The Story of My Geode

by The Nintega Guy

First published

I travel to another dimension and as a human with new friends, I find secrets that others are trying to hunt down.

My name is Michael The Hedgehog... well at least I was until I was sent to the Human World with no way back to my dimension, neither do I have my powers. However, after over six months of a normal school life at Canterlot High, paranormal things start to happen to me and an old, but new villain starts to find out about Equestrian Magic and desires to uncover the source of its power. In the meantime, I make lots of new friends, try out new things, and I also get a crush on Sunset Shimmer.

Inspiration from Nordryd MetalJrock2299 SonicAKG and Jordanwolfboy

Prologue: How It All Started

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My name is Michael The Hedgehog, a yellow blur of super-fast speed, power, and an extremely handsome package... okay maybe not that last part, but I live on a planet called Mobius filled with anthropomorphic animals and some humans. You're probably thinking 'isn't that basically Sonic the Hedgehog?' Well no, I'm actually Sonic from an alternate dimension 500 years into the future. There is no Dr. Eggman, but there is still evil that I stop week after week. I battle this evil and sinister villain named Imperator Ix (Sonic Chronicles Reference) who seeks to rule Mobius as his own kingdom. Thanks to me, I save lots of people from that guy and makes sure that the planet is safe. He stays on his planet Nocturne, but is always planning something up there. He has thousands of guards called Nocturians that in my experiences, are just as easy to take down as robots. Yep, being a hero is fun... but although I don't mind being a hero, I kinda wish sometimes that I could get a break. However, that all ends and changes one day, and that day is today. Imperator Ix is apparently is trying to find his counterpart from 500 years ago and make the dimensions collide, but I'm not about to let that happen.

Imperator Ix is currently in his throne room trying to finish his invention. "It's been over 3 years, and I still can't beat that yellow rodent," Imperator Ix said irritated. "But with this new dimension portal maker, I will be able to make sure that Michael won't exist and with the help of someone like me from another dimension, I'll finally rule this backwater planet."

He started to finish the machine, but as soon as he was about to get prepared, I come through smashing through a wall, creating a dramatic entrance.

I stood up into a fighting position and glared at the evil overlord, "Alright Ix, whatever your about to do stop it now and I'll go easy on ya." Imperator Ix was baffled at how I knew he was planning something again.

"Wah?!... how did you even know I was here?"

"C'mon Ix, we both know that after 3 years that I got a pretty good idea when, where, and who is going to do evil stuff." I said with a cocky smirk.

"Well this time it will not fail!" Ix said before pressing a button. "Guards get this yellow hedgehog out of my sight!"

Just after that an alarm blared and a bunch of Nocturians entered the room and tried to shoot laser blasts at me, but I dodged them with ease with my amazing speed and spin dashed into each of them making them fall on the ground unconscious.

"Sttttrrrriiiikkkkke!" I said looking down upon the Nocturian guards.

More guards started to enter the room and this time holding flamethrower cannons. They shot at me directly, but I just stood there and yawned. The flames surrounded me and the guards thought they toasted me, but they instead saw that I was perfectly fine and was shocked. I then showed flames in my hands.

"You imbeciles!" Ix scolded. "You just gave him what he wanted."

"You got that right Ix, I can absorb any natural element and turn it into my own." I said as I shoot my own fireballs at the Nocturian guards who then fled in fear.

Ever since I was young, I was able to use any natural element such as Fire, Electricity, Wind, or Ice and absorb it's energy to my own power. I was to help a lot of citizens with these powers and stop any evil threat such as Ix from doing their own evil deeds. However, there is a 15 minute limit to where I can use that element, so don't get the idea that I'm overpowered.

"It seems ordinary soldiers are not fit to take a simple task." Ix said as he was trying to check on how his dimension machine was holding up. "Elite Marauder, come down here and dispose of this nuisance!" Ix pressed a large blue button that signaled someone to come. Just as that happens a Nocturian who looked to be bigger and stronger than me appeared behind me.

"Whoa! I've seen this guy before and beat him a couple of times, and now your bringing him out again." I said sarcastically.

The giant Nocturian then backhanded at me and surprisingly catching me off guard and hit me at a wall and I crashed with immense force. "Okay, but that doesn't mean I should let my guard down." I said as I got up. He then showed his own arm cannon and blasted a giant laser towards me. I dodged it quickly and started to run across the entire room with him trying to shoot me as best as he could. I spin attacked on the giant Nocturian's head and he felt a slight pain before focusing back on me. Imperator Ix was then trying to activate the machine and it worked until I got in the way.

"GAH! YOU MORON, YOU'LL RUIN EVERYTHING!" Ix screamed as he was trying to hit me with his staff, but I dodged effortlessly.

"That's the idea." I said.

Just then the Elite Marauder fired a laser blast towards both me and Imperator Ix and we both got out of the way only for the dimension machine to be hit, but instead of it being destroyed, it malfunctioned which worried everyone in the room. The machine then turned into a ticking time bomb and was causing tremors in the room.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Ix said to the both of us as he levitated and dashed out of the room. The Elite Marauder sprinted as fast as he could out of the room as well, but I instead was looking at the machine trying to come up with a plan.

"Okay, I can't allow this gigantic machine to destroy neither this nor any other planet. I've got to see if I can do something." I said as I was examining the machine for any weak points. I tried my best to see if i could fix the machine in any way, but there was nothing as the tremors only got worse and a white flash formed in the core of the machine. "Aw man, I don't know if I can save everyone on Nocturne or Mobius this time... unless."

I suddenly sprinted and showed up at a treasure room filled with artifacts and jewelry without having to deal with any guards since they were clearing trying to get off the planet in panic. I looked around around the room and sure enough, my theory was correct. There was a Chaos Emerald sitting there at the top of the mountain of treasures and I ran as fast as I could with my super-fast speed towards it while trying to avoid falling debris. I grabbed the Chaos Emerald just in the nick of time as the tremors on the planet got even worse and the planet was starting to fall apart. I looked outside and many Nocturians were just getting in ships and drones to just fly away, and Imperator Ix was seen too flying on an airship.

Seeing both my planet Mobius in the distance and the Nocturians flying off into the galaxy, I knew that the fate of the universe depends on me. I rushed back to the throne room where the dimension machine was as it was swelling up and getting ready to explode.

"I hope this works!" I said as I held the emerald up in my hands. "Chaos Control!"

After I said that, the emerald started to glow and the entire room flashed with both me and the dimension machine gone. The planet then stopped shaking, but the entire city was in ruins along with the tower that Imperator Ix lives in. Both me and the machine were in the middle of space and as I was relieved that I saved the world, the machine finally exploded and created an explosion that was in a white flash and it was as big as a miniature Big Bang.

"Uh Oh." I said. The flash then engulfed me and only me in an instant and after a split second, I was gone and the entire space galaxy was intact.

In the Equestrian Human World

We see seven certain girls driving back from the Starswirl Festival and each one of them had tired, but relieved looks on their faces as it was night time and they were driving back to Canterlot.

"These two days of the Music Festival was awesome!" said Rainbow Dash upbeat. Pinkie Pie then got up.

"I know!" she yelled which startled everyone. "It's been super duper amazing that I can't even imagine it, especially since Sunset and I got to play with PostCrush!"

"We know sugarcube, y'all been talking about it nonstop for the past 15 hours yesterday." Applejack said with a playful eye roll.

"I know, I just can't get it out of my mind!" said Pinkie with a huge grin.

"Well... it wasn't two days for me." said Sunset Shimmer with a tired look.

"I still can't believe you were actually in a time loop." said Twilight Sparkle. "It's possible that a snag in spac-" she was then cutoff by Pinkie.

"Actually, there is no scientific explanation for it Twilight, it was Equestrian magic!" said Pinkie as Twilight just facepalmed at the fact that that should've been obvious.

"Long story short, at the beginning of the festival I realized that time reset, and I tried numerous times to fix it, then Princess Twilight told me about the Time Twirler and then Pinkie and I broke the loop." Sunset said.

"By the looks of your eyes darling, you look like you could use a rest" said Rarity looking at Sunset with a worried look.

"No it's fine, we all were at Festival and we still had fun, that's what matters." Sunset said with a reassuring smile.

"Still, as much as the story sounds interesting, I wish we could go on one trip without my friends being in danger." said Fluttershy.

"Hey, even if Equestrian magic does put us in danger, we'll be there to stop it in no time, right guys?" Rainbow said pumping a fist.

Everyone nodded and smiled until a loud boom was heard in the sky and it looked to be a comet. Pinkie looked out the window and grinned.

"Oooh, a shooting star let's make wishes everyone." Pinkie then closed her eyes. "I wish for unlimited cupcakes in my house." Everyone then looked at Pinkie confused. "What? Cupcakes are the best."

"The more I look at that though, I think that's a little big and slow to be a shooting star." said Twilight as she took a closer look at it.

"And did anyone else notice that it appeared out of nowhere?" Sunset said with a conflicted look.

Little did they know that the shooting star... was me.

I was flying through the sky at high speeds down towards the city of Canterlot helplessly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed as I thought I was going to die at the impact of my fall. I was about to hit the ground until a large blue aura that I didn't notice surrounded me and as I hit the ground, I was perfectly fine but unconscious. I was asleep for about 3 hours in the night until I woke up weakly.

"Oh, man." I groaned. "What happened?" I started to examine where I was and in front of me was a large school that by the looks, no one was inside. I then tried to get up, but it felt weird as I felt taller than usual. 'This doesn't look like Rooftop Run or Station Square' I thought to myself until I noticed my hand, I wasn't wearing gloves and they were bare. "What in the... what happened to my gloves?" I then noticed that my shoes and legs were different as I was no longer in my black suit and was wearing blue jeans, a blue belt and blue tennis shoes. 'Okay this is weird.' I then looked behind me and saw a four mirror pedestal and walked up to it. When I saw myself in the mirror, I freaked out and fell down, I knew at this point what I was. 'I'm...... human?' I saw my reflection again as I was by the looks a 17 year old teenager with brown skin and black hair, I was wearing a black T-shirt and a yellow leather jacket as clothes. "Well even though I'm human, I can try to find some answers out here." I was just about to try to use my super speed, but................... it didn't work. I was in complete disbelief as I noticed that I don't have any powers. "Alright, I may not have any powers, but that doesn't mean I can't be normal." I said as I noticed that the Sun was coming up. I then also noticed that I had a watch on my left wrist and it said 6:00 AM. Just as I was about to walk away, I saw two adult women walking towards the school and they noticed me. One of them was a woman with white skin and beautiful flowing and colorful hair and the other one was a little bit smaller with blue skin and royal blue hair. They both looked like they could help me, so I walked towards them.

"Excuse me young man, but I believe you are a bit early for school today." The blue woman said as she looked at me with a confused look.

I stood there in silence trying to think of what to say and I just stated, "I'm...... I........ don't go to school." They then both look at each other trying to process what I just said.

"Well by the looks of your age, you seem to be someone like a school student." The white woman stated as she walked closer up to me.

"I.... just got here!" I quickly stated. "I'm from..... out of town." I was trying to avoid any questions that involved me saying that I was from another world.

"Oh, I see are you a transfer student?" The blue woman asked politely.

I didn't say anything, but I just simply nodded as I didn't know what else to do.

"Well then, welcome to Canterlot High School." the white woman said smiling. "I'm Principal Celestia, and this is my sister Vice Principal Luna."

"I'm Michael the- er.... Michael." I stated trying to not give any suspicions.

"Well Michael, even though you are early to school I believe that we can get you enrolled into our school pretty easily." Principal Celestia said as she and her sister walked towards the front of the school and I followed them.

When we entered the school, I was mesmerized by the layout the school. There was halls with lockers, classrooms, and many more things that I just wanted to take a look at.

'So this is what school is like.' I thought.

As I followed the two principals, we arrived at an office and I walked inside with them. There was a desk, drawers, and bookcases inside.

"Now then Michael why don't you take a seat and we'll get you situated with your schedule for your classes." Principal Celestia said.

I nodded and sat down, as she was looking through folders in the drawers I saw a yearbook and I picked it up and opened it. I saw inside that there were many humans in different ages and it looked fascinating to me. I even saw some achievements in the back of the book that seemed interested to me. There was "Best Gardener", "Great and Powerful Magician", but there was one picture that caught my eye in the book and that was a picture with seven girls and there achievement was "Best Friends." Seeing that picture got me interested in this school even more as by the looks of it, it seemed pretty nice. I was still wondering about my world back in the Mobius dimension, but the more I thought about what happened I shrugged it off as I assumed everyone was safe after the whole catastrophe I just experienced. It also came to my mind that I could finally catch a break from being a hero and live a normal life for once. Principal Celestia then got out an empty folder and got a few printed pieces of paper and handed them to me.

"There you go, you're now enrolled for our school." The principal said politely. "If you need anything, just come to my office or if I'm not here you can speak with sister who is just next door from here."

I looked at the folder which had my name on it and got a very happy look. "Thank you so much for this." I said smiling.

"You're very welcome Michael, I believe you will have an excellent time here at our school." Principal Celestia said. "The students here are very nice once you get to know them. It is also only 7:15, school doesn't start in another hour so why don't you give yourself a tour."

I then got up out of the seat and exited the office with an excited look on my face. This was my chance to finally have a normal life in school and I instantly became a student here. I walked around the school and I saw a lot of things that you would normally see in a school. There was a cafeteria to eat, a library to study, and a band room where students play there instruments. As I was walking down some more of the halls, I noticed a couple of frames on the wall and got a confused look at what I saw. There was a few unusual things that apparently happened at this school. I saw different pictures as they were titled "Fall Formal", "Musical Showcase", "Friendship Games", and "Camp Everfree". The pictures that I saw weren't anything normal though as I saw those seven girls again, but this time in a different form. Their dresses were different, they had different shaped ears, and long ponytails.

'Maybe this school isn't that normal' I thought to myself. 'But I won't back down from this opportunity to take a normal life.' As I just walked away and all of a sudden, the school bell rang and students were walking through the front doors of the school. I smiled and was ready to start my new school life here in Canterlot.

'This is going to be fun though, I can tell' I thought.

Chapter 1: Meeting My Friends and The Hero of Canterlot High

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Six Months Later

Being a normal student at Canterlot High School made me have a happy life. I was considered to be one of the nicest people in the school as I would help anybody around when they needed it (If it was for a good thing that is). If some people asked me where I was from, I would just try to change the subject as best as I could, or just simply state that I was from "out of town" and it somehow worked. I even made a ton of friends around the school and I mean a ton, I would hang out with most of them daily and did any school project with them. In school, my grades were pretty good as I got an A in PE (Of course) and AP Calculus, a B in Physics, and in History. Your probably wonder where I live in Canterlot? Well, I secretly was sleeping in the library for two months until I was able to get a small job that pays a bunch, and after awhile working at a music store with Vinyl Scratch, who was one of my new friends in the Human World, I was able to get myself a house nearby with the average things a person has in their house. Being in High School and the Human World has kept me sane.............. well I sometimes miss my old world, but that's okay. I am living my best life as a human. Right now, it's only 30 minutes till class starts and I was just getting some things prepared from my locker. As I was doing that, a guy with pale, amber skin and pistachio green hair came up to me. His name was Sandalwood and he was one of my friends in this school, but he wasn't close.

"Yo Michael, did you do your Calculus homework?" He asked.

"Of course I did." I simply stated.

"Can I borrow yours?" I then get a confused look.

"Borrow it....... come on Sandalwood." He then get's a conflicted look as he darts his eyes back and forth.

"...You don't... I suppose... wanna..... cheat off it." He said.

Just after that a guy with turquoise skin and blonde hair named Zephyr Breeze came around the corner to him. Zephyr sometimes drives me nuts as I'm an above average guy and he sometimes asks me for things for his own gain, like trying to get a date with a certain rainbow haired girl. However, I still consider him a friend.

"You were suppose to ask him if we could work off his paper." Zephyr interjected to Sandalwood.

After that a guy with blue spiky hair and peach skin wearing a black jacket came up to all of us. His name was Flash Sentry, and he is indeed a very close friend of mine. Ever since we met, we've been hanging out like crazy as him and we have half of our classes together. We both have an interest in rock music and listen to the same artists. He once offered me a spot in his band, but I declined due to both having some difficult classes and didn't really know how to play guitar in my human form. He understood though, and we are still best friends to this day.

"And he would then say no because he's the only one of you two that has any integrity." Flash said scolding both of them.

"Thank you Flash." I said as I walked away with a smile. Zephyr then grabbed my shoulder.

"Dude, just a peek?" he begged. I then give him an annoyed glare.

"No!" I said.

"DUDE!" he whined.

"What part of 'no' do you not understand?" I said as I walked away again.

"I don't know..... the 'no' part?" he said confused on what to say.

"He's right you know, you should do your own homework." Flash said as he was also walking away.

Now I know from the looks of it, some students are trying to use me because I'm a smart guy. Well hence the word 'some', not all of the students here are greedy and awful, in fact like I said, most of the students here are quite wonderful. Just then as I was walking down the halls, a voice called out to me.

"Howdy there, Michael."

I then turn around to see another one of my close friends in this school, she was a girl with pale, orange skin and blonde hair, wearing a Southern Stetson hat on her head and had green eyes. Her name was Applejack, and she was known for her honest actions around the school, and she lived on a farm with her family. She was also as a matter of fact, the first person for me to help around the school.


In the past, she was apparently suppose to be carrying a few barrels filled with different flavored apples to the cafeteria, but she had a little trouble as she accidentally tripped and broke one of them open and it caused a bunch of apples to be scattered across the floor. She got a little bit frustrated as she was trying to get it situated, but I saw this and felt bad for her so I asked if I could help and she said that she was more than happy to accept my help. After we got all of the apples back in the barrel, I then asked if I could help with the rest of the barrels and she said that I didn't have to do that, but I insisted as I told her that I can't allow her to do something like that alone. She was shocked, but happy at my level of compassion for her and she allowed me to help her once more. Ever since then, we were really close friends as I would help Applejack out with anything.

(End of Flashback)

"Hey Applejack, what's up?" I said.

"Nothin' much, say sugarcube I was wondering if you would like to help me with some chores at Sweet Apple Acres this weekend." She asked casually.

"Sure. I don't mind at all, I'd be grateful to help you out Applejack." She then get's a big smile on her face.

"Yee haw! You're just the most generous person besides Rarity in this school Michael. Thanks so much." She said excited.

"No problem, I love to help anybody out especially my friends." I said.

"Well then, Ah'm going to get back to the cafeteria for a bit. Granny Smith needs help restocking some of the apple cider. I'll see you later Michael." She said as she walked away and waved goodbye. I waved back and walked away as well.

Walking through the halls I was feeling good, that was until I felt a small tug on my jeans. I looked down and I saw a tiny white bunny tugging my jeans and giving me a small smile. I already knew who he belonged to. The bunny's name was Angel and he honestly liked me a lot. He belonged to another one of my close friends in this school and she was a girl with light yellow skin and pink hair wearing a green dress and can usually be seen with animals. Her name was Fluttershy and hence her name she was a shy person especially when we both first met.


In the past, I was just walking around like a normal pedestrian through the city trying to get experience with the human world until I came across a workplace that said Canterlot Animal Shelter. I was intrigued at the sign and wanted to see what the animals were like in this world. When I entered I saw a bunch of dogs and cats in cages, but to me I realized that they looked nothing like the animals that were back in my world, in this world they looked.... cuter. While I was mesmerized by the looks of adorable animals, a girl which was Fluttershy accidentally bumped into me and I fell to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She said softly as she offers her hand to me.

"It's okay, it was an accident." I said as she helped get me up.

"I've never seen you around here before, are you here to volunteer?" She asked.

"No, I just came to see what the animals are like in here." I simply stated.

"Oh." she said shyly. I noticed how shy she was being and I smiled and decided to try to get to know her.

"My name is Michael, I just moved here two weeks ago. What's your name?" I politely asked.

"F-Fluttershy" she said in a nervous whisper tone. She then hides behind her hair and blushes. I noticed how nervous she was being and just smiled.

"It's okay if you don't really want to talk, I just thought maybe we both could be friends if that's alright with you." I said in a calm voice. She was surprised at how nice I was being to her as she blushed even harder and gave a soft smile.

"M-My name is Fluttershy." She said in a more heard voice.

"Fluttershy huh? That's a cute name. I see you sometimes at the entrance of the school giving out flyers." I said as I immediately recognized her. She then stopped hiding behind her hair, puts her hands behind her back and stops blushing. She then look at me in the eye and smiled. "I don't suppose you got any hamsters or guinea pigs I could look at do you?" She then brightens up and was surprised at my words. Yes, I do like tiny little furry animals even though I was part animal for a long time in my life.

"You like hamsters?" She said in a more excited voice. I simply nodded. "Well of course, I'll show you some of the hamsters we have in the animal shelter. Their right this way, follow me."

As we were walking towards the room with the hamsters, we walked into a hall filled with reptiles. I saw a snake in one of those cages and I got scared as snakes creep me out. Fluttershy noticed how scared I was around the snake and she just giggled.

"Are you afraid of snakes?" She asked feeling concerned. I nodded vigorously. She then did something unexpected and picked the snake out of its cage and she just held it in her arms. I backed up a bit being even more scared.

"Here pet it." I was very hesitant to pet the snake as I was afraid of getting bit, but seeing Fluttershy's innocent eyes, I decided to take my chances and I slowly reached my hand until it was touching the snakes head and I started petting it gently. As I was petting it, the snake didn't do anything aggressive, in fact it was smiling and I started to smile as well. "I think he kind of likes you." Fluttershy said giggling.

"I think so too." I said no longer scared. Seeing how well Fluttershy is with animals made me like her even more and she helped with a fear I had for awhile. "You know I honestly used to be extremely afraid of snakes, but I think I'm starting to not to. Thanks for this Fluttershy." She then gives me a smile as she puts the snake back in it's cage.

"You're welcome, it looked like you needed help since you were a little scared." She said sweetly. We then continued our way to the hamster room and I got to see an entire house full of them.

(End of Flashback)

"Oh hi Angel, is there something you need?" I asked the tiny bunny. Fluttershy then came up behind him as she was looking for him.

"Angel, how many times have I told you to not wander off without asking me?" Fluttershy said as she picked Angel up. Angel then got an annoyed look and crossed his arms as just wanted to see me for a few minutes. "I'm really sorry if he's bothering you Michael."

"It's okay Fluttershy, I don't mind his attention." I said trying to not make her feel guilty. I then pet Angel a little bit and he felt better after that. "Well I've got to get to class, I'll see you later Fluttershy." I said as I walked away and waved back at her.

"Bye Michael." She said back as she also waved.

Just then the school bell rang and everyone was making their way to their classes including me. My first period was AP Calculus with Mr. Cranky Doodle, he can be a handful to some students, but it's really only because they don't focus as well as me and my other partner in that class. Who is that partner you may ask? She was one of the smartest people in this school and her name was Twilight Sparkle. She was a girl with purple skin and hair, who wears glasses, a blue striped shirt with a purple skirt.


Over the months at my time in Canterlot High, I was having trouble on studying and doing my homework. However, that changed when I met Twilight in the library one day as she was just reading by herself. I thought that she looked smart enough to help me out and I walked over to her innocently.

"Hello" I said getting her attention.

"Oh hi, can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm having a little trouble studying for History and I thought maybe someone like you could help me out." I said. She then get's a confused look.

"Sure, but why me? I'm sure there are others who could help you." She stated.

"Well.... you were the first person I saw and I just thought maybe you and I could be study buddies." I said.

She then just smiles and closes her book.

"Well then sure, I'd be glad to help you out with your studying."

We then walked to a nearby table and sat down. I told her that I was having a little trouble with memorization and she introduced to some materials I never had to use back in my world. Afterwards, I was able to study properly for History and after that, we actually got to talking as we both loved Math and we were both really good at it. What? Some people in any dimension can love numbers once in a while. She told me how she used to attend a former snotty school called Crystal Prep and how the students were there. They sounded a little arrogant. She also introduced me to her pet dog Spike and even though he was a talking dog, I didn’t freak out like most people because I was technically a talking animal in my dimension. I even ended helping her out when she had a complex algebra equation she couldn't quite solve and she was surprised at how I solved it by my steps. We hung out in the library and talked and laughed until school was over that day.

