• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,945 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 33 Dark Brethren Part 3 and Lords of the Sea

"Captain Hook?" Twilight asked me, "From Peter Pan?"

"Yes... Wait a minute, how do you know Peter Pan, Sweetie?" I asked my bookworm of a wife.

"I use to read it as a foal back in Canterlot. I thought he's a character from a book?"

"Now you know how I feel about Jack and Guybrush," I said while rolling my eyes, I looked down at the hallway where Jones might be and ran toward it. "Come on lads!" I yelled to my crew.

I saw Davy Jones with Rathbone in a golden magic shield as jones saw me and my crew and began his speech. And let me tell you this for nothing, hearing THE Davy Jones talk and seeing him in the cursed flesh is both exciting and terrifying.

"So... pony... you thought to challenge the rule of the Siren Queen, and now you've come to challenge me! Interfering in things you cannot comprehend! Do you not fear death?" Davy Jones chuckles to me and my crew.

"I don't fear that dark abyss, Uncle Jones!" I challenge him.

"UNCLE?!" Jones asked. "How can a baby horse be related to me?! No matter. You'll soon learn to. A world without the eternal abyss is a world frozen in time. You pirates here hide within your Devil's Shroud, frightened of the truth - that nothing last forever!"

"The truth is that without the eternal abyss, the pirate's life can live on forever and, for the record, we can left the safety of the Shroud to fight for our freedom and right to live without be hunted down by those who see us as monsters and enemies of order!" I fire back at Jones, "Here in the Sea of Thieves, we live the way we want to live, free from judgement of others and free from those who exploit us for profit!"

"Order will come for us all and will destroy the pirate's life no matter what flag they fly or how different the pirate might be and when it all has crumbled to dust, you will find no trace of glory, no freedom, no love. Nothing to save you from the void. And as you stare into the jaws of oblivion you will crawl aboard my vessel, beg for my salvation, and all I'll say is-"

We all hear a rumbling in the walls and Jones yelled; "WHAT IS THAT INFERNAL NOISE?!"

And then a shipwreck comes from the wall as Jack says; "That's Captain Infernal Noise to you, mate,"

"JACK SPARROW! You will not claim your 'prize' a second time!" Jones yelled at Jack as I'm laughing my tail off. "AND WHAT IS SO FUNNY TO YOU, YOU STUPID PONY?!"

I somewhat calm down while I having a stupid grin with teeth on my muzzle, "It's nothing, Uncle... It just reminds me of a song," I turn to my Outcasts and say; "Outcasts!"

"When the Winged Hussars arrived!"

As I said the those memed To Hell and Back words, my Outcasts charged into formation with the flying races above Jones and Rathbone and the grounded ones just behind the cannons. "Gold Hoarder, attack the pony and his friends!"

William Hunter Singh: "A cry for help in time of need, await relief from holy league
60 days of siege, outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the sky, wounded soldiers left to die
Will they hold the wall or will the city fall

They're outnumbered 15 to one
And the battle's begun

Then the winged hussars arrived
Coming down the mountainside
Then the winged hussars arrived
Coming down they turned the tide

As the days are passing by and as the dead are piling high
No escape and no salvation
Trenches to explosive halls are buried deep beneath the walls
Plant the charges there and watch the city fear

It's a desperate race against the mine
And a race against time

Then the winged hussars arrived
Coming down the mountainside
Then the winged hussars arrived
Coming down they turned the tide

Cannonballs are coming down from the sky
Davy Jones are you ready to die?
We will seek our vengeance eye for an eye

You'll be stopped upon the steps of our gate
On this field you're only facing our hate
But back home Hooky's sealing your fate"

As my cannons are firing at the forcefield and my flying Outcasts are giving Uncle Jones a hard time with spear, great axe and trident, I've been dancing, singing and fighting Rathbone while boosting the morale and fighting skills of the crew and show Uncle Jones what we Outcasts of the Abyss are really made of. All the while Jack is parkouring on the shipwrecks and trying to reach Uncle and Rathbone

"We remember
In September
That's the night the Sea of Thieves was freed
We made the enemy bleed!"

