• Published 21st Dec 2019
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Secrets and Lies (phase two) - keithsterling

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chapter 14

January 22, 2026, 1930 hrs Equestria Standard time, grand hall, Old Grand Royal Palace, City of Canterlot, in the Solar Empire.

The old Grand Royal Palace is beautifully decorated for the Re-crowning of Emperor Justice Silverlight. Standing at the entrance of the old Grand Royal Palace greeting guests as they enter was Empress Celestia Silverlight wearing a beautiful well made evening gown and high heel pumps. To round out her outfit she wore her imperial regalia.

Standing not too far away from his wife wearing his navy blue full dress uniform of a soldier in the Solar Empire was her husband Emperor Justice Silverlight. With the last of the party guest greeted Empress Celestia Silverlight on the arm of her husband Emperor Justice Silverlight gracefully enters the grand hall to join the celebration of the re-crowning of the Emperor of the Solar Empire.

On cue Emperor Justice bows to Empress Celestia, in turn, she curtsy to him, he takes her hand and guides her out onto the dance floor to begin the first half of this evening festivities with the customary first dance of the imperial couple.

As the music starts the guests at the party watched in amazement as the imperial couple executes a beautifully choreographed dance routine in front of them, at the midpoint of musical score Justice twirls his wife around him in slow graceful turns.

As Emperor Justice executes each dance maneuvers flawlessly the smile on his wife's snout grows larger and larger. As musical score come close to it conclusion Justice twirls his wife into a hug and kisses her on her lips.

A moment later Justice twirls Celestia out of the hug till both their arms are fully extended with that Justice dips his wife for a second and brings her back up. Before turns toward his wife and bows to her, why she curtsies to him. He returns to the side of his wife and she laid her hand on his forearm.

The whole room watches in amazement as the imperial couple strolls gracefully and purposely toward a raised platform holding two gold ceremonial chairs. Once at the platform Justice and Celestia ascend the short staircase up to the chairs, Justice present his hand to his wife.

Who gracefully places her hand in it as he leads her to the first chair; she elegantly sits down on the chair. Soon Justice follows suit and takes his seat next to his wife, before clapping his gloved hands together for the party to continue. He kisses the back of his wife's hand this cause Celestia to blush deeper than normal. With that the musical score resumes allow the party guest to begin to dance with their chosen dance partners.

As the camera pans around the great hall standing in one corner of the room was President Luna Silverlight she was wearing an elegant well made evening gown and high heel pumps.

Standing by her side sipping soft apple cider from old-fashioned glass wearing his navy blue full dress uniform of a soldier in the Solar Empire was Solar Prince Somnus Silverlight.

Since the assassination attempt against her in NLR Luna's anxiety has peaked, with Somnus standing not too far away from her that anxiety has got a lot worse. Normally Luna has never felt this vulnerable in her long life as an immortal Alicorn.

But that attempt against her has scared her plenty. She has never realized how much she relies on Somnus being at her side to protect her.

Now she wants something to happen so her anxiety will be eased, she may even consider allowing Somnus if he wants to tickle her silly as long as it releases her pent up anxiety. But she knows he has too much respect for her, to do anything like that to her unless she orders him to.

"Somnus, we are leaving, I have a personal assignment that I will only allow you to do." Luna exclaimed as she grabs hold of Somnus's hand and basically drags him out of the Grand hall after saying goodbye to the Emperor and the Empress.

"Auntie? Why the abrupt exit from the grand hall? And what is this personal assignment?" Somnus ask walking beside his Aunt Luna on their way back to the private living area of the Grand Royal Palace were her old bedchamber was.

"You are only one, I will admit this to the assassination attempt scared me plenty. In my long life, I have never felt this vulnerable. After the attempt, I never came to realize how much I rely on my dear little Somnus to protect me and how much you do for me. It because of that I have this personal assignment for you. Lets wait till we get to my old room to talk about it." Luna explains as they continue down the hallway toward the grand staircase leading to the second floor of the palace were the Private Living area and family bedchamber are located.

Soon the lights from the hallway stream through a crack into the darkened bedchamber. The sound of clicking heels breaks the stillness of this static bedchamber that once belonged to Princess Luna Silverlight.

She reaches for the light switch on the wall next to the door and turns on all the light in her old bedchamber. Luna begins to feel nostalgic as she looked upon her old bedchamber still decorating the bust of unicorn head was her old black tiara and black collar with half-moon symbol on it.

But what brings a tear to Luna's moderate cyan color eyes still sitting on her desk where she left it was the framed crayon drawing of her as an angel come down from her moon to save ponies and not hurt them as nightmare moon drawn by five year old Somnus.

It was this simple gift giving to her with an unfettered heart that changed her mind to take on Somnus as her own student and she has never looked back. A moment later the clicking of dress boots on the tile floor of her bedchamber breaks her train of thought as Somnus has finished talking to the chief of the NLR Internal security unit only the Chief of the unit know Somnus is the President Luna's, Moon Knight.

