• Published 21st Dec 2019
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Secrets and Lies (phase two) - keithsterling

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Chapter 21 (the End)

February 17, 2026, 1300 hrs Equestria Standard Time, Heavily damaged Capital City of Canterlot, Solar Empire, partially rebuild Old Grand Royal Palace, Royal ward.

The sounds of clicking heels echoes loudly in the tiled laid corridors of the partially rebuild Old Grand Royal Palace in Canterlot . Walking down the corridors wearing their standard military uniform were the Royal foals. Earlier today the three siblings met at the Canterlot International Airport as agreed upon.

As they were leaving the airport they came upon a displaced and dishearten group of Solar Empire citizens. Upon seeing the Royal foals approaching the group these downcast Solar Empire Citizens quickly perked up and regained their hope for a better future.

As their parents are the heart and soul of the Solar Empire, their foals are the hope, the confidence and the compassion that every Solar Empire’s Citizens need to continue to endure this trial. With that, the Royal Foals remained with the group for some time talking and reassure them that the Solar Empire will rise once again from the ashes. Somnus face glazes with shock upon realizing what time it was, he quickly reminds his older sister that their mother is waiting at the palace for them.

As the siblings emerge from tiled laid corridors, they arrive in a large room with a vaulted ceiling standing toward the center of the room was their mother, Empress Celestia Silverlight. She was wearing her navy blue military skirt uniform with black pumps on her large white plushy bare feet.

On her head behind her horn was a black beret with a gold sun symbol in the center. Her large white-feathered bird wings were folded on her back. A loving smile form on her snout as her foals enters the room. She walks up to them and hugs them in turn.

"Mother." The royal foals said in unison as they do a quick bow to her. Not since the emergency transmission after planetary bombardment upon the planet has she seen her foals together in the flesh.

"Welcome home my beloved foals," Celestia said calmly as she wiped away a tear from her cheek with the back of her hand.

"Thank you, mother." The royal foals said once again in unison as they follow their mother to the partially repaired palace garden to a large gazebo with a round table and five chairs. She served them some apple cider before allowing them to ask any questions they wish to ask her.

"Mother, this not your normal clothing , why?" Blueberry inquiry doing a slow, appraising glance of her mother from horn to foot.

"You are right, Blueberry, this not my normal clothing. I and your father thought it would be better for me to wear my military uniform went not helping with the rescue operations as a way to show our ponies that the Solar Empire will rise again." Celestia explains as she removed one of her pumps from her long and wide foot and set it on the ground. Before beginning to rub her sore foot with her hand, because it's been some time since she last wore her pumps.

"Talking about Father? Where is he, mother?" Aurora inquiry as she chuckled under her breath watching her mother rubbing her thick and plush foot to soothe the soreness out of it.

"Your father said he would be joining us in a little while. After he finishes speaking to Empress Cosmos about something." Celestia explains as she continues her efforts to soothe the soreness out of her feet. Her foals reel with astonishment with the information that their father is speaking with the leader of the space fleet in orbit over the planet.

"What? Father is speaking to Empress Cosmos the Supreme Ruler of Imperator Alicorns!" Blueberry exclaimed shocked as the siblings' jaws drop.

"Apparently, your father is the Great Grandson of Empress Galaxy Cosmos. Something I didn't even know considering went we started to date in secret, we agreed not to talk about our past their some things I was not proud of." Celestia said a bit ashamed as she spotted a transparent figure walking toward the gazebo. The figure puts one finger to his lips tells Celestia not to say anything to their foals as Celestia reply with a wink.

The figure walks up behind his youngest daughter and begins to play with her mane as her mother remains straight-faced. Soon Blueberry becomes annoyed with someone playing with her styled mane.

"Somnus! Stop playing with my mane. Do you know how long it takes for me to style my mane!?" Blueberry said in a huff as the figure stop playing with her mane.

"Huh? Blueberry, I have not touched your mane." Somnus said sourly as he snorted angerly at her. Before he can say another word he felt a tap on his shoulder a few times.