"Then the winged hussars arrived
("Stormclouds, fire and steel
Death from above make their enemy kneel")
Coming down the mountainside
("Shining armour and wings
Death from above, it’s an army of kings")
Then the winged hussars arrived
("Stormclouds, fire and steel
Death from above make their enemy kneel")
Coming down they turned the tide"
("Shining armour and wings
Death from above, it’s an army of kings")

"Then the winged hussars arrived
("Stormclouds, fire and steel
Death from above make their enemy kneel")
Coming down the mountainside
("Shining armour and wings
Death from above, it’s an army of kings")
Then the winged hussars arrived
("Stormclouds, fire and steel
Death from above make their enemy kneel")
Coming down they turned the tide"
("Shining armour and wings
Death from above, it’s an army of kings")

"We remember,
In September,
When the Winged Hussars arrived!"

After the song was finished, I looked at where both foes were, but to my surprise, Uncle Jones was gone and Rathbone was in pieces. "Where are they?" I ask myself.

"Did we win? This doesn't much feel like winning. and there's no sign of Jones," Jack said feeling the same way, "Also no sign of my Treasure. I have the disheartening sensation that we might not have stopped his little ritual after all,"

"I only see Rathbone's remains," I said, "But, knowing him, he won't stay dead for long,"

"Well, at least we have one less member of this 'Dark Brethren' to worry about,"

"The Flying Dutchman has set sail, and the Dark Brethren follow in it's wake!" Calypso said out of nowhere and jump scaring me, Jack and my friends. "You must return to me!"

"I knew that was too easy," Gilda says.

"You'd best jump or fly down and find your ship, mate. Let's meet back at Tia Dalma's camp. I got a nasty feeling things are far from over..." Jack says as he fades, leaving us to return to the Santiano and setting sail to Golden Sands Outpost.

After a long and sorrowful sail back to Golden Sands, me and my friends trotted to Calypso's camp and waited for Jack to appear and his crew to walk out of the shipwreck building.

One by one Jack's crew made it out of the wreck. First was Anamaria, who I haven't seen since Curse of the Black Pearl. Next was Scrum, who was introduce back in On Stranger Tides and came back for Dead Men Tell No Tales or Salazar's Revenge or The Revenge of Salazar if you are outside the USA like Spyro was known as Ripto in Japan. And lastly was the one and only Gibbs, the loyal first mate of Jack's crew of the Black Pearl, who's been with Jack for all the movies.

Calypso changed her castaway form into her human form from Dead Men's Chest and At World's End.

Now I would be excited to see the Black Pearl's crew in person, but there were more pressing matters at hoof to deal with.

"Jack! You're a slightly ethereal sight for sore eyes," Gibbs said as Jack appeared at the other side of the camp fire, "Still, I can't help noticin' a particular trinket is somewhat conspicuous by its absence…"

"Aye," Jack nodded, "that's because Jones and his new "friends" still have it. Seems he used it in some sort of ritual before escaping back to the Dutchman. Extremely ungentlemanly behaviour of which I heartily disapprove,"

Calypso hum's; "With the Treasure's power in him clutches, Davy Jones and his Dark Brethren can move freely between worlds. They plan to sail to the Sea of the Damned just as you did. To take it over and destroy the Ferryman,"

"And if that happens, only pirates who swear an oath to Jones will be allowed back from the land of the dead," Dad says what I was thinking.

"And with that, the pirate's life will end," I said grimly.

"But… That means he'd control everythin'. It'd be the end of this place, for sure," Scrum says with fear in his voice.

Anamaria spoke up next; "And what are we supposed to do about all this? Jones has a whole fleet now, and we don't even have a ship!"

"Well, I for one intend to get my Treasure back," Jack says, "Even if I have to swim for it. Fortuitously, there's a speedier alternative available," Then Jack pointed at me "You, pirate pony! I'm commandeering your vessel and all who sail aboard her for Essential Pirate Business. Besides, you've got as much of a score to settle with Jones as I,"

"As much as I want to jump up and down like Daffy Duck in happiness," I said while eyeing my friends who were giving me the stink-eye, "I know that Jones destroying my home takes and stopping him is a more pressing matter.

"Aye, it may be a lost cause, but if anyone can win a fight for pirates, it'll be Sea of Thieves pirates!" Gibbs says as my pirates yelled a cheer of thanks, "Ah, still… there's a mite bit of ocean to cover and we've only one ship. Where would we start?"

