• Published 21st Dec 2019
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Secrets and Lies (phase two) - keithsterling

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Chapter 19

February 14, 2026, 1000 hrs Equestria Standard Time, in High Orbit over the North Pole of the Planet of Sol, Infinity Star Sector Imperator Alicorn 1st Royal Battle Fleet Sector protection Force, Imperator Alicorn Command Class Warship, IAS Limitless (flagship), Observation Deck.

Empress Galaxy Cosmos pitter-patter in her light blue bare feet over the deck plates of the observation deck aboard her flagship the 'IAS Limitless' the main command and support vessel for the 1st Royal Battle Fleet. She is personally overseeing the rescue efforts on the Planet of Sol. For a self-imposed punishment, Galaxy has elected to endure the bone-jarring impacts of her soft bare feet on the hard steel deck plates of her ship for not arriving in time to stop the full-scale planetary bombardment.

"Mother! Please, you have punished yourself long enough it not your fault. You can only endure so much before making yourself incapacitated." A concerned and compassionate mare voice said as Galaxy walk toward the conference table.

Sitting in front of one of the holographic computer console chairs at the conference table directing several planetary bounded search and rescue shuttles from various Star Sectors from Imperator Alicorn space was Imperial Princess Ophelia Silverlight wearing a mineral green space suit with light gray trim and knee-high boots on her bare feet. Her gold bio-mechanical feather bird wings rest against her back.

"Ow! (Wince) the pain I feel on soles of my feet is nothing compared to the pain inflicted on the planet below by the planetary bombardment done by one of my children. A mother must take responsibility for the actions of her children. That the way of the first star my dear and beloved daughter." Galaxy said her voice explodes out of her in agony as dull, empty ache gnaws at Ophelia's soul seeing her mother punishing herself over the actions of one.

A moment later their soft ping from the back of the room as the elevator doors opens onto the observation deck from the car steps Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight wearing a navy blue space suit with silver trim and knee-high boots on his bare feet. His gold bio-mechanical feather bird wings rest against his back.

From his vantage point to the rear of the room his Great Grandmother's feet at badly bruised and raw from walking barefooted over steel deck plates for some time. Before speaking he looks toward his Grandmother Ophelia who already notices him as she was looking toward the elevator from her position at the conference table.

She shakes her head back and forth telling him not to say anything about the injuries on the bottom of his great grandmother's feet. He nods his head as a feeling of cold fist closes over his heart. Soon a memory that he wanted to forget resurfaces, that memory was back in the garden of the Eternal Palace with a small knife in his hand ready to kill himself.

After learning that an evil group captured his wife and tortured her trying to break her strong will. His gloved hand reaches into his spacesuit to retrieve round gold locket, he flicks it opens to reveal a small 3D holographic image of his wife wearing one her well-made dresses with her imperial regalia. Tears begin running down his cheek for some time as he closes the locket making the image disappear.

"I am so sorry, my dear Celestia I was not there, went they hurt you I couldn't protect you," Justice said his voice cold as death; he quickly composes himself as he must make his report to his Great grandmother and Grandmother of the search and rescue operations on the planet.

Meanwhile in the devastated Capital City of Canterlot in the heavily damaged Solar Empire with 97% fatalities Solar Empire troops with the help of Celestial Alicorns troops continue their search and rescue operations in the area. Overseen the whole operation in her Solar Empire was Empress Celestia Silverlight wearing a navy blue nano-suit with silver trim and knee-high boots on her white bare feet.

Her naturally pure white feathered bird wings were covered with grime from assisting with the search and rescue operations. Affixed on her head was a headset she was getting constant updates as each rescue team finishes a ward of the city, she would then order them to move on to the next ward.

As the chatter begins to die down on the radio an exhausted Celestia finds a quiet place away from the main operation in a bombed-out home in the city to catch her breath and rest for a little while. She reaches up and removes the headset from her head, before resting it on her neck and turning the volume down.

