• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 932 Views, 15 Comments

The Story of My Geode - The Nintega Guy

I travel to another dimension and as a human with new friends, I find secrets that others are trying to hunt down.

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Chapter 1: Meeting My Friends and The Hero of Canterlot High

Six Months Later

Being a normal student at Canterlot High School made me have a happy life. I was considered to be one of the nicest people in the school as I would help anybody around when they needed it (If it was for a good thing that is). If some people asked me where I was from, I would just try to change the subject as best as I could, or just simply state that I was from "out of town" and it somehow worked. I even made a ton of friends around the school and I mean a ton, I would hang out with most of them daily and did any school project with them. In school, my grades were pretty good as I got an A in PE (Of course) and AP Calculus, a B in Physics, and in History. Your probably wonder where I live in Canterlot? Well, I secretly was sleeping in the library for two months until I was able to get a small job that pays a bunch, and after awhile working at a music store with Vinyl Scratch, who was one of my new friends in the Human World, I was able to get myself a house nearby with the average things a person has in their house. Being in High School and the Human World has kept me sane.............. well I sometimes miss my old world, but that's okay. I am living my best life as a human. Right now, it's only 30 minutes till class starts and I was just getting some things prepared from my locker. As I was doing that, a guy with pale, amber skin and pistachio green hair came up to me. His name was Sandalwood and he was one of my friends in this school, but he wasn't close.

"Yo Michael, did you do your Calculus homework?" He asked.

"Of course I did." I simply stated.

"Can I borrow yours?" I then get a confused look.

"Borrow it....... come on Sandalwood." He then get's a conflicted look as he darts his eyes back and forth.

"...You don't... I suppose... wanna..... cheat off it." He said.

Just after that a guy with turquoise skin and blonde hair named Zephyr Breeze came around the corner to him. Zephyr sometimes drives me nuts as I'm an above average guy and he sometimes asks me for things for his own gain, like trying to get a date with a certain rainbow haired girl. However, I still consider him a friend.

"You were suppose to ask him if we could work off his paper." Zephyr interjected to Sandalwood.

After that a guy with blue spiky hair and peach skin wearing a black jacket came up to all of us. His name was Flash Sentry, and he is indeed a very close friend of mine. Ever since we met, we've been hanging out like crazy as him and we have half of our classes together. We both have an interest in rock music and listen to the same artists. He once offered me a spot in his band, but I declined due to both having some difficult classes and didn't really know how to play guitar in my human form. He understood though, and we are still best friends to this day.

"And he would then say no because he's the only one of you two that has any integrity." Flash said scolding both of them.

"Thank you Flash." I said as I walked away with a smile. Zephyr then grabbed my shoulder.

"Dude, just a peek?" he begged. I then give him an annoyed glare.

"No!" I said.

"DUDE!" he whined.

"What part of 'no' do you not understand?" I said as I walked away again.

"I don't know..... the 'no' part?" he said confused on what to say.

"He's right you know, you should do your own homework." Flash said as he was also walking away.

Now I know from the looks of it, some students are trying to use me because I'm a smart guy. Well hence the word 'some', not all of the students here are greedy and awful, in fact like I said, most of the students here are quite wonderful. Just then as I was walking down the halls, a voice called out to me.

"Howdy there, Michael."

I then turn around to see another one of my close friends in this school, she was a girl with pale, orange skin and blonde hair, wearing a Southern Stetson hat on her head and had green eyes. Her name was Applejack, and she was known for her honest actions around the school, and she lived on a farm with her family. She was also as a matter of fact, the first person for me to help around the school.


In the past, she was apparently suppose to be carrying a few barrels filled with different flavored apples to the cafeteria, but she had a little trouble as she accidentally tripped and broke one of them open and it caused a bunch of apples to be scattered across the floor. She got a little bit frustrated as she was trying to get it situated, but I saw this and felt bad for her so I asked if I could help and she said that she was more than happy to accept my help. After we got all of the apples back in the barrel, I then asked if I could help with the rest of the barrels and she said that I didn't have to do that, but I insisted as I told her that I can't allow her to do something like that alone. She was shocked, but happy at my level of compassion for her and she allowed me to help her once more. Ever since then, we were really close friends as I would help Applejack out with anything.

(End of Flashback)

"Hey Applejack, what's up?" I said.