"The doorway to the Sea of the Damned was opened from this world, an' now it must be closed the same way. But to find it, we need somethin' special… Somethin' touched by the hand of Davy Jones," Calypso says.

Scrum was next; "But we ain't got nothin' what belongs to Jones! Save for the holes in our pockets, that is,"

"It's not like we have a piece of the Dutchman or anything," Dashie says.

"Wrong! I have something! Thought I might use it to open a coconut," Jack says as he pulls out the dagger from the Dutchman and hands it to Calypso which she casts a spell on it and it revealed Uncle Jones location.

"I will always find you, Davy Jones!" Calypso says.

"Well, that was easy," Pinkie said.

"If I'm right about Uncle Jones, he'll won't go down without a fight," I said as I turn to my parents, "Mum, Dad? Rally the Sea of Thieves,"

"Who do you want to rally?" Dad asked.

"How many pirates do we have?" I asked in return.

(During the trip to the Davy Jones Cloud)

I stood next to the helm of the Santiano, worry and doubt was in my head, that my call to arms for the whole of the Sea of Thieves (Yes, even those who follow Flameheart) was not going to be answered and I sent my parents to run away while their son was fighting the heartless beast that was my nearly-happen-Uncle Davy Jones.

"I really hope that we have already lost," I mumbled to myself with doubt in my voice as clear as the sea, "I'd fought to keep the enemies of piracy out of the Sea of Thieves. But with Jones and this 'Dark Brethren', there might be a chance that we will lose this fight,"

"Do not lose hope, my nephew," Calypso said to me while she was in her god form watching over me, my friends and the Santiano as we sail to Davy Jones, "I know that it may seem lost. You have something that only the Sea of Thieves have. Freedom that nothing and no one can take away from. Look to Jack Sparrow to inspiration,"

And so I walked up to Jack at the bow of the Santiano while he is looking out at the Davy Jones-looking cloud mumbling to himself. "When I first came here, all that mattered was escaping Jones' wrath. Never occurred to me that this might be a place worth running towards,"

"That's the alure of the Sea of Thieves," I said, slightly making him jump, "The promise of adventure and fun. The freedom to choose and never knowing what the next horizon will bring. For example, I would honestly never have expected you, Captain Jack Sparrow to come to the Sea of Thieves or anyone from other worlds like yours. It was like a dream come true for me. And I think that's the main beauty of Sea of Thieves, it's like a dream, and we never want to wake up from,"

"Words spoken like a true pirate," Jack said to my surprise. "You and Gibbs are right. You pirates here are... different. You don't just fight for gold, or power, or glory. You fight for the freedom to choose. And that's a freedom no-one can ever be allowed to take away. And while I haven’t met many of the pirates that sail these seas, I’d say these Outcasts of the Abyss, great name by the way, embodies that belief quite well. Therefore, I’d say you lot are the perfect choice for slicing up ol’ Squidface.”

I shed some happy tears from Jack's words. "Thanks Jack. I needed that,"

"Oh, I see. the sentimental sort, eh? Well, enough of that. We have a war to win - and a sea to save!"

"Aye aye, Jack the Sparrow," I laughed and tease him.

"Oi, It's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow,"

We soon approached the Davy Jones looking cloud, and the tension as really thick in the air as the world around us darkened as we came closer.

"Far be it from me to doubt the wisdom of the sea goddess, who is somehow related to you, William, but are we absolutely certain this is the right cloud?" Jack spoke as the waters around us begin to shake, "Frankly, I don't think it looks much like Jones..."

"You're too late, Jack Sparrow, and my pony nephew," We hear Davy Jones speak from a seafloor covered spire that was rising from the depths.

"Though on reflection, I suppose there is a passing resemblance," Jack quickly corrected himself, "Not to state the obvious, but it appears those watery witches have returned to lend Jones their power..."

"And who have we here? Forgotten sailors..." Jones says as ghost ships started to appear around the spire, "Forsaken by the Ferryman and marooned in the Sea of the Damned... They've pledge their allegiance to me, and I've promised them dominion over the world of the living. They will defend the spire until my work is done!"

"He always was a persuasive squid? ... READY THE CANNONS!" Jack said and ordered my Outcasts to ready the guns.


(Cue Assault on the Coral Spire soundtrack song)

I grabbed the helm with my magic and began to steer the Santiano to port away from the spire and my starboard cannons were lining up on the Brethren's ghost ships.