"What do you want Aurora? I am kind of busy with our little sister she accusing me of touching her mane went I didn't." Somnus said hotly as Blueberry return his stare.

"Huh? How did I get into this?" Aurora said confused as they heard two ponies chuckling coming from their mother's position and they look toward her.

A moment later their father appeared out of nowhere standing behind their mother, she bends her head back and he kisses her. Before he comes around and sits down on the chair next to her. A moment later he notices that Celestia's plushy feet are bare as she has removed her shoes and set them on the ground next to her.

"My love, you deserve a reward for wearing those heels. Went we get back to the base, you get your feet massage." Justice said knowing as Celestia kiss him on his cheek.

"That sounds wonderful, my love, but before that, our foals have a lot of questions for you about Imperator Alicorns and Eternal Magic," Celestia said as the siblings were flabbergasted with their mother's comment.

"Mother, how did you know?" Aurora asked wondering.

"I always knew, Aurora," Celestia said with a little bit of pride as a look of delight cross her face.

"But to answer your question Aurora. How I knew, I always sense that you could rise to a higher level of magic beyond Equestria Magic. But I could never figure out how. Until your father return to me. We spoke till early morning hours about that very subject we continued discussing the subject went I finish my normal Royal Duties. With no definitive answer your father told me to wait and see, I had a feeling he was stonewalling me about you and my other foals." Celestia said a little bit annoyed as she snorted at Justice and he chuckled into the back of his hand.

"So father what the answer?" Blueberry inquiries.

"Wait and see Blueberry, My great grandmother will be arriving soon," Justice said as they all gave a startled gasp suddenly the time around them seem to freeze as massive magic surge exploded behind them.

Behind them formed a massive exit portal of wormhole tube from that exit portal steps a very captivating light blue bodied Imperator Alicorn mare with imperial red mane and tail. Her 6ft 12in athletic equine figure was encased in an orange-yellow spacesuit. Why on her bare feet were knee-high boots. Folded on her back were her dazzling jeweled biomechanical feathered bird wings. This Imperator Alicorn mare was Empress Galaxy Cosmos all mother of Imperator Alicorns.

As she exited the wormhole tube the Royal Foals fight against the mystic pressure coming off this Imperator Alicorn as if they are caught in the squall of a powerful storm. Slowly the squall subsides leaving the Royal Foals with nauseating spurts of adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Their mother's face becomes a mask of terror she felt her own husband Eternal Magic ability and was not frightened of it. But this mare is on a whole another level than her own husband; she can easily manipulate the forces of Eternal magic, just as easily as she can breathe. As the wormhole exit portal collapses Justice stands up and walks over to the mare, he kneel and bows his head.

"Welcome to Canterlot, Your Imperial Majesty," Justice said formally as Galaxy was about to snort her displeasure at him using her formal title. But she thinks better of it and let it go.

"Raise Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight and give your great grandmother a hug." Galaxy said suggesting friendly as Justice stood up and walked over to his great grandmother.

As Empress Galaxy Cosmos unfurl her dazzling jeweled biomechanical feathered bird wings to hug her great-grandson the sun shines through the embedded gems casting the area in brilliant rainbow hue. The display from the supreme ruler of his father's people reminds Somnus of the beautiful stars that decorate his Auntie Luna night sky, slowly he becomes mesmerized by it.

"Somnus!" A familiar stallion voice calls snap him out of the enchantment the Empress' wings cause him. He is staring at the faces of Empress Galaxy and his father.

"Is this your foal the one who associated with the night, great-grandson?" Galaxy inquiry as she looks him over.

"Yes, Great grandmother, his name is Somnus. Mine and Celestia only son." Justice explains as she rubs her chin with her gloved hand.

"I must apologize; young Somnus normally my wing displays has no effect on my Imperator, its symbol of my imperial rank. But it seems that those associated with the night became a fascination with the display. It might be because the first stars' mystical power is stronger at night." Galaxy explains as Somnus shook his head a few times.

