• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 934 Views, 15 Comments

The Story of My Geode - The Nintega Guy

I travel to another dimension and as a human with new friends, I find secrets that others are trying to hunt down.

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Prologue: How It All Started

My name is Michael The Hedgehog, a yellow blur of super-fast speed, power, and an extremely handsome package... okay maybe not that last part, but I live on a planet called Mobius filled with anthropomorphic animals and some humans. You're probably thinking 'isn't that basically Sonic the Hedgehog?' Well no, I'm actually Sonic from an alternate dimension 500 years into the future. There is no Dr. Eggman, but there is still evil that I stop week after week. I battle this evil and sinister villain named Imperator Ix (Sonic Chronicles Reference) who seeks to rule Mobius as his own kingdom. Thanks to me, I save lots of people from that guy and makes sure that the planet is safe. He stays on his planet Nocturne, but is always planning something up there. He has thousands of guards called Nocturians that in my experiences, are just as easy to take down as robots. Yep, being a hero is fun... but although I don't mind being a hero, I kinda wish sometimes that I could get a break. However, that all ends and changes one day, and that day is today. Imperator Ix is apparently is trying to find his counterpart from 500 years ago and make the dimensions collide, but I'm not about to let that happen.

Imperator Ix is currently in his throne room trying to finish his invention. "It's been over 3 years, and I still can't beat that yellow rodent," Imperator Ix said irritated. "But with this new dimension portal maker, I will be able to make sure that Michael won't exist and with the help of someone like me from another dimension, I'll finally rule this backwater planet."

He started to finish the machine, but as soon as he was about to get prepared, I come through smashing through a wall, creating a dramatic entrance.

I stood up into a fighting position and glared at the evil overlord, "Alright Ix, whatever your about to do stop it now and I'll go easy on ya." Imperator Ix was baffled at how I knew he was planning something again.

"Wah?!... how did you even know I was here?"

"C'mon Ix, we both know that after 3 years that I got a pretty good idea when, where, and who is going to do evil stuff." I said with a cocky smirk.

"Well this time it will not fail!" Ix said before pressing a button. "Guards get this yellow hedgehog out of my sight!"

Just after that an alarm blared and a bunch of Nocturians entered the room and tried to shoot laser blasts at me, but I dodged them with ease with my amazing speed and spin dashed into each of them making them fall on the ground unconscious.

"Sttttrrrriiiikkkkke!" I said looking down upon the Nocturian guards.

More guards started to enter the room and this time holding flamethrower cannons. They shot at me directly, but I just stood there and yawned. The flames surrounded me and the guards thought they toasted me, but they instead saw that I was perfectly fine and was shocked. I then showed flames in my hands.

"You imbeciles!" Ix scolded. "You just gave him what he wanted."

"You got that right Ix, I can absorb any natural element and turn it into my own." I said as I shoot my own fireballs at the Nocturian guards who then fled in fear.

Ever since I was young, I was able to use any natural element such as Fire, Electricity, Wind, or Ice and absorb it's energy to my own power. I was to help a lot of citizens with these powers and stop any evil threat such as Ix from doing their own evil deeds. However, there is a 15 minute limit to where I can use that element, so don't get the idea that I'm overpowered.

"It seems ordinary soldiers are not fit to take a simple task." Ix said as he was trying to check on how his dimension machine was holding up. "Elite Marauder, come down here and dispose of this nuisance!" Ix pressed a large blue button that signaled someone to come. Just as that happens a Nocturian who looked to be bigger and stronger than me appeared behind me.

"Whoa! I've seen this guy before and beat him a couple of times, and now your bringing him out again." I said sarcastically.

The giant Nocturian then backhanded at me and surprisingly catching me off guard and hit me at a wall and I crashed with immense force. "Okay, but that doesn't mean I should let my guard down." I said as I got up. He then showed his own arm cannon and blasted a giant laser towards me. I dodged it quickly and started to run across the entire room with him trying to shoot me as best as he could. I spin attacked on the giant Nocturian's head and he felt a slight pain before focusing back on me. Imperator Ix was then trying to activate the machine and it worked until I got in the way.

"GAH! YOU MORON, YOU'LL RUIN EVERYTHING!" Ix screamed as he was trying to hit me with his staff, but I dodged effortlessly.

"That's the idea." I said.

Just then the Elite Marauder fired a laser blast towards both me and Imperator Ix and we both got out of the way only for the dimension machine to be hit, but instead of it being destroyed, it malfunctioned which worried everyone in the room. The machine then turned into a ticking time bomb and was causing tremors in the room.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Ix said to the both of us as he levitated and dashed out of the room. The Elite Marauder sprinted as fast as he could out of the room as well, but I instead was looking at the machine trying to come up with a plan.

