• Published 20th Feb 2020
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A journey through the elements. - PaladinponyT

While on his latest mission, Sunblade meets someone that will change his life forever.

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Chapter 3: A new friend.


After speaking with Captain Nemo, I made my way into the city. Jameer was flying high above me, he circled the buildings, no doubt taking in all their wonders. Many zebras stopped to look up at my friend, you could not blame them. It was rare to see a pegasus in these lands. Jameer landed in front of me; he looked happy as he put his cloak back on. That flight had really helped to raise his spirits.

"This place is huge," he said. "But, it's not as big as Manehattan."

That was true, only the capital was big enough to rival the cities of Equestria.

"This city's name is Bahari," I said, remembering the first time seeing it. "It is shared by The earth tribe and water tribe."

Jameer looked around and saw all the different colored zebras. Some had the light and dark blue of the water tribe, but the majority had the brown, silvery gray, and orange of the earth tribe.

Jameer looked confused, "I understand the brown, but why are some of them orange and gray?"

It was amusing to see that perplexed look on him, "The gray is for metal and the orange is for magma."

Jameer closed his eyes and shook his head, "So many to keep track of."

His voice was annoyed, but he was starting to get a better handle on things. We moved down the red brick street as wagons passed us and street vendors shouted out their goods and services. There were a few shops owned by foreign merchants, but very few outsiders went beyond The Spine of the Ocean. Those who did found great opportunity by introducing zebras to luxuries of other kingdoms. And it showed, as some zebras wore clothing from Equestria. As we passed a group of zebras sitting around a radio, I caught a warning from it.

"For those traveling down the grass roads please use caution," It said in the zebra language, "More laughing bandits have been seen raiding more caravans and there are unconfirmed rumors that the lions are on the move. Until we know more please stay alert."

My mind was immediately troubled by what I heard, "There's no way King Leonidas would risk a war with the zebras," I thought to myself. "The lions may be proud, but they're not stupid."

Distracted, I accidentally ran into something. Falling to the ground, a sound of pain came from ahead of me. Realizing that I hit someone, Jameer helped me up so I could apologize. The young zebra mare got up and brushed off her brown cloak. My eyes took in her appearance, she was colorless and she wore a number of gold rings around her neck. There were gold rings around her left hoof, too. When she looked at us, a warm smiled appeared on her face; she spoke with a slight accent, but she spoke pony very well.

"I am very sorry pony, I should really watch where I am going." She rhymed.

I was surprised, only zebras who visited other lands rhymed. It was a way for zebras to appear less dangerous to other races.

"No, it was my fault." I said feeling a little warm. Hoping my face was not red, I reached out a hoof to greet her. Jameer did the same, but he used a wing.

"My name is Sunblade, and this is Jameer."

The zebra mare gave us a small bow and introduced herself, "Zecora is my name and it is nice to meet you today."

That name, I knew that name.

"Wait, you're the zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest?" The surprise in my question was unmistakable.

Amused, Zecora answered, "I am, now tell me what brings you to my homeland?"

I hesitated, Twilight and her friends knew and trusted Zecora, however, was it fair for me to involve her? Our mission was going to get dangerous soon, but still it would be helpful to have a third companion. I looked at Jameer, who gave me a nod and smiled. We led Zecora away from the crowded streets, and I explained our quest to her. She listened in silence until I asked her if she could help us.

"In what way may I help the two of you?" she asked.

"For one, we need a translator, or at least Jameer does."

My friend gave me a look, but I pushed on. "Second, other zebras might be more comfortable speaking with you than with us. Third, you might have knowledge we need."

Zecora thought for a moment, then nodded.

"One more thing; you don't have to use your rhyme-speak. I know the customs of your people, but you don't need to use them here."

Zecora chuckled. "It's been a while since I used my regular voice. Very well, I'll talk normally."

We left the alley and headed uptown. I looked back and forth, finally seeing the shop we needed. When we entered, the cartography store was small. Like Zecora, the elderly shopkeeper was colorless. He wore red silk and a feathered hat.

"Welcome to Wanderer's Aid. How might I help you?" he said in Zebra.

"We are looking for a map to the great jungle, please."I replied, surprising him.

Not many outsiders spoke Zebra, but my mother taught me when I came with her to this land. The shopkeeper came around his desk and searched some old shelves. He pulled out a large map and laid it down on the nearest table. The great jungle and the mountains beyond were at least three days away. Studying the map, I looked for a shorter path, but the only one led us through bandit territory. Though our mission required speed, the risk was heavy.

"Have any other outsiders seen this map?" I asked the shopkeeper.

He nodded, "A few, but none like you."

I considered that, "Can you tell us about them?"