"Nothin' much, say sugarcube I was wondering if you would like to help me with some chores at Sweet Apple Acres this weekend." She asked casually.

"Sure. I don't mind at all, I'd be grateful to help you out Applejack." She then get's a big smile on her face.

"Yee haw! You're just the most generous person besides Rarity in this school Michael. Thanks so much." She said excited.

"No problem, I love to help anybody out especially my friends." I said.

"Well then, Ah'm going to get back to the cafeteria for a bit. Granny Smith needs help restocking some of the apple cider. I'll see you later Michael." She said as she walked away and waved goodbye. I waved back and walked away as well.

Walking through the halls I was feeling good, that was until I felt a small tug on my jeans. I looked down and I saw a tiny white bunny tugging my jeans and giving me a small smile. I already knew who he belonged to. The bunny's name was Angel and he honestly liked me a lot. He belonged to another one of my close friends in this school and she was a girl with light yellow skin and pink hair wearing a green dress and can usually be seen with animals. Her name was Fluttershy and hence her name she was a shy person especially when we both first met.


In the past, I was just walking around like a normal pedestrian through the city trying to get experience with the human world until I came across a workplace that said Canterlot Animal Shelter. I was intrigued at the sign and wanted to see what the animals were like in this world. When I entered I saw a bunch of dogs and cats in cages, but to me I realized that they looked nothing like the animals that were back in my world, in this world they looked.... cuter. While I was mesmerized by the looks of adorable animals, a girl which was Fluttershy accidentally bumped into me and I fell to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She said softly as she offers her hand to me.

"It's okay, it was an accident." I said as she helped get me up.

"I've never seen you around here before, are you here to volunteer?" She asked.

"No, I just came to see what the animals are like in here." I simply stated.

"Oh." she said shyly. I noticed how shy she was being and I smiled and decided to try to get to know her.

"My name is Michael, I just moved here two weeks ago. What's your name?" I politely asked.

"F-Fluttershy" she said in a nervous whisper tone. She then hides behind her hair and blushes. I noticed how nervous she was being and just smiled.

"It's okay if you don't really want to talk, I just thought maybe we both could be friends if that's alright with you." I said in a calm voice. She was surprised at how nice I was being to her as she blushed even harder and gave a soft smile.

"M-My name is Fluttershy." She said in a more heard voice.

"Fluttershy huh? That's a cute name. I see you sometimes at the entrance of the school giving out flyers." I said as I immediately recognized her. She then stopped hiding behind her hair, puts her hands behind her back and stops blushing. She then look at me in the eye and smiled. "I don't suppose you got any hamsters or guinea pigs I could look at do you?" She then brightens up and was surprised at my words. Yes, I do like tiny little furry animals even though I was part animal for a long time in my life.

"You like hamsters?" She said in a more excited voice. I simply nodded. "Well of course, I'll show you some of the hamsters we have in the animal shelter. Their right this way, follow me."

As we were walking towards the room with the hamsters, we walked into a hall filled with reptiles. I saw a snake in one of those cages and I got scared as snakes creep me out. Fluttershy noticed how scared I was around the snake and she just giggled.

"Are you afraid of snakes?" She asked feeling concerned. I nodded vigorously. She then did something unexpected and picked the snake out of its cage and she just held it in her arms. I backed up a bit being even more scared.

"Here pet it." I was very hesitant to pet the snake as I was afraid of getting bit, but seeing Fluttershy's innocent eyes, I decided to take my chances and I slowly reached my hand until it was touching the snakes head and I started petting it gently. As I was petting it, the snake didn't do anything aggressive, in fact it was smiling and I started to smile as well. "I think he kind of likes you." Fluttershy said giggling.

"I think so too." I said no longer scared. Seeing how well Fluttershy is with animals made me like her even more and she helped with a fear I had for awhile. "You know I honestly used to be extremely afraid of snakes, but I think I'm starting to not to. Thanks for this Fluttershy." She then gives me a smile as she puts the snake back in it's cage.

"You're welcome, it looked like you needed help since you were a little scared." She said sweetly. We then continued our way to the hamster room and I got to see an entire house full of them.

(End of Flashback)

"Oh hi Angel, is there something you need?" I asked the tiny bunny. Fluttershy then came up behind him as she was looking for him.