"I've got to say, your pretty smart Twilight." I said complementing her.

"Thanks, your pretty smart yourself Michael." she said back.

I then get an idea. "Say, you don't suppose we could tutor each other again sometime, do you?" I asked.

"Sure, why not the library is always open at the end of the day. How about we give each other's information?" She proposed as we both took out our phones and handed each other's contact info. I already had a phone before the human world, so don't ask.

(End of Flashback)

After first period ended, Twilight and I had relieved looks on our faces as Mr. Cranky Doodle gave us a pop quiz, and nobody but us was prepared for it.

"Wow, glad I studied last night." I said letting out a relieved sigh.

"You and me both." Twilight said as we both walked to our next classes.

PE was way too easy for me and not only that, a few of the people in that class are very athletic like me which made for great competitions during that period. Some of their names were Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot. But one person in this period is probably the best of best friends I've ever had in this school and her name was Rainbow Dash. I probably mentioned her earlier as the rainbow-haired girl that Zephyr Breeze is always trying to get a date with. Rainbow Dash has light blue skin, rainbow colored hair (obviously), wearing a white shirt with a blue short-sleeved hoodie. We both love competition, action, and speed. When I found out that Canterlot High had sports and she was the captain of all the teams, I was immediately excited and entered the soccer team and track team. We were both soon enough known as the best duo in Canterlot High sports. As I entered the gym, she saw me and rushed up to me holding out a fist.

"You ready for some action Michael?!" Rainbow asked with a cocky smirk.

"You know it!" I said as I fist bumped her and gave her the same facial expression. I then went to the locker for a bit to change into my gym clothes.

During the period, we went outside and the coach allowed us to have free time for the day. This got Rainbow Dash and I excited as we instantly decided that we would play soccer. Trust me when I say that Rainbow is a pro at soccer, I mean after about 4 months I'm still barely a level below her. We got in pairs as I was paired with Fleetfoot while Rainbow Dash was paired with Soarin. Spitfire decided to be the referee for us.

"Get ready Michael, cause you're about to get crushed." Rainbow taunted. I instantly had a comeback to that.

"Oh please, your about to get that ball fed to you in the face." I shot back.

Spitfire blew her whistle and Rainbow was already dribbling the ball past me, but I wasn't about to let her show me up this early. I caught up to her and surprised her with a slide tackle.

"Ha, Nothin' but net Rainbow." I said dribbling the ball towards the goal.

Soarin was being the goalie and as soon as I kicked the ball at the goal, he caught it and passed it to Rainbow Dash.

"You were saying?" she said with a cocky grin.

I tried to chase her down, but she ended up getting close to Fleetfoot's goal and shot the ball with a great force. Fleetfoot, however was barely able to block it and the ball went up in the air and was landing towards me. I then did a bicycle kick as Rainbow was trying to catch it with her head and the ball then was in the middle of the field again. After a bit before it was about 15 minutes till next period, Rainbow and I were sweating and had a ton of adrenaline as we were both tied 4-4. Spitfire blew her whistle and both of us charged to the ball with Rainbow Dash taking the kickoff again. I was trying all I could to intercept her movements, but she dodged everything I did and shot the ball at Fleetfoot's goal, only for Fleetfoot to miss giving Rainbow Dash the win. I was a bit salty at her winning, but I wasn't a sore loser.

"That was intense, but a good game Michael." Rainbow said as she was tried.

"Yeah." I said panting. "You were just too much for me Dash. No wonder your so awesome."

"See, this is why your my best friend Michael. You know how to make a good game, your super athletic, not a sore loser, and on top of all that, you let me know how awesome I am." Rainbow said with a smile.

"Well, I'm going to beat you next time, just you wait." I said smirking.

"Oh, I'd love to see that happen." She responded sarcastically with the same expression. We then all got changed and second period ended. I was then walking off towards the cafeteria to lunch.

As I was in the middle of the hall making my way towards the cafeteria, someone instantly came up and tackled me to the side of the locker's giving me a huge, bone breaking hug. Oh, I just can never get enough of this girl. She was a girl with pink skin and hair wearing a white tank-top with a pink skirt. Her name was Pinkamena Diane Pie.... wait that sounds too long..... oh wait that's right, many people including myself just refer to her as Pinkie Pie. She was a party planner who always strives to make her friends smile and laugh. When me and her first met, we instantly hit it off. After a little bit at my time at CHS I kinda had a tiny crush on her until..... well..... I'll tell you later. She makes without doubt, the best sweets in the world and she is also a psychic because she instantly knew my favorite cupcake flavor. She also works at a cafe near the mall that I sometimes go to just to not only eat, but see her. Pinkie is just the kind of person who can just make anyone's day.

"Hi Mikey!!" she said squeezing me. I was trying my best to return the hug as I was losing air.

"Hey Pinkie........ room........ becoming......... dark." I responded. She then let go of me and I regained my oxygen.

"I just wanted to give you your Monday Cupcake, everyone believes Monday's are bad so I just wanted to give you this." She then pulled out of nowhere my favorite flavored cupcake. A cupcake with lemon icing striped with blue raspberry.

"Pinkie this is why I like you, you make me smile, know everything I need, and you are always happy. Thanks for giving me a better Monday" I said with a wink as a I walked away. I didn't noticed she was blushing at my comment.

"What? I'm not blushing." She said getting rid of her blu- wait how are you talking to me, I'm the writer. Actually you know what, I'm not even going to ask no more. She just let's out a huge grin with a sqee as she dashed off.

I was in the cafe just minding my own business eating my food. Then someone walked me and as soon as saw her I kinda got a confused look. Okay, well let me just explain, she's a girl with white skin and indigo colored curled hair. She usually wears a light blue dress, but today... she was exaggerating a little bit as she was wearing a boa scarf around her neck and a cape. Her name was Rarity, she a fashionista and works at Carousel Boutique in the city.


I met Rarity when I first was in need of more clothes (well, the exact same ones but still) she just gave me a HUGE wide variety of clothes and I was just in awe as she was giving me all of those suggestions. I told her that she didn't need to that, but she insisted and told me you can never have too many options. I just smiled at how generous she was being. I ended up just picking another yellow jacket and black shirt and paid for it. I even decided to be generous back towards Rarity and gave her a $8 tip. I told her the same motto back, but instead I said you could never be too generous. She came up and hugged me at my level of generosity like hers and we both became good friends. Getting back to the original scene though.

(End of Flashback)

"Rarity, are you sure you have to wear that?" I asked with a conflicted look.

"Darling, you didn't know?" She asked.

"Know what?"

"If you didn't watch it, my latest trend going around the school is capes. And they can go in excellent style when your anywhere." She said as she flipped the cape on her back.

"Eh, maybe I'll give it a shot when I have the chance, but I don't think something like capes can be that popular." I said with a playful eye roll.

Right after I said that, a bunch of students walked past me wearing different kinds of capes.

'Are you serious?!' I thought surprised at the popularity of Rarity's trend.

You're probably thinking to yourself 'What Trend?' well every week Rarity has a new thing in store that she tells everyone on the morning school video. I sometimes agree or disagree with some of those trends.

After lunch ended, I got through my last two periods of school for the day, Physics and my worst subject History. After the school bell rang for school to be done for the day, I headed towards my locker until I saw my last best friend. She was without to me in my mind, the prettiest and best friend I had besides Rainbow Dash and Flash. Her name is Sunset Shimmer. She is a girl with light orange skin and had red and yellow highlights in her hair. She wore an orange shirt under a black vest and also she had a purple skirt to go with it. Sunset and I met during my second day here at CHS and she became my first friend. We've been best friends ever since then since we both have almost the same personality and interests. Not to mention I started to developed a huge crush on her. Sunset is just the girl in this school who makes my heart Shimmer. Ha! See what I did there.


It was just my second day at Canterlot High as I was trying to get used to how school functions in the Human World. Many students were looking at me with some surprised expressions seeing a new transfer student. As I turned a corner, I bumped into a girl by accident and that girl was Sunset.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I quickly.

"No, no it's okay." Sunset responded back to me before getting a closer look at me. "I've never seen you here before. Are you new?"

I simply nodded as this was the first person I have interacted with in a conversation and I was slightly nervous. She then looks at me with a smile.

"Well its nice to meet you, my name is Sunset Shimmer." She then holds her hand out to me.

'Sunset Shimmer?' I thought. 'Huh? Weird, but cool name.' "My name is Michael." I said back.

We both shook hands casually and she decided to ask me another question I was not ready for.

"So where are you from Michael?" She asked.

I then started to get a conflicted look on my face as I went into panic mode. I couldn't just say 'I'm a hedgehog from another dimension and accidentally came to the Human World.' She then sees my nervousness and just giggles.

"Um, are you okay? You seem to be nervous about something." She asked with a smug smile. I then get an idea of what to say, but it wasn't that logical sounding.

"I'm..... from....................... Seaside Hill!" I said in an instant. Seaside Hill was actually just one of my favorite hangout places on Mobius. I knew it wasn't a logical answer, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.

'Seaside Hill? I've never heard of that place before.' She said thinking.

"So, Michael do you have any friends at the moment?" She asked.

Friends. That one word made me think about my time back in Mobius. I wasn't really that much of a socialist... well maybe it's because I didn't go the cities that much in my world and mostly hung out by myself in either Seaside Hill, Casino Park, or Sandopolis. While I was known to the world and I had many fans that supported me in saving the world, it never came to my mind to actually interact socially with those people. All I cared about when I was back on Mobius was the well being of others. Now that Sunset is asking me this question, I didn't exactly know what to say.

"I..... don't..... have any friends." I said sadly.

She then was shocked at my words as if that was the first she heard someone say that.

"You don't have any friends? Even back from your hometown?" She asked.

I just shook my head looking down as I felt slight sadness. She then put her hand on my shoulder which prompted me to look at her. She smiled and said something I will never forget these past six months. "I'll be your friend."

I looked at her with a surprised look and then got a smile on my face. This was the very first friend I've ever made in life, let alone another dimension and I never knew it made me feel so happy. I was then back to my normal, confident, and awesome self and decided to say something back.

"Thanks Sunset, you just made my day." I said with confidence.

"No problem." She said giggling. "Do you want to hang out before class starts?"

"Sure. I've got nothing to do right now and the day is still young, so I'm down." I said.

Right after that we both walked down the hallway having a conversation. Sunset and I soon enough got to know each other more, but I didn't tell her anything about Mobius.... yet. She introduced me to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in the process.

(End of Flashback)

"Hey Sunset." I called out to her.

Sunset then turns around to see me and smiles. "Hey Michael, how's it going?"

"Same old, same old." I said. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing much. The girls and I are going to head to band practice later and Pinkie said she redesigned her drums for something more fun. I'm betting it's going to be full of surprises." She said with a playful eye roll.

I chuckled. "Who else but Pinkie Pie."

"Hey Michael, do you want to come see us practice later? I thought we could get your opinion on some of the songs we wrote." I almost said yes until I remembered that I was hanging out with Flash later.

"Sorry Sunset, Flash and I were going to hang out at the mall later. Maybe next time okay?" I said hoping she would understand.

Sunset then get's a disappointed look before an understanding one. "Well alright, I'm not going to force you. I'll see you tomorrow then Michael." She then waves and walks away.

I wave back at her and was just about to meet up with Flash until I heard a small scream. I followed it and it turns out that the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo) were being picked on by some random bully their age. I notice this and get a determined look on my face before walking over to them.

"How many times do I have to tell you, its just stupid money. You can get some more on your own, but if I find it it's mine." The bully threatened.

"If that's the case, then why are you stealing it from us." Scootaloo shot back.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled as he shoved her to the ground. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom went over to help her.

"Why do you have to be so mean?" Sweetie Belle asked in a sad voice.

"Yer not helping yourself in anyway, can't you see that?" Apple Bloom said to him.

"Oh, I'll show you how I help myself." The bully said as he approached them with a balled up fist.

"HEY!" I shouted to him. They all turned around to see me standing behind them. The Crusaders had relieved looks on their faces while the bully had a scared look.

"Ooh, now yer in for it" said Apple Bloom.

"You lay one finger on those girls, and I swear you'll have something come up to you that's worse than detention." I said approaching the bully with an angry face.

He was looking at me extremely frightened. "Uh... um... I-I w-wasn't gonna take their money, i-in fact I was going to give it back to them and say I was sorry." he said as he dropped the money in his hand and ran off.

I just sighed. 'Why do some people think they can just get away with everything?' I thought. The Crusaders then stood up, got their money and walked up to me.

"Thanks for saving us like that Michael." Scootaloo said.

"Your like a hero." said Sweetie Belle.

"Hero? No, I just like to help anybody in need because I care for others. Especially my friends." I said trying to be humble.

"You may not think of yourself as a hero Michael, but we do." said Apple Bloom. She then get's an idea and faces the other Crusaders. "Wait, we could give him a new title like the Rainbooms."

"Wait, what?" I said confused.

"Great idea, but should we call him?" Scootaloo asked.

"Super Michael?" Sweetie Belle proposed.

'Reminds me of my super form' I thought to myself.

"Nah, I'm getting a comic book feeling from that." Scootaloo said denying her suggestion.

"Ooh, what about Michael the Canterlot." Apple Bloom suggested.

'Reminds me of a name of my old self' I thought chuckling.

"What?! No! We need a title that sounds awesome. Something that makes him sound like a huge deal at CHS." Scootaloo said. She then thinks for a minute before coming up with an idea. "I know, what about Michael, The Hero of CHS." She said.

"Now girls, you don't have to-" I was cut off by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"That's a great idea." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

"Well, then its settled from here on out your Michael, The Hero of CHS." Scootaloo said smirking.

"Okay, I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders.

They then ran off to tell everyone my new title for the school. Flash then came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"That was impressive, Hero of CHS." Flash said.

"Flash! Your doing it already?!" I said slightly embarrassed.

"I'm just messing with ya." He said. "So, you wanna get going?"

"Yeah, let's go." I said as both Flash and I walked out of the school.

As you can see, this is my time at Canterlot as a human and I'm enjoying it like crazy. I thought to myself that nothing could go wrong with my new life as a human. However, little did I know that things are going to start changing soon.

Chapter 2: The Crystal Ring

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Author's Note: You don't have to, but I feel like you guys should listen to this while you look at what previously happened.

Previously in the last chapter: My name is Michael The Hedgehog and I became human six months ago and ended up in the Human World. My friends are the best and I couldn't have felt better in this world. I was known to be one of the nicest and caring people throughout the school that it eventually led to me being called The Hero of CHS. Kinda cringy if you ask me, but hey if everyone is happy, I'm happy. My life has been so perfect, what could possibly go wrong?

Well guys enjoy Chapter 2!!

Things had gone well yesterday for everyone. Flash and I got to hang out at the mall and grab a bite to eat in the process, the Rainbooms practiced their music and ended up getting it through into a song, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders ended up telling almost everyone in the entire school my new title.

The Next Day

It was just a sunny Tuesday Morning, and we see Pinkie and Twilight walking together and they were just having a normal conversation walking to school... well Pinkie is hysterically thinking of the band performance they have in two weeks.

"I'm so excited to perform at the Talent Show in two weeks!" Pinkie said to Twilight jumping all over the place. "Are you excited?! I'm excited! It's on my mind so much that I can't stop myself from-" She was then cut off by Twilight.

"PINKIE!" yelled Twilight which got Pinkie's attention. "Look, I know your excited to perform, but it's not until two weeks and three days. For now just focus on school like everyone else okay?"

"School...." Pinkie said before that reminded her of something. She then gasped. "I need to make the Crusaders, the tiny banner they wanted for Michael's new title."

"New title?" Twilight said confused.

Pinkie rushed up to Twilight and grabbed her shoulders.

"You didn't know? Michael is now called The Hero of CHS!!!." Pinkie said as she was in Twilight's face.

"Hero of CHS? That's a little exaggerating if you ask me." Twilight said with a conflicted look. "Sure, he's helpful and compassionate, but I don't think he would be comfortable with everyone thinking of him like that."

"HE'S WAY MORE THAN THAT TWILIGHT!!!" Pinkie screamed as she let go of Twilight.

"Okay, Okay.... but are you sure he's okay with that." Twilight said.

"He's not someone to deny a kind offer. Mikey wouldn't mind at all." Pinkie insisted.

Twilight just shrugged her shoulders with an eye roll as they both were still walking towards the school.

In the sky, no one noticed that there was a little blue glimmer of light flying aimlessly about. It was flying and the wind blew it far out over the city of Canterlot. The light then started to descend downwards towards where Canterlot High was and it landed near a bush and took the form of a ring-shaped crystal. No one walking towards the front of the school noticed the ring right next to a bush, that is until Twilight and Pinkie came to the school. Twilight took notice of the ring and was immediately interested in it.

Author's Note: Before any of you say that isn't the Crystal Ring from Sonic Adventure, yes I know but it was the only natural blue ring I could find.

'What is that?' Twilight thought as she gestured to Pinkie to follow her. They both came up to the ring and Twilight was just fascinated that she never seen that type of rock before.

"Oooh, shiny." Pinkie said looking at the ring with sparkling eyes.

"Huh, I've never seen a rock like this before, and I don't even think its a ruby, looking at its texture." Twilight said adjusting her glasses.

"Rarity, would probably like something like this. Let's give this to her sand see if she wants to put this with one of our costumes for the show." Pinkie stated.

"No Pinkie, this looks like something that we should definitely research, I mean we might have discovered something new for all we know about." Twilight said.

Pinkie just looks at the crystal ring in a confused face. "I don't know, it looks pretty normal to me." Pinkie then picks up the ring and it starts to glow. She yelps and puts it back down.

Twilight was also surprised at what she just saw. Twilight then picks the ring up herself and it starts to glow again. "This isn't ordinary at all." She said in shock. "Pinkie, let's find your sister Maud and ask her if she can make out what this is."

"Oh that's right, Maud can tell what any rock is just by looking, smelling, or even touching it." Pinkie said in excitement.

After that, Twilight grabbed the crystal ring and along with Pinkie, they both ran off into the school with it. As they were walking around with it, it slowly started to dim out. Twilight takes notice of this and is immediately surprised.

"Huh, that's weird. I'm still holding it and it's now barely making any light." Twilight said.

"Maybe, it likes the Sun." Pinkie said with a grin.

"Eh, I kinda doubt that." Twilight just stated shrugging her shoulders.

Pinkie and Twilight eventually found Pinkie's sister Maud Pie inside one of the empty biology classrooms in the school. Maud had pure gray skin, purple hair and wore a dark blue dress. She is indeed very different than Pinkie Pie than I would expect, but I'm not here to try to say she's weird. When Twilight and Pinkie gave the crystal to Maud, Maud gave them an answer they were not expecting.

"WHAT?!" yelled Pinkie in huge shock.

"I said I don't know what this crystal is." Maud said in her monotonous voice.

"But, you have to know.... I thought you knew everything about rocks Maud!!" Pinkie said as she was in her sister's face shaking her shoulders.

"Are you sure this isn't a normal gem by the looks of it?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Maud simply responded. "It's color is similar to sapphire or turquoise though."

"Hmm... then there must be a logical explanation of what this is." Twilight muttered to herself taking a closer look.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was in the corner of the room hyperventilating over the fact that her rock scientist sister couldn't find out what the ring shaped crystal was.

"Pinkie come with me, I think I may know what this is." Twilight said turning towards her.

Pinkie was trying to calm herself down by breathing in and out of a balloon. Twilight just instead grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the room.

"I won't forget this day Maud!" Pinkie yelled to sister as she was being dragged by Twilight.

Maud just blinked at the comment and didn't say a word.

Twilight takes Pinkie to a Chemistry room she often uses for her random science experiments and she locks the door and puts a cover on the door window so no one could see them.

"Pinkie, I think I may have a theory on what this is, but I may need some time to analyze it." Twilight said.

"Oooh, are you going to do any sci-ency stuff with the ring?" She asked excited.

Twilight chuckles. "Not exactly." She then pulls out a hammer from one of the desk drawers in the room. She also grabs a lab coat and protective goggles.

"Then what are you doing?" Pinkie asked with curiousity.

"Stand back!" She warned. She then brought the hammer up. Pinkie then dashed under a chair and closed her eyes for impact. Twilight tried to crush the ring with the hammer and the hammer top fell off at impact flying across the room. Twilight then caught the top using her telekinesis magic to prevent anything from being broken and sat it down on the table.

"Fascinating!" She said.

"Did an explosion happen yet?" Pinkie said as she still had her eyes closed under a chair.

"No, Pinkie you can look now." Twilight said. Pinkie then instantly appeared behind Twilight much to her surprise to see what the outcome was.

"This thing doesn't even have a scratch or a dent in it, so it must be as strong as diamond." Twilight got an idea in her head to make another test. "Pinkie, can you grab any piece of food you can-" Just as she was about to finish, Pinkie instantly had a cupcake right in front of her face. "Um.... okay, now I need you to use your magic on it and explode it next to the gem."

Pinkie used her geode to cause the cupcake the shine and she put it down right next to the ring. After a few seconds, an explosion of pink dust covered the entire room and both Pinkie and Twilight were covered in icing. They looked down to see if anything happened to the ring and............................. nothing happened and it wasn't even covered in cupcake icing. Pinkie was just jaw dropped at how indestructible the ring was while Twilight just smirked and folded her arms.

"I thought so." She said.

"What is this thing?" Pinkie asked surprised.

"There's only one possible explanation to this." Twilight answered. "Equestrian Magic."

"Eh, not to surprising when you say it like that. It's not like we haven't seen Equestrian Magic before." Pinkie said.

"True, but she definitely tell Sunset about this, maybe she can ask my counterpart what this strange crystal is."

They didn't notice me walking past the room and the ring suddenly started to glow again.

"And what's causing that shiny glow?" Pinkie asked with confusion.

"Beats me, but she should keep this hidden in case anything happens throughout the school with it around. We don't want to put our school in danger.........again." Twilight said with a fearful voice.

"Hey, if Rainbow Dash taught us one thing, its that we can put to 'anything' that's a party pooper!" Pinkie said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah.... your right." Twilight said regaining confidence. She then noticed that it was 30 seconds before the bell rings and went wide eyed. "We've got to get to class, I don't want to ruin my perfect attendance!!"

Pinkie saw what she meant and they both dashed out of the classroom.

After School

Sunset and Twilight were walking of the school and Twilight mentioned to Sunset earlier that she wanted to show her something.

"Alright Twi, what's this new and amazing thing you wanted to show me?" Sunset asked with curiosity.

Twilight dug in her backpack and at the right time, the ring was glowing as she pulled it out. "This!"

Sunset was jaw dropped at what she saw and was already intrigued. "What is that?" She asked shocked at what she was seeing.

"I don't know, but I've ran some tests and it could possibly be another piece of Equestrian magic." Twilight answered.

Sunset immediately wasn't surprised. "How many times are we going to find something that belongs in the Equestria and finds it way here?" Sunset said slightly annoyed.

"I don't know, but this ring glows at random times and I don't know what's causing it, which is why I thought you could message Princess Twilight to see if it's a dangerous signal or not." Twilight proposed.

"I guarantee you it will just be the usual 'this is another piece of Equestrian Magic' blah, blah, blah thing." Sunset said with an eye roll and a smirk. "Princess Twilight knows everything................... well, maybe not everything."

Sunset went into her backpack and brought out a book with a half shimmering sun and half purple crystal symbol. Her and Twilight then sat down next to the four mirrored pedestal and Sunset started writing to Princess Twilight about the new and usual crystal ring.

Two hours later

Sunset and Twilight were waiting patiently for their message from Equestria. Sunset was playing on a handheld game console while Twilight was reading a math book. Eventually, Sunset's journal started to glow indicating her message, both of the girls saw this and instantly looked inside, only to find a message they were not expecting.

Sunset, I know its been awhile and I've missed you a lot, but I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. I've looked in all of the Equestrian library and apparently what you and your friends found isn't Equestrian magic. I don't know what this "Crystal Ring" is or how it got to your world, but I can tell you to just keep an eye out for anything unusual happening in your world. I'm sorry I didn't have an answer to your problem and I hope you'll be able to figure out your situation soon.

