• Published 20th Feb 2020
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A journey through the elements. - PaladinponyT

While on his latest mission, Sunblade meets someone that will change his life forever.

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Chapter 4: laughing in fire


The city streets were quiet and nearly empty as the three of us left the inn. Zecora's friend had given us enough supplies for our journey. Upepo had been strange to me, but her sweetness had reminded me of home. We left the city through the north gate and we made our way east. The road was made of beaten earth and stretched out far beyond our sight. The tall grass around us appeared to reach up to our knees. The idea of having to walk through it soon was making me anxious. Who knows what could be hiding within. When the wind blew through the grass it gave off a surprisingly sweet smell; watching the grass move it almost seemed like water. The few trees we saw were not grouped together, instead they stood alone. The land just kept going and going it was incredible, it was like the open sky clear and beautiful.

As we walked, Zecora took the time to try and teach me some of her people's language. It was difficult, a few times my tongue got tied, other times I just said the wrong thing entirely. And, remembering which word meant what was even harder. Our new companion was very patient, often she would just smile in amusement whenever I made a mistake. Her smile was so pretty, it made my mane and feathers tingle. Pushing these thoughts away, I focused on how the words were pronounced.

After maybe 5 hours of walking, we stopped to take a break. We sat down on some large rocks near a small lake. Sunblade told us to fill up our canteens. From the way he expressed urgency, I suspected we would not see water again for sometime. The food Upepo gave us was good, but the spices were a little too hot. Spicy food was not something I was used to. Unlike me, Sunblade and Zecora were unaffected by the food. As we rested, Zecora began to sing something in her language. It sounded like a love song, like the kind of thing you would sing to someone you cared for. Sunblade got up and said he was going to look ahead, leaving me and Zecora alone.

The zebra mare had stopped singing and was looking out at everything over the horizon.

"How long have you been away from home, Zecora?" I asked.

"About 4 years," She answered, "But, the Everfree Forest is my home now."

"If it is alright to ask, why did you leave?"

She gave me a sad smile, "Many of the Sun tribe, including my parents are turning their backs on the spirits, and it has corrupted them."

"Oh, I see."

"My father is a drunk and has succumbed to gluttony; my mother, she is envious and quick to anger."

"Did they ever hurt you?" I asked, concerned.

Tears fell down her cheeks, "Yes, but it is not something I wish to remember."

I moved over to her and put a wing around her, "Then don't, just forget I asked."

She cried into my shoulder, as I sat there feeling ashamed. Sunblade came back, when he saw us, a look of worry appeared on his face. I raised my other wing to keep him from asking or coming closer. After Zecora finished, she rubbed her eyes and got up. She walked passed Sunblade and over to the small lake.

"What happened?" asked my friend, watching Zecora walk away.

"I got too curious."

He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but he didn't press me for answers.

Later, Sunblade led us up a small hill, on the other side was a dead zone. No, grass grew and there were bones; Sunblade drew his sword and walked in. Zecora and I followed slowly, this place screamed dangerous. A foul-smelling steam was in the air and bones crunched under our hooves. Boiling pools of water were here and there as we moved cautiously. This place didn't just look creepy, there was a dead feeling all around us. Like, some unseen hand was going to reach out and take us at any moment. Then we heard it, laughter coming from everywhere.

"BACK TO BACK!" Sunblade ordered.

We did as we were told, and I pulled my own sword. Standing on my back legs, I held my blade at the ready. From all sides they came out of the foul mist. They were dog-like beasts wearing copper scaled armor; on their helmets were small curved blades. These were the laughing bandits, otherwise known as hyenas. In my book, they were described as ruthless and ravenous monsters. And now I saw why, the way they were looking at us said, "We are not just going to rob you."

My muscles tensed as the hyenas bared their teeth. The sounds coming from them were part laughter and growl, as they circled us. Zecora was whispering what sounded like a prayer, as the beasts got closer. However, they would find no easy meal here. All at once they rushed us. Some leapt into the air, while others charged. A shield of silver light suddenly appeared around us and the beasts ran right into it.

I smirked as the hyenas were thrown back. Sunblade dropped the shield and yelled, "NOW!"

I let my training take hold, and struck at the foul creatures. I cut one in the neck, and bashed another with a wing. As a student of wing-chung, I learned how to make my wings as hard as metal. It had been tough and painful work, but now it was like I fought with three blades instead of one. Sunblade cut down three hyenas; their armor was worthless against him. The Alicorn blade was not a sword that could be turned easily. Zecora took off her cloak to move more freely. She moved elegantly, dancing around all our enemies' blows. The hyenas used their teeth, their claws, and their spiked helmets, but nothing could touch her. After a few seconds of evasion, our zebra friend went on the attack. She jumped over a hyena and hit him in the back of the neck. I saw the beast's eyes roll up as it fell to the ground.

"Zebras are scary," I thought to myself.

I deflected two more enemy attacks before a bold hyena came up and bit me on my left wing. I gave him a look like you would a mosquito. His eyes went wide as I spun and slammed him into his friends. My wing was bleeding, but the pain was barely noticeable. The pain of my training had been far worse. Taking a quick look at the battlefield, I saw that fifteen hyenas were either dead or too weak to continue; however, we were still outnumbered. Unexpectedly, more zebras appeared, but I had never seen this type before. Some had stripes as red as blood, others were yellow. To my shock, the one in front was purple.

Noises of fear came from the hyenas, as the newcomers pounced. They were artists when it came to fighting. I still cannot describe what it was I saw, but one thing was for sure, Zecora's style was nothing compared to these warriors.