"Angel, how many times have I told you to not wander off without asking me?" Fluttershy said as she picked Angel up. Angel then got an annoyed look and crossed his arms as just wanted to see me for a few minutes. "I'm really sorry if he's bothering you Michael."

"It's okay Fluttershy, I don't mind his attention." I said trying to not make her feel guilty. I then pet Angel a little bit and he felt better after that. "Well I've got to get to class, I'll see you later Fluttershy." I said as I walked away and waved back at her.

"Bye Michael." She said back as she also waved.

Just then the school bell rang and everyone was making their way to their classes including me. My first period was AP Calculus with Mr. Cranky Doodle, he can be a handful to some students, but it's really only because they don't focus as well as me and my other partner in that class. Who is that partner you may ask? She was one of the smartest people in this school and her name was Twilight Sparkle. She was a girl with purple skin and hair, who wears glasses, a blue striped shirt with a purple skirt.


Over the months at my time in Canterlot High, I was having trouble on studying and doing my homework. However, that changed when I met Twilight in the library one day as she was just reading by herself. I thought that she looked smart enough to help me out and I walked over to her innocently.

"Hello" I said getting her attention.

"Oh hi, can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm having a little trouble studying for History and I thought maybe someone like you could help me out." I said. She then get's a confused look.

"Sure, but why me? I'm sure there are others who could help you." She stated.

"Well.... you were the first person I saw and I just thought maybe you and I could be study buddies." I said.

She then just smiles and closes her book.

"Well then sure, I'd be glad to help you out with your studying."

We then walked to a nearby table and sat down. I told her that I was having a little trouble with memorization and she introduced to some materials I never had to use back in my world. Afterwards, I was able to study properly for History and after that, we actually got to talking as we both loved Math and we were both really good at it. What? Some people in any dimension can love numbers once in a while. She told me how she used to attend a former snotty school called Crystal Prep and how the students were there. They sounded a little arrogant. She also introduced me to her pet dog Spike and even though he was a talking dog, I didn’t freak out like most people because I was technically a talking animal in my dimension. I even ended helping her out when she had a complex algebra equation she couldn't quite solve and she was surprised at how I solved it by my steps. We hung out in the library and talked and laughed until school was over that day.

"I've got to say, your pretty smart Twilight." I said complementing her.

"Thanks, your pretty smart yourself Michael." she said back.

I then get an idea. "Say, you don't suppose we could tutor each other again sometime, do you?" I asked.

"Sure, why not the library is always open at the end of the day. How about we give each other's information?" She proposed as we both took out our phones and handed each other's contact info. I already had a phone before the human world, so don't ask.

(End of Flashback)

After first period ended, Twilight and I had relieved looks on our faces as Mr. Cranky Doodle gave us a pop quiz, and nobody but us was prepared for it.

"Wow, glad I studied last night." I said letting out a relieved sigh.

"You and me both." Twilight said as we both walked to our next classes.

PE was way too easy for me and not only that, a few of the people in that class are very athletic like me which made for great competitions during that period. Some of their names were Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot. But one person in this period is probably the best of best friends I've ever had in this school and her name was Rainbow Dash. I probably mentioned her earlier as the rainbow-haired girl that Zephyr Breeze is always trying to get a date with. Rainbow Dash has light blue skin, rainbow colored hair (obviously), wearing a white shirt with a blue short-sleeved hoodie. We both love competition, action, and speed. When I found out that Canterlot High had sports and she was the captain of all the teams, I was immediately excited and entered the soccer team and track team. We were both soon enough known as the best duo in Canterlot High sports. As I entered the gym, she saw me and rushed up to me holding out a fist.

"You ready for some action Michael?!" Rainbow asked with a cocky smirk.

"You know it!" I said as I fist bumped her and gave her the same facial expression. I then went to the locker for a bit to change into my gym clothes.

During the period, we went outside and the coach allowed us to have free time for the day. This got Rainbow Dash and I excited as we instantly decided that we would play soccer. Trust me when I say that Rainbow is a pro at soccer, I mean after about 4 months I'm still barely a level below her. We got in pairs as I was paired with Fleetfoot while Rainbow Dash was paired with Soarin. Spitfire decided to be the referee for us.

"Get ready Michael, cause you're about to get crushed." Rainbow taunted. I instantly had a comeback to that.