Your Friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle

After reading the message, Sunset was in shock at the fact that they for once didn't find Equestrian magic. "How is this possible?" She asked in shock. "I thought at first glance that there was something magical about that thing, but for it to turn out that it isn't Equestrian magic is just........................weird."

"Could it be... we've discovered something new?" Twilight asked.

"Most likely, but so far nothing out of the ordinary has happened, so I say we just keep it until further notice. Keep it in your locker, as a hiding place."

Twilight nodded and placed the ring back in her backpack for the night. She zipped it up and both her and Sunset started to walk home for the day. As they were walking home, Twilight didn't notice something. Inside of her backpack, the ring started to glow again, but this time it was blinking as if it was trying to send a signal to someone. In fact, it was trying to send a signal to

Meanwhile at my house

Rainbow Dash and I were playing a soccer video game and Rainbow kept losing to me.

"Dude, how are you so good at this? It's like you know what I'm doing." Rainbow Dash said slightly angry.

"I don't know, I just play this game a lot." I simply said with a smirk. However, she was right I did know what she was doing by peeking at her controller.

"Best 6 out of 11?" She said with determination.

"If you insist." I said with a cocky grin.

We played another match on the console and this time halfway through the match, Rainbow realized how I was winning and she instantly hid the controller to her side a few times so I wouldn't see. She then all of sudden won the round and cheered to herself about how awesome she is. I just smirked and rolled my eyes.

"You only won once you know." I said.

"Whatever." Rainbow said. "At least I beat you."

I just chuckled and looked at the time. It was almost midnight and it was a school night. Rainbow saw this as well and got her backpack instantly.

"I better head home before my parents, kill me. See ya tomorrow Michael."

"I'll see you tomorrow Dash." I said as she ran home.

I went upstairs and changed into my PJ's which was a black T-shirt with a golden ring background and some yellow shorts. As soon as I got changed, I hopped in my bed which was blue sheets with a red blanket with a white stripe across and white pillows. When I got under the covers and turned my light off, I took a look out of the window and far away in the night, I saw the beautiful lights of Canterlot's city.

'Man, I wish I could run through that city similar to Radical Highway back in my world.' I thought as I dozed off.

As I was sleeping, a blue aura glowed around me for a moment before fading inside me. It was soon enough that the next day will be full of surprises for me.

Chapter 3: Gotta Go Fast

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Previously in the last chapter: Hi! My name is Twilight Sparkle and I'm a student that attends Canterlot High School. Pinkie and I found this strange crystal ring laying in the middle of the school campus and it apparently looks like we've discovered something new. If this thing isn't Equestrian magic, then what is it? I guess we'll just have to keep it until something happens.

Coming to this world has been excellent for me. However, little did I know that ever since the last six months that I came to the human world... someone else was also brought here to the dimension and no one and not even me was prepared for who it was. On the other side of Canterlot, miles and miles away, there was a hidden fortress filled with a whole pack of robots. The fortress was dark, intimidating, and bulldozing in a thunderstorm.

In the center base of the fortress we see a tiny little red and circular servant robot following a tall man with a mustache who by the looks has extremely high authority.

"Sir?" the robot asked.

"What is it." The man said in a serious voice.

"We believe you might be delighted to see what we have found."

"It either better be something that delights me or else I'm going to turn you into scrap metal." The man threatened.

The robot then pulled out a handheld device that showed text saying "Paranormal Sightings Detected" and the man was indeed shocked at what he was looking at.

"Apparently, some of our scanners has detected something or someone that possibly has some supernatural things inside of them."

"Hmmm, tell me more." The man said as he was intrigued.

"We don't know exactly what this power is, but we do that it has some... magic or energy inside of it." The robot then pressed a few buttons and showed the location. "And it is in a city called.... Canterlot."

The doctor along with the robot then walked through an elevator and went down.

"Interesting." The man muttered. "Does this energy have a power source?"

"No, not that we know of." The robot says. It then pressed a few more buttons on the handheld and what he sees is surprising to him. "In fact this 'energy' is a power source."

The man then turned to the robot in shock, but then shouted an evil laugh.

"Oh, ho ho ho, well then this may be my key into both conquering this world and returning back to our old dimension. Orbot, get the mobile, because we are going to find this... magic and I with it I'll conquer both, maybe all dimensions with my own hands."

Orbot took a closer look and the handheld and suddenly got a frightened look. "Uh........ sir, while I admire your enthusiasm for your evil plans, I may have small bad news."

"What?! What is it?"

"Well, as I said it is a power source, but apparently these, by count eight power sources, might be in protection of... other humans."

The mustached man then get's a determined look. "Well, if I have to exterminate these eight humans for their magical energy, then so be it. As long as that futuristic hedgehog of Sonic isn't around, we'll be able to conquer this world without any problems."

Both Orbot and the man got to the bottom level where the elevator stopped and they walked out to a room with a computer inside and some reactor chambers.

The man then went on the computer and tweaked with it until it came up with a map of the entire city of Canterlot.

"Canterlot? Hmm." The man said in a sinister voice. "It will belong to me."

Wednesday Morning at Canterlot High

Many students were just spending their free time talking to one another since it was only 15 minutes before first period starts. I walked in the school with a normal smile on my face and as I walked around, I see a familiar fiery-haired girl looking inside her locker and I decided to go talk to her for a minute. I've been thinking about this for awhile and I finally got the urge to ask Sunset out.

"Hey Sunset." I called out to her.

She then turned around and saw me. "Oh, Hey Michael." She said back. "How's it going?"

"Nothing special at the moment. Is it okay if I asked you something?" I asked with a slight blush.

"Sure what is it?"

"I was wondering if... you're doing anything on the weekend."

"No, not really why?"

'Okay' I thought. 'You and her were best friends for six months, and she was your very first friend in this world, its time you finally have a one and one with her.' "I was wondering maybe... if... you and I can..." I stopped and took a small, quiet, and deep breath.

"Can?" Sunset coaxed.

"If your not busy maybe, the both of us can... walk around the park together." I said blushing.

Sunset heard my words and she started to blush as well. "Y-You mean... like a date?"

"Yes." I simply said.

Sunset stood there for a moment with an embarrassed smile on her face as I did the same. After awhile, I got an understanding look and decided to say something. "It's okay if you don't want to, I just thought, maybe since-" Sunset suddenly cut me off.

"Oh no, its not that I don't want to." she quickly said. "But............ are you sure? I mean this is me we're talking about."

"Sunset, you've been my first friend and best friend throughout all of CHS... well besides Flash, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie." Sunset just giggles. "I don't think there would be a better person I would ask out other than you. You're just so kind and understanding towards others that that's something I think is what a person like you makes you special."

Sunset stood their with a smile on her face and just slowly hugged me. I gladly hugged her back.

"Thanks, for those kind words Michael, you know how to make someone feel better." Sunset said. We then embraced each other for a moment before breaking the hug. "My answer is yes then. I'd love to go on a friendly date with you."

I then smiled and thought for a moment before getting an idea."So how about Saturday at noon? I've actually got to help Applejack with something on Sunday."

"Sure, I'm free at that time." Sunset responded.

"Well, since that's settled I guess I'll see you then." I said.

Just after a moment the bell rang signaling for school to start. Sunset and I waved goodbye and as we were walking away, I got a proud look on my face for finally asking my best friend out. I was almost at Mr. Cranky Doodle's room, until something unexpected happened. I accidentally tripped over a piece of trash, but instead of just tumbling on the ground, I instead was rolling on a ground like a ball with a yellow blur behind me. I even ended up accidentally bumping into some students and everyone who saw me on the ground rolling was in shock. I then uncurled when I hit the wall of lockers in front of me with a loud bang and most people who were walking around stopped and looked at me with a strange look. I stood up and saw that everyone was staring at me and gave out a nervous chuckle. I then dashed into my first period room and let out a deep breath, but I was surprised at what just happened.

'What the heck was that?' I thought. 'I haven't spin dashed like that in a while.' It then came to my mind that maybe my powers are back. 'Okay, it took six months for me to be able to spin dash again? That's...... weird, but awesome at the same time.' I walk over to my desk and sat down as Mr. Cranky Doodle was drawing on the chalkboard. 'It's good that I have my powers, but I have to try to lay low as much as possible in school. I don't want people to know that I'm from another dimension, especially Sunset. Hopefully she didn't see that.'

"Ahem." A gruff voice called out to me.

Uh Oh, I've been daydreaming and Mr. Cranky Doodle is staring right at me.

"Michael, it's unusual for you to be distracted when we're talking about math. Did you at least listen to what the answer of this problem is?" Mr. Cranky Doodle said in a stern voice.

I was flustered. I didn't have any other excuse for what I was just doing, so I sighed and decided to be honest. "No sir."

"Well, this time listen good or else you'll fail for today's homework assignment." He said.

Twilight was sitting right next to me and tapped me on the shoulder which got my attention. "Is something wrong?" She asked whispering. I just simply shook my head. "By the way, what was that earlier in the hall? You just curled up into a ball and crashed into the lockers."

"U-Uh nothing." I whispered quickly. "I just tripped and tumbled... that's all. I then put on a sheepish smile to not get Twilight to persuade any more questions.

"If you say so." She whispered back.

After first period ended, I just walked towards the gymnasium like usual greeted by a confident Rainbow Dash and went into the locker rooms to change into my gym clothes. I then saw a mirror and decided to look at myself for anything unusual about my human form. Luckily, nothing about me looked unfamiliar.

'Whew, that's a relief.' I thought.

Right after I said that however, my eyes glowed blue which made me jump and yelp out. 'What the heck was that?!'

Soarin then came to where I was. "Dude, are you alright? You sounded like you just saw a ghost."

"Uh, I-I just stubbed my toe, yeah that's all. It's alright now though." I said in a calm voice.

"Well, come on hurry up, we can't keep the coach waiting long." Soarin said gesticulating to come on.

I then sat down with the rest of the group and the coach walked in front of us to discuss today's class agenda.

"Alright everyone" he said in an authoritative voice. "I know how you all love to compete with each other, so today-"

I thought then came into my mind, 'Oh no! Please don't say track, please don't say track, please don't say track.'

"We will be going outside today on the school track for you all to race one on one with each other." The coach finished.

'Unbelievable' I thought as I facepalmed. If I use my super speed out there on the field, then there won't be anyway to dodge any questions about my powers.

We were walking outside to the track and while I was slightly nervous, Rainbow Dash was eager and upbeat. She then turned towards me to say something.

"Hey Michael, you ready to get some dust fed to you by a rainbow-haired athlete?" Rainbow Dash said in a cocky voice. This immediately caught my attention, but I didn't react in the way Rainbow was expecting.

"O-Oh what? Um, no I'm ready to win." I said back to her.

"Hey, is something wrong? You usually love it when we trash talk each other." She asked concerned.

"I-Its nothing, its just that something came into my mind and its making me nervous."

"Well take my advice, you go through something and it won't be so bad the next time. I mean Fluttershy was able to ride a rollercoaster with me and she wasn't even scared as I would expect."

I then give her a sly look. "And you weren't." I interjected. Fluttershy told me that one time they went to Equestria Land and while she was enjoying the rollercoasters, Rainbow Dash was screaming the entire time yelling 'STOP THE RIDE!'

"Uh, y-yeah forget that. My point is come on, game on."

"Alright then." I said getting some confidence back. However deep down I was still nervous about my powers activating.

Soarin and Fleetfoot raced each other around the track with Fleetfoot barely winning. The coach then called for Rainbow Dash and I to get on to the starting line. We both walked up and got into a starting position. Rainbow Dash and I had looks of determination as we were both about to run.

"Get ready to get left in the rear Michael, this race will be mine." Rainbow said quietly to me.

"Not today Dash. I got the need for speed today." I said as my comeback.

The coach was about to blow the whistle and I got one final thought before running. 'Gotta go fast.' I soon got way too arrogant to notice that my powers were about activate. I was looking straight at the track and a few yellow sparks formed around my body which Rainbow noticed.

'Huh, I never seen Michael do that.' She thought.

As the coach blew the whistle, Rainbow and I started to run and............ it was perfectly normal, albeit for the time right now. Rainbow and I were right next to each other sprinting across the track neck to neck.

"Ha, might as well give up now Rainbow, I've got this race in the bag." I said shooting her a cocky smirk.

"Oh, I don't think so." Rainbow said back. She then begins to pick up more speed and dashes past me.

"Is that all you got?" I shouted. I also began to pick up speed and my feet were moving a lot faster as well.

'Wow, I've never seen Michael run that fast!' Rainbow thought surprised. 'But I'm not about to let him win this.'

We were both over halfway across the track and then Rainbow gave me a smirk.

"What?" I said.

"See ya, at the finish line dude." Rainbow yelled as she then activated her magic by speeding in a rainbow blur.

'No way, she has super speed too?' I thought as I was shocked. 'I can't lose this.'

Just then my feet picked up to a speed so fast that I created a gust of wind and started to run with a yellow trail behind me. I caught up to Rainbow and ran past her which caught her off guard.

"What the?" She shouted.

I ran past the finish line before she did, but I didn't stop. I was running so fast that I did almost 30 laps after 10 seconds. Everyone including Rainbow Dash was just looking at my speed with their jaws dropped. All they saw was a yellow blur of light going around the track rapidly. After about a minute I slowed down and stopped at the starting line of the track panting with a huge grin and some adrenaline still inside me. I then looked to my left to see my awestruck friends and the coach was also surprised. That's when I realized, 'Oops.'

Spitfire came up to me with a huge smile. "Hey, how did you do that?!"

'Okay.' I thought. 'Don't say any superpowers, just bluff them.'

"....I have no idea!" I said putting my arms up for dramatic effect.

"Well Michael." The coach said walking up to me. "You just might be the fastest male in the school now. Rainbow Dash is the fastest female in the school. Well......... while that whole show was surprising let's go back inside to catch our breaths."

While everyone except Rainbow Dash walked away, she just came up to me with a slight glare.

"You sure your not hiding something from us?" Rainbow asked.

I then get a little bit flustered with a sheepish smile. "Not at all."

Rainbow Dash stood in front of me for a moment before just shrugging and smiling at me. "Still, you and me have got to race some time. It will be 20% cooler than some boring old track races."

I nodded. "Yeah, I agree. I just hope you'll still have enough energy to win, after I beat you today."

"Hey let's be honest, you kinda cheated." Rainbow shot back. "But we'll see who's the fastest soon enough."

"I'll be waiting, It'll be the biggest challenge for my speed yet." I said.

Rainbow Dash and I walked back into the CHS gymnasium and Rainbow had a slight thought in her mind. 'Wait... "yet"? Has Michael have had super speed before? Okay, he's definitely hiding something. I may have to tell the others soon enough, but I'll let him lay low for now.'

After PE and Lunch Period

I was just in my history class with Ms. Cheerliee, and I'll be honest, History is not something I'm too interested in. I was lucky that my super speed didn't kick in during any of my other periods. Some people who saw me spin dash into lockers earlier were staring at me in the halls, but I just tried my best to ignore it. Ms. Cheerliee was giving a lecture on the board and she decided to give a quick question out to the class.

"Who can tell me how many years Nightmare Moon was banished on the Moon?" She asked. Some students raised their hands, but I wasn't interested in neither the class or lecture. I did at least take notes in the class, so that I would stay on topic. Ironically, Ms. Cheerliee saw me and decided to pick on me.

"Michael. How about you tell us what the answer is?" She proposed.

'Crap!' I thought. 'I'm more of a math whiz than a history guy.'

",000?" I answered.

She simply shook her head. "You were close, it was actually 1,000. Try to study a little bit more to not make a silly mistake like that okay?"

I simply just sigh as I lay my head on my arm on the desk. I really don't like History at all, it's a heavy workload and involves intense memorization. After a few minutes, I was still bored in the class trying to listen to the lecture, but I did notice that my hand was starting to turn slightly into a wooden texture similar to the desk platform. If you guys forgot, I can absorb several natural elements like Fire, Electricity, Ice, and include Nature. However, I can only absorb wood, stone, and iron. It took a couple of more minutes until Flash, who was sitting right beside me noticed my hand.

"Uh, dude what's up with your hand?" He asked as that got my attention.

I saw my hand and gasped. I instantly hid my hand under my jacket sleeve so no one would notice. I then turned to Flash with an embarrassed smile. "That was nothing.... just a.... glove Rarity made for me, it is almost winter after all."

"Huh, I guess." Flash responded.

I couldn't believed that actually worked, but then I took my hand back and shook the element for it to go away, but I couldn't as I realized that when I absorb something the effect lasts for 15 minutes.

I simply just sighed. 'Well, at least it's not my writing hand.'

After School

I was just about to try to find a safe place to hide so I can run out of the school without anyone seeing me. I then found an empty classroom right next to me and went inside. I was oblivious to the fact that apparently Rarity and Applejack saw me go inside.

"Where the hay is Michael going? School's over." Applejack said concerned.

"Hmm... maybe he wants some study time alone darling." Rarity said back.

"Nah, Michael usually would want to study with someone. He's not one to do things by himself all the time." Applejack said.

They both decided to follow me and was about to open the door until it all of a sudden slammed open which surprised them both and I ran out of the classroom as a yellow blur and before they could blink or let alone open their eyes from the wind, I was already gone. Applejack's hat was blown off her and Rarity's hair was messed up from the wind.

"What..... in tarnation." Applejack said surprised.

"Ahh, my hair... my beautiful hair." Rarity complained.

Applejack gave her a small glare. "You can fix it later you know, but let's check inside of the classroom. That right there wasn't Rainbow Dash's speed and Michael could be in trouble for all we know."

They both walked inside of the classroom and they saw that nobody was inside.

"Hello... Michael darling?" Rarity quietly called out. No one responded as all there was, was a dark room.

"Hmm, well that there's just strange. We need to tell our friends about this." Applejack said.

Rarity nodded and they both took out their phones to text the rest of the Rainbooms about what they just saw.

I ran all the way back to my house and the good thing was in my mind was that no one saw me use my powers. If your wondering what my house looks like then its just a detached house a little far of the city. It's overall painted in yellow, it has black painted window frames and a blue door. I stepped inside my house, hung my jacket up, and took a deep breath and sat on the couch for a tiny rest. After about a few hours as I was doing homework, reading a Daring Do book, and ate a hot dog as my dinner, I started to get bored as to what I should do next.

I groaned with a frown and thought, 'Man, sure would be nice to do something different for once.' I then took a look at the city not too far from me as the lights of it shone beautifully. Okay, your probably wondering, isn't it obvious? Just use my precious speed to run through the city like I used too. Well it came too my mind, but the more I thought about it, there would be so many people in the city that they could possibly notice me.... unless... that's it! I get the idea that long as I'm just running, I can stop at alleyways or go on top of skyscrapers to make sure no one notices me. I get a huge smile and put my yellow jacket back on because this is something I missed for a long time, and plus it's night time and their are so many lights, so its not like anyone 'is' going to see a human going faster than the speed of sounds. I dashed outside in a yellow blur really excited and I looked out to where the city and got into a running position before having that one final thought again, 'Gotta go fast.' My eyes started glowing blue and body started to glow yellow before I took off and made a sonic boom in the process.

However due to my speed, I didn't know that the sonic boom made a noise that believe or not, my friends noticed.

At Rainbow Dash's house

Rainbow Dash is seen feeding her pet tortoise Tank some lettuce, but then all of a sudden a loud noise and tremor was made and it startled Rainbow and Tank as he hid in his shell.

"What the?" Rainbow said surprised and confused. She looked out of a window to see a yellow light speeding past her house at high speeds and she could already tell who it was. She then put her hand on her chin. "What are you up to Michael?" She muttered to herself.

At the Canterlot Animal Shelter

Author's Note: Just imagine some of these places at night.

Fluttershy was singing a lullaby to the animals inside of the shelter and tucked each of them to sleep in their cages.

"There you all go. Peacefully sleeping in your cute little cages without any interruptions." Fluttershy said tucking a puppy away.

Fluttershy then was walking outside to leave the animal shelter to go home, but suddenly a loud boom was made outside and a yellow light swooshed right past her making a lot of wind in the process.

"AAHH!!" Fluttershy screamed and jumped. After that she could hear back in the shelter, a lot of barking, screeching, and hissing. "Oh no." She ran back inside to see several animals freaking out by what they just heard and running a over the place. "Um, excuse me if everybody could please calm down." None of the animals heard her though. Fluttershy then scowls and spoke in a more louder tone. "EVERYONE CAN YOU PLEASE CALM DOWN!!!" All of the animals heard her after that and they all gathered around Fluttershy. "Thank you." She said returning to her normal and meek voice. Fluttershy then looked back outside and thought for a moment pondering about who that could've been.

At Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom were just sitting out at the front porch gazing at the night sky and having a conversation.

"Do y'all sometimes wonder if maybe on of those stars in the sky could be a floating apple" Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack and Big Mac simply just chuckle at her thought.

"No, not really Apple Bloom. What about you Big Mac?" Applejack asked.

"Nnope." Big Mac simply stated.

Just then a loud boom was made as they were all laughing and they suddenly jumped up startled.

"What the hay was that?" Applejack said confused. After that a yellow light sped past them instantly creating a gust of wind blown in their faces.

"Was that Rainbow Dash?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No, but I think I have pretty good hunch on who that was." Applejack answered back.

At the Sweet Snacks Cafe

Pinkie Pie is seen working late in her waitress outfit and she was just serving a couple of customers with her amazing snack psychic skills. She then went up to Sunny Sugarsocks with a thumbs up.

"Customer Status: Okey-Dokey-Lokie!" Pinkie said.

"Seriously Pinkie, you've got to teach us how you use that gut technique of yours." Sunny said to Pinkie intrigued.

"Honestly, I don't know how I do it at all. It's just a Pinkie Pie thing." Pinkie said shrugging. They just both laughed at each other.

As they were enjoying their little conversation, a loud boom and a short tremor occurred which not only startled everybody, but it made the lights blink slightly. Pinkie and Sunny looked at each other bewildered.

"I don't suppose you have a gut feeling for large sounds and earthquakes?" Sunny asked.

"Not that I know of." Pinkie responded.

A yellow light then passed and went inside the cafe making a huge gust of wind blow, but then was back outside in an instant as Pinkie and Sunny looked down to see 6 dollars on the counter with a paper that said keep the change with a wink emoji.

"Huh?" Pinkie said in confusion.

In the city near Carousel Boutique

Rarity is seen walking through the streets like a normal pedestrian. She was on her way home from working late as well. When she came to a red light, she decides to briefly pull her phone out to check out the latest trends in the fashion category. As she was on her phone, a loud boom was made and Rarity quickly looked around to see what it was. Suddenly, a yellow light blew past her a due to the enormous amounts of wind, her hair got messed up again. Rarity got a worried look and looked at the selfie vision on her phone to see what she looked like and she was not amused.

"AGAIN!!!" She yelled.

At the Sweet Shoppe

Twilight and Sunset were both seen walking out of the Sweet Shoppe carrying lattes.

"So what did you get?" Twilight asked.

"I just got Pumpkin Spice. What about you?" Sunset asked.

"I got Lavender." Twilight responded.

Sunset got a confused look. "Lavender? I've never heard of that flavor before."

"Oh, its new so I figured why not try it out and plus its a color similar to me." Twilight said.

Twilight and Sunset were about to take a sip of their drinks, but then a loud boom was heard which caught their attention.

"Was that an explosion?" Sunset asked concerned.

"Sort of. It had too much of a deep sound and echo to be a fire explosion or a car accident." Twilight answered.

Right after that, a yellow light sped past both of them creating a large amount of wind which almost made them drop their lattes.

"Whoa!" Sunset exclaimed.

"And I have no logical explanation for that." Twilight said pointing in the direction of the light.

Deep in the city of Canterlot
(Play Sonic Generations-Speed Highway Act 2)

I was running across the city at supersonic speeds that it was just captivating. The speed, the adrenaline, and the wind in hair just fueled my confidence to keep running. I was going so fast that like I said, people hardly noticed me in the process. "Wooo! Feelin' good!" I yelled running across the streets. I decided to up the stakes a bit and ran across skyscrapers all over the city. I even sped past by some sites under construction, which were to me the best part. "So much for a normal life. I could get used to this again." I ran and jumped across more skyscrapers before deciding to head back down towards ground level. I even decided to be a show off and jumped over on top of some cars driving by.