"FIRE!" I yelled the order and the cannons fire at the ghost ships.

"The pirate life is nothing but a dream from which you soon shall wake!" Davy Jones taunted us as we sail around the spire.

"It's as real as you and me, Uncle!" I yelled back.

"Creates in the water!" I heard Dashie call from the crow's nest, "Supply creates in the water, starboard side!"

"Good call out, Dashie!" I say to her, "Trixie! Get on the harpoons and get those supplies from the sea!"

"AYE AYE, WILL!" Trixie yelled and got to the harpoons.

"I have ruled the dead before, and I shall do so again," We heard Jones taunt us again.

"You'll find the dead don't listen to anyone, even Flameheart!" I barked back at the cloud.

"Ghost ships in front of us, Will!" One of the Pegasus yelled out me.

"FRONT CANNONS!" I yelled at the front cannons, once they open their potholes, they began to fire on the ghost ships in front of us.

"Ha! A perfect shot!" Jack yelled as his shot hit a ship from across the other side of the spire.

"Nice shot!" I heard Rares say to Jack.

"Thank you, thank you very much,"

"Remember, we are many, and you are but a few!" Squidbeard taunted us for the third time this battle.

"There many more of us than ya think! Jonesy!" I yell back.

"In my day, pirates were not so arrogant!" Jones yells at us, "An oversize husk of wood and metal is all that stand between you and the icy depths. Yet you claim mastery over the sea? You've no idea what true terrors lurk beneath the waves..."

(Cue The Siren Megaliths soundtrack song)

"Either I've still got water in my ears or something very bad is about to make an appearance..." Jack says and then a siren choir begins to sing as four giant siren statues begins to rise from the ocean floor and then makes passable barriers around them. "We'd best keep a safe distance if we want our brains to remain safely inside our skulls,"

"We have something that can do just that, Jack," I say to him, and then; "MORTAR CREWS! FIRE AT THE STATUES!"

"AYE AYE!" The mortar crews answered and proceeded to destroy the statues.

"Destroy that statue, and there'll be the devil to pay!" Jonesy said as we destroy four siren statue and that cause my crew to groan.

"It's just like Flameheart!" One Dragon groaned.

"He just loves hearing his own voice!" One Kirin said in the same tone.

"Does he ever shut the duck up!" One Yak said.

But Davy Jones laughs at our pain, "Jack Sparrow, Outcasts, do you finally recognise the hopelessness of your predicament?" He says as more statues rise from the below the waves.

"Much as I hate to lend credence to old Squidbeard up there, he does have a point," Jack points out the flaw on our side of the battle, "We are becoming significantly outnumbered,"

"You're right, Jack," I said, much to the shock of the crew, "While the Santiano is the biggest and most powerful ship in the Outcasts, it's still one ship,"

"Do not lose hope!" Calypso said from the heavens, "Not while the light still shines in the darkness... The Sea of the Damned is a land of memories. Some good. Some bad... Now they're started to creep through into this world. Shall I refresh your memory, Jack Sparrow..."

"No need. Lucky for us, I have an excellent sense of recall," Jack said while walking his way up to me, "Just hope I restocked the cannonballs. If we sail together, our ships should be able to destroy the rest of these squalling statues. I hereby relinquish command of your vessel. Oh, and thanks for the bananas,"

"You mean you are..." I was going to ask, but Jack dived over the side of the Santiano.

And then the most glorious thing happened. A ghostly version of the Black Pearl rose from the waves and was sailing behind the Santiano.

"YES! MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE!I'M SAILING ALONG SIDE THE BLACK PEARL! HA HA HA HA!" I yelled with the Royal Canterlot voice at the cost of my crews eardrums.

"Snap to, you scabrous dogs, Captain on deck!" I heard Jack from the Pearl, giving orders from the pearls ghostly pirates crew.

"Mortars! Keep firing on the statues!" I started to give orders to my crew, who are now relived that we have evened the odds, even a little bit, with one of the most renown ships in all of Pop Culture. "Cannoneers! Fire at any and all of those Brethren ghost ships!"

Just then the Ocean Crawlers began to board us and cause problems for the gun crews.

"Everyone else, Deal with the boarders!"

"AYE AYE, WILL!" The crew yells and begins their renewed assault.