"Your Imperial Majesty, what is the first star may I ask?" Somnus inquiry as Galaxy lifts her hand up with her palm up. Suddenly a hologram of a five-pointed star appear above Galaxy's hand and begins to spin.

"In the mythos of our species the Imperator Alicorns, the first star gave us life and knowledge. I became the vessel for the first star as it was dying. The knowledge I was giving was eternal and creation. I was to protect these two ultimate powers that the first star gave me. I could have chosen to be the ultimate destroyer or ultimate protector, I chose to be both." Galaxy explains as the hologram above her hand transforms into Somnus's Great Grandmother Imperial Princess Ophelia Silverlight.

"To help me with this task I used the power of creation that First Star gave me to create my only daughter. Imperial Princess Ophelia Silverlight (the hologram transforms once more into Somnus's Grandmother Duchess Shimmering Diamond Silverlight and his other aunt Pharaoh Jamila Nebula) She, in turn, created her own two daughters Duchess Shimmering Diamond Silverlight and Duchess Jamila Nebula (The hologram once again transform into his father Emperor Justice Silverlight and his two sisters Chief of Police Serena Silverlight, Assistant Chief Seer Silverlight) with these five Imperator Alicorns at my side. I split the first Star's Power between myself and my daughter. In turn, she split the power among these five ponies that we call the Royal Family. With the First Star power now split among the Royal Family, we started to rule Imperator Alicorns species. That young Somnus is the mythos of the First Star." Galaxy explains as the hologram disappears sparking a discussion about the mythos between the three siblings.

February 19, 2026, 10:00 hrs Equestria Standard Time, in High Orbit over the North Pole of the Planet of Sol, Infinity Star Sector Imperator Alicorn 1st Royal Battle Fleet Sector protection Force, Imperator Alicorn Command Class Warship, IAS Limitless (flagship), Arbitrator Tribunal courtroom, Deck four of the flagship.

With every courthouse in every land laid to waste on the Planet of Sol, the High Treason trial of Ex-Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle is being heard aboard IAS Limitless the flagship for 1st Infinity Star Sector Royal Battle fleet. Under Imperator Alicorn law there is no death penalty sentence for High Treason, instead the guilty is placed in suspended animation for a set amount of time for their sentence.

As no trained Celestial Alicorn arbiter could hear this case because they are unfamiliar with the Terran pony species. The Arbiter duties fell to Emperor Justice Silverlight. Several months earlier before the trial even started he got a crash course in Imperator Alicorn law through his older sister Lady Serena Silverlight as she is trained Celestial Alicorn lawyer from infinity star sector.

From the crash course, he learned that he could appoint an assistant arbiter to help him decide the sentence for Princess Twilight Sparkle. He chose his wife, Empress Celestia Silverlight, as a way to ensure that Princess Twilight Sparkle gets a fair sentence.

Because Twilight Sparkle is his wife's ex-faithful student. After four hours of testimony from various witnesses including other members of Friendship assembly and closing arguments.

Ex-Princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle pleaded guilty to all charges against her, shocking her ex-mentor Princess Celestia and everyone in the courtroom at the time. With the guilty plea, Justice closed the court trial for Princess Twilight Sparkle and handed her over to the medical section. As they must perform a full medical evaluation (nude) on her to assess the minimum and maximum time her body can remain in suspended animation and her overall health needs.

"Because Twilight is in such good health. The med team assesses she can tolerate a minimum of 10 years in suspended animation without ill effects and a maximum of 40 years. That gives us sufficient wiggle room for her final sentence, Celestia." Justice explains as Celestia has a stony expression on her snout upset with her husband to pick her to pass a sentence on her ex-faithful student Twilight Sparkle.

"Justice! I demand you go out there and tell everyone that you framed Princess Twilight Sparkle with paid fake witnesses! If you don't you are forbidden from sleeping in my bed with me for as long as Twilight is in suspended animation." Celestia said demanding and threatening as Justice sat back in his chair and let out a long sigh.