A police officer was sitting in his car in an alleyway and he didn't notice me passing by, but he did notice a beep on his speedometer and he read the numbers and he wasn't expecting something this high. The speedometer read 765 mph (Mach 1/The Speed of Sound) and police looked at in complete shock. He stared as his speedometer for a moment before he could only make out two words. ".......What the..........?"
(End Music)

"Oh man this is the best of my life so far. I'm feeling so free in the wind that I'm to be me." It then came into my mind that I wanted to sing something as I was running and sure enough I did. I continued running through the streets and high speeds, but started to sing along the way.

(Play Sonic Free Riders- Free)

I’m falling free in the wind, in the wind
Free to be me in the wind, in the wind
What would it feel like to be speed of light
And rule the night and day
Watch as it passes by, the masses try you
But they just can’t keep up

Into the free, into the me
Into the ever knowin'
Felt so refrained,
Felt so constrained
But now I’m breaking out and

I’m falling free in the wind, in the wind,
Free to be me in the wind, in the wind

Beg, borrow, steal, you made your deal
And with no hesitation
Crawl, walk, or run, you’ve had your fun
Of which is very certain

Into the free, into the me
Into the ever knowin'
Felt so constrained, felt so in pain
But now I’m breaking out and

I’m falling into the free, to the free
Free to be me I am free, I am free

I'm free

Author's Note: Just keep playing

In the outskirts of Canterlot

We see a figure in the sky in some robotic vehicle and as he was searching throughout Canterlot, a loud boom catches his attention and he sees a yellow light going into the city in his view. He then get's a sinister idea in his mind and grins. 'That must be the strange energy signatures Orbot told me about.'

I continue my journey throughout the city and run on more skyscrapers

I’m falling free in the wind, in the wind
Free to be me in the wind, in the wind

What would it take for you to make
A simple speed transition
Into the known, from the unknown
And feed this wild temptation

Into the free, been starving me
Into the ever knowin'
Felt so constrained, felt so ashamed
But now I’m breaking out and

I’m living in, in the free, in the free
Free to be me, I am free, I am free

I’m falling free in the wind, in the wind
Free to be me in the wind, in the wind

I'm falling free in the wind, in the wind
Free to be me in the wind, in the wind
I’m free
(End Song)

I decided to stop on top of a skyscraper and sat down taking in the view of the city as the lights shone beautifully. "Man, what a view. I wish Sunset and I could sit here and take a view at this." I said to myself. I take out a bag that I got from the Sweet Snacks Cafe and started eating some nachos. Don't worry, I paid for it. "This world has been the best of my life. I kinda find it to be better than Mobius. I mean I've got friends, no villains, and to top it off my powers came back. I don't see how things can get any better or worse."

"Oh, well I believe things are about to get better... for me." said a voice.

"Huh? Who said that?" I said standing up confused.

I look up in the clouds and what came out of them gave me a shocked look. There was a giant robotic vehicle that looked like a drone or hovercraft and by the looks, it could fit a person inside of it.

Authors Note: Think of the one from the Sonic Movie Trailer

Then the cover popped off to reveal a man wearing a red lab coat, some black tights, and goggles on his head. Oh, and also a brown mustache and some glasses on his face.

"Who are you?" I asked getting in defensive position.

Chapter 4: The Doctor Is In

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Previously in the last chapter: My name is Michael the Hedgehog and I'm a human who's full of surprises. During the day, my powers all of a sudden came back which surprised me, but deep down its awesome. I can enjoy two lives in one world. As I was having fun in the city, this weird looking man in a vehicle shows up. I have a bad feeling about this, but I'm not going to let ruin my day.

Floating right in front of me was a giant hovercraft and out of the cockpit, a man with a mustache came out and gave me a sinister look.

"Who the heck are you?" I asked getting in a defensive position.

"Who I am is none of your concern." The man said back. "But seeing how my scanners led to you, I demand to ask you a few questions, you enigmatic human."

"Uh, listen... Mister........?" I said.

"All right fine, my name is Doctor Robotnik!" He said in a stern voice. "And don't start to annoy me by answering questions with other questions."

'Robotnik? I feel like I've heard that name before.' I thought. 'I know he's definitely not good though.'

"Now getting to the real deal, how did you exactly get up on this tall building?" The doctor asked.

'Oh boy.' I thought. I saw a fire escape right behind me and get the idea to lie. "Uh, I walked up those stairs." I said with a nervous voice.

"Walked?" The doctor said not convinced. "Are you trying to be cute? Because it's not working."

'Oh no, he must have somehow saw my running through the city.' I thought worried.

"I demand to know what's the source to your power." The doctor said chuckling.

"Oh yeah." I threw back in a sarcastic voice. "You and what army?"

The doctor then pressed a button on his mobile and then suddenly another robot came into the scene and Robotnik's mobile connected with it forming a giant mech.

(Play Sonic Adventure-Theme of Dr. Eggman)

Author's Note: I find this more to be a boss theme than a theme of a character

I grew a deadpanned look. "A giant robot? Of course... a giant robot." I said sarcastically.

The doctor then was confused to why I'm not even scared. "What? How are you not scared of this magnificent creation of mine."

"Trust me doc, I been in situations like these before. I battled an army of evil space aliens for three years in my life." I said back. "Not that you'd understand it."

"Wait a minute." The doctor said worried. "Do you know the planet Mobius?"

That question made me surprised. "Uh.... yes. How do you know about Mobius?"

"I could ask you the same thing you puny hu- as a matter of fact, you're not from this world are you?" The doctor said with a stern voice.

"I guess... but how do you know that I'm not just human?" I asked back.

"I may a good hunch on you are." The doctor said. He had his robot try to slam a punch down onto me and I dodged it easily with my speed.

"Ha, too slow." I said in a cocky tone.

"Yes, I know who you are... your Michael the Hedgehog, aren't you?" The doctor asked in his sinister voice.

"...U-Uh well..." I stuttered.

"Hmph, no matter. I will still find out the source of your power, along with those other 7 magical energies." The doctor said as he was laughing.

I grew a confused look. "What? But there are only 7 chaos emeralds, I've never heard of an eighth one."

"I don't have time to lecture you about my plans! I'll worry about those, you worry about me." The doctor yelled at me. "You give me whatever it is that enhances your powers or I'll end you right now! The robot then had his arm turn into a machine gun and it started to fire missiles at me. However, I was able to dodge all of the fired projectiles at me with ease.

"Ha, too slow. You need better aim Robotnik." I said mocking him.

"N-No I made you do that on purpose... its uh... part of my plan." Dr. Robotnik said trying to make an excuse.

I just smirked arrogantly. "Yeah right. You're plan is as fake as your mustache."

"Why you cocky needlemouse turned human you'll eat those words." Dr. Robotnik said angrily. The robot then turned its other arm into an arm cannon and both of the cannons started to shoot homing missiles at me.

All of the missiles that were fired at me nearly came close to hitting me, but then stopped. I used my speed to make the missiles look slow and just stood there looking at the watch on my wrist. "Oh wow look at this, I took 10 million steps today." I said as I sped past the missiles and I kicked one back at the doctor's robot. Time then went back to normal and the missiles exploded behind me while the one I kicked hit the robot made it explode and Robotnik's mobile came out of it. The doctor just jaw dropped at the way that I was able to just destroy his robot in no time flat. "Is that all you got Doc?"

(End Music)

The doctor simply just got a sinister smile. "No, but thank you for asking." He replied. Robotnik then pressed another button on his mobile and this time instead of a giant robot, a what looks to be a laser ray gun came from underneath it.

I gave an unenthusiastic look. "I don't see what or how that is better than that other fragile robot."

Just as I said that, the doctor used the ray to shoot a laser which ends up almost hitting me, but I ducked under it barely and when it touched the surface of the building it caused it to explode. I looked where the explosion was and I was shocked at how a that could cause a lot of damage. "Oh.... okay then." I said.

Down below in the city, many pedestrians saw the series of explosions on the skyscraper that I was on and many of them grew worried looks. Sunset and Twilight were also some of the people that saw the explosion and just looked at each other bewildered.

"What is going on up there?" Twilight said.

"I don't know, but the sound of that means it can't be good." Sunset responded. "We need to tell the others about this." Sunset was just about to grab her phone until she heard it vibrating and she then flinched and took it out of her pocket anyways and she saw that she got a text from Applejack.

Applejack: Did you see this sort of yellow light anywhere in your area?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah why?

Applejack: That thing just might be someone we clearly know and know well.

Sunset Shimmer: ...? Who?

Applejack: I want y'all meet me at Michael's place.

Doctor Robotnik just cackles at me, and get's ready to fire another laser at me. I take notice of this and get worried. "Well... I guess I'll see you later doc." I said as I ran back down the skyscraper in a yellow blur.

(Play Sonic Generations- Rival Battle: Silver The Hedgehog)

I ran through the streets and looked behind me to see the doctor's mobile in high pursuit of me. I was shocked that it could barely keep up with my speed. People in the streets saw the giant hovercraft chasing me and they got both worried and conflicted looks on their faces. I took a right towards where the Sweet Shoppe was and I ran past where Sunset and Twilight was again. They were just perplexed at the situation they were looking at. Since the doctor clearly couldn't catch me, I decided to taunt him.

"I wonder what egg puns I've hadn't used." I said to the doctor.

"Do not mock me you tiny human alien!" The doctor yelled at me.

"Oh no wait, I've got another one. You're not doing so well, do you need me to 'egg' you on? BOOM!" I mocked.

"Do you ever shut up?!" The doctor replied.

"No, and it's probably because your doing eggtremely badly here." I taunted again.

I ran all around buildings just trying to get this egghead off my tail. As I was running, I noticed a tiny little puppy in the middle of the street. "Uh Oh." I ran to the puppy and tossed to the grass gently and took back off. Little did I know that I not only tossed it to where the animal shelter was, but Fluttershy was watching the whole thing. She was just confused at what she was seeing. I then was still running around the streets and then I decided to take a left on the next intersection I came across.

"That was an illegal left by the way." The doctor called out to me.

"I don't care whether I have to pay fines or not for breaking street laws, your not laying a finger on my powers." I replied back to the doctor.

"You know what, this little chase is getting annoying. How about I call a little bit of friends in the action." The doctor said in an evil laugh.

"Oh, yeah what friends? By the looks of what you do, I bet you don't even have any friends." I said with a cocky smirk.

Just then I noticed that two round shaped robot that looked to carry missiles came in front of me.

Author's Note: Yes I know that these are from the Sonic Movie, but I wanted to take a different turn from just normal Egg Pawns.

The doctor cackles as he still chases me. "Ha ha, egg-celent."

I start to snicker. "W-Wait, did you just say-?" Robotnik cuts me off.

"Don't even think about finishing my sentence! It just slipped into my mind." Doctor Robotnik said angrily.

"Sure, it did." I said sarcastically.

The robots in front of me fired two heat seeking missiles at me, and although I dodged them, they were still following me along with Robotnik.

'Oh give me a break.' I thought.

As the missiles were still on my tail, I ran past the Sweet Snacks Cafe and Pinkie came out of the front door to look at what just passed. Pinkie then get's a thought in her mind. 'Okay, my hunch is that an evil person is chasing something to steal the source of its power.'

The missiles caught up to me, but I saw this and stopped for a brief moment to let them pass me and the missiles hit the two robots and they exploded. "Ha, scrap metal!" I boasted. I then noticed that Robotnik was still on my tail, so I took off again at high speed. I noticed a large truck facing sideways towards me and decided to slide under it. After I passed right by it, Robotnik shot his laser at it which made it explode in front of him and he continued to pursue me. I took another right near a intersection at a tall building and I get the idea to run across it to throw the doctor off my tail. Although it did slightly confuse him, he instantly was able to keep up with me and track me down.

(End Music)

"You're too slow doc." I yelled out to him.

"Grr... you know what enough of this! I'm going to capture you even if it means destroying this city!" Robotnik said frustrated.

"Wait... what?!" I said surprised.

The doctor shot a laser in front of me which I stopped instantly to see that it shot a few cars unoccupied and they exploded upon contact. I gasped at this. The doctor saw two pedestrians looking at the situation and decided to use them as bait for me. He turned towards the citizens and carefully aimed a laser shot at them. I took notice of this and instantly ran to save them. Robotnik shot a laser at the citizens which caused them to freak out instantly.

"AAH!" A random victim screamed.

When the laser nearly them, I saved the two citizens and brought them onto a nearby sidewalk for safety.

"Whoa." One of them said. "T-Thank you. You saved my life."

"No problem." I replied giving a thumbs up.

Doctor Robotnik was not amused. "You are resilient, I'll give you that... BUT STAND STILL!!!" He fired another laser at me which I dodged easily.

"STOP!" I yelled. "There's no reason for innocent civilians to get hurt."

"If anything is considered an obstacle at completing my plans, then I will do what it takes to remove it, and those pathetic citizens your saving counts."

I was not in the mood for games anymore, in fact I was angry that Robotnik said that he will kill citizens just to try to capture me.

I scowled. "You can shoot as many lasers as you want at them or even kill me doc, but I'm not going to let you hurt them."

"That's fine by me." He replied with a smug grin. "It will just make the job easier." He aimed his laser at another citizen and shot at them which I saw and instantly ran for and saved once again. I dropped the person off inside a building.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes. Thank you for saving me." They said.

Author's Note: Just imagine if they are a random man or woman.

I ran back outside to confront Robotnik again.

"Ha, ha, ha. You can't save these citizens forever." He cackled.

"Maybe not." I replied angrily. "But I'm going to keep protecting them even if it kills me!"

Just then a blue aura went around me which both the doctor and I noticed. Then full with determination, I jumped and rolled up my entire body which made me turn into a yellow ball. The doctor was baffled at what he was seeing as I kept charging my roll in midair. Then, after a few seconds I rocketed at the doctors laser ray at high speed which upon contact, I destroyed and I landed back down on the ground and on my feet.

'A homing attack!' I thought. 'This is new, I wonder what's triggering my powers. I bet more of them will come back soon eventually.'

Doctor Robotnik growled. "You won this time. But I will be back to not only take your powers, but also take the other 7 magic energies to conquer the entire world."

"Again with the 7 energies. What magic energy?" I simply asked confused.

"There are 7 other humans who most likely have power similar to yours. I just hope when I find them, they won't be as much of a nuisance as you are. I can't believe my arch nemesis from the Mobius dimension is here.

"What are you talking about? We just met, the only other arch nemesis I have is Imperator Ix, who by the way is gone." I said confused.

"Remember how I said that I know of your dimension and how you are Michael The Hedeghog? Well, I apparently have been studying your abilities for 3 years and I've wanted to extract it so I can conquer Mobius, just like my 500 year descendant tried to do with Sonic." Robotnik explained.

"So your a descendant of Dr. Eggman?" I asked surprised.

"Naturally." He replied.

I give a smug grin. "If your so smart, then how come it took you over 3 years to try to capture me, I mean it took Ix like 10 minutes." I taunted.

"Bah! I should destroy you now!... but due to my machines being out of commission I can't now. I've got to go back to the fortress and reassemble my robots." Robotnik said frustrated. He then left riding his mobile in the skies.

I took a look around the city and some areas were damaged pretty badly. I sighed. "I can't let Robotnik take this world or this city. I've got to help and protect these people and my friends."

I then started to run back home at high speeds, but little did I know that Rarity took a picture of everything that happened.

"My stars." Rarity said. "I must tell the others about this. It could be extremely serious."

Chapter 5: Michael's Secrets

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Previously in the last chapter: My name is Sunset Shimmer, I'm a pony from Equestria and I go to Canterlot High School in this dimension. We all saw this weird figure being chased by a giant hovercraft and they both caused a mess in Canterlot. Apparently, Applejack says to meet at Michael's house, I can't imagine he would be the cause of this. It's time to get to the bottom of this.

I was still running home and by the time I got back to my house, I was tired and panting from my battle with Robotnik. "Oh man, this is bad. A maniac from my old world somehow came here at the same time I did. I've got to either find someway to stop him or go into hiding until that doctor can't find me." A thought then came into my mind. "Maybe that's why my powers are back. Maybe it was a warning that a threat is coming."

I sat down on a nearby couch with my hand on my chin just thinking of what's going to happen next. "Meh, look on the bright side. At least things for me can't get any worse." I said trying to calm down. However, just as I said that I heard a bunch of knocks at my door. "Ugh, I had to open my mouth." I tiptoed towards the door and was nervous to even open the door, so I decided to just call out to the knocker. "Who is it?"

"It's us sugarcube." A familiar voice said outside.

I immediately knew who that was and opened the door to find Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer standing in front of me much to my surprise.

"Huh, what are you girls doing here?" I asked.

"We came to ask you some questions." Twilight answered with her arms crossed.

"Oh. . .well okay I guess. You all can come in." I said trying to act normal.

All of the Rainbooms and I sat down on the floor and I tried my best to not look nervous, but deep down I was worried that they found out my secret.

"Soooooooo. . ." I gulped. "What did you all wanted to ask me?"

They all just gave me serious looks and they looked at each other and nodded.

"You've been keeping a secret from us haven't you?" Sunset asked.

"Secret? What secret?" I said playing it cool.

"Come on Michael, there ain't anyway to deny it. You have been keeping a deep secret from us." Applejack said.

My face started to heat up a bit. "I-I really don't know what your talking about." I said sheepishly.

"Darling, we seen everything that has been happening around with you." Rarity said.

"I mean it all started with you tumbling on the ground in a yellow ball." Twilight said to me.

"Uhhhh." I said trying not to freak out.

"Then you all of a sudden got super speed to go as fast as me." Rainbow said.

"W-Well. . . that" I stuttered.

"Flash Sentry told me that you had a glove that was made of real wood that Rarity made." Sunset continued.

"For heavens sake, I know much better of a fashion choice for you than a wooden glove." Rarity added.

"That's. . ." I said nervously.

"And we saw you go into that classroom alone and just zipped out like a stampede." Applejack added.

"And finally, seeing the acceleration, velocity, color, and the explosion that was most likely a sonic boom. We could've figured that wasn't Rainbow Dash running faster than the speed of sound." Twilight stated.

Pinkie then rushed to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Also, were you having a party in the city? I saw lots of fireworks go off and you should've invited me."

"Um, I don't think those were fireworks Pinkie." Fluttershy said. "And also I saw a tiny puppy get thrown to safety towards the animal shelter and the person just zipped by while something blew up."

Each of the girls then gave me smug looks and I just sat there dumbfounded that they witnessed everything I did. . .well almost everything. I just tried to lie again.

"Well. . . I mean. . . that could've been anyone there's no way all of that points to me." I said slightly hyperventilating.

Rarity then pulls out her phone. "Very well, then who is this?" Rarity said as pulls up a video that showed me standing there witnessing my battle with Robotnik and then ran away in a yellow blur.

"Sugarcube. You don't have to lie to us." Applejack said.

"She's right. We trust anything you have to say to us." Sunset added.

"You can always tell us the truth when something is good or bad." Rainbow Dash said.

I sat then with a look of defeat. I sighed and decided to just confess everything. "Okay. . .the truth is that I have been keeping a deep secret from you all. You see the thing is-" Then something unexpected happened.

"Your from another dimension filled with anthropomorphic animals and your a hero and hedgehog of that world who stops evil from taking over your home world and you were about to stop someone from blowing up your planet and you succeeded, but you ended up in our dimension instead and now 6 months later an evil scientist wants to use your powers to take over our world." Pinkie explained with a huge smile in the end.

Everyone gave Pinkie a deadpan look, but I just look at her eyes widen and jaw dropped because that was pretty much everything I was going to say.

"Yeah, uh, that's not likely at all." Twilight said confused.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" I asked out loud.

"Just a hunch." Pinkie said with a squee.

"Wait a second. . . so. . . it’s true?” Sunset asked.

"Your a hedgehog?" Fluttershy asked.

"Your from another dimension?” Twilight asked.

"U-Uh. . . yyyyyyeah."I said blushing.

"That. . .is. . .AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash said excited.

"Wait really?" I responded confused.

"Well yeah. You’re the second person from another world we know." Rainbow said.

"Really?" I asked surprised. "Who else is there?"

Everyone then turned to a certain fiery-haired girl who just rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Sunset?! Your not from here either?" I asked.

"No. . . it maybe hard to explain all of it, but I'm a from a world called Equestria." Sunset said.

"Equestria?" I said confused.

"It's a world filled with ponies, magic, and other creatures." Twilight said.

'Huh. Well that's. . . interesting' I thought.

"Speaking of magic we all kinda wanna know what's the source of your superpowers." Rainbow Dash said.

"Honestly, I don't know. They just suddenly came today while I was being chased by Robotnik." I responded.

This gave everyone confused looks by the name I just said.

"Who is this here Robotnik?" Applejack asked.

"Like Pinkie said, he's an evil scientist who wants to steal my powers for his own purposes and if he does, he could conquer the universe." I said.

"That sounds awful." Fluttershy stated.

"He did also mention 7 other energies, but I don't know what he's talking about. Do you guys know anything?" I asked.

The Rainbooms then all look at each other and nodded.

"Well darling, if you must know. It's us." Rarity said.

"You guys have powers too, well besides Dash of course." I said.

"Yep watch this." Applejack said as she lifts up the couch like it was nothing. I was in complete shock at this.

"That's amazing." I said surprised.

"I can move objects with my magic." Twilight said as her hands glow and she makes some nearby objects float in the air.

"I can speak to animals." Fluttershy said. She then opens a window and whistles which made a couple of birds land on her arm.

"Wow!" I said admiring all of the cool things my friends could do.

"Watch this darling, I can make a beautiful shaped diamond from my hands." Rarity said as she made a couple of white diamonds form from her hands. "And I have to say it is a gorgeous accessory."

"My turn!" Pinkie shouted. She quickly went to the kitchen and brought a jar of sugar I had. She then grabbed a handful out and threw it up into the air which made them explode into pink dust.

"And no surprise here dude. I've got speed just as fast as you." Rainbow said smirking.

I also smirked at the statement. "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe." Rainbow said back.

"I guess I'm the only one left to show you my powers." Sunset said as she walked up to me. "Now don't freak out when I do this okay?"

I nodded. Sunset then grabbed my hand and her eyes turned white which she then all of a sudden saw my memories.

Inside my mind

Sunset sees a yellow hedgehog running through a giant beach-temple like area, and also saw me running through a city above the rooftops at high speeds. Another event is shown where a city is terrorized by Imperator Ix, but I step in to save the day with people cheering for me. Finally, Sunset sees the event that happened 6 months ago when I ended up in the Human World.

Sunset then let go of my hand and her eyes returned to normal. She just looked at me and smiled. "You really are a hero Michael." Sunset said. I blushed a bit a the comment. "I was able to see most your memories and how you ended up here in our world. That's my power, to see others thoughts."

"That's amazing." I said happily. "I guess I wasn't alone after all."

"What do you mean 'alone' sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"The reason I didn't tell you guys about my past or powers is because I thought you all would see me as some kind of freak and. . . I didn't want to lose my best friends because of that." I said sadly.

The Rainbooms then just grouped around me and surprised me with a group hug.

"You'll never lose us as your best friends." Rainbow said.

"No matter what we would never give up on you or anyone else." Pinkie added. We all then broke the hug.

"That's what all of us are fueled by, friendship." Sunset said as everyone nodded.

I stared at each of them for a second before having a huge smile on my face. "Thanks everybody. I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you girls."

"Now that we all know everything, I sure do want to know more about this Robotnik character." Rarity said.

"Oh right." I said quickly before getting a serious look on my face. "Dr. Robotnik is an evil scientist that has been researching me for years and he now not only knows about me, but all of our powers. He wants to use our powers to take over the entire world and turn it into his own empire."

"That's awful." Fluttershy said shaking a bit.

"It doesn't end there, he has an arsenal of robots and weapons that are designed to kill whether it be me, another human, or another Mobian. He's also very sadistic, clever, ambitious, and cocky, so he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants." I finished.

"That's horrible. I guess this means we'll have to save the world from an evil scientist." Twilight said to everyone.

"Alright Michael, you have experience fighting people like him, so what's the plan?" Rainbow asked me.

