• Published 20th Feb 2020
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A journey through the elements. - PaladinponyT

While on his latest mission, Sunblade meets someone that will change his life forever.

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Chapter 1:The sea

The enormous ship cut through the waves below as I felt the wind blow through my silver mane. The crew of the ship moved back and forth going about their assignments. I watched them tie ropes, mend the sails that had been damaged, and scrub the old brown wooden deck. We had set out from Equestria three days ago; luckily, we had not encountered any sea monsters. However, we had been beaten by storms. I knew we were still a day away from the islands of the zebra lands. I had been to those islands many times while on missions for Celestia; now I was going to the great grass plains of Zebrica.

The princesses needed me to go there and find an ancient Equestrian artifact. As I looked off into the horizon, I heard hoof steps behind me. I looked back to see my good friend Jameer Ironwings; he was not used to being on a ship. I could not blame him; as a pegasus, he was more comfortable in the sky than on the ground. He stood next to me and looked out at the sea too. He was taller then me and made of pure muscle. His mane was blue like the sea and his coat was white like mine. We had met on one of my adventures and Jameer saved my life.

Jameer had volunteered to accompany me to Zebrica and I was grateful for his help.

"Are we almost there, Sunblade?" he asked me in his deep voice.

I shook my head, "We will reach the islands tomorrow, but the mainland is still two days away."

He grimaced.

"What's wrong?"

"When we reach the islands, can we find another ship?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"You can't smell it? The whole crew stinks."

I chuckled, "I noticed, but don't tell them that. Sailor-ponies get prickly when you point things like that out."

He looked behind us to make sure no pony had been listening in. Finding no one close by, he continued, "Do you remember what we are looking for?"

I nodded slowly, "Yes, but it's not safe to discuss that here."

Jameer agreed, and we walked back to our room. Going below deck was unpleasant; the smell of the old ship and the crew was worse down below. We passed a number of occupied hammocks and the sailors in them snored like a foghorn. We reached the door of our cabin and I teleported us inside. To keep our possessions safe, we chose to keep the door locked at all times. Our saddlebags sat on a table while our swords hung from pegs on the wall. I sat down on the bunk that served as my bed. Jameer sat on one of the chairs near the table. He pulled a book from his bags and opened it to the page he marked. It was a book about Zebrica, Jameer was trying to learn all he could before we got there. Whenever he asked a question, I pointed out the things that were out of date. I was one of the few ponies to have seen the strange land, but it had been a year since my last visit.

"What will be waiting for us on these islands, Sunblade?" Jameer asked not looking up from his book.

I levitated some water into a cup and took a short drink, "The Oseaan Sebras."

Jameer closed the book and gave me an odd look. Then, I remembered he didn't speak zebra, "Sorry, in their tongue that means 'Ocean Zebras.' They are members of the water tribe."

"And what else?"

"Probably different creatures from around the world. Zebrica has many rare and valuable resources, but there are also a number of dangers."

"Do you mind explaining the water tribe to me again, so I don't make any mistakes?"

I sighed deeply, this was going to be the third time I explained things. But, it was better to be prepared then to walk in blindly.

"Alright, listen closely this time, I'm tired and we both need sleep."

Jameer nodded.

"There are six zebra tribes and multiple side branches. The water tribe is the first one that travelers and outsiders meet because they live on the eight islands called The Spine of the Ocean. They also live in towns on the coastline of the mainland; they have one city that they share with another tribe. That is where they build their biggest and fastest ships."

We were interrupted by a loud knock at the door. I groaned and unlocked it with my magic. A sailor-pony with a tray of food walked in. Silently, he placed the tray on the table and walked out, closing the door. The crew had been suspicious of us since we got on board, now it seemed like they blamed us for the misfortunes they had suffered. Jameer ate some of the fruit from the tray while I started talking again.

"The water tribe is famous for their ships and ability to swim at very long distances. They worship the sea and the great spirits of water, they hunt sea monsters and have two side branches. The branch of steam has healers and merchants; they make medicine and sell all kinds of goods."

I paused to take a few bites of an orange I had levitated from the tray. Afterwards, I continued.

"The branch of ice has warriors, and they sail the frozen waters of the north. You will rarely see them on the islands or the mainland, but they will appear when they have things to trade."

"What kind of things?" Jameer asked, a little nervous.

"Whale oil, walrus tusks, furs, and goods from Yakyakistan."

My answer give Jameer a troubled look. I knew how he felt; I was still bothered by some of those too. However, both of us were relieved that the slave trade had ended. Ponies like us would have fetched a high price. I continued explaining, so we would not have to think about it.

"Not all of the water tribe lives on the islands, some live on the rivers of the mainland and some live on floating villages on top of lakes. Like the other tribes, they have their own styles of fighting due to the harsh environment. There is the way of the shark that uses weapons, the way of the turtle that focuses on defense, and the way of the sea-dragon that is used in underwater combat."

Martial arts was a specialty of the zebras; all the tribes had some form of it.

"This tribe sounds very formidable." Jameer said with a smirk.

"They are, so watch your steps or lose your hooves." I warned.

