• Published 21st Dec 2019
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Secrets and Lies (phase two) - keithsterling

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chapter 12

January 15, 2026, an hour later after the Empress and Emperor press conference, Palace garden, Old Grand Royal Palace, Capital City of Canterlot, Solar Empire.

Inside Justice's body, the super-advanced nano-bots implanted by his imperator mother went he was born, begins to stir. Unlike the nano-bots used by the Terran ponies that react to a situation by protecting vital organs to keep them alive until help gets to them. The nano-bots used by the Imperator Alicorns quickly adapt to the situation once adapted the same attack can't be used on them again.

Slowly Justice rises to all fours and shakes the cobwebs out of his head. Before shedding the natural-looking bird wings of Terran alicorn and replace them with his bio-mechanical wings. At that moment he flies at an incredible speed in the general direction of the palace the same direction his wife was heading.

Halfway between where he was shot and the palace Justice come upon the four member's Special forces squad, lying on the ground between them was Celestia. They probably used the same weapon on her they did on him. The mercenaries seem to be arguing over who will deal the final blow to Empress Celestia Silverlight it seem whoever does it gets them extra pay for the job.

As they argued Justice creates a wormhole portal under his wife's body. The moment her body drops into the portal he opens an exit portal above his head and catches her in his arms. He nuzzles her neck with his snout to get a reaction from her, in doing so she comes to and her face flushed with happiness seeing her husband still alive.

But the happiness is short-lived as she spot the four mercenaries who shot her below trying to figure out where she vanished to. A moment later Celestia's face flushes with indignation displeased that they interfered with her time alone with her husband. Justice creates a med-gun and uses it to extract some of the adapted nano-bots from his body he flies over to his wife and injects them into her neck to protect her from the weapon they used on her.

He makes a short sheath appear in his hand containing the Wakizashi from his daisho. He presents the sheath to his wife who grabs it with her left hand and draws the blade from the sheath with her right hand. An approving smile form on Celestia's snout as she examined the finely crafted blade her husband lend her.

Before heading into battle the two Alicorns embrace each other in midair and give each other a good luck kiss. In the next instants the pegasi mercenary's team reels with shock as two very vexed Alicorns land on either side of them.

The squad leader thinking he had the upper hand over these two Alicorns because they are armed with blades ordered his men to attack. But soon his decision proved fatal as the two Alicorns quickly cut down his men with the Vibro-blades.

With the squad leader cornered he must think fasts to survive this encounter. That's went he realizes the Solar Empress who was barefooted all this time. Has her feet covered with fresh blood of his men, this will compromise her traction as she standing on a pool of blood. If he can somehow cause her to slip for a moment, he can make a hasty retreat from the palace to fight another day.

Quickly the squad leader tosses the rifle he was holding at Celestia who quickly loses her footing with the amount of fresh blood covering her feet; she tumbles backward into the grass behind her. In that instance, he spreads his wings and is out of there with no time to spare. But doesn't get too far as Justice's marksmanship pegs the fleeting Pegasus killing him with a single shot from a custom pulse pistol one of his men was carrying.

Justice helps Celestia to her feet and walks over to a nearby small fountain, at which time he creates two small buckets that he fills with water from the fountain. With the two buckets, he filled one with clean water and the other one with soapy water he then creates a soft-bristled brush.

"Feels like old-time, My Princess. It has been a long time since I fought at your side." Justice comments as he gently uses the soft-bristled brush to clean the blood off his wife's foot, trying not to tickle her sensitive foot too much with the bristles.

"Indeed, my loyal Princess Protector. But Sir Silverlight you no longer protect, Your Princess, you protect someone more important to you." Celestia comment as Justice used his fingers to open in between her toes to clean the blood out.

"Very true My Princess, that most important pony is my wife. Mrs Celestia Silverlight. Is that right Mrs Silverlight." Justice said as he finishes clean one of his wife's feet. With that done she bring the other one up so he can clean that foot and bring it back to pristine condition.

"But all serious, Justice. Do you really think the target was me? If so why?" Celestia inquiry as Justice continues his efforts to clean the blood off his wife's foot to make it pristine again.