"Okay, I can't allow this gigantic machine to destroy neither this nor any other planet. I've got to see if I can do something." I said as I was examining the machine for any weak points. I tried my best to see if i could fix the machine in any way, but there was nothing as the tremors only got worse and a white flash formed in the core of the machine. "Aw man, I don't know if I can save everyone on Nocturne or Mobius this time... unless."

I suddenly sprinted and showed up at a treasure room filled with artifacts and jewelry without having to deal with any guards since they were clearing trying to get off the planet in panic. I looked around around the room and sure enough, my theory was correct. There was a Chaos Emerald sitting there at the top of the mountain of treasures and I ran as fast as I could with my super-fast speed towards it while trying to avoid falling debris. I grabbed the Chaos Emerald just in the nick of time as the tremors on the planet got even worse and the planet was starting to fall apart. I looked outside and many Nocturians were just getting in ships and drones to just fly away, and Imperator Ix was seen too flying on an airship.

Seeing both my planet Mobius in the distance and the Nocturians flying off into the galaxy, I knew that the fate of the universe depends on me. I rushed back to the throne room where the dimension machine was as it was swelling up and getting ready to explode.

"I hope this works!" I said as I held the emerald up in my hands. "Chaos Control!"

After I said that, the emerald started to glow and the entire room flashed with both me and the dimension machine gone. The planet then stopped shaking, but the entire city was in ruins along with the tower that Imperator Ix lives in. Both me and the machine were in the middle of space and as I was relieved that I saved the world, the machine finally exploded and created an explosion that was in a white flash and it was as big as a miniature Big Bang.

"Uh Oh." I said. The flash then engulfed me and only me in an instant and after a split second, I was gone and the entire space galaxy was intact.

In the Equestrian Human World

We see seven certain girls driving back from the Starswirl Festival and each one of them had tired, but relieved looks on their faces as it was night time and they were driving back to Canterlot.

"These two days of the Music Festival was awesome!" said Rainbow Dash upbeat. Pinkie Pie then got up.

"I know!" she yelled which startled everyone. "It's been super duper amazing that I can't even imagine it, especially since Sunset and I got to play with PostCrush!"

"We know sugarcube, y'all been talking about it nonstop for the past 15 hours yesterday." Applejack said with a playful eye roll.

"I know, I just can't get it out of my mind!" said Pinkie with a huge grin.

"Well... it wasn't two days for me." said Sunset Shimmer with a tired look.

"I still can't believe you were actually in a time loop." said Twilight Sparkle. "It's possible that a snag in spac-" she was then cutoff by Pinkie.

"Actually, there is no scientific explanation for it Twilight, it was Equestrian magic!" said Pinkie as Twilight just facepalmed at the fact that that should've been obvious.

"Long story short, at the beginning of the festival I realized that time reset, and I tried numerous times to fix it, then Princess Twilight told me about the Time Twirler and then Pinkie and I broke the loop." Sunset said.

"By the looks of your eyes darling, you look like you could use a rest" said Rarity looking at Sunset with a worried look.

"No it's fine, we all were at Festival and we still had fun, that's what matters." Sunset said with a reassuring smile.

"Still, as much as the story sounds interesting, I wish we could go on one trip without my friends being in danger." said Fluttershy.

"Hey, even if Equestrian magic does put us in danger, we'll be there to stop it in no time, right guys?" Rainbow said pumping a fist.

Everyone nodded and smiled until a loud boom was heard in the sky and it looked to be a comet. Pinkie looked out the window and grinned.

"Oooh, a shooting star let's make wishes everyone." Pinkie then closed her eyes. "I wish for unlimited cupcakes in my house." Everyone then looked at Pinkie confused. "What? Cupcakes are the best."

"The more I look at that though, I think that's a little big and slow to be a shooting star." said Twilight as she took a closer look at it.

"And did anyone else notice that it appeared out of nowhere?" Sunset said with a conflicted look.

Little did they know that the shooting star... was me.

I was flying through the sky at high speeds down towards the city of Canterlot helplessly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed as I thought I was going to die at the impact of my fall. I was about to hit the ground until a large blue aura that I didn't notice surrounded me and as I hit the ground, I was perfectly fine but unconscious. I was asleep for about 3 hours in the night until I woke up weakly.