After we finished eating, I laid down on my bunk to sleep. My grey traveling cloak was serving as my pillow as I felt the ship rocking under me. Jameer went back to his book for another hour before jumping onto his own bunk. We slept until sunrise the next morning. After breakfast we gathered our things, the Alicorn Blade hung at my side in its simple brown scabbard as I wrapped my cloak around me. Jameer put on his own cloak of blue, red, and black; his sword was a master's katana with a dragon's mark hung under his left wing. The crew was singing a sailor song as we climbed up to the deck. The captain, wearing his blue and gold hat, was at the wheel. He was the only one not singing. His eyes were fixed on the island in front of us. Ships of different shapes and sizes were moving away and toward the docks. To my surprise, there were three airships from beyond the badlands. I nudged Jameer with a hoof.

"Be ready when we get off, there are pirates." I whispered.

Jameer looked at the ships and nodded.

The zebras on the dock were busy helping the crew to stop the ship and tie it to the dock. The gangplank was lowered and we were the first to get off.

"Let's find a ship to the mainland quickly," Jameer said, pulling his hood up, "I don't want to stay here too long."

I agreed and we headed into town. Zebras of the water tribe walked past us. They had blue stripes and many wore seashells, the nobles wore pearls and silks. Every zebra had a mark on their flanks; some resembled sea creatures, others looked like ocean waves. The smell of spiced food was heavy in the air, and on many of the shops were signs and masks. Each mask meant a different thing. Some were for welcoming, some for shielding from bad luck, and others were warnings to non-zebras. Guards moved up and down the crowded streets. They were armed with spears, curved hoof blades, and clubs with shark teeth.

When we saw the guards in silver steel, armed with tritons, I knew where we were.

"This is Sealord Point," I said to Jameer, "It the largest of the eight islands and home of the water tribe's leader."

"The sea lord right?"

"Yes, he and his warships are Zebrica's first line of defense during times of war."

"Have you ever been here before, Sunblade?"

I had to think about it for a moment, "Four times, once with the princesses and three times on my own."

We arrived at a sailor's tavern that belonged to a fat fishman; he had come from the badlands and made his home here. Inside were zebra sailors, a group of merchant ponies, and large group of sky pirates. Some of each group looked at us as we entered. I had been to this tavern before, so the owner knew me.

"Ster-swaard" he called out when he saw me, "It's been months since I last saw you, come in, come in. You and your friend can sit here."

He showed us to a table near the window, I was grateful it was not close to the pirates. The zebras looked away from us, but the other ponies and pirates kept an eye on us.

"What was that he called you, Sunblade?" Jameer asked curiously.

"It means star sword," I answered, taking off my hood, "It's what the zebras call me."

"I see."

The owner of the tavern brought us some food and water, and he sat down between us and smiled.

"It is good to see you Ster-swaard, I was wondering if you would turn up." he said with a slight gurgle in his voice.

"Why is that, Gill?" I asked, a little concerned.

"You haven't heard the news?" Gill asked confused.

Jameer and I shook our heads slowly.

"Well, the word is an ancient dragon has died, leaving a massive treasure hoard behind. Now, treasure hunters from all over are coming to look for it."

I looked at the pirates more warily.

"Burn me," I whispered.

"What?" Gill asked.

"They are here for the same thing we are." I answered, still looking at the pirates.

Jameer spoke next, "Are you sure, Sunblade?"

"What we are looking for is in that treasure hoard," I answered grimly.

"Darn it, I thought we were first," Jameer said frustrated.

I looked to Gill, "Do you know where we can find a fast ship to the mainland?"

"I'm afraid, the only ships fast enough to get you there quickly are the airships that belong to Red Beak."

Just then an anthropomorphic parrot kicked in the door and entered; he had bright red feathers and he was wearing a brown trench coat. An ornate cutlass hung from his back and two griffins in leather armor stood on either side of him. He had on a red and gold hat, and his beak was black with a red tip.

When Gill saw him he stood up and walked over to the front counter. From the scared look on Gill's face, Jameer and I guessed that was Red Beak. At the counter he asked for rum, Gill went to the back and brought back a large mug. Red Beak took a long drink, then spat the rum in Gill's face.

"That rum was too warm!" he yelled, "Are you trying to poison me?"

Gill shook his head hard as Red Beak reached for his sword.

"I would not do that if I were you!" I said loud enough for all to hear.

Red Beak stopped and turned to face us, "What did you just say to me, pony?"

I took a drink of water and spoke again, "Just some friendly advice." I said in a neutral tone.

The other pirates slowly got to their feet as Red Beak walked towards us. I gave Jameer a look not to draw out his sword. Red Beak stopped and stood over us. There was a long pause as no one moved, finally Red Beak spoke.

"Do you know who you are talking to, pony?"

I stared into his yellow eyes and smirked, "No, but do you remember where you are?"

Red Beak clearly didn't understand the question, as a look of anger appeared on his face. Once again he reached for his sword. The sound of weapons being pulled suddenly filled the tavern, Red Beak looked around to see dozens of zebras surrounding him.

"You see, these islands belongs to them," I started to explain, "You and I are guests here as long as you follow the rules. Break them and you find yourself turned into an unwelcome pest. We ponies call these islands The Spine of the Ocean, but would you like to know what they call them?" I asked, pointing to the zebras.

Red Beak began to sweat nervously as I continued, not waiting for a reply, "They call them, The Wall of the Empire."