"Honestly. . . I don't know, this is my first encounter with him, so I don't know when he's going to attack again, but if he does I bet he'll just send a ton of robots after us and all I can say is do whatever you can to smash them." I said.

"So I guess all we can do is lay low for now." Sunset said.

Applejack then get's an idea in her mind. "Michael, you haven't been keeping any other secrets from us have ya?"

My eyes widen at that statement before playing it cool. "Of course not." I said sweating a little.

Applejack could instantly tell I was lying so she just gave me a sudden glare before speaking. "What about all those other times you declined us for joining the Rainbooms." She said.

Many times over the months, the Rainbooms or Flash's band would ask me if I was interested in joining them, but declined over and over again, due to me seeing that there are positions already taken in their bands, and I didn't want to try to steal their spotlights so I declined all of their attempts to try to convince me to join and made some excuses like, 'I can't play' or 'I'm not one into music,' but they could clearly tell I was lying since I sometimes wear headphones in school.

I sighed. "Fine... I can play guitar and I can sing." I confessed.

Everyone's eyes widened at this, but Rainbow Dash broke the silence. "Dude, why didn't you tell us? I mean we've offered you a position in the Rainbooms like a billion times." She asked slightly annoyed.

"I didn't want to steal anyone's spotlight in your band, and besides three of your already play guitar. Why should you need another guitarist?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me and just smiled.

"Because we're your friends." They all said in unison.

"We wouldn't care if your just another guitarist. I mean hey, our songs could use use a little more rock to it." Rainbow said.

"I actually want to hear you sing something, it sounds like you may even be our new Rainboom." Pinkie said in excitement.

"Hmm, okay wait hear." I said as I went upstairs to my room.

I came back down with a rock, electric guitar that's yellow with black details.

"Alright, are you girls ready?" I said with confidence. They all nodded in response. "I wrote this one not too long ago."

(Play Sonic Adventure 2- That's The Way I Like It)

Author's Note: If you like Sonic music then I would recommend you check these lyrics this guy made for this stage from Sonic Adventure 2. It sounds really good and fit for a game.


Yeah! Here I go!
All Right! Let's Go!

You've got to know that I'm running here
(Everyday right now)
there's not one thing that's gonna give me fear
(There ain't no fear in me)
the one that come with me
the one that's on my side
they better be fast cause I'm not one to slow down.

It's gonna be the longest trip I've ever known
(It's gonna be real long)
It's one I know I have to do alone
(I gotta go alone)
Cause i know that my speed and skill is what I'm gonna need
And I know that this road is gonna be real hard.

But that's the way I'm gonna go
It's the road I'm gonna take right now.
And you're gonna know that I'm comin' by
And That's the way I like it.
That's the way I like it.

You've got to know that I'm not gonna stop
(I'm not gonna stop)
I'm gonna go until I reach the top
(I'm goin to the top)
And this world of fears, and this world of tears
they're never gonna overcome my steadfast heart

I'm gonna stay and I'm not gonna leave
(I'm gonna stay right here)
I'm gonna make it because I believe
(Believin' in my speed)
Cause I know that it's you and me who's gonna make it through
and I know that this stage is gonna be real tough.

But that's the way I'm gonna go
And you'll know that I'm here right now
And don't ever think you're all alone
And that's the way it should be

(That's the way I like it)

Cause I know that it's you and me who's gonna make it through
and I know that this stage is gonna be real tough.

But that's the way I'm gonna go
And you'll know that I'm here right now
And don't ever think you're all alone
And that's the way it should be

But that's the way I'm gonna go
It's the road I'm gonna take right now.
And you're gonna know that I'm comin' by
And That's the way I like it.
(End Song)

After I finished the song, The Rainbooms applauded at my tiny performance and I just smiled.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, you should totally be in the Rainbooms."

"Are you sure? I mean it's one guy and seven girls." I asked hesitantly.

"Well it's not like anyone is going to judge you around us." Sunset said.

"And don't worry we'll make sure no one judges you for being in our band." Fluttershy said.

"Thanks everyone, I now how you guys see friendship and I think I can see it too." I said happily.

"Well, it's getting extremely late, I think we should all call it a day." Twilight said.

"I concur Twilight." Rarity said as she yawns.

"Wait, but what do we do about Robotnik?" Pinkie asked.

"Leave him to me." I said confidently. "I'm my world's fastest and heroic hedgehog, I can handle Robotnik."

Everyone nodded and soon left, but meanwhile while Twilight was walking home, she saw something glowing in her backpack and it was the Crystal Ring again. She pulled it out and it was glowing so hard that it lighten up a whole room. Twilight was surprised by this, but all of a sudden got an idea.

"This ring first glowed when Michael walked past us the other day, and now as soon as I leave his house, it starts to glow immensely." Twilight said to herself. "Could Michael somehow be connected to this ring?"

At Dr. Robotnik's Fortress

Dr. Robotnik was walking with his robot assistant Orbot following him. They went to a room filled with dozens of robots and drones.

"Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?" Orbot asked hestitantly.

"Of course it is." Robotnik said in a harsh tone. "If I can just get a swarm of my robots to track down that hedgehog turned human and those other 7 stones, then they will have no choice, but to surrender to me, and then I can take over the world."

"But sir, how would you be able to do that without drawing attention to yourself." Orbot asked again.

That was a good question for the doctor, he already made destruction in the city once, so there is no telling that people will be prepared next time. The doctor soon got a sinister idea in his mind.

"Well then, we'll have to take a walk Orbot." The doctor answered.

Chapter 6: Hunted

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Previously in the last chapter: Hello everyone, My name is Pinkie Pie. I'm a huge party planner that just loves to make my smile. Michael revealed his deep secrets to us and why he's even on our dimension in the first place. The fact I met someone else from another dimension means MORE FRIENDS!!! He even showed us some of his other skills in the process. I can't wait for what the writer has for us in the chapter especially the part where I show up and- *I appear and cover Pinkie's mouth* Sorry everyone, Pinkie loves to break fourth walls and spoil somethings, but don't worry I'll get the wall fixed in no time, anyway onto the chapter.

It was just another day at school at Canterlot High... well if your not the Rainbooms or myself. Ever since I told them about Robotnik, we've all been on guard for what comes to us. Right now I was in AP Calculus with Twilight and we were both paying attention to both Mr. Cranky Doodle and sometimes checking out the window for anything suspicious. As Twilight and I were gazing around, someone tapped me on the shoulder and it was a student who can sometimes annoy me, but I still see her as a friend. Her name is Trixie Lulamoon, but the reason she can be annoying is because it's the way she speaks to people and refers to herself in the third person... it's creepy.

"Michael, The Great and Powerful Trixie needs help with this math problem she is stuck on." Trixie said expressing herself.

I sighed at her. "Okay what is it?"

After about 30 minutes of explaining to Trixie constant math problems, the bell rang for 2nd period and my throat was parched from talking with Trixie, so I rush over to a water fountain and drank like a gallon of the water. I wasn't amused that Trixie needed 'that' much help with Calculus, but I am still grateful that she got it together in the end and understood everything I said. During P.E. after doing some track practice, Rainbow Dash asked me if we could race around the city for a little friendly competition. I gladly accepted since we still haven't settled the score between us to see who I faster. After P.E., The Cutie Mark Crusaders finally made and showed a poster of my 'Hero of Canterlot High' title. I smiled at their effort and give a quick thanks to them before going on my way to lunch period. As I was walking by, I see Twilight's locker started to glow a blue hue from inside, and while no one was looking I decided to take a peek inside and through the peepholes, I saw a glowing blue ring inside and I was surprised to see a 'ring' in this world.

'That's strange.' I thought. 'There are a ton of gold rings all around Mobius back on my planet, but I never seen a blue one before. It's larger and it's glowing like crazy.'

Just as I was still in my thoughts, a certain pink bubbly girl shows up out nowhere.

"HI MICHAEL!" Pinkie yelled out.

"WAH!!!" I screamed out surprised and fell on my back. "Oh... hey Pinkie."

"Whatcha doin'?" she asked.

"Oh... um nothing. Yeah just walking by doing old Michael stuff." I said playing it cool.

"Oooh, Twilight's locker is glowing. That's means the Crystal Ring is glowing again." Pinkie said looking inside Twilight's locker.

"Crystal Ring? Wait, you know about that ring Pinkie?" I asked.

"Well of course silly, Twilight and I were the ones who found it after all." Pinkie responded. "Wait, are there rings back on your world as well."

"Frankly, yes." I said. "But I never seen a blue ring like that before. All of the rings back on my world are golden and their placed everywhere I go, you know I sometimes forget to ask who puts them everywhere. I collect thousands a day."

"So now we know that this ring is connected to your world after all." A familiar voice said.

Twilight walked towards us adjusting her glasses and went to her locker and pulled the ring out.

"It's strange though, this Crystal Ring glows every time you come across it Michael." Twilight said.

"Really? Huh, so maybe I have some sort of connection with it after all. Let me see it." I said as Twilight handed me the ring.

As I held the ring, I started to feel a surge of positive energy growing inside me and my eyes started to glow a brighter blue tint to them surprising both Twilight and Pinkie.

"Woah!" I exclaimed. "I feel like I can run for days holding this thing, it's like my body is being powered up."

"Fascinating." Twilight responded. "Michael, if your available tomorrow or any other day I'd like to run some tests on you, if that's fine with you."

"No problem." I said handing the ring back to Twilight. "This could probably be useful in case Robotnik shows up. You think you can keep an eye on the ring Twilight?

"Sure thing. We must be prepared for what this scientist throws at us at all costs." Twilight said with a determined face.

"I've got a ton of ways I can handle this meanie doctor." Pinkie said with a sinister giggle.

Twilight and I just looked at Pinkie with her creepy smile nervously.

"Yeah... uh, I don't think either of us want to know." Twilight said nervously.

"L-Look either way Robotnik is smart, so don't underestimate him." I said.

After School

I burst out of the school with my speed as I was on my way to Rainbow Dash house, as I got there she was already waiting for me to arrive.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the slowest thing alive." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

"Oh, we'll see who going to be slow after today, little miss Rainbow Crash." I said back with a smirk.

"Bring it on." Rainbow replied. She was about to come with me to the middle of the road to start, but she noticed she didn't have on her running sneakers. "Aw, darn it. Hey, you want to actually come inside for a bit, I have to find my running shoes real quick."

"Alright then, don't take too long." I said.

Rainbow Dash led me to her living room and I decided to just sit and wait there in silence since her parents were still out of the house. Unbeknownst to us, a familiar red coat wearing doctor was flying in his hovercraft towards Rainbow's house. He landed down on the ground a little bit away from the house so we wouldn't see him.

"This looks to be the place of the first energy signature of magic I detected." Robotnik said to himself. He then pressed a button on his wrist to get a couple of Egg-Bots to come out of his vehicle. "Alright my pretties, search around the house and find any source of magic energy, but be as discreet as possible." The robots then gave a beep and started to fly around Rainbow's house.

As I was sitting on Rainbow's couch making random noises to wait, I heard something outside and I dashed to a window to peek out and see what it was. I looked up and to my left, and to my surprise, I saw one of the Egg-Bots fly above the house.

"Uh Oh!" I said. I began to try to find a hiding place and I saw the couch as a good place to hide, so I hid under it.

Doctor Robotnik was standing outside looking at a camera on his wrist to see what the robots are finding. Just as he was busy doing this, Rainbow Dash appeared and broke the silence.

"Uh, hello sir can I help you?" Rainbow Dash asked with a confused look.

Robotnik gave a slight smile and walked towards Rainbow's front porch. "Good afternoon, my rural young lady." He said. "I'm... uh from the electric company, and I thought if you don't mind, I'd like to take a look at your fuse box as an inspection as I noticed that your place is specifically as a power surge."

'Pfft, this guy is obviously Robotnik, and for a scientist he's pretty dumb.' Rainbow Dash thought to herself. "Oh um well, no problem sir why don't you come on in."

"Great." Robotnik said excitedly and ran up to the front door until Rainbow blocked his path.

"Yeah, well you see pal, the fuse box is usually outside of the house." Rainbow said smirking. "And looking at what your wearing which is ridiculous by the way." Robotnik grew a small tick mark at this. "You look nothing like an electrician, so I'm not stupid enough to let a random stranger in my house."

'She's good.' Robotnik thought to himself. He then put both of his hands behind his back to press a button to get his robots to the first floor.

Back to where I was, the robots were then scanning the area around me as I was still under the couch hiding.

'Please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me.' I thought worried.

"Well miss rainbow-haired delinquent, I may be a stranger, but I can definitely tell your hiding something I'm definitely looking for." Robotnik said.

"Ha, like what?" Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Oh, I don't know maybe an artifact, a weapon, someone, or perhaps... magic." Robotnik said sinisterly. He then noticed Rainbow Dash's geode around her neck and he quickly pulled out a scanner on his wrist and scanned Rainbow's whole body surprising her in the process. The scanner then gave a rapid beep indicating that Rainbow Dash did indeed have magic on her giving him an evil smile. "Just as I thought." He then stepped up to Rainbow Dash and she backed away from him in the process with a worried look.

"Uhh, what was that?" Rainbow Dash asked worried.

Robotnik whistles for his robots, in which two came beside him and two others flew behind Rainbow Dash guarding her path in case she tried to escape.

"I am going to give you five seconds little girl, to tell me what the source of your power is, starting in... 5." Robotnik said counting down.

"Um... can we at least sit down and talk first?" Rainbow said nervously.

"4." Robotnik said still counting down.

"Uh... can I go to the bathroom?"


"What exactly are you talking about?"

"2, you know you may have tried to outsmart me once, but... it's NOT going to happen again. 1."

Just as I heard that number I got up from under the couch and intervened between the two.

"WAIT! DON'T HURT HER!" I shouted.

Robotnik saw me and screamed as I did the same. As we were both screaming, Rainbow Dash roundhouse kicked Robotnik in the head which knocked him out.

"Oh wow, you never told me you took karate." I said surprised.

"Eh, it's a self defense thing." Rainbow said back.

The robots around us however were getting ready to fire their guns at us, but I wasn't about to let that happen.

"I got this." I said as I curled up into a yellow ball and did a homing attack on each of the Egg-Bots and destroyed them before they fired at us.

"That was a close one." Rainbow said.

"Yeah, are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine, so what do we do with this knocked out Egghead." Rainbow Dash asked.

I gain an idea and sooner or later we put Robotnik's unconscious body in trash can a little bit away from the house.

"So we still racing?" I asked confidently.

"Do I have rainbow hair everyday?" She asked jokingly.

"Heh, alright let's do this." I said getting into a starting position on the road.

"3... 2... 1...GO!" Rainbow shouted as we both took off across all of the city at supersonic speeds.

At Pinkie Pie's house

After being humiliated by two teens, Robotnik decided to take another stop at what other source of magic is out in Canterlot and just so you realize, he then ends up at a certain pink party girl's house.

"Well... another house." Robotnik said slightly annoyed. "But... machines and myself are never wrong."

Unbeknownst to the tall doctor, a shadowy figure could be seen peeking out of the curtains with a large grin on it's face. Robotnik walks towards the house and just stares at it for a bit before he just's knocks on it like a normal person. Although he wasn't too surprised, nobody answered the door. He knocked on the door one last time to make sure there was absolutely no one there, and no one still answered. Robotnik gives off a smile as he thought he was lucky to find an empty house.

"Excellent, no one's home!" He said happily. "But if I was an imbecile, I wouldn't check for any traps."

The doctor presses a button on his wrist to get three Eggbots to come to him.

"Go inside of the house, but be more subtle than last time. Understood?"

The robots beep to the doctor's response and soon each of the robots enter a more discreet place to search. One robot searched down the chimney, one went into the backyard, and finally the last one went inside through a top window which was probably an attic. The doctor had high hopes for his robots considering he thought no one was home, but boy was he wrong. After waiting for 30 minutes, the doctor got very irritated as none of the robots came back out of the house and he even tried to get all of them to come back, but none of them responded.

"Urrrrrgh!" Robotnik groaned angrily. "Stupid machines, can't just do one job."

He proceeds to then walk up to the door. "What the heck, could be keeping these stupid little-"

Robotnik turns the doorknob to find out that the door was unlocked all this time and he then got an extremely furious look. "Here's the thing... I did not think people would be this dumb."

He opens the door to find that there is literally nothing and nobody around. The rooms were pitch black, the atmosphere was silent, and no sign of the three Egg-Bots could be seen.

"You know what? I think I'll just barge in." The doctor said annoyed, but soon he had something coming that he didn't expect at all. He cut a part of a tripwire which triggered something to go off and first the lights came on which surprised the doctor and then a bunch of pies are thrown to his face blocking his vision, he then is hit with pink glitter that made him sneeze and knocked him back toward a wall. The iconic party cannon then suddenly shoots confetti at the doctor's face, and as he was getting overwhelmed by the trap, he felt something sling his foot up to the ceiling and caused him to hang upside-down. Afterwards, Robotnik just has a surprised look on his face.

"Huh." Robotnik said surprised. "I was not expecting that... well... to be honest I was expecting to not expect something so it doesn't count."

A huge laughter then breaks out as it was revealed to be Pinkie Pie's laugh from upstairs. She came downstairs laughing and giggling at the doctor's predicament, and she is also holding a giant ball to what looks like the Eggbots wrapped in Laffy Taffy.

"HA HA HA! Welcome to the 'How To Catch An Evil Scientist Party.'" Pinkie said while still laughing.

"Yes well little girl. I will definitely say that you have some tact... but did you forget that I can still get myself out of this mess." Robotnik said as he pressed a button on his left wrist which triggered on of the Egg-Bots in Taffy to shoot out a laser that cut through the candy and also freed Robotnik from the trap he was in which also caused Pinkie to stop laughing and she then got a worried look on her face. Robotnik just gives her a death glare.

"I hope you realize that your life is now forfeit." Robotnik said as all three Egg-Bots aimed at Pinkie as she just stared at what was happening. "So, any last words before I turn your pink hair into ashes."

Pinkie then pulled out a bucket of sugar from her hair and don't ask... I've seen her pull bigger self out of there. She then grabs a giant handful of sugar and throws it playfully at the robots and Robotnik.

"Oopsie." Pinkie said with a grin.

After she threw the sugar everywhere, the sugar glowed pink and in a few seconds exploded as Robotnik was sent flying out of the front door and he got knocked out once again from the impact he had from the explosion.

"Pinkie Pie One, Doctor Meanie Zero." Pinkie said cheering to herself. She then decides to pick up Robotnik unconscious body again and this time she tied him up to curb while there was a sign above the doctor that said 'I am a Pinkie Fan!'

The doctor soon wakes up from whatever got him knocked out once again, and as he wakes up, he get's a furious look on his face again.

"That's it! If I have to use my machines to tear down even the smallest looking house in this are, then so be it!" Robotnik yelled to himself.

The Next Day at Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack and I are seen working together on some chores she needed help with as Big Mac and Apple Bloom were away with Granny Smith to buy more supplies. Applejack is seen carrying large buckets of apples over to a nearby cellar while I was shaking trees to make the apples fall into buckets.

"I know I already told y'all, but I appreciate you helping me with some this work I have to do Michael." Applejack said.

"No Problem AJ, it's the least I can do for a friend of mine." I responded back with a smile.

I still trying to shake some trees to get apples to fall down, but I was struggling. Applejack saw this and just giggled to herself and walked up to me.

"Ya need help?" She asked.

"Maybe a little." I responded as I was panting and sweating. I know that I have my powers, but I can't just use it while others out on the street are also watching.

"Try to kick the trees instead of just shaking them like crazy." Applejack said.

"What?" I said confused. "That works?"

Applejack just nods so I let go of the tree and instead I jumped and did a roundhouse kick on the tree which caused all of the apples on the tree to fall down in all of the buckets.

"Wow, y'all definitely have some leg power there Michael." Applejack complimented.

"Thanks." I said. "When I come to close quarters combat, I mostly use my legs to do the work hence how I run all the time and can do spin attacks."

As Applejack and I were conversing to each other, I see an Egg-Bot right behind her getting ready to fire a laser which frightened me.

"Applejack, watch out!" I yelled as I pushed her out of the way and and the Egg-Bot missed both of us.

Applejack and I then turned around to see about ten Egg-Bots surrounding us.

"What in tarnation are those things?" Applejack asked a little scared.

"Those are some those robots Robotnik has, and they look like they definitely want to kill us right now." I said with a serious look on my face. "You might wanna just stand back and watch the show AJ."

"Nuh-uh." She said. "You ain't doing this alone partner, besides it's not like I can't defend myself."

"Huh?" I said as I look at her with a confused look.

Applejack then grabs the geode on her neck and transforms into something that surprised me entirely. She now grew what looked to be pony ears and a ponytail and she also had on a different attire which was a cyan dress with gold gloves and boots with green gems on them. I was just dumbfounded at what I was seeing.

"W-Wow... just... wow!" I said dumbfounded.

"A'ight, time for us to do some clobberin'." Applejack said cracking her knuckles with a determined look.

I also grew the same face after she said that and we both started to destroy any robots that came across us, one by one. However, we didn't notice that someone was behind a bush and was trying to analyze how they fight was going, and that person is none other than... well you probably already know.

"Fascinating." Robotnik said watching us fight his machines. "I know I already seen the human-hedgehog in play, but that girl is even more enigmatic."

I spin attacked into different Egg-Bots destroying them and Applejack was punching the robots with her brute strength. Suddenly, four of the robots surrounded Applejack and readied their lasers at her surprising both me and her, but see how they were in an X-shaped formation, I soon get an idea.

"Applejack, jump!" I called out to her.

She looks at me with a confused look. "Why?!"

"Trust me, you'll be fine, but just jump!" I continued to yell.

Applejack sighed, but did just what I asked her do, and at the peak of her jump, the Egg-Bots shot their lasers at Applejack, but instead of hitting her, they hit each other and all of them were finally destroyed. Applejack then reverts back to her normal attire in the process.

"How did y'all know that was gonna happen?" Applejack said with a surprised look.

"I saw them form up in a cross-like position and I got the idea that they would hit each other." I responded.

"Well thanks for saving me, that was a smart strategy, y'all had there." Applejack complimented.

"No problem Applejack, just trying to protect my friends and this world." I said.

"So... uh what do we do about all this here robot junk?" Applejack asked.

I thought about it for a minute before getting an idea to hide it. "Grab a shovel." I said.

Applejack went inside her barn and got a large shovel and brought it back.

"Now dig a hole."

Applejack started digging and being the helpful guy that I am, I also grabbed my own shovel and started to dig along with Applejack. After about 30 minutes, we dug a large hole and put all of my destroyed robots in the hole before burying them back.

"That should do it." I said as both Applejack and I were sweating hard from all of the hard work we did.

"Whew! Well thank ya kindly for yer help today Michael." Applejack said.

"No problem Applejack. I'll see you Monday." I said walking away from Sweet Apple Acres.

When the coast was clear, Robotnik came out of the bushes and was laughing to himself.

"Ha ha ha!" The evil scientist cackled. "I have seen what these girls can do now, and now what I have to do is find a way to somehow extract those gems that are on those girls. He then runs back to his hovercraft and takes off in flight.

The Next Day at Twilight's house

Twilight for some reason wanted to use me as some kind of lab rat as you guys saw earlier in the chapter, and while I do want to help Twilight, I'm just hoping she doesn't do anything that could potentially knock me out. I was running down the streets and just like that, I was already at Twilight's house ready for what she has planned for me today. I walk up and knocked on her door to which she answered.

"Oh, perfect! Your just in time!" Twilight said excitedly as she pulled my arm in side of the house.

"Woah, woah, woah take it easy Twi." I said.

She brought me over to her room to which I saw had a lot of books, science materials, and gadgets that I couldn't believe someone like her could invent. She then got me to sit down on a chair near a wall.

"Okay Michael, I'm going to run a few tests to figure out your connection with the Crystal Ring." She said as she pulls that blue ring which glowed once again. Seriously, is that thing a chaos emerald or something cause even though I used one when coming to this world, the emerald never was in my possession again.