"Oh, man." I groaned. "What happened?" I started to examine where I was and in front of me was a large school that by the looks, no one was inside. I then tried to get up, but it felt weird as I felt taller than usual. 'This doesn't look like Rooftop Run or Station Square' I thought to myself until I noticed my hand, I wasn't wearing gloves and they were bare. "What in the... what happened to my gloves?" I then noticed that my shoes and legs were different as I was no longer in my black suit and was wearing blue jeans, a blue belt and blue tennis shoes. 'Okay this is weird.' I then looked behind me and saw a four mirror pedestal and walked up to it. When I saw myself in the mirror, I freaked out and fell down, I knew at this point what I was. 'I'm...... human?' I saw my reflection again as I was by the looks a 17 year old teenager with brown skin and black hair, I was wearing a black T-shirt and a yellow leather jacket as clothes. "Well even though I'm human, I can try to find some answers out here." I was just about to try to use my super speed, but................... it didn't work. I was in complete disbelief as I noticed that I don't have any powers. "Alright, I may not have any powers, but that doesn't mean I can't be normal." I said as I noticed that the Sun was coming up. I then also noticed that I had a watch on my left wrist and it said 6:00 AM. Just as I was about to walk away, I saw two adult women walking towards the school and they noticed me. One of them was a woman with white skin and beautiful flowing and colorful hair and the other one was a little bit smaller with blue skin and royal blue hair. They both looked like they could help me, so I walked towards them.

"Excuse me young man, but I believe you are a bit early for school today." The blue woman said as she looked at me with a confused look.

I stood there in silence trying to think of what to say and I just stated, "I'm...... I........ don't go to school." They then both look at each other trying to process what I just said.

"Well by the looks of your age, you seem to be someone like a school student." The white woman stated as she walked closer up to me.

"I.... just got here!" I quickly stated. "I'm from..... out of town." I was trying to avoid any questions that involved me saying that I was from another world.

"Oh, I see are you a transfer student?" The blue woman asked politely.

I didn't say anything, but I just simply nodded as I didn't know what else to do.

"Well then, welcome to Canterlot High School." the white woman said smiling. "I'm Principal Celestia, and this is my sister Vice Principal Luna."

"I'm Michael the- er.... Michael." I stated trying to not give any suspicions.

"Well Michael, even though you are early to school I believe that we can get you enrolled into our school pretty easily." Principal Celestia said as she and her sister walked towards the front of the school and I followed them.

When we entered the school, I was mesmerized by the layout the school. There was halls with lockers, classrooms, and many more things that I just wanted to take a look at.

'So this is what school is like.' I thought.

As I followed the two principals, we arrived at an office and I walked inside with them. There was a desk, drawers, and bookcases inside.

"Now then Michael why don't you take a seat and we'll get you situated with your schedule for your classes." Principal Celestia said.

I nodded and sat down, as she was looking through folders in the drawers I saw a yearbook and I picked it up and opened it. I saw inside that there were many humans in different ages and it looked fascinating to me. I even saw some achievements in the back of the book that seemed interested to me. There was "Best Gardener", "Great and Powerful Magician", but there was one picture that caught my eye in the book and that was a picture with seven girls and there achievement was "Best Friends." Seeing that picture got me interested in this school even more as by the looks of it, it seemed pretty nice. I was still wondering about my world back in the Mobius dimension, but the more I thought about what happened I shrugged it off as I assumed everyone was safe after the whole catastrophe I just experienced. It also came to my mind that I could finally catch a break from being a hero and live a normal life for once. Principal Celestia then got out an empty folder and got a few printed pieces of paper and handed them to me.

"There you go, you're now enrolled for our school." The principal said politely. "If you need anything, just come to my office or if I'm not here you can speak with sister who is just next door from here."

I looked at the folder which had my name on it and got a very happy look. "Thank you so much for this." I said smiling.

"You're very welcome Michael, I believe you will have an excellent time here at our school." Principal Celestia said. "The students here are very nice once you get to know them. It is also only 7:15, school doesn't start in another hour so why don't you give yourself a tour."

I then got up out of the seat and exited the office with an excited look on my face. This was my chance to finally have a normal life in school and I instantly became a student here. I walked around the school and I saw a lot of things that you would normally see in a school. There was a cafeteria to eat, a library to study, and a band room where students play there instruments. As I was walking down some more of the halls, I noticed a couple of frames on the wall and got a confused look at what I saw. There was a few unusual things that apparently happened at this school. I saw different pictures as they were titled "Fall Formal", "Musical Showcase", "Friendship Games", and "Camp Everfree". The pictures that I saw weren't anything normal though as I saw those seven girls again, but this time in a different form. Their dresses were different, they had different shaped ears, and long ponytails.

'Maybe this school isn't that normal' I thought to myself. 'But I won't back down from this opportunity to take a normal life.' As I just walked away and all of a sudden, the school bell rang and students were walking through the front doors of the school. I smiled and was ready to start my new school life here in Canterlot.

'This is going to be fun though, I can tell' I thought.

Author's Note:

If you guys don't know, Imperator Ix and The Nocturians are from the Sonic game, Sonic Chronicles and The Dark Brotherhood. He came to my mind of being the main villain of my universe ever since I got my OC. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the beginning of my first story, I'll make more chapters soon in the future, but don't expect for them to be finished instantly in a day as I still got school for myself. And also I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving, so Happy Thanksgiving from me.