"So what did the Chief of Internal Security unit want?" Luna asked as she set the drawn back on top of her desk. Before stroll over to her bed and sitting down on the edge of it.

"That mercenary's squad leader you captured had a lot to say, Auntie," Somnus explains as he watches Luna casually remove her pumps from her feet and tosses them in front of her wardrobe.

"Like what Somnus?" Luna inquiries as she started to calm her mind knowing what she about to ask Somnus to do.

"That squad leader fingered the traitor that allowed his team into the NLR. In turn that traitor turns in his boss. The chief call to ask, if he should continue rounding up traitors that work for the boss. I say go ahead, if that all right, Auntie." Somnus explains as Luna gestured Somnus over to her and ask him to sits on the bed down by her large plush and smooth dark blue feet.

"That is fine, Somnus. The fewer traitors in NLR the better. Now for that Personal assignment I mentioned." Luna said as she gestured Somnus to move closer to her went he does she rests her feet on top of Somnus lap and takes a deep breath.

"No matter how much I beg, plead and threaten you don't stop tickling my feet only stop went I am good and tired. I am hoping this will release all my pent up anxiety over assassination attempt you are the only one I trust to do this for me, my precious little Somnus. Please do this for your aunt Princess Luna." Luna said hopefully as Somnus saw the trusting glean in his aunt's eyes. Before starting Somnus sets her large dark blue feet on the bed and wraps his arms around her.

"You know I love you, Auntie," Somnus said affectionately as he kisses his aunt on her cheek.

"I know you do, your one reason I will never become that dark mare again I was long ago," Luna said pleased as she returns Somnus kiss on his cheek.

With that Somnus return to his position at Luna's plush and smooth large dark blue feet. He wrapped his strong arm around both of Luna's ankles exposing the maximum skin on her feet to be tickled as ask by his Aunt Luna. Quickly Luna braces herself as best she can for the impending assault on her super sensitive feet.

But she unprepared for the assault to come went Somnus went straight for the jugular and assault her extremely ticklish toes. In no time she hysterical begging, pleading and threatening to hurt him if he doesn't stop tickling her toes.

Without stopping he's up to his assault on Luna's toes, till one last good gales of laughter are forced out of her. He gently sets her still tingling feet on the bed and Luna slowly sits up with a pleased smile on her snout.

Her faith in her precious little Somnus was not misplaced as he tickled her till she was good and tired. In the room, Luna and Somnus just talk like they did before went they both living at Grand Royal Palace together, this would allow Luna to fully recover from the ordeal.

Meanwhile back at grand hall standing outside on the landing leading into the palace garden wearing a magnificent well made evening gown and well made high heel pumps were Princess Cadence Sparkle.

To round out her evening wear she was wearing her princess's regalia. Even those Crystal Empire was at war with Friendship Kingdom on their island they share, she was obligated to attend the re-crowning ceremony of her uncle Justice as an adopted member of the Silverlight unicorn family.

But that also meant that Princess Twilight Sparkle was obligated as well to attend the re-crowning ceremony of Emperor Justice Silverlight because she was Princess of the old Equestria.

Standing at the threshold of Grand hall leading into the palace garden wearing beautifully designed evening gown and comfortable high heel pumps were Princess Twilight Sparkle. To round out her evening wear she was wearing her Princess's regalia.

As she stood there walking up behind her was Emperor Justice Silverlight from his position on the platform. Sitting next to his wife Justice saw Twilight just stand there and wonder what was wrong with her.

After a short discussion with Celestia of the implications of talking to Princess Twilight in public, the two monarchs agreed that it would be fine to talk to her as long as he talks to Princess Cadence as well.

Because as of this moment the Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic are neutral parties in this conflict between the Crystal Empire and the Friendship Kingdom.

Before leaving the platform Justice stretched over and kissed his goddess on her lips. Before telling her after this celebration is finished they need to talk about what he learned from both of them. Celestia agreed to wait for him after the end of the celebration in the grand hall so they can talk about what he learned.

"Greeting your Highness." Justice said politely as it caused Twilight to jump. Since the kidnapping from her castle and sequential tickle torture for the command codes to 'FKS Harmony'.

Twilight has yet to fully recover from the ordeal. She has forced herself to continue to rule her friendship Kingdom trying her best to forget what happened to her. Despite even loud a sound she hears causes her to become frightened, more than Fluttershy does.

"Whoa, Twilight. It's Celestia's husband Justice Silverlight. How long has it been, Twilight?" Justice said to try to calm the situation, slowly Twilight lift her head and look the majestic dark blue Alicorn stallion standing behind her.

"J-Justice, JUSTICE! Oh it so wonderful to see you again, but wait I thought you die a year ago." Twilight said a bit puzzled as she had not noticed the dark blue bird wings on his back.