"There were three different groups, the first was five griffens, the second was one minotaur and two gargoyles, the last was four dragons."

So, Red Beak and his crew hadn't been here yet.

"Do you remember which way they all took?"

He pointed to different roads out of the city, "The griffens and dragons went this way."

I look closely at the path; it led through the lions' land, but the two groups had their wings. The shopkeeper put a hoof on another road, "The minotaur and gargoyles took this road."

Looking at it, I saw how cautious the last group was. They were taking the long way, but it would be safer. I walked over to my companions and we discussed the information. During my talk with the shopkeeper, Zecora had whispered everything to Jameer, so there was no need to repeat myself. As we feared, our opponents were ahead of us; however, our greatest foe was behind us. That we counted as lucky, and if our luck held the other groups would run into trouble.

"It sounds like all the roads will have problems," Jameer said frustrated. "But, I say we take the short path. Yes, it will be dangerous, but if we try to take an easy road then we will lose this race."

"I agree with Jameer," said Zecora. "We are behind in this hunt, and the longer we delay, the harder things will become."

That was true, once Red Beak reached the mainland, all he had to do was fly his airships over the jungle and into the mountains.

"Very well, but we are going to need supplies." I said, knowing what we had was not going to be enough.

After giving 20 bits to the shopkeeper, we left to look for a place to rest before heading out. Zecora led us to an inn she had been to before. The inn was made of light yellow stone, giving it a candle flame appearance. Surprisingly, the innkeeper was a zony. It was not unheard of for a zebra and pony to fall in love and have children. However, many traditionalists hated these kinds of relationships; they saw it as a fouling of the zebra bloodline. Zecora and the zony mare greeted each other warmly; later, Jameer and I would learn that they were childhood friends. The zony mare's name was Upepo and she showed us to a big room with three beds. Upepo and Zecora wished to catch up, so all four of us sat down to talk. When Zecora took off her brown cloak, I was surprised by the sun glyph on her flanks.

"Zecora, you're a member of the Sun tribe?" I asked confused.

Zecora and Upepo smiled and chuckled a little.

"Indeed I am," she answered. "But, I understand your mix-up. Like the wind tribe, I am colorless and like them I have traveled to other lands."

"That is how we met," Upepo said happily. "My father was from the wind tribe."

"Can you tell us more about your tribe?" asked Jameer.

"Gladly." said Upepo.

They began to explain the wind tribe and its interesting history, I already knew these things from spending time with the tribe myself. But, Jameer was eager to learn more. The wind tribe were explorers, they traveled to far off places looking for stories, ancient places, new cultures, and old lore. They were pacifists and believed deeply in a great balance. Because the wind has no color they choose not to paint their stripes. However, their side branches were very different, the branch of smoke worked for the emperor as spies. And, the branch of poison made potions out of rare dangerous plants. After the two had filled Jameer's ears with happy stories of their people, my friend asked, "Tell us about the Sun tribe, Zecora."

The zebra mare suddenly looked uncomfortable; I could tell something was bothering her. So, I explained the Sun tribe to Jameer for her, "The Sun tribe is made from the oldest and greatest of the high nobility. Their stripes are painted gold and they hold the most seats on the council. The emperor is usually chosen from these old families."

"That sounds unfair." Jameer said, frowning.

"It is the way things have always been," Zecora said sadly. "That is why I left, so I would not become like my parents."

Upepo had a look of sympathy for her friend, "I think it is time you all got some sleep, I will prepare your supplies for tomorrow."

"Thank you, Upepo, please have everything ready and wake us an hour before sunrise." I instructed.

The zony mare nodded and left the room. After Upepo was gone, I took off my gray cloak and continued speaking, "Zecora, we told you a little of our mission, but we never told you what the artifact is."

"And, you don't have to tell me." she said walking over to her bed.

"Still, if you are going to risk your life with us, then you should know why it is so important."

Jameer agreed.

"Very well." she said, climbing onto the bed.

Taking a deep breath, I started, "The artifact is a helmet, made by the alicorn of storms. He made it for the first leader of the pegasi and it was passed down from leader to leader. After Equestria was founded, the helmet was lost. No pony knew what happened to it, but now the princesses found evidence regarding its whereabouts."

Jameer cut in, "That's how we know it's inside the dragon's hoard, and we need to find that helmet before anyone else."

"And why is this helmet so important?" asked Zecora curiously.

My friend answered her in a troubled voice, "That helmet has the power to destroy entire kingdoms. It holds the power of a thousand hurricanes."

Our zebra friend's eyes grew wide with fear. Now she understood the gravity of our mission. If the helmet falls into the wrong hands, that creature would have the power to rule the entire world.