• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 934 Views, 15 Comments

The Story of My Geode - The Nintega Guy

I travel to another dimension and as a human with new friends, I find secrets that others are trying to hunt down.

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Chapter 5: Michael's Secrets

Previously in the last chapter: My name is Sunset Shimmer, I'm a pony from Equestria and I go to Canterlot High School in this dimension. We all saw this weird figure being chased by a giant hovercraft and they both caused a mess in Canterlot. Apparently, Applejack says to meet at Michael's house, I can't imagine he would be the cause of this. It's time to get to the bottom of this.

I was still running home and by the time I got back to my house, I was tired and panting from my battle with Robotnik. "Oh man, this is bad. A maniac from my old world somehow came here at the same time I did. I've got to either find someway to stop him or go into hiding until that doctor can't find me." A thought then came into my mind. "Maybe that's why my powers are back. Maybe it was a warning that a threat is coming."

I sat down on a nearby couch with my hand on my chin just thinking of what's going to happen next. "Meh, look on the bright side. At least things for me can't get any worse." I said trying to calm down. However, just as I said that I heard a bunch of knocks at my door. "Ugh, I had to open my mouth." I tiptoed towards the door and was nervous to even open the door, so I decided to just call out to the knocker. "Who is it?"

"It's us sugarcube." A familiar voice said outside.

I immediately knew who that was and opened the door to find Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer standing in front of me much to my surprise.

"Huh, what are you girls doing here?" I asked.

"We came to ask you some questions." Twilight answered with her arms crossed.

"Oh. . .well okay I guess. You all can come in." I said trying to act normal.

All of the Rainbooms and I sat down on the floor and I tried my best to not look nervous, but deep down I was worried that they found out my secret.

"Soooooooo. . ." I gulped. "What did you all wanted to ask me?"

They all just gave me serious looks and they looked at each other and nodded.

"You've been keeping a secret from us haven't you?" Sunset asked.

"Secret? What secret?" I said playing it cool.

"Come on Michael, there ain't anyway to deny it. You have been keeping a deep secret from us." Applejack said.

My face started to heat up a bit. "I-I really don't know what your talking about." I said sheepishly.

"Darling, we seen everything that has been happening around with you." Rarity said.

"I mean it all started with you tumbling on the ground in a yellow ball." Twilight said to me.

"Uhhhh." I said trying not to freak out.

"Then you all of a sudden got super speed to go as fast as me." Rainbow said.

"W-Well. . . that" I stuttered.

"Flash Sentry told me that you had a glove that was made of real wood that Rarity made." Sunset continued.

"For heavens sake, I know much better of a fashion choice for you than a wooden glove." Rarity added.

"That's. . ." I said nervously.

"And we saw you go into that classroom alone and just zipped out like a stampede." Applejack added.

"And finally, seeing the acceleration, velocity, color, and the explosion that was most likely a sonic boom. We could've figured that wasn't Rainbow Dash running faster than the speed of sound." Twilight stated.

Pinkie then rushed to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Also, were you having a party in the city? I saw lots of fireworks go off and you should've invited me."

"Um, I don't think those were fireworks Pinkie." Fluttershy said. "And also I saw a tiny puppy get thrown to safety towards the animal shelter and the person just zipped by while something blew up."

Each of the girls then gave me smug looks and I just sat there dumbfounded that they witnessed everything I did. . .well almost everything. I just tried to lie again.

"Well. . . I mean. . . that could've been anyone there's no way all of that points to me." I said slightly hyperventilating.

Rarity then pulls out her phone. "Very well, then who is this?" Rarity said as pulls up a video that showed me standing there witnessing my battle with Robotnik and then ran away in a yellow blur.

"Sugarcube. You don't have to lie to us." Applejack said.

"She's right. We trust anything you have to say to us." Sunset added.

"You can always tell us the truth when something is good or bad." Rainbow Dash said.

I sat then with a look of defeat. I sighed and decided to just confess everything. "Okay. . .the truth is that I have been keeping a deep secret from you all. You see the thing is-" Then something unexpected happened.

"Your from another dimension filled with anthropomorphic animals and your a hero and hedgehog of that world who stops evil from taking over your home world and you were about to stop someone from blowing up your planet and you succeeded, but you ended up in our dimension instead and now 6 months later an evil scientist wants to use your powers to take over our world." Pinkie explained with a huge smile in the end.

Everyone gave Pinkie a deadpan look, but I just look at her eyes widen and jaw dropped because that was pretty much everything I was going to say.

"Yeah, uh, that's not likely at all." Twilight said confused.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" I asked out loud.

"Just a hunch." Pinkie said with a squee.

"Wait a second. . . so. . . it’s true?” Sunset asked.

"Your a hedgehog?" Fluttershy asked.

"Your from another dimension?” Twilight asked.

"U-Uh. . . yyyyyyeah."I said blushing.

"That. . .is. . .AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash said excited.

"Wait really?" I responded confused.

"Well yeah. You’re the second person from another world we know." Rainbow said.