"Oh please, your about to get that ball fed to you in the face." I shot back.

Spitfire blew her whistle and Rainbow was already dribbling the ball past me, but I wasn't about to let her show me up this early. I caught up to her and surprised her with a slide tackle.

"Ha, Nothin' but net Rainbow." I said dribbling the ball towards the goal.

Soarin was being the goalie and as soon as I kicked the ball at the goal, he caught it and passed it to Rainbow Dash.

"You were saying?" she said with a cocky grin.

I tried to chase her down, but she ended up getting close to Fleetfoot's goal and shot the ball with a great force. Fleetfoot, however was barely able to block it and the ball went up in the air and was landing towards me. I then did a bicycle kick as Rainbow was trying to catch it with her head and the ball then was in the middle of the field again. After a bit before it was about 15 minutes till next period, Rainbow and I were sweating and had a ton of adrenaline as we were both tied 4-4. Spitfire blew her whistle and both of us charged to the ball with Rainbow Dash taking the kickoff again. I was trying all I could to intercept her movements, but she dodged everything I did and shot the ball at Fleetfoot's goal, only for Fleetfoot to miss giving Rainbow Dash the win. I was a bit salty at her winning, but I wasn't a sore loser.

"That was intense, but a good game Michael." Rainbow said as she was tried.

"Yeah." I said panting. "You were just too much for me Dash. No wonder your so awesome."

"See, this is why your my best friend Michael. You know how to make a good game, your super athletic, not a sore loser, and on top of all that, you let me know how awesome I am." Rainbow said with a smile.

"Well, I'm going to beat you next time, just you wait." I said smirking.

"Oh, I'd love to see that happen." She responded sarcastically with the same expression. We then all got changed and second period ended. I was then walking off towards the cafeteria to lunch.

As I was in the middle of the hall making my way towards the cafeteria, someone instantly came up and tackled me to the side of the locker's giving me a huge, bone breaking hug. Oh, I just can never get enough of this girl. She was a girl with pink skin and hair wearing a white tank-top with a pink skirt. Her name was Pinkamena Diane Pie.... wait that sounds too long..... oh wait that's right, many people including myself just refer to her as Pinkie Pie. She was a party planner who always strives to make her friends smile and laugh. When me and her first met, we instantly hit it off. After a little bit at my time at CHS I kinda had a tiny crush on her until..... well..... I'll tell you later. She makes without doubt, the best sweets in the world and she is also a psychic because she instantly knew my favorite cupcake flavor. She also works at a cafe near the mall that I sometimes go to just to not only eat, but see her. Pinkie is just the kind of person who can just make anyone's day.

"Hi Mikey!!" she said squeezing me. I was trying my best to return the hug as I was losing air.

"Hey Pinkie........ room........ becoming......... dark." I responded. She then let go of me and I regained my oxygen.

"I just wanted to give you your Monday Cupcake, everyone believes Monday's are bad so I just wanted to give you this." She then pulled out of nowhere my favorite flavored cupcake. A cupcake with lemon icing striped with blue raspberry.

"Pinkie this is why I like you, you make me smile, know everything I need, and you are always happy. Thanks for giving me a better Monday" I said with a wink as a I walked away. I didn't noticed she was blushing at my comment.

"What? I'm not blushing." She said getting rid of her blu- wait how are you talking to me, I'm the writer. Actually you know what, I'm not even going to ask no more. She just let's out a huge grin with a sqee as she dashed off.

I was in the cafe just minding my own business eating my food. Then someone walked me and as soon as saw her I kinda got a confused look. Okay, well let me just explain, she's a girl with white skin and indigo colored curled hair. She usually wears a light blue dress, but today... she was exaggerating a little bit as she was wearing a boa scarf around her neck and a cape. Her name was Rarity, she a fashionista and works at Carousel Boutique in the city.


I met Rarity when I first was in need of more clothes (well, the exact same ones but still) she just gave me a HUGE wide variety of clothes and I was just in awe as she was giving me all of those suggestions. I told her that she didn't need to that, but she insisted and told me you can never have too many options. I just smiled at how generous she was being. I ended up just picking another yellow jacket and black shirt and paid for it. I even decided to be generous back towards Rarity and gave her a $8 tip. I told her the same motto back, but instead I said you could never be too generous. She came up and hugged me at my level of generosity like hers and we both became good friends. Getting back to the original scene though.