(Play Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Metropolis Zone Remix)

A small montage is then shown of Twilight trying to see what are my connections to the Crystal Ring. First Twilight grabs a piece of my hair as a DNA sample and puts it on a tablet for analysis. She then uses her magic and levitates a pair of wires and connects one to my hair sample and one on the ring. Blue electricity then flows back and forth between the two which showed some results. Afterwards, she asked me to run circles around her room as I did just that and the ring believe it or not glowed as I was running, the faster I moved, the brighter it got. After I stopped running, to take a small breather, she grabbed a stethoscope and listened to my heartbeat, it was surprising to her that it was still beating at a steady pace despite me running very fast, but when she decided to feel my arm, she could feeling the molecules inside my body vibrating like crazy. Eventually, we got so far that the room was just filled with paper and Twilight was wearing a white lab coat with goggles on her face. She then decided to have me do one more thing and that was to touch my electrifying hair sample. At first, I literally thought nothing would happen, but I was proved wrong when my entire body emitted electric energy also. It was probably due to the hair sample absorbing a lot of electric energy. It was now 9 o'clock at night as I stayed at Twilight's house all day just allowing her to have as her guinea pig. She then get's up and walk towards me with a tired look.
(End Music)

"So after further analysis of seeing everything of you and the Crystal Ring Michael..." Twilight said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You definitely have a connection with the Crystal Ring, but I have no idea how it's triggered." She said unenthusiastic.

"Well......... at least you got some results." I said trying to cheer her up a bit. She just giggles.

"Yeah, I guess I did." Twilight said as she yawned which indicated that she was tired from working so hard. "We should probably get to bed."

"Likewise. Good night Twilight." I said as I walked out the door and as soon as I saw that no one was around, I ran away back to my home in a yellow blur.

Twilight then spend the rest of the night cleaning her room until it was completely spotless. She was happy that she was able to hang out with me for the time being and study my powers, but she suddenly noticed was that all of the papers that she used to analyze me were gone.

"Huh?!" Twilight said surprised. "But I could've sworn that I left the papers here on the desk."

Just then the sound of a glass broke and Twilight ran out of her room to see a shadowy figure holding papers and trying to make it's escape, but Twilight caught the figure trying to steal her stuff with her telekinesis.

"Not so fast, whoever you are." Twilight said with a serious look. She pulls the figure closer to her to reveal that it was Robotnik trying to steal her information papers. "Well by the looks of your suit and the fact that you have glasses and goggles, you are Dr. Robotnik. Am I wrong?"

Robotnik gives Twilight an evil smile. "Smart girl... but not smart enough." He then presses a button on his wrist and a couple of Egg-Bots came in and tackled Twilight's body to make her fall down and she lost her focus on her powers and made Robotnik fall down free.

"Alright, now I would just run to make my escape, but I can't just let you chase me now can I?" Robotnik said.

Robotnik presses a button on his wrist and his robots brought in a machine that looked to be like some sort of red energy cannon with three symmetrically-aligned legs attached to it.

"My little machine here should keep you quiet here, say one word and it will be lights out for you little girl. Say hello to the MX-4180 Electroplasmatic Capsulator... huh say that 5 times fast." Robotnik said snickering.

Twilight get's up and just stares at the machine with her eyes in heart shapes and whistles at it. Robotnik looks at her with a weird and confused expression.

"WOW!!!" Twilight said as she ran towards the machine and then just hugs it. "Titanium casings, hydroponic stabilizers, and an exhaust engine?! This is a machine of beauty."

"O-Oh well uh... thank you." Robotnik said. "I always use the best materials when designing my evil experiments."

"So... what does this baby do anyways." Twilight said excitedly.

"Oh it just restructures the humidity molecules in the air to make a hyper-magnetic force-field that can freeze anything among contact." Robotnik said.

"Whhhhhhoooooaaaa! Really?! Tell me more please!" Twilight said getting even more excited.

"The best part is little girl is that it runs on brain power." Robotnik said as takes out a brown helmet. "All you have to do is put on this helmet and say something smart."

Twilight takes the helmet from Robotnik to put it on her head to test it out, but what she said next was her plan from the beginning.

"Complementing someone will make them lower their guard." Twilight said smirking.

Just as she says that, the device activates and points itself at Robotnik getting ready to fire at him.

"Exactly... wait what?" Robotnik said as he just realized what Twilight said.

The machine then blasts a beam at Robotnik and he was enveloped in a red force-field that was preventing him from moving.

"Smart, but not smart enough." Twilight said before looking back at the machine. "But I still think I might keep this!"

Twilight then levitates Robotnik out of the house and throws him far away from where she was.

The Next Day at Sunset Shimmer's house

I ran towards Sunset's house as I was ready to have a date with her. I knocked on the door and she came out wearing a light blue dress and a black jacket around it.

"Hey Sunset. You look nice in that dress." I said to flatter her.

"Thanks." She said back blushing just a tiny bit. "So where were you thinking we should go today?"

"I was thinking maybe you and I can take a walk through the park. Just the two of us." I said.

"Sure, that's sounds good to me." Sunset replied.

With that being being said we both walked off together side by side and we both were at a peaceful area with a grassy plain.

"You know, I'm grateful for one thing." I said.

"What's that?" Sunset asked curiously.

"I'm able to experience a world where everyone is peaceful and I finally was able to make friends that I could become close to." I said.

"Michael, did you have any friends back on your world." Sunset asked.

I simply looked down with a sad face because it was sort of tragic about the story of my very first friend.

"I... I did... but he... well..." I said trying not to cry.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Michael, I didn't mean to bring up your past." Sunset said feeling a little guilty.

"No it's alright. I'll tell you, but... it won't be easy to describe." I said.

(Flashback back on Mobius)

I was seen running across the roofs of Rooftop Run as I was doing my usual thing of just minding my own business. As I was running however, a small red light was following me and I didn't notice it.

"Oh man, I feel nostalgic today." I said as I jump and ricocheted off of walls I spindashed on to.

After awhile, I decided to take a rest on top of the clock tower in the center of the city and lied down on my back just in deep thought.

"Man, it world sure be nice to have some company once in awhile." I said before getting a sad look and looked at the view of the entire city.

"I know all of these people love me as their hero, but I don't want to just pick one of these people to hang with and leave the rest hanging. I also know that I can't hang out with everyone at the same time. So how can I find the perfect person to hang out with?

Just then a voice flows through my mind as someone was talking to me.

"When the going get's tough, there always hope in one's heart." The voice said.

That voice which sounded like a female made me surprised as I stood back up and looked around.

"Huh? Is someone there? You can come on out, I won't hurt you." I said looking all over for that strange voice.

Then something came in front of me which was a small ball of red light that was inches from my face.

"Huh? What's this?"

The light then got brighter as I shield my eyes for protection. Soon after when the light dimmed down, I had a shocked look on my face as I see an anthropomorphic peach-orange echidna wearing a white tank-top with a tribal dress, a golden tiara on her head, and she was wearing white sandals with straps around her feet. She was levitating in front of me and she almost looked like she was from a dream as she was also glowing.

"Hello Michael The Hedgehog." She said with a small smile.

"Who are you?" I asked in awe.

"My name is Tikal, I am a descendant of the Knuckles Clan. A clan that was destroyed thousands of years ago from my friend Chaos as his rage was the cause of it. Now he is sealed in the Master Emerald happily

"I see." I said back. "But why have you come to me?"

Tikal simply giggles. "You are lonely, are you not?"

"Lonely? O-Of course not. I-I am grateful for helping everyone on Mobius and everyone sees me as their hero, so why would I be lonely?" I said stuttering.

"While that is true. You never bothered to ask anyone around if you would be their friend." She said.

"W-Well, I can't just pick one person, I mean... I consider all of them my friends." I said trying to sound calm.

"Yes, but do you ever stop to talk and have a conversation with anyone?" She said in a more serious tone.

I had nothing to say to counter that as all I did was look down with guilt and sadness. "I really am alone. I've got no friends."

Tikal then floats towards me and places a hand on my shoulder which prompted me to look at her. She just gives me a warm smile.

"You have one now." She said.

She was probably the most nicest person at the time for me to have a conversation with. I simply smile back and after awhile we both spoke to each other for a long time. Afterwards, we became closer as the time progresses. I would meet Tikal every night above the clock tower in Rooftop Run to speak with, but luckily she couldn't seen by anyone else since I guess she's some sort of spirit. Tikal and I were like the best of friends... but then that all stop after one day. One day I ran to the clock tower at night as our usual hangout spot, but that one day... she just disappeared and I tried to call out to her in anyway I could in my mind, but it was no use. I was so devastated that day that I just started crying, but something inside kept telling me 'No! It's time to move on. I'm going to keep saving this world and protect my people. Tikal would want me to keep protecting them.' I thought with determination.
End of Flashback

"I think of Tikal almost every night and I still miss her to this day. She was the first friend I've ever had to fully understand me." I said to Sunset.

Sunset just had a look of sympathy in her eyes as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry you have me and the other Rainbooms. Tikal would want you to strengthen your bonds with as many people as possible."

I looked back at Sunset as she gave me a warm smile as I did the same.

"For the last six months, I don't think it's ever possible for me or the others to abandon you. You can expect us to stay with you till the very end." Sunset said.

I simply smiled at her compassion for me as I decided to ask her a question also.

"You said that you came from a different world right?" I asked.

Sunset simply nods. "Equestria. It's a land filled with ponies and other mythical creatures, as I'm a unicorn in that world."

"Huh? That's sounds kinda cool actually considering I'm a hedgehog from my world." I said back.

"There are three races of ponies and one special race which are the two rulers of Equestria. There are Earth ponies, Unicorns, Pegasus, and finally Alicorns which are a combined version of all three. The three alicorns most known alicorns in Equestria are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and my best friend from that world, Princess Twilight who is the Princess of Friendship."

"Wow. So basically we all have counterparts in Equestria... well except for me?" I asked.

"Yep. I actually came to the Human World because I wanted to make amends to my mistakes in Equestria."

I looked at her confused. "Mistakes?"

Sunset looked down with a sad face. "Let's just say that I wanted to become an Alicorn and Princess Celestia didn't let me and I got mad that I turned against everyone due to my own greed."

I looked at her at I felt how she did.

"I was a terrible person and I couldn't believe the stuff I did, but thanks to Princess Twilight, I was able to learn about friendship and I now have 6 other friends including you Michael that am grateful to have." Sunset said feeling a little better.

"Sunset everyone makes mistakes, I even did too, but now I think it's time we put our pasts behind us and live as best friends till the end."

Sunset looks at me with a smile and giggles. "You know I actually sung a song about my past not too long ago, but I completely agree."

We both embraced each other for a little bit to comfort each other. I'm glad to have met Sunset Shimmer, she's just so empathetic, compassionate, and to top all that off she was beautiful with her fiery hair. We both stared at each other in the eyes for awhile before a voice broke the silence.

"Aww, am I interrupting something?" A familiar voice said that made us both jump in shock.

Sunset and I looked up to see the evil scientist that was none other than...... ugh why do I even bother. You know who the villain is in this story so I don't need to remind you. I look at you know who with a serious face.

"Is that Robotnik?!" Sunset said as she also had a serious look.

"Well well well if it isn't Doctor Eggman." I said which irritates Robotnik.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT NAME!!! MY NAME IS ROBOTNIK YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" Robotnik yelled at us clearly angry.

I simply smirked as I decided to taunt him even more. "Oh please, the name suits you actually. You're a descendant of the previous Eggman, your body shaped like an Egg, and on top of all that you are chasing with a bunch of Egg-Bots... Eggman.~"

This ticked off Robotnik so much that he just decided to fire at us point blank. I grabbed Sunset up bridal style and I carried both of us away as Robotnik decides to lay pursuit of us.

"Hang on Sunset." I said. "This may feel like being on a roller coaster."

Sunset simply nods and holds her arms around my neck as I ran into Canterlot's city. I dodged cars and lasers from Robotnik as he was trying to exterminate us at all costs. Feeling that I couldn't put any more innocent people in danger, I ran up a skyscraper all the way to the top. As soon as I got to the top of the building, I set Sunset down on her feet.

"So that's the guy who wants to not only eliminate us, but also take our magic?" Sunset asked.

"Pretty much, and we don't do something about this soon enough we could-" I said, but I was interrupted by Robotnik.

"Die and never return to life with your precious powers? Correct." Robotnik said as we both realized that he caught up with us.

Sunset and I just gave him an intense glare that just shows we're brave enough to face him.

"Word of advice my friend. Don't run, it will only hurt more which is a fact to your joints." Robotnik said as he also presses a button to make a large purple mech that looked like a stag beetle and it also had a large grey abdomen with a yellow, grey, and green missile launcher on top.

"Alright Eggman, you wanna rumble? Then it's time for me to gotta go fast." I said. "Sunset, you've got special powers inside you too right?"

"Yep. This is the time for me to show you my Crystal Guardian form." She said as she grasps her geode and she grows pony ears like Applejack and her hairstyle changes to have a single long ponytail from her hair. She is now wearing black tights, a red and yellow dress with a black belt around her and she was wearing some golden boots that went up to about her knees and lastly she had golden shoulder pads and gloves.

"Huh? Nice armor." I complimented. "Eggman, you just messed with the wrong people today."

"The name is Doctor Robotnik you cocky little human rodent. I figured though since I couldn't outsmart your friends... which turned to be in humiliating ways. I will just have to extract the powers using my most latest creation, The Egg Beetle."

I turned to Sunset and smirked. "See what I mean? This is no Robotnik, this is Eggman.

Sunset giggled at my little joke while Robotnik growled under his breath.

"If you call me that name one more time..." He growled. I was bold enough to take his dare though.

"Eggman." I said with a cocky smile.

"Fine." Robotnik said. "The hard way it is then." He get's inside the cockpit of the Egg Beetle and Sunset and I were ready for whatever was coming our way.

(Play Sonic Unleashed- Boss Battle Day)

The Egg Beetle started shooting missiles at us, but I dodged it no problem while Sunset shot fire from her hands to make them explode. I then run up to the mech as it tried to stab me with it's pinchers, but I instead was fast enough to dodge it and I spin attacked onto the cockpit which did only minor damage to Robotnik. I spindashed back towards it, but missed slightly as I landed back on the ground. Sunset created a ball of fire in her hands and threw multiple at the Egg Beetle which only did minor damage to it also.

"Dang it." I said. "This one won't be as easy as the machine I faced last time."

"It never is." Sunset replied.

I jumped in the air and did a homing attack on the Egg Beetle multiple times which actually was a better approach sent I broke one of it's side legs. The Egg Beetle withdrew more missiles at us and they still didn't hit me, but while Sunset was trying to defend herself from the missiles, I noticed that she didn't see one coming from behind her so I jumped in the way and took the hit. I was painful as rolled onto my stomach, but I was still in good condition to fight. Sunset came over to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked worried.

I simply stood back up on my fight with the same determined look on my face. "Yeah don't worry, I can still beat em'."

That's when an idea came into my head. "Hey Sunset, follow my lead." I said.

"What are you planning?" She asked curiously.

"I can make it in a few words. If you can't beat em', blind em'." I said with a cocky smile.

Sunset knew what I was talking about and also smiled. I ran towards the Egg Beetle and decided to taunt Robotnik.

"Hey Egghead. You can't stop what you can't see." I said as I ran circles around the Egg Beetle and generated wind into the air as wind is also a natural element I can absorb. Soon enough, a large vortex was around the Egg Beetle as Robotnik couldn't see anything.

"Lost visual contact." He said trying to find where I was. I then make more homing attacks onto the mech to do some more damage and Robotnik was getting annoyed as he got out of the vortex and faced me. "Your efforts are clever, but futile." He said.

"Oh those spin attacks? Those were nothing, but did you forget to focus on another person Eggman?" I said.

Robotnik soon realizes that he wasn't looking at Sunset and behind him, she had a large fireball and threw it right at the doctor.

"Mommy..." He whined in fear. The fireball made contact with the Egg Beetle and it did major damage as it was almost destroyed.

"Sounds like someone also has mother issues." Sunset said with a smirk.


Sunset laughs a little and she got one final idea to finish off the Egg Beetle.

"Michael, I have an idea to completely destroy this thing." She called out to me.

Robotnik was currently focused on me as he kept shooting lasers at me, but I dodged each and every one of them.

"Better make it fast." I said as I ran over to her.

"Can you absorb fire?" She asks.

"Yeah why?"

"I want both of us to combine our powers, if we do that then that robot will possibly be out of commission."

"In what way?"

"We just run up to the Egg Beetle and jump towards it."

We both get a determined look as I nodded to signal that I understood her plan. We both took each others hands as a red aura went around Sunset and a blue aura went around me as my eyes also glowed blue.

"Bombs away!" Robotnik said as he threw many more missiles with were targeted right us, but we stood our ground and let the missiles hit us as an explosion was made. Seeing that he thought he succeeded, Robotnik let out an evil cackle for a little bit until he saw two glowing figures in the smoke of the explosion.

"Hmm?" he grunted confused.

Out of the smoke it was Sunset and me as we both had an orange shield around us and using my speed combined with Sunset's fire powers. We both charged towards the Egg Beetle and jumped at it as the impact of both of our powers just zoomed right through it. That did enough damage to the Egg Beetle as it exploded and Sunset and I landed on the ground. Sunset reverted back to her normal attire and we both gave each other a high five for our victory.
(End Music)

"Sorry this date got ruined by Egghead, Sunset." I apologized.

"It's fine Michael, besides I actually had fun." She said.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Of course, I mean I may not be Rainbow Dash, but I do enjoy some action sometimes." She replied back with a smile.

I smiled back as we were both about to get off the skyscraper, but a laser exploded behind us which was done by Robotnik. Apparently we forgot that his hovercraft was still intact.

"Bullseye!" Robotnik said.

We were both falling off the skyscraper as we were also screaming that we were going to hit the ground, but before that could happen. Two blue and yellow streaks caught us just in time as it looked to be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as they were both in their Crystal Guradian forms also. Fluttershy had wings on her back, and she was wearing a light green dress with pink details and butterflies on her hips along with pink boots. Rainbow Dash also had wings, and she was wearing a magenta and orange outfit, with light blue tights, orange shoes with wings on them, and she had gold shoulder pads and arm cuffs.

"Are you two alright?" Fluttershy asked as she was the one who caught me.

"Thank Celestia that Fluttershy and I decided to head to that huge explosion we saw up that building." Rainbow Dash said as she was the one who caught Sunset.

"Thanks you two." Sunset said. "I think we all may need to group together again, as this Robotnik guy may be more dangerous than any of us thought."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash set us on the ground on the sidewalks as they reverted back to their normal forms. Sunset and Rainbow Dash started texting the other Rainbooms of what they were just at.

"I really don't like that that person is trying to take our powers for world domination." Fluttershy said slighting scared.

"Don't worry Fluttershy." I said. "We'll stop him as long as we stick together and most of all, I'll save each and every one until that guy is beaten."

Fluttershy looked at my determined face and smiled, but then she also saw that my eyes glowed blue again which gave her a shocked look.

'Michael has powers, but every time I see him with that heroic look on his face his eyes glow.' She thought. 'Could he have some kind of connection to us as well?'

Chapter 7: Road Trip Chase

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Previously in the last chapter: Hi. My name is Sunset Shimmer. I'm a student and pony who comes from Equestria and goes to Canterlot High School. Apparently, the mysterious villain Doctor Robotnik who we now call "Doctor Eggman" has been hunting down our powers and trying to take them by force, but thanks to Michael and I, we made sure that didn't happen. Now we are all wondering, what should we do against this evil scientist.

After the save from both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, Rainbow and Sunset contacted the rest of the Rainbooms and we all met up together near the Canterlot High four mirror pedestal where I first landed. Man that takes me back. We all gathered around to talk about some of the things that happened due to Eggman. Yeah. . . I'm calling him Doctor Eggman, why not? Rainbow explained how she was threatened by Eggman to tell about her powers, Pinkie explained the traps she set up in order to immobilize Eggman, Twilight explained how she was able to outsmart Eggman and got a cool invention in the process, and Sunset and I explained the situation when we were on our date.

"A'ight, so Robotnik is still catching us and he's extremely desperate to capture us." Applejack said. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know AJ" I said back. "He's got all kinds of resources to hunt us down, so I don't know how we can get rid of him for good."

Twilight put her hand on her chin and she then pulled out the Crystal Ring and she got an idea.

"Don't worry everyone. I think I know how we can take out that evil scientist." Twilight said with a determined face.

"How? By throwing him a party!?" Pinkie asked as she then pulled out her party cannon and shot confetti at us.

All of us gave Pinkie a deadpan look as she just shrugged her shoulders.

"What? We always win with the power of friendship. A party should do it." Pinkie said as she then gave out a huge smile with a squee.

"True, but this person described by Michael doesn't seem to be someone who would be wanting to make friends." Sunset said as she along with the rest of the group including was wiping the confetti off of our bodies.

"He tried to hurt my animal friends and my real friends. He definitely doesn't have any kindness at all." Fluttershy said.

"All the more as to why I'm trying to stop him from taking our powers for world domination." I said.

"Well, as I was saying, we can go back to Everfree and find out if this ring is part of our geodes so we can use it to stop him once and for all." Twilight said.

"That's it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Then this will be easy to take out that Egghead."

"We should take Granny's van. It's the best way we can get all of us to Everfree along the road." Applejack proposed.

However, I'm not one to take the slow lane. I'd rather use my super speed and get there faster than get in a car that can go at most 100 miles an hour.

"Alright, I guess I'll meet you guys there." I said proudly.

"Huh? Darling, what are you saying?" Rarity said confused as the others were confused as well.

"Just point me which way Everfree is and I'll be there before you can 'wait'!" I said tapping my foot. Twilight pointed in the direction I was facing.

"Um. . . that way, but you should wai-" Twilight tried to finish her sentence, but I took off creating a gust of wind that blew at everyone. Rainbow Dash smiled at knowing I was one to be fast and not the waiting type.

"I like his idea. See ya!" Rainbow said as she also took off in the same direction I was going.

"Wow! Did they really just took off with 1, no proper directions and 2, just because we're not as fast as them?" Applejack deadpanned.

"Don't worry! They'll come back!" Pinkie said with a smile.

"How can you be so sure?" Twilight asked. Pinkie then pulled out a timer out of nowhere.

"Hmm. . . 3. . . 2. . . 1. . ." Pinkie counted down and as soon as she put the timer away, both Rainbow Dash and I were back in front of the Rainbooms wet and covered in seaweed and I also had a fish on my head.

"Okay!" I said as I was panting. "As we both crashed into the cold, dark water of the ocean, we both realized a couple of things."

Sunset had her arms crossed and gave us a judgmental look. "Which are. . .?"

"A. We have no idea where we're going." Rainbow Dash started.

"B. Saltwater stinks." I said.

"And C. It was wrong for us to take off without you guys because we can't do this on our own." Rainbow Dash finished.

"And now, as a little bit of karma; we're wet, cold, and there's a fish on my head!" I exclaimed.

Rarity then pulled out of a bag she had, a massive blow dryer and she pointed it at us and turned it on which dried us instantly, but due to the force of the warm air, our hair was messed up.

"So, have you all learned your lessons?" Rarity asked while Rainbow and I sighed.

"Yes." We both said at the same time as we shook our heads to fix our hair.

"Well then it's settled then, we can get to Everfree all together with Granny Smith's van." Sunset said.

"Well, I don't do things like this, but since were all together. . . Road trip? WOOP-WOOP!" I said excitedly while everyone else laughed at my excitement.

"Follow me y'all. Granny's van can take us to Everfree safely. We'll have no problems to worry about."

At Doctor Eggman's Fortress Base

Eggman was watching us the whole time through a video feed and he grew intrigued to what we were talking about. Orbot was watching alongside with him.

"So, they have a place to where these weird gems originated from eh?" Eggman said as he smiled.

"Apparently so Doctor, but how will be able to know the location of where they go? It could be underground for all we know." Orbot said as Eggman sighed and turned towards his robot henchmen.

"For a robot that's supposed to be my right hand man, you really don't know how a genius thinks." Eggman said gruffly. "We have tons of robots that can pursue those teens and don't worry I have just the right amount for the job."

"Y-Yes doctor. I believe you will be able to capture and apprehend their powers." Orbot said as he didn't want to test his master's patience.

Doctor Eggman then had holographic images of robots he could choose in front of him and he was looking through what to choose in order to chase us down.