After sinking several more ships and four more statues, Jones got mad at us. "You cling to life, but you're still not closer to my new realm,"

Just then, a music box begins to play all around us.

"End this madness, Davy Jones!" Calypso cried out to her lover, "Remember who you were,"

"Calypso...?" Jones says in shock.

"This is a new world, Davy Jones. You are bound to no oath upon these waters! The Flying Dutchman need not chain you here. I knew you as a pirate- a man, who was not afraid of him own heart. Out here, that man can live again. Come back to me... Be a part of a family that you wanted. There's a reason why that Pony named; William Hunter Singh is our nephew,"

"I... No. The point of no return is long since passed," Jones said to Calypso, "We are at war!"

"Wars do not end with weapons. They end with words. I call for Parley, Davy Jones!"

"Pah... Parley?!"

"According to the code set down by Morgan and Bartholomew..." Jack interrupts the Goddess and the Damned Ferryman.

"Do you not see, my sweet Calypso? You can't invoke the right of Parley, because - my DEAR - you are not a pirate. You are a monster, as am I,"

"Then the man I love is truly dead," Calypso says sorrowfully.

"And no-one shall be left to mourn his passing," Davy Jones then turns his attention to me and Jack's ships, "Do you see where your courage has led you, Jack Sparrow and William Hunter Singh? You and your friends shall die here, alone!"

"Two issues, mate!" Jack called out to him, "One, I happen to already be dead..."

(Cue Damned Reinforcements)

"And two - CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, ALICORN PIRATE KING William Hunter Singh and his friends are not alone!" I heard Pendragon's voice from behind me, "The Captains of the Damned have heard you call, Calypso, and are prepared to heed it!"


Just when hope was lost. Sir Arthur Pendragon, Eli Slate and Wild Rose rose from the waves behind the Santiano.

"And we shall never bow to tyrants, no matter how powerful they may be!" Eli Slate said from his ship.

"'Specially not when they stink like a dead squid. We coming for you, Jones!" Wild Rose yelled out at Jones.

"You leave your claw off of our baby brother!" I heard both Lesedi and Demarco from the Sea Dogs Fleet coming in from the east side of the battle.

"Leave you cursed hoofs off our gold!" Humphrey the Hoarder said while leading the Gold Hoarders fleet.

"You mess with one of us you mess with all of us!" Chef Trader Mollie said while leading the Merchant Alliance fleet.

"Your curse is to be purge from this land," I heard Madame Olivia from the Order of Souls fleet.

"I hope to taste some of your Ocean Crawlers when were done!" I heard Merry Merrick coming in from the south of the battle with his Hunter's Call fleet.

"No-one picks on William other than me! Ya got that, Davy Jones!" CAPTAIN FLAMEHEART and his Reaper's Bones fleets came in from the north.

"You will NOT destroy our home!" I heard Mum and Dad while they are leading the Athena's Fortune fleets from the west.

“The Sea of Thieves has answered your call to arms, Nephew,” I heard Calypso said to me, “They fight together to save their home. The freedom of the Sea of Thieves is worth putting aside their differences and fighting for the future of the Sea. All twenty million pirates have come to help you,”

I looked around and what Calypso said was true. The whole of the Sea of Thieves, all twenty million pirates have come to stop those seek to end OUR way of life.

“Form up behind the Santiano!” Pendragon said to the other ships as they followed be my ship. “It’s time to show this Dark Brethren what really means to be a pirate!”

“Now is the time, pirates of the Sea of Thieves, to unite! For the foe gather, on the spire, a traitorous cur gathers to him all that is foul. And seeks to destroy our homeland! As the Ancients have fought, so shall we, we will become part of the legend, we will wipe Davy Jones from our door! And only when this is done, when the fighting is over, shall we celebrate our greatest achievement yet! FOR CALYPSO! FOR THE SEA OF THIEVES! FOR THE PIRATE’S LIFE!” I yelled and the entire Sea of Thieves cheered and began their attack on both the siren statues and the ghost ships.

Cannons were now flying from our ships and we’re destroying the statues and banishing the ghost ships quicker than more ghost ships can be summoned.

“Now’s your chance to reach the spire and destroy the source of Davy Jones’ power!” Calypso said as the last of the statues were now crumbling.

“Alright! Dragon Guards come with me and storm the spire!” I said to my Dragons as they were now flying to the top of the spire.