(End of Flashback)

"Rarity, are you sure you have to wear that?" I asked with a conflicted look.

"Darling, you didn't know?" She asked.

"Know what?"

"If you didn't watch it, my latest trend going around the school is capes. And they can go in excellent style when your anywhere." She said as she flipped the cape on her back.

"Eh, maybe I'll give it a shot when I have the chance, but I don't think something like capes can be that popular." I said with a playful eye roll.

Right after I said that, a bunch of students walked past me wearing different kinds of capes.

'Are you serious?!' I thought surprised at the popularity of Rarity's trend.

You're probably thinking to yourself 'What Trend?' well every week Rarity has a new thing in store that she tells everyone on the morning school video. I sometimes agree or disagree with some of those trends.

After lunch ended, I got through my last two periods of school for the day, Physics and my worst subject History. After the school bell rang for school to be done for the day, I headed towards my locker until I saw my last best friend. She was without to me in my mind, the prettiest and best friend I had besides Rainbow Dash and Flash. Her name is Sunset Shimmer. She is a girl with light orange skin and had red and yellow highlights in her hair. She wore an orange shirt under a black vest and also she had a purple skirt to go with it. Sunset and I met during my second day here at CHS and she became my first friend. We've been best friends ever since then since we both have almost the same personality and interests. Not to mention I started to developed a huge crush on her. Sunset is just the girl in this school who makes my heart Shimmer. Ha! See what I did there.


It was just my second day at Canterlot High as I was trying to get used to how school functions in the Human World. Many students were looking at me with some surprised expressions seeing a new transfer student. As I turned a corner, I bumped into a girl by accident and that girl was Sunset.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I quickly.

"No, no it's okay." Sunset responded back to me before getting a closer look at me. "I've never seen you here before. Are you new?"

I simply nodded as this was the first person I have interacted with in a conversation and I was slightly nervous. She then looks at me with a smile.

"Well its nice to meet you, my name is Sunset Shimmer." She then holds her hand out to me.

'Sunset Shimmer?' I thought. 'Huh? Weird, but cool name.' "My name is Michael." I said back.

We both shook hands casually and she decided to ask me another question I was not ready for.

"So where are you from Michael?" She asked.

I then started to get a conflicted look on my face as I went into panic mode. I couldn't just say 'I'm a hedgehog from another dimension and accidentally came to the Human World.' She then sees my nervousness and just giggles.

"Um, are you okay? You seem to be nervous about something." She asked with a smug smile. I then get an idea of what to say, but it wasn't that logical sounding.

"I'm..... from....................... Seaside Hill!" I said in an instant. Seaside Hill was actually just one of my favorite hangout places on Mobius. I knew it wasn't a logical answer, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.

'Seaside Hill? I've never heard of that place before.' She said thinking.

"So, Michael do you have any friends at the moment?" She asked.

Friends. That one word made me think about my time back in Mobius. I wasn't really that much of a socialist... well maybe it's because I didn't go the cities that much in my world and mostly hung out by myself in either Seaside Hill, Casino Park, or Sandopolis. While I was known to the world and I had many fans that supported me in saving the world, it never came to my mind to actually interact socially with those people. All I cared about when I was back on Mobius was the well being of others. Now that Sunset is asking me this question, I didn't exactly know what to say.

"I..... don't..... have any friends." I said sadly.

She then was shocked at my words as if that was the first she heard someone say that.

"You don't have any friends? Even back from your hometown?" She asked.

I just shook my head looking down as I felt slight sadness. She then put her hand on my shoulder which prompted me to look at her. She smiled and said something I will never forget these past six months. "I'll be your friend."

I looked at her with a surprised look and then got a smile on my face. This was the very first friend I've ever made in life, let alone another dimension and I never knew it made me feel so happy. I was then back to my normal, confident, and awesome self and decided to say something back.

"Thanks Sunset, you just made my day." I said with confidence.

"No problem." She said giggling. "Do you want to hang out before class starts?"

"Sure. I've got nothing to do right now and the day is still young, so I'm down." I said.

Right after that we both walked down the hallway having a conversation. Sunset and I soon enough got to know each other more, but I didn't tell her anything about Mobius.... yet. She introduced me to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in the process.