"Hmm. . ." The doctor said trying to pick the robot for the job. "Eenie, Meenie, Minie. . . Mayhem! Orbot, send this bot out and make sure it chases those humans down."

"Yes, sir. Right away." Orbot said as he left the room and went to get the robot for Eggman.

Eggman then turned towards the screen where we were all gone as we were headed towards Sweet Apple Acres to get Granny Smith's van.

"You all can run, but you can't hide from the all power and genius Dr. Robotnik." Eggman said as he let out and evil laugh that echoed across the room. I think Eggman sounds better for him. Wouldn't you agree?

An hour later

We were all out on the highway on our way to where Everfree was so we find out of the ring was also similar to those gems that the girls wear. Applejack is the one driving and Rarity is in the passenger seat. I was sitting in the back with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as we were enjoying the ride. Seeing though it was kinda quiet, Fluttershy decided to start up a conversation.

"So Michael. Um. . . what exactly is your world like?" She asked. Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, and Pinkie also turned towards me as they were also interested in knowing.

"It's actually a pretty great. I almost wish I didn't have to leave it to have a new life here. There's a huge grassland area filled with cute little woodland animals and waterfalls (Green Hill)." I said as Fluttershy sounded interested with that. "There's also a huge city filled tons of shops and urban areas with a clock tower in the center (Rooftop Run)."Sunset seemed interested in hearing that. "A huge beach resort filled with some temples and relaxing oceans (Seaside Hill)." Rainbow perked up at hearing that. "There's a huge casino filled with a lot of gambling and parties that you can enjoy there (Casino Park)." Both Rarity and Pinkie liked the sound of that place.

"Well darn tootin' sugarcube, you have almost everything in your world don't you?" Applejack asked surprised.

"Yeah I guess s- Oh my god! Stop the van right now!" I exclaimed as I instantly popped my head out of the window and I saw a sign up ahead. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie stuck their heads out as well.

"What is it!? What is it!!?" Rainbow asked wanting to know why I suddenly went hyper.

"'Canterlot's largest unicorn statue?'" I said as Rainbow and Pinkie were also surprised.

"We gotta see it!" The three of us said at the same time.

"Huh? What in tarnation you three? No, this is no some family fun road trip we are-" Applejack was talking, but she then sees that we already ran there.

"And they left." Twilight said as she facepalmed. However, we all then reappeared in our seats in blurs as Rainbow Dash had a cap that said 'I love unicorns' and I was holding some unicorn figurines.

"Eh, you were right. It was lame." Rainbow Dash said.

"But hey, gift shop was cool though." I said as Pinkie pulled out some unicorn horn toys that glowed. Applejack rolled her eyes and kept her eyes on the road, Rarity gave us a confused look, Twilight had her jaw dropped, and both Sunset and Fluttershy giggled at our excitement.

Unbeknownst to us, a large tank vehicle was going across the road at our pursuit and we all didn't notice it come up behind us.

Sunset then decided to speak again. "So, Michael how did you arrive here in our world?"

Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and I put our accessories away and I decided to explain everything.

"It was about 6 months and. . ." I started, but you guys read the prologue so you already know what happened so I'll fast forward this to about 10 minutes to wear the robot is right behind the van.

"And that's pretty much it" I said. Everyone was intrigued, especially Twilight as she wanted to know more in detail about what my world has and theirs doesn't.

"Anything else!? Please! Please! Please!" Twilight said as she had a notepad in her hands and a huge smile on her face. Sunset just shook her head and chuckled. Just then, the robot vehicle pulled out a fishing harpoon out from the top and it aimed right towards the van and none of us noticed. Doctor Eggman was watching the whole thing through the robot's eye.

"Steady. . . steady." Eggman said slowly trying to get a clear shot.

"Twilight, I know you want to know about his dimension, but you should-" Sunset couldn't finish her sentence as the harpoon shot through the center of the van scaring everyone including me.

"WHAT IN TARNATION?!?!" Applejack yelled as we all look back to see the robot that had shot through the vehicle. I got a serious look on my face as I know who could've done that.

"YEAH! DOWN THE MIDDLE!" Eggman cheered to himself.

"Eggman!" I said. Everyone else stared at me in confusion except for Pinkie and Sunset.

"Who?!" The majority said.

"Oh! That's right! I decided to give that whacko the nickname Eggman because it fits him." I said.

"I already knew!" Pinkie said.

"What?! How?!" I asked.

"Just Pinkie Pie stuff." She replied. Applejack was not amused though.

"As much as we all want to know how Pinkie does random things, have any of y'all noticed that THERE'S A DARN HARPOON STUCK IN THE FRONT OF THE VAN!!!" Applejack yelled worriedly.

Applejack was trying to steer the van so she could try to throw it off, but it was no use. I then decided to open the roof and get on top of the van.

"Michael darling, what are you doing?!" Rarity asked.

"Something crazy! Don't worry girls, I got this." I said as I jumped of the van and spin dashed at the robot in a fast pace. "Here comes the BOOM!!!"

I collided with the robot and it was partly destroyed as the harpoon came out of the van and it was tipped to it's side. Applejack stopped the van as she along with the rest looked at me with their jaws dropped. I uncurled and stood up back on my feet and looked at the trashed robot with a smile. I rushed towards it and break danced.

"Oh, yeah baby! A-Michael 1, A-Big Tank 0. I'm sorry could we get that on camera please?" I gloated.

"How are you not dead!?" Twilight asked.

"I have no idea!" I simply answered. "Did you girls see me dancing?"

Rarity rolled her eyes, but had a smug look on her face. "Yes, darling we saw you dance."

I turned back to the large robot tank vehicle and gave a message to it. "Is that all you got?"

Eggman smirked as he was watching me gloat. "No, but thank you asking again." He said as he then pressed a button which caused me to hear a noise on the robot as it didn't sound good.

"Uh Oh." I said.

"Michael, you might wanna get back in the van!" Applejack said worriedly. I did just that as she drove away and the tank then let out another that was smaller and had two claws at the front of the wheels. It then chased us again.

"Aww, I think that tank just had a baby." Fluttershy said.

"Well, this baby is about to get a spanking." I said. "Dash, Twilight, I'll need your help for this one."

The small vehicle then shot what looked to be discs as Sunset saw them flying towards us.

"Incoming!" She said.

Applejack made the van dodge the disc as it flew off to the side and exploded worrying all of us. I got back on the roof of the van as Twilight and Rainbow Dash followed me up. The vehicle then shot out two more discs at us.

"Twilight! Catch those with your magic!" I said as she did just that. "Now bring them to me and Dash."

"Why?" She asked.

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing." I replied. "Do you like skateboarding Dash?"

Rainbow Dash perked up at this and knew what I was implying. "You know it!"

Twilight brought the two discs over to us and me and Rainbow Dash took one. We then used both of our super speed to run on the road, throw the discs down and used them like skateboards to maneuver ourselves to the vehicle. Both Rainbow and I jumped on the vehicle with the discs still in our possession and we look into the eye of it in case Eggman was watching us in which he was confused on what we were doing

"Hello everyone, welcome back to our livestream. Today we going to teach you how to destroy robots. Rainbow, care to show them how it's done?" I said.

"Of course Michael. Step 1, alley-oop!" Rainbow Dash said as she bashes the disk on the robot as I did the same and it drove itself off of the road and blew up. Both Rainbow and I got back in the van and we high-five each other.

"Ha ha, we did it!" I said.

As I said that however another robot got back on the road in the form of a unicycle and it had spikes coming out the sides of the wheels.

"We. . . did not do it." Rainbow Dash said. "Just who is this crazy Egghead?"

Doctor Eggman was still watching us as he smirked from our clueless behaviors. "Ever wondered where your insurance money is going?" He said.

"A'ight my turn." Applejack said as she got of the driver to go to wear Twilight, Sunset and Fluttershy was and opened the side of the van and pulled out a stone hammer. "Michael! Drive us and keep us going straight."

I chuckled and got to the front to take the steering wheel. "Ha, ha. I feel this is one of those car chase scenes in movies."

"It actually is!" Pinkie said.

The robot was getting closer to vehicle and Applejack tried to smash it, but she kept missing.

"Word of advice. Roll up into a ball and smash him with your body." I said.

"That's your ability." Twilight told me with a confused look.

Everyone was seeing how well I was doing driving, considering this is my first time, but I had a little help. . .

"Whoa! Where did y'all learn how to drive!?" Applejack asked.

"Here, Pinkie's giving this instruction manual. It's happening as we speak." I said as everyone looked to see Pinkie guiding me how to drive.

"Darn it. I can't reach it. Bring it closer." Applejack said as she still couldn't smash the robot.

"How?" I asked.

"Hit the brakes." She replied.

"Oh, you mean this one?" I asked as I floored the gas pedal and everyone was almost launched backwards, but luckily I stopped.

"THE OTHER BRAKES!!!" The girls yelled at me as I then floored the other pedal and it brought Applejack close enough to where she then whacked the hammer on the robot and it fell down to the ground. Applejack smirked and chuckled and went back in the van to take the driver's seat. Eggman saw this and he was not happy.

"Oh! Give me a big. . . fat. . . break!" He said slamming his hands on a desk.

The robot that Applejack smashed up then let out a tiny robot with a helicopter rotor on top of it. It flies towards the van and it reaches towards Twilight's window. She's sees it and her eyes sparkle at the tiny thing.

"Aw, this is one is cute! Let's keep him!" Twilight said as I also saw the robot and I gain a worry look.

"No! SMASH THAT!" I yelled.

"Huh?" Twilight said as she didn't listen. However the robot shot out a laser beam at the van and it was cutting off the top in a steady pace surprising everyone.

"Oh, come on!" Applejack said as she facepalms.

"How can something so adorable, be so terrible?" Twilight asked.

"Even the little things can make a big difference Twi. Trust me." I responded.

Rarity tried to shoo it away, but it didn't work. Pinkie tried to blow on the robot, but that didn't work either.

"You guys got car insurance, right Applejack?" I asked as I poked my head out the window to see that it was finished ripping the top of the van off. As the top came off, we all let a scream and saw it crash on the road. The robot then flies at Rainbow Dash and she caught it with her hand.

"Buzz off!" She said as she removed the helicopter part, but it then suddenly got stuck on her hand and made a steady beeping noise. "That doesn't sound good."

"No, it's bad! Get rid of it!" I yelled.

"I'm trying!" Rainbow Dash yelled back as she was shaking her hand as the robot turned into a sticky grenade.

"Throw it out the window! Throw it anywhere!" Sunset said as she was panicking.

"I can't get it off!" Rainbow Dash said as the robot was stuck on her.

"A'ight y'all, I'm pulling over." Applejack said as she did just that on some flat terrain of dirt beside the road. Rainbow Dash jumped out and ran all over the place trying to get the grenade off, but it ended up on her forehead which she didn't notice.

"Did I get it?" She asked.

"No!" I said as I pointed to it on her forehead which made her panic as the beeping was getting faster.

"Here. Hold your horses Rainbow Dash." Applejack said as Rainbow Dash stood still like she was told.

Applejack got a handkerchief and pulled the grenade off of Rainbow Dash and she threw it into the forest.

"It going. . . it's going. . ." I said watching the grenade fly.

"It's still here!" Twilight said as Applejack opened her palm and the grenade was still on her hand. She shook her hand wildly, but it wasn't coming off.

We gasped as the beeping got even faster and I rushed to the truck of the van to see if Applejack had her toolbox. Lucky enough, she did and I grabbed a wrench and went back to Applejack pulling the grenade off and made it sit on a rock.

"Alright everyone! RUN!" I yelled as everyone got back in the van as fast as they could and as soon as Applejack drove onto the road the grenade let out a single beep and exploded and the explosion almost reached us, but didn't.

"That was too close." Sunset said.

"Agreed dear." Rarity added.

"Sorry about the van, Applejack." I apologized.

"Ah, don't sweat it sugarcube. It ain't no ones fault, but that darn Robotnik." She replied. I was glad that she didn't find this a big deal.

Back in the fortress, Eggman was growling from under his breath from his failure to try to capture us with Orbot watching as well.

"Wow!" Orbot said. "They are survivors. Perhaps they may even be harder to capture than we thought, eh Doctor."

Eggman turned around and walked up to Orbot an gave him an angry look. "Pin yourself to the wall." Eggman said as Orbot did just that with a look of fear on his face. "I am going to rip all of your parts out one by one and then put you back together blindfolded. Those humans are our enemies and we do not feel any sympathy for our enemies. Do I make myself clear?"

Orbot gulped. "Y-Yes Doctor. . . but perhaps I can show you something that doesn't involve taking me apart?"

"This better be good." Eggman said as he was holding a wrench behind his back.

Orbot then pulled out a blue glowing gem that looked similar to a diamond. I was my Chaos Emerald that I brought here with me and they somehow stole it. Doctor Eggman gave a surprising look to Orbot.

"Is that a Chaos Emerald?" He asked with an astonished look.

"Yes sir, One of our robots were scanning individual homes in Canterlot, and just so, we were lucky enough to find this in a human's home. Or should I say. . . human hedgehog's home." Orbot said.

Doctor Eggman took the Chaos Emerald from Orbot's hands and he had an evil look on his face.

"Orbot." He said.

"Doctor?" Orbot replied.

"Bring me all of my worker robots to build me a new weapon." Eggman said.

"Of course, sir." Orbot said as he saluted and left the room.

"I told that brat that I'll get his powers, even if I have to hurt people. This city, is my city and as the descendant of all of the previous Eggman. It is my duty to get what I want. . . a world filled with nothing, but metal.

Chapter 8: The Secret of the Rings & Saving The School

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Previously in the last chapter: My name is Michael the Hedgehog and I'm a human who's full of surprises. We all decided to take a trip to Everfree in order to see if my powers are in any way related to the girls' geodes. Eggman tried to stop us from reaching there, but thanks to me and my friends, we made that didn't happen. Now it's time to see what this ring is and how it's connected to me.

At Camp Everfree

We all finally arrived at Everfree as Applejack parked the broken up van to the side and we all got out.

"Is this the place?" I asked.

"Eeyup. This here place is where we first discovered our geodes." Applejack said.

"So now we're here, we just need to find the cave." Sunset said.

"It's actually been awhile since we've been here. Camp Everfree is beautiful as ever." Fluttershy said.

"Yay! Nostalgia!" Pinkie said as she jumped up and down.

"Hmm. If there are two people, well one specifically here, then we just need to ask where that same cave is and we'll find the secret of this ring in no time." Twilight said.

'She's thinking of Timber. I know she is.' Sunset thought as she rolled her eyes with a smile.

We all walked up ahead to see a large cabin next to a large lake as well. I have to say that this is indeed beautiful just like Tropical Jungle in the city of Soleanna back in my world. We all walked up to the cabin to knock on it and out came two people. One was a tall guy that was just slightly taller than me with dark tan skin, green eyes and aquamarine hair with a beanie on his head. He was also wearing a red Camp Everfree shirt with jade shorts and some brown boots. Twilight had told me that this was her boyfriend, Timber Spruce. The second person was a girl who was smaller than Timber who had dark pink skin, green eyes, and she had raspberry hair with a daisy crown on it. She was also wearing a light yellow dress with green details and some cyan shorts. This was Timber's older sister, Gloriosa Daisy.

"Huh. Oh, it's you girls." Gloriosa said which they all nodded.

"It's great to see all of you again. . . and I see you all brought a guest." Timber said as he noticed me.

"Yeah, this is our best friend Michael." Sunset said.

"It's nice to meet you two. Twilight told me about you two." I said as I shook hands with them.

"It's odd for you all to just come visit at a random time of the year. Is this a special occasion or something?" Gloriosa asked.

"Well, that's the thing. We actually came because we need your help to guide us to the cave where Gloriosa discovered our magic geodes." Sunset replied.

"The cave? What for?" Timber asked.

Twilight pulled out the crystal ring as it glowed which surprised both Timber and Gloriosa.

"Whoa! What is that?" Timber asked surprised.

"This ring is connected to Michael someone, and were trying to see how." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well in that case, follow us." Gloriosa said. "It should be near the rock quarry like it always is."

"Thanks you two. You just saved many lives for us." I said.

"Hey, don't sweat it." Timber said giving me a thumbs up. "Any friend of Twilight is a friend of mine."

We all then walked into the forest following both Timber and Gloriosa to see where this cave is. As we were walking, I noticed Timber and Twilight talking with other as they seemed to be having a good conversation. I looked towards Sunset and got a thought in my head. 'I hope that's you and me one day.'

We eventually got across to the rock quarry where the cave was, but soon Timber, Twilight, and Gloriosa let out a gasp.

"What's wrong?" Rarity asked.

We all caught up to see that the entrance to the cave was blocked off by some boulders giving us shocked looks.

"These boulders weren't here the last time I came over here." Timber said. "I guess we won't be able to get in."

Twilight giggled which confused Timber. "You probably may have forgotten, but we all have powers." Twilight said pointing to her geode on her neck.

"Oh, oops." Timber said as he let out a sheepish laugh while blushing.

"Don't worry, just like the last time Sunset and I were here, I'll just use my magic to-" Twilight said as she was trying to pull the boulders from the cave, but it wasn't working as she grunted a couple times. She tried many attempts of it before getting on to her knees before kneeling down to the ground tired. Timber went to her and patted Twilight's back to ease her exhaustion.

"Don't worry y'all." Applejack said. "What we need here is some muscle." Applejack cracked her knuckles as she went over to the boulder and tried to lift it up, but to our surprise, her powers couldn't do the trick either. "Okay! This thing's really jammed in there."

"How are we supposed to get inside of cave now?" Sunset asked.

I thought for a moment until I noticed a small piece of stone nearby and I picked it up and looked at it before getting an idea. "Leave this to me." I said as everyone looked at me with a confused face. "I can absorb any natural element and stone is part of nature, if I absorb this, then my body will become hard enough to break that boulder down."

"What exactly are you going to do?" Gloriosa asked as I smirked.

"You'll see." I said as I then glowed green, indicating that I absorbed nature, I then walked back a few feet and get into a starting run position. "Okay! Everyone stand back!" I warned as everyone moved out of the way of what I was going to do. I then charge up a spin dash by rolling into a ball and after a couple of seconds, I launched myself towards the boulder while spin attacking and sure enough, my deduction was correct as the boulder broke into small pieces when I launched myself at it. I was then inside of the cave and I landed on the ground feet first. Timber and Gloriosa had their jaws dropped at what they just saw as I just took a bow down to them.

"Dude! That was amazing!" Timber said surprised.

"He really does have powers like you girls." Gloriosa said back.

"Yep, that's Michael for ya." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, let's go inside of the cave shall we?" Rarity asked as everyone nodded and followed me inside of it.

Meanwhile, Inside of Doctor Eggman's Fortress

Doctor Eggman was inside his laboratory, trying to analyze the Chaos Emerald he stole from me in the last chapter. He then place in a small container and pressed some buttons as a screen popped and said 'Now analyzing, 1%.'

"Orbot!" Doctor Eggman said calling his robot henchman.

Orbot came just as he was told and went beside Eggman.

"Yes, doctor." He said.

"How's the new weapon coming along?" Eggman asked.

"It's almost done. The robots are just now putting the last minute paint on it." Orbot replied.

"Well, in that case, play my favorite song while this Emerald transfers it's energy." Eggman said as Orbot nodded and went to the doctor's radio and picked the exact song he was tasked for. As soon as the music turns on, Eggman started to dance and sing.

(Play Song - Where Evil Grows)


I like the way you smile at me
I felt the heat that enveloped me
And what I saw I liked to see
I never knew where evil grew

I should have steered away from you
My friend told me to keep clear of you
But something drew me near to you
I never knew where evil grew

Evil grows in the dark
Where the sun it never shines
Evil grows in cracks and holes
And lives in people's minds

Evil grew, it's part of you
And now it seems to be
That every time I look at you
Evil grows in me

If I could build a wall around you
I could control the thing that you do
But I couldn't kill the will within you
And it never shows
The place where evil grows

Evil grows in the dark
Where the sun it never shines
Evil grows in cracks and holes
And lives in people's minds

Evil grew, it's part of you
And now it seems to be
That every time I look at you
Evil grows in me

As the song was still going on, Eggman didn't notice Orbot appearing behind him carrying a drink. When he did turn around however, he got startled by Orbot and let out a scream which muted the song.

"I just thought you'd might like a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk." Orbot said with the latte in his hand.

"What do I look like, an imbecile? Of course I want a latte. I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE 'EM!" Doctor Eggman yelled as he snatched the latte from Orbot's hands. A small alarm was heard as Eggman perked up at hearing that as he went to see the Chaos Emerald's power was finally analyzed.

"Behold, the extraordinary power source to our machines." Eggman said as he let out an evil cackle. "Orbot. . . ready the Big Arm. With this machine, I'll be able to show those humans, starting with their school, who exactly their messing with."

Back with the Rainbooms in the Everfree cave

We walked for about five minutes through the cave until something caught our eyes. We saw up ahead a tall, shiny crystallized pedestal with seven holes in it.

"Huh. This is the last place where we discovered where our geodes came from." Sunset said.

"Well, what now? We've reached the same place to where our powers originated from. Shouldn't the ring have to do something with it as well?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hmm. Apparently not." Twilight answered. "This ring is way to round to fit on that one spot that surrounds the holes. But if we just take a huge amount of molten magma, and then put this ring in it, plus measuring the area, circumference, and-"

Twilight smart explanation was interrupted as she just now realized that everyone was giving her confused looks.

"Yeah. . . probably ain't doing that." Applejack said.

"We've reached a dead end though. I guess the ring is not connected to our geodes after all." Fluttershy stated.

We all shrugged our shoulders and sighed, but as we were about to go back out from the cave, I saw a small glow that looked to be the color of gold nearby on a crack of a wall.

"Hey everyone. I think I found something." I said as everyone turned back to me and they noticed the small glow as well.

"Oooh. Sparkly." Pinkie said trying to take a peek throw the wall. Pinkie then gasped at what she saw next and rushed up to me. "Didn't you say that there were these golden rings layed everywhere in your world?!" Pinkie exclaimed as I nodded up and down quickly. "I see a ton of them in there!" She said.

My eyes went wide at Pinkie's claim as I went to the crack of the wall to take a took and sure enough, she was correct. There were dozens of golden rings inside of the wall plus I saw a blue pedestal this time that looked to have a hole shaped exactly like the crystal ring.

"Girls, I think our answers to where this ring originated from is through this wall!" I said.

"That's nice darling, but how are we supposed to break that giant wall down." Rarity asked.

"Don't worry Rarity." I said as I got down to the ground and absorbed some more stone to increase by durabilty. "It worked the first time, so I bet it will work a second time."

I spindashed at the wall and tried to break it down with enough force by charging at it. . . but instead I was knocked back and fell on my back with a dizzy look on my face as I was trying to stand up.

"Hey sugarcube, you alright?" Applejack asked.

I swayed back and forth to the side trying not to fall down. "Ugh. Guess I had three extra lives." I said while I still dizzy. I eventually came back to reality and saw that the wall was not broken. I got a conflicted look as I tapped my foot. "That's weird, wasn't that suppose to break?"

"It must be a very thick wall of stone." Twilight said as she put her hand on her chin and started to think before she got an idea in her head. "I have an idea, but it's going involve some of us having to use our geodes."

Everyone including me turned to Twilight's attention as she had a determined look on her face.

(Five Minutes Later)

"Twilight. . ." I said with a conflicted look. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

All of us were in different positions as Rarity was using some of the diamonds she created with her magic to use them like pickaxes on the wall. Rarity looks at the wall as the small crack as now turned into a bigger crack. She then turns around towards Twilight also with a conflicted look.

"I have to second Michael's question Twilight." Rarity said.

"Ha! Science never lies." Twilight said with a proud look on her face.

"Well, all we can do now is hope that this works." Applejack said.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Twilight asked as everyone nodded. "3. . . 2. . . 1. . . GO!"

Sunset shoots a fireball at me which I absorbed to give me increased attack power. I then turn into a ball as Applejack picks me up. Outside, Rainbow Dash was in a starting running position and Fluttershy got all of the animals to clear her path of any twigs, rocks, or any other obstacles in the way.

