• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 932 Views, 15 Comments

The Story of My Geode - The Nintega Guy

I travel to another dimension and as a human with new friends, I find secrets that others are trying to hunt down.

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Chapter 4: The Doctor Is In

Previously in the last chapter: My name is Michael the Hedgehog and I'm a human who's full of surprises. During the day, my powers all of a sudden came back which surprised me, but deep down its awesome. I can enjoy two lives in one world. As I was having fun in the city, this weird looking man in a vehicle shows up. I have a bad feeling about this, but I'm not going to let ruin my day.

Floating right in front of me was a giant hovercraft and out of the cockpit, a man with a mustache came out and gave me a sinister look.

"Who the heck are you?" I asked getting in a defensive position.

"Who I am is none of your concern." The man said back. "But seeing how my scanners led to you, I demand to ask you a few questions, you enigmatic human."

"Uh, listen... Mister........?" I said.

"All right fine, my name is Doctor Robotnik!" He said in a stern voice. "And don't start to annoy me by answering questions with other questions."

'Robotnik? I feel like I've heard that name before.' I thought. 'I know he's definitely not good though.'

"Now getting to the real deal, how did you exactly get up on this tall building?" The doctor asked.

'Oh boy.' I thought. I saw a fire escape right behind me and get the idea to lie. "Uh, I walked up those stairs." I said with a nervous voice.

"Walked?" The doctor said not convinced. "Are you trying to be cute? Because it's not working."

'Oh no, he must have somehow saw my running through the city.' I thought worried.

"I demand to know what's the source to your power." The doctor said chuckling.

"Oh yeah." I threw back in a sarcastic voice. "You and what army?"

The doctor then pressed a button on his mobile and then suddenly another robot came into the scene and Robotnik's mobile connected with it forming a giant mech.

(Play Sonic Adventure-Theme of Dr. Eggman)

Author's Note: I find this more to be a boss theme than a theme of a character

I grew a deadpanned look. "A giant robot? Of course... a giant robot." I said sarcastically.

The doctor then was confused to why I'm not even scared. "What? How are you not scared of this magnificent creation of mine."

"Trust me doc, I been in situations like these before. I battled an army of evil space aliens for three years in my life." I said back. "Not that you'd understand it."

"Wait a minute." The doctor said worried. "Do you know the planet Mobius?"

That question made me surprised. "Uh.... yes. How do you know about Mobius?"

"I could ask you the same thing you puny hu- as a matter of fact, you're not from this world are you?" The doctor said with a stern voice.

"I guess... but how do you know that I'm not just human?" I asked back.

"I may a good hunch on you are." The doctor said. He had his robot try to slam a punch down onto me and I dodged it easily with my speed.

"Ha, too slow." I said in a cocky tone.

"Yes, I know who you are... your Michael the Hedgehog, aren't you?" The doctor asked in his sinister voice.

"...U-Uh well..." I stuttered.

"Hmph, no matter. I will still find out the source of your power, along with those other 7 magical energies." The doctor said as he was laughing.

I grew a confused look. "What? But there are only 7 chaos emeralds, I've never heard of an eighth one."

"I don't have time to lecture you about my plans! I'll worry about those, you worry about me." The doctor yelled at me. "You give me whatever it is that enhances your powers or I'll end you right now! The robot then had his arm turn into a machine gun and it started to fire missiles at me. However, I was able to dodge all of the fired projectiles at me with ease.

"Ha, too slow. You need better aim Robotnik." I said mocking him.

"N-No I made you do that on purpose... its uh... part of my plan." Dr. Robotnik said trying to make an excuse.

I just smirked arrogantly. "Yeah right. You're plan is as fake as your mustache."

"Why you cocky needlemouse turned human you'll eat those words." Dr. Robotnik said angrily. The robot then turned its other arm into an arm cannon and both of the cannons started to shoot homing missiles at me.

All of the missiles that were fired at me nearly came close to hitting me, but then stopped. I used my speed to make the missiles look slow and just stood there looking at the watch on my wrist. "Oh wow look at this, I took 10 million steps today." I said as I sped past the missiles and I kicked one back at the doctor's robot. Time then went back to normal and the missiles exploded behind me while the one I kicked hit the robot made it explode and Robotnik's mobile came out of it. The doctor just jaw dropped at the way that I was able to just destroy his robot in no time flat. "Is that all you got Doc?"

