineyard with many colored grapes around us. A large mansion of gray marble stood before us. There was a fountain that showed a zebra stabbing a shark with a harpoon.

"Umbara!" yelled a cheerful voice.

A middle-aged zebra with a long curved mustache and small goatee appeared. He was wearing sea green and white silk; he had one earring with a small blue gem. From his rich appearance and noble face it was easy to guess he was the Sea Lord. His stripes were a light blue and he moved with the grace of a younger stallion.

"I was not expecting you until this evening," the Sea Lord said reaching us, "And, I see you brought guests."

We bowed in respect and introduced ourselves. The Sea Lord gave us a warm welcome and led us into the manor. We came to a large sitting room full of enormous pillows. The Sea Lord sat himself on a red one. Umbara took an emerald green one, and Sunblade shared a blue one with me. The Sea Lord cleared his throat.

"So, what business brings you here?"

Sunblade explained our mission as I took a minute to survey the room. Zebra architecture was still strange to me. The odd patterns and colors made me feel like we were sitting in a kaleidoscope. After my friend finished, the Sea Lord had a troubled look.

"Bad business, that treasure," he said. "It's causing unrest between the tribes, and these fortune hunters are not helping, either."

"The spirits are unhappy, as well," Umbara remarked. "Feelings of greed poisoned them."

"Why hasn't the emperor put his hoof down on these issues?" inquired Sunblade.

The Sea Lord shook his head. "He only holds sway over security matters. Unless the tribes come to blows, or a foreign power threatens us, his hooves are tied."

Umbara gave her input, "We shamans have already spoken out against searching for the treasure. A dragon's curse is on that hoard, and some in the tribes are forgetting the old ways."

My feathers ruffled. "I'm not clear on the issue here. Can someone please explain?"

Sunblade spoke first. "As new ideas and technology enter the empire, many zebras have begun questioning the role of shamans. They are putting more faith in the physical world, not knowing the consequences."


"We are not like you ponies," Umbara interjected. "We need the spirits' blessings to survive, without them our homeland would fade into ruin. Hatred, greed, and pride would consume us."

We could understand that, the first homeland of the ponies was lost because of hatred. I looked to Sunblade our eyes filled with determination. My eyes returned to the Sea Lord and Umbara.

"How can we help?"

Umbara smiled, "Find that treasure hoard and destroy it, you may take your artifact back to Equestria with our thanks."

The Sea Lord nodded, "Removing the treasure would clear up some of the unrest and with nothing to look for, the hunters will leave."

"Do you know where the treasure is?" asked Sunblade.

Umbara answered, "Word in the council is it's in the forbidden mountains, beyond the great jungle."

"Is there anything we need to watch out for?" I asked.

Both zebras looked uneasy from that, memory brought me back to the book about this land. Strange and powerful creatures roamed through the tall grass and dark trees.

"Only the tribes on the mainland can answer that," said the Sea Lord grimly, "All I will tell you to watch out for are the other treasure hunters."

Red Beak and his ilk were obvious, but other hunters may already be ahead of us. The Sea Lord and Umbara got up from their cushions. We did the same. The two Zebras took a moment to talk to each other in their own tongue. It sounded like rhyming mumbles. They turned back to the two of us.

"Umbara says you need a fast ship." said the Sea Lord.

We nodded.

"Then you're in luck. I have just the one. Follow me."

He led us to another room in the mansion, and tapped three squares on the floor. I heard a number of strange sounds as the floor began to drop. It slowly formed into a long stairwell that met a lit hallway. Sunblade was unfazed, but the sight was a marvel. Zebra engineering was truly amazing. The Sea Lord gestured for us to follow as he headed down the stairs. As we reached the hallway, unease crept through my feathers. Being underground was unpleasant for a pegasus. I adjusted my wings to shake off the feeling. The end of the hall opened up into an underground dock. Inside was a large ship with golden sails. It was made of bleached white wood with a silver figurehead. It was shaped like a seapony. Approaching the ship, the Sea Lord yelled something in his language. One by one, a crew of zebras came down from the ship. They all wore similar clothes, suggesting they were military. The largest of them approached the Sea Lord. Unlike the others, this zebra had brown stripes and a thick, bushy beard. He bowed to the Sea Lord, who turned to address us.

"This is Nemo, captain of my personal ship," he said, gesturing toward the bearded newcomer. "He and his crew will take you to the mainland."

Sunblade examined the great ship. "Is it fast?"

That got a chuckle from the Sea Lord. "With Umbara's blessing, and these brave sailors working the sails, you will reach the mainland in a few hours."

My eyes were wide; not even the Wonderbolts could go that fast. Sunblade looked at me.

"If you want to back out, tell me now."

I smiled and shook my head. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

He smiled back, then looked to the Sea Lord. "We accept."

With that, we climbed onto the boat after bidding Umbara and the Sea Lord farewell. The golden sails were unfurled, and Umbara prayed to the wind and ocean to give us speed. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind took hold of the sails and we shot out of the hidden dock. The feeling was exhilarating as we cut through the bright blue water. It felt as if we were barely touching the surface. Sunblade tapped me on my shoulder and led me down into the living quarters.

After looking around to make sure we were alone, Sunblade began to speak, "When we get to the mainland, we will need to ask the earth tribe zebras for a map."

"Why? I thought you had been to Zebrica before."

"I have only been to their capital and a few villages," he said trying to hid his fear. "The great jungle is a dark and dangerous place, and I know nothing about it."

"What about the forbidden mountains?"

"According to legend, they are the home of the fallen tribe."

My mind really did not like the sound of that, and Sunblade's haunted look did not help. I turned my mind to other questions. "Was it really wise to tell them about our mission?"

Sunblade nodded. "Umbara is a friend, and the Sea Lord is trustworthy. They want the artifact gone as much as we want to find it first."

"Are we really going to destroy the treasure hoard?"

"It is the right thing to do, Jameer. Like the artifact, so long as it is there, the temptation for it will be excruciating."

A sigh passed my lips. "Seems like a waste to ruin all that gold."

Sunblade chuckled softly while shaking his head. "Alright. We will take one sackful."

We both shared a laugh and found a cabin to rest in. I spent most of the time reading further into my book. According to the text, the zebras of the ground, or the earth tribe, were the most numerous clan of zebras. Like earth ponies back in Equestria, they were mostly laborers. They built villages, raised farms, and provided tools to the other tribes. Their side branches sounded intimidating.

"Sunblade, what do you know about the branches of metal and magma?"

My companion looked up from cleaning his sword. "Well, the metal ones are smiths, They make tools, weapons, armor, and jewelry. Some nobles back home even wear some of their craft. The branch of magma has the miners. They dig for gems, coal, and precious metals. I once saw one break a falling boulder with his head."

I blinked, he had to be pulling on my wings. As I was about to reply, we felt the ship under us began to slow down. We got up and left the room; from the top deck we saw a large city just a few minutes away. The buildings were tall and made from stone, looking at it feelings of awe entered my heart. As far as ponies knew, zebras could not use magic. However, if they could build places like this, it was incredible, I had always held admiration for earth-ponies for what they could do. Now the zebras had my respect, too. The ship came to a stop at the harbor where more ships sat moving up and down on the water. Captain Nemo walked over to us as the gangplank was lowered. He started talking, but I could not understand him. So, letting Sunblade talk to him, I walked down to the dock. The air was warm and clear, and my wings felt anxious so I took off my cloak and jumped into the sky. Flying above the city, everything looked very beautiful.