"Now, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out to her as Rainbow ran full speed into the cave. Applejack throws me with her super strength at Rainbow Dash as she was closing in on me. She then kicks me like a soccer ball towards the wall and Pinkie had a bag of candy which she used as a bomb due to her powers and she throws it at the stone wall. As I made impact with both the bomb and the wall, a huge explosion happens which covered everyone's vision. As the smoke from the large explosion clears, everyone now sees that the stone wall is now destroyed into just large rocks. Everyone, looks at Twilight as she has a smug look on her face. "Given that fire is hotter than stone and hitting Michael with enough force without causing too much inertia. The velocity of the-"

"Okay! Okay! We get it!" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Geez, now your turning into that Egghead."

"What?! I am not" Twilight retorted.

"Um, how about we just all go and see 1. if Michael's okay and 2. what's inside that wall." Sunset said as everyone nodded.

Inside of the wall, everyone had mesmerized looks, especially Rarity as to what they saw was exactly inside. I was on the floor knocked out from the impact I made to the wall. Rainbow Dash ran over to me and checked to see if I was okay.

"I think Michael got a concussion." Rainbow said. "Does anyone have anything that can wake him up?"

At that point, everyone turned to Fluttershy as she flinched from everyone looking at her.

"Um. . . I may have some smelling salts." Fluttershy said.

"Well, come on get to it Fluttershy." Applejack demanded as Fluttershy went up to me and pulled out a piece of human smelling salts and she put it up to my nose.

"Come on, buddy wake up." Rainbow said. As soon as Fluttershy put the smelling salt close to my nose, I woke up instantly.

"Gotta go fast!" I yelled as I rushed all over the place at high speed before returning to where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were while breathing heavily. "Where am I!? What year is it!? Is the rock president!?"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You're okay dude, calm down!" Rainbow Dash said shocked at my instant outburst.

I then turned around and saw the rings and remembered was we were doing. "Oh, that's right. Girls, these are all rings from my world."

"I must say that are absolutely fabulous!" Rarity said as she picked a ring up and held it in her hands with her eyes sparkling.

"So, what exactly do these rings do exactly?" Sunset asked.

"They can be used for many purposes back in my world. They can used to protect you from death, they can be used as currency, and if you collect 50 of them they can be used as portals to travel between worlds." I explained.

Twilight was busy counting them in the area until she had a shocked look on her face. "Uh, counting the one Rarity has in her hand. . . there's 500 of them here."

"I believe for the most part, our biggest tool for these would be to travel." I said.

"But how can we carry 50 rings in one hand and make a portal, I think at most we can carry 7 rings in one hand." Fluttershy asked.

I then get an idea as I looked to Pinkie and she noticed. "Pinkie, do you have your party cannon with you."

Pinkie smiled as she then pulled it out of nowhere and nodded.

"What are you plannin' on doing." Applejack asked.

"Let me show you how it's done." I said as I ran all over the section of the cave and grabbed all of the rings around the cave including the one Rarity had which made her pout. I put 50 of them each in the party cannon as Pinkie blasted the cannon when I put each 50 of them inside. When that happened, 10 slightly larger rings were made as I picked them all up. "Ahh, good times."

"Great, so now we know how the golden rings work, but we still don't know anything about the crystal ring." Sunset said.

Twilight pulled the ring out from her pocket and it was still glowing. "Maybe we have to put it on that hole right there."

Twilight went up to the pedestal and she placed the crystal ring in it, and when she did something unexpected happened. The crystal ring glowed immensely and hovered into the air surprising all of us.

"What's happening!?" Rainbow asked confused.

The crystal ring then shot 7 beams directed at the girl's geodes giving us shocked looks.

"I don't know, but let's just hope it's a good thing!" Twilight replied.

Soon enough, the beams were gone and the crystal ring fell to the ground and stopped glowing. Twilight went over and picked it up with a surprised look on her face.

"That. . ." I said as Twilight finished my sentence for me.

". . .was weird!" She finished.

"Hey, everyone. Check out our geodes!" Rainbow said as the Rainbooms were looking at their geodes to see something unusual. They each had about 1/7 of there geode covered by something blue and a another picture was also trying to form, but they couldn't make out what it was.

"That's definitely weird." Sunset said.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Hmm. . . I don't know? We've been here for hours and it's almost nighttime. We can we do?" Applejack asked.

"We should spend the night here!" Pinkie said.

"What?!" Sunset said surprised. "We can't, we have school tomorrow and how are we supposed to get there on time?"

"Ahem." I cleared my throat as Sunset turned around to see me spinning one of the now 6 rings on my fingers.

"Oh, they can do that?" She asked again.

"Yeah, you just picture where you want to go and the ring will take you there." I replied.

"Well, in that case. Timber and Gloriosa probably won't mind us using some of the tents." Twilight said.

"We done everything we could, but still. . . there's some things we still don't now about the crystal ring and especially why it turned our geodes partly blue." Sunset said.

"Well, let's get some shut eye then." I suggested as everyone nodded.

When we all exited the cave, we explained to both Timber and Gloriosa about our situation and they were more than happy to offer us tents to sleep in for the night. These days just keep getting more interesting as they progress. However, little did we know that tomorrow was the start of mayhem for Canterlot High.

The Next Morning at Canterlot High

We see Principal Celestia in her office apparently preparing to give the morning announcements to the school. Vice Principal Luna also walks in to see her sister.

"Sister, have you noticed anything unusual about today or something that's. . . missing?" Vice Principal Luna asked.

"Not that I know of." Principal Celestia replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. It's probably just a gut feeling." Vice Principal Luna said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, don't worry sister, if anything does happen, we all know that either us or the girls can take care of it." Principal Celestia said with a smile.

"I sure you are right sister." Vice Principal Luna said as she exited the office.

Principal Celestia then grabbed her microphone in order to make the morning announcements to school. "Good morning students. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. If any students didn't know, today is Canterlot High's 5th anniversary of when it was first built. Canterlot High has been a wonderful school and we plan to keep it that way for as long as possible. Have a wonderful Monday, everyone." Principal Celestia then put her microphone to the side and she stood up to go and grab some files from a drawer under her desk. When she sits back she notices something indeed unusual. When she looks a coffee mug that was beside her, the coffee inside the mug was making seismic vibrations confusing her. She then noticed that a couple more objects were starting to shake and eventually the entire school started to feel the tremor. Vice Principal Luna rushed back to Principal Celestia with a worried look on her face.

"Luna. What is happening!?" Principal Celestia asked with a worried look.

"I think you might want to look outside!" Vice Principal Luna replied pointing to the window.

(Play Sonic The Hedgehog - Dr. Robotnik)

Principal Celestia took a look outside of her window to see a bunch of Egg-Bots flying down toward the school, estimating about over a hundred of them. What caught her eyes next however, was a giant, heavily armored, egg-shaped robot hovering in the sky that had two gigantic hands and spikes on it's head.

Both of the sisters went outside to see why all of the robots are around the school and even a bunch of students came outside to see what was happening. The giant robot that was in the middle of all of the Egg-Bots opened it's cockpit to reveal Doctor Eggman emerging from it and the robot made steps for him to walk to the ground. Doctor Eggman saw both of the principals and smirked as he walked up to Principal Celestia with an evil grin on his face.

"Are you in charge here?" Doctor Eggman asked.

"Yes I-" Principal Celestia begin to saw, but Eggman interrupted her.

"Nope!" He said to interrupt.

"We-" Vice Principal Luna tried to say, but Eggman interrupted her as well.

"Wrong!" He interrupted again.

"Excuse me, we are-" Principal Celestia tried to finish her sentence quickly, but Eggman interrupted her as well.

"I'm in charge!" Eggman interrupted once more. "Allow me to clarify." Eggman made robot gestures to his left and began to speak. "In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on the level of critical importance, the disparity between us is to vast to quantify."

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna gave him weird looks as they have no idea what he just said.

"Of course." Eggman said. "Your feeble human minds can't understand me at all. Orbot. Translate."

"The doctor thinks you're basic." Orbot said to both of the sisters in which they weren't amused at all. The students behind them gasped at the doctors language towards their principals.

"Excuse me, mister, but I don't think you know exactly who you are talking to right now." Principal Celestia said with a serious look on her face.

"Oh sorry for being so insensitive. I'm sorry miss, what was your name?" Eggman asked.

"Principal Cele-" Principal Celestia was about to say her name, but again Eggman interrupted her.

"Nobody cares!" Eggman interrupted giving the sisters offended looks. "Sorry, miss nobody cares, you know why nobody cares who you are? Because nobody cares about your feeble accomplishments, nobody cares that you in authority here, nobody cares that you are even human."

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna looked at each other with judgemental looks.

"Humans are stupid and unreliable, I care little about them. My machines on the other hand do exactly what their told, they follow their programming, and they don't need time off to do anything. My babies are just diligent and relentless." Eggman said as he was praising all of his robots.

"Okay, mister. . ." Principal Celestia said trying to get his name.

"Doctor Robotnik." Eggman said which I still debate that Eggman is a better name for him.

"Robotnik. I don't care if you really think you are better than us in anyway at all, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave and leave both my school and students be." Principal Celestia said sternly, but Eggman just chuckles.

"Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way after all." Doctor Eggman said as he walks back into the cockpit of the giant robot. "Robots. . . time to do some demolition."

Everyone in the school had worried looks of what was about to happen and even the principals were scared. Eggman commanded his robots to then invade the school and destroy anybody in sight.
(End Song)

At Camp Everfree

Everyone got a single tent they could sleep in from last night since there weren't any campers around. We all woke up to see the morning sun shine in our eyes. Since I bet we still have some time before we got to school, I decided to use my speed to run around all over the camp. The camp itself looks like a small version of Green Hill, which I loved so much. I went up a mountain to get a view of everything and it was indeed beautiful. I inhaled and exhaled the fresh air in the atmosphere.

"Ahhh. So cool." I said. "Canterlot is an amazing place, but still. . . I kinda miss my old home. But what do I do? If I use one of the rings I have in my possession, then I can instantly go back to Mobius, but I'll be abandoning all of my friends here. At the same time though, everywhere I go just gives me a nostalgic feeling to see my old home again."

I get a sad look on my face as I go back down from the mountain and into a forest as I sat down near a pond and looked at my reflection, for a minute I could see my original hedgehog self before it goes back to me seeing my human self.

"Who am I? A supersonic hedgehog that protects the world from crooks like Eggman or a human that goes to a school and has 7 best friends that look out for each other?" I said to myself.

"I think your both, Michael." A voice said from behind me as I turned around to see Sunset who then walks over to me and sits down beside me.

"Hey, Sunset." I said kind of depressed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I sighed. "Do you ever get one of those feelings like you have a purpose in life and you just can't decide how you should live your life when you have a choice?"

Sunset was catching on to what I was asking as she then looked towards the pond we were sitting in front of and get's a conflicted look.

"Yeah, I miss Equestria too. Sometimes I do think to myself that I should be what I was meant to be. A pony in Equestria continuing to study with Princess Celestia. . . but, that's not what I think I should be. You know why?" Sunset asked.

"Why?" I asked back.

"Because someone taught me that there's nothing more important than friendship. When the going get's tough, you can always rely on me and our friends back there to help you out on anything." She said with a smile.

I smiled back at Sunset as I hugged her and she hugged me back. What would I ever do if I never had such an empathetic friend? After we both broke from the hug, I feel a vibration from my pocket as it was my phone and I took it out to see a text from Flash and what I saw next made my eyes widen with shock.


Sunset looked at the text too and her eyes widen as well. We both looked at each other and can only spell out that Eggman was behind this.

"Oh no! Eggman is attacking the school!" I said shocked.

"We need to go and tell the others now then!" Sunset said.

I nodded as I both of us ran back to the campsite to see everyone was out of their tents and fully dressed.

"Michael? Sunset? What's wrong with you two?" Fluttershy asked.

"Girls, we have an emergency! Doctor Robotnik is attacking our school!" Sunset said with worry as everyone gasped.

"Uh Oh, Apple Bloom is there!" Applejack said.

"Sweetie Belle is there at this time as well!" Rarity said.

"Scootaloo must be in trouble as well!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Flash told me that Eggman is attacking the school. He and probably Sandalwood and Zephyr are trying to defend themselves as we speak!" I said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We to save everyone from that insane Egghead!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I've already got us covered!" I said as I pulled out one of the golden rings I made.

"Alright, Michael we'll get the van and you get us to Canterlot." Applejack said.

I nodded as the Rainbooms got in the van and Applejack turned the van towards where I was.

"Y'all ready?" Applejack asked as everyone including myself nodded. Timber and Gloriosa waved at us as we had to go and we waved back at them. Applejack stepped on the gas pedal and the van drove at a high speed and I followed it as I threw the ring where it was going and it made a portal showing Canterlot High was in fire and partly destroyed. All of us went through the portal and we arrived at Canterlot High to see a bunch of Egg-Bots launching missiles everywhere and trying to demolish the place.

"Oh, no! We need to find everyone and save them before someone get's seriously hurt!" Sunset said as everyone got out of the van and rushed towards the entrance of the school. As we were about to be at the steps, a large robot was in front of us and it showed to be the exact one from earlier with giant hands. Fluttershy was very scared and she was shivering a little in fear.

"Hey, Doctor Nosehair!" I called mocking Eggman. "You're toast!. . . or, on toast. . . like an Egg. . . man?"

Everyone facepalmed and groaned at my bad joke as Eggman showed himself in the cockpit of the robot.

"Welcome, children." He said. "Behold, as this will be the start of the glorious Robotnik Empire. This school and it's people will tremble before me. You are already too late to save them."

"Your giant flying Egg robots are not bad Mister Eggman!" Rainbow Dash said. "But you forget that we all have magic as well, so you'll never beat us."

"Confidence." Doctor Eggman said before frowning. "A fool substitute for intelligence. You all have 15 minutes left before I detonate this school into oblivion. Don't keep me waiting on the roof."

We all gasped as we had a limited time to save everyone inside of the school and Eggman laughs evilly as he flies back up to the sky and over the school.

"Okay, we need a plan." Twilight said. "Um. . . let's see. . . Michael and Rainbow Dash has the super speed and all, Applejack is the strongest out of all of us, Rarity has projectiles, Pinkie has some explosives on her, Fluttershy's one with nature, Sunset's our leading person, and I'm the one with the brains. So, anyone got any bright ideas for 15 minutes. . . which we just lost 30 seconds, but still. . . anything?"

Sunset snapped her fingers as everyone looked at her with a curious look. "Here's the plan; Michael and Rainbow Dash can take care of all of the robots inside of the school and save everyone, Applejack can clear any debris that get's in our way, Rarity and Pinkie can take care of the robots outside, Fluttershy can get some animals to make a safe place for everyone to be at, and finally me and Twilight will try and stall Robotnik."

Everyone looked at each other before looking back at Sunset giving a determined look and nodding.

"Okay, everyone let's save our school!" Sunset said as everyone scattered to go into the positions that they were assigned to.

Rainbow Dash and I ran into the school to see a bunch of people running and trying to hide as Egg-Bots were chasing them and trying to shoot everyone with missiles. I can't believe Eggman wants to do something this extreme, I'm not going to forgive him for this.

"Uh Oh." Rainbow Dash said as a bunch of Egg-Bots fly in front of us and were getting ready to fire missiles at us and as they shot at us, they all of a sudden slowed down to a stop in front of our faces. This was due to us using our super speed to make everything seem slow.

"Really?" Rainbow and I said we both gave smug looks to each other as we know what we're about to do.

(Play X Ambassadors - BOOM)

Rainbow Dash and I were running at a steady pace as everything around us was almost not moving at all. We first saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders cornered by Egg-Bots and we went over to them and we both took a selfie in front of them before we both bashed the Egg-Bots with our bare hands. After that we headed to the cafeteria and boy was it chaos in there. I first saw Flash, Zephyr, and Sandalwood about to get shot and we both instantly went over to them. I grabbed some missiles and used them like drumsticks on the Egg-Bots around those three. Rainbow Dash had a marker and drew some silly faces and both Zephyr and Sandalwood. She was about to do Flash next, but I motioned her not to. I then saw some food flying in the air, and rushed to it because I was starving too. They looked like hot dogs with a topping of chili. . . I think it was called a. . . chili dog? I ate all of them and burped before we both rushed out of the cafeteria and we saw more Egg-Bots trying to shoots some students like Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, Micro Chips, and Bulk Biceps in the hall. I decided to play with some of the missiles and play with them like they were fireworks and Rainbow Dash redirected all of the missiles to aim at the robots instead. We then headed for the principals office and along the way I saw Trixie carrying her magic hat and decided to take a dig into it. I then pulled out an extremely long rope of cloth she had in different colors and I got an idea to tie it up on a fan and run off with it. When we got to the principal's office we saw Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna trying to hide and we both saw a ton of Egg-Bots in their room. I use the rope to tie all of the Egg-Bots up and Rainbow positioned Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna so they were sitting in their offices just going by their normal day. Finally, we went back to our original position and Rainbow Dash and I nodded as we just stood there before everything went back to normal speed.
(End Song)

It all went just like we planned as all of the Egg-Bots around exploded into tiny pieces and with the fan, the Egg-Bots that were in the principal's office were dragged out of the room and were smashed into lockers. Everyone saw the sudden turn of events and were dumbfounded by what just happened. Soon some students stared at both Rainbow Dash and I as the then summed up all of what happened.

"So. . . should we get of here?" Rainbow asked me smirking.

"Yeah. . . time to go." I said smirking back.

We both exited the school so that way we go and check to see how everyone else and it was just what I expected. Rarity and Pinkie were fighting off a ton of Egg-Bots with Pinkie throwing explosive candies at them and Rarity skewering the robots with diamond shards. Applejack made a gigantic ball of large robot parts and she threw it off to the side to clear the sidewalk. Fluttershy is also seen guiding people who we previously saved near and animal shelter that she and some woodland creatures made. That meant that Twilight and Sunset had already gone up to the roof to face Eggman.

"Rainbow, stay here with the rest of them and try to get as many civilians as you can out of here. I'm going to help Sunset and Twilight fight Eggman." I said as Rainbow nods and goes to help out the rest of her friends.

I then quickly ran up to the roof and I already saw both Sunset and Twilight in their Crystal Guardian forms facing Eggman. They noticed my presence and turned towards me.

"Michael, what are you doing? You should be helping the students in the school?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Don't worry Twilight, I already got it done with Dash." I said shrugging my shoulders. Twilight was about to ask how before Sunset puts her hand on Twilight's shoulder and just shakes her head.

"Anyways, putting that aside, Eggman it's time that you pay for ruining our school." I said.

"The school is not just what I'm targeting you know. The entire city of Canterlot with bow down to Doctor Robotnik and I will build a glorious empire made of metal!" Eggman said cackling.

"We'll see about that!" Sunset said with a determined look.

(Play Sonic Generations - Big Arms)

The Big Arms then rushed and slammed it's fist down at the three of us which we all dodged. I then curl up and try to do a spin attack on the robot, but it grabbed me and threw me up into the air sending me flying. Twilight used her telekinesis to break my fall so that I landed back safely on the ground.

"Ha ha ha, you all won't be able to penetrate this polymer alloy." Eggman said as he then used the Big Arm to try and punch me and I held it back as best as I could. It was definitely strong as I couldn't hold on for much longer. . . until a certain Apple themed girl came in and punch the hand knocking the robot back.

"Applejack!" I said surprised with a smile.

"Don't worry sugarcube, we've got your back." She said as she cracking her knuckles and goes into her Crystal Guardian form.

"We?" I said confused until I turned around to see the other Rainbooms in their Crystal Guardian attire and I smiled that they've got their tasks done and came to help us out.

"Alright, then." I said as I turned to Eggman smirking. "Hey, Eggman. You've messed with the wrong heroes today."

My eyes then glowed blue a little and I had blue aura around me that I didn't notice.

"Ha, even if all eight of you are here, I can still beat you with this super powered mech of mine." Eggman said slightly angry.

We all stared the Big Arm down and Eggman did the same with us. I put a thumbs up and then a thumbs down to taunt Eggman as he got angry and had the Big Arm charge at us as we did the same. Once we collided, it was an all out brawl against the robot as I did a homing attack onto it, Rainbow Dash flew at high speeds around the mech punching or kicking it each time she collided with it, Fluttershy blinded Eggman with some butterfly projectiles that she had, Sunset threw a couple of fireballs at the robot, Applejack uppercutted the Big Arm underneath to send it flying into the air, Rarity pierced the Big Arm with a bunch of diamonds she projected, Twilight got a bunch of debris from the robots and threw them at the Big Arm like a swarm of bees, and Pinkie Pie made a bunch of explosions on it with some sugar bombs.

"Grr! You're tougher than you look. No matter, get a load of this!" Eggman said as he starts his counter attack onto us.

Eggman caught a spin attack I was trying to do and slammed me to the ground which hurt severely. He then proceed to harm the rest of the Rainbooms by first punching Rainbow Dash out of the sky, he flicked Fluttershy away, he then nearly crushed Applejack, but she was able to resist the strength perfectly fine, however while Applejack was defending herself the other hand then punched her in the face knocking her back yards away. He then tried to punch Rarity who put up a shield to defend herself, but Eggman ends up breaking the shield and Rarity was sent flying towards Applejack, Sunset then threw a bunch of fireballs at the Big Arm, but Eggman caught onto it soon enough and he deflected a fireball back at Sunset who falls down to get out of the way of her own large projectile. Eggman then tries to grab Twilight, but she used her telekinesis to resist the grab, but she was struggling to keep it back as she ended up getting grabbed anyway and Eggman threw her at Pinkie in which they both fall to the ground. Everyone was really hurt at this point as I had an angry look in my eyes.

"Hmph. That was more easy than I thought it would be." Eggman said with a smug look on his face. "Now. . . you all are about to die."

Eggman pressed a button on the Big Arm and the same laser cannon that he used to zap me with earlier when he chased came out and he was getting to put me and my friends out of commission for good. I was so angry at this point that I knew that I couldn't just sit here and do nothing and let my only friends be killed.

"Fire!" Eggman said as the laser was finishing charging up the laser and it shot out a large beam.

Everyone gasped and covered their eyes from about to be hit, but after a few seconds they hear a scream to see that I actually was trying to save them from it by standing in front of them. The Rainbooms went wide-eyed at my sacrifice for them, but were even more shocked that somehow, I wasn't getting hurt at all as the energy from the laser went inside of me instead.

"What?! Impossible!" Eggman said shocked.

"You hurt the city I live in, you hurt my school, and now you try to kill my friends." I said growling. "You're going to pay, big time Eggman!"

My hair then goes spiky similar to my hedgehog form and the blue aura around me got bigger surprising everyone that's around as I then curl and charge up a spin dash for a good amount of time before I was covered up in a cyan type energy. I then get into a start running position and breathe before saying one more thing.

"Gotta go. . . FAST!" I yelled as I then go straight through the Big Arm like it was nothing in a split second. That was a move I also had back in my world called Light Speed Attack. The Big Arm was then destroyed as all that was left was Eggman's hovercraft.
(End Song)

"Ha! Don't get too excited boys and girls! Those were the easy ones!" Eggman said as that surprised the Rainbooms, but I just stood glaring at Eggman.

"In just one day, I'll be ready to take all of your powers and conquer the world! Ha, ha, ha!" Eggman said cackling. He then left for me to turn around and the Rainbooms all stared at me with surprised looks. However, I felt kind of guilty that I should've been more prepared for something like this. I then ran off and left the Rainbooms which shocked them.

"Michael, wait!" Sunset called out to me, but the words fell on deaf ears as I was already gone.

"Where is he going?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but something tells me that it's not good. We should keep an eye on him, in case he's not feeling well." Twilight suggested.

"That ruffian Robotnik, just won't leave any of us alone! Can I please go one day without having to deal with something so crude?!" Rarity said angrily.

"We can complain later, right now. . . " Sunset said before turning to the school. "We should probably fix some of this place up."

The rest of the Rainbooms nodded as they all walked down from the roof. We're all very worried for what is to come from Eggman, but I'm the most worried as I was at my house looking at the rings we got with a serious look.

"I can't risk putting anymore lives in danger. Tomorrow, I'm ending this." I said as I went to my room and closed the door behind me.