When we reached our way to the top, I saw the one person that made my Dragons tried to kill, but it was just a memory from Davy Jones. At least at first.

“The Brethren know that they face extinction, all that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand,” Lord Cutter Beckett said to me when I looked at him, giving me a little fright.

“Just a memory from… somewhere?” I asked no one but myself.

“Will!” One of my Dragons called out, “Behind us!” As I turn around, a bullet wizzed past my head.

“For king and country!” One of the British Royal Marines Phantoms yelled as more of them appeared from all around us.

“Defence positions!” I ordered my Dragons.

We fought the Phantom Marines and their Captain until they’ve been defeated and the Captain dropped a key that I recognise from anywhere.

“The key to the Dead Men’s Chest!” I said in surprise, then I grabbed the key in my magic and took it to the Dead Men’s Chest and unlocked it.

“At last, Davy Jones, I know where your heart truly lies!” Calypso said as I opened the chest and then Calypso summoned lightning bolts to destroy the pendant inside the chest.

“It’s just good business,” I heard Beckett say before home faded from the battle.

“Run! To your ship, before the spire collapse back where it belong!” Calypso says to us.

“You heard her! Fly, fly back to the ship!” I ordered my Dragons to fly away back to the Santiano.

As I was running away from the spire and dived off the spire and then the spire explodes just as I was doing a Leap of Faith. It sent shockwaves to the non-ghost ships and knocked them around.

I dive into the water next the Santiano and made my way back aboard.

“Damned though she ma be, the Dutchman is the strongest ship at sea - and she still has her Captain!” Davy Jones said as the Flying Dutchman came out from the depths and began to fire it cannons.

“No, it not the strongest at sea, nor the largest one,” I said calmly that made my crew look at me puzzled, “And it’s made by humans,”

(Cue that one Sabaton song that everyone knows by heart)

As the music plays my horn glows a ghostly green glow and a ghost ship portal opens from the Sea of the Damned and I summoned the Bismarck from my memories.

”From the mist, a ship is taking form
And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm
Sign of power, show of force
Raise the anchor battleship plotting its course

Pride of a nation a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion king of the ocean

He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine
To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine!”

”Two thousand men, and fifty thousand tonnes of steel
Set the course for the Atlantic with the allies on their heel
Firepower, firefight
Battlestations, keep the targets steady in sight

Into formation, the hunt has begun
Death and damnation, the fleet is coming

He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine
To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine!”

It scared Jones and the Sea of Thieves because the sheer size of the ship and its cannons.

”At the bottom of the ocean the depths of the abyss
They are bound by iron and blood
The flagship of the navy the terror of the seas
His guns have gone silent at last!”

I grabbed my guitar and played the notes from the song as the Santiano m, Bismarck, the company fleets, and the rest of the Sea of Thieves ships fired at the Dutchman.

The Dutchman was still sailing, but it was badly damaged by the cannons, “Just a few more!”

”Pride of a nation a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion king of the ocean

He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine
To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
The terror of the seas
The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine

To lead the warmachine
Rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine

The terror of the seas
Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine

To lead the warmachine
Rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine

The terror of the seas
Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine!”

The Dutchman has finally sunk and Davy Jones is now defeated and the spire was now, and then, a miracle happened. After the Bismarck disappeared back to the Sea of the Damned, the Black Pearl, the REAL Black Pearl, rose from below the waves.

“Black Pearl ahoy!” I yelled and steered the Santiano next to it, “Jack! Are you there?”

“I’m here mate!” I heard Jack said.

“Mister Gibbs, I see you’ve salvaged the Pearl, excellent work,” Jack says as he appeared next to his first mate.

All of the Sea of Thieves’ leader pirates are now on board the Pearl and we’re seeing Jack and we’re waiting for our reward. Including Flameheart, which was awkward to see him and NOT be a pain in the Arse.

“Aye. Well, it was mostly the doing of the merponies, truth be told. They’re quite marvellous creatures here,” Gibbs told Jack.

“Oh. Well then, I’ll take my compliment back. Prepare to make sail, you lazy wretches!” Jack ordered his crew.

“Err, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to Jones? And what about the Treasure we was after? And why’s the Captain still dead?” Scrum ask the obvious questions.

Pendragon answered, “Young man, I believe your questions are about to be conclusively answered,”

Then a portal from the SotD just opened and out comes The Ferryman, “ Fear not the wrath of Davy Jones. He’s my prisoner, now, and bound to the very vessel he sought to destroy. A fitting fate. With the Dark Brethren scattered and their ambitions at an end, I believe it is now safe to return this Treasure to the hands of one who died defending it," The Ferryman hands the Treasure to Jack and then takes back the Ferryman Cutlass, "I have weighted the worth of a million souls, and yet... I misjudge you, Jack Sparrow, and acted rashly, such was my desire to prevent calamity," The Ferryman looks up to Pendragon, Slate and Wild Rose and George, "You Captains of the Damned have shown great courage, and deserve a second chance... at a Pirate's Life,"

The Ferryman waved his sword and then Jack, Rose and George was now back to being alive again.

"That's better. And all the best bits are in the right places," Jack said. "Well, I've got my ship back, and we've just rescued everyone from certain doom. I'd say that entitles us to public adoration, free refreshments and some grand adventures out and about on this freshly saved Sea of Thieves! Where do we start?"

"Remember, Jack..." Calypso reminded Jack, "You made her a promise..."

"Hold that thought," I said while flying up above the Pearl, "Calypso... It's tradition to welcome any and all pirates to the Sea of Thieves with a 'Welcome to the Sea of Thieves' party and, while we're at it, we'll do a "We won against the greatest foe to threaten the Sea of Thieves, Davy Jones and the Dark Brethren' party. Do you really want to NOT celebrate the battle or do you want to defile an long and standing pirate tradition like that?" I said all of that with a not ya know kind of tone.

"Ha ha ha ha," Calypso laughed a little, "You and your Pony charm and pirate charisma. Alright, Nephew, I will accept this tradition, but only that I can join in the fun,"

"Yes Great Auntie Calypso," I said with a smile on me muzzle, "And the best news is... EVERYONE is invited to the Grand Pirate Party in the City of Freedom; Libertalia!" everyone cheered, "And, yes, even you Flameheart,"

For once, I got Flameheart to stutter and be confused at little.


(Cue Santiano by Santiano and Nathan Evens and this time with official lyrics)

All of the Sea of Thieves, even Flameheart began to sail our city and I start to sing.

William Hunter Singh; "Farwell now my love, send me off with a kiss,"

Outcast crew; "Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!"

William and Twilight; "The tears are as salty and deep as the sea, but my sailor's heart is keen to go!"

Sea of Thieves; "As far the wind in our sails may blow,
Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!
Bribe the day and the heavens know,
We'll be kings wherever we may go!"

Ramsey Singh; "Hoist every bit of sail, bring us to full speed!"

Athena's Fortune Pirates; "Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!"

Ramsey Singh and Celestia Singh; "Who knows what our fate may be, but the whole wide is ours to see!"

Sea of Thieves; "As far the wind in our sails may blow,
Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!
Bribe the day and the heavens know,
We'll be kings wherever we may go!"

Captain Flameheart; "I'm fine without a roof, and a house of stone!"

Reaper's Bones Pirates; "Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!"

Captain Flameheart senior and Junior; "Home for me is the sea we roam, and the roof of stars is mine alone!"

I played my violin to play the song of my ship's name sake.

Sea of Thieves; "As far the wind in our sails may blow,
Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!
Bribe the day and the heavens know,
We'll be kings wherever we may go!"

Captain Jack Sparrow; "Farwell now my love, send me off with a kiss,"

Black Pearl Pirates; "Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!"

Captain Jack Sparrow and Calypso; "The tears are as salty and deep as the sea, but my sailor's heart is keen to go!"

Sea of Thieves; "As far the wind in our sails may blow,
Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!
Bribe the day and the heavens know,
We'll be kings wherever we may go!"
"As far the wind in our sails may blow,
Heave away, straight ahead, Santiano!
Bribe the day and the heavens know,
We'll be kings wherever we may go!"

To be continued!

Author's Note:

Jees louis, this was a long one.

I wanted to get this one right and now I have finished A Pirate's Life Tall Tales. But if you think this is the end of this story, then you are wrong. As I said to a friend, As long as the Sea of Thieves game is alive, I won't be stopping soon.

And thank you for the 74 likes on this story, nearly four years of pirates and ponies and we are never stopping.

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