"Who are you really going to hurt with that threat, Celestia?" Justice asked as Celestia's eyes brim over with tears.

"Me!" Celestia's voice cracking as she knew if she forbade him from sleeping with her the comfort she desperately needs to overcome this would be gone and she would never recover from it.

With that Justice stands up before he knew what happen his crying wife wraps her arms and wings around him seeking that comfort and reassurance that only her husband love can give to her. Slowly Justice begins to caress his wife's golden blond mane with his hand and whispers into her ear that this not the final chapter for Princess Twilight Sparkle.

This is only a pause in this chapter of her overall life with those comforting words from her husband. Celestia dries her tears with the back of her hand and decides the sentence for her Ex-faithful student Princess Twilight Sparkle it will be ten years in suspended animation for her crime of high treason against Equestria.

As they make their way back to the courtroom to render their verdict upon Twilight. Justice informs Celestia that he already decided that her sentence would be ten years in suspended animation for her crime of high treason against Equestria. The only reason he opted for deliberation was that he didn't want his beloved wife to feel like she betrayed her ex-faithful student and render the verdict too quickly. Celestia regard with an open fondness her husband as he took into account her own feeling about her ex-faithful student and allowed her to take the first step toward overcoming it.

"Mr. Silverlight?" Celestia said softly as they stop in connecting corridors for a little bit to talk.

"Yes, Mrs. Silverlight?" Justice asks as Celestia smile suggestively toward him.

"Went we were living in Ponyville prior to returning to Canterlot, so I could give birth to our foals and designate them Equestrian royalty as that was the Capital City of Equestria," Celestia explains as she kisses her husband lovingly on his cheek.

"I say one day I would allow you to find all my ticklish spots on my perfect nude body. Because you took my feelings into a account allow me to feel that I make a fair decision. I decided to reward you; you may explore my perfect Alicorn figure with any tickling implement. All I asked is if it gets too much for me, you will allow me to let it out." Celestia explains as Justice agrees to his wife's request.

It a few hours later in one of the officer quarters in the officer's wing of IAS Limitless (the flagship) a formal Solar Empire navy blue women's dress skirt uniform hangs on the wall of a private bathroom. Standing in front of a long bathroom mirror was Empress Celestia Silverlight she was clean the make-up off her face, even without make-up she still a gorgeous Alicorn mare. She tosses the make-up cleaning cloth into the bathroom's recycler receptacle.

Before carefully rolling up her sheer stockings and stuff those into the toes of women's size seventeen black high heel pumps sitting on the counter with a navy blue peaked cap with a gold sun symbol on it. After one last check Celestia leaves the private bathroom attired in a heather gray spa robe and black satin ballerina slipper on her fairly large white bare feet. She makes her way to the bedroom after double-checking to make sure the quarter's door is locked.

"My, you look very comfortable hon," Celestia comments as Justice sits on the edge of the bed wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants with his feet bare.

"You are tall girl, hon. if I am going to find all those ticklish spots on your perfect Alicorn figure. I must be able to be flexible. My full dress uniform doesn't allow that." Justice retorts as it caused Celestia to chuckle.

"All right, hon as you said I am a tall girl. So let get started." Celestia comments back as she started to remove her satin ballerina slippers, first allowing Justice to see her perfect plushy white feet with shapely toes as a preview of what is come next.

A moment later she unties the belt on her robe and let it drop to the ground. If Justice was not used to seeing his Alicorn wife's perfect and flawless shaped figure he would have certainly died from gazing on such beauty. Slowly Celestia climbs onto the bed and gets comfortable by lying down on it. After plucking one of his wife's wing feathers from her he plants a passionate kiss on her lips. Before the room is filled with a hysterical laughter as he uses his own wife feather to find all those ticklish spots on her nude body.