(End Music)

The doctor simply just got a sinister smile. "No, but thank you for asking." He replied. Robotnik then pressed another button on his mobile and this time instead of a giant robot, a what looks to be a laser ray gun came from underneath it.

I gave an unenthusiastic look. "I don't see what or how that is better than that other fragile robot."

Just as I said that, the doctor used the ray to shoot a laser which ends up almost hitting me, but I ducked under it barely and when it touched the surface of the building it caused it to explode. I looked where the explosion was and I was shocked at how a that could cause a lot of damage. "Oh.... okay then." I said.

Down below in the city, many pedestrians saw the series of explosions on the skyscraper that I was on and many of them grew worried looks. Sunset and Twilight were also some of the people that saw the explosion and just looked at each other bewildered.

"What is going on up there?" Twilight said.

"I don't know, but the sound of that means it can't be good." Sunset responded. "We need to tell the others about this." Sunset was just about to grab her phone until she heard it vibrating and she then flinched and took it out of her pocket anyways and she saw that she got a text from Applejack.

Applejack: Did you see this sort of yellow light anywhere in your area?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah why?

Applejack: That thing just might be someone we clearly know and know well.

Sunset Shimmer: ...? Who?

Applejack: I want y'all meet me at Michael's place.

Doctor Robotnik just cackles at me, and get's ready to fire another laser at me. I take notice of this and get worried. "Well... I guess I'll see you later doc." I said as I ran back down the skyscraper in a yellow blur.

(Play Sonic Generations- Rival Battle: Silver The Hedgehog)

I ran through the streets and looked behind me to see the doctor's mobile in high pursuit of me. I was shocked that it could barely keep up with my speed. People in the streets saw the giant hovercraft chasing me and they got both worried and conflicted looks on their faces. I took a right towards where the Sweet Shoppe was and I ran past where Sunset and Twilight was again. They were just perplexed at the situation they were looking at. Since the doctor clearly couldn't catch me, I decided to taunt him.

"I wonder what egg puns I've hadn't used." I said to the doctor.

"Do not mock me you tiny human alien!" The doctor yelled at me.

"Oh no wait, I've got another one. You're not doing so well, do you need me to 'egg' you on? BOOM!" I mocked.

"Do you ever shut up?!" The doctor replied.

"No, and it's probably because your doing eggtremely badly here." I taunted again.

I ran all around buildings just trying to get this egghead off my tail. As I was running, I noticed a tiny little puppy in the middle of the street. "Uh Oh." I ran to the puppy and tossed to the grass gently and took back off. Little did I know that I not only tossed it to where the animal shelter was, but Fluttershy was watching the whole thing. She was just confused at what she was seeing. I then was still running around the streets and then I decided to take a left on the next intersection I came across.

"That was an illegal left by the way." The doctor called out to me.

"I don't care whether I have to pay fines or not for breaking street laws, your not laying a finger on my powers." I replied back to the doctor.

"You know what, this little chase is getting annoying. How about I call a little bit of friends in the action." The doctor said in an evil laugh.

"Oh, yeah what friends? By the looks of what you do, I bet you don't even have any friends." I said with a cocky smirk.

Just then I noticed that two round shaped robot that looked to carry missiles came in front of me.

Author's Note: Yes I know that these are from the Sonic Movie, but I wanted to take a different turn from just normal Egg Pawns.

The doctor cackles as he still chases me. "Ha ha, egg-celent."

I start to snicker. "W-Wait, did you just say-?" Robotnik cuts me off.

"Don't even think about finishing my sentence! It just slipped into my mind." Doctor Robotnik said angrily.

"Sure, it did." I said sarcastically.

The robots in front of me fired two heat seeking missiles at me, and although I dodged them, they were still following me along with Robotnik.

'Oh give me a break.' I thought.

As the missiles were still on my tail, I ran past the Sweet Snacks Cafe and Pinkie came out of the front door to look at what just passed. Pinkie then get's a thought in her mind. 'Okay, my hunch is that an evil person is chasing something to steal the source of its power.'