"Yes, Celestia I am very sure the target was you. If you think about it with the mercenaries dressed in the Crystal Empire body armor. who would be blamed for the assassination of Solar Empress Celestia Silverlight?" Justice poses the question to his wife as Justice used his fingers once again to open in between her toes to clean the blood out.

"By my light, it would fall on Princess Cadence and her Crystal Empire. My commanders would rush to aid the Friendship Kingdom to seek revenge for my death which would spark another land into this war and with the number of troops the Solar Empire has it would overwhelm the Crystal Empire forces. But Justice that wouldn't throw all the lands into a bloody war. At best the Crystal Empire would be defeated and peace would return." Celestia answers as Justice begins to clean the blood off her heel.

"Very true, my love, But who would be the likely next target?" Justice inquiry as he carefully cleans the blood from the arch of her foot.

"No! The next target would be Luna most likely a mercenaries group wearing the body armor of the Friendship Kingdom would attack her and try to kill her. Hence New Lunar Republic would join on the side of the Crystal Empire with NLR formidable arsenal it would be a blood bath (Tears come to her eyes) I don't want to think about casualties count if NLR joins the Crystal Empire." Celestia said her face etched in desperation as she tries to yank away her foot from her husband's grip.

"Celestia, I thought that too. So why I was searching for you and the mercenaries. I sent word back to my mother in Dream Valley to dispatch Serena and Seer to the NLR. My sisters should be able to protect Luna and find that group of fakers." Justice said calmly as his calm manner calmed the fears of Celestia.

January 15, 2026, 1300 hrs Equestria Standard time, Ground and Presidential Mansion, Capital City of Mare Serenitatis, New Lunar Republic.

Walking about the grounds of the Presidential mansion using the hide in plain sight ability of her imperator Alicorn species was 6ft 6in dark blue angelic-looking fully grown unicorn mare with Venetian red mane and tail. Her Athletic body was attired in ice blue nano-suit of a soldier in dream valley Military. Around her waist was a utility belt with a holster containing a custom pulse pistol. This unicorn mare was Specialist four Seer Silverlight and Emperor Justice Silverlight younger sister.

Went on assignment as a Dream Valley Commando Seer prefers her unicorn mare form over her natural Imperator Alicorn mare form because it makes it that much easier to move about the general pony population without unwanted attention. To explain why she can use very high-level unicorn magic she says she a prodigy in magic from her homeland of dream valley.

Patrolling the sky over the Presidential mansion also using the hide in plain sight ability of her imperator Alicorn species was 6ft 9in dark blue impressive-looking Imperator Alicorn mare with scarlet red mane and tail. Her athletic body was attired in ice blue nano-suit of a soldier in dream valley Military. Around her waist was a utility belt with a holster containing a custom pulse pistol and sheath containing a Katana. This imperator alicorn mare was Captain Serena Silverlight and Emperor Justice Silverlight older sister.

Like her younger sister during the assignment as a Dream Valley Commando Serena prefers her unicorn mare form over her natural Imperator Alicorn mare form, because it makes it that much easier to move about the general pony population without unwanted attention. To explain why she can use very high-level unicorn magic she says she a master of magic from her homeland of dream valley.

As Serena makes one last patrol sortie of the presidential mansion's grounds. She comes in for a landing in front of her younger sister, out of sight of prying eyes. The two mares dispel their hide in plain sight ability, at the same time Serena transforms into her unicorn form.

"Did you find anything, Seer?" Serena inquiry as she snaps her fingers transform her nano-suit into gray skirt suit with black high heel pump on her bare feet. A light tan briefcase form in her right hand and crossbody bag appear across her chest.

"I found nothing, sister." Seer answer as she snaps her fingers transform her nano-suit into blue pants suit with white sling-back pumps on her bare feet. A black briefcase form in her right hand and shoulder bag appears on her shoulder.

"Do you really think Harmonia would send someone after Luna, Serena?" Seer inquiry as the two mares dressed as business mares makes their way to the front door of Presidential mansion to meet up with President Luna Silverlight and tell her what is going on.