February 26, 2026, 2100 hrs Equestria Standard Time, in High Orbit over the North Pole of the Planet of Sol, Infinity Star Sector Imperator Alicorn 1st Royal Battle Fleet Sector protection Force, Imperator Alicorn prison/transport ship, IAS Bastille, deck seven, stasis chamber sentence room.

The stasis chamber sentence room is a large gray steel box with an observation room high above the main chamber in the center of the chamber was 6ft tall glass capsules with numerous monitoring instruments about the capsules. Fine-tuning the monitoring instruments was a female Imperator Alicorn Galactic Technician. Up in the observation room were Emperor Justice Silverlight, Empress Celestia Silverlight, and their Royal foals and remaining members of Princess Twilight Sparkle Friendship Assembly and President Luna Silverlight.

Notably absent from the observation room was Prince Shining Armor Sparkle, Twilight older brother, and Princess Cadence Sparkle, Twilight sister-in-law. Both the Crystal Empire monarchs head back to the Planet of Sol moment after the verdict was read in court.

Slowly a second door whoosh up in the chamber and in walks a beautiful purple colored alicorn mare with dark sapphire blue with moderate purple and brilliant rose streak mane and tail. Her 5ft 5in athletic equine figure was encased in gray-colored skin-tight life support suit with various connections about the suit to maintain essential body functions why she in suspended animation. A pair of plain-looking booties covered her small purple plush and smooth feet. This Alicorn mare was ex-princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle.

It five hours earlier the last request of Princess Twilight Sparkle before being frozen she asked for a private visit with Emperor Justice Silverlight in a private interview room. The last request was granted to her. A few moments later Emperor Justice Silverlight arrived at the private interview room. Sitting behind the table in a room wearing the gray-colored skin-tight life support suit was Twilight.

"You request a private meeting with me Twilight," Justice said taking a seat on the opposite side of the table in front of Twilight.

"I did Justice, as I always say I trust you. So I hope you will fulfill my last request." Twilight said dishearten as tears come to her eyes.

"I'll try if I can, Twilight." Justice comment.

"Thank you, Justice. My request is that you take over the rule of my Friendship Kingdom and be the head of my Friendship Assembly. It will be much easier to transition if the pony that takes over personally knows each member of my Assembly." Twilight explains as Justice gasps.

"I am sorry Twilight, but I can't fulfill that request. But I do know who Princess Cadence is going to appoint to rule your Friendship Kingdom and be the head of your Friendship Assembly." Justice explains as Twilight dries her tears.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"My younger daughter Solar Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. She will be the new Princess of Friendship and ruler of the Friendship Kingdom. As well as the head of the Friendship Assembly. Like me, she personally knows all the members of the friendship Assembly." Justice explains as Twilight form a beatific smile on her snout with the news that Solar Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight will be running the Friendship Kingdom.

"Now I can sleep for ten years, in dreamless sleep." Twilight said relieved.

Back in the stasis chamber sentence rooms, the Female Galactic technician has finish hooking up all the wires and tubes to Twilight's skin-tight life support suit, she kneels down and pulls the booties off of twilight's small purple plush and smooth feet as she must be frozen barefooted.

With her feet bare a chill runs up Twilight's back each time the warm balls of her feet make contact with freezing metal staircase leading up to the capsules. After helping Twilight into a comfortable position in the capsules, the Galactic Technician affixed a large oxygen mask to Twilight’s head and snout once in place.

She closes and seals the capsule glass door on the front. The moment she presses the button on the capsule it instantly frosts over. She watches all the monitoring instruments on the capsule begin to stabilize and turn her attention toward the instrument that is monitoring Twilight's brain waves. Once her brain waves stabilize, she knows that Twilight is now in dreamless sleep.

"May, the first star forgive you for your crime, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Went the first star forgives you, you will be once again welcome back from your dreamless sleep. Rest now in the cosmic embrace of the mother constellation. May she protect you from being harm as you seek forgiveness from the first star." The Galactic Technician recited as she draws a four-pointed star on the frosted glass of capsules over Twilight's heart.


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