• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 4,078 Views, 47 Comments

Misadventures of a Human turned Draconequus - Zhe Pydoh

After getting run over by a semi truck of all things, I am whisked away to Equestria as a draconequus. I battle enemies, make some friends, and cause shenanigans.

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Chapter 4: Trolling the Canterlot Nobility and what my friends think of me

Celestia's sun rose over the horizon, illuminating the land in its warm embrace. The birds were singing, the roosters were waking everybody up, the clouds were napping, Fluttershy's rabbit Angel was robbing a bank (sounds like a good idea for an FIMfic; someone do it), and no one gives a crap. It was 5:49 AM at the School of Friendship. the wind blew with a hushed howl, brushing against my fur.

I woke up with an extremely wide stretch in the bed of my treehouse in which I made my home. I stretched so much that my head popped off my neck and fell to the floor.

"Ahh crap. This never happened to me before. Hold on a second." I elongated my arms and reattached my head. I look at the clock, which now read 6:00 AM.

"Much better." I went about my routine and I had a breakfast of cheese and grapes.

I played some Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to pass the time. It's a good game, I dunno why people hated it so much. I decided to magic some more stuff for my treehouse. I need to spruce it up anyways.

I magicked an armory machine from COD: Infinite Warfare as well as a station for the booster rigs. I conjured a Mitchell Electric Guitar with an amplifier. I also had a pod that would heal any injuries I'd sustain in a fight. I pray that I won't have to use it. I also had an electronic device of my own making that would allow me to recreate vehicles from any movie or videogame. In essence, I had the ultimate man cave, or is it draconequus cave?

Well, someone's overcompensating. That's so meta, but hey, meta's what you do best!

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." I muttered angrily.

"HEY! AUTHOR! What're my friends doing?"

Pfft. I dunno. Twilight and the girls are preparing for class, Luna's sleeping in, I have no clue what Starlight is doing, and Celestia's taking a showe-get your mind out of the gutter you pervert! Ugh, honestly. Kids these days. But hey, I'm just the author.

"Thanks Author!" I say.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Just get back to the story.

"School of Friendship, honestly it sounds so cheesy," I muttered off handedly, the author couldn't help but agree, "they should've just called it Friendship Academy, sounds much better and rolls off the tongue."

With that, I snapped my fingers and vanished in a flash of purple fire, which surprisingly didn't affect me and reappeared in the hallways of the School of Friendship. When I teleport, the fire just tickles me, but to mortals, the fire I disappear in is excruciating.

"Twilight? Can you gather the others? I want to ask you something." I say nervously.

Twilight used the intercom to call the girls to her office.

"We're here darling." (Rarity)

"Problem?" (Starlight)

"What's up dude?" (Rainbow Dash)

"Howdy pardner!" (Applejack)

"Oh, um, hi Entropy." (Fluttershy)

"HEY ENTROPY!" (Pinkie)

"Now that we're all here," Twilight spoke after everyone else sat down, "what's your problem? Is it a friendship problem?" My entire body immediately lost it's vibrant color. I literally turned grey.


"Oh no!"

I raised a paw to cut Twilight off. "Girls, do you think I'm annoying?" Everypony, bar Twilight gasped, surprised I even thought that of them.

"What brought this on?" Twilight asked.

"I kept thinking back to the day we were introduced. I could have made a better impression, but I didn't. Twilight, do you think I'm annoying?"

Twilight responded first. "As much as it pains me to say it... I did. At first, then I realized you just want to be our friends. I was afraid you wouldn't fit in because of what had happened with Discord. I was afraid you'd turn out like him when he was tricked by Tirek or when he turned us into our opposites."

Discord had told me when Tirek tricked him, he regrets it to this day. He tells me that he's more than made up for it. During my stay in Ponyville, I hadn't realized it, but with my magic, I made so many foals happy. At first the town did not trust me, but a large group of foals was brave enough to walk up to me and interact. It made me very happy.

"My fears are baseless, I see that now. Now, when I saw you among our town interacting with the locals, even making a few foals happy, I thought maybe you can be a good friend if you put some effort into it."

"I don't think you're annoying." said Starlight firmly. "If anything, you're relatively new at friendship. But that's okay! We can help fix that." Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement.

"Oh no," Fluttershy said. "not at all. I think you're delightful."

"Absolutely not mister! I especially loved your musical number you did in the second chapter." Pinkie said, jumping up and down.

"Wait, what song? I don't remember a song." I ask Pinkie.

"The one in Chapter 2, silly!"

Everyone just looks at Pinkie, used to her antics. I told them about the show. Pinkie already knows. She scares me. Not that I'd admit it to her face.

"Are you kidding me?!?! You're awesome! And don't let anypony tell you different!" Rainbow Dash pipes up. "We don't care what you are, Draconequus, human or otherwise!" I told them my little secret, in spite of this, they stuck by me.

"I did, at first as well. But, seeing you make Sweetie Belle happy was something I could never do. I've been trying my hardest to make up for it, but it's been hard," Rarity admits shamefully.

I shed a few tears. "Thank you. I don't know what I did to deserve you." My body's vibrant colors returned right away.

My friends engulfed me into a group hug. "By just being you."

Suddenly, I started wriggling around, my cheeks bulging with a fire violently building up within the pits of my throat.