"Harmonia has sent men to assassinate Solar Empress Celestia Silverlight. Knowing our brother he wouldn't let anything happen to that beloved mare of his. If we don't protect President Luna from Harmonia's men, our brother will never forgive us for letting Luna die. He would never admit it but he still has a feelings for that Alicorn of the Night. Even though he married her sister." Serena explains as she knocks on the front door of the Presidential mansion.

Slowly the front door of the presidential mansion opens up standing just inside the doorway barefooted wearing a black fit blouse and charcoal plaid fit suit pants was President Luna Silverlight. She had a perplexed look on her face as she tries to remember who these two mares were standing in front of her. She doesn't recall scheduling any meetings with anyone at the presidential mansion today.

"May I help you mares?" Luna inquiry politely as the two unicorn mares chuckle under their breath as Luna doesn't remember them.

"Do you not remember us, Your Highness?" Serena said as Luna suddenly recalls that these mares were went they called her 'your highness'.

"You are Lady Serena Silverlight and you are Lady Seer Silverlight. You are the sisters of my Princess companion Justice Silverlight, your brother." Luna said as her face brightening with the visit from Justice's two sisters.

"May we come in your highness? We need to speak to you." Serena asked as she noticed that Seer was sense someone watching them.

"Oh, of course, Please come in, My ladies." Luna said welcoming as she let them into the house.

Watching through a pair of infrared distancing binoculars was earth pony stallion wearing the body armor of the Friendship Kingdom, he makes his way down from his observation post. He soon joined by a group of four commando mercenaries all who are Earth ponies.

"Report Specialist four." The squad leader asks.

"President Luna Silverlight is definitely at the Presidential mansion, she just received two Business mares for a meeting with her." Specialist four reports as the squad leader blink with surprise.

"That NLR PFC fool told us there would be no one else at the Presidential mansion with President Luna. That's not any consequence. If those two mares get in the way we can eliminate them as well." The squad leader said as the group moves out.

Meanwhile back in the foyer of the mansion, President Luna stands with Justice's two sisters talking to them went the commando mercenaries break down the front door. They quickly secure the two business mares and lock them in a nearby closet. Before approaching President Luna who stands defiant before them. In the next instance, the commando mercenaries see is flash of a curved blade as they are cut down one by one, leaving only the squad leader.

No more than a second later the closet door flies off the hinges as the unicorn mare punches the door open. The squad Leader stands paralyzed with fear as the unicorn mare is stronger than she looks. She takes the place of President Luna and picks the Squad leader up by the body armor. A second later the spell wears off the Squad Leader eyes widen in alarm as he being held by President Luna.

"You meant to assassinate Luna!" Luna said testily as the second unicorn mare makes the shoes on Luna's feet disappear and reappear on the feet of the first mare.

"Tell me everything you know and maybe I'll let you live and be thrown in jail," Luna said threatening as the squad leader told Luna everything he knew about the assassination attempt. Any hour later NLR internal security unit arrives and takes custody of the squad leader.

"It seems I owe Justice my life. If he didn't send you two to aid me they would have succeeded in the assassination attempt and NLR would be fighting on the side of the Crystal Empire in a bloody war." Luna said obligated as the three mares sat in the living room to talk more.

"So now what your highness?" Seer asks as Luna sits back in her chair, resting her chin on the back of her hands. As Luna chuckles a bit it has been so long since someone called her 'your Highness'.

"I am not scheduled to head to Solar Empire for the re-crowning ceremony until a week from today. Would you two consider being my bodyguards till I leave for the Solar Empire? At which time went I re-meet up with Somnus he will take your duties over. If you do I will pay you two handsomely for your services to NLR and President Luna." Luna explains as Serena and Seek to look at each other, and talk among themselves about the offer.

"Our brother would never forgive us, if we took one bit from you, your highness." Serena and Seer comment in unison as Luna blushed went Serena and Seer refused any payment from her, because of Justice.

"Tee-hee, If that the case, then it looks like I must let Justice get even with me for that trick I did on him went he reunited with me." Luna explains as Serena and Seer make duffel bags appear.