Earlier Celestia's heart filled with pain and sadness being bounded to Justice like she is, she knew the feelings came from him. Slowly she brings her gloved hands to her snout the moment she touches her snout she begins weeping.

Not since Eternal Palace garden has Celestia told her husband everything the group did to her to break her strong will as a way to help her heal the deep scars with her husband's love for her, the sudden sadness and pain from her husband brought it all back.

"Justice! Please know I, will never blame you, for what the Impervious Legion and their crazed leader Captain Nigel Obscura did to me. Never feel, that you failed to protect me. In your absence, our beloved foal's step-up to fill the void you left went you died. Be proud of the fact that our foal took on the roles of my Guardians. Till we could reunite in this future." Celestia said guilt-free as a Solar Empire Staff Sergeant come around the corner searching for her.

"Your Imperial Majesty! Please do not disappear like that again! Its my duty to protect you!" The Solar Empire Staff Sergeant said boldly as Celestia chuckled into the back of her hand.

"A little bit nervous about my husband, Staff Sergeant if something should happen to me," Celestia said teasing as the Staff Sergeant's facial muscles twitch nervously as a knowing smile form on her snout.

"Of course not, Your Imperial Majesty! It was the assignment I was given!" The Solar Empire Staff Sergeant said very boldly as he assumes a posture of superiority.

Soon Celestia's snout quirks in annoyance with the Staff Sergeant. She's never one to make a snap judgment upon any pony but the sudden arrogance displayed by the Staff Sergeant has rubbed her the wrong way. In the loudest Canterlot voice, Celestia lay down the law upon the arrogant Staff Sergeant for all to hear.

Within the Royal army, every soldier knew that the Staff Sergeant had arrogance streak and they knew he would rub the pony the wrong way someday. But they never thought that pony he was going to rub the wrong way would have been the Empress of the Solar Empire Celestia Silverlight. Once she was done, she drags the Staff Sergeant by his collar back to the camp and handed him over to a Master Drill Sergeant ordering him to retrain this Private and to make sure to break his arrogant this time. The Master Drill Sergeant salutes the Empress and takes new private back to basic training.

Sometime later riding the elevator down to the short-range shuttlecraft docking bay aboard the 'IAS Limitless' the main command and support vessel was Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight he finish his detailed report.

To his Great Grandmother and Grandmother of the ongoing search and Rescue mission on Sol. A moment later the holo phone on his MCV rings, he answers it. Soon the holographic head of his beautiful wife Celestia spring to life in front of him her beautiful smile lift his spirits.

"Hello hon, how are you doing? Something wrong?" Justice said loving as Celestia's sigh deeply.

"No Justice, I am just wondering went you are going to return to the planet? I kind of need your help down here. We almost finish sweeping the main wards in Canterlot. But there still few more left to go." Celestia explains pretending nothing is troubling her.

"You know our bond together works both ways, Celestia. I can sense the trouble in your heart. You want someone to like you an immortal to talk to about your real feeling." Justice said knowing as Celestia slowly nods her head up and down.

"Well, hon. I just arrived at the shuttle docking bay. I'll take the first shuttle back to the planet. I should arrive by early evening. So why not meet at our command tent at the Break of Dawn Camp. We will zip-up the tent flap and you can talk about whatever you want to me. After that, we can have dinner brought to the tent for us and eat. For the rest of the evening, we can spend it together. Unless you have other plans, hon?" Justice suggested a noticeable change in his wife's heart from trouble to affection happen.

"That sounds like, a perfect evening. My beloved, so be quick about it and come home, you don't want your Sun Princess to waiting for too long she gets bored, quickly." Celestia said very playful as she blow a kiss to her husband. Before switching her holo phone off.

Later that same evening on a huge plateau overlooking the ruins of the Capital City of Canterlot in the huge Break of Dawn camp the main coordination and processing base for all the search and rescue operations conducted in the Solar Empire.