"Really?" I asked surprised. "Who else is there?"

Everyone then turned to a certain fiery-haired girl who just rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Sunset?! Your not from here either?" I asked.

"No. . . it maybe hard to explain all of it, but I'm a from a world called Equestria." Sunset said.

"Equestria?" I said confused.

"It's a world filled with ponies, magic, and other creatures." Twilight said.

'Huh. Well that's. . . interesting' I thought.

"Speaking of magic we all kinda wanna know what's the source of your superpowers." Rainbow Dash said.

"Honestly, I don't know. They just suddenly came today while I was being chased by Robotnik." I responded.

This gave everyone confused looks by the name I just said.

"Who is this here Robotnik?" Applejack asked.

"Like Pinkie said, he's an evil scientist who wants to steal my powers for his own purposes and if he does, he could conquer the universe." I said.

"That sounds awful." Fluttershy stated.

"He did also mention 7 other energies, but I don't know what he's talking about. Do you guys know anything?" I asked.

The Rainbooms then all look at each other and nodded.

"Well darling, if you must know. It's us." Rarity said.

"You guys have powers too, well besides Dash of course." I said.

"Yep watch this." Applejack said as she lifts up the couch like it was nothing. I was in complete shock at this.

"That's amazing." I said surprised.

"I can move objects with my magic." Twilight said as her hands glow and she makes some nearby objects float in the air.

"I can speak to animals." Fluttershy said. She then opens a window and whistles which made a couple of birds land on her arm.

"Wow!" I said admiring all of the cool things my friends could do.

"Watch this darling, I can make a beautiful shaped diamond from my hands." Rarity said as she made a couple of white diamonds form from her hands. "And I have to say it is a gorgeous accessory."

"My turn!" Pinkie shouted. She quickly went to the kitchen and brought a jar of sugar I had. She then grabbed a handful out and threw it up into the air which made them explode into pink dust.

"And no surprise here dude. I've got speed just as fast as you." Rainbow said smirking.

I also smirked at the statement. "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe." Rainbow said back.

"I guess I'm the only one left to show you my powers." Sunset said as she walked up to me. "Now don't freak out when I do this okay?"

I nodded. Sunset then grabbed my hand and her eyes turned white which she then all of a sudden saw my memories.

Inside my mind

Sunset sees a yellow hedgehog running through a giant beach-temple like area, and also saw me running through a city above the rooftops at high speeds. Another event is shown where a city is terrorized by Imperator Ix, but I step in to save the day with people cheering for me. Finally, Sunset sees the event that happened 6 months ago when I ended up in the Human World.

Sunset then let go of my hand and her eyes returned to normal. She just looked at me and smiled. "You really are a hero Michael." Sunset said. I blushed a bit a the comment. "I was able to see most your memories and how you ended up here in our world. That's my power, to see others thoughts."

"That's amazing." I said happily. "I guess I wasn't alone after all."

"What do you mean 'alone' sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"The reason I didn't tell you guys about my past or powers is because I thought you all would see me as some kind of freak and. . . I didn't want to lose my best friends because of that." I said sadly.

The Rainbooms then just grouped around me and surprised me with a group hug.

"You'll never lose us as your best friends." Rainbow said.

"No matter what we would never give up on you or anyone else." Pinkie added. We all then broke the hug.

"That's what all of us are fueled by, friendship." Sunset said as everyone nodded.

I stared at each of them for a second before having a huge smile on my face. "Thanks everybody. I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you girls."

"Now that we all know everything, I sure do want to know more about this Robotnik character." Rarity said.

"Oh right." I said quickly before getting a serious look on my face. "Dr. Robotnik is an evil scientist that has been researching me for years and he now not only knows about me, but all of our powers. He wants to use our powers to take over the entire world and turn it into his own empire."

"That's awful." Fluttershy said shaking a bit.

"It doesn't end there, he has an arsenal of robots and weapons that are designed to kill whether it be me, another human, or another Mobian. He's also very sadistic, clever, ambitious, and cocky, so he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants." I finished.

"That's horrible. I guess this means we'll have to save the world from an evil scientist." Twilight said to everyone.

"Alright Michael, you have experience fighting people like him, so what's the plan?" Rainbow asked me.

"Honestly. . . I don't know, this is my first encounter with him, so I don't know when he's going to attack again, but if he does I bet he'll just send a ton of robots after us and all I can say is do whatever you can to smash them." I said.

"So I guess all we can do is lay low for now." Sunset said.

Applejack then get's an idea in her mind. "Michael, you haven't been keeping any other secrets from us have ya?"

My eyes widen at that statement before playing it cool. "Of course not." I said sweating a little.

Applejack could instantly tell I was lying so she just gave me a sudden glare before speaking. "What about all those other times you declined us for joining the Rainbooms." She said.

Many times over the months, the Rainbooms or Flash's band would ask me if I was interested in joining them, but declined over and over again, due to me seeing that there are positions already taken in their bands, and I didn't want to try to steal their spotlights so I declined all of their attempts to try to convince me to join and made some excuses like, 'I can't play' or 'I'm not one into music,' but they could clearly tell I was lying since I sometimes wear headphones in school.