"Well looky here, ain't you a big colt. Can't handle th' least bit o' sentiment!" Applejack said.

"DUCK!!!" screamed Twilight.

"Where? EEP!!!" Fluttershy ducked down.

Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I belched out a torrent of purple flame as a scroll with the royal seal came out. I started coughing violently, causing smoke to billow out of my mouth.

"Blech. WOW. Now I can cross 'burp correspondence' off of my obscenely long bucket list. I'm NOT doing that again." I say, picking up the scroll and reading it.

"Dear Entropy,

How have you been? I'm inviting you and Discord to help with day court. These snobs are driving me nuts! Can you help me out by dishing out ironic punishments? How you do it is completely up to you.

With love, HRH Celestia."

Did. Did I read that right? She said she loves me? I never knew. I snapped my fingers and conjured a pen and wrote on the back.

I'll be right there.

I blew fire at the paper and sent it back to Celestia.

"Well girls, I have to go, I'll be back later today."

"Could you show us more stuff from your world?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe tomorrow. I have to go. Helping Celly and all that."

I snapped my fingers and vanished in purple flames.

"He sure has a weird way of making an impression." said Applejack.

"That's Entropy for ya!" Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

"Suuuuper oooodd dude." agreed Pinkie.

"Yes, quite." Rarity said bluntly.

"You do know that I can hear you, right?" I said from far away, startling them unintentionally.
Discord and I reappeared in the throne room, and sure enough, I saw Celestia wearing a fake motherly smile, in front of a bunch of noble ponies, except there was nothing 'noble' about them. This smile was her "I'm going to paint the walls red with your own entrails in a few seconds if I keep putting up with your shit" smile and frankly I wouldn't blame her if she did. We had arrived to make it aaaaaaaaall better.

"OH! Thank the heavens you two are here!" Celestia says with obviously fake exasperation. "Thank the heavens my chaotic saviors arrived."

"What are these, creatures doing here?" one of the snobs said belligerently.

Discord and I snickered. Oh these poor suckers have no idea what's coming them.

Four hours later...

Over the course of day court, I used my magic to throw half of them out the window. Half I gave ironic punishments to, and the other half I left to Discord.

Rich Luxury, a stereotypical snob asked for more money, so I snapped my fingers. Blueblood also wanted more money. Not that I gave them any.

"What did you do to them?" asked Discord.

"Oh Entropy, please tell me you didn't." giggled Celestia.

"Weeell. Let's just say that tomorrow, he and Blueblood will be feeling a little... spent." I say darkly, my eyes flashed purple for a brief moment. I turned them both into piles of bits. About 95.55% of the nobles asked for more money. Not that I gave them any. I gave most them chests full of chocolate coins.

Discord gave out all sorts of ironic punishments, which ranged from coloring one of the snobs gold. Many ponies thought she was a genuine statue, to turning a pair of snobs into fruits and or poultry. I'd later learn that Blueblood (I refuse to acknowledge him as a prince cause he don't act like it) and Rich Luxury got picked up by different ponies and literally spent. The resulting headlines were hilarious. Later that night, I laughed so hard, I crashed into a lamppost. They’re fine. They turned back to normal the next morning.

Fowl play on his part.

At the end of it, Discord and I were laughing so hard we were dangerously close to passing out. Celestia wasn't fairing any better. She was doubled over, red-faced with laughter as she adjourned the court early.

"OH! OH! Oh, I can't thank you to enough, I haven't had this much fun in ages!"

"Ever?" I ask curiously.

"Of course, could you have imagined how dull it would have been if I hadn't invited you two?" Celestia asks me as she trots away, still laughing. I think she loves me.

She closed the doors leaving me and Discord alone.

"Now what?" Discord asks.

"Prank war?"

"Prank war." (Discord)

Discord popped away to Fluttershy's place.

I decided to do something to Discord that he would absolutely hate.

An evil grin plastered on my face, I snapped my fingers.


"Pfffft! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious!" I cackled, covering my eyes with my paw. Well. Today was fun, but tomorrow's a new day. And a new day means there is more fun to be had!

I pulled out my phone to check news on MLP.


Author's Note:

"Hello readers! I'm so glad you've decided to join us!"

"Ah, great. Entropy's gone and possessed my keyboard!"

"Isn't this great? I can communicate with other use-"


"Fine! Sheesh! Spoilsport." *BAMF!*

Comments ( 14 )

SCP stands for Secure, Contain, and Protect. It's a fictional organization that handles really weird things.

Thank you for clarifying.

I decided to magic some more stuff for my treehouse. I need to spruce it up anyways.

ah nice joke but honestly you leaf the tree jokes to the professionals

I can’t compete with that. I’m rooted to the ground.

You now have to go back to you roots to study for a log time to even dream of derooting my masterful wordsmith skills

I'll have to add that in later.

All the things were reversed, right?
If not then it wasn't funny but dark.
Like selling someone as a gold statue for the rest of their lives

Yes. They only lasted for a day. I'll clear that up next chapter.

This story makes no sen.... ah I'll show myself out.

I never figured Out what entropy did to discord

He turned him pink.

I decided to do something to Discord that he would absolutely hate.

ha ha ha that is too funny I can't wait for the next chapter to come out soon:rainbowlaugh:

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