"Did you not see the press conference that I and Celestia held at the Grand Royal Palace? It sort of explained what happen." Justice explains as Twilight finally notices the dark blue bird wings on his back.

"YOU ARE AN ALICORN!" Twilight exclaimed as Justice couldn't help but laugh at Twilight's shocked expression. She looks over to Celestia who like her husband was laughing at Twilight shocked expression.

"Yes, I am Alicorn, Twilight. To give Celestia's the time she needed to complete the Alicorn transformation ritual. I faked my death and she told ever pony she must temporarily leave the Sun throne to her daughter to rule. After complete the ritual, Celestia was down for several months. So I nursed her back to health at the same time I was getting use to my new form." Justice explains very convincingly as an unforeseen side effect of being mated to Imperator Alicorn happened to Celestia, her heart begins to fill with joy that her faithful student bought the whole fabricated story.

"Justice, may I talk to you in private. I need another opinion about something," Twilight asked as Justice shook his head. He led Twilight to a quiet balcony away from the grand hall. Once on the balcony Twilight hopped up onto the balustrade and sat down on it, why Justice sat down on a stone bench in front of her.

Knowing by touching Twilight's foot it will cause her to panic after what Harmonia did to make her give-up the command codes, still, he must do it to make it appear as if he had no idea what happened to her. He slowly lifts her foot up and her foot begins to slip out of the shoe, at that moment she begins to hyperventilate. She suddenly shrieks as her foot is fully exposed she quickly wraps her hands around her barefoot and holds it close to her body.

"Please-please-please-do not tickle my foot. I'll do what you want. Just don't tickle meee.” Twilight voice explodes out of her as she begins to weep.

"Oh, Twilight I am sorry. I just want to see those beautifully designed comfortable high heel pumps you are wearing. I am guessing designed specifically for that evening gown by Miss Rarity. If I know that would happen I would have never touched your foot." Justice said apologetically as Twilight felt safe with Justice around and allowed her to leave her single foot exposed to the cool evening breeze.

"Don't be sorry, Justice I have always felt safe around you. It was just a reflex, I was kidnapped from my castle and tickled tortured by some strange looking alicorn. She focused on my feet till I gave up what she want to know. Went I came to I saw Celestia looking at me, in some strange hospital. Oh, that right I spoke to your mother Shimmer at that hospital.” Twilight comment playing with her soft round toes of her naked foot.

“Through my whole recover at the hospital your mother; treat me like one of her family members. After the ordeal, I need that motherly influence to recover. I should have stayed longer. So next time you see your mother tell her thank you for me." Twilight said thankfully as Justice gave her back her shoe and she put it back on.

"But that not why I want to talk to you. Everyone has told me it was not my fault I didn't launch that gauss shell at the Crystal Empire. It was probably that strange-looking alicorn that kidnap me. But then why do I see myself in my dream doing the broadcast and pressing the launch button, if I didn't do it, why do I have a memory of it. This doubt has cause me to cry myself to sleep every night. Since the return to my castle." Twilight said depressed as she begin to cry again.

"Twilight what about the other members of your friendship assembly. How are they?" Justice asks as he gentle pats Twilight on her hand, not know what he could say to relive her doubt.

"The rest of my friends tell me similar stories they too have memories of doing something aboard the ship. It worse for applejack because she the one that loads the shells into the gauss cannons that destroyed block 15 of the Crystal city and killed many." Twilight explains as she continues crying.

"I have a request for you Twilight. Would you allow me to enter the Friendship Kingdom sometime next month with someone else. I would like to talk to the other members of your friendship assembly and hear their stories?" Justice inquiry as Twilight eyes brimmed with joy hearing that Justice wants permission to enter her Kingdom so he can figure out what happens to them.

"Of course I'll grant you permission to enter my Kingdom. You may even stay at the castle." Twilight said generously as Justice shook his head 'no' at the offer to stay at the castle.

"I can't accept the offer of staying at the Castle, Your highness," Justice said declining the offer as Twilight gape in stunned silence. Slowly she begins to compose herself as her stomach begins to knot.

"Understood," Twilight said sadden as her ears begin to droop on top of her head.

"Twilight the reason I refused your offer of staying at the castle was because as of this moment, The Solar Empire in a neutral party in this conflict. If any member related to the Solar Empire government set foot in the castle of Friendship. This small conflict could explode into a regional conflict. That exactly whom every set this up wants." Justice explains as Twilight's heart soared.

"But still Justice, I want to help you, somehow? If I really did it. The only way I can clear my conscience is to find the truth. If that means to let you decide my fate, so be it. The body and soul of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship now belong to Emperor Justice Silverlight to do as he wishes went the truth is found." Twilight said virtuous kneeling on the ground as her snout is soaked with tears, fully knowing if she did do it Justice will execute her without a second thought. Ending the reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle forever