I sighed. "Fine... I can play guitar and I can sing." I confessed.

Everyone's eyes widened at this, but Rainbow Dash broke the silence. "Dude, why didn't you tell us? I mean we've offered you a position in the Rainbooms like a billion times." She asked slightly annoyed.

"I didn't want to steal anyone's spotlight in your band, and besides three of your already play guitar. Why should you need another guitarist?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me and just smiled.

"Because we're your friends." They all said in unison.

"We wouldn't care if your just another guitarist. I mean hey, our songs could use use a little more rock to it." Rainbow said.

"I actually want to hear you sing something, it sounds like you may even be our new Rainboom." Pinkie said in excitement.

"Hmm, okay wait hear." I said as I went upstairs to my room.

I came back down with a rock, electric guitar that's yellow with black details.

"Alright, are you girls ready?" I said with confidence. They all nodded in response. "I wrote this one not too long ago."

(Play Sonic Adventure 2- That's The Way I Like It)

Author's Note: If you like Sonic music then I would recommend you check these lyrics this guy made for this stage from Sonic Adventure 2. It sounds really good and fit for a game.


Yeah! Here I go!
All Right! Let's Go!

You've got to know that I'm running here
(Everyday right now)
there's not one thing that's gonna give me fear
(There ain't no fear in me)
the one that come with me
the one that's on my side
they better be fast cause I'm not one to slow down.

It's gonna be the longest trip I've ever known
(It's gonna be real long)
It's one I know I have to do alone
(I gotta go alone)
Cause i know that my speed and skill is what I'm gonna need
And I know that this road is gonna be real hard.

But that's the way I'm gonna go
It's the road I'm gonna take right now.
And you're gonna know that I'm comin' by
And That's the way I like it.
That's the way I like it.

You've got to know that I'm not gonna stop
(I'm not gonna stop)
I'm gonna go until I reach the top
(I'm goin to the top)
And this world of fears, and this world of tears
they're never gonna overcome my steadfast heart

I'm gonna stay and I'm not gonna leave
(I'm gonna stay right here)
I'm gonna make it because I believe
(Believin' in my speed)
Cause I know that it's you and me who's gonna make it through
and I know that this stage is gonna be real tough.

But that's the way I'm gonna go
And you'll know that I'm here right now
And don't ever think you're all alone
And that's the way it should be

(That's the way I like it)

Cause I know that it's you and me who's gonna make it through
and I know that this stage is gonna be real tough.

But that's the way I'm gonna go
And you'll know that I'm here right now
And don't ever think you're all alone
And that's the way it should be

But that's the way I'm gonna go
It's the road I'm gonna take right now.
And you're gonna know that I'm comin' by
And That's the way I like it.
(End Song)

After I finished the song, The Rainbooms applauded at my tiny performance and I just smiled.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, you should totally be in the Rainbooms."

"Are you sure? I mean it's one guy and seven girls." I asked hesitantly.

"Well it's not like anyone is going to judge you around us." Sunset said.

"And don't worry we'll make sure no one judges you for being in our band." Fluttershy said.

"Thanks everyone, I now how you guys see friendship and I think I can see it too." I said happily.

"Well, it's getting extremely late, I think we should all call it a day." Twilight said.

"I concur Twilight." Rarity said as she yawns.

"Wait, but what do we do about Robotnik?" Pinkie asked.

"Leave him to me." I said confidently. "I'm my world's fastest and heroic hedgehog, I can handle Robotnik."

Everyone nodded and soon left, but meanwhile while Twilight was walking home, she saw something glowing in her backpack and it was the Crystal Ring again. She pulled it out and it was glowing so hard that it lighten up a whole room. Twilight was surprised by this, but all of a sudden got an idea.

"This ring first glowed when Michael walked past us the other day, and now as soon as I leave his house, it starts to glow immensely." Twilight said to herself. "Could Michael somehow be connected to this ring?"

At Dr. Robotnik's Fortress

Dr. Robotnik was walking with his robot assistant Orbot following him. They went to a room filled with dozens of robots and drones.

"Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?" Orbot asked hestitantly.

"Of course it is." Robotnik said in a harsh tone. "If I can just get a swarm of my robots to track down that hedgehog turned human and those other 7 stones, then they will have no choice, but to surrender to me, and then I can take over the world."

"But sir, how would you be able to do that without drawing attention to yourself." Orbot asked again.

That was a good question for the doctor, he already made destruction in the city once, so there is no telling that people will be prepared next time. The doctor soon got a sinister idea in his mind.

"Well then, we'll have to take a walk Orbot." The doctor answered.

Author's Note:

Next time: Doctor Robotnik decides to deliver a few surprises to us and it ends up for us getting into really tedious situations.
Sorry that it's been a month, I was on Winter Vacation and I had some exams to finish, but there done, so I can write again, and thanks very much for reading Chapter 5. :twilightsmile: