• Published 11th Oct 2019
  • 4,064 Views, 47 Comments

Misadventures of a Human turned Draconequus - Zhe Pydoh

After getting run over by a semi truck of all things, I am whisked away to Equestria as a draconequus. I battle enemies, make some friends, and cause shenanigans.

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Chapter 2: Meet the Mane Six (You Ain't Never Had a Draconequus like me)

9 hours ago...

Twilight was busy rearranging the books in perfect order, as spike was cleaning out the library, so it wouldn't attract any bad business. "Hey Twilight I’m almost done with th-(BURP)." Suddenly Spike burped up a letter from the Princess, and went to take it to Twilight.

"Hey Twilight, a letter from the Princess has arrived." Spike said as Twilight went to grab the letter from the young drake.

"I wonder what it could be? I hope everything’s alright." Twilight said as she read the letter and was completely speechless at what was written there. "There’s another draconequus? And he wants to be friends?" Twilight said as she just kept reading the letter over and over until she accepted what was on it. "Spike, go let the other girls know about this, and have them ready tomorrow."

"Ok Twilight you can count on me." Spike said as he went to write letters to the rest of the main 6.

Twilight was now in her room packing up things she might need for the trip to Canterlot. She was still worried about this new Draconequus, but if Princess Celestia said he was no danger, than she has nothing much to worry about. She wondered what to ask of him, and was now writing down questions. "This could be the research opportunity of the century!" Or a brand new headache. She thought to herself, rubbing her hooves together.
As the group of six, plus Starlight and Sunburst sat in the carriage, they decided to have a conversation about the new arrival to pass the time.

"Oooo! Do you think he like parties!? I hope so. And do you think he'll make chocolate rain!? Oh I love cho-" Applejack shoved a hoof in Pinkie Pie’s mouth.

"Simmer down Pinkie, we need ta meet him before throwing a party for em" Applejack said while adjusting her hat, so as to prevent it from blowing off in the wind.

"I certainly hope he’s not like Discord at all, that ruffian still gives me the creeps. Even if he is good." Rarity said, keeping her mane clean.

"Well I hope he’s not scary, but if the Princesses letter says he’s friendly, I would very much like to meet him." Fluttershy said, trying not to look down at the ground and think about that too much.

"Don't worry, if he tries anything, we can take him down and kick his flank." Rainbow Dash said, sounding tough, receiving rolling eyes from the others, bar Fluttershy and Pinkie.

"Alright everypony we're almost to Canterlot, now remember we will offer and teach him friendship, and 'NO' attacking him alright?" Twilight said giving a look to Rainbow Dash who just shrugged it off.

"We’re here Ladies, err, and gentlecolt." One of the Royal guards announce, as they made their decent to the castle.

"Alright, time to meet the new Draconequus." The rest of the main 6 and Spike nodded in agreement, as they entered the castle's throne room finding Princess Celestia and bowing down to her.

"Twilight, it’s great to see you again." Celestia said smiling her trademark motherly smile. "Now you all know of our newest arrival right?"

They nodded in understanding. "Good I'll go get him, just wait here."

Celestia walked off to the royal bed chambers, while the Main 6 and Spike started a conversation to pass the time.
"Alright everypony, this is Entropy." I waved to them.

Each of them had different reactions:

Rainbow Dash was giving me the evil eye, guess I can't blame her. Probably trying to see if I'm anything like the old Discord.

Twilight was scrutinizing me, probably trying to figure out the animals I'm made of.

Rarity was trying not to faint. Good on her. There's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many fanfics where she just flat out faints at the first new creature she sees.

Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane.

Pinkie was bouncing up and down and planning my party.

Applejack was also scrutinizing me but could see no evil. Makes sense since she's the Element of Honesty and all, that and I don't have a single evil bone in my body.

Starlight and Sunburst also scrutinized me, probably trying to guess what animals I'm made of. Good luck with that.

"You know who I am right? No?" They shake their heads.

I snap my fingers and a clock wearing a drum that has drumsticks banging against it and playing a kazoo appeared.

"Well, Ali Baba, he had them forty thieves
Scheherazade had a thousand tales
But, master, you're in luck because up your sleeves
You got a draconequus whose magic never fails!"

No reaction. I snap my fingers and vanished the instrument playing clock.

"Sheesh! everypony's a critic!" I say exasperated. I then got an idea. I had a wonderful, awful idea. With my mind made up, I made use of my chaos magic.

"I'm kidding. Here watch this." I snap my fingers and the tapestries in the throne room became a literal carpet band. "Here I go!"

"Well humans have them forty screens
and ponies spin a thousand tales.
But my friends you're in luck 'cause up your sleeves ("Not that you have any.")
You got a brand of magic that never fails!
You got some fun and games in your kingdom now!
Some fancy display of magik everywhere
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See I will pop out of nowhere
And I'll say:

Messers, man, what's your guys's names?
Ah, whatever, what will your pleasure be?
Let me take your order, I'll jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me

Life is your cake... and I'm your chef supreme!
Come, whisper to me whatever it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me (I split myself into eight)
(Cut to an illusion of Sugarcube Corner)
We pride ourselves on service
You the bosses, the queens, the shahs!
Say what you wish, it's yours! True dat
How about a little more swaaaaag?

Try some of column A
Sample aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of column B

(I created two opposing racks of clothes out of nowhere)

I'm in the mood to help you, my dudes
You ain't never had a friend like me!

Oh! Uh!
This the big part, watch out!
This is the big part, oh!

Can Dashie do this?
Can AJ do that?
Can Rarity ("Hey!") pull this...
Out her little haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Can your friends go-


Well lookie here! HAHA!

Don't sit there all buggy-eyed!
I'm here to answer all your prayers
You got me bona fide, magically certified! (I used my chaos magic to create a fake diploma from nowhere then vanish it)
I'm like a genie for your charge d'affaires
I got this real powerful urge to help you out
So whatchu wanna do today? Huh? I really wanna know
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
All you gotta do is call me like sooooooooooo...

Messers, ("Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack ya'll, Pinkie!, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst"), yes!
One outing or two or three
Well, I'm on the job, you big nabobs
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend, you ain't
Never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never (never!)
Had a (had a)
Friend (friend)
Like (like)



You ain't never had a friend like me!"

I snapped my fingers with everything going back to normal, sat down on the carpet, extended my neck to face them and said, "Pssst. This is the part where you applaud."

I finished my song and I got different reactions:

Twilight, Rarity and Applejack froze up. Fluttershy passed out.

Sunburst and Starlight had the best reactions out of all of the ponies.


Rainbow Dash burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she started crying. Rarity tried her hardest not to faint. Huh. She went five minutes without passing out. Usually in fanfics she barely lasts even a second. That's a new record, even for her.

Luna and Pinkie wanted an encore, and Celestia just facehooved.

"Close them muzzles now. You'll catch flies if you keep doing that." I cackled.

"Entropy," Rainbow Dash says, "you are soooo random!" And I swore I heard Celestia say, "I've made a terrible mistake."

"Can I ask you a question?" Twilight asks.

"You just did." Twilight scowls at me, clearly not amused, "No, seriously. What's your question?"

"How did you die?"

"You want the long version, or the abridged version?"

"Okay, the long version: I was walking home when a traffic light malfunctioned, turned green a little too early, and a Peterbilt rammed right into me and killed me instantly, turning me into a hood ornament, and a rather lovely one might I add. I made a nice Peterbilt ornament. Short version: I died and became a draconequus and I'm miraculously resurrected in another world. Any more questions?" I say, snapping my fingers, making a root beer bottle appear, taking a swig, then magiking it away. Twilight's eye twitched. Something tell's me that she's gonna have to reign me in.

Meanwhile, in Luna's mind...

"What the buck is a semi truck?" chorused tiny copies of Princess Luna.

back to reality...

"Why did you come here darling?" asked Rarity.

"Truthfully, aside from becoming the hood ornament of a Peterbilt, I wanted to get away from my old life. I wasn't exactly happy with it. Yes, I had friends on Earth and I was happy, but I rarely get to see them. I'm hoping that by making friends here, I'd always be able to visit them." I stated sadly.

"But your planet sounds amazing!" said Twilight. My eyes narrowed into slits, glowing purple.

"Yes. At first it sounds all like sunshine and rainbows, uh, the phenomenon, not the pony... but then, there's a grittier side to the world. It is a disgusting cesspool of despair and hopelessness and full of bad people that only care about themselves, who wouldn't know what decency was if it sat on them, with only a handful of decent people who try their hardest to make the world a better place, only to be subverted at every turn." Fluttershy and Luna and Celestia now felt bad for me, they could not even imagine a world like what I had just described.

Pinkie breathed in, presumably to pelt me with questions, so I decided to try something I've always wanted to do. "Yes. No, no. Only on certain days of the week, no I can't stand alcohol, it tastes weird to me. I can have root beer cause today was supposed to be a cheat day for me, yes, buck yes, rainbow sherbet, and I absolutely love parties."

Pinkie's jaw hit the floor. Quite literally.

"Hey CELLY!" I say, craning my head backwards, grossing out a few of the mane six, bar Fluttershy who has seen Discord do this many times. "Who am I going to live with? Last I checked, my personal pocket dimension isn't ready for me to move into just yet, and I don't have any cash on my person soooo... who will you send me to live with?"

"I believe, that that is up to you, and your friends." A single tear was shed that day.

"He can live with me at the school of friendship!" chirped Twilight happily.

"Does anypony have any objections?" everypony shook their heads no.

"Excellent. Entropy, I Princess Celestia, Sol Invictus of the sun, hereby decree that you are to live with Twilight Sparkle at the School of Friendship."

I morph into the Spy from Team Fortress 2, "Excellent." I shift back, earning me an eye roll from Celestia and Luna.

Everyone including me shuffled out of the throne room and down to Ponyville, and my new home, the School of Friendship. I sincerely hope I wasn't made canon. That would be awesome actually. I'm thinking t-shirts or action figures.

I have a feeling that me saying that is going to come back and bite me in the flank. Little did I know that it would be made true. While deep in my thoughts, all nine of us piled onto the next available train from Canterlot to Ponyville. I had a good look at the train station. It was different from the show and not at all what I was expecting. picture Grand Central Station from New York, now blend that with Canterlot's mountain. This whole world so far has subverted my expectations, even exceeding them somehow. Star Wars Episode 8 subverted everyone's expectations. On the way to the train, there were ponies staring and pointing at me, I expected that, and I really don't blame them, being a new draconequus and all. SO, they really don't know what I'm actually like.

"Can you show us some of your magic?" Twilight asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

I snap my fingers, but my magic fizzed out. Irritated, I snap my fingers again and accidentally turned Rarity's mane into an afro, which unfortunately she saw me laugh at. She was glaring daggers at me. Even Twilight and Spike glared at me.

I sigh. "Spoil sport. I'll make it up to you. Somehow." *SNAP*

I felt someone tap me and turn around to say, "Sir, your personal pocket dimension is ready. You may move in at your leisure." The someone who tapped me was some kind of void creature wearing a hard hat and construction vest which was very amusing to me, but made absolutely no sense, but it also explained part of the reason my magic abruptly stopped working. Ponies can't see them, but draconequui can. I'll explain how my chaos magic works later. But as Discord says, "What's the fun in making sense?" Speaking of which, I'll probably getting a visit from him pretty soon. With that in mind, I made a mental note to myself to move into my personal pocket dimension.

As a matter of fact, I haven't even met him yet.

I abruptly shuddered, causing my new friends to look at me with a bit of concern.

"You alright man?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm fine, apparently when I get lost in thought," I abruptly shudder as my serpentine body wriggled. "that happens. So nopony talk about philosophy *SHUDDER* or else that happens."

I then decided to take a nap on the train.
"Soon... Equestria shall tremble once more in FEAR."




"ENTROPY!!!!!" Twilight thundered and blushed, realizing how loud she was.

I woke up with a start.

"You okay? You're actin' really weird."

"I'm fine. Just startled me is all."

Applejack scrutinizes me for a second and sits back down.

"We good?" I say, nudging Rarity. She doesn't respond and I groaned, exasperated. "Look, I've fixed your mane and I've said I'm sorry profusely, what more do you want from me?"

"Show me you didn't mean to do it on purpose, we agree to not speak of this again, and maybe I'll forgive you. However, I can't stay mad at you forever, so yes. We're 'good'." Rarity says, making air quotes with her hooves.

I literally sagged in my seat, (which caused Twilight to giggle) relieved that Rarity doesn't exactly hold onto a grudge for very long.

Before I knew it, we had arrived in Ponyville. Twilight and her friends assured the townsponies that I was nothing like the old Discord and I was here to make some friends and keep them from harm's way.

"You guys are fine." I say answering one pony's question, "Besides. I don't really have it in me to be evil. I literally do not have a single evil bone in my body."

After one of Pinkie's parties concluded, Twilight directed me to a tree near the School of Friendship where I could sleep, as there wasn't any spare rooms. I opened up a portal to my personal dimension and started moving into it.