In the base erected on a small flat top hill with a commanding view of the surrounding area protected by sandbags, barricades stood the huge canvas command tent for the camp. This stricture is used by the Empress and Emperor of the Solar Empire to direct their remaining Solar Empire Troops to hot spots in the Empire to protect the search and rescue teams.

In a cordon off area within the command tent toward the rear of the structure used as the main residences for an imperial couple away from the main command area. Emperor Justice Silverlight is stretched out on the fairly soft sofa with his boots removed he sighs contently even amiss the devastation of the Solar Empire, he remains optimistic about the future for the Empire.

Rubbing her snout against his chest lovingly was his wife Empress Celestia Silverlight, like him she stretched out on the same sofa with her boots removed. She too remains optimistic about the future for the Empire. But currently, she enjoying the quiet moments with her husband that could change at any time amiss the devastation of the Solar Empire. It these quiet moments between these two long-living Alicorns that they both relish and want to remember for their long life together.

February 15, 2026, 1600 hrs Equestria Standard Time, Devastated Capital City of Mare Serenitatis, New Lunar Republic, destroyed Manufacturing ward of Mare Serenitatis.

Its late afternoon in the New Lunar Republic as a night camouflaged land rover from Orb of the night post drives through the devastating manufacturing wards on a useless inspection tour of the ward driving the vehicle was Moon Knight Somnus Silverlight wearing a light gray nano-suit with white trim and knee-high boots on his bare feet. His naturally light blue feathered bird wings were covered with grime from helping with the Search and Recovery Operations in the Republic.

Sitting in the passenger seat was the stalwart President of the New Lunar Republic Luna Silverlight wearing a light gray nano-suit with white trim and knee-high boots on her large plush and smooth feet. Her naturally dark blue feathered bird wings were covered with grime from helping with the Search and Recovery Operations in the Republic.

She insisted on this inspection tour of the city even knowing it was 99% fatalities throughout the city and outlying area of the Republic. Somnus pulls the vehicle to a stop beside a damaged building and turns it off.

"Auntie! Stop pretending you are so strong! I have been around you for too long not to know you are hurting! Please, you are not alone anymore! It makes me feel like you don't care about me! Auntie!" Somnus said his voice cracking as stalwartness started to break on Luna's face as tears begin to fall.

"Somnus never think your Auntie doesn't care about you because she does. I have been alone for so long it hard to read other pony's feelings. You have stayed loyal to me even those it would have been easier just to leave me." Luna said truthfully as she reaches over to hug her nephew.

With that, the two Alicorns climb out of night camouflaged land rover and walk around the ruins of the manufacturing plant searching for anything they can salvage or repurpose for a new use. As Luna walks out of the side door of the plant she steps on something on the ground in front of her. She lifts her foot up and discovers a filly's or colt's charred plush toy, it so badly burned she can't identify who it was supposed to be. She picks it up and begins tearing up once again; she is soon joined by Somnus.

"What is wrong Auntie?" Somnus asked concerned as he noticed the charred plush toy, Luna was holding in her hand soak with her tears.

"Went, I took my oath as a Princess of Equestria, Somnus. I promise I would protect all my children of the night from a thing like this. But this charred plush toy has shown me that I failed my oath." Luna said her voice a lifeless monotone as her knees gave out from under her and she sunk to the ground emotionally spent. Soon Somnus gave his aunt a keep-your-mouth-shut look like the veins in his neck standing out in livid ridges.

"Why!!! Do you shoulder all the blame, Auntie?" Somnus speak with bitter resentment as it caught Luna's attention.

She slowly rose to her feet dropping the plush toy on the ground and inch her way toward Somnus and reach her hand out and rested it on his shoulder. As she turns him around his face was scarlet and swollen from crying.

"My dear little Somnus, why do you weep?" Luna said in a very soothing voice as she wiped the tears away from Somnus's cheeks with her fingers.