(End of Flashback)

"Hey Sunset." I called out to her.

Sunset then turns around to see me and smiles. "Hey Michael, how's it going?"

"Same old, same old." I said. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing much. The girls and I are going to head to band practice later and Pinkie said she redesigned her drums for something more fun. I'm betting it's going to be full of surprises." She said with a playful eye roll.

I chuckled. "Who else but Pinkie Pie."

"Hey Michael, do you want to come see us practice later? I thought we could get your opinion on some of the songs we wrote." I almost said yes until I remembered that I was hanging out with Flash later.

"Sorry Sunset, Flash and I were going to hang out at the mall later. Maybe next time okay?" I said hoping she would understand.

Sunset then get's a disappointed look before an understanding one. "Well alright, I'm not going to force you. I'll see you tomorrow then Michael." She then waves and walks away.

I wave back at her and was just about to meet up with Flash until I heard a small scream. I followed it and it turns out that the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo) were being picked on by some random bully their age. I notice this and get a determined look on my face before walking over to them.

"How many times do I have to tell you, its just stupid money. You can get some more on your own, but if I find it it's mine." The bully threatened.

"If that's the case, then why are you stealing it from us." Scootaloo shot back.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled as he shoved her to the ground. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom went over to help her.

"Why do you have to be so mean?" Sweetie Belle asked in a sad voice.

"Yer not helping yourself in anyway, can't you see that?" Apple Bloom said to him.

"Oh, I'll show you how I help myself." The bully said as he approached them with a balled up fist.

"HEY!" I shouted to him. They all turned around to see me standing behind them. The Crusaders had relieved looks on their faces while the bully had a scared look.

"Ooh, now yer in for it" said Apple Bloom.

"You lay one finger on those girls, and I swear you'll have something come up to you that's worse than detention." I said approaching the bully with an angry face.

He was looking at me extremely frightened. "Uh... um... I-I w-wasn't gonna take their money, i-in fact I was going to give it back to them and say I was sorry." he said as he dropped the money in his hand and ran off.

I just sighed. 'Why do some people think they can just get away with everything?' I thought. The Crusaders then stood up, got their money and walked up to me.

"Thanks for saving us like that Michael." Scootaloo said.

"Your like a hero." said Sweetie Belle.

"Hero? No, I just like to help anybody in need because I care for others. Especially my friends." I said trying to be humble.

"You may not think of yourself as a hero Michael, but we do." said Apple Bloom. She then get's an idea and faces the other Crusaders. "Wait, we could give him a new title like the Rainbooms."

"Wait, what?" I said confused.

"Great idea, but should we call him?" Scootaloo asked.

"Super Michael?" Sweetie Belle proposed.

'Reminds me of my super form' I thought to myself.

"Nah, I'm getting a comic book feeling from that." Scootaloo said denying her suggestion.

"Ooh, what about Michael the Canterlot." Apple Bloom suggested.

'Reminds me of a name of my old self' I thought chuckling.

"What?! No! We need a title that sounds awesome. Something that makes him sound like a huge deal at CHS." Scootaloo said. She then thinks for a minute before coming up with an idea. "I know, what about Michael, The Hero of CHS." She said.

"Now girls, you don't have to-" I was cut off by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"That's a great idea." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

"Well, then its settled from here on out your Michael, The Hero of CHS." Scootaloo said smirking.

"Okay, I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders.

They then ran off to tell everyone my new title for the school. Flash then came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"That was impressive, Hero of CHS." Flash said.

"Flash! Your doing it already?!" I said slightly embarrassed.

"I'm just messing with ya." He said. "So, you wanna get going?"

"Yeah, let's go." I said as both Flash and I walked out of the school.

As you can see, this is my time at Canterlot as a human and I'm enjoying it like crazy. I thought to myself that nothing could go wrong with my new life as a human. However, little did I know that things are going to start changing soon.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my story. I am currently working on Chapter 2 as you read, so expect it pretty soon. This chapter was longer than I thought it would be, but I'm not complaining. As long as you guys enjoy the story, I'm happy. Next time: Twilight and Pinkie find a strange ring-shaped crystal and Twilight takes it to school the next day to analyze it. See ya! This is Michael The Hedgehog/The Nintega Guy signing off.