The missiles caught up to me, but I saw this and stopped for a brief moment to let them pass me and the missiles hit the two robots and they exploded. "Ha, scrap metal!" I boasted. I then noticed that Robotnik was still on my tail, so I took off again at high speed. I noticed a large truck facing sideways towards me and decided to slide under it. After I passed right by it, Robotnik shot his laser at it which made it explode in front of him and he continued to pursue me. I took another right near a intersection at a tall building and I get the idea to run across it to throw the doctor off my tail. Although it did slightly confuse him, he instantly was able to keep up with me and track me down.

(End Music)

"You're too slow doc." I yelled out to him.

"Grr... you know what enough of this! I'm going to capture you even if it means destroying this city!" Robotnik said frustrated.

"Wait... what?!" I said surprised.

The doctor shot a laser in front of me which I stopped instantly to see that it shot a few cars unoccupied and they exploded upon contact. I gasped at this. The doctor saw two pedestrians looking at the situation and decided to use them as bait for me. He turned towards the citizens and carefully aimed a laser shot at them. I took notice of this and instantly ran to save them. Robotnik shot a laser at the citizens which caused them to freak out instantly.

"AAH!" A random victim screamed.

When the laser nearly them, I saved the two citizens and brought them onto a nearby sidewalk for safety.

"Whoa." One of them said. "T-Thank you. You saved my life."

"No problem." I replied giving a thumbs up.

Doctor Robotnik was not amused. "You are resilient, I'll give you that... BUT STAND STILL!!!" He fired another laser at me which I dodged easily.

"STOP!" I yelled. "There's no reason for innocent civilians to get hurt."

"If anything is considered an obstacle at completing my plans, then I will do what it takes to remove it, and those pathetic citizens your saving counts."

I was not in the mood for games anymore, in fact I was angry that Robotnik said that he will kill citizens just to try to capture me.

I scowled. "You can shoot as many lasers as you want at them or even kill me doc, but I'm not going to let you hurt them."

"That's fine by me." He replied with a smug grin. "It will just make the job easier." He aimed his laser at another citizen and shot at them which I saw and instantly ran for and saved once again. I dropped the person off inside a building.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes. Thank you for saving me." They said.

Author's Note: Just imagine if they are a random man or woman.

I ran back outside to confront Robotnik again.

"Ha, ha, ha. You can't save these citizens forever." He cackled.

"Maybe not." I replied angrily. "But I'm going to keep protecting them even if it kills me!"

Just then a blue aura went around me which both the doctor and I noticed. Then full with determination, I jumped and rolled up my entire body which made me turn into a yellow ball. The doctor was baffled at what he was seeing as I kept charging my roll in midair. Then, after a few seconds I rocketed at the doctors laser ray at high speed which upon contact, I destroyed and I landed back down on the ground and on my feet.

'A homing attack!' I thought. 'This is new, I wonder what's triggering my powers. I bet more of them will come back soon eventually.'

Doctor Robotnik growled. "You won this time. But I will be back to not only take your powers, but also take the other 7 magic energies to conquer the entire world."

"Again with the 7 energies. What magic energy?" I simply asked confused.

"There are 7 other humans who most likely have power similar to yours. I just hope when I find them, they won't be as much of a nuisance as you are. I can't believe my arch nemesis from the Mobius dimension is here.

"What are you talking about? We just met, the only other arch nemesis I have is Imperator Ix, who by the way is gone." I said confused.

"Remember how I said that I know of your dimension and how you are Michael The Hedeghog? Well, I apparently have been studying your abilities for 3 years and I've wanted to extract it so I can conquer Mobius, just like my 500 year descendant tried to do with Sonic." Robotnik explained.

"So your a descendant of Dr. Eggman?" I asked surprised.

"Naturally." He replied.

I give a smug grin. "If your so smart, then how come it took you over 3 years to try to capture me, I mean it took Ix like 10 minutes." I taunted.

"Bah! I should destroy you now!... but due to my machines being out of commission I can't now. I've got to go back to the fortress and reassemble my robots." Robotnik said frustrated. He then left riding his mobile in the skies.

I took a look around the city and some areas were damaged pretty badly. I sighed. "I can't let Robotnik take this world or this city. I've got to help and protect these people and my friends."

I then started to run back home at high speeds, but little did I know that Rarity took a picture of everything that happened.

"My stars." Rarity said. "I must tell the others about this. It could be extremely serious."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading Chapter 4! :twilightsmile:
Next time: The Rainbooms finally find out my secret and who I actually am.
This is Michael The Hedgehog/The Nintega Guy and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.