"Do you think you are the only one that spoke that oath, Auntie to be Royalty of Equestria? I spoke those same words went I became a Prince of Equestria. So this my failure as well stops shouldering the blame by yourself. Let me shoulder some of the blame with you." Somnus said with a hitch in his voice as Luna's gasp.

"This Aunt of yours, is sorry, Somnus. You have been at my side for so long that I forgot you wear the same crown as me and suffer the same pain I do. So I will allow you to shoulder some of the blame with me." Luna said apologetically as she kissed him on his horn and forehead loving.

"So Somnus lets head back to the Orb of the night post, your wife should have dinner going for us and your foals in the command center. Who knew that a sea pony siren mare was such a wonderful cook she better than any of the Royal chefs at the palace in Canterlot." Luna said as a blatant compliment toward Somnus' wife.

"Oh, stop it, Auntie the only reasons you are compliment my wife Wave Runner because you want me to ask her to make an apple pie just for you. Because you didn't get a piece of it went she baked the last one." Somnus comments as Luna snorted angerly at him.

"If two little piggy’s ponies left me a piece. I wouldn't be complaining about it. But they didn't, Besides, I am your senior Princess you should do what I say, Solar Prince Somnus Silverlight. I was ruling longer than you Somnus, but not as long as your mother." Luna said sourly as she crosses her arms in front of her and sticks her tongue out at Somnus.

"Oh, is that how it going to be, your Highness pulling rank on me. Just like that." Somnus said brazenly as Luna couldn't hold a straight face and started to laugh, she was soon joined by Somnus who begin to laugh along with her.

"Oh, Somnus it has been a long time since you last show me that beautiful smile of yours. The last time you show me that smile was your mother's sent you to live with me in the New Lunar Republic and I appointed you my designated Moon Knight," Luna said cheerful as Somnus turn the vehicle toward the Orb of the night post.

Later that same day on a stretch of flat grasslands on the outskirts of the ruins of the Capital City of Mare Serenitatis surrounded by a reinforced concrete wall sat the Orb of the night base the main coordination and processing base for all the search and recovery operations conducted in the New Lunar Republic.

In the center of the base surrounded by a chain-link fence sat the prefabricated main command center of the post with a commanding view of the surrounding base facilities. This stricture is used by the president and her appointed Moon Knight the governing body of the New Lunar Republic to direct her remaining New Lunar Republic forces to hot spots in the area to protect the search and recovery teams.

In a smaller prefabricated structure within this compound used as the main residences for the President and her Moon Knight's family an enchanting light pink bodied unicorn/siren mare with a light purple mane and tail walks out of the small kitchen to pick up the last dirty dishes from the table to wash them. Her slender 5ft 12in equine figure was encased in light gray nano-suit with white trim. A pair of knee-high boots were on her light pink narrow and beautiful bare feet. This unicorn / siren mare was Major Wave Runner Silverlight, one of the best communications engineer in the entire New Lunar Republic and Moon Knight Somnus Silverlight own wife.

As dinner came to an end President Luna Silverlight was called back to the main command center to handle a small crisis in one of the unsearched ward in the city. A few moments later Somnus' and Wave Runner's foals had to return to their duty stations leaving their parents alone in the housing structure. In the living room of the housing structure sitting on a chair with his bare feet resting on a footrest read the base paper was Somnus. The moment Wave Runner step out of the kitchen after putting away the dishes Somnus gestured her to join him in the living room and she happily accepted the offer.

Wave Runner slowly walks over to the chair next to her husband and sat down next to him. She then proceeds to slides her hands down her legs to remove her boots from her narrow and beautiful feet with the boots removes she rest her light pink bare feet on her own footrest and let out a long contented sigh. Soon Somnus turn his head and kissed his wife on her lips. Before long the Alicorn stallion and Siren mare begin a long conversation as he holds his wife's hand in his. Like Somnus' own parents these two ponies relish the quiet moments